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Just For Example: 1. Certifications/Acknowledgment

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The last few days have been full of learning and sense of
contribution towards the organization. I would like to thank
Advent Institute of Management Science and Technology for
giving me an opportunity of learning and contributing through
this project. I would like to thanks all the people who
knowingly and unknowingly supported me in the Endeavour.
It is said; the most important single word is WE and the zero
important single word is I. This true even in todays modern
era. It is absolutely impossible for a single individual to
complete the assigned job without help and assistance from
It is my greatest pleasure to acknowledge sincere gratitude
towards MR. Rajan Baya(Manager ) Kotak Securities ltd.
,Udaipur, for the Completion of the project work.
I would also like to acknowledge to my sincere gratitude to our
Principal Mrs. Amita Singhvi Mem and my project guide Miss
Ankita Lakhani Mem for helping me in this project work.
I am thankful to all of my friends and batch mates for their
help in completing this project work. Finally, I am thankful to
my entire family members for their great support and
Mahendra Singh Rajput

Just for example

2.Contents- as per attached file
3.List of tables/graphs/charts/diagram I think not required
4.List of Abbreviations I think not required
5.Statement Problem
Importance of Customer Relationship Management in todays Business
world. With studying one of the research already studied by one of the
student of the
The essence of the information technology revolution and, in particular,
theWorld Wide Web is the opportunity to build better relationships with
customers than has been previously possible in the offline world. By

combining the abilities to responddirectly to customer requests and to provide

the customer with a highly interactive,customized experience, companies
have a greater ability today to establish, nurture, andsustain long-term
customer relationships than ever before. The ultimate goal is totransform
these relationships into greater profitability by increasing repeat purchase
ratesand reducing customer acquisition costs.
Indeed, this revolution in customer relationship management or CRM as it
iscalled, has been referred to as the new mantra of marketing.
The need to better understand customer behavior and focus on those
customerswho can deliver long-term profits has changed how marketers view
the world. Traditionally, marketers have been trained to acquire customers,
either new ones whohave not bought the product category before or those
who are currently competitors customers. This has required heavy doses of
mass advertising and price-orientedpromotions to customers and channel
members. Today, the tone of the conversation haschanged from customer
acquisition to retention. This requires a different mindset and adifferent and
new set of tools. A good thought experiment for an executive audience is
toask them how much they spend and/or focus on acquisition versus
retention activities.While it is difficult to perfectly distinguish the two activities
from each other, the answeris usually that acquisition dominates retention.
A problem is that CRM means different things to different people. For some,
CRM means direct e-mails. For others, it is mass customization or
developing productsthat fit individual customers needs. For IT consultants,
CRM translates into complicatedtechnical jargon related to terms like OLAP
(on-line analytical processing) and CICs (customer interaction centers).
A necessary first step to a complete CRM solution is the construction of a
customer database or information file. This is the foundation for any
customerrelationship management activity.


7.Reviwes of previous studies & literature like any other reference


8.Scope& Limitations of study

Customer Relationship Management can be defined as companyas
activities related to increasing the customer base by acquiring new
customers and meeting the needs of the existing customers. CRM is
about building partnerships with your customers. It uses internal
business processes from Sales, Customer Service and Marketing.

Scope of Customer Relationship Management

Helping an enterprise to enable its marketing departments to identify
and target their best customers, manage marketing campaigns with
clear goals and objectives, and generate quality leads for the sales
Assisting the organization to improve telesales, account, and sales
management by optimizing information shared by multiple employees,
and streamlining existing processes (for example, taking orders using
mobile devices)
Allowing the formation of individualized relationships with customers,
with the aim of improving customer satisfaction and maximizing profits;
identifying the most profitable customers and providing them the
highest level of service.
Providing employees with the information and processes necessary to
know their customers, understand their needs, and effectively build
relationships between the company, its customer base, and distribution
Limitations of Customer Relationship Management
CRM helps a business acquire customer information, such as purchase
habits and marketing strategies. However, limitations can cause a CRM
to fail, including company employees who do not commit to a CRM,
poor communication of the system to the employees or strict rules that
do not allow for flexibility or changing of the CRM when necessary.
Every CRM system has limitations that could include the functionality of
a product, the cost to implement it, or whether it fits a particular
business model. When selecting a particular CRM, a business must
consider how long it will take to configure and setup the CRM, and how
complex it is for end users.

