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Traveller5 Errata: and Correction

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Traveller5 Errata

v0.71, 07/26/2013
Despite our best efforts, a variety of mistakes and errors make their appearance in the text of the 5th edition of Traveller. This
errata and corrections is our effort to compile and address our failings with authoritative answers and solutions.
The best laid plans of authors often (if not always) go astray when the manuscript is transformed into print, but the eyes of
thousands of players help in identifying the various typographical and logical errors which appear in the text of Traveller. Those
errors are compiled here as a reference database of the latest information about the Traveller rules systems.
The errata are broken down into four categories: corrections, omissions, clarifications, or additions. New items appear in blue.
Correction: Could be a typo, could conflict with another rule or publication, but the original item is wrong.
Omission: Perhaps it was an editing problem, but something was just left out of the published material.
Clarification: This is an explanation of something that was difficult to understand, or has confused many players or referees.
Addition: Not in the original material, but it really helps if you use it with the existing material.
Overall, Flux -6/+7 Results (clarification): The
intention was to provide a range of appropriate values
and allow individual referees to apply appropriate
situational mods.
CD-Rom, Missing Files (clarification): Some CDs
are missing the ArmorMaker 1001 Examples and
GunMaker 1001 Examples PDFs; these files are
available at http://www.farfuture.net/FFE-Links.html for
p. 13, The Game Rules, second sentence
(correction): The sentence should read, The important
concept is consistency.
p. 14, The Galaxy, second sentence (correction):
The sentence should read in part, and 0.3 kiloparsecs
p. 15, Grandfather Era, right column, second
paragraph (correction): The phrase still yet should
simply be yet.
p. 16, Grandfather Era, last paragraph (correction):
The first sentence should read, When the Ancient War
ended and the Droyne worlds lay in ruins, their humans
lived on.
p. 16, The Vilani Era, fourth paragraph (correction):
The first sentence should read, led to the discovery of
the Jump Drive
p. 16, The Early Empire, second paragraph
(correction): The last sentence should read in part, and
everyone paid taxes and tariffs
p. 32, Many Dice, 2D, second paragraph
(correction): If reusing the results of (5 1) for rolls
through 100D, the result should be (=300 hits).
p. 39, 8b Start and Stop Travel (correction): The
reference to table 7b should be to table 8b.
p. 41, 2 Space Ranges (correction): Beam lasers
should be S=7, not S=5.

p. 52, Costs, Noble Land Grants (omission and
correction): The subcolumn headings under Hexes are
missing. The left column represents mainworld hexes,
and the right column represents non-mainworld hexes,
which are then located in worlds in the Where? column.
Preferred worlds for Counts (E) should be In or Hi.
Preferred worlds for Dukes (f) are Importance 4+ worlds
that are not subsector or sector capitals, and preferred
worlds for Dukes (F) are subsector or sector capitals.
p. 53, Value, Typical Cost Modifiers (correction): As
this table maps to the Tech Level Stage Effects table, the
values should match those on page 500.
p. 54, Size, Sizes at Range R (correction): Person is
listed as 1.5mm, should be 1.5m.
p.59, UPP Layout, bottom of page (clarification):
The alternate stats for analogs are shifted one column to
the left. For example, C2 should be Dexterity for humans
and have listed under it Agility and Grace. Instead, Agility
and Grace are listed under Strength.
p. 63, Nobility, Viscount and Count (correction):
The section should read, A character elevated to Soc =
e (lower case) is a Viscount (Viscountess). The next
increase in Soc elevates the individual to E and the title
increases to Count (Countess).
p. 65, The Personal Day (correction): In the table at
the top of the page, under Vigor, Required Sleep should
be Sleep= Personal Day /3. The example below is
p. 65, The Personal Day (correction): The footnote
on failure under the table, Characters should fall asleep
for 1D minutes in the first instance, and 1D hours in the
second instance (with no difference between Endurance,
Stamina or Vigor).
p. 67, Substituting C5 (correction): Training and
Education can be substituted for each other at half value,
and Instinct can be substituted for either Training or
Education at a value of 4. This matches the table on
page 63.
p. 70, Birthworlds and Homeworlds, Born In Deep
Space (omission): There is no such entry on the
Homeworld Skills table (page 81); it is on the Spinward

Marc Miller. Far Future Enterprises. 1418 N Clinton Blvd. Bloomington IL 61701 USA


Marches Homeworlds table (page 82). The skills should

be Vacc Suit and Zero-G.
p. 70, Personal Characteristics, Creating the UPP,
first paragraph (correction): The last sentence should
read in part, is creating a new character
p. 71, Pre-Career Education, The Educational
Process, Major and Minor (correction): First sentence
should read in part, and a Minor from the appropriate
p. 72, Command College (correction): A character
attends Command College in the first year of the
following term after promotion to O4, if they successfully
p. 72, Apprenticeship, third paragraph (correction):
The character rolling is Kyle Martin; the phrase Salton
rolls 7 should read, Martin rolls 7
p. 73, The Process, The Armed Forces (correction):
The first paragraph should read as follows:
The Armed Forces (Soldier, Spacer, Marine) Careers
require Mods for Branch and Operations: these Mods
must be applied against the Risk Roll and (with opposite
sign) against the Reward Roll. The player may select the
initial sign to apply to both Mods for the Risk roll. The
opposite sign is then used for both Mods on the Reward
Then delete the third paragraph completely, starting
with Selecting a positive DM
p. 74, Acquiring Skills (omission): Some details
were left out of this section.
Some skills include within them several Knowledges
(Animals, Driver, Engineer, Fighter, Flyer, Gunner, Heavy
Weapons, Language, Pilot, Seafarer).
Acquisition of these skills (except Language as
explained in that entry) follows a standard pattern: the
character initially learns a subset of the skill, and only
later expands this understanding to the full skill (see
The first two times a character receives one of these
Skills (typically in Character Generation), he instead
receives one of the Skills contained Knowledges. When
(or If) the character acquires such a Skill a third time, he
may take the Skill at level-1 instead of one of the
knowledges within the Skill. Until then, he has the
Knowledges but only Skill-0.
Note that the character has always has the option of
choosing a knowledge (either already possessed or as
yet unlearned) rather than the skill, up to level-6.
p. 74, Continue, Mandatory Continue, Reserves
(omission): Characters in the Reserves (from
participation in OTC/NOTC, or Military or Naval Academy
attendance) who roll an unmodified 2 exactly do not
continue in the current career, but return to their military
career for the next term, at their previous rank.
p. 74, The Armed Forces, Branch (correction):
Branch provides a Mod which must be applied to Risk
and Reward.
p. 74, The Armed Forces, Assignment, third
paragraph (correction): Each assignment provides a
Mod, not a DM, to Risk and Reward.
p. 74, Marine Captain Sir Mark Poles example
(clarification): The last sentence of the first paragraph
should read: For the Term, he is rolling Risk and Reward
once using these required Mods as negative for Risk and
positive for Reward.
p. 75, 5 Mustering Out, first paragraph (correction):
At the end of the second sentence, the correct spelling
would be, to the adventurous.

