Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
The literature concerned with farmers preferences and satisfaction with
primary retail pesticide suppliers is limited and not widely available in the
public domain. However, marketing studies focusing on the purchasing
behavior of farmers with respect to different production inputs are available.
These reviews were largely published in the 1981s and 2011s and generally
focuses on production inputs such as fertilizer, seed, feed, and farm equipment.
Funk and Downey (1981)1 analyzed Indiana farmers, focusing on
fertilizer product/service needs, buying behavior, attitudes, preferences of
farmers, and the manner in which this information could be used to develop
product, price, promotion, and distribution policies for manufacturers and
dealers. One hundred fifty central Indiana farmers from 12 counties were
surveyed. Major findings were as follows: local fertilizer dealers, other
farmers, and family members are the most widely used influence groups; most
dealer contacts are initiated by farmers, not fertilizer dealers. Additional
findings showed that other farmers are highly influential in dealer selection,
word-of-mouth communications among farmers are important in dealer
selection, and importance is attached to the fertilizer dealer for providing
various types of information such as price, product, technology, and application
information. Two-thirds of those surveyed disagreed with the statement that
price is the most important consideration in purchasing fertilizer, while twothirds agreed with the notion that establishing a good long-term relationship
with one fertilizer dealer is more important than any price savings which might
be possible by changing dealers frequently.
The author mentions that demand for specific services was found to be
dependent upon the characteristics of the farmers. Services listed as most
important by respondents included condition and availability of application
this study, pesticide use refers to the quantity of pesticides used by farmers at
various stages of crop growth to get rid of pest and disease infestation. Dealer
loyalty is another significant factor which influences the buying behaviour of
farmers and through this the buying behaviour could be explained.
Kumar et al. (1989)9 concluded that the adoption of plant protection
measures are varied among the different categories of farmers. The various
practices like control of disease, seed treatment, soil treatment, rat control, etc.,
are being advocated without a coherent strategy which is reflected in
differential level of achievement of targets by the plant protection staff in the
Perritt (1989) 10 revealed that 95 per cent of farmers purchase and apply
pesticides to protect subsistence food crops in the field and during storage. The
use of pesticides is more complicated because it requires appropriate training to
identify the pest, to select the appropriate pesticide and to use it in required
quantities at the right time. Because of this, the use of pesticides continue to be
at a lower level and disproportionate to fertilizers used in the country. Mann
indicated that the use of pesticides in oil seeds and pulses were considerably
low affecting the yield. The pesticide use decisions of cultivators were based
on their expectation regarding the timing and intensity of pest attack and
effectiveness of pesticides.
Varma (1990)11 in the study reported that in the village of Ghaziabad on
an average 20.5 per cent farmers used insecticides, 13.6 per cent used
fungicides and none had ever used any weedicide. Availability of easy and
cheaper control measures, availability of skilled labour and applicationces and
finance in time influences plant protection use.
to the progress towards the food self sufficiency in Bangladesh on the contrary
increased to the environmental degradation due to the intensive use of
agrochemical and other modern technology. The use of pesticide has been
increased 400 per cent per acre and its cost increased 600 per cent during the
last couple of decades. Between 1985 and 1990 the sales of pesticide became
double. At present, 84 pesticides active ingredients belonging to 242 trade
names have been registered in Bangladesh. Out of the total pesticide use, over
80 per cent are used in rice fields. The rapid increase of pesticide use is causing
detrimental effect on environment and health of farm workers and consumers.
Pesticides are contaminating ground and surface water, which is causing
depletion of inland fishing resources and ecosystem. Therefore, the present
study evaluates the level of farmers' pesticide use practiced to rice pest control,
their knowledge and perception of the impact of pesticides on environment.
A questionnaire survey has been conducted to collect the data from the
farmers. Data have been collected from 86 rice farmers of Bangladesh. The
study revealed that the respondent farmers used mostly insecticides at the rate
of 1 to 10 kg active ingredients per hectare of cropland and the time of
application varied from 1 to 4 sprays per crops. The richer farmers used
pesticide more frequently as compared to small and medium farmers. But most
of the pesticides belong to extremely and highly hazardous category as
classified by WHO. Considering the cropping intensity and toxicity of the
pesticide, the environment and farmers health are at high risk under the
pesticides contamination. The average level of knowledge and perception of
the respondents was found poor to moderate. In general, the respondents
showed favorable attitude towards the pesticide use. Among the insecticides
used by the farmers, Bashudin 10 G, Diazinon 60 EC, Sumithion 60 EC and
Padan 50 SP have already been banned for use on rice in other developing
countries. The use and availability of Bashudin, an obsolete pesticide indicates
that existing pesticide laws and regulations are not strictly enforced in relation
to import, formulation, repackaging, distribution, advertising and use of
seemingly did not suffice to acquaint farmers with these small organisms.