An outsourced CRM solution allows a company to quickly implement a
system, but it may not work for larger companies with the in-house
skills and time to develop a CRM solution. Off-the-shelf CRM solutions
integrate into an existing business, but the system may not have all of
the functionality a business requires. Custom CRM software can be
tailored to specific company needs, but is often the most expensive
Implementing CRM in a holistic way is no sinecure.
Making large CRM investments and converting them into profits is very
Achieving a Sustainable Competitive Advantage with CRM is even
more difficult as compared to Profit making.

9.Objectives of study
Increase in Customer Service :
Establishing customer loyalty as one of your top CRM goals is
absolutelyfundamental to CRM successful implementation .For this
task it is essential thatthe whole organization realize that they play a
part in this goal. This objectivecannot be achieved with the help of a
few employees only. Customers need tofeel that they have received
excellent service. This ensures their continued patronage. This is by far
one of the most essential goals of customer relationshipmanagement.
Customer retention and brand loyalty is absolutely essential toensure
success. Undoubtedly it is far harder to gain a new customer than
toactually keep one. Customer service is the pivotal point around which
Increasing Efficiency

One of the most important goals of CRM is the increase in organization

efficiencyand effectiveness. This is almost always adopted by every
organization. It isnecessitated by the fact that increase in efficiency is
required to boost success.CRM achieves this through cost reduction
and customer retention. AdequateCRM training achieves this goal.
Lowering Operating Costs
CRM goals also include the reduction of costs of operation. This goal
should beclearly established and conveyed to all those involved in the
CRM implementation process. CRM manages to reduce operating
costs through a workforce managementsystem. This helps to maximize
skills and thus reduce cost. These reduced costs enable
anorganization to achieve greater efficiency. If cost reduction is
management's objectivethen the CRM implementation should be
carried out in such a way that this is achieved.Throughout the process
maximum reduction in costs should be adhered to in order tomeet this
particular CRM goal.
Aiding the Marketing Department
Another goal of CRM is generally aiding the marketing department in all
itsefforts. This includes marketing campaigns, sales promotions etc. If
this is fixated as oneof the goals of CRM, then it should be
communicated to those involved. This goal isfundamental as it boosts
sales indirectly thereby increasing the profitability
10.Hypothesis to be tested
If we are good to customer, they will be good to us.
Changing form the current strategic discipline towards a customer
intimate discipline is possible.
11.Research Methodology adopted Exploratory research and
Descriptive research
Why and how do CRM initiatives succeed or fail?

In order to answer this question, the following research questions were

formulated and answers were deduced from the findings and results of
the qualitative analysis conducted:
What are the critical success factors of CRM initiatives?
The answers received resulted in the emergence of some critical
success factors, such as:
1. Senior Management Support
2. Business Plan and Vision
3. Making the Change in Small Steps
4. Inter Departmental Collaboration
5. Clear Ownership of Data
6. Training for End-users
7. End Users' Acceptance of Change
8. Degree of Analysis and Customer Segmentation
9. Degree of Alignment
10. Language Considerations
11. Internet Presence
What are the common difficulties when adopting a CRM initiative?
The answers came up with the following common difficulties:
1. Resistance to Change
2. Human Errors in Feeding the System
3. Governmental Legislation
4. Cultural Barriers
What does CRM mean for different organizations?

The answers exposed a common interesting finding that different

organizations considered CRM to be different things. Some considered
CRM to be branded CRM software, others as call-centres, yet others
as loyalty programs and/or simple tools tomanage and satisfy
customers. This confirmed that CRM meant different things to different
Is CRM the right solution for every organization?
The answers proved that if branded software from recognized
vendors only was to be recognized as CRM, then this standard
and rigid kind of CRM could not always be implemented by all
organizations. On the other hand, if the managerial concepts behind
CRM were to be taken into consideration, then CRM could indeed be
implemented by every organization.

12.Sampling/Sample Design
Please write just general about sampling/sampling with respect to CRM

13.Tools & methods of data collection

Please write just general about Tools & methods of data collection with
respect to CRM

14.DataAnlaysis& Interpretation
Please write just general about DataAnlaysis& Interpretation with
respect to CRM

15.Conclusion& suggestions or findings/recoomendations

Please write just general about Conclusion& suggestions or
findings/recoomendations with respect to CRM

