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Talk 6 Healing

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A. To understand and appreciate the importance of the role of inner
in marriages.
B. To discuss the different kinds of healing
C. To explain the various sources of hurts in marriage
D. To discuss practical steps in dealing and healing hurts in marriage


A. Introduction

What is inner healing?

a. Inner healing is the healing of the inner man. By inner man
we mean the intellectual, volitional and effective areas
commonly referred to as mind, will and heart but including
such other areas as related to emotions, psyche, soul and
b. Inner healing is distinguished from outer healing commonly
called physical healing.


Why inner healing?

We believe that Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and
forever can take the memories and hurts of the past and:
a. Heal them from the wounds that still remain and which
affect our present
b. Fill with His love all those places in us that have been empty
for so long, once they have been healed and drained of the
poison of the past hurts and resentments.
c. Once freed of past hurts and memories, we are able to
upbuild one another.


Good health is one of the basic things that God desires for
a. Wholeness of man-healthy mind, body and emotions
b. If we believe that God is love, then it is easy for us to
believe that healing (individual inner healing) is an ordinary,
not extraordinary, sign of His compassion and love.


Jesus desires to heal us

a. Mk. 1:40-41 - "Off course, I want to heal you"
b. Mt. 4:23-24 - Jesus healed all kinds of diseases and sickness
His ministry was not limited to physical healing
c. Lk. 22:31-34- Jesus prays for Peter that he may be
B. Four basic kinds of healing
It is important to know that different kinds of sicknesses require
different prayers so that we can appropriate fully the healing that
God wants us to experience.

Repentance - for personal sin.


Inner healing - for emotional sickness


Physical healing - physical sickness


Deliverance - for demonic oppression.

C. Dealing with hurts in marriage


Hurts that we bring into our marriages

a. Many of us by the time we get married may have already
experienced or are suffering from scars of traumas or
painful memories from the past. Unconsciously, we carry
them into our marriages and they could become obstacles
to positive and open relationship.
Ex. We have a young woman in love, who was born to a
family whose father was openly carrying an extra-marital
relations with several women, had difficulty believing
that she could marry a husband who will not womanize.
b. Sometimes we experience some fear or alienation from
some people do not even understand.

In the marriage relationship, hurts can happen in various
a. deliberate We speak unkindly or carelessly and expect
our partners to understand

- some enter into extramarital relations (this can

start with simple flirting) that eventually breaks
down the family.
b. insensitivity to one another's needs and expectations Husband has a strong sense of responsibility and wants to
provide for the family well. He spends a lot of his time
working and earning money. His wife in the meantime feels
left out and unloved.
c. scars and memories of past sins or guilt - Sometimes our
past sins continue to have a hold on us that we find it hard
to even forgive ourselves.
ex. woman who had an abortion
(Then prayer that heals by: Francis McNutt)
d. fears and insecurities - often times arising because of past
the wife maintains a secret bank account. Why?
her husband in the past squandered their money. Her
secret bank account has become her security.

How hurts can be healed

a. forgiveness
Ex. Tell the story of Fr. Matt and Dennis Bynn and their
in retreat and psychiatric wards.
retreat - "When did you feel closest to God?"
psychiatric ward - "When did you experience the world
falling on you?"
It is interesting to note from the experience of these two
priests that the same event that brought some to the
psychiatric ward is the same event that brought others to
the loving arms of God.
What is the difference? The way the people dealt with the
hurts brought about by these events - whether they have
been able to forgive or not.
2. Learn to forgive - difficulty to forgive is sometimes
experienced especially if the hurt is deep and
well-nursed: do not rely on your power pray to Jesus for

the power to forgive.

3. Once a person is able to forgive, he experiences freedom
that allows him to be peaceful and joyful.
b. prayers for inner healing
Sometimes we experience that even after we have forgiven,
we still hurt, get fearful or angry. Somehow we have not yet
overcome that feeling that came with the negative
experience. Oftentimes, we need to pray for inner healing
for these hurts to be dealt with.
Ex. Single woman who was in her forties who could not
forgive her mother - even
after forgiving her
mother, she needed prayers for inner healing.
c. counselling
To give specific directions and guidance in order to help a
person overcome a problem or difficulty involves entering
into a counseling relationship where the counsellee
promises to obey directions given by counsellor.


Many of us by the time we get married may have already experienced hurt or suffering from scars of traumas or painful memories from
the past. Unconsciously, we carry them into our marriages and they
could become obstacles to positive and open relationship.
Jesus wants our relationship restored and healed. If we believe
that it is love, then it is easy for us to believe that healing is an
ordinary not extraordinary sign of his compassion and love.

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