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Ecosystems and Human Well-being Synthesis


ISBN 1-59726-040-1

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Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board

The MA Board represents the users of the ndings of the MA process.

Robert T. Watson, Chief

Scientist, The World Bank

A.H. Zakri, Director, Institute
of Advanced Studies, United
Nations University

Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment Panel
Harold A. Mooney (co-chair),

Stanford University, United States

Angela Cropper (co-chair),

The Cropper Foundation, Trinidad

and Tobago
Doris Capistrano, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia
Stephen R. Carpenter, University
of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
Kanchan Chopra, Institute of
Economic Growth, India
Partha Dasgupta, University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Rik Leemans, Wageningen
University, Netherlands
Robert M. May, University of
Oxford, United Kingdom
Prabhu Pingali, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, Italy
Rashid Hassan, University of
Pretoria, South Africa
Cristin Samper, Smithsonian
National Museum of Natural History,
United States
Robert Scholes, Council for
Scientic and Industrial Research,
South Africa
Robert T. Watson, The World
Bank, United States (ex ofcio)
A. H. Zakri, United Nations
University, Japan (ex ofcio)
Zhao Shidong, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, China
Editorial Board Chairs

Jos Sarukhn, Universidad Nacio-

nal Autnoma de Mxico, Mexico

Anne Whyte, Mestor Associates
Ltd., Canada
MA Director

Walter V. Reid, Millennium

Ecosystem Assessment, Malaysia

and United States

Salvatore Arico, Programme

Ofcer, Division of Ecological
and Earth Sciences, United
Nations Educational, Scientic
and Cultural Organization
Peter Bridgewater, Secretary
General, Ramsar Convention on
Hama Arba Diallo,
Executive Secretary, United
Nations Convention to
Combat Desertication
Adel El-Beltagy, Director
General, International Center
for Agricultural Research in
Dry Areas, Consultative Group
on International Agricultural
Max Finlayson, Chair, Scientic and Technical Review Panel,
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Colin Galbraith, Chair,
Scientic Council, Convention
on Migratory Species
Erika Harms, Senior Program
Ofcer for Biodiversity, United
Nations Foundation
Robert Hepworth, Acting
Executive Secretary, Convention
on Migratory Species
Olav Kjrven, Director,
Energy and Environment Group,
United Nations Development
Kerstin Leitner, Assistant
Director-General, Sustainable
Development and Healthy
Environments, World Health
Alfred Oteng-Yeboah,
Chair, Subsidiary Body on
Scientic, Technical and Technological Advice, Convention
on Biological Diversity
Christian Prip, Chair,
Subsidiary Body on Scientic,
Technical and Technological
Advice, Convention on
Biological Diversity
Mario A. Ramos, Biodiversity
Program Manager, Global
Environment Facility

Thomas Rosswall, Executive

Director, International Council
for Science - ICSU
Achim Steiner, Director
General, IUCN - The World
Conservation Union
Halldor Thorgeirsson,
Coordinator, United Nations
Framework Convention on
Climate Change
Klaus Tpfer, Executive
Director, United Nations
Environment Programme
Jeff Tschirley, Chief,
Environmental and Natural
Resources Service, Research,
Extension and Training Division,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Riccardo Valentini, Chair,
Committee on Science and
Technology, United Nations
Convention to Combat
Hamdallah Zedan,
Executive Secretary, Convention
on Biological Diversity
At-large Members

Fernando Almeida, Executive

President, Business Council for

Sustainable Development-Brazil
Phoebe Barnard, Global
Invasive Species Programme,
South Africa
Gordana Beltram,
Undersecretary, Ministry of
the Environment and Spatial
Planning, Slovenia
Delmar Blasco, Former
Secretary General, Ramsar
Convention on Wetlands, Spain
Antony Burgmans,
Chairman, Unilever N.V.,
Esther Camac-Ramirez,
Asociacin Ix Ca Va de
Desarrollo e Informacin
Indigena, Costa Rica
Angela Cropper (ex ofcio),
President, The Cropper Foundation, Trinidad and Tobago
Partha Dasgupta, Professor,
Faculty of Economics and
Politics, University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Jos Mara Figueres,
Fundacin Costa Rica para el
Desarrollo Sostenible, Costa Rica
Fred Fortier, Indigenous
Peoples Biodiversity Information
Network, Canada

Mohamed H.A. Hassan,

Executive Director, Third World
Academy of Sciences for the
Developing World, Italy
Jonathan Lash, President,
World Resources Institute,
United States
Wangari Maathai,
Vice Minister for Environment,
Paul Maro, Professor,
Department of Geography,
University of Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania
Harold A. Mooney

(ex ofcio), Professor,

Department of Biological
Sciences, Stanford University,
United States
Marina Motovilova, Faculty
of Geography, Laboratory of
Moscow Region, Russia
M.K. Prasad, Environment
Centre of the Kerala Sastra
Sahitya Parishad, India
Walter V. Reid, Director,
Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment, Malaysia and
United States
Henry Schacht, Past
Chairman of the Board, Lucent
Technologies, United States
Peter Johan Schei,
Director, The Fridtjof Nansen
Institute, Norway
Ismail Serageldin, President,
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
David Suzuki, Chair, David
Suzuki Foundation, Canada
M.S. Swaminathan,
Chairman, MS Swaminathan
Research Foundation, India
Jos Galzia Tundisi,
President, International Institute
of Ecology, Brazil
Axel Wenblad, Vice President
Environmental Affairs, Skanska
AB, Sweden
Xu Guanhua, Minister,
Ministry of Science and
Technology, China
Muhammad Yunus,
Managing Director, Grameen
Bank, Bangladesh

Secretariat Support Organizations

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) coordinates the Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment Secretariat, which is based at the following partner institutions:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy
Institute of Economic Growth, India
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico (until 2002)
Meridian Institute, United States
National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands (until mid-2004)
Scientic Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), France
UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre, United Kingdom
University of Pretoria, South Africa
University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
World Resources Institute (WRI), United States
WorldFish Center, Malaysia
Maps and graphics:

Emmanuelle Bournay and Philippe Rekacewicz, UNEP/GRID-Arendal, Norway

The production of maps and graphics was made possible by the generous support of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of Norway and UNEP/GRID-Arendal.

Front cover:
Tran Thi Hoa, The World Bank
Back cover:
David Woodfall/WWI/Peter Arnold, Inc.

and Human
A Report of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Core Writing Team

Walter V. Reid, Harold A. Mooney, Angela Cropper, Doris Capistrano, Stephen R. Carpenter, Kanchan Chopra,
Partha Dasgupta, Thomas Dietz, Anantha Kumar Duraiappah, Rashid Hassan, Roger Kasperson, Rik Leemans,
Robert M. May, Tony (A.J.) McMichael, Prabhu Pingali, Cristin Samper, Robert Scholes, Robert T. Watson,
A.H. Zakri, Zhao Shidong, Neville J. Ash, Elena Bennett, Pushpam Kumar, Marcus J. Lee, Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne,
Henk Simons, Jillian Thonell, and Monika B. Zurek
Extended Writing Team

MA Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors, Contributing Authors, and Sub-global Assessment Coordinators
Review Editors

Jos Sarukhn and Anne Whyte (co-chairs) and MA Board of Review Editors

Suggested citation:
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis.
Island Press, Washington, DC.
Copyright 2005 World Resources Institute
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book
may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the copyright holder:
World Resources Institute, 10 G Street NE, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20002.
ISLAND PRESS is a trademark of The Center for Resource Economics.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data.
Ecosystems and human well-being : synthesis / Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.
p. cm. (The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment series)
ISBN 1-59726-040-1 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Human ecology. 2. Ecosystem management. I. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (Program) II. Series.
GF50.E26 2005
British Cataloguing-in-Publication data available.
Printed on recycled, acid-free paper
Book design by Dever Designs
Manufactured in the United States of America




Readers Guide

Summary for Decision-makers

Finding 1: Ecosystem Change in Last 50 Years

Finding 2: Gains and Losses from Ecosystem Change

Finding 3: Ecosystem Prospects for Next 50 Years


Finding 4: Reversing Ecosystem Degradation


Key Questions in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


1. How have ecosystems changed?


2. How have ecosystem services and their uses changed?


3. How have ecosystem changes affected human well-being and poverty alleviation?


4. What are the most critical factors causing ecosystem changes?


5. How might ecosystems and their services change in the future under various plausible scenarios?


6. What can be learned about the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being
at sub-global scales?


7. What is known about time scales, inertia, and the risk of nonlinear changes in ecosystems?


8. What options exist to manage ecosystems sustainably?


9. What are the most important uncertainties hindering decision-making concerning ecosystems?


Appendix A. Ecosystem Service Reports


Appendix B. Effectiveness of Assessed Responses


Appendix C. Authors, Coordinators, and Review Editors


Appendix D. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Figure Sources


Appendix E. Assessment Report Tables of Contents


The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment was called for by United Nations Secretary-General Ko Annan in 2000 in his
report to the UN General Assembly, We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century. Governments
subsequently supported the establishment of the assessment through decisions taken by three international
conventions, and the MA was initiated in 2001. The MA was conducted under the auspices of the United Nations,
with the secretariat coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme, and it was governed by a multistakeholder board that included representatives of international institutions, governments, business, NGOs, and indigenous
peoples. The objective of the MA was to assess the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being and to
establish the scientic basis for actions needed to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems and their
contributions to human well-being.
This report presents a synthesis and integration of the ndings of the four MA Working Groups (Condition and
Trends, Scenarios, Responses, and Sub-global Assessments). It does not, however, provide a comprehensive summary of
each Working Group report, and readers are encouraged to also review the ndings of these separately. This synthesis is
organized around the core questions originally posed to the assessment: How have ecosystems and their services
changed? What has caused these changes? How have these changes affected human well-being? How might ecosystems
change in the future and what are the implications for human well-being? And what options exist to enhance the conservation of ecosystems and their contribution to human well-being?
This assessment would not have been possible without the extraordinary commitment of the more than 2,000
authors and reviewers worldwide who contributed their knowledge, creativity, time, and enthusiasm to this process.
We would like to express our gratitude to the members of the MA Assessment Panel, Coordinating Lead Authors,
Lead Authors, Contributing Authors, Board of Review Editors, and Expert Reviewers who contributed to this process,
and we wish to acknowledge the in-kind support of their institutions, which enabled their participation. (The list of
reviewers is available at www.MAweb.org.) We also thank the members of the synthesis teams and the synthesis team
co-chairs: Zafar Adeel, Carlos Corvalan, Rebecca DCruz, Nick Davidson, Anantha Kumar Duraiappah, C. Max
Finlayson, Simon Hales, Jane Lubchenco, Anthony McMichael, Shahid Naeem, David Niemeijer, Steve Percy, Uriel
Safriel, and Robin White.
We would like to thank the host organizations of the MA Technical Support UnitsWorldFish Center (Malaysia);
UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (United Kingdom); Institute of Economic Growth (India); National
Institute of Public Health and the Environment (Netherlands); University of Pretoria (South Africa), U.N. Food and
Agriculture Organization; World Resources Institute, Meridian Institute, and Center for Limnology of the University
of Wisconsin (all in the United States); Scientic Committee on Problems of the Environment (France); and International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (Mexico)for the support they provided to the process. The Scenarios
Working Group was established as a joint project of the MA and the Scientic Committee on Problems of the Environment, and we thank SCOPE for the scientic input and oversight that it provided.
We thank the members of the MA Board (listed earlier) for the guidance and oversight they provided to this process
and we also thank the current and previous Board Alternates: Ivar Baste, Jeroen Bordewijk, David Cooper, Carlos
Corvalan, Nick Davidson, Lyle Glowka, Guo Risheng, Ju Hongbo, Ju Jin, Kagumaho (Bob) Kakuyo, Melinda Kimble,
Kanta Kumari, Stephen Lonergan, Charles Ian McNeill, Joseph Kalemani Mulongoy, Ndegwa Ndiangui, and
Mohamed Maged Younes. The contributions of past members of the MA Board were instrumental in shaping the MA
focus and process and these individuals include Philbert Brown, Gisbert Glaser, He Changchui, Richard Helmer,
Yolanda Kakabadse, Yoriko Kawaguchi, Ann Kern, Roberto Lenton, Corinne Lepage, Hubert Markl, Arnulf MllerHelbrecht, Alfred Oteng-Yeboah, Seema Paul, Susan Pineda Mercado, Jan Plesnik, Peter Raven, Cristin Samper,


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Ola Smith, Dennis Tirpak, Alvaro Umaa, and Meryl Williams. We wish to also thank the members of the Exploratory Steering Committee that designed the MA project in 19992000. This group included a number of the current
and past Board members, as well as Edward Ayensu, Daniel Claasen, Mark Collins, Andrew Dearing, Louise Fresco,
Madhav Gadgil, Habiba Gitay, Zuzana Guziova, Calestous Juma, John Krebs, Jane Lubchenco, Jeffrey McNeely,
Ndegwa Ndiangui, Janos Pasztor, Prabhu L. Pingali, Per Pinstrup-Andersen, and Jos Sarukhn. And we would like to
acknowledge the support and guidance provided by the secretariats and the scientic and technical bodies of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, the Convention to Combat Desertication,
and the Convention on Migratory Species, which have helped to dene the focus of the MA and of this report. We are
grateful to two members of the Board of Review Editors, Gordon Orians and Richard Norgaard, who played a particularly important role during the review and revision of this synthesis report. And, we would like to thank Ian Noble and
Mingsarn Kaosa-ard for their contributions as members of the Assessment Panel during 2002.
We thank the interns and volunteers who worked with the MA Secretariat, part-time members of the Secretariat
staff, the administrative staff of the host organizations, and colleagues in other organizations who were instrumental in
facilitating the process: Isabelle Alegre, Adlai Amor, Hyacinth Billings, Cecilia Blasco, Delmar Blasco, Herbert Caudill,
Lina Cimarrusti, Emily Cooper, Dalne du Plessis, Keisha-Maria Garcia, Habiba Gitay, Helen Gray, Sherry Heileman,
Norbert Henninger, Tim Hirsch, Toshie Honda, Francisco Ingouville, Humphrey Kagunda, Brygida Kubiak, Nicholas
Lapham, Liz Levitt, Christian Marx, Stephanie Moore, John Mukoza, Arivudai Nambi, Laurie Neville, Rosemarie
Philips, Veronique Plocq Fichelet, Maggie Powell, Janet Ranganathan, Carolina Katz Reid, Liana Reilly, Carol Rosen,
Mariana Sanchez Abregu, Anne Schram, Jean Sedgwick, Tang Siang Nee, Darrell Taylor, Tutti Tischler, Daniel
Tunstall, Woody Turner, Mark Valentine, Elsie Vlez-Whited, Elizabeth Wilson, and Mark Zimsky. Special thanks
are due to Linda Starke, who skillfully edited this report, and to Philippe Rekacewicz and Emmanuelle Bournay of
UNEP/GRID-Arendal, who prepared the Figures.
We also want to acknowledge the support of a large number of nongovernmental organizations and networks
around the world that have assisted in outreach efforts: Alexandria University, Argentine Business Council for
Sustainable Development, Asociacin Ixa Ca Va (Costa Rica), Arab Media Forum for Environment and Development, Brazilian Business Council on Sustainable Development, Charles University (Czech Republic), Chinese Academy of Sciences, European Environmental Agency, European Union of Science Journalists Associations, EIS-Africa
(Burkina Faso), Forest Institute of the State of So Paulo, Foro Ecolgico (Peru), Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Norway),
Fundacin Natura (Ecuador), Global Development Learning Network, Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation, Institute
for Biodiversity Conservation and ResearchAcademy of Sciences of Bolivia, International Alliance of Indigenous Peoples of the Tropical Forests, IUCN ofce in Uzbekistan, IUCN Regional Ofces for West Africa and South America,
Permanent Inter-States Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel, Peruvian Society of Environmental Law, Probioandes (Peru), Professional Council of Environmental Analysts of Argentina, Regional Center AGRHYMET (Niger),
Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia, Resources and Research for Sustainable Development (Chile), Royal
Society (United Kingdom), Stockholm University, Suez Canal University, Terra Nuova (Nicaragua), The Nature
Conservancy (United States), United Nations University, University of Chile, University of the Philippines, World
Assembly of Youth, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, WWF-Brazil, WWF-Italy, and WWF-US.
We are extremely grateful to the donors that provided major nancial support for the MA and the MA Sub-global
Assessments: Global Environment Facility; United Nations Foundation; The David and Lucile Packard Foundation;
The World Bank; Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research; United Nations Environment Programme; Government of China; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Norway; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


