Announcement As Effort On Topological Spaces
Announcement As Effort On Topological Spaces
Announcement As Effort On Topological Spaces
Sophia Knight
Aybke zgn
We propose a multi-agent logic of knowledge, public and
arbitrary announcements, that is interpreted on topological
spaces in the style of subset space semantics. The arbitrary announcement modality functions similarly to the effort modality in subset space logics, however, it comes with
intuitive and semantic differences. We provide axiomatizations for three logics based on this setting, and demonstrate
their completeness.
Topology, subset space logic, dynamic epistemic logic, arbitrary (public) announcements
a link between SSL and dynamic epistemic logic, in particular dynamics known as public announcement [4, 5, 3,
19, 6]. The works [4, 5, 3] propose modelling public announcements on subset spaces by deleting the states or the
neighbourhoods falsifying the announcement. This dynamic
epistemic method is not in the spirit of the effort modality:
dynamic epistemic actions result in global model change,
whereas the effort modality results in local neighbourhood
shrinking. Hence, it is natural to search for an open-setshrinking-like interpretation of public announcements on
subset spaces. To best of our knowledge, Wang and
[19] were the first to propose semantics for public announcements on subset spaces in the style of the effort modality,
although this is not necessarily on topological spaces. Bjorndahl [6] then proposed a revised version of the [19] semantics.
In contrast to the aforementioned proposals, Bjorndahl uses
models based on topological spaces to interpret knowledge
and information change via public announcements. He considers the language
::= p | | | K | int() | [],
where int() means is true and can be announced, and
where [] means after public announcement of , .
In [1], Balbiani et al. introduce a logic to quantify over
announcements in the setting of epistemic logic based on
the language (with single-agent version here)
::= p | | | K | [] | 2.
In this case, unlike above, 2 means after any announcement, (is true) so that 2 quantifies over epistemically definable subsets (2-free formulas of the language) of a given
model. In this case, 3K again means that the agent comes
to know , but in the interpretation that there is a formula
such that after announcing it the agent knows . What
becomes true or known by an agent after an announcement
can be expressed in this language without explicit reference
to the announced formula.
Clearly, the meaning of the effort 2 modality and of the arbitrary announcement 2 modality are related in motivation.
In both cases, interpreting the modality requires quantification over sets. Subset-space-like semantics provides natural
tools for this. In [16], we extended Bjorndahls proposal [6]
with an arbitrary announcement modality
::= p | | | K | int() | [] | 2
and provided topological semantics for the 2 modality, and
proved completeness for the corresponding single-agent logic
AP ALint .
x V (p)
not M, (x, ) |=
M, (x, ) |= and M, (x, ) |=
(y (x)(i))(M, (y, ) |= )
x Int[[]]
M, (x, ) |= int()
M, (x, ) |=
iff ( LP ALint )(M, (x, ) |= [])
1. [[]] = [[hi]]
2. = int()
3. ( ) = hiint()
We illustrate our logic by a multi-agent version of Bjorndahls convincing example in [6] about the jewel in the tomb.
Indiana Jones (i) and Emile Belloq (e) are both scouring
for a priceless jewel placed in a tomb. The tomb could either contain a jewel or not, the tomb could have been rediscovered in modern times or not, and (beyond [6]), the
tomb could be in the Valley of Tombs in Egypt or not. The
propositional variables corresponding to these propositions
are, respectively, j, d, and t. We represent a valuation of
these variables by a triple xyz, where x, y, z {0, 1}. Given
carrier set X = {xyz | x, y, z {0, 1}}, the topology that
we consider is generated by the base consisting of the subsets
{000, 100, 001, 101}, {010}, {110}, {011}, {111}. The idea
is that one can only conceivably know (or learn) about the
jewel or the location, on condition that the tomb has been
discovered. Therefore, {000, 100, 001, 101} has no strict subsets besides empty set: if the tomb has not yet been discovered, no one can have any information about the jewel or
the location.