p. 75, Automatics, Personal Weapons (correction):

The Fighting skill should actually be the Fighter skill. The
Gunnery skill should actually be the Gunner skill.
p. 75, Automatics, TAS Life Membership
(correction): Replace the term Imperial Treasure
Craftsman with Craftsman with three perfect
p. 75, Benefits, second paragraph (clarification): If
a character has multiple careers and gains an additional
roll due to Fame 19+, the player may choose which table
to roll against.
p. 75, Benefits, third paragraph (clarification): The
DM for Terms is optional, not mandatory, as desired for
the character. Note the Duplicate Benefits rule on page
77 allows unwanted benefits to be rerolled.
p. 76, Available Benefits, Knighthood
(clarification): Knighthood as a benefit may only be
received once. Additional receipts should allow selection
of another benefit from the appropriate table. The
sentence starting In the Armed Forces should read
In all careers with ranks (such as the Armed Forces)...
p. 77, Forbidden Knowledge, second paragraph
and table (correction): The Fighting skill should actually
be the Fighter skill.
p. 77, Proxy, last sentence (correction): The final
sentence should read, Each Proxy has a value of about
Cr100,000 per year.
p. 77, Duplicate Benefits (addition): Knighthood
should be added to the list of unusable duplicate benefits.
p. 78, Character Generation Checklist, C Consider
Education and Training, In-Career Education Options
(correction): A character attends Command College in
the first year of the following term after promotion to O4,
if they successfully continue.
p. 78, Character Generation Checklist, 03
Entertainer (omission): The Entertainer career checklist
should end with Note Muster Out benefits, like the other
p. 79, Checklist, 06 Merchant (correction): Move
Roll Officer Promotion to before If Temp or Rating,
Roll R Promotion Remove the final Roll Str to
p. 79, Checklist, 07 Spacer (correction): The
seventh line should read, If Enlisted, Roll for
Commission vs C3. Lines five, six and seven (all
involving promotion) should be reordered: Officer
Promotion, Enlisted Commission, Enlisted Promotion.
p. 79, Checklist, 08 Soldier (correction): The
promotion tasks should be reordered: Officer Promotion,
Enlisted Commission, Enlisted Promotion.
p. 79, Checklist, 12 Marine (correction): The
promotion tasks should be reordered: Officer Promotion,
Enlisted Commission, Enlisted Promotion.
p. 80, Homeworld-1, Homeworld SAHPG
(correction): The correct roll for Hydrographics is Flux +
Atm, not Flux + Size. This system was not intended to
include all options; the full world generation system is
detailed in Star Systems and Their Worlds, pages 426
through 443.
p. 80, Homeworld-1, 2 Worlds and Orbits
(correction): In the World column, World results should
be Planet, to match the corresponding table on page
p. 80, Homeworld-1, 3 Habitable Zone Orbit
(correction): The second column heading should be >
A3, and all other headings moved over one column.
p. 81, Homeworld-2, Trade Classifications
(clarification and correction): Code Wa requires Siz
3456789A, Atm 3456789 and Hyd A. Code In requires

Marc Miller. Far Future Enterprises. 1418 N Clinton Blvd. Bloomington IL 61701 USA


Atm 012479ABC and Pop 9ABC. Pop value of 7 is

deliberately not in a population code.
p. 81, Homeworld-2, Secondary (correction): Px
(Prison or Exile Camp) is a mainworld code; Pe (Penal
Colony) is a secondary code for use on non-mainworlds.
p. 81, Homeworld-2, Skill (correction): The
Bureaucracy skill should be Bureaucrat.
p. 82, Homeworlds for the Spinward Marches,
Space (correction): The Trade Classifications for Space
should be (As Va) rather than (Na Va).
p. 83, 01 Craftsman, If Creation is Successful
(correction): Reference to Masterpiece points should be
to Master Points.
p. 84, 02 Scholar, C Scholar Skills (correction):
Under 5 Conflict, the Fighting skill should be Fighter. In 6
Vocation, result 1 should be One Science.
p. 85, 03 Entertainer, C Entertainer Skills
(correction and omission): In the 1 Personal column,
result 6 should be C6 +1**. In the 3 Space Travel
column, Astrogation should be Astrogator.
p. 86, 04 Citizen, Citizen Life Skills (correction): The
Citizen Life Skills table should be revised as shown in the
table below.
p. 86, 04 Citizen, C Citizen Skills (omission): In the
1 Personal column, result 6 should be C6 +1**.
p. 87, 05, Scout, B Skill Eligibility (clarification):
Scouts receive 4 skills per term; if they are not
volunteering for Courier Duty, they receive 4 additional
p. 87, 05 Scout, C Scout Skills (correction): In the 1
Personal column, result 6 should be C6 +1**.In the 5
Contact column, result 3 should be Fighter.
p. 88, 06 Merchants, A Merchant (correction): Add
event To Begin Spacehand, Dex after To Begin Temp.
Move Officer Promotion to before R Promotion. Add
Commission, C5 before Officer Promotion.
p. 88, 06 Merchants, D Muster Out Benefits
(clarification and correction): Under Money, result 8
should be Cr 50,000. Ignore the 9-11 rows on this table.
Under Benefits, successive receipt of Knighthood should
be replace with escalating Ship Shares.
p. 88, 06 Merchants, C Merchant Skills (correction):
In the 1 Personal column, result 6 should be C6 +1**.
Column 2 title should be Academic, not Exploration.
Result 1 in column 3 Space Travel should be Astrogator.