and the Swedish International Biodiversity Programme. We also thank other organizations that provided nancial
support: Asia Pacic Network for Global Change Research; Association of Caribbean States; British High Commission, Trinidad and Tobago; Caixa Geral de Depsitos, Portugal; Canadian International Development Agency;
Christensen Fund; Cropper Foundation, Environmental Management Authority of Trinidad and Tobago; Ford
Foundation; Government of India; International Council for Science; International Development Research Centre;
Island Resources Foundation; Japan Ministry of Environment; Laguna Lake Development Authority; Philippine
Department of Environment and Natural Resources; Rockefeller Foundation; U.N. Educational, Scientic and Cultural Organization; UNEP Division of Early Warning and Assessment; United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; United States National Aeronautic and Space Administration; and Universidade de
Coimbra, Portugal. Generous in-kind support has been provided by many other institutions (a full list is available at
www.MAweb.org). The work to establish and design the MA was supported by grants from The Avina Group, The
David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Global Environment Facility, Directorate for Nature Management of Norway,
Swedish International Development Cooperation Authority, Summit Foundation, UNDP, UNEP, United Nations
Foundation, United States Agency for International Development, Wallace Global Fund, and The World Bank.
We give special thanks for the extraordinary contributions of the coordinators and full-time staff of the MA
Secretariat: Neville Ash, Elena Bennett, Chan Wai Leng, John Ehrmann, Lori Han, Christine Jalleh, Nicole Khi,
Pushpam Kumar, Marcus Lee, Belinda Lim, Nicolas Lucas, Mampiti Matete, Tasha Merican, Meenakshi Rathore,
Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, Henk Simons, Sara Suriani, Jillian Thonell, Valerie Thompson, and Monika Zurek.
Finally, we would particularly like to thank Angela Cropper and Harold Mooney, the co-chairs of the MA Assessment Panel, and Jos Sarukhn and Anne Whyte, the co-chairs of the MA Review Board, for their skillful leadership
of the assessment and review processes, and Walter Reid, the MA Director for his pivotal role in establishing the
assessment, his leadership, and his outstanding contributions to the process.

Dr. Robert T. Watson

MA Board Co-chair
Chief Scientist
The World Bank


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Dr. A.H. Zakri

MA Board Co-chair
Director, Institute for Advanced Studies
United Nations University

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment was carried out between 2001 and 2005 to assess the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being and to establish the scientic basis for actions needed to enhance the conservation
and sustainable use of ecosystems and their contributions to human well-being. The MA responds to government
requests for information received through four international conventionsthe Convention on Biological Diversity, the
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertication, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, and the Convention on
Migratory Speciesand is designed to also meet needs of other stakeholders, including the business community, the
health sector, nongovernmental organizations, and indigenous peoples. The sub-global assessments also aimed to meet
the needs of users in the regions where they were undertaken.
The assessment focuses on the linkages between ecosystems and human well-being and, in particular, on ecosystem
services. An ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plant, animal, and microorganism communities and the nonliving
environment interacting as a functional unit. The MA deals with the full range of ecosystemsfrom those relatively
undisturbed, such as natural forests, to landscapes with mixed patterns of human use, to ecosystems intensively managed and modied by humans, such as agricultural land and urban areas. Ecosystem services are the benets people
obtain from ecosystems. These include provisioning services such as food, water, timber, and ber; regulating services that
affect climate, oods, disease, wastes, and water quality; cultural services that provide recreational, aesthetic, and spiritual benets; and supporting services such as soil formation, photosynthesis, and nutrient cycling. (See Figure A.) The
human species, while buffered against environmental changes by culture and technology, is fundamentally dependent
on the ow of ecosystem services.
The MA examines how changes in ecosystem services inuence human well-being. Human well-being is assumed to
have multiple constituents, including the basic material for a good life, such as secure and adequate livelihoods, enough
food at all times, shelter, clothing, and access to goods; health, including feeling well and having a healthy physical
environment, such as clean air and access to clean water; good social relations, including social cohesion, mutual respect,
and the ability to help others and provide for children; security, including secure access to natural and other resources,
personal safety, and security from natural and human-made disasters; and freedom of choice and action, including the
opportunity to achieve what an individual values doing and being. Freedom of choice and action is inuenced by other
constituents of well-being (as well as by other factors, notably education) and is also a precondition for achieving other
components of well-being, particularly with respect to equity and fairness.
The conceptual framework for the MA posits that people are integral parts of ecosystems and that a dynamic interaction exists between them and other parts of ecosystems, with the changing human condition driving, both directly
and indirectly, changes in ecosystems and thereby causing changes in human well-being. (See Figure B.) At the same
time, social, economic, and cultural factors unrelated to ecosystems alter the human condition, and many natural
forces inuence ecosystems. Although the MA emphasizes the linkages between ecosystems and human well-being, it
recognizes that the actions people take that inuence ecosystems result not just from concern about human well-being
but also from considerations of the intrinsic value of species and ecosystems. Intrinsic value is the value of something
in and for itself, irrespective of its utility for someone else.
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment synthesizes information from the scientic literature and relevant peerreviewed datasets and models. It incorporates knowledge held by the private sector, practitioners, local communities,
and indigenous peoples. The MA did not aim to generate new primary knowledge, but instead sought to add value to
existing information by collating, evaluating, summarizing, interpreting, and communicating it in a useful form.
Assessments like this one apply the judgment of experts to existing knowledge to provide scientically credible answers
to policy-relevant questions. The focus on policy-relevant questions and the explicit use of expert judgment distinguish
this type of assessment from a scientic review.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Figure A. Linkages between Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being

This Figure depicts the strength of linkages between categories of ecosystem services and components of human well-being that are commonly
encountered, and includes indications of the extent to which it is possible for socioeconomic factors to mediate the linkage. (For example, if it is
possible to purchase a substitute for a degraded ecosystem service, then there is a high potential for mediation.) The strength of the linkages
and the potential for mediation differ in different ecosystems and regions. In addition to the inuence of ecosystem services on human well-being
depicted here, other factorsincluding other environmental factors as well as economic, social, technological, and cultural factorsinuence
human well-being, and ecosystems are in turn affected by changes in human well-being. (See Figure B.)






Potential for mediation by
socioeconomic factors


Intensity of linkages between ecosystem
services and human well-being







Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Basic material
for good life


of choice
and action

Good social relations

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Figure B. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Conceptual Framework of Interactions between

Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Human Well-being, and Drivers of Change

Changes in drivers that indirectly affect biodiversity, such as population, technology, and lifestyle (upper right corner of Figure), can lead to changes
in drivers directly affecting biodiversity, such as the catch of sh or the application of fertilizers (lower right corner). These result in changes to
ecosystems and the services they provide (lower left corner), thereby affecting human well-being. These interactions can take place at more than
one scale and can cross scales. For example, an international demand for timber may lead to a regional loss of forest cover, which increases
ood magnitude along a local stretch of a river. Similarly, the interactions can take place across different time scales. Different strategies and
interventions can be applied at many points in this framework to enhance human well-being and conserve ecosystems.

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Five overarching questions, along with more detailed lists of user needs developed through discussions with stakeholders or provided by governments through international conventions, guided the issues that were assessed:
What are the current condition and trends of ecosystems, ecosystem services, and human well-being?
What are plausible future changes in ecosystems and their ecosystem services and the consequent changes in
human well-being?
What can be done to enhance well-being and conserve ecosystems? What are the strengths and weaknesses of
response options that can be considered to realize or avoid specic futures?
What are the key uncertainties that hinder effective decision-making concerning ecosystems?
What tools and methodologies developed and used in the MA can strengthen capacity to assess ecosystems, the
services they provide, their impacts on human well-being, and the strengths and weaknesses of response options?
The MA was conducted as a multiscale assessment, with interlinked assessments undertaken at local, watershed,
national, regional, and global scales. A global ecosystem assessment cannot easily meet all the needs of decision-makers
at national and sub-national scales because the management of any particular ecosystem must be tailored to the
particular characteristics of that ecosystem and to the demands placed on it. However, an assessment focused only on
a particular ecosystem or particular nation is insufcient because some processes are global and because local goods,
services, matter, and energy are often transferred across regions. Each of the component assessments was guided by the
MA conceptual framework and beneted from the presence of assessments undertaken at larger and smaller scales.
The sub-global assessments were not intended to serve as representative samples of all ecosystems; rather, they were
to meet the needs of decision-makers at the scales at which they were undertaken.
The work of the MA was conducted through four working groups, each of which prepared a report of its ndings.
At the global scale, the Condition and Trends Working Group assessed the state of knowledge on ecosystems, drivers
of ecosystem change, ecosystem services, and associated human well-being around the year 2000. The assessment
aimed to be comprehensive with regard to ecosystem services, but its coverage is not exhaustive. The Scenarios Working Group considered the possible evolution of ecosystem services during the twenty-rst century by developing four
global scenarios exploring plausible future changes in drivers, ecosystems, ecosystem services, and human well-being.
The Responses Working Group examined the strengths and weaknesses of various response options that have been
used to manage ecosystem services and identied promising opportunities for improving human well-being while
conserving ecosystems. The report of the Sub-global Assessments Working Group contains lessons learned from
the MA sub-global assessments. The rst product of the MAEcosystems and Human Well-being: A Framework for
Assessment, published in 2003outlined the focus, conceptual basis, and methods used in the MA.
Approximately 1,360 experts from 95 countries were involved as authors of the assessment reports, as participants
in the sub-global assessments, or as members of the Board of Review Editors. (See Appendix C for the list of
coordinating lead authors, sub-global assessment coordinators, and review editors.) The latter group, which involved
80 experts, oversaw the scientic review of the MA reports by governments and experts and ensured that all review
comments were appropriately addressed by the authors. All MA ndings underwent two rounds of expert and
governmental review. Review comments were received from approximately 850 individuals (of which roughly 250
were submitted by authors of other chapters in the MA), although in a number of cases (particularly in the case of
governments and MA-afliated scientic organizations), people submitted collated comments that had been prepared
by a number of reviewers in their governments or institutions.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

The MA was guided by a Board that included representatives of ve international conventions, ve U.N. agencies,
international scientic organizations, governments, and leaders from the private sector, nongovernmental organizations, and indigenous groups. A 15-member Assessment Panel of leading social and natural scientists oversaw the
technical work of the assessment, supported by a secretariat with ofces in Europe, North America, South America,
Asia, and Africa and coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme.
The MA is intended to be used:
to identify priorities for action;
as a benchmark for future assessments;
as a framework and source of tools for assessment, planning, and management;
to gain foresight concerning the consequences of decisions affecting ecosystems;
to identify response options to achieve human development and sustainability goals;
to help build individual and institutional capacity to undertake integrated ecosystem assessments and act on the
ndings; and
to guide future research.
Because of the broad scope of the MA and the complexity of the interactions between social and natural systems, it
proved to be difcult to provide denitive information for some of the issues addressed in the MA. Relatively few
ecosystem services have been the focus of research and monitoring and, as a consequence, research ndings and data
are often inadequate for a detailed global assessment. Moreover, the data and information that are available are generally related to either the characteristics of the ecological system or the characteristics of the social system, not to the
all-important interactions between these systems. Finally, the scientic and assessment tools and models available to
undertake a cross-scale integrated assessment and to project future changes in ecosystem services are only now being
developed. Despite these challenges, the MA was able to provide considerable information relevant to most of the
focal questions. And by identifying gaps in data and information that prevent policy-relevant questions from being
answered, the assessment can help to guide research and monitoring that may allow those questions to be answered
in future assessments.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Readers Guide
This report presents a synthesis and integration of the ndings of the four MA Working Groups along with more
detailed ndings for selected ecosystem services concerning condition and trends and scenarios (see Appendix A) and
response options (see Appendix B). Five additional synthesis reports were prepared for ease of use by specic audiences: CBD (biodiversity), UNCCD (desertication), Ramsar Convention (wetlands), business, and the health sector.
Each MA sub-global assessment will also produce additional reports to meet the needs of its own audience. The full
technical assessment reports of the four MA Working Groups will be published in mid-2005 by Island Press. All
printed materials of the assessment, along with core data and a glossary of terminology used in the technical reports,
will be available on the Internet at www.MAweb.org. Appendix D lists the acronyms and abbreviations used in this
report and includes additional information on sources for some of the Figures. Throughout this report, dollar signs
indicate U.S. dollars and tons mean metric tons.
References that appear in parentheses in the body of this synthesis report are to the underlying chapters in the full
technical assessment reports of each Working Group. (A list of the assessment report chapters is provided in Appendix
E.) To assist the reader, citations to the technical volumes generally specify sections of chapters or specic Boxes,
Tables, or Figures, based on nal drafts of the chapter. Some chapter subsection numbers may change during nal
copyediting, however, after this synthesis report has been printed. Bracketed references within the Summary for
Decision-makers are to the key questions of this full synthesis report, where additional information on each topic
can be found.
In this report, the following words have been used where appropriate to indicate judgmental estimates of certainty,
based on the collective judgment of the authors, using the observational evidence, modeling results, and theory that
they have examined: very certain (98% or greater probability), high certainty (8598% probability), medium certainty (6585% probability), low certainty (5265% probability), and very uncertain (5052% probability). In other
instances, a qualitative scale to gauge the level of scientic understanding is used: well established, established but
incomplete, competing explanations, and speculative. Each time these terms are used they appear in italics.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Summary for

veryone in the world depends completely on Earths ecosystems and the services they provide, such as food,
water, disease management, climate regulation, spiritual fulllment, and aesthetic enjoyment. Over the past
50 years, humans have changed these ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period
of time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, ber, and fuel.
This transformation of the planet has contributed to substantial net gains in human well-being and economic
development. But not all regions and groups of people have beneted from this processin fact, many have
been harmed. Moreover, the full costs associated with these gains are only now becoming apparent.
Three major problems associated with our management of the
worlds ecosystems are already causing signicant harm to some
people, particularly the poor, and unless addressed will substantially diminish the long-term benets we obtain from ecosystems:
First, approximately 60% (15 out of 24) of the ecosystem
services examined during the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
are being degraded or used unsustainably, including fresh water,
capture sheries, air and water purication, and the regulation of
regional and local climate, natural hazards, and pests. The full
costs of the loss and degradation of these ecosystem services are
difcult to measure, but the available evidence demonstrates that
they are substantial and growing. Many ecosystem services have
been degraded as a consequence of actions taken to increase the
supply of other services, such as food. These trade-offs often shift
the costs of degradation from one group of people to another or
defer costs to future generations.
Second, there is established but incomplete evidence that
changes being made in ecosystems are increasing the likelihood
of nonlinear changes in ecosystems (including accelerating,
abrupt, and potentially irreversible changes) that have important
consequences for human well-being. Examples of such changes
include disease emergence, abrupt alterations in water quality,
the creation of dead zones in coastal waters, the collapse of
sheries, and shifts in regional climate.