Actual example of research methodology/

Study of published paper on CRM

The objective of the project was to analyze Effective Customer Relationship

Management for Kotak Securities Ltd., Udaipur for that we have to
understand current CRM System and Services provided from the company
and its effect on Customer Needs, Satisfaction Level, their response and
emotions. The objective of this study to analyze existing customer
satisfaction as those customers are the key sources to new customers with
respect to the performance, sales efforts and sales service.
As the company stands first in India in aspect of turnover. its clear that it has
very strong Customer Relationship Management System and perfect people
to handle it properly for the benefit of customers and company as well. Actual
and personal meeting with existing customers and employees has brought
me to the reality of the effectiveness of the system and their success. For
analyzing the same factor, I staked my whole duration of the project and
simultaneously for internal study and market watch and other group
Scope the this study is it will assist Kotak Securities ltd to get its own
Customer Relationship
Management system mirror well and it will get all the important things before
eyes to apply all the possible ways to provide a superb service to the
customers and accordingly make them loyal and retain them long lasting and
to get new customers to be served.
I have chosen to do research project on customer relationship management
with Kotak securities because we can find problem and solutions of
customers problem. We all know that research work is better then you write
a project in training. Reason behind choosing this topics was as followsMaintain current / existing customers.
Achieve new potential customers.
Retain all the customers.
Profitability Increment
Reputation and credibility Increment, etc.


A research design is simply a plan for study in collecting and analyzing the data.
It helps the researcher to conduct the study in an economical method and
relevant to the problem. Research methodology is a systematic way to solve a
research problem. The methodology should combine economy with efficiency.


How companies makes relationship with customers and what they do for
achieve more and more customers.


This study has been conducted with crystal clear objectives and with a view
to learn a few things that are listed below:
1. To study the customer relationship of company
2. To have a good experience in marketing department
3. To know how company make new-new innovation for achieving customer
4. To know the corporate world


The study conducted here is exploratory cum descriptive.


The sources for the information and data in this report have been classified
into two broad groups:
Primary data - I used a well-devised Questionnaire, to try to attempt to
get to the crux of what consumer expects. For our research, we used the
following methods to get Information.
Questionnaire for customers- I have developed a questionnaire to collect
the demographic data (ordinal category) & nominal data about their
preference about Customer Relationship. In my questionnaire, there are 13
questions. Some are dichotomous and have multiple choices.
Data collected from the customer of Kotak securities ltd and from some
professionals of different organizations. My area of research is limited to
Udaipur city only.
Secondary data - As for the secondary data, I got hold of some of the
Research Reports available on different well-known websites to understand
some complex issues. I also found very good information on the Internet from
various sites and different magazines.


Sample Type

I have selected people of the Udaipur Society and some professionals of

different organizations as a sample population.
Sample Size
Our sample size is 100, which comprises of persons of the two age groups
20to 40and 41 to 75 (Both Male and Female).
Sample Frame
Since our Research is being conducted on a small scale and the population is
considerably large, we could not obtain the Sample Frame.
Area of Research
Our Area of Research is Udaipur city only.
Time Period
The Time Period of our Research is July-August 2011.
Sampling Technique
I have used convenience-sampling technique.


The Scope of the project is limited to Udaipur, as the research has been
carried out on the customers residing in Udaipur only.
The various constraints or limitations, which may have affected our project,
can be summarized as follows:
1. Some kind of misled or misguided information may have adversely
affected our findings.
2. Sample size is very small(only 100).
3. The scope of the project is limited to Udaipur.
4. Though the sample has been taken from different regions but doesnt
represent the complete Indian scenario.
5. The time for study and survey was very limited.
6. The population could not represent the people from various occupations
and cultures.
7. Inadequate disclosure of information is also the problem.
8. Financial problem is also there in completing this project in a proper way.


What comes to our mind initially is that we could have selected just one
survey for consumers. The survey questions have been designed taking into
consideration that the data collected should answer questions mentioned in
Objectives of this research project. We have selected all questions that would
directly answer those questions in Objectives and questions, which are close
but not directly answering questions in Objectives. All of our questions are
both multiple choices and open-ended questions. The questionnaire used was
a printed, well structured formalized schedule to obtain and record specified
and relevant information with fair accuracy and completeness. The
questioning process was face to face interviews and the questionnaire was
design in such a way that it could be understood and answered easily by the


Age Group
1. Age group
20 to 30 year
31 to 40 year
41 to 50 year
Above 51 year


Age Group

According to the above diagram, 40% customer comes into age group 31 to
40 who deals more in stock broking. Followed by 30% customer whose age
41 to 50 and 15% customer are age of 20 to 30 and above 51 year.

2. Gender compositions:


male 95%
female 5%

Gender composition
It is evident from the above graph that out of the sample of 100 respondents
95% were males and 5% female. This reflects a male majority in the sample

3. Respondents Occupations:
Business Man


Business Man 30%

Proprietors 24%
HNIs 8%
Individuals 38%

Above pie chart represents that research contains 100 respondents which are
Businessmen, HNIs, Proprietors and Individuals and they are 30, 8, 24, 38
respectively in numbers and percentages.