Result 1 in column 6 Vocation should be Broker. Result 1

in column 7 Technical should be One Art.
p. 89, 07 Spacers, A Spacers (correction): The
Select Branch event should be Soc for Choice. The
Promotion Spacer event should be Promotion Enlisted.
The order of events should be changed to Promotion
Officer, Commission, and then Promotion Enlisted.
The controlling characteristic for Promotion Officer
should be Soc.
p. 89, 07 Spacers, Enlisted Naval Ranks
(correction): The Auto Skill for R1 Spacehand should be
Fighter. The Auto Skill for R4 Petty Officer First should be
p. 89, 07 Spacers, Officer Naval Ranks (clarification
and correction): The Auto Skill for O1 Ensign should be
Astrogator. A character attends Command College in the
first year of the following term after promotion to O4, if
they successfully continue.
p. 89, 07 Spacers, Naval Branch (correction):
Remove the asterisk after Flight.
p. 89, 07 Spacers, Naval Branch/Naval Operations
(correction): The Crew columns should be renamed
Enlisted. Delete the enlisted Operations column; all
Spacers use the Officer Operations table.
p. 89, 07 Spacers, ANM School (clarification): The
details of ANM School are shown on page 100 with the
other educational institutions.
p. 89, 07 Spacers, C Spacer Skills (correction): In
column 3 Battle, Fighting skill should be Fighter. In
column 4 Patrol/Strike, Astrogation should be Astrogator.
In column 6 Mission, result 1 should be Diplomat. In
column 7 Technical, result 5 should be Zero-G.
p. 90, 08 Soldier, Enlisted Army Ranks, Auto Skill
(correction): Fighting skill should be Fighter, Gunnery
should be Leader.
p. 90, 08 Soldier, Officer Army Ranks (clarification
and correction): 02 1st Lieutenant auto skill should be
Leader, Major should be Tactics. Colonel should be
Leader. A character attends Command College in the
first year of the following term after promotion to O4, if
they successfully continue.
p. 90, 08 Soldier, Army Branch table (omission):
The notations are missing at the bottom of the table
indicating that rolls receive a +2 DM if Edu 10+, and the
Mods apply to Risk and Reward.
p. 90, 08 Soldier, ANM School
(clarification): The details of
ANM School are shown on page
A B 1
100 with the other educational
1 1 ACV
Naval Arch
1 2 JOT
Fwd Obs
p. 90, 08 Soldier, Army
1 3 LTA
No Skill
Operations table (correction
1 4 WMD
and omission): In the
1 5 Chef
Bay Wpns
Infantry/Artillery/Cavalry table,
1 6 Mole
Launcher Magnetics
Jump Drive
result 2 should be Mission, and
2 1 Grav
Teamster Photonics
results 3 and 4 Peacekeeper. In
2 2 Boat
Vacc Suit
the Commando/Protected Forces
2 3 Ship
Unarmed Engineer
table, result 1 should be Combat,
2 4 Wing
Language Craftsman
and results 3 and 4 Peacekeeper.
2 5 Recon Gunner
In the Technical/Medical table,
2 6 Actor
result 1 should be Combat (with a
3 1 Flyer
Maneuver Biologics
Hostile Env
Mod of 3), results 2 and 3
3 2 Pilot
Polymers Ortillery
Power System
Peacekeeper, and result 4
3 3 Rotor
Advocate Automotive
Life Support
Occupation (with a Mod of 0).
3 4 Admin Trader
Computer Bureaucrat
Slug Thrower
Also, the notations are missing at
3 5 Beams Sprays
Wheeled Diplomat
Heavy Wpns Fleet Tactics
the bottom of the table indicating
3 6 Medic
Gambler Screens
Mechanic Programmer Spacecraft
that rolls receive a +2 DM if Edu
Roll three dice to determine a specific skill: Roll A (reroll if >3), then roll B, and top
10+, and Mods apply to Risk and
row C.

Marc Miller. Far Future Enterprises. 1418 N Clinton Blvd. Bloomington IL 61701 USA


p. 90, 08 Soldier, A Soldiers (clarification and

correction): Select Branch should be Soc for Choice.
The Promotion event should be Promotion Enlisted.
Missing Commission event, throw should be Soc. The
order of events should be changed to Promotion
Officer, Commission, and then Promotion Enlisted.
Continue event is missing Mod +Terms. Wound badges
(WB) and Medals are detailed on page 109.
p. 90, 08 Soldier, B Skill Eligibility (correction): The
first When Promoted event should be When
p. 90, 08 Soldier, C Soldier Skills (correction): The
column headings should be: 2 Base and 6 Mission. In all
columns, Fighting should be Fighter, and Gunner (which
is a starship weapons skill) should be replaced with
Heavy Weapons. In column 4, Hostile Environ is
misspelled. In column 6 Mission, result 1 should be
Soldier Skill.
p. 91, 09 Agent, B Skill Eligibility (correction): For
successful missions, the Agent receives 4 Skills.
p. 91, 09 Agent, C Agent Skills, 5 Conflict
(correction): The first occurrence of Fighting skill should
be Fighter; the second occurrence of Fighting should be
replaced with Soldier Skill.
p. 91, 09 Agent, Undercover Assignment table
(correction): Result A=2, B=5 should be Citizen, result
A=3, B=5 should be Functionary, and result A=3, B=6
should be Noble. Result 3 for Noble should be Marquis,
rather than Marquis or Count. The notation at the bottom
of the table should read, Roll three dice for a specific
assignment: Roll A (reroll if >3), then roll B, and finally top
row C (reroll if >3) if required.
p. 92, 10 Rogue, B Skill Eligibility (correction): For a
Successful Scheme, the Rogue receives 4 Skills.
p. 92, 10 Rogue, C Rogue Skills (correction): In
column 2 Academic, result 1, One Science, should not
have an asterisk. In column 2 Academic, result 5 should
be Gambler. In column 4 Space Travel, Astrogation
should be Astrogator. In column 5, result 6 should be
Fighter. In column 7, result 4 should be Soldier Skill,
and result 5 should be Stealth.
p. 92, 10 Rogue, D Muster Out Benefits
(clarification and correction): In the Benefits column,
result 11 should be Ship Share, and result 12 should be
Knighthood (remove Barony).
p. 92, 10 Rogue, Rogue Schemes and Payoff
(correction): Revise the Rogue Schemes table and
Payoff procedure as shown below:
P = V x (1 + CC + Mods - R).
P= Payoff
V= Scheme Value
R= Reward Die Roll
CC= Controlling Characteristic
Mods= Reward Mods
Payoff is a multiple of the Scheme Value based on the
Reward Roll.
1D Career
Cr 50,000
one Ship Share
one Ship Share
Cr 50,000