Four Main Findings

Over the past 50 years, humans have changed ecosystems
more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period of
time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for
food, fresh water, timber, ber, and fuel. This has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth.
The changes that have been made to ecosystems have contributed to substantial net gains in human well-being and economic
development, but these gains have been achieved at growing
costs in the form of the degradation of many ecosystem services,
increased risks of nonlinear changes, and the exacerbation of poverty for some groups of people. These problems, unless addressed,
will substantially diminish the benets that future generations obtain
from ecosystems.
The degradation of ecosystem services could grow signicantly
worse during the rst half of this century and is a barrier to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
The challenge of reversing the degradation of ecosystems while
meeting increasing demands for their services can be partially
met under some scenarios that the MA has considered, but these
involve signicant changes in policies, institutions, and practices
that are not currently under way. Many options exist to conserve or
enhance specic ecosystem services in ways that reduce
negative trade-offs or that provide positive synergies with other
ecosystem services.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Third, the harmful effects of the degradation of ecosystem ser-

vices (the persistent decrease in the capacity of an ecosystem to

deliver services) are being borne disproportionately by the poor, are
contributing to growing inequities and disparities across groups of
people, and are sometimes the principal factor causing poverty and
social conict. This is not to say that ecosystem changes such as
increased food production have not also helped to lift many people
out of poverty or hunger, but these changes have harmed other
individuals and communities, and their plight has been largely
overlooked. In all regions, and particularly in sub-Saharan Africa,
the condition and management of ecosystem services is a dominant factor inuencing prospects for reducing poverty.
The degradation of ecosystem services is already a signicant
barrier to achieving the Millennium Development Goals agreed
to by the international community in September 2000 and the
harmful consequences of this degradation could grow signicantly worse in the next 50 years. The consumption of ecosystem services, which is unsustainable in many cases, will continue
to grow as a consequence of a likely three- to sixfold increase in
global GDP by 2050 even while global population growth is
expected to slow and level off in mid-century. Most of the
important direct drivers of ecosystem change are unlikely to
diminish in the rst half of the century and two drivers
climate change and excessive nutrient loadingwill become
more severe.
Already, many of the regions facing the greatest challenges
in achieving the MDGs coincide with those facing signicant
problems of ecosystem degradation. Rural poor people, a primary target of the MDGs, tend to be most directly reliant on
ecosystem services and most vulnerable to changes in those services. More generally, any progress achieved in addressing the
MDGs of poverty and hunger eradication, improved health, and
environmental sustainability is unlikely to be sustained if most
of the ecosystem services on which humanity relies continue to
be degraded. In contrast, the sound management of ecosystem
services provides cost-effective opportunities for addressing
multiple development goals in a synergistic manner.
There is no simple x to these problems since they arise from
the interaction of many recognized challenges, including climate
change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation, each of which is
complex to address in its own right. Past actions to slow or reverse
the degradation of ecosystems have yielded signicant benets,
but these improvements have generally not kept pace with growing pressures and demands. Nevertheless, there is tremendous
scope for action to reduce the severity of these problems in the
coming decades. Indeed, three of four detailed scenarios examined
by the MA suggest that signicant changes in policies, institutions, and practices can mitigate some but not all of the negative
consequences of growing pressures on ecosystems. But the
changes required are substantial and are not currently under way.
An effective set of responses to ensure the sustainable management of ecosystems requires substantial changes in institutions and

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

governance, economic policies and incentives, social and behavior

factors, technology, and knowledge. Actions such as the integration
of ecosystem management goals in various sectors (such as agriculture, forestry, nance, trade, and health), increased transparency
and accountability of government and private-sector performance
in ecosystem management, elimination of perverse subsidies,
greater use of economic instruments and market-based approaches,
empowerment of groups dependent on ecosystem services or
affected by their degradation, promotion of technologies enabling
increased crop yields without harmful environmental impacts,
ecosystem restoration, and the incorporation of nonmarket values
of ecosystems and their services in management decisions all
could substantially lessen the severity of these problems in the next
several decades.
The remainder of this Summary for Decision-makers presents
the four major ndings of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment on the problems to be addressed and the actions needed to
enhance the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems.
Finding #1: Over the past 50 years, humans have changed
ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable
period of time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, ber, and fuel. This
has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the
diversity of life on Earth.

The structure and functioning of the worlds ecosystems

changed more rapidly in the second half of the twentieth
century than at any time in human history. [1]
More land was converted to cropland in the 30 years after
1950 than in the 150 years between 1700 and 1850. Cultivated
systems (areas where at least 30% of the landscape is in croplands, shifting cultivation, conned livestock production, or
freshwater aquaculture) now cover one quarter of Earths terrestrial surface. (See Figure 1.) Areas of rapid change in forest land
cover and land degradation are shown in Figure 2.
Approximately 20% of the worlds coral reefs were lost and
an additional 20% degraded in the last several decades of the
twentieth century, and approximately 35% of mangrove area was
lost during this time (in countries for which sufcient data exist,
which encompass about half of the area of mangroves).
The amount of water impounded behind dams quadrupled
since 1960, and three to six times as much water is held in
reservoirs as in natural rivers. Water withdrawals from rivers
and lakes doubled since 1960; most water use (70% worldwide)
is for agriculture.
Since 1960, ows of reactive (biologically available) nitrogen
in terrestrial ecosystems have doubled, and ows of phosphorus
have tripled. More than half of all the synthetic nitrogen fertilizer,
which was rst manufactured in 1913, ever used on the planet has
been used since 1985.

Figure 1. Extent of Cultivated Systems, 2000. Cultivated systems cover 24% of the terrestrial surface.

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Figure 2. Locations Reported by Various Studies as Undergoing High Rates of Land Cover

Change in the Past Few Decades (C.SDM)

In the case of forest cover change, the studies refer to the period 19802000 and are based on national statistics, remote sensing, and to a limited
degree expert opinion. In the case of land cover change resulting from degradation in drylands (desertication), the period is unspecied but inferred to
be within the last half-century, and the major study was entirely based on expert opinion, with associated low certainty. Change in cultivated area is not
shown. Note that areas showing little current change are often locations that have already undergone major historical change (see Figure 1).

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Since 1750, the atmospheric concentration

of carbon dioxide has increased by about 32%
(from about 280 to 376 parts per million in
2003), primarily due to the combustion of fossil
fuels and land use changes. Approximately 60%
of that increase (60 parts per million) has taken
place since 1959.
Humans are fundamentally, and to a signicant extent irreversibly, changing the diversity
of life on Earth, and most of these changes
represent a loss of biodiversity. [1]
More than two thirds of the area of 2 of the
worlds 14 major terrestrial biomes and more
than half of the area of 4 other biomes had been
converted by 1990, primarily to agriculture.
(See Figure 3.)
Across a range of taxonomic groups, either
the population size or range or both of the
majority of species is currently declining.
The distribution of species on Earth is
becoming more homogenous; in other words,
the set of species in any one region of the world
is becoming more similar to the set in other
regions primarily as a result of introductions of
species, both intentionally and inadvertently in
association with increased travel and shipping.
The number of species on the planet is
declining. Over the past few hundred years,
humans have increased the species extinction
rate by as much as 1,000 times over background
rates typical over the planets history (medium
certainty). (See Figure 4.) Some 1030% of
mammal, bird, and amphibian species are
currently threatened with extinction (medium to
high certainty). Freshwater ecosystems tend to
have the highest proportion of species threatened with extinction.
Genetic diversity has declined globally,
particularly among cultivated species.
Most changes to ecosystems have been made
to meet a dramatic growth in the demand for
food, water, timber, ber, and fuel. [2] Some
ecosystem changes have been the inadvertent
result of activities unrelated to the use of ecosystem services, such as the construction of roads,
ports, and cities and the discharge of pollutants.
But most ecosystem changes were the direct or
indirect result of changes made to meet growing
demands for ecosystem services, and in particular growing demands for food, water, timber,
ber, and fuel (fuelwood and hydropower).

Figure 3. Conversion of Terrestrial Biomesa

(Adapted from C4, S10)

It is not possible to estimate accurately the extent of different biomes prior to

signicant human impact, but it is possible to determine the potential area of biomes
based on soil and climatic conditions. This Figure shows how much of that potential
area is estimated to have been converted by 1950 (medium certainty), how much
was converted between 1950 and 1990 (medium certainty), and how much would
be converted under the four MA scenarios (low certainty) between 1990 and 2050.
Mangroves are not included here because the area was too small to be accurately
assessed. Most of the conversion of these biomes is to cultivated systems.
Fraction of potential area converted

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

20 30 40 50


70 80

90 100 %


Conversion of original biomes

Loss between
Loss by
1950 and 1990

Projected loss
by 2050b

A biome is the largest unit of ecological classification that is convenient to recognize below the
entire globe, such as temperate broadleaf forests or montane grasslands. A biome is a widely
used ecological categorization, and because considerable ecological data have been reported
and modeling undertaken using this categorization, some information in this assessment can only
be reported based on biomes. Whenever possible, however, the MA reports information using
10 socioecological systems, such as forest, cultivated, coastal, and marine, because these
correspond to the regions of responsibility of different government ministries and because they
are the categories used within the Convention on Biological Diversity.
According to the four MA scenarios. For 2050 projections, the average value of the projections
under the four scenarios is plotted and the error bars (black lines) represent the range
of values from the different scenarios.

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


Between 1960 and 2000, the demand for ecosystem services

grew signicantly as world population doubled to 6 billion people and the global economy increased more than sixfold. To meet
this demand, food production increased by roughly two-and-ahalf times, water use doubled, wood harvests for pulp and paper
production tripled, installed hydropower capacity doubled, and
timber production increased by more than half.
The growing demand for these ecosystem services was met
both by consuming an increasing fraction of the available supply
(for example, diverting more water for irrigation or capturing
more sh from the sea) and by raising the production of some
services, such as crops and livestock. The latter has been accomplished through the use of new technologies (such as new crop
varieties, fertilization, and irrigation) as well as through increasing the area managed for the services in the case of crop and
livestock production and aquaculture.

Finding #2: The changes that have been made to ecosystems

have contributed to substantial net gains in human well-being

and economic development, but these gains have been achieved
at growing costs in the form of the degradation of many ecosystem services, increased risks of nonlinear changes, and the exacerbation of poverty for some groups of people. These problems,
unless addressed, will substantially diminish the benets that
future generations obtain from ecosystems.
In the aggregate, and for most countries, changes made to
the worlds ecosystems in recent decades have provided substantial benets for human well-being and national development.
[3] Many of the most signicant changes to ecosystems have
been essential to meet growing needs for food and water; these

Figure 4. Species Extinction Rates (Adapted from C4 Fig 4.22)

Distant past refers to average
extinction rates as estimated from
the fossil record. Recent past
refers to extinction rates calculated
from known extinctions of species
(lower estimate) or known
extinctions plus possibly extinct
species (upper bound). A species
is considered to be possibly
extinct if it is believed by experts
to be extinct but extensive surveys
have not yet been undertaken
to conrm its disappearance.
Future extinctions are modelderived estimates using a variety of
techniques, including species-area
models, rates at which species
are shifting to increasingly more
threatened categories, extinction
probabilities associated with the
IUCN categories of threat, impacts
of projected habitat loss on species
currently threatened with habitat
loss, and correlation of species
loss with energy consumption. The
time frame and species groups
involved differ among the future
estimates, but in general refer to
either future loss of species based
on the level of threat that exists
today or current and future loss of species as a result of habitat changes taking place over the period of roughly 1970 to 2050. Estimates
based on the fossil record are low certainty; lower-bound estimates for known extinctions are high certainty and upper-bound estimates are
medium certainty; lower-bound estimates for modeled extinctions are low certainty and upper-bound estimates are speculative. The rate of
known extinctions of species in the past century is roughly 50500 times greater than the extinction rate calculated from the fossil record of
0.11 extinctions per 1,000 species per 1,000 years. The rate is up to 1,000 times higher than the background extinction rates if possibly
extinct species are included.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

changes have helped reduce the proportion of malnourished

people and improved human health. Agriculture, including sheries and forestry, has been the mainstay of strategies for the
development of countries for centuries, providing revenues that
have enabled investments in industrialization and poverty alleviation. Although the value of food production in 2000 was only
about 3% of gross world product, the agricultural labor force
accounts for approximately 22% of the worlds population, half
the worlds total labor force, and 24% of GDP in countries with
per capita incomes of less than $765 (the low-income developing
countries, as dened by the World Bank).
These gains have been achieved, however, at growing costs in
the form of the degradation of many ecosystem services,
increased risks of nonlinear changes in ecosystems, the exacerbation of poverty for some people, and growing inequities and
disparities across groups of people.

Degradation and Unsustainable

Use of Ecosystem Services
Approximately 60% (15 out of 24) of the ecosystem services
evaluated in this assessment (including 70% of regulating and
cultural services) are being degraded or used unsustainably. [2]
(See Table 1.) Ecosystem services that have been degraded over
the past 50 years include capture sheries, water supply, waste
treatment and detoxication, water purication, natural hazard
protection, regulation of air quality, regulation of regional and
local climate, regulation of erosion, spiritual fulllment, and
aesthetic enjoyment. The use of two ecosystem servicescapture
sheries and fresh wateris now well beyond levels that can be
sustained even at current demands, much less future ones. At least
one quarter of important commercial sh stocks are overharvested
(high certainty). (See Figures 5, 6, and 7.) From 5% to possibly
25% of global freshwater use exceeds long-term accessible supplies
and is now met either through engineered water transfers or
overdraft of groundwater supplies (low to medium certainty).
Some 1535% of irrigation withdrawals exceed supply rates and
are therefore unsustainable (low to medium certainty). While 15
services have been degraded, only 4 have been enhanced in the
past 50 years, three of which involve food production: crops,
livestock, and aquaculture. Terrestrial ecosystems were on
average a net source of CO2 emissions during the nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries, but became a net sink around
the middle of the last century, and thus in the last 50 years the
role of ecosystems in regulating global climate through carbon
sequestration has also been enhanced.
Actions to increase one ecosystem service often cause the
degradation of other services. [2, 6] For example, because actions
to increase food production typically involve increased use of
water and fertilizers or expansion of the area of cultivated land,

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

these same actions often degrade other ecosystem services, including reducing the availability of water for other uses, degrading
water quality, reducing biodiversity, and decreasing forest cover
(which in turn may lead to the loss of forest products and the
release of greenhouse gasses). Similarly, the conversion of forest to
agriculture can signicantly change the frequency and magnitude
of oods, although the nature of this impact depends on the characteristics of the local ecosystem and the type of land cover change.
The degradation of ecosystem services often causes signicant harm to human well-being. [3, 6] The information available to assess the consequences of changes in ecosystem services
for human well-being is relatively limited. Many ecosystem services have not been monitored, and it is also difcult to estimate
the inuence of changes in ecosystem services relative to other
social, cultural, and economic factors that also affect human
well-being. Nevertheless, the following types of evidence demonstrate that the harmful effects of the degradation of ecosystem
services on livelihoods, health, and local and national economies
are substantial.
Most resource management decisions are most strongly inuenced by ecosystem services entering markets; as a result, the nonmarketed benets are often lost or degraded. These nonmarketed benets
are often high and sometimes more valuable than the marketed ones.
For example, one of the most comprehensive studies to date,
which examined the marketed and nonmarketed economic
values associated with forests in eight Mediterranean countries,
found that timber and fuelwood generally accounted for less
than a third of total economic value of forests in each country.
(See Figure 8.) Values associated with non-wood forest products,
recreation, hunting, watershed protection, carbon sequestration,
and passive use (values independent of direct uses) accounted for
between 25% and 96% of the total economic value of the forests.
The total economic value associated with managing ecosystems
more sustainably is often higher than the value associated with the
conversion of the ecosystem through farming, clear-cut logging, or
other intensive uses. Relatively few studies have compared the total
economic value (including values of both marketed and nonmarketed ecosystem services) of ecosystems under alternate management regimes, but some of the studies that do exist have found
that the benet of managing the ecosystem more sustainably
exceeded that of converting the ecosystem. (See Figure 9.)
The economic and public health costs associated with damage to
ecosystem services can be substantial.
The early 1990s collapse of the Newfoundland cod
shery due to overshing resulted in the loss of tens of
thousands of jobs and cost at least $2 billion in income
support and retraining.
In 1996, the cost of U.K. agriculture resulting from the
damage that agricultural practices cause to water (pollution
and eutrophication, a process whereby excessive plant
growth depletes oxygen in the water), air (emissions of
greenhouse gases), soil (off-site erosion damage, emissions

Table 1. Global Status of Provisioning, Regulating, and Cultural Ecosystem Services Evaluated in the MA
Status indicates whether the condition of the service globally has been enhanced (if the productive capacity of the service has been increased, for example) or degraded in the recent past. Denitions of enhanced and degraded are provided in the note below. A fourth category, supporting services, is
not included here as they are not used directly by people.






substantial production increase


substantial production increase

capture sheries

declining production due to overharvest


substantial production increase

wild foods

declining production



forest loss in some regions, growth in others

cotton, hemp, silk


declining production of some bers, growth in others

wood fuel

declining production

Genetic resources

lost through extinction and crop genetic resource loss

Biochemicals, natural
medicines, pharmaceuticals

lost through extinction, overharvest

Fresh water

unsustainable use for drinking, industry, and irrigation; amount of

hydro energy unchanged, but dams increase ability to use that energy

decline in ability of atmosphere to cleanse itself


net source of carbon sequestration since mid-century

regional and local

preponderance of negative impacts


varies depending on ecosystem change and location

Provisioning Services


Regulating Services
Air quality regulation
Climate regulation
Water regulation
Erosion regulation

increased soil degradation

Water purication and

waste treatment

declining water quality

Disease regulation


varies depending on ecosystem change

Pest regulation

natural control degraded through pesticide use


apparent global decline in abundance of pollinators

Natural hazard regulation

loss of natural buffers (wetlands, mangroves)

Spiritual and religious values

rapid decline in sacred groves and species

Aesthetic values

decline in quantity and quality of natural lands

Cultural Services

Recreation and ecotourism


more areas accessible but many degraded

Note: For provisioning services, we dene enhancement to mean increased production of the service through changes in area over which the service is provided (e.g., spread of
agriculture) or increased production per unit area. We judge the production to be degraded if the current use exceeds sustainable levels. For regulating and supporting services,
enhancement refers to a change in the service that leads to greater benets for people (e.g., the service of disease regulation could be improved by eradication of a vector known to
transmit a disease to people). Degradation of regulating and supporting services means a reduction in the benets obtained from the service, either through a change in the service
(e.g., mangrove loss reducing the storm protection benets of an ecosystem) or through human pressures on the service exceeding its limits (e.g., excessive pollution exceeding the
capability of ecosystems to maintain water quality). For cultural services, enhancement refers to a change in the ecosystem features that increase the cultural (recreational, aesthetic,
spiritual, etc.) benets provided by the ecosystem.