4. Monthly Income:
Monthly Income
Less then RS 10,000
Rs 11,000-Rs 20,000
Rs 21,000-Rs 30,000
Rs 31,000-Rs 40,000
Above Rs 41,000


Less then RS 10,000 15%

Rs 11,000-Rs 20,000 35%
Rs 21,000-Rs 30,000 30%
Rs 31,000-Rs 40,000 13%
Above Rs 41,000 7%

Monthly Income
Above pie chart represents that the research contained 100 investors and
customers of Kotak Securities Ltd. All the people were from different Income
group, which are in numbers shown above. W e can clearly see sample
includes more customers from second income group i.e. INR Rs 11,000 to Rs
5. Company Interaction via Email and Telephone Calls:
Very Good
Poor 2%
Fair 12%
Good 66%
Very Good 20%

Interaction via E-mail and Phone Calls

From the above result of Company Interaction via Email and Telephone calls,
we can imagine the satisfaction level of customers and accordingly Customer
Relationship is managed through electronic media to maximize the wealth of
customers. In Kotak Securities ltd, mostly dealers are in touch of regular
traders / customers and customers also get loyal to the company through this
practice. Every call is taped by default for the evidence of orders to buy or
sell the stocks and Emails too.
6. Do you find companys investment tips useful and beneficial?
Can't Say
When it was asked sudden and on the time answer was the same of maximum people, it means
the credibility and trustworthiness of the company is on the height. It is nothing but the result of
Relationship Management. It is said that Share Market means Well of Loss, nevertheless Kotak
Securities ltd Customer dont have any tension in investing because they believe in Companies
Researchers and Analysts and their investment tips too.
7. Where do you rate Kotak Securities Ltd in terms of Services?
Scale of 1 to 10

Very Good


Poor 4%
Fair 14%
Good 40%
Very Good 42%

Rate Kotak Securities on the Scale of 10 in terms of service

From the above answers Customer Relationship can be very well highlighted
because out of 100, 43 people have rated Kotak Securities ltd on the scale of
1 to 10 and again in remaining maximum customers say that they rate Kotak
Securities ltd at on the scale of 1 to 10. Every customer has his own value
and consideration about Kotak Securities ltd because they invest their Hard
Earned money and take risk to earn more cause of Kotak Securities ltds
Services and Attachment and it is all the output of Customer Relationship
8. Where do you invest/ trade mostly?
Where Customer
invest Mostly?
Equity 66%
Commodity 19%
Currency 15%

Invest/Trade mostely
One general question was asked in questionnaire to know the investment
flow of customers towards Kotak Securities ltds Services. When it was asked
why they invest in specific area mostly then it was answered by many people
that liquidity market is easy to make money out of investment and take
money out whenever we feel not to put. Moreover, other reason many
customers do not want to invest for long time. In addition, about currency
some people were not interested.
9. Where do you trade mostly?
Trade Mostly
Intraday 48%
Delivery 37%
Both 15%

Where do you trade mos

From the above view of graph we come to know that maximum people, 61%
customers trade in Intraday Trading. On this, customers say they like to trade

in Intraday because of Short-term investment and high level of excitement

and sometimes they feel their money seems to sink.
In Delivery, people say here is No / Low Risk, More Money , in this people
say if scrip goes down like Satyam, then also we get chance to book profit
buying current stocks in low price and putting old stock aside temporarily.
Here we find people hesitate to invest in Intraday and confident to trade in
Delivery trading.
Very less traders population do trade in both area, for few people its nothing
but fund managing, if one finds difficulty in making money in Intraday, they
simultaneously manage their fund for Delivery, but very few people feel do
this type of management.
Eventually Kotak Securities ltd is the Broking firm and it does not lose its
attention from making money for its customers and lose its attention from
Customer Relationship Management.
10. Do you trade in any other broking firm?
Can't Say
Above pie chart represents, the maximum people have their Dmat A/c and
Trading A/c somewhere else also nevertheless they say they trade from Kotak
Securities Ltds only and few of their other A/Cs are put Non-Operating by
them. Here we get a fact that Kotak Securities Ltds Customer Relationship
Management really has something very attractive and attachable to emotions
cause of services. Few of them were hesitating while answering this question.
11. Are you satisfied with the services provided by Kotak Securities ltd?
Satisfying Level
Strongly Yes
Slightly yes
Slightly No
Strongly NO
Above chart represents us the output of Customer Relationship Management
with the help of the services and customers satisfaction can show a mirror of
the efforts of the company towards making their customers loyal to them.
Here 64% customers have selected and stated that they are fully satisfied
with the services that they are getting from Kotak Securities Ltd.