10 Rogue
11 Noble
12 Marine
Cr 50,000
13 Functionary Cr100,000
Create a DM to apply to the 1D Roll (any value from 0
to 7 which then defines the six possible scheme careers.
A Rogue may select for his Scheme any previous
career rather than roll.
p. 93, 11 Noble, Noble Land Grants (correction and
omission): The subcolumn headings under Hexes are
missing. The left column represents mainworld hexes,
and the right column represents non-mainworld hexes,
which are then located in worlds in the Where? column.
Preferred worlds for Counts (E) should be In or Hi.
Preferred worlds for Dukes (f) are Importance 4+ worlds
that are not subsector or sector capitals, and preferred
worlds for Dukes (F) are subsector or sector capitals.
p. 93, 11 Noble, A Noble (correction): To Begin
event should be Automatic (if Soc B+).
p. 93, 11 Noble, C Noble Skills, 6 Vocation
(clarification): Capital actually means World Knowledge
(world of highest land grant).
p. 93, 11 Noble, C Noble Skills, 1 Personal
(clarification): Nobles should not have C6 available on
the Personal column. This result is replaced by Any
Skill, and it is recommended to throw on the Citizen Life
Skills table (page 86) to randomly select a skill.
p. 94, 12 Marine, The Marine Career, second
paragraph (correction): The sentence should read,
the Marine determines branch
p. 94, 12 Marine, Enlisted Marine Ranks, Auto Skill
(correction): Fighting skill should be Fighter, Gunnery
should be Leader.
p. 94, 12 Marine, Officer Marine Ranks, Auto Skill
(correction and clarification): 02 1st Lieutenant should
be Leader, Force Commander should be Tactics,
Coronel receives no auto skill. The ranks of Lt Coronel
and Coronel are NOT misspelled. A character attends
Command College in the first year of the following term
after promotion to O4, if they successfully continue.
p. 94, 12 Marine, Marine Branch table (omission):
The notations are missing at the bottom of the table
indicating that rolls receive a +2 DM if Edu 10+, and
Mods apply to Risk and Reward.
p. 94, 12 Marine, ANM School (clarification): The
details of ANM School are shown on page 100 with the
other educational institutions.
p. 94, 12 Marine, Marine Operations table
(correction and omission): In the
Infantry/Artillery/Cavalry table, result 2 should be Mission,
and results 3 and 4 Peacekeeper. In the
Commando/Protected Forces table, result 1 should be
Combat, and results 3 and 4 Peacekeeper, and result 5
Mission. In the Technical/Medical table, result 1 should
be Combat (with a Mod of 2), results 2 and 3
Peacekeeper, and result 4 Occupation (with a Mod of 0).
Also, the notations are missing at the bottom of the table
indicating that rolls receive a +2 DM if Edu 10+, and
Mods apply to Risk and Reward.
p. 94, 12 Marine, A Marines (clarification and
correction): Missing Select Branch event, throw should
be Soc for Choice. The order of events should be
changed to Promotion Officer, Commission,
Promotion Enlisted (rather than Marine Promotion).
Wound badges (WB) and Medals are detailed on page
p. 94, 12 Marine, C Marine Skills (correction):
Column heading 3 should be Combat, 6 should be

Marc Miller. Far Future Enterprises. 1418 N Clinton Blvd. Bloomington IL 61701 USA


Mission. In all columns, Fighting should be Fighter, and

Gunner (which is a starship weapons skill) should be
replaced with Soldier Skill. In column 2 Garrison, replace
Driver with Athlete. In column 4 Peacekeeper, Hostile
Environ is misspelled. In column 6 Mission, result 1
should be Soldier Skill.
p. 95, 13 Functionary, A Functionaries (correction):
The Office Politics event needs to have the C1 C2 C3 C4
in the Throw column.
p. 95, 13 Functionary, Table of Functionary Ranks,
Auto Skill (correction): Rank F0 Clerk receives Admin,
and F3 Manager receives Leader.
p. 95, 13 Functionary, C Functionary Skills
(clarification): For column 4 (General), result 4, Any
Skill, it is recommended to throw on the Citizen Life Skills
table (page 86) to randomly select a skill.
p. 96, Noble Lands, Imperial Fiefs (clarification):
Under normal circumstances, worlds with the Forbidden
(Fo) trade classification do not have nobles.
p. 96, Noble Lands, Noble Land Grants (correction
and omission): The subcolumn headings under Hexes
are missing. The left column represents mainworld
hexes, and the right column represents non-mainworld
hexes, which are then located in worlds in the Where?
column. Preferred worlds for Counts (E) should be In or
Hi. Preferred worlds for Dukes (f) are Importance 4+
worlds that are not subsector or sector capitals, and
preferred worlds for Dukes (F) are subsector or sector
p. 96, Noble Proxies, Weighted Voting (correction):
Dukes have four votes.
p. 100, Education-1, Educational Institutions
(clarification): For Colleges, Universities (including
Masters and Doctorates), and Military Academies, if the
graduating character already possess an Education of
equal to or greater value, these institutions give a +1 Edu
p. 100, Education-1, College (correction): Table
states College: Pass/Fail 2x Int or Edu. Per page 71
should be College: Pass/Fail 4x Int or Edu.
p. 100, Education-1, Law School (correction): Table
indicates Pass/Fail: 3x Int or Edu, should be 2x.
p. 100, Education-1, Honors (omission): Service
Academy students are also eligible for Honors. College,
University, and Service Academy Honors graduates may
attend Medical School or Law School. OTC/NOTC or
Service Academy Honors graduates may attend Flight
p. 100, Education-1, OTC/NOTC (correction):
Section should read, and make one Pass/Fail roll,
and the sentence should end with ). The phrase Army
Officer1 should read Soldier Officer1. The phrase
Navy Officer1 should read Spacer Officer1.
p. 100, Education-1, Med School (correction): The
Medical skill should be Medic.
p. 100, Education-1, Military Schools, Service
Academy (clarification): Service Academies do give
Bachelor degrees, which do allow graduates to attend
Universities for Masters and Doctors degrees.
p. 100, Education-1, ANM School (correction): PPlants should be Power Systems.
p. 100, Education-1, Flight School (correction and
clarification): OTC/NOTC or Service Academy Honors
graduates may attend Flight School. The only skill
available at Flight School is Pilot (which has three
Knowledges available).
p. 100, Education-1, Command College
(clarification and correction): A character attends
Command College in the first year of the following term

after promotion to O4, if they successfully continue. A

character who fails Command College may not roll for
Promotion or Continue in the service. The table should
indicate that Pass/Fail is 1x Int or C5, and Duration is 1
p. 106, Character Card, UPP/DNA (correction): At
the top of the Character Card, Edu is listed twice. The
first occurrence should be End rather than Edu.
p. 106, Character Card, Volatiles, Smell
(correction): The listed Smell details are S-16-3, but
should be S-10-2.
p. 106, Character Card, Contact, Touch
(correction): The listed Touch details are T-16-3, but
should be T-06-2.
p. 109, Fame, Expressing Fame (correction):
References to Fame-9 should be Fame-10. A world
famous entertainer has Fame-10.
p. 109, Fame, Calculating Fame, Other Sources
(omission): Craftsman should gain x5 for Perfect
Masterpieces, in place of the x3 for ordinary
Masterpieces. Imperial Nobles gain Fame equal to Soc
p. 109, Fame, Medals Table (omission): The Medal
Mods were left off the table. These should be:
XS/MCUF/MCG=1, SEH=2, *SEH*=3, 12+ *SEH*=4.
p. 109, Fame, Commendations, Format
(correction): The correct format should be <Undercover
Career> Commendation-N.
p. 116, The Gender Symbols (correction): The
Gender Four symbol duplicates Egg Donor; it should be
unique (and is the Solomani symbol; V).
p. 119, Offspring Clones, right column, second and
third paragraphs (correction): Captain Alexander
Jamison starts off the example; the remainder should
refer to Jamisons son Ank Jamison.
p. 129, Many Types of Tasks (correction): Should be
Uncertain Tasks, not Uncertaint.
p. 131, The Master Mods Table (correction):
Sentence should end, the Mods that players expect.
p. 134, Cautious, second paragraph (correction):
The second sentence should not have a parenthesis at
the end.
p. 135, Opposed Tasks, Example Tasks
(correction): All references to Brawling should be to
Unarmed, and in the discussion paragraph, the highest
result (the loser) should take 3D damage.
p. 135, Uncertain Tasks, second paragraph
(correction): The third sentence should read in part,
or is high enough to understand that the task was a
p. 136, Special Approaches to Tasks, Training,
Practice and Rehearsal (correction): In the To cram
for a test task definition, it should be Characteristic +
p. 136, Spectacular Success, Three Ones, second
paragraph (correction): First sentence should read,
next door to a clandestine Imperial communications
monitor. Last sentence should read, on the planetary
communications grid
p. 137, left column, first paragraph (correction):
First sentence should read, next door to a clandestine
Imperial communications monitor.