Indicates low to medium certainty. All other trends are medium to high certainty.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Figure 5. Estimated Global Marine Fish Catch,

19502001 (C18 Fig 18.3)

In this Figure, the catch reported by governments is in some

cases adjusted to correct for likely errors in data.

Figure 7. Trend in Mean Depth of Catch since 1950.

Fisheries catches increasingly originate

from deep areas (Data from C18 Fig 18.5)











Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Figure 6. Decline in Trophic Level of Fisheries Catch since 1950 (C18)

A trophic level of an organism is its position in a food chain. Levels are numbered according to how far particular organisms are along the chain
from the primary producers at level 1, to herbivores (level 2), to predators (level 3), to carnivores or top carnivores (level 4 or 5). Fish at higher
trophic levels are typically of higher economic value. The decline in the trophic level harvested is largely a result of the overharvest of sh at higher
trophic levels.






















Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

of greenhouse gases), and biodiversity was $2.6 billion, or

9% of average yearly gross farm receipts for the 1990s. Similarly, the damage costs of freshwater eutrophication alone
in England and Wales (involving factors including reduced
value of waterfront dwellings, water treatment costs,
reduced recreational value of water bodies, and tourism
losses) was estimated to be $105160 million per year in
the 1990s, with an additional $77 million a year being
spent to address those damages.
The incidence of diseases of marine organisms and the
emergence of new pathogens is increasing, and some of
these, such as ciguatera, harm human health. Episodes of
harmful (including toxic) algal blooms in coastal waters are
increasing in frequency and intensity, harming other marine
resources such as sheries as well as human health. In a particularly severe outbreak in Italy in 1989, harmful algal
blooms cost the coastal aquaculture industry $10 million
and the Italian tourism industry $11.4 million.
The frequency and impact of oods and res has increased
signicantly in the past 50 years, in part due to ecosystem
changes. Examples are the increased susceptibility of coastal
populations to tropical storms when mangrove forests are
cleared and the increase in downstream ooding that followed land use changes in the upper Yangtze River. Annual
economic losses from extreme events increased tenfold from
the 1950s to approximately $70 billion in 2003, of which
natural catastrophes (oods, res, storms, drought, earthquakes) accounted for 84% of insured losses.
The impact of the loss of cultural services is particularly difcult
to measure, but it is especially important for many people. Human
cultures, knowledge systems, religions, and social interactions
have been strongly inuenced by ecosystems. A number of the
MA sub-global assessments found that spiritual and cultural values of ecosystems were as important as other services for many
local communities, both in developing countries (the importance
of sacred groves of forest in India, for example) and industrial
ones (the importance of urban parks, for instance).
The degradation of ecosystem services represents loss of a capital asset. [3] Both renewable resources such as ecosystem services
and nonrenewable resources such as mineral deposits, some soil
nutrients, and fossil fuels are capital assets. Yet traditional national
accounts do not include measures of resource depletion or of the
degradation of these resources. As a result, a country could cut its
forests and deplete its sheries, and this would show only as a
positive gain in GDP (a measure of current economic well-being)
without registering the corresponding decline in assets (wealth)
that is the more appropriate measure of future economic wellbeing. Moreover, many ecosystem services (such as fresh water in
aquifers and the use of the atmosphere as a sink for pollutants)
are available freely to those who use them, and so again their
degradation is not reected in standard economic measures.
When estimates of the economic losses associated with the
depletion of natural assets are factored into measurements of the
total wealth of nations, they signicantly change the balance

Figure 8. Annual Flow of Benets from

Forests in Selected Countries

(Adapted from C5 Box 5.2)

In most countries, the marketed values of ecosystems associated

with timber and fuelwood production are less than one third of the
total economic value, including nonmarketed values such as carbon
sequestration, watershed protection, and recreation.

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


sheet of countries with economies signicantly dependent on

natural resources. For example, countries such as Ecuador, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Trinidad and
Tobago, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela that had positive growth in
net savings in 2001, reecting a growth in the net wealth of the
country, actually experienced a loss in net savings when depletion
of natural resources (energy and forests) and estimated damages
from carbon emissions (associated with contributions to climate
change) were factored into the accounts.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

aesthetically pleasing landscape, there is no market

for these services and no one person has an incentive
to pay to maintain the good. And when an action
In each case, the net benets from the more sustainably managed ecosystem are
results in the degradation of a service that harms
greater than those from the converted ecosystem, even though the private (market)
other individuals, no market mechanism exists (nor,
benets would be greater from the converted ecosystem. (Where ranges of values
in many cases, could it exist) to ensure that the indiare given in the original source, lower estimates are plotted here.)
viduals harmed are compensated for the damages
they suffer.
Wealthy populations cannot be insulated from
the degradation of ecosystem services. [3] Agriculture, sheries, and forestry once formed the bulk of
national economies, and the control of natural
resources dominated policy agendas. But while
these natural resource industries are often still
important, the relative economic and political signicance of other industries in industrial countries
has grown over the past century as a result of the
ongoing transition from agricultural to industrial
and service economies, urbanization, and the development of new technologies to increase the production of some services and provide substitutes for
others. Nevertheless, the degradation of ecosystem
services inuences human well-being in industrial
regions and among wealthy populations in developing countries in many ways:
The physical, economic, or social impacts of
ecosystem service degradation may cross boundaries. (See Figure 10.) For example, land degradation
and associated dust storms or res in one country
can degrade air quality in other countries nearby.
Degradation of ecosystem services exacerbates
poverty in developing countries, which can affect
neighboring industrial countries by slowing
regional economic growth and contributing to the
outbreak of conicts or the migration of refugees.
Changes in ecosystems that contribute to
greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global climate changes that affect all countries.
Many industries still depend directly on ecosystem services. The collapse of sheries, for example, has harmed many communities in industrial
countries. Prospects for the forest, agriculture, shing, and ecotourism industries are all directly tied
Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
to ecosystem services, while other sectors such as
insurance, banking, and health are strongly, if less
directly, inuenced by changes in ecosystem services.
Wealthy populations of people are insulated from the harmWhile degradation of some services may sometimes be warranted to produce a greater gain in other services, often more
ful effects of some aspects of ecosystem degradation, but not all.
degradation of ecosystem services takes place than is in societys
For example, substitutes are typically not available when cultural
interests because many of the services degraded are public
services are lost.
Even though the relative economic importance of agriculgoods. [3] Although people benet from ecosystem services such
as the regulation of air and water quality or the presence of an
ture, sheries, and forestry is declining in industrial countries,
the importance of other ecosystem services such as aesthetic
enjoyment and recreational options is growing.
Figure 9. Economic Benets under Alternate Management

Practices (C5 Box 5.2)


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

It is difcult to assess the implications of ecosystem changes

and to manage ecosystems effectively because many of the
effects are slow to become apparent, because they may be
expressed primarily at some distance from where the ecosystem
was changed, and because the costs and benets of changes
often accrue to different sets of stakeholders. [7] Substantial
inertia (delay in the response of a system to a disturbance) exists
in ecological systems. As a result, long time lags often occur
between a change in a driver and the time when the full consequences of that change become apparent. For example, phosphorus is accumulating in large quantities in many agricultural soils,
threatening rivers, lakes, and coastal oceans with increased eutrophication. But it may take years or decades for the full impact of
the phosphorus to become apparent through erosion and other
processes. Similarly, it will take centuries for global temperatures
to reach equilibrium with changed concentrations of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere and even more time for biological systems
to respond to the changes in climate.
Moreover, some of the impacts of ecosystem changes may be
experienced only at some distance from where the change
occurred. For example, changes in upstream catchments affect
water ow and water quality in downstream regions; similarly,
the loss of an important sh nursery area in a coastal wetland
may diminish sh catch some distance away. Both the inertia in
ecological systems and the temporal and spatial separation of
costs and benets of ecosystem changes often result in situations
where the individuals experiencing harm from ecosystem changes
(future generations, say, or downstream landowners) are not the
same as the individuals gaining the benets. These temporal and
spatial patterns make it extremely difcult to fully assess costs
and benets associated with ecosystem changes or to attribute
costs and benets to different stakeholders. Moreover, the institutional arrangements now in place to manage ecosystems are
poorly designed to cope with these challenges.

Disease emergence. If, on average, each infected person infects

at least one other person, then an epidemic spreads, while if the
infection is transferred on average to less than one person, the
epidemic dies out. During the 199798 El Nio, excessive ooding caused cholera epidemics in Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique. Warming of the African Great Lakes
due to climate change may create conditions that increase the
risk of cholera transmission in the surrounding countries.
Eutrophication and hypoxia. Once a threshold of nutrient
loading is achieved, changes in freshwater and coastal ecosystems
can be abrupt and extensive, creating harmful algal blooms
(including blooms of toxic species) and sometimes leading to the
formation of oxygen-depleted zones, killing most animal life.

Figure 10. Dust Cloud off the Northwest Coast

of Africa, March 6, 2004

In this image, the storm covers about one fth of Earths circumference. The dust clouds travel thousands of kilometers and fertilize
the water off the west coast of Florida with iron. This has been linked
to blooms of toxic algae in the region and respiratory problems in
North America and has affected coral reefs in the Caribbean. Degradation of drylands exacerbates problems associated with dust storms.

Increased Likelihood of Nonlinear

(Stepped) and Potentially
Abrupt Changes in Ecosystems
There is established but incomplete evidence that changes being
made in ecosystems are increasing the likelihood of nonlinear
changes in ecosystems (including accelerating, abrupt, and
potentially irreversible changes), with important consequences
for human well-being. [7] Changes in ecosystems generally take
place gradually. Some changes are nonlinear, however: once a
threshold is crossed, the system changes to a very different
state. And these nonlinear changes are sometimes abrupt; they
can also be large in magnitude and difcult, expensive, or
impossible to reverse. Capabilities for predicting some nonlinear changes are improving, but for most ecosystems and for
most potential nonlinear changes, while science can often warn
of increased risks of change it cannot predict the thresholds
at which the change will be encountered. Examples of largemagnitude nonlinear changes include:

Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Earth Observatory

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Fisheries collapse. For example, the Atlantic cod stocks off

structure or functioning. In addition, growing pressures from
the east coast of Newfoundland collapsed in 1992, forcing the
drivers such as overharvesting, climate change, invasive species,
closure of the shery after hundreds of years of exploitation.
and nutrient loading push ecosystems toward thresholds that they
(See Figure 11.) Most important, depleted stocks may take
might otherwise not encounter.
years to recover, or not recover at all, even if harvesting is signicantly reduced or eliminated entirely.
Exacerbation of Poverty for Some
Species introductions and losses. The introduction of the zebra
Individuals and Groups of People and
mussel into aquatic systems in the United States, for instance,
Contribution to Growing Inequities and
resulted in the extirpation of native clams in Lake St. Clair and
Disparities across Groups of People
annual costs of $100 million to the power industry and other users.
Despite the progress achieved in increasing the production and
Regional climate change. Deforestation generally leads to
use of some ecosystem services, levels of poverty remain high,
decreased rainfall. Since forest existence crucially depends on
inequities are growing, and many people still do not have a
rainfall, the relationship between forest loss and precipitation
sufcient supply of or access to ecosystem services. [3]
In 2001, 1.1 billion people survived on less than $1 per
decrease can form a positive feedback, which, under certain conditions, can lead to a nonlinear change in forest cover.
day of income, with roughly 70% of them in rural areas where
The growing bushmeat trade poses particularly signicant
they are highly dependent on agriculture, grazing, and hunting
threats associated with nonlinear changes, in this case acceleratfor subsistence.
ing rates of change. [7] Growth in the
use and trade of bushmeat is placing
Figure 11. Collapse of Atlantic Cod Stocks Off the East Coast
increasing pressure on many species,
of Newfoundland in 1992 (CF Box 2.4)
especially in Africa and Asia. While the
population size of harvested species may
This collapse forced the closure of the shery after hundreds of years of exploitation. Until the
decline gradually with increasing harvest
late 1950s, the shery was exploited by migratory seasonal eets and resident inshore smallfor some time, once the harvest exceeds
scale shers. From the late 1950s, offshore bottom trawlers began exploiting the deeper part
sustainable levels, the rate of decline of
of the stock, leading to a large catch increase and a strong decline in the underlying biomass.
populations of the harvested species will
Internationally agreed quotas in the early 1970s and, following the declaration by Canada of an
tend to accelerate. This could place them
Exclusive Fishing Zone in 1977, national quota systems ultimately failed to arrest and reverse the
at risk of extinction and also reduce the
decline. The stock collapsed to extremely low levels in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and a
food supply of people dependent on
moratorium on commercial shing was declared in June 1992. A small commercial inshore shery
was reintroduced in 1998, but catch rates declined and the shery was closed indenitely in 2003.
these resources in the longer term. At the
same time, the bushmeat trade involves
relatively high levels of interaction
between humans and some relatively
900 000
closely related wild animals that are
eaten. Again, this increases the risk of a
800 000
nonlinear change, in this case the emergence of new and serious pathogens.
700 000
Given the speed and magnitude of international travel today, new pathogens
600 000
could spread rapidly around the world.
The increased likelihood of these
500 000
nonlinear changes stems from the loss of
biodiversity and growing pressures from
400 000
multiple direct drivers of ecosystem
change. [7] The loss of species and
300 000
genetic diversity decreases the resilience
of ecosystems, which is the level of disturbance that an ecosystem can undergo
200 000
without crossing a threshold to a different