A topo-model M = (X, , , V ) for this topology (X, )
has as the set of all neighbourhood functions that are
partitions of X for both agents, and restrictions of these
functions to open sets. A typical describes complete ignorance of both agents and is defined as (s)(i) =
(s)(e) = X. This corresponds most to the situation described in [6]. A more interesting neighbourhood situation
in this model is one wherein Indiana and Emile have different knowledge. Let us assume that Emile has the advantage over Indiana so far, as he knows the location of the
tomb but Indiana doesnt. This is the 0 such that for all
x X, 0 (x)(i) = X whereas the partition for Emile consists of sets {101, 100, 001, 000}, {111, 011}, {110, 010}, i.e.,
0 (111)(e) = {111, 011}, etc.
We now can evaluate what Emile knows about Indiana at
111, and confirm that this goes beyond Emils initial epistemic neighbourhood. This situation however does not create any problems in our setting since Indianas epistemic
neighbourhoods will be determined relative to the states in
Emiles initial neighbourhood. Firstly, Emile knows that the
tomb is in the Valley of Tombs in Egypt
M, (111, 0 ) |= Ke t
\ [[]] .
Therefore, y [[]] . This implies [x]i int()
\ c , we have x Int[[]] , i.e.,
And, since x [x]i int()
(x, ) |= int().
[x1 ]i . . .
[xk ]i
where I = I1 In .
\ then y.
This implies, for all y ( [x]i ), if y int()
S iI
{Ki | Ki x} ` int() .
From this, we can say
{Ki | Ki x} such
Then, there is a finite subset
that `
(int() ). It then follows:
1. ` int(
(int() ))
2. ` int(
) int(int() ))
(int-K) and (DR1)
3. ` (
int()) int(int() )) (int-K)
x (by x), we have int(int() )) x. Then,
Lemma 35. For all LAP ALint and all maximally consistent theories x, 2 x iff for all LP ALint , [] x.
Completeness of AP ALint
We now reuse the technique of [2] in the setting of topological semantics. Given the closure requirement under derivation rule (DR5) it seems more proper to call maximally consistent sets of AP ALint maximally consistent theories, as
further explained below.
d -induction
iff x c (p)
iff (x, ) |= p
Lemma 35
if <S
d , then x iff X , (x, ) |= .
The cases negation, conjunction, and interior modality are
as in Truth Lemma 25 for ELint , where we observe that the
subformula order is subsumed in the <S
d order (see Lemma
6.2). We proceed with the knowledge operator, i.e., case
:= Ki , and then with the subinduction on for case
announcement := [], and finally with the case := 2.
Case := Ki
This case is also similar to the one in Truth Lemma 25 for
ELint , however, using maximally consistent theories in the
canonical model creates some differences. For the direction
from left-to-right, see Truth Lemma 25. For (), suppose
Ki 6 x. Then, by Lemma 34, there exists a maximally
consistent theory y such that Ki x y and 6 y. By <S
Ki and (IH), (y, ) 6|= . Since Ki x y, we have y [x]i
meaning that y (x)(i). Therefore, by the semantics,
X c , (x, ) 6|= Ki .
Case := []p
[]p x iff int() p x
iff int()
6 x or p x
iff (x, ) 6|= int() or (x, ) |= p
iff (x, ) |= []p
Prop. 29
(*): By (IH), int() <S
d []p and p <d []p (Lemma 6.3 and
Lemma 6.2).
Case := [] Use (R2) and (IH) and, by Lemma 6.3
and Lemma 7.1, int() <S
d [] and [] <d [].
Case := []( ) Use (R3) and (IH), [] <S
d [](
) and [] <S
d []( ).
Case := []int() Use (R4) and (IH) and, by Lemmas
6.3, 7.2, int() <S
d []int() and int([]) <d []int().
Case := []Ki Use (R5) and (IH) and, by Lemmas
6.3, 7.3, int() <S
d []Ki and Ki [] <d []Ki .
Case := [][] Use (R6) and (IH) and, by Lemma
7.4, [[]int()] <S
d [][].