1) Many consultants, vendors, and analysts today define CRM in terms of
being a customer-centric business strategy that is enabled by a set of
applications that support customer-facing functions and management
decision making. That may capture the essence of what CRM is, but while it
does not concentrate on the extra expenses occurring on Companies A/c due
to increment in expenses in serving customers all the ways and Return on
investment means consideration may not be more than expected. Customer
may not give that much business transactions, which is estimated or
2) It needs specific staffs to handle all the tasks of Customer Relationship
Management because the data that is feed in system cannot be handled
merely by Relationship Managers who has to make new customers and take
care of their dealings and also to accomplish their additional responsibilities.


Many consultants, vendors, and analysts today define CRM in terms of

being a customer-centric business strategy that is enabled by a set of
applications that support customer-facing functions and management
decision making. That may capture the essence of what CRM is, but while it
does not concentrate on the extra expenses occurring on Companies A/c due
to increment in expenses in serving customers all the ways and Return on
investment means consideration may not be more than expected. Customer
may not give that much business transactions, which is estimated or
It needs specific staffs to handle all the tasks of Customer Relationship
Management because the data that is feed in system cannot be handled
merely by Relationship Managers who has to make new customers and take
care of their dealings and also to accomplish their additional responsibilities.
It empowers management with a real-time pipelines and forecasting so
they can build and focus on high profit, sustainable relationships.
It increases customers acquisition, retention, loyalty, and profitability by
integrating information across the enterprise.
It enables executive and management to gain customer insight.
Generally people whom I have contacted they were from different
domains like Business, Proprietors, High Net worth Income Group (HNIs) and
Their responses may not be proper because of their Busyness in
Dealing Room.

This data is called Primary Data, which is considered very genuine but is
this case it misrepresents the Reality and Credibility.
Some people, its felt that they gave fake response, with impression that
this questionnaire is from Kotak Securities internal.
Some people did not take it serious because this was not important to
them, as they are busy for trading at dealing Room.
Every data interpretation and statistics cannot be think worthy from their
results because this study is for only two months altogether.

From this study, it can be concluded that the customer relationship
management in Company is satisfactory. The company is using various CRM
practices like customization of the product, maintaining interaction with the
customers regularly and providing good quality product etc. Customer
relationship management has a certain impact on the profitability of the
company. Average investment per customer has increased 15% over the last
two years. Customer response rate towards marketing activities is also
improving. There are various factors affecting the customer relationship
management like working environment of the company, support from top
management and coordination among the departments of the company.
Information technology is not used as much as it should be. The company is
using traditional tools of CRM like quantitative research, personal interviews.
The company should modern tools like data mining, contact center, e-CRM
and web based survey tools.
Customers are encouraged to give suggestions and complaints so that the
company can improve its working and services. If the customers complaints
are not resolved, the customers will be dissatisfied and the company may
lose its customers.
Different customers have different requirements. Therefore, the company
customizes its product accordingly to satisfy the customers. It also gives
more choice to the customers.
To get the information about the customers and to measure the satisfaction
the company conducts surveys. Because of the expertise needed in the
research, the company should give this work to research agencies like AC
The company maintains frequent communication with the customers. As soon
as the product is ready or a new service is launched the information is
provided to the customers. Communication is also necessary to maintain the
interest of the customers in the company.

Learning Outcome
Learning any thing in our life is such an amazing experience, which give us a
self-confident feeling when we learn by practically doing a work. In working
life, we meet everyday to many new people and share our information always
inspire us to do something more well in future. While doing a work we already
decide which type of work we are going to do after finishing the collage
because now we have collected lot of practical idea about doing a work. In
collage, we always set in the class and passed our time by talking to our
friends and making fun of other persons, but we always have some fear from
our future because we were not sure that what we have to do in our future.
That types feeling I felt while doing summer internship. Some learning
outcomes are as follows
The right way to approach different consumer classes. The beginning one
and after that gradually telling the customer about the product and
convinced them.
The perfect way to solve the queries of the customers.
The sincerity of doing work, in the right time by which creating a good
impression to staff persons as well as high-level executives.

I got clear idea to attend customers by telephone, by appointments.

I would be able to know the working condition and practical knowledge of
completing work.
I got a clear idea about the complaints handling.
I got a clear view of how to interact with other people, customer.
I got a clear idea about problems faced by the organization.
I got a clear idea about problems faced by the customer.
I got a clear idea about how to solve these problems





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