100 000


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Inequality in income and other measures of human wellbeing has increased over the past decade. A child born in subSaharan Africa is 20 times more likely to die before age 5 than a
child born in an industrial country, and this disparity is higher
than it was a decade ago. During the 1990s, 21 countries experienced declines in their rankings in the Human Development
Index (an aggregate measure of economic well-being, health, and
education); 14 of them were in sub-Saharan Africa.
Despite the growth in per capita food production in the past
four decades, an estimated 852 million people were undernourished in 200002, up 37 million from the period 199799. South
Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, the regions with the largest numbers
of undernourished people, are also the regions where growth in
per capita food production has lagged the most. Most notably,
per capita food production has declined in sub-Saharan Africa.
Some 1.1 billion people still lack access to improved water
supply, and more than 2.6 billion lack access to improved sanitation. Water scarcity affects roughly 12 billion people worldwide. Since 1960, the ratio of water use to accessible supply has
grown by 20% per decade.
The degradation of ecosystem services is harming many of
the worlds poorest people and is sometimes the principal factor
causing poverty. [3, 6]
Half the urban population in Africa, Asia, Latin America,
and the Caribbean suffers from one or more diseases associated
with inadequate water and sanitation. Worldwide, approximately
1.7 million people die annually as a result of inadequate water,
sanitation, and hygiene.
The declining state of capture sheries is reducing an inexpensive source of protein in developing countries. Per capita sh
consumption in developing countries, excluding China, declined
between 1985 and 1997.
Desertication affects the livelihoods of millions of people,
including a large portion of the poor in drylands.
The pattern of winners and losers associated with
ecosystem changesand in particular the impact of ecosystem
changes on poor people, women, and indigenous peoples
has not been adequately taken into account in management
decisions. [3, 6] Changes in ecosystems typically yield benets
for some people and exact costs on others who may either lose
access to resources or livelihoods or be affected by externalities
associated with the change. For several reasons, groups such as
the poor, women, and indigenous communities have tended to
be harmed by these changes.
Many changes in ecosystem management have involved the
privatization of what were formerly common pool resources.
Individuals who depended on those resources (such as indigenous peoples, forest-dependent communities, and other groups
relatively marginalized from political and economic sources of
power) have often lost rights to the resources.
Some of the people and places affected by changes in ecosystems and ecosystem services are highly vulnerable and poorly
equipped to cope with the major changes in ecosystems that may
occur. Highly vulnerable groups include those whose needs for

ecosystem services already exceed the supply, such as people lacking adequate clean water supplies, and people living in areas with
declining per capita agricultural production.
Signicant differences between the roles and rights of men
and women in many societies lead to increased vulnerability of
women to changes in ecosystem services.
The reliance of the rural poor on ecosystem services is rarely
measured and thus typically overlooked in national statistics and
poverty assessments, resulting in inappropriate strategies that do
not take into account the role of the environment in poverty
reduction. For example, a recent study that synthesized data from
17 countries found that 22% of household income for rural
communities in forested regions comes from sources typically not
included in national statistics, such as harvesting wild food, fuelwood, fodder, medicinal plants, and timber. These activities generated a much higher proportion of poorer families total income
than of wealthy families, and this income was of particular signicance in periods of both predictable and unpredictable shortfalls in other livelihood sources.
Development prospects in dryland regions of developing
countries are especially dependent on actions to avoid the degradation of ecosystems and slow or reverse degradation where it
is occurring. [3, 5] Dryland systems cover about 41% of Earths
land surface and more than 2 billion people inhabit them, more
than 90% of whom are in developing countries. Dryland ecosystems (encompassing both rural and urban regions of drylands)
experienced the highest population growth rate in the 1990s of
any of the systems examined in the MA. (See Figure 12.)
Although drylands are home to about one third of the human
population, they have only 8% of the worlds renewable water
supply. Given the low and variable rainfall, high temperatures,
low soil organic matter, high costs of delivering services such as
electricity or piped water, and limited investment in infrastructure
due to the low population density, people living in drylands face
many challenges. They also tend to have the lowest levels of
human well-being, including the lowest per capita GDP and the
highest infant mortality rates.
The combination of high variability in environmental conditions and relatively high levels of poverty leads to situations
where people can be highly vulnerable to changes in ecosystems,
although the presence of these conditions has led to the development of very resilient land management strategies. Pressures on
dryland ecosystems already exceed sustainable levels for some
ecosystem services, such as soil formation and water supply, and
are growing. Per capita water availability is currently only two
thirds of the level required for minimum levels of human wellbeing. Approximately 1020% of the worlds drylands are
degraded (medium certainty) directly harming the people living
in these areas and indirectly harming a larger population through
biophysical impacts (dust storms, greenhouse gas emissions, and
regional climate change) and through socioeconomic impacts

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Figure 12. Human Population Growth Rates, 19902000, and Per Capita GDP and Biological

Productivity in 2000 in MA Ecological Systems (C.SDM)

MA systems with the lowest net primary productivity and lowest GDP tended to have the highest population growth rates between 1990 and 2000.
Urban, inland water, and marine systems are not included due to the somewhat arbitrary nature of determining net primary productivity of the
system (urban) or population growth and GDP (freshwater and marine) for them.
Population growth
between 1990 and 2000

Net primary

Population growth
between 1990 and 2000




Gross domestic
dollars per capita
20 000




16 000




12 000


8 000


4 000


in percentage



kg / sq. meter/ year



Forest and woodland

Population growth

in percentage


Net primary productivity





Forest and woodland


Gross domestic product

Sources: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

(human migration and deepening poverty sometimes contributing to conict and instability). Despite these tremendous challenges, people living in drylands and their land management
systems have a proven resilience and the capability of preventing
land degradation, although this can be either undermined or
enhanced by public policies and development strategies.
Finding #3: The degradation of ecosystem services could grow

signicantly worse during the rst half of this century and is a

barrier to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
The MA developed four scenarios to explore plausible futures for
ecosystems and human well-being. (See Box 1.) The scenarios
explored two global development paths, one in which the world
becomes increasingly globalized and the other in which it becomes
increasingly regionalized, as well as two different approaches to
ecosystem management, one in which actions are reactive and most
problems are addressed only after they become obvious and the
other in which ecosystem management is proactive and policies
deliberately seek to maintain ecosystem services for the long term.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Most of the direct drivers of change in ecosystems currently

remain constant or are growing in intensity in most ecosystems. (See Figure 13.) In all four MA scenarios, the pressures
on ecosystems are projected to continue to grow during the
rst half of this century. [4, 5] The most important direct
drivers of change in ecosystems are habitat change (land use
change and physical modication of rivers or water withdrawal
from rivers), overexploitation, invasive alien species, pollution,
and climate change. These direct drivers are often synergistic.
For example, in some locations land use change can result in
greater nutrient loading (if the land is converted to high-intensity
agriculture), increased emissions of greenhouse gases (if forest is
cleared), and increased numbers of invasive species (due to the
disturbed habitat).
Habitat transformation, particularly from conversion to agriculture: Under the MA scenarios, a further 1020% of grassland
and forestland is projected to be converted between 2000 and
2050 (primarily to agriculture), as Figure 2 illustrated. The projected land conversion is concentrated in low-income countries
and dryland regions. Forest cover is projected to continue to
increase within industrial countries.

Overexploitation, especially overshing: Over much of the

world, the biomass of sh targeted in sheries (including that of
both the target species and those caught incidently) has been
reduced by 90% relative to levels prior to the onset of industrial
shing, and the sh being harvested are increasingly coming
from the less valuable lower trophic levels as populations of
higher trophic level species are depleted, as shown in Figure 6.
These pressures continue to grow in all the MA scenarios.
Invasive alien species: The spread of invasive alien species and
disease organisms continues to increase because of both deliberate translocations and accidental introductions related to growing
trade and travel, with signicant harmful consequences to native
species and many ecosystem services.
Pollution, particularly nutrient loading: Humans have already
doubled the ow of reactive nitrogen on the continents, and
some projections suggest that this may increase by roughly a

further two thirds by 2050. (See Figure 14.) Three out of four
MA scenarios project that the global ux of nitrogen to coastal
ecosystems will increase by a further 1020% by 2030 (medium
certainty), with almost all of this increase occurring in developing
countries. Excessive ows of nitrogen contribute to eutrophication of freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems and acidication of freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems (with implications
for biodiversity in these ecosystems). To some degree, nitrogen
also plays a role in creation of ground-level ozone (which leads to
loss of agricultural and forest productivity), destruction of ozone
in the stratosphere (which leads to depletion of the ozone layer
and increased UV-B radiation on Earth, causing increased incidence of skin cancer), and climate change. The resulting health
effects include the consequences of ozone pollution on asthma
and respiratory function, increased allergies and asthma due to
increased pollen production, the risk of blue-baby syndrome,

Box 1. MA Scenarios
The MA developed four scenarios to explore
plausible futures for ecosystems and human
well-being based on different assumptions
about driving forces of change and their
possible interactions:
Global Orchestration This scenario
depicts a globally connected society that
focuses on global trade and economic liberalization and takes a reactive approach to ecosystem problems but that also takes strong
steps to reduce poverty and inequality and
to invest in public goods such as infrastructure and education. Economic growth in this
scenario is the highest of the four scenarios,
while it is assumed to have the lowest population in 2050.
Order from Strength This scenario represents a regionalized and fragmented world,
concerned with security and protection,
emphasizing primarily regional markets, paying little attention to public goods, and taking
a reactive approach to ecosystem problems.
Economic growth rates are the lowest of the
scenarios (particularly low in developing countries) and decrease with time, while population growth is the highest.
Adapting Mosaic In this scenario, regional
watershed-scale ecosystems are the focus of
political and economic activity. Local institutions are strengthened and local ecosystem
management strategies are common; societies develop a strongly proactive approach to
the management of ecosystems. Economic
growth rates are somewhat low initially but

increase with time, and population in 2050 is

nearly as high as in Order from Strength.
TechnoGarden This scenario depicts a
globally connected world relying strongly
on environmentally sound technology, using
highly managed, often engineered, ecosystems to deliver ecosystem services, and taking a proactive approach to the management
of ecosystems in an effort to avoid problems.
Economic growth is relatively high and accelerates, while population in 2050 is in the midrange of the scenarios.
The scenarios are not predictions; instead
they were developed to explore the unpredictable features of change in drivers and ecosystem services. No scenario represents
business as usual, although all begin from
current conditions and trends.
Both quantitative models and qualitative analyses were used to develop the scenarios. For some drivers (such as land use
change and carbon emissions) and ecosystem services (water withdrawals, food production), quantitative projections were calculated using established, peer-reviewed global
models. Other drivers (such as rates of technological change and economic growth), ecosystem services (particularly supporting and
cultural services, such as soil formation and
recreational opportunities), and human wellbeing indicators (such as human health and
social relations) were estimated qualitatively.
In general, the quantitative models used
for these scenarios addressed incremen-

tal changes but failed to address thresholds,

risk of extreme events, or impacts of large,
extremely costly, or irreversible changes in
ecosystem services. These phenomena were
addressed qualitatively by considering the
risks and impacts of large but unpredictable
ecosystem changes in each scenario.
Three of the scenarios Global Orchestration, Adapting Mosaic, and TechnoGarden
incorporate signicant changes in policies
aimed at addressing sustainable development
challenges. In Global Orchestration trade barriers are eliminated, distorting subsidies are
removed, and a major emphasis is placed
on eliminating poverty and hunger. In Adapting Mosaic, by 2010, most countries are
spending close to 13% of their GDP on education (as compared to an average of 3.5% in
2000), and institutional arrangements to promote transfer of skills and knowledge among
regional groups proliferate. In TechnoGarden
policies are put in place to provide payment
to individuals and companies that provide or
maintain the provision of ecosystem services.
For example, in this scenario, by 2015,
roughly 50% of European agriculture, and
10% of North American agriculture is aimed
at balancing the production of food with the
production of other ecosystem services.
Under this scenario, signicant advances
occur in the development of environmental
technologies to increase production of services, create substitutes, and reduce harmful trade-offs.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Figure 13. Main Direct Drivers of Change in Biodiversity and Ecosystems (CWG)
The cell color indicates impact of each driver on biodiversity in each type of ecosystem over the past 50100 years. High impact means that over the
last century the particular driver has signicantly altered biodiversity in that biome; low impact indicates that it has had little inuence on biodiversity in the
biome. The arrows indicate the trend in the driver. Horizontal arrows indicate a continuation of the current level of impact; diagonal and vertical arrows
indicate progressively increasing trends in impact. Thus, for example, if an ecosystem had experienced a very high impact of a particular driver in the past
century (such as the impact of invasive species on islands), a horizontal arrow indicates that this very high impact is likely to continue. This Figure is based
on expert opinion consistent with and based on the analysis of drivers of change in the various chapters of the assessment report of the MA Condition and
Trends Working Group. The Figure presents global impacts and trends that may be different from those in specic regions.







Temperate grassland


Tropical grassland
and savanna

Inland water

Drivers impact on biodiversity

over the last century


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Drivers current trends


Decreasing impact


Continuing impact


Increasing impact

Very high

Very rapid increase

of the impact

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

increased risk of cancer and other chronic diseases from nitrates

in drinking water, and increased risk of a variety of pulmonary
and cardiac diseases from the production of ne particles in
the atmosphere.
Anthropogenic Climate Change: Observed recent changes in
climate, especially warmer regional temperatures, have already
had signicant impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, including
causing changes in species distributions, population sizes, the
timing of reproduction or migration events, and an increase in
the frequency of pest and disease outbreaks. Many coral reefs
have undergone major, although often partially reversible,
bleaching episodes when local sea surface temperatures have
increased during one month by 0.51o Celsius above the average
of the hottest months
By the end of the century, climate change and its impacts may
be the dominant direct driver of biodiversity loss and changes in
ecosystem services globally. The scenarios developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change project an increase in
global mean surface temperature of 2.06.4o Celsius above preindustrial levels by 2100, increased incidence of oods and
droughts, and a rise in sea level of an additional 888 centimeters between 1990 and 2100. Harm to biodiversity will grow
worldwide with increasing rates of change in climate and increasing absolute amounts of change. In contrast, some ecosystem services in some regions may initially be enhanced by projected
changes in climate (such as increases in temperature or precipitation), and thus these regions may experience net benets at low
levels of climate change. As climate change becomes more severe,
however, the harmful impacts on ecosystem services outweigh the
benets in most regions of the world. The balance of scientic
evidence suggests that there will be a signicant net harmful
impact on ecosystem services worldwide if global mean surface
temperature increases more than 2o Celsius above preindustrial
levels or at rates greater than 0.2o Celsius per decade (medium
certainty). There is a wide band of uncertainty in the amount of
warming that would result from any stabilized greenhouse gas
concentration, but based on IPCC projections this would require
an eventual CO2 stabilization level of less than 450 parts per million carbon dioxide (medium certainty).
Under all four MA scenarios, the projected changes in drivers
result in signicant growth in consumption of ecosystem services, continued loss of biodiversity, and further degradation of
some ecosystem services. [5]
During the next 50 years, demand for food crops is projected to grow by 7085% under the MA scenarios, and demand
for water by between 30% and 85%. Water withdrawals in developing countries are projected to increase signicantly under the
scenarios, although these are projected to decline in industrial
countries (medium certainty).
Food security is not achieved under the MA scenarios by
2050, and child malnutrition is not eradicated (and is projected to
increase in some regions in some MA scenarios) despite increasing
food supply and more diversied diets (medium certainty).

A deterioration of the services provided by freshwater

resources (such as aquatic habitat, sh production, and water
supply for households, industry, and agriculture) is found in the
scenarios, particularly in those that are reactive to environmental
problems (medium certainty).
Habitat loss and other ecosystem changes are projected to
lead to a decline in local diversity of native species in all four MA
scenarios by 2050 (high certainty). Globally, the equilibrium
number of plant species is projected to be reduced by roughly
1015% as the result of habitat loss alone over the period of
1970 to 2050 in the MA scenarios (low certainty), and other

Figure 14. Global Trends in the Creation of

Reactive Nitrogen on Earth by Human

Activity, with Projection to 2050

(R9 Fig 9.1)

Most of the reactive nitrogen produced by humans comes from

manufacturing nitrogen for synthetic fertilizer and industrial use.
Reactive nitrogen is also created as a by-product of fossil fuel
combustion and by some (nitrogen-xing) crops and trees in
agroecosystems. The range of the natural rate of bacterial nitrogen
xation in natural terrestrial ecosystems (excluding xation in
agroecosystems) is shown for comparison. Human activity now
produces approximately as much reactive nitrogen as natural processes
do on the continents. (Note: The 2050 projection is included in the
original study and is not based on MA Scenarios.)







Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


factors such as overharvesting, invasive species, pollution, and

climate change will further increase the rate of extinction.
The degradation of ecosystem services poses a signicant barrier to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
and the MDG targets for 2015. [3] The eight Millennium
Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2000 aim
to improve human well-being by reducing poverty, hunger, child
and maternal mortality, by ensuring education for all, by controlling and managing diseases, by tackling gender disparity, by
ensuring environmental sustainability, and by pursuing global
partnerships. Under each of the MDGs, countries have agreed to
targets to be achieved by 2015. Many of the regions facing the
greatest challenges in achieving these targets coincide with
regions facing the greatest problems of ecosystem degradation.
Although socioeconomic policy changes will play a primary role
in achieving most of the MDGs, many of the targets (and goals)
are unlikely to be achieved without signicant improvement in
management of ecosystems. The role of ecosystem changes in exacerbating poverty (Goal 1, Target 1) for some groups of people has
been described already, and the goal of environmental sustainability, including access to safe drinking water (Goal 7, Targets 9, 10,
and 11), cannot be achieved as long as most ecosystem services are
being degraded. Progress toward three other MDGs is particularly
dependent on sound ecosystem management:
Hunger (Goal 1, Target 2): All four MA scenarios project
progress in the elimination of hunger but at rates far slower than
needed to attain the internationally agreed target of halving,
between 1990 and 2015, the share of people suffering from hunger. Moreover, the improvements are slowest in the regions in
which the problems are greatest: South Asia and sub-Saharan
Africa. Ecosystem condition, in particular climate, soil degradation, and water availability, inuences progress toward this goal
through its effect on crop yields as well as through impacts on
the availability of wild sources of food.
Child mortality (Goal 4): Undernutrition is the underlying
cause of a substantial proportion of all child deaths. Three of the
MA scenarios project reductions in child undernourishment by
2050 of between 10% and 60% but undernourishment increases
by 10% in Order from Strength (low certainty). Child mortality is
also strongly inuenced by diseases associated with water quality.
Diarrhea is one of the predominant causes of infant deaths worldwide. In sub-Saharan Africa, malaria additionally plays an important part in child mortality in many countries of the region.
Disease (Goal 6): In the more promising MA scenarios,
progress toward Goal 6 is achieved, but under Order from
Strength it is plausible that health and social conditions for the
North and South could further diverge, exacerbating health
problems in many low-income regions. Changes in ecosystems


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

inuence the abundance of human pathogens such as malaria

and cholera as well as the risk of emergence of new diseases.
Malaria is responsible for 11% of the disease burden in Africa,
and it is estimated that Africas GDP could have been $100 billion larger in 2000 (roughly a 25% increase) if malaria had been
eliminated 35 years ago. The prevalence of the following infectious diseases is particularly strongly inuenced by ecosystem
change: malaria, schistosomiasis, lymphatic lariasis, Japanese
encephalitis, dengue fever, leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, meningitis, cholera, West Nile virus, and Lyme disease.
Finding #4: The challenge of reversing the degradation of
ecosystems while meeting increasing demands for their services can be partially met under some scenarios that the MA
considered, but these involve signicant changes in policies,
institutions, and practices that are not currently under way.
Many options exist to conserve or enhance specic ecosystem
services in ways that reduce negative trade-offs or that provide positive synergies with other ecosystem services.

Three of the four MA scenarios show that signicant changes

in policies, institutions, and practices can mitigate many of the
negative consequences of growing pressures on ecosystems,
although the changes required are large and not currently under
way. [5] All provisioning, regulating, and cultural ecosystem
services are projected to be in worse condition in 2050 than they
are today in only one of the four MA scenarios (Order from
Strength). At least one of the three categories of services is in better condition in 2050 than in 2000 in the other three scenarios.
(See Figure 15.) The scale of interventions that result in these
positive outcomes are substantial and include signicant investments in environmentally sound technology, active adaptive
management, proactive action to address environmental problems before their full consequences are experienced, major investments in public goods (such as education and health), strong
action to reduce socioeconomic disparities and eliminate poverty,
and expanded capacity of people to manage ecosystems adaptively. However, even in scenarios where one or more categories
of ecosystem services improve, biodiversity continues to be lost
and thus the long-term sustainability of actions to mitigate
degradation of ecosystem services is uncertain.
Past actions to slow or reverse the degradation of ecosystems have yielded signicant benets, but these improvements have generally not kept pace with growing pressures
and demands. [8] Although most ecosystem services assessed in
the MA are being degraded, the extent of that degradation
would have been much greater without responses implemented
in past decades. For example, more than 100,000 protected
areas (including strictly protected areas such as national parks
as well as areas managed for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems, including timber or wildlife harvest) covering about

Figure 15. Number of Ecosystem Services Enhanced or Degraded by 2050 in the Four MA Scenarios
The Figure shows the net change in the number of ecosystem services enhanced or degraded in the MA scenarios in each category of services for
industrial and developing countries expressed as a percentage of the total number of services evaluated in that category. Thus, 100% degradation
means that all the services in the category were degraded in 2050 compared with 2000, while 50% improvement could mean that three out of six
services were enhanced and the rest were unchanged or that four out of six were enhanced and one was degraded. The total number of services
evaluated for each category was six provisioning services, nine regulating services, and ve cultural services.
Changes in ecosystem services
in percentage

Global Orchestration

Order from Strength

80 Provisioning

Adapting Mosaic

Regulating Cultural






Regulating Cultural


Industrial countries


Developing countries


Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

11.7% of the terrestrial surface have now been established, and

these play an important role in the conservation of biodiversity
and ecosystem services (although important gaps in the distribution of protected areas remain, particularly in marine and freshwater systems). Technological advances have also helped lessen
the increase in pressure on ecosystems caused per unit increase in
demand for ecosystem services.
Substitutes can be developed for some but not all ecosystem
services, but the cost of substitutes is generally high, and substitutes may also have other negative environmental consequences. [8] For example, the substitution of vinyl, plastics, and
metal for wood has contributed to relatively slow growth in
global timber consumption in recent years. But while the availability of substitutes can reduce pressure on specic ecosystem
services, they may not always have positive net benets on the
environment. Substitution of fuelwood by fossil fuels, for example, reduces pressure on forests and lowers indoor air pollution
but it also increases net greenhouse gas emissions. Substitutes are
also often costlier to provide than the original ecosystem services.

Ecosystem degradation can rarely be reversed without actions

that address the negative effects or enhance the positive effects
of one or more of the ve indirect drivers of change: population
change (including growth and migration), change in economic
activity (including economic growth, disparities in wealth, and
trade patterns), sociopolitical factors (including factors ranging
from the presence of conict to public participation in decision-making), cultural factors, and technological change. [4]
Collectively these factors inuence the level of production and
consumption of ecosystem services and the sustainability of the
production. Both economic growth and population growth lead
to increased consumption of ecosystem services, although the
harmful environmental impacts of any particular level of consumption depend on the efciency of the technologies used to
produce the service. Too often, actions to slow ecosystem degradation do not address these indirect drivers. For example, forest

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


management is inuenced more strongly by actions outside the

forest sector, such as trade policies and institutions, macroeconomic policies, and policies in other sectors such as agriculture,
infrastructure, energy, and mining, than by those within it.
An effective set of responses to ensure the sustainable management of ecosystems must address the indirect and drivers
just described and must overcome barriers related to [8]:
Inappropriate institutional and governance arrangements,
including the presence of corruption and weak systems of regulation and accountability.
Market failures and the misalignment of economic incentives.
Social and behavioral factors, including the lack of political
and economic power of some groups (such as poor people,
women, and indigenous peoples) that are particularly dependent
on ecosystem services or harmed by their degradation.
Underinvestment in the development and diffusion of technologies that could increase the efciency of use of ecosystem
services and could reduce the harmful impacts of various drivers
of ecosystem change.
Insufcient knowledge (as well as the poor use of existing
knowledge) concerning ecosystem services and management,
policy, technological, behavioral, and institutional responses
that could enhance benets from these services while conserving resources.
All these barriers are further compounded by weak human and
institutional capacity related to the assessment and management
of ecosystem services, underinvestment in the regulation and
management of their use, lack of public awareness, and lack of
awareness among decision-makers of both the threats posed by
the degradation of ecosystem services and the opportunities that
more sustainable management of ecosystems could provide.
The MA assessed 74 response options for ecosystem services,
integrated ecosystem management, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and climate change. Many of these
options hold signicant promise for overcoming these barriers
and conserving or sustainably enhancing the supply of ecosystem
services. Promising options for specic sectors are shown in Box
2, while cross-cutting responses addressing key obstacles are
described in the remainder of this section.

Institutions and Governance

Changes in institutional and environmental governance frameworks are sometimes required to create the enabling conditions
for effective management of ecosystems, while in other cases
existing institutions could meet these needs but face signicant
barriers. [8] Many existing institutions at both the global and the
national level have the mandate to address the degradation of
ecosystem services but face a variety of challenges in doing so
related in part to the need for greater cooperation across sectors
and the need for coordinated responses at multiple scales.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

However, since a number of the issues identied in this assessment are recent concerns and were not specically taken into
account in the design of todays institutions, changes in existing
institutions and the development of new ones may sometimes be
needed, particularly at the national scale.
In particular, existing national and global institutions are not
well designed to deal with the management of common pool
resources, a characteristic of many ecosystem services. Issues of
ownership and access to resources, rights to participation in
decision-making, and regulation of particular types of resource
use or discharge of wastes can strongly inuence the sustainability of ecosystem management and are fundamental determinants
of who wins and loses from changes in ecosystems. Corruption, a
major obstacle to effective management of ecosystems, also stems
from weak systems of regulation and accountability.
Promising interventions include:
Integration of ecosystem management goals within other sectors
and within broader development planning frameworks. The most
important public policy decisions affecting ecosystems are often
made by agencies and in policy arenas other than those charged
with protecting ecosystems. For example, the Poverty Reduction
Strategies prepared by developing-country governments for the
World Bank and other institutions strongly shape national
development priorities, but in general these have not taken into
account the importance of ecosystems to improving the basic
human capabilities of the poorest.
Increased coordination among multilateral environmental
agreements and between environmental agreements and other international economic and social institutions. International agreements
are indispensable for addressing ecosystem-related concerns that
span national boundaries, but numerous obstacles weaken their
current effectiveness. Steps are now being taken to increase the
coordination among these mechanisms, and this could help to
broaden the focus of the array of instruments. However, coordination is also needed between the multilateral environmental
agreements and more politically powerful international institutions, such as economic and trade agreements, to ensure that
they are not acting at cross-purposes. And implementation of
these agreements needs to be coordinated among relevant institutions and sectors at the national level.
Increased transparency and accountability of government and
private-sector performance on decisions that have an impact on
ecosystems, including through greater involvement of concerned
stakeholders in decision-making. Laws, policies, institutions, and
markets that have been shaped through public participation in
decision-making are more likely to be effective and perceived as
just. Stakeholder participation also contributes to the decisionmaking process because it allows a better understanding of
impacts and vulnerability, the distribution of costs and benets
associated with trade-offs, and the identication of a broader
range of response options that are available in a specic context.
And stakeholder involvement and transparency of decisionmaking can increase accountability and reduce corruption.

Box 2. Examples of Promising and Effective Responses for Specic Sectors

Illustrative examples of response options
specic to particular sectors judged to be
promising or effective are listed below. (See
Appendix B.) A response is considered effective when it enhances the target ecosystem
services and contributes to human well-being
without signicant harm to other services
or harmful impacts on other groups of people. A response is considered promising if it
does not have a long track record to assess
but appears likely to succeed or if there are
known ways of modifying the response so
that it can become effective.
Removal of production subsidies that have
adverse economic, social, and environmental effects.
Investment in, and diffusion of, agricultural
science and technology that can sustain the
necessary increase of food supply without
harmful tradeoffs involving excessive use of
water, nutrients, or pesticides.
Use of response polices that recognize the
role of women in the production and use of
food and that are designed to empower

women and ensure access to and control of

resources necessary for food security.
Application of a mix of regulatory and
incentive- and market-based mechanisms to
reduce overuse of nutrients.
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Reduction of marine shing capacity.
Strict regulation of marine sheries both
regarding the establishment and implementation of quotas and steps to address unreported and unregulated harvest. Individual
transferable quotas may be appropriate in
some cases, particularly for cold water,
single species sheries.
Establishment of appropriate regulatory
systems to reduce the detrimental environmental impacts of aquaculture.
Establishment of marine protected areas
including exible no-take zones.

Payments for ecosystem services provided
by watersheds.
Improved allocation of rights to freshwater
resources to align incentives with conservation needs.

Economics and Incentives

Economic and nancial interventions provide powerful
instruments to regulate the use of ecosystem goods and
services. [8] Because many ecosystem services are not traded in
markets, markets fail to provide appropriate signals that might
otherwise contribute to the efcient allocation and sustainable
use of the services. A wide range of opportunities exists to inuence human behavior to address this challenge in the form of
economic and nancial instruments. However, market mechanisms and most economic instruments can only work effectively
if supporting institutions are in place, and thus there is a need to
build institutional capacity to enable more widespread use of
these mechanisms.
Promising interventions include:
Elimination of subsidies that promote excessive use of ecosystem
services (and, where possible, transfer of these subsidies to payments
for non-marketed ecosystem services). Government subsidies paid to
the agricultural sectors of OECD countries between 2001 and
2003 averaged over $324 billion annually, or one third the global
value of agricultural products in 2000. A signicant proportion
of this total involved production subsidies that led to greater

Increased transparency of information

regarding water management and improved
representation of marginalized stakeholders.
Development of water markets.
Increased emphasis on the use of the natural environment and measures other than
dams and levees for ood control.
Investment in science and technology
to increase the efciency of water use in

Integration of agreed sustainable forest
management practices in nancial institutions, trade rules, global environment programs, and global security decision-making.
Empowerment of local communities in support of initiatives for sustainable use of forest products; these initiatives are collectively
more signicant than efforts led by governments or international processes but require
their support to spread.
Reform of forest governance and development of country-led, strategically focused
national forest programs negotiated by

food production in industrial countries than the global market

conditions warranted, promoted overuse of fertilizers and pesticides in those countries, and reduced the protability of agriculture in developing countries. Many countries outside the OECD
also have inappropriate input and production subsidies, and
inappropriate subsidies are common in other sectors such as
water, sheries, and forestry. Although removal of perverse subsidies will produce net benets, it will not be without costs. Compensatory mechanisms may be needed for poor people who are
adversely affected by the removal of subsidies, and removal of
agricultural subsidies within the OECD would need to be
accompanied by actions designed to minimize adverse impacts
on ecosystem services in developing countries.
Greater use of economic instruments and market-based
approaches in the management of ecosystem services. These include:
Taxes or user fees for activities with external costs (tradeoffs not accounted for in the market). Examples include
taxes on excessive application of nutrients or ecotourism
user fees.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Creation of markets, including through cap-and-trade systems. One of the most rapidly growing markets related to
ecosystem services is the carbon market. Approximately 64
million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent were exchanged
through projects from January to May 2004, nearly as much
as during all of 2003. The value of carbon trades in 2003 was
approximately $300 million. About one quarter of the trades
involved investment in ecosystem services (hydropower or
biomass). It is speculated that this market may grow to $10
billion to $44 billion by 2010. The creation of a market in
the form of a nutrient trading system may also be a low-cost
way to reduce excessive nutrient loading in the United States.
Payment for ecosystem services. For example, in 1996
Costa Rica established a nationwide system of conservation
payments to induce landowners to provide ecosystem services. Under this program, Costa Rica brokers contracts
between international and domestic buyers and local
sellers of sequestered carbon, biodiversity, watershed services, and scenic beauty. Another innovative conservation
nancing mechanism is biodiversity offsets, whereby
developers pay for conservation activities as compensation
for unavoidable harm that a project causes to biodiversity.
Mechanisms to enable consumer preferences to be
expressed through markets. For example, current certication schemes for sustainable sheries and forest practices
provide people with the opportunity to promote sustainability through their consumer choices.