Farmers getting advice from the media advertisements applied more different
pesticide products and sprayed insecticides more frequently, whereas the
extension has stimulated the use of acaricides and increased the number of both
insecticide and fungicide sprays. The traditional practice of biological control
with the ant Oecophylla smaragdina might be endangered with growing media
influence and when extension activities remain confined to chemical pest
control. Constraints and potentials of different information sources are
discussed in relation to developing IPM programmes for citrus.
Renuka Mahadevans (2003)27 empirical work traces the process of
Indian agricultural sector. The author analyses its effects on agricultural
productivity and growth and discusses the problems and prospects for
globalization to draw policy implications for the future of Indian agriculture.
According to Rathinam (2005)28 conventional farming demands
excessive use of chemicals in the form of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides,
confirming to the norms of Green Revolution. Farmers in general, specifically
in the developing countries resort to injudicious and excessive use of pesticides
which is linked to the illiteracy and poverty of the rural farming community.
Their overriding concern for profitable agriculture, has rendered the health of
the farmers at a greater risk of developing dreadful maladies including various
distinct buyer segments for expendable input purchases for U.S. crop and
livestock commercial producers. A multinomial logit model is used to predict
segment membership based on demographic, behavioral, and business
management factors. Results provide important information for agricultural
input suppliers.
Shakirullah et al. (2006)30 studied the nature and extent of adoption of
pesticides among small, medium and large farmers in Union Council Palosi,
District, Peshawar. The results revealed that the pesticides were used by
78.75 per cent of the farmers, while 2.25 per cent did not use them. Majority of
the farmers (41.25 per cent) started using pesticides 6-15 years ago for different
pests. The per annum average cost of pesticide purchase was significantly
higher at 1 per cent level for large farmers than medium and small farmers.
This shows that the larger farms applied more pesticides.
Gregory and Bumb (2006)31 identified five pillars that are required to
develop agriculture input markets and achieve market efficiency. Increasing
supplies and market efficiency can reduce input prices. These five pillars are
the policy environment; human capital development; access to finance; market
information; and regulatory frame works. These generic components need to be
adopted in the context of country-specific situations. Holistic improvements in
all areas will reduce transaction costs and improve accessibility to fertilizers in
rural areas.
Prabuddha (2007)32 studied the pattern of pest infestation on vegetables
and the extent of the use of pesticides by vegetable growers in 18 villages in
Katwa-1 block, Bardhaman district, West Bengal, India. The study found that
the intensity of insect pest infestation on aubergine, pointed gourd
(Trichosanthes dioica), cabbage and cauliflower was greatest during the Rabi
season, followed by the kharif and pre-kharif seasons over the last five years.
Most of the farmers applied pesticides on aubergine and cabbage, but the
should be educated to identify the threshold level of pest infestation and take
measures only after that instead of blindly following the neighboring farmers
while applying plant protection chemicals.
A.V.F. Ngowi (2008)34 mention that small-scale farmers in
Northern Tanzania grow vegetables that include tomatoes, cabbages and onions
and use many types of pesticides to control pests and diseases that attack these
crops. Based on the use of questionnaires and interviews that were conducted
in Arumeru, Monduli, Karatu, and Moshi rural districts, this study investigates
farmers practices on vegetable pest management using pesticides and related
cost and health effects. The types of pesticides used by the farmers in the study
areas were insecticides (59 per cent), fungicides (29 per cent) and herbicides
(10 per cent) with the remaining 2 per cent being rodenticides. About a third of
the farmers applied pesticides in mixtures. Up to 90 per cent had a maximum of
3 pesticides in a mixture. In all cases, there were no specific instructions either
from the labels or extension workers regarding these tank mixtures. Fifty three
percent of the farmers reported that the trend of pesticide use was increasing,
while 33 per cent was constant and 14 per cent was decreasing. More than 50
percent of the respondents applied pesticides up to 5 times or more per
cropping season depending on the crop. Insecticides and fungicides were
routinely applied by 77 per cent and 7per cent, respectively by these farmers.
Sixty eight percent of farmers reported having felt sick after routine application
of pesticides. Pesticide-related health symptoms that were associated with
pesticides use included skin problems and neurological system disturbances
(dizziness, headache). Sixty one percent of farmers reported spending no
money on health due to pesticides. These results can be used to develop a tool
to quantify the cost of pesticide use in pest management by small-scale
vegetable farmers in Northern Tanzania and contribute to the reformation of
pesticide policy for safe and effective use of pesticides.
N. Mahantesh and Singh, Alka (2009)35 comment that pesticides have
substantially contributed for controlling pests and increasing crop yields. But
over the years, there is growing concern about indiscriminate use of pesticides
in agriculture. This paper attempts to understand the farmers knowledge and
perceptions of pests and pesticide use in vegetable cultivation and analyzes the
pesticide use practices and the intensity of pesticide use in vegetable
cultivation. The result shows that on an average 41 per cent of the farmers were
aware of pesticide hazards in vegetable cultivation. Most of the farmers (88 per
cent) perceived that frequency of insects and disease infestation has increased
over the past 10 years. It was also observed that farmers have not followed
adequate safety measures regarding pesticide application. The high pesticide
use cost was observed in vegetables especially in tomato and brinjal and most
of the pesticides belonged to high and moderate risk chemicals. Increasing
farmers awareness of pesticide hazards to the environment and promotion of
alternative pest management strategies such as use of bio-pesticides and IPM is
essential for reducing adverse effect on environment.