Marc Miller. Far Future Enterprises. 1418 N Clinton Blvd. Bloomington IL 61701 USA


p. 140, Three Characters Learn Explosives, fourth

paragraph (correction): The sentence should read,
Now they try a hard task:
p. 141, Maneuver Tasks, second paragraph, third
sentence (correction): The third sentence should read,
The opponent receives Advantage-3 in the upcoming
p. 141, Dogfight Tasks paragraph, fifth sentence
(correction): The fifth sentence should read, His
opponent (Dex-7 + Small Craft-3 = 10 rolls 7) succeeds.
p. 142, 6 Soldier Skills (correction): The second
listed skill should be spelled, Forward Obs.
p. 143, Skills Define Abilities, In This Chapter
(correction): In This Chapter should obviously be the
heading of the following paragraphs.
p. 144, Weapon Skills (correction): The details of
personal combat are covered in Personal Combat. The
details of space combat are in Starship Combat.
p. 144, Choosing Knowledge Instead (correction):
The first sentence should read, of its contained
Knowledges In the second paragraph, the second
sentence should read, The first time he received
Starship Skill
p. 145, Stacking Knowledges and Skills
(correction): The second sentence should read An
Engineer with Engineer-7 and Power Systems-4
p. 149, Astrogator, Calculating Jumps (correction):
The first sentence requires only one period.
p. 149, Astrogator, right column, example
(correction): The astrogator in the example is named
Arv Dinsha, not Ank.
p. 151, Biologics, last paragraph (correction): The
first sentence (Biologics is one) should be in bold.
p. 154, Craftsman, Evaluation (correction): The
correct characteristic for evaluating Reliability should be
p. 154, Craftsman, Masterpieces, Master Points,
eighth paragraph (correction): In the last sentence, the
increase of value should be about 1% per year.
p. 156, Driver, Types of Vehicles, Mole (correction):
The word burroughs should be burrows.
p. 157-158, Engineer, Governing Characteristics
(correction): This section should be dropped, as it no
longer applies.
p. 158, Fighter, second and third paragraphs
(correction): Fighting should be Fighter in these
p. 159, Fluidics, last paragraph (correction): The
first sentence (Fluidics is one) should be in bold.
p. 161, Gambler, third paragraph (correction): The
words Situational Analysis should be in bold.
p. 162, Heavy Weapons, Weapon Repair
(correction): The sentence should read, Heavy
Weapons skill is sufficient to allow basic repairs
p. 162, Heavy Weapons, Types of Heavy Weapons,
fourth paragraph (omission): Ordnance is explained as
a knowledge on page 174. There should be a blank line
after the WMD paragraph.
p. 166, Musician, Knowledge Skill (correction): The
first occurrence of the word Knowledge should be
deleted. The second sentence should read in part, (or
Knowledge-2 in the previous instrument)
p. 171, Skills, Header (correction): Stealthm should
be Stealth.
p. 172, Evaluating QREBS table (correction): The
correct characteristic for evaluating Reliability should be

p. 172, Trader, Appraisal (correction): The correct

characteristic for evaluating Reliability should be Int.
p. 181, 00 Master Mods Index (clarification): The
asterisks for the Respect and Rewards entries should be
removed. Row 12-13 is not spaced correctly (each letter
of QREBS should be in its own column).
p. 182, Master Mods Tables, 08 Typical Mods,
Sounds (clarification): This column would better reflect
the Sound Intensity rules on page 202 if +7, Explosion,
were on the table.
p. 183, Master Mods Tables, 11 Typical Mods
(correction): Note that the last four columns of this table
are directly related to the Behind-The-Screen Damage
rules on page 233. This table title should have an
asterisk (like table 10), as it uses Bad Flux. The Wound
column should be titled Injury. The 0 result on the Injury
column should be Scratch (1 pt).
p. 198, The Sense Actions (correction): For
Perception, PVoice should be replaced with Poice.
p. 202, Hearing-1, Benchmark (clarification): The
minus Range should be determined by the Referee
based on the situation and circumstances. The Sound
Intensity values should map to the Sounds column of
table 08 on page 182, from -2 to +7.
p. 204, Smell-1, Universal Odor Profile (correction):
Replace Olefactory with Odor.
p. 204, Smell-1, Example (correction): As Human
was described above as S-10-2, Eneri should be S-10-2
p. 205, The Pheromone Catalog (clarification and
correction): The 0 code for Undefined is intended to be
used when a particular scents details are unknown. The
effect of Pheremones in play is intended primarily for
roleplaying purposes, although Referees may designate
other environmental effects, for example, Substance or
Respiratory Effects. These were not intended as an
exhaustive list, but simply as an example of possible
p. 206, Touch-1, Range (clarification): Since Touch
is only usable at Range touch, delete this paragraph.
p. 206, Touch-1, Benchmark (correction): The
missing text should direct to the missing table:


p. 206, Touch-1, For Example (correction): Human

touch is given above as T-06-2, rather than Darren
Bucks T-06-3 in the example.
p. 207, Perception-1, Perception Code (correction):
PVoice should be Poice. Types of Poice are listed on
page 556.
p. 218, Attack, Target Size (correction): If Vehicle is
behind something, or a person is crouching, reduce Size
by 1. If person is prone, reduce Size by 2.