Social and Behavioral Responses

Social and behavioral responsesincluding population policy,
public education, civil society actions, and empowerment of
communities, women, and youthcan be instrumental in
responding to the problem of ecosystem degradation. [8] These
are generally interventions that stakeholders initiate and execute
through exercising their procedural or democratic rights in
efforts to improve ecosystems and human well-being.
Promising interventions include:
Measures to reduce aggregate consumption of unsustainably
managed ecosystem services. The choices about what individuals
consume and how much are inuenced not just by considerations of price but also by behavioral factors related to culture,
ethics, and values. Behavioral changes that could reduce demand
for degraded ecosystem services can be encouraged through
actions by governments (such as education and public awareness
programs or the promotion of demand-side management),
industry (commitments to use raw materials that are from
sources certied as being sustainable, for example, or improved
product labeling), and civil society (through raising public awareness). Efforts to reduce aggregate consumption, however, must
sometimes incorporate measures to increase the access to and
consumption of those same ecosystem services by specic groups
such as poor people.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Communication and education. Improved communication

and education are essential to achieve the objectives of environmental conventions and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation as well as the sustainable management of natural resources
more generally. Both the public and decision-makers can benet
from education concerning ecosystems and human well-being,
but education more generally provides tremendous social benets
that can help address many drivers of ecosystem degradation.
While the importance of communication and education is well
recognized, providing the human and nancial resources to
undertake effective work is a continuing problem.
Empowerment of groups particularly dependent on ecosystem
services or affected by their degradation, including women, indigenous peoples, and young people. Despite womens knowledge about
the environment and the potential they possess, their participation in decision-making has often been restricted by economic,
social, and cultural structures. Young people are also key stakeholders in that they will experience the longer-term consequences
of decisions made today concerning ecosystem services. Indigenous control of traditional homelands can sometimes have environmental benets, although the primary justication continues
to be based on human and cultural rights.

Technological Responses
Given the growing demands for ecosystem services and other
increased pressures on ecosystems, the development and diffusion of technologies designed to increase the efciency of
resource use or reduce the impacts of drivers such as climate
change and nutrient loading are essential. [8] Technological
change has been essential for meeting growing demands for some
ecosystem services, and technology holds considerable promise to
help meet future growth in demand. Technologies already exist
for reduction of nutrient pollution at reasonable costsincluding technologies to reduce point source emissions, changes in
crop management practices, and precision farming techniques to
help control the application of fertilizers to a eld, for example
but new policies are needed for these tools to be applied on a sufcient scale to slow and ultimately reverse the increase in nutrient loading (even while increasing nutrient application in regions
such as sub-Saharan Africa where too little fertilizer is being
applied). However, negative impacts on ecosystems and human
well-being have sometimes resulted from new technologies, and
thus careful assessment is needed prior to their introduction.
Promising interventions include:
Promotion of technologies that enable increased crop yields
without harmful impacts related to water, nutrient, and pesticide
use. Agricultural expansion will continue to be one of the major
drivers of biodiversity loss well into the twenty-rst century.
Development, assessment, and diffusion of technologies that
could increase the production of food per unit area sustainably
without harmful trade-offs related to excessive consumption of
water or use of nutrients or pesticides would signicantly lessen
pressure on other ecosystem services.

Restoration of ecosystem services. Ecosystem restoration activities are now common in many countries. Ecosystems with some
features of the ones that were present before conversion can often
be established and can provide some of the original ecosystem
services. However, the cost of restoration is generally extremely
high compared with the cost of preventing the degradation of the
ecosystem. Not all services can be restored, and heavily degraded
services may require considerable time for restoration.
Promotion of technologies to increase energy efciency and reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. Signicant reductions in net greenhouse
gas emissions are technically feasible due to an extensive array of
technologies in the energy supply, energy demand, and waste
management sectors. Reducing projected emissions will require a
portfolio of energy production technologies ranging from fuel
switching (coal/oil to gas) and increased power plant efciency to
increased use of renewable energy technologies, complemented by
more efcient use of energy in the transportation, buildings, and
industry sectors. It will also involve the development and implementation of supporting institutions and policies to overcome
barriers to the diffusion of these technologies into the marketplace, increased public and private-sector funding for research and
development, and effective technology transfer.

Knowledge Responses
Effective management of ecosystems is constrained both by
the lack of knowledge and information about different aspects
of ecosystems and by the failure to use adequately the information that does exist in support of management decisions.
[8, 9] In most regions, for example, relatively limited information
exists about the status and economic value of most ecosystem

services, and their depletion is rarely tracked in national economic

accounts. Basic global data on the extent and trend in different
types of ecosystems and land use are surprisingly scarce. Models
used to project future environmental and economic conditions
have limited capability of incorporating ecological feedbacks,
including nonlinear changes in ecosystems, as well as behavioral
feedbacks such as learning that may take place through adaptive
management of ecosystems.
At the same time, decision-makers do not use all of the relevant information that is available. This is due in part to institutional failures that prevent existing policy-relevant scientic
information from being made available to decision-makers and
in part to the failure to incorporate other forms of knowledge
and information (such as traditional knowledge and practitioners knowledge) that are often of considerable value for
ecosystem management.
Promising interventions include:
Incorporation of nonmarket values of ecosystems in resource
management and investment decisions. Most resource management
and investment decisions are strongly inuenced by considerations of the monetary costs and benets of alternative policy
choices. Decisions can be improved if they are informed by the
total economic value of alternative management options and
involve deliberative mechanisms that bring to bear noneconomic
considerations as well.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Use of all relevant forms of knowledge and information in

assessments and decision-making, including traditional and practitioners knowledge. Effective management of ecosystems typically
requires place-based knowledgethat is, information about
the specic characteristics and history of an ecosystem. Traditional knowledge or practitioners knowledge held by local
resource managers can often be of considerable value in resource
management, but it is too rarely incorporated into decision-making processes and indeed is often inappropriately dismissed.
Enhancing and sustaining human and institutional capacity for
assessing the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being
and acting on such assessments. Greater technical capacity is


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

needed for agriculture, forest, and sheries management. But the

capacity that exists for these sectors, as limited as it is in many
countries, is still vastly greater than the capacity for effective
management of other ecosystem services.
A variety of frameworks and methods can be used to make
better decisions in the face of uncertainties in data, prediction, context, and scale. Active adaptive management can be a
particularly valuable tool for reducing uncertainty about ecosystem management decisions. [8] Commonly used decisionsupport methods include cost-benet analysis, risk assessment,
multicriteria analysis, the precautionary principle, and vulnerability analysis. Scenarios also provide one means to cope with
many aspects of uncertainty, but our limited understanding of
ecological systems and human responses shrouds any individual
scenario in its own characteristic uncertainty. Active adaptive
management is a tool that can be particularly valuable given the
high levels of uncertainty surrounding coupled socioecological
systems. This involves the design of management programs to
test hypotheses about how components of an ecosystem function and interact, thereby reducing uncertainty about the system more rapidly than would otherwise occur.
Sufcient information exists concerning the drivers of
change in ecosystems, the consequences of changes in ecosystem services for human well-being, and the merits of various
response options to enhance decision-making in support of
sustainable development at all scales. However, many research
needs and information gaps were identied in this assessment,
and actions to address those needs could yield substantial
benets in the form of improved information for policy and
action. [9] Due to gaps in data and knowledge, this assessment
was unable to answer fully a number of questions posed by its
users. Some of these gaps resulted from weaknesses in monitoring systems related to ecosystem services and their linkages with
human well-being. In other cases, the assessment revealed signicant needs for further research, such the need to improve
understanding of nonlinear changes in ecosystems and of the
economic value of alternative management options. Investments in improved monitoring and research, combined with
additional assessments of ecosystem services in different nations
and regions, would signicantly enhance the utility of any
future global assessment of the consequences of ecosystem
change for human well-being.

Key Questions
in the Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment
1. How have ecosystems changed?


2. How have ecosystem services and their uses changed?


3. How have ecosystem changes affected human

well-being and poverty alleviation?

4. What are the most critical factors causing ecosystem changes?


5. How might ecosystems and their services change in the

future under various plausible scenarios?


6. What can be learned about the consequences of ecosystem

change for human well-being at sub-global scales?


7. What is known about time scales, inertia, and the risk

of nonlinear changes in ecosystems?

8. What options exist to manage ecosystems sustainably?


9. What are the most important uncertainties hindering

decision-making concerning ecosystems?


1. How have ecosystems changed?

Ecosystem Structure

he structure of the worlds ecosystems changed more rapidly in the second half of the twentieth century than at
any time in recorded human history, and virtually all of Earths
ecosystems have now been signicantly transformed through
human actions. The most signicant change in the structure of
ecosystems has been the transformation of approximately one
quarter (24%) of Earths terrestrial surface to cultivated systems
(C26.1.2). (See Box 1.1.) More land was converted to cropland
in the 30 years after 1950 than in the 150 years between 1700
and 1850 (C26).
Between 1960 and 2000, reservoir storage capacity quadrupled (C7.2.4); as a result, the amount of water stored behind
large dams is estimated to be three to six times the amount held
by natural river channels (this excludes natural lakes) (C7.3.2).
(See Figure 1.1.) In countries for which sufcient multiyear data
are available (encompassing more than half of the present-day
mangrove area), approximately 35% of mangroves were lost in
the last two decades (C19.2.1). Roughly 20% of the worlds
coral reefs were lost and an additional 20% degraded in the last

several decades of the twentieth century (C19.2.1). Box 1.1 and

Table 1.1 summarize important characteristics and trends in
different ecosystems.
Although the most rapid changes in ecosystems are now taking place in developing countries, industrial countries historically
experienced comparable rates of change. Croplands expanded
rapidly in Europe after 1700 and in North America and the former
Soviet Union particularly after 1850 (C26.1.1). Roughly 70% of
the original temperate forests and grasslands and Mediterranean
forests had been lost by 1950, largely through conversion to agriculture (C4.4.3). Historically, deforestation has been much more
intensive in temperate regions than in the tropics, and Europe
is the continent with the smallest fraction of its original forests
remaining (C21.4.2). However, changes prior to the industrial era
seemed to occur at much slower rates than current transformations.
The ecosystems and biomes that have been most signicantly altered globally by human activity include marine and
freshwater ecosystems, temperate broadleaf forests, temperate
(continued on page 32)

Figure 1.1. Time Series of Intercepted Continental Runoff and Large Reservoir Storage,

19002000 (C7 Fig 7.8)

The series is taken from a subset of large reservoirs (>0.5 cubic kilometers storage each) totaling about 65% of the global total reservoir storage
for which information was available that allowed the reservoir to be georeferenced to river networks and discharge. The years 19602000 have
shown a rapid move toward ow stabilization, which has slowed recently in some parts of the world due to the growing social, economic, and
environmental concerns surrounding large hydraulic engineering works.


5 000
5 000
4 500
4 500
4 000
4 000

3 500
3 500
8 000
8 000
6 000
6 000

3 000
3 000
2 500
2 500
2 000
2 000
1 500
1 500

4 000
4 000
1 000
1 000
2 000
2 000



Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Box 1.1. Characteristics of the Worlds Ecological Systems

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

We report assessment ndings for 10 categories of the land and marine surface, which we
refer to as systems: forest, cultivated, dryland, coastal, marine, urban, polar, inland water,
island, and mountain. Each category contains a
number of ecosystems. However, ecosystems
within each category share a suite of biological,
climatic, and social factors that tend to be similar within categories and differ across categories. The MA reporting categories are not spatially exclusive; their areas often overlap. For
example, transition zones between forest and
cultivated lands are included in both the forest
system and cultivated system reporting categories. These reporting categories were selected
because they correspond to the regions of
responsibility of different government ministries
(such as agriculture, water, forestry, and so
forth) and because they are the categories used
within the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Marine, Coastal, and Island Systems
Marine systems are the worlds oceans. For
mapping purposes, the map shows ocean areas
where the depth is greater than 50 meters.
Global shery catches from marine systems
peaked in the late 1980s and are now declining
despite increasing shing effort (C18.ES).

Coastal systems refer to the interface

between ocean and land, extending seawards
to about the middle of the continental shelf
and inland to include all areas strongly inuenced by proximity to the ocean. The map
shows the area between 50 meters below
mean sea level and 50 meters above the
high tide level or extending landward to a distance 100 kilometers from shore. Coastal
systems include coral reefs, intertidal zones,
estuaries, coastal aquaculture, and seagrass
communities. Nearly half of the worlds major
cities (having more than 500,000 people) are
located within 50 kilometers of the coast,
and coastal population densities are 2.6
times larger than the density of inland areas.
By all commonly used measures, the human
well-being of coastal inhabitants is on average much higher than that of inland communities (C19.3.1).
Islands are lands (both continental and
oceanic) isolated by surrounding water and
with a high proportion of coast to hinterland. For mapping purposes, the MA uses
the ESRI ArcWorld Country Boundary dataset, which contains nearly 12,000 islands.
Islands smaller than 1.5 hectares are not
mapped or included in the statistics. The

largest island included is Greenland. The

map includes islands within 2 kilometers
of the mainland (e.g., Long Island in the
United States), but the statistics provided for
island systems in this report exclude these
islands. Island states, together with their
exclusive economic zones, cover 40% of
the worlds oceans (C23.ES). Island systems
are especially sensitive to disturbances, and
the majority of recorded extinctions have
occurred on island systems, although this
pattern is changing, and over the past 20
years as many extinctions have occurred
on continents as on islands (C4.ES).
Urban, Dryland, and Polar Systems
Urban systems are built environments with
a high human density. For mapping purposes,
the MA uses known human settlements with a
population of 5,000 or more, with boundaries
delineated by observing persistent night-time
lights or by inferring areal extent in the cases
where such observations are absent. The
worlds urban population increased from about
200 million in 1900 to 2.9 billion in 2000,
and the number of cities with populations in
excess of 1 million increased from 17 in 1900
to 388 in 2000 (C27.ES).

(continued on page 28)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Box 1.1. Characteristics of the Worlds Ecological Systems (continued)

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Dryland systems are lands where plant production is limited by water availability; the
dominant human uses are large mammal herbivory, including livestock grazing, and cultivation. The map shows drylands as dened
by the U.N. Convention to Combat Desertication, namely lands where annual precipitation is less than two thirds of potential evapotranspirationfrom dry subhumid areas (ratio
ranges 0.500.65) through semiarid, arid,
and hyperarid (ratio <0.05), but excluding
polar areas. Drylands include cultivated lands,
scrublands, shrublands, grasslands, savannas, semi-deserts, and true deserts. Dryland
systems cover about 41% of Earths land surface and are inhabited by more than 2 billion
people (about one third of the total population) (C22.ES). Croplands cover approximately
25% of drylands (C22 Table 22.2), and dryland
rangelands support approximately 50% of the
worlds livestock (C22). The current socioeconomic condition of people in dryland systems,
of which about 90% are in developing countries, is worse than in other areas. Fresh water
availability in drylands is projected to be further
reduced from the current average of 1,300
cubic meters per person per year in 2000,

which is already below the threshold of 2,000

cubic meters required for minimum human wellbeing and sustainable development (C22.ES).
Approximately 1020% of the worlds drylands
are degraded (medium certainty) (C22.ES).
Polar systems are high-latitude systems frozen for most of the year, including ice caps,
areas underlain by permafrost, tundra, polar
deserts, and polar coastal areas. Polar systems do not include high-altitude cold systems
in low latitudes. Temperature in polar systems is
on average warmer now than at any time in the
last 400 years, resulting in widespread thaw of
permafrost and reduction of sea ice (C25.ES).
Most changes in feedback processes that occur
in polar regions magnify trace gasinduced
global warming trends and reduce the capacity
of polar regions to act as a cooling system for
Earth (C25.ES). Tundra constitutes the largest
natural wetland in the world (C25.1).
Forest Systems
Forest systems are lands dominated by
trees; they are often used for timber, fuelwood, and non-wood forest products. The
map shows areas with a canopy cover of
at least 40% by woody plants taller than 5

meters. Forests include temporarily cut-over

forests and plantations but exclude orchards
and agroforests where the main products are
food crops. The global area of forest systems has been reduced by one half over the
past three centuries. Forests have effectively
disappeared in 25 countries, and another 29
have lost more than 90% of their forest cover
(C21.ES). Forest systems are associated
with the regulation of 57% of total water runoff. About 4.6 billion people depend for all or
some of their water on supplies from forest
systems (C7 Table 7.2). From 1990 to 2000,
the global area of temperate forest increased
by almost 3 million hectares per year, while
deforestation in the tropics occured at an
average rate exceeding 12 million hectares
per year over the past two decades (C.SDM).
Cultivated Systems
Cultivated systems are lands dominated by
domesticated species and used for and substantially changed by crop, agroforestry, or
aquaculture production. The map shows areas
in which at least 30% by area of the landscape
comes under cultivation in any particular year.
Cultivated systems, including croplands,

