EDU 280 Sabina Smith
EDU 280 Sabina Smith
EDU 280 Sabina Smith
Sabina Smith
RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and
when drawing inferences from the text.
Teacher will pass out spelling list, passages (1 for fluency and 1 for
comprehension), there will be 7 different passages (about seven different children from
different counties- Spain, China, Japan, Germany, Brazil, Italy, and America) - each
group will have their own passages and comprehension worksheets
Groups will be divided into 4 green groups of 4 students, and 3 red groups of 4
students, determined by their reading level
Collection strategy:
Groups will give teacher completed comprehension worksheets after two working
Students will be able to identify the details in a text about children from around the world
with 95% accuracy.
Prerequisite learning and/or experiences:
o Students will already know how to read a text.
Procedures (Content Area Specific)
A. Set the Stage:
EDU 280
Sabina Smith
EDU 280
Sabina Smith
EDU 280
Sabina Smith