Case := []2 For all LP ALint , [][] <S
d []2,
as []2 has one more 2 than [][] . Therefore, it suffices
to show []2 x iff LP ALint , [][] x.
() Consider the necessity form []] and assume that
for all LP ALint , [][] x, i.e., for all LP ALint ,
[]]([]) x . As x is closed under (DR5), we obtain
[]](2) x, i.e., []2 x.
() Suppose []2 x. We have
(DR1), (R1-R3)
Multi-agent epistemic systems with subset space-like semantics have been proposed in [11, 12, 4, 18], however, none
of these are concerned with arbitrary announcements. Our
goal in this paper is not to provide a multi-agent generalization of SSL per se, but to work with the effort-like modality 2 intended to capture the information change brought
about by any announcements (subject to some restrictions)
in a multi-agent setting and modelling it by way of openset shrinking similar to the effort modality, rather than by
deleting states or neighbourhoods, so that the intuitive link
between the two becomes more transparent on a semantic
level. In [3], Balbiani et al. proposed subset space semantics for arbitrary announcements, however, their approach
does not go beyond the single-agent case and the semantics
provided is in terms of model restriction. An unorthodox
approach to multi-agent knowledge is proposed in [11, 12].
Roughly speaking, instead of having a knowledge modality
Ki for each agent in his syntax, Heinemann uses additional
operators to define Ki and his semantics only validate the
S4-axioms for Ki . The necessitation rule for Ki does not
preserve validity under the proposed semantics [11, 12]. In
[18] a multi-agent semantics for knowledge is provided, but
no announcements or further generalizations (unlike in their
other, single-agent, work [19]), and not in a topological setting. Their use of partitions for each agent instead of a
single neighbourhood is compatible with our requirement
that all neighbourhoods for a given agent be disjoint. A further difference from the existing literature is that we restrict
our attention to topological spaces and prove our results by
means of topological tools.
We applied the new completeness proof for arbitrary public announcement logic of [2] to a topological setting. The
canonical modal construction is as in [6] with some multiagent modifications. The modality int in our system demands a different complexity measure in the Truth Lemma
of the completeness proof than in [2].
We have proposed topological semantics for the multiagent extensions of the public announcement logic of [6], and
further extended the logic with arbitrary announcements.
We showed topological completeness of these logics. Our
work can be seen as a step toward discovering the interplay
between dynamic epistemic logic and topological reasoning.
For further research, we envisage a finitary axiomatization for AP ALint wherein the infinitary derivation rule
(DR5) is replaced by a finitary rule. The obvious derivation
rule would derive something after any announcement if it
can be derived after announcing a fresh variable [1]. Under
subset space semantics, it is unclear how to prove that this
rule is sound.
We are still investigating expressivity and (un)decidability.
If the logic AP ALint is undecidable, this would contrast
nicely with the undecidability of arbitrary public announcement logic. Otherwise, there may be interesting decidable
versions when restricting the class of models to particular
The logic AP ALint is also axiomatizable on the class where
the K modalities have S4 properties, a result we have not
reported in this paper for consistency of presentation. This
class is of topological interest.
In our setup all agents have the same observational powers. If agents can have different observational powers, we
can associate a topology with each agent and generalize the
logic to an arbitrary epistemic action logic.
Furthermore, we would like to explore the exact difference
between the effort modality and the arbitrary announcement
modality (in the single agent case, see [16]) by constructing a
topological model which distinguishes the two: a topological
model might have more than epistemically definable opens
with respect to the proposed semantics.
We thank Philippe Balbiani for various detailed suggestions
over the past year on how to improve our single-agent and
multi-agent results in subset space logic and topological logics. We have found him very supportive of our efforts. We
also thank the TARK reviewers for their valuable comments.
Hans van Ditmarsch is also affiliated to IMSc (Institute of
Mathematical Sciences), Chennai, as research associate. We
acknowledge support from European Research Council grant
EPS 313360.