Marc Miller. Far Future Enterprises. 1418 N Clinton Blvd. Bloomington IL 61701 USA


p. 233, Behind-The-Screen Damage (correction):

Note that these rules are related to the Injury and
Damage columns of table 11 of the Master Mods tables
on page 183. On the Damage table, the Wound column
should be Injury, and the note below the table should
read: Injury applies to characters. On the Mods table,
Dodging should be Evading.
p. 247, Weapon Stage, Sniper and Target
Descriptors (correction): The Sniper and Target
descriptors should apply both Q=+2 and E=+2.
p. 247, QREBS (correction): In the first sentence,
p. 250, 02 GunMaker, Weapon FillForm
(clarification): For the FillForm, the D value from
GunMaker 05, Burden and Stage (page 253) applies to
both D1 and D2.
p. 251, 03 GunMaker, Categories (correction): The
qreBs values have been inverted for all categories. So,
for Artillery, the Burden values should be +1, +2, +4, +4;
for carbines, -1; for machineguns, +1; for designators, +1;
for launchers and multi-launchers, +1.
p. 252, 04 Gunmaker, Weapon Descriptors
(correction): The Assault descriptor should be corrected
to have Blast as H2 and Bang as H3.
p. 264, QREBS (correction): In the first sentence,
p. 271, 03 ArmorMaker, Basic Body Armors
(correction): The values for Ar= and Ca= are switched
for the Basic Body Armors, as are the values for Se= and
p. 285, Stage, Advanced/Early/Improved/Alternate
(clarification): The phrase The vehicle is powered by a
Fusion Module. should be removed from these
p. 285, QREBS (correction): In the first sentence,
p. 287, Airports and Landing Grounds (correction):
For size 1 and 5, Additional Locations, Archology should
be Arcology.
p. 298, 10 Ground Vehicles, M Military Vehicles, A
Type (correction): The Tank, Carrier and Vehicle listings
should not have a Tech Level entry, as that is determined
by the Motive selection.
p. 300, 12 Vehicle Enhancers, G Options
(correction): Passenger module should have a -3 Mod
to Load, not Speed.
p. 300, 12 Vehicle Enhancers, G Options
(correction): The Luxury option should be Q=A, not
p. 304, A Typical Starport, Class A (clarification
and omission): This is really the first page of the
Starports chapter. The page has no page number.
p. 307, Peripheral Facilities, Starport Defense
Establishment (correction): In the very last sentence,
LDE should be SDE.
p. 313, Tonnages (clarification): Despite what the
text reads here, the intention is that Small Craft and
Adventure Class Ships should use the same design
system (the one appearing here in the book).

p. 321, Skip Drive, third paragraph (correction): The

first sentence should read in part, fuel equal to 0.1%
of the hull volume
p. 321, Skip Drive, Performance (correction): The
first sentence should read in part, Skips measured in
hundreds of parsecs
p. 325, 17 Controls, Assigning Control Panels
(clarification): The FillForm Con column is actually
Consoles on FillForm1 on page 350.
p. 332, 04 Hull Configuration, Hull Characteristics,
Winged Airframe Hull (clarification): This type is
referred to elsewhere simply as an Airframe Hull.
p. 332, 04 Hull Configuration, Hull Configuration, L
Lifting Body (clarification): The traditional scout/courier
does in fact use a Lifting Body hull configuration.
p. 334, 06 Hull Fittings, E Starship Hull Fittings,
Lifters (clarification): Lifters are intended as slow
functioning landing/takeoff fittings. They are not intended
for high speed movement, including fine-grained
maneuvers while travelling nap-of-earth style above a
worlds surface.
p. 335, 07 Jump Fields (clarification): Jump Drives
are further explained in the How Jump Works chapter,
page 367.
p. 336, 08 Armor, A Hull Armor Layers
(clarification): The table starts with Layer1, which has
no tonnage cost listed as it is integral to the Hull.
p. 336, 338, 341-343, Tech Level Stage Effects
(clarification): The design system is not intended to
require repeated Flux rolls for components over and over,
introducing wild varieties in components between
starships of the same class. Most vessels typically use
Standard sensors, weapons, and defenses, which are
Certified (page 600) to work with no bonuses or
p. 337, 09 Drive Formulae (clarification and
correction): Maneuver Drives are further explained in
the How Maneuver Works chapter, page 363. Power
Systems are further explained in the How Power
Systems Work chapter, page 376. The correct formula for
Jump Drives is in the Jump Drive table, = (H x J / 200) x
5 + 5 (the formula given in the Drive Formulae table is
p. 337, 09 Drive Formulae, Drive Formulae table
(clarification): Minimum tons listed are before stage
effects are applied.
p. 341, 13 Sensors (clarification): Sensors are further
explained in the How Sensors Work chapter, page 379.
p. 341, 13 Sensors, A Sensors, Mounts
(clarification and correction): Radar, EMS, and
Scanner intentionally do not require antenna mounts.
Extendable and Deployable apply only to turrets,
barbettes and antennas. Extendable and Deployable are
defined on pages 323 and 353. Extendable should be
Tons +2, Mod +3.
p. 341, 13 Sensors, D Space Sensor Range Effects
(clarification): Extending sensors to Long Range does
allow smaller ships a role to act as a forward observer
for opposing enemy capital ships. This is intentional.
p. 341-343, B Tech Level Stage Effects (correction):
The Tech Level Stage Effects table on page 500 should
be used instead for applying cost changes.
p. 342, 14 Weapons (clarification): Weapons are
further explained in the How Weapons Work chapter,
page 386.
p. 342, 14 Weapons, C Weapon Mounts
(clarification): Extendable and Deployable apply only to
turrets and barbettes. Extendable and Deployable are
defined on pages 323 and 353.

Marc Miller. Far Future Enterprises. 1418 N Clinton Blvd. Bloomington IL 61701 USA