Liu Yu et.als (2009)36 empirical study tested the major factors which
affect fertilizer application amount using econometric models and micro-level
data from Jianghan plain in Hubei province by year 2006. The results
demonstrate that housemasters education level, familys management scale,
land fragmentation are major factors affecting farmers decision-making
process. When farmers have consciousness of scientific fertilization, higher
agricultural labor proportion, farther land distance, longer production period
could decrease fertilizer application amount. In the field of agricultural public
policy, training for technical generalization is helpful in reducing fertilizer
Indira Devi (2009)37 in her empirical research work comments that
despite low level of consumption, the externalities due to pesticide-use have
been reported high in most of the developing countries. It may be attributed to
the level of awareness, handling and use-pattern of pesticides. This paper has
analysed the level of awareness regarding pesticide use/ handling and has
compared it with the adoption pattern and experiences of health risk episodes,
in a society with high level of education and literacy.
The author has also drawn references that the responses to the key
factors on scientific use of pesticides have reflected the awareness regarding
the handling practices are fairly good in certain aspects, while in certain others,
it is quite low. The workers are not given adequate training and education to
understand the toxicity level of pesticide by looking at the colour code on the
packet, though they have been found aware of the different options available in
the market. Often, their perceptions of toxicity level of chemicals they handle
have not been found in conformity with the actual situation and they handle
toxic chemicals thinking them to be safe. Despite high literacy level, most of
them do not care to read the instructions on the packets and follow them.
Though a majority of the respondents have satisfactory health status, as
evidenced by the body mass index values, most of them have reported short
term health risks upon occupational exposure. Surprisingly, their perceptions in
this matter do not match with their experience. The frequency of health risk
episodes increases as one has more years of experience in the work. It has been
attributed to their inadequate understanding of the toxicity levels, unscientific
handling practices and poor personal protective mechanism. Similar to the
situations in other developing countries, the workers do not adopt scientific
personal protective gadgets, though they are aware about the health risks and
impacts. The study has highlighted the need for targeted trainings to farm
labourers on scientific management of pesticides and undertaking of massive
awareness creation programmes. The literacy level may be a contributing factor
in the easy dissemination of information, though it seems not a sufficient
condition for awareness generation.
JL Bond (2010)38 draw references of the World Vegetable Center
(AVRDC) identified that indiscriminate pesticide use was common amongst
vegetable farmers in Jharkhand State, India. Subsequently, an Integrated Pest
Management (IPM) research and development project was initiated to promote
are very effective in combating serious pest infestation. In the study area, it was
observed that only 3 per cent of the respondents followed organic farming in a
successful way. The total area under organic farming in India is negligible.
There is a tremendous scope for agricultural extension activity through which
stewardship can be achieved in these pesticide predominant regions.
Nevertheless, costs on ever increasing safety measures for pesticide applicators
would be an additional burden which is to be considered seriously underresource, poor, small and medium holding systems in India.
Marika Krausova and Afua Branoah Banful (2010)40 comment that
knowledge of the characteristics and size of the agricultural input sector of a
country is critical for policymakers to design appropriate interventions that not
only foster growth in the sector, but also support the agricultural development
goals of the country. In 2009, the International Food Policy Research Institute
and the International Fertilizer Development Center jointly conducted a census
of agricultural input dealers in Ghana to fill a critical data gap on the nature of
the countrys agricultural input sector. This paper presents a detailed
description of the sectors structure, market practices, and supply chain. It also
assesses the sectors response to recently implemented fertilizer subsidies, and
findings show that, despite the governments goal of making the subsidy
program supportive of the private market, the majority of fertilizer retailers
were excluded from participating.
In focus (2011)41 industry
consumption in India is one of the lowest in the world with per hectare
consumption of less than one kg compared to US (4.5 kg/ha) and Japan
(11 kg/ha). Consumption could be low for the following reasons:
Lack of
awareness among the farmers about different types of pesticides available and
their impact on environment and pesticide is the last input in agricultural
cropping operation; hence, farmers generally have no surplus money left and
start using them only after the pest attack.
2.2 Conclusion
The agricultural input sector has critical impact on the agricultural
productivity of a nation as it influences farmers access to and use of
productivity enhancing inputs. For several years, information about this sector
in India, such as the types of products sold as well as the number of dealers and
how they are dispersed across the country, has not been accurately known. The
most concrete estimate about the number of retailers in the sector, which
emerged from a review of the literature is also very few. This is identified as
the major researchable gap based on the market potential of pesticides sales in
India and the need to fulfill the gap between the demand and supply of
pesticides consumption. Thus, the current study aims to analyse the users
perception towards pesticides marketing in India and the indefinable role
played by the private label retailers/dealers of pesticides.
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