p. 342-343, 15 Defenses, A Defenses (correction

and clarification): SandCasters should cost MCr 0.1.
Costs missing from this table should be on the Weapons
table on page 342. Note that H Tractor/Pressor on the
Defenses table is the same as U Tractor/Pressor on the
Weapons table. The cost of a Black Globe should be MCr
p. 343, 15 Defenses (clarification): Screens are
further explained in the How Screens Work chapter, page
p. 343, 15 Weapons, C Weapon Mounts
(clarification and correction): Extendable and
Deployable apply only to turrets and barbettes.
Extendable and Deployable are defined on pages 323
and 353. Extendable should be Tons +2, Mod +3.
p. 344, 16 Operations, A Troop Accommodations
(correction): Accommodations was misspelled.
p. 344, 16 Operations, A Troop Accommodations
(clarification): The second paragraph mentions that
Ships Troops are assigned as crew for one weapon or
defense per squad. In this case, the squad represents
crew fully staffed in shifts (as on page 326).
p. 344, 16 Operations, C Life Support (clarification):
Luxury and adaptable are modifiers to the other types of
life support, and so Tons and MCr should have + next
to them.
p. 344, 16 Operations, Vehicle Hull Connectors
(correction): Bracket has a maximum 10 tons; that
limitation should also apply to Streamlined.
p. 347, 19 Payload, Accommodations (correction):
The Emergency Low Berth should contain 4 individuals,
not 10 individuals, matching page 625.
p. 350, 22 FillForm1 (correction): There should not
be a Layer0 Armor listing. These should be labeled
Layer1 through Layer5.
p. 358, Adventure Class Starships 1 (correction
and clarification): The Scout/Courier should be TL 11.
The Far Trader should have two hardpoints, not six. The
Free Trader should have two hardpoints. The 500-ton
unstreamlined Yacht is a new version of the traditional
Yacht, and is 300 tons larger on purpose.
p. 371, Preparation for Jump, Selecting the
Destination (clarification): An astrogator can select a
specific destination based on one of several different
principles: central star, main world, some other
world/body, range band from a world, a specific star orbit
(i.e. a range band from a star). Selecting an empty
location in an empty stellar hex is (in effect) a star orbit
from a nearby star a specific point which can be
referenced by its relationship to other stellar masses.
Scatter (page 373) would occur based on the actual
targeted location.
p. 376, How Power Systems Work (correction): The
title should be Work, not Works.
p. 370, Managing Jump Drives, Jump Governors,
Fantastic Drive Governors (correction): The last two
sentences should read, A Hop-3 drive without a
governor can hop 30 parsecs. A Hop-3 drive with a
governor can hop 10, 20 or 30 parsecs.
p. 372, 4 The End of Jump, Jump Exit Flash
(correction): The flash for exit should be Ship Size plus
Mod +2, not +4.


p. 392, S Sandcaster, second paragraph
(correction): Remove second period at end of sentence.
p. 394, Screen Generator Mounts (correction): In
the top section, the center picture should be labeled
Double Mount R=6. In the middle section, the last
picture should be labeled, Starship Mount.
p. 397, Baseline Device, Option Magnetic
(correction): The first sentence should read, Option
Magnetic constructs the device using Magnetic
p. 411, Sensors, Space Sensors chart (correction):
Sentence should read, Mark the specific Sensor values
for routine use in the grids below (or copies) for
p. 412, Missiles, AM Mode Weapons (correction):
The Pulse Laser (K) and Beam Laser (L) codes are
p. 420, Sectors, first paragraph (correction): The
second sentence should read, These locations are
structured as 32 columns
p. 421, Populating Sector Maps (Version 2),
Asteroids (clarification): As method three is a
restatement of method one, it can be removed.
p. 428, F NABZ NIL, Nobility/Travel Zones
(clarification): Under normal circumstances, worlds with
the Forbidden (Fo) trade classification do not have
p. 430, The Regina System (correction): Several
details should be corrected regarding Regina, to match
T5 Second Survey characteristics.
The Tech Level should be 6 + 6 = 12. TL-12. The
Approximately 2100 AD should be dropped.
The Economic Extension should be (D7E+4).
Resources = 10 + 3 + 0 = 13 = D. Infrastructure = 10 + 4
= 14 = E. Efficiencies = Flux = +4.
The Cultural Extension should be [9C6D].
Homogeneity = 8 +1 = 9. Strangeness = 6. Symbols = 12
+ 1 = 13 = D.
Nobility = BcCeF = Knight, Baronet, Baron, Viscount
and Duke, based on Any, Rich, Pre-Ag, Pre-High, and
subsector capital.
Under stellar data, the Far Star should be M3 V.
(Spectral Decimal = 3.)
Total Worlds in the System = 1 + 3 + 0 + 10 = 14.
p. 431, A Worldgen Checklist, Elements of System
Data, PBG Population (omission): While the population
significant digit is explained here, the detail for generating
it was left off the checklist. P = 2D2, rerolling 0 results
unless Pop=0, in which case P=0.
p. 432, B Worldgen Basics, Checklist (omission
and clarification): The Population Multiple was left off
the checklist. The Population Multiple should be 4.
Population Multiple. Roll 2D-2, rerolling 0 results. If
Pop=0, PM=0. Planetoid Belts should come next as #5,
and then Gas Giants as #6.
p. 434, WorldGen TCS, Trade Classifications
(clarification and correction): Code Wa requires Siz
3456789A, Atm 3456789 and Hyd A. Code Hi requires
Pop 9ABCDEF. Code Na requires Atm 0123, Hyd 0123,
and Pop 6789ABCDEF. Code In requires Atm

Marc Miller. Far Future Enterprises. 1418 N Clinton Blvd. Bloomington IL 61701 USA


012479ABC and Pop 9ABCDEF. Pop value of 7 is

deliberately not in a population code.
p. 434, WorldGen TCS, Secondary (correction): Px
(Prison or Exile Camp) is a mainworld code; Pe (Penal
Colony) is a secondary code for use on non-mainworlds.
p. 436, F WorldGen NABZ NIL, Nobility (clarification
and correction): A single world may have several nobles
of differing ranks. Soc A individuals are not nobles, so
Gentlemen/Peer should not appear on this table. The TC
for Count (E) should be Hi or In, and there should be no
TC for either Duke (f or F). Dukes (f) appear on
Importance 4+ worlds that are not subsector or sector
capitals, and Dukes (F) at subsector or sector capitals.
The nobles of a given world are noted in a string; for
example, Reginas nobility are BcCeF, noting that
Regina has a single Duke (F), a single Viscount (e), a
single Baron (C), a single Baronet (c) and a single Knight
(B). The titles of the lower ranking nobles may or may not
be of Regina, but could be of world locations within their
land grants.
p. 436, F WorldGen NABZ NIL, 2 Spectral Type and
Size (clarification): The entry OB is meant to include
both O and B stars.
p. 438, H1 Worldgen Remote Systems
(clarification): Habitable zones are not missing for G IV
stars; they are included in the F9-K3 IV entry.
p. 443, K2 Worldgen Remote Fillform (correction):
This page is inadvertently labeled J2 instead of K2. In the
Occupied Orbits table, while orbit 13 is indicated on the
previous page as part of the Remote system, it is missing
from this table.
p. 457, 11 Creating World Maps, World Details
(correction): The B space should be an E for the
Economic Extension.
p. 457, 11 Creating World Maps, Generating The
World Map (correction): In item #21, Archologies
should be Arcologies.
p. 457, 11 Creating World Maps, Available Terrain
Type (correction): Archology should be Arcology.
p. 459, 12b Populating World Hexes (correction):
For No. 53, Archology should be Arcology.
p. 461, 13b Populating Terrain Hexes (correction):
For No. 53, Archology should be Arcology.
p. 463, 14b Populating Local Hexes (correction):
For Single Hex= Archology, Archology should be
p. 478, The Cargo ID, Identifying Cargos
(correction): Remove bracket (]) at beginning of section.
p. 486, Random Trade Goods, Ag-1/Ag-2
(clarification): The user should randomly determine
which Ag Random Trade Goods table to use.
p. 489, Random Trade Goods, Cp (clarification):
Trade codes Cs and Cx should be considered as Cp for
purposes of the Trade and Commerce rules.
p. 496, WorldGen TCS, Trade Classifications
(clarification and correction): Code Wa requires Siz
3456789A, Atm 3456789 and Hyd A. Code Hi requires
Pop 9ABCDEF. Code Na requires Atm 0123, Hyd 0123,
and Pop 6789ABCDEF. Code In requires Atm
012479ABC and Pop 9ABCDEF. Pop value of 7 is
deliberately not in a population code.
p. 496, WorldGen TCS, Secondary (correction): Px
(Prison or Exile Camp) is a mainworld code; Pe (Penal
Colony) is a secondary code for use on non-mainworlds.


p. 521, Tech Level Stage Effects (correction): The
Tech Level Stage Effects table on page 500 should be
used instead for applying cost changes.
p. 529, Psionic Education and Training
(correction): The last sentence of the first paragraph
should read in part, which investigate the characters
psionic abilities.
p. 549, Native Evolutionary Origins (clarification):
Once you have determined Native Terrain using Flux, a
1D throw on the same table row determines Locomotion.
p. 549, C Ecological Niche, Omnivore column
(clarification): H/G stands for Hunter/Gatherer.
p. 550, 06 Sophont Characteristics, A Sophont
Characteristics (correction): In the notes below the
table, the instruction to roll Flux obviously does not apply
to Str (C1) or Int (C4). The modifiers for Flyer, Swimmer
and Diver apply only to C2, C3, and C5.
p. 550, 06 Sophont Characteristics, B
Characteristic Values (correction): Remove the
asterisk from the note following the table. The instruction
for values of 4D or greater to use a base value of 12 for
the first 2D should apply to all characteristics.
p. 551, B Caste Table Creation (correction and
clarification): In the Special column, DeMinimus should
be DeMinimis. Advisor+ and Advisor- refer to
perspectives on societal change (negative being opposed
to change, and positive embracing changes). Special
results are rolled for the race as a whole.
p. 554, B Vision, Band/Star (clarification): For
Vision, the Constant (C) is determined by Flux, but the
star defines the range bands.
p. 555, B Body Features, Mods (correction): The
table mods should read, DM +1 if Swimmer. DM -1 if
Flyer. The phrase Body Feature Terms is the heading
for the set of terms at the right bottom of the page.
p. 556, Caste Skills, Short or Expanded
(clarification): Rather than use either of these tables,
the Citizens Life Skills table can be used, with all
applicable errata.
p. 581, 01 Basic Beast Information, 2 Quantity
(correction): As there are no mods for a result of 0 or 7,
and those results are the same as 1 and 6, the 0/7
results should be dropped from the table.
p. 581, 01 Basic Beast Information, 3 Size
(correction): Result +6, VColossal, should be size 9.
Drop the -6 result from the table, and treat all results of
less than -5 as -5.
p. 581, 01 Basic Beast Information, 6 Speed
(correction): To better match up with other rules, in the
Speed2 column, change Slow to VSlow and Run to
p. 582, 02 Beast Body Structure, Create Body
Structure, A Body Structure Elements, Symmetry
(clarification): Change DMs to -2 if Swimmer or Diver,
+2 if Flyer. Remove the Grace and Agility comments.
p. 582, 02 Beast Body Structure, B Body Features,
Mods (correction): The table mods should read, DM +1
if Swimmer. DM -1 if Flyer. The phrase Body Feature
Terms is the heading for the set of terms at the right
bottom of the page.

Marc Miller. Far Future Enterprises. 1418 N Clinton Blvd. Bloomington IL 61701 USA


p. 582, 02 Beast Body Structure, B Body Features,

Terms (correction): The notes on Stance should be on
page 583.
p. 596, Describing A Device, Signature (correction):
End of line has period where other lines do not.
p. 597, Form, Size, second sentence (correction):
Second sentence should read, showing the objects
largest dimension
p. 598, Form, Dimensions, Profile, fourth paragraph
(correction): Second sentence should read, and
Cylinders can be longer or
p. 600, Special Situations and Design Constraints,
Certified (correction): QREBS should be 50000.
p. 600, Protective Cases, last example (correction):
Substitute Construction= Foamed for Textile
12 x 0.8 x (0.3 + 0.1 + 0.1) = 4.8 liters = 4.8 kilograms.
In= (Density x 3 + Coating + Coating ) = 15.
To be consistent with previous examples, this should
be In= 15 (Density x 3 + Coating + Coating).
p. 600, Naming Equipment, Brandname
(correction): The All New Foto-Naasirkaa-11should
be Naasirka A-11?
p. 600, Equipment Catalog Entry, Binox-5 long
detail (correction): The longer description should read,
allowing user to use both eyes to see

p. 608, Reading Catalog Entries, Certified
(clarification): Certified is explained on page 600.
QREBS should be 50000.
p. 619, Liquids, Water (correction): If this contains
one half-liter of water, then by definition, it should be
500g, not 200g.
p. 626, Combat Drug (clarification): The effect of
combat drug should be listed as, increases personal
strength and endurance (1D distributed between the
characteristics as evenly as possible).
p. 627, S Structures, Shelters (correction): The
Airlock should displace 0.5 tons, matching the ACS
description on page 347.
p. 654-655, The Green List (clarification): The ship
profiles on pages 654-655 are older than the information
on pages 358-359, and need correction in a few places:
The QSP for the Broadsword is incorrect. It should be
C-HS33. The Broadsword should be 800 tons, not 2,000
The Imperial Navy Corvette is a 5G, Jump-3 ship (see
page 358). Therefore, its QSP should be E-EA53, not EEA42.
The Subsidized Liner is a Jump-3 ship, incapable of
entering an atmosphere, so it should have a Braced hull,
making the QSP M-FB13.

Traveller5 Errata is copyright 2013 Far Future Enterprises. The Traveller game in all forms is copyright 1977 2013
Far Future Enterprises.
Traveller, Basic Traveller, Starter Traveller, Classic Traveller, MegaTraveller, Traveller: The New Era, Traveller4,
Traveller5, Traveller8, The Spinward Marches, The Edge of the Empire, EPIC, Citizens of the Imperium, The
Galaxiad, and Journal of the Travellers Aid Society are trademarks of Far Future Enterprises (FFE).
FFE permits creation of documents using its trademarks, provided it contains this notice, that FFE is notified, and subject
to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice, without charge, for non-commercial use only.

Marc Miller. Far Future Enterprises. 1418 N Clinton Blvd. Bloomington IL 61701 USA


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