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

(continued on page 30)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Box 1.1. Characteristics of the Worlds Ecological Systems (continued)

shifting cultivation, conned livestock production, and freshwater aquaculture, cover
approximately 24% of total land area. In
the last two decades, the major areas of
cropland expansion were located in Southeast Asia, parts of South Asia, the Great
Lakes region of eastern Africa, the Amazon
Basin, and the U.S. Great Plains. The major
decreases of cropland occurred in the southeastern United States, eastern China, and
parts of Brazil and Argentina (C26.1.1). Most
of the increase in food demand of the past
50 years has been met by intensication of
crop, livestock, and aquaculture systems
rather than expansion of production area. In
developing countries, over the period 1961
99 expansion of harvested land contributed only 29% to growth in crop production,
although in sub-Saharan Africa expansion
accounted for two thirds of growth in
production (C26.1.1). Increased yields of
crop production systems have reduced the
pressure to convert natural ecosystems into
cropland, but intensication has increased
pressure on inland water ecosystems, generally reduced biodiversity within agricultural

landscapes, and it requires higher energy

inputs in the form of mechanization and the
production of chemical fertilizers. Cultivated
systems provide only 16% of global runoff, although their close proximity to humans
means that about 5 billion people depend for
all or some of their water on supplies from
cultivated systems (C7 Table 7.2). Such proximity is associated with nutrient and industrial
water pollution.
Inland Water and Mountain Systems
Inland water systems are permanent water
bodies inland from the coastal zone and
areas whose properties and use are dominated by the permanent, seasonal, or intermittent occurrence of ooded conditions. Inland
waters include rivers, lakes, oodplains, reservoirs, wetlands, and inland saline systems.
(Note that the wetlands denition used by the
Ramsar Convention includes the MA inland
water and coastal system categories.) The biodiversity of inland waters appears to be in a
worse condition than that of any other system,
driven by declines in both the area of wetlands
and the water quality in inland waters (C4 and

C20). It is speculated that 50% of inland water

area (excluding large lakes) has been lost globally (C20.ES). Dams and other infrastructure
fragment 60% of the large river systems in the
world (C20.4.2).
Mountain systems are steep and high
lands. The map is based on elevation and, at
lower elevations, a combination of elevation,
slope, and local topography. Some 20% (or
1.2 billion) of the worlds people live in mountains or at their edges, and half of humankind
depends, directly or indirectly, on mountain
resources (largely water) (C24.ES). Nearly
all90%of the 1.2 billion people in mountains live in countries with developing or transition economies. In these countries, 7% of
the total mountain area is currently classied as cropland, and people are often highly
dependent on local agriculture or livestock
production (C24.3.2). About 4 billion people
depend for all or some of their water on supplies from mountain systems. Some 90 million mountain peoplealmost all those living
above 2,500 meterslive in poverty and are
considered especially vulnerable to food insecurity (C24.1.4).

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Table 1.1. Comparative Table of Systems as Reported by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (C.SDM)
Note that as described in Box 1.1, the boundaries of these systems often overlap. Statistics for different systems can therefore be compared
but cannot be totaled across systems, as this would result in partial double-counting.
Share of
(million sq. Terrestrial
Surface of

System and

(people per
sq. km.)
Urban Rural



Share of
Covered by
(deaths carbon per
per 1,000 sq. meter
live births) per year)

of Area




























Inland water


























































































Dry subhumid






























Island states







































> 4,500m













161g 0.06g





































(crop and other)



























Area estimates based on GLC2000 dataset for the year 2000 except for cultivated systems where area is based on GLCCD v2 dataset for the years 19921993 (C26 Box1).
Deaths of children less than one year old per 1,000 live births.
Includes only natural protected areas in IUCN categories I to VI.
For all systems except forest/woodland, area transformed is calculated from land depicted as cultivated or urban areas by GLC2000 land cover data set. The area transformed
for forest/woodland systems is calculated as the percentage change in area between potential vegetation (forest biomes of the WWF ecoregions) and current forest/woodland
areas in GLC2000. Note: 22 percent of the forest/woodland system falls outside forest biomes and is therefore not included in this analysis.
Percent of total surface of Earth.
Population density, growth rate, GDP per capita, and growth rate for the inland water system have been calculated with an area buffer of 10 kilometers.
Excluding Antarctica.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


grasslands, Mediterranean forests, and tropical dry forests. (See Figure 1.2 and C18, C20.)
Within marine systems, the worlds demand
for food and animal feed over the last 50 years
has resulted in shing pressure so strong that
the biomass of both targeted species and those
caught incidentally (the bycatch) has been
reduced in much of the world to one tenth
of the levels prior to the onset of industrial
shing (C18.ES). Globally, the degradation
of sheries is also reected in the fact that the
sh being harvested are increasingly coming
from the less valuable lower trophic levels as
populations of higher trophic level species are
depleted. (See Figure 1.3.)
Freshwater ecosystems have been modied
through the creation of dams and through
the withdrawal of water for human use. The
construction of dams and other structures
along rivers has moderately or strongly
affected ows in 60% of the large river systems in the world (C20.4.2). Water removal
for human uses has reduced the ow of
several major rivers, including the Nile, Yellow, and Colorado Rivers, to the extent that
they do not always ow to the sea. As water
ows have declined, so have sediment ows,
which are the source of nutrients important
for the maintenance of estuaries. Worldwide,
although human activities have increased
sediment ows in rivers by about 20%, reservoirs and water diversions prevent about 30%
of sediments from reaching the oceans, resulting in a net reduction of sediment delivery to
estuaries of roughly 10% (C19.ES).
Within terrestrial ecosystems, more than
two thirds of the area of 2 of the worlds 14
major terrestrial biomes (temperate grasslands and Mediterranean forests) and more
than half of the area of 4 other biomes (tropical dry forests, temperate broadleaf forests,
tropical grassland, and ooded grasslands)
had been converted (primarily to agriculture)
by 1990, as Figure 1.3 indicated. Among the
major biomes, only tundra and boreal forests
show negligible levels of loss and conversion,
although they have begun to be affected by
climate change.
Globally, the rate of conversion of ecosystems has begun to slow largely due to reductions in the rate of expansion of cultivated
land, and in some regions (particularly in


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Figure 1.2. Conversion of Terrestrial Biomesa

(Adapted from C4, S10)

It is not possible to estimate accurately the extent of different biomes prior to

signicant human impact, but it is possible to determine the potential area of biomes
based on soil and climatic conditions. This Figure shows how much of that potential
area is estimated to have been converted by 1950 (medium certainty), how much
was converted between 1950 and 1990 (medium certainty), and how much would
be converted under the four MA scenarios (low certainty) between 1990 and 2050.
Mangroves are not included here because the area was too small to be accurately
assessed. Most of the conversion of these biomes is to cultivated systems.

temperate zones) ecosystems are returning to conditions and

species compositions similar to their pre-conversion states. Yet
rates of ecosystem conversion remain high or are increasing for
specic ecosystems and regions. Under the aegis of the MA, the
rst systematic examination of the status and trends in terrestrial
and coastal land cover was carried out using global and regional
datasets. The pattern of deforestation, afforestation, and dryland
degradation between 1980 and 2000 is shown in Figure 1.4.
Opportunities for further expansion of cultivation are diminishing in many regions of the world as most of the land well-suited
for intensive agriculture has been converted to cultivation (C26.
ES). Increased agricultural productivity is also diminishing the
need for agricultural expansion.
As a result of these two factors, a greater fraction of land in
cultivated systems (areas with at least 30% of land cultivated) is
actually being cultivated, the intensity of cultivation of land is
increasing, fallow lengths are decreasing, and management practices are shifting from monocultures to polycultures. Since 1950,
cropland areas have stabilized in North America and decreased
in Europe and China (C26.1.1). Cropland areas in the Former
Soviet Union have decreased since 1960 (C26.1.1). Within temperate and boreal zones, forest cover increased by approximately
2.9 million hectares per year in the 1990s, of which approximately 40% was forest plantations (C21.4.2). In some cases, rates
of conversion of ecosystems have apparently slowed because most
of the ecosystem has now been converted, as is the case with temperate broadleaf forests and Mediterranean forests (C4.4.3)

Ecosystem Processes
Ecosystem processes, including water, nitrogen, carbon, and
phosphorus cycling, changed more rapidly in the second half of
the twentieth century than at any time in recorded human history. Human modications of ecosystems have changed not only
the structure of the systems (such as what habitats or species are
present in a particular location), but their processes and functioning as well. The capacity of ecosystems to provide services
derives directly from the operation of natural biogeochemical
cycles that in some cases have been signicantly modied.
Water Cycle: Water withdrawals from rivers and lakes for irrigation or for urban or industrial use doubled between 1960 and
2000 (C7.2.4). (Worldwide, 70% of water use is for agriculture
(C7.2.2).) Large reservoir construction has doubled or tripled the
residence time of river waterthe average time, that is, that a
drop of water takes to reach the sea (C7.3.2). Globally, humans
use slightly more than 10% of the available renewable freshwater
supply through household, agricultural, and industrial activities
(C7.2.3), although in some regions such as the Middle East and
North Africa, humans use 120% of renewable supplies (the
excess is obtained through the use of groundwater supplies at
rates greater than their rate of recharge) (C7.2.2).
Carbon Cycle: Since 1750, the atmospheric concentration of
carbon dioxide has increased by about 34% (from about 280
parts per million to 376 parts per million in 2003) (S7.3.1).
Approximately 60% of that increase (60 parts per million) has
taken place since 1959. The effect of changes in terrestrial

Figure 1.3. Decline in Trophic Level of Fisheries Catch since 1950 (C18)
A trophic level of an organism is its position in a food chain. Levels are numbered according to how far particular organisms are along the chain from
the primary producers at level 1, to herbivores (level 2), to predators (level 3), to carnivores or top carnivores (level 4 or 5). Fish at higher trophic levels
are typically of higher economic value. The decline in the trophic level harvested is largely a result of the overharvest of sh at higher trophic levels.






















Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Figure 1.4. Locations Reported by Various Studies as Undergoing High Rates of Land Cover

Change in the Past Few Decades (C.SDM)

In the case of forest cover change, the studies refer to the period 19802000 and are based on national statistics, remote sensing, and to a
limited degree expert opinion. In the case of land cover change resulting from degradation in drylands (desertication), the period is unspecied
but inferred to be within the last half-century, and the major study was entirely based on expert opinion, with associated low certainty. Change in
cultivated area is not shown.

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

ecosystems on the carbon cycle reversed during the last 50 years.

Those ecosystems were on average a net source of CO2 during
the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (primarily due
to deforestation, but with contributions from degradation of
agricultural, pasture, and forestlands) and became a net sink
sometime around the middle of the last century (although carbon losses from land use change continue at high levels) (high
certainty). Factors contributing to the growth of the role of
ecosystems in carbon sequestration include afforestation, reforestation, and forest management in North America, Europe,
China, and other regions; changed agriculture practices; and the
fertilizing effects of nitrogen deposition and increasing atmospheric CO2 (high certainty) (C13.ES).
Nitrogen Cycle: The total amount of reactive, or biologically
available, nitrogen created by human activities increased ninefold
between 1890 and 1990, with most of that increase taking place
in the second half of the century in association with increased use
of fertilizers (S7.3.2). (See Figures 1.5 and 1.6.) A recent study of
global human contributions to reactive nitrogen ows projected
that ows will increase from approximately 165 teragrams of


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

reactive nitrogen in 1999 to 270 teragrams in 2050, an increase

of 64% (R9 Fig 9.1). More than half of all the synthetic nitrogen
fertilizer (which was rst produced in 1913) ever used on the
planet has been used since 1985 (R9.2). Human activities have
now roughly doubled the rate of creation of reactive nitrogen on
the land surfaces of Earth (R9.2). The ux of reactive nitrogen to
the oceans increased by nearly 80% from 1860 to 1990, from
roughly 27 teragrams of nitrogen per year to 48 teragrams in
1990 (R9). (This change is not uniform over Earth, however, and
while some regions such as Labrador and Hudsons Bay in Canada have seen little if any change, the uxes from more developed
regions such as the northeastern United States, the watersheds of
the North Sea in Europe, and the Yellow River basin in China
have increased ten- to fteenfold.)
Phosphorus Cycle: The use of phosphorus fertilizers and the
rate of phosphorus accumulation in agricultural soils increased
nearly threefold between 1960 and 1990, although the rate has
declined somewhat since that time (S7 Fig 7.18). The current
ux of phosphorus to the oceans is now triple that of background rates (approximately 22 teragrams of phosphorus per
year versus the natural ux of 8 teragrams) (R9.2)

Figure 1.5. Global Trends in the Creation of

Reactive Nitrogen on Earth by Human

Activity, with Projection to 2050

(R9 Fig 9.1)

Most of the reactive nitrogen produced by humans comes from

manufacturing nitrogen for synthetic fertilizer and industrial use.
Reactive nitrogen is also created as a by-product of fossil fuel
combustion and by some (nitrogen-xing) crops and trees in
agroecosystems. The range of the natural rate of bacterial nitrogen
xation in natural terrestrial ecosystems (excluding xation in
agroecosystems) is shown for comparison. Human activity now
produces approximately as much reactive nitrogen as natural
processes do on the continents. (Note: The 2050 projection is
included in the original study and is not based on MA Scenarios.)







Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

A change in an ecosystem necessarily affects the species in the
system, and changes in species affect ecosystem processes.
The distribution of species on Earth is becoming more
homogenous. By homogenous, we mean that the differences
between the set of species at one location on the planet and the
set at another location are, on average, diminishing. The natural
process of evolution, and particularly the combination of natural barriers to migration and local adaptation of species, led to
signicant differences in the types of species in ecosystems in
different regions. But these regional differences in the planets
biota are now being diminished.

Two factors are responsible for this trend. First, the extinction
of species or the loss of populations results in the loss of the presence of species that had been unique to particular regions. Second, the rate of invasion or introduction of species into new
ranges is already high and continues to accelerate apace with
growing trade and faster transportation. (See Figure 1.7.) For
example, a high proportion of the roughly 100 non-native
species in the Baltic Sea are native to the North American Great
Lakes, and 75% of the recent arrivals of about 170 non-native
species in the Great Lakes are native to the Baltic Sea (S10.5).
When species decline or go extinct as a result of human activities,
they are replaced by a much smaller number of expanding species
that thrive in human-altered environments. One effect is that in
some regions where diversity has been low, the biotic diversity
may actually increasea result of invasions of non-native forms.
(This is true in continental areas such as the Netherlands as well
as on oceanic islands.)
Across a range of taxonomic groups, either the population
size or range or both of the majority of species is currently
declining. Studies of amphibians globally, African mammals,
birds in agricultural lands, British butteries, Caribbean corals,
and shery species show the majority of species to be declining in
range or number. Exceptions include species that have been protected in reserves, that have had their particular threats (such as
overexploitation) eliminated, or that tend to thrive in landscapes
that have been modied by human activity (C4.ES).
Between 10% and 30% of mammal, bird, and amphibian
species are currently threatened with extinction (medium to
high certainty), based on IUCNWorld Conservation Union
criteria for threats of extinction. As of 2004, comprehensive
assessments of every species within major taxonomic groups have
been completed for only three groups of animals (mammals,
birds, and amphibians) and two plant groups (conifers and cycads,
a group of evergreen palm-like plants). Specialists on these
groups have categorized species as threatened with extinction if
they meet a set of quantitative criteria involving their population
size, the size of area in which they are found, and trends in population size or area. (Under the widely used IUCN criteria for
extinction, the vast majority of species categorized as threatened
with extinction have approximately a 10% chance of going
extinct within 100 years, although some long-lived species will
persist much longer even though their small population size and
lack of recruitment means that they have a very high likelihood
of extinction.) Twelve percent of bird species, 23% of mammals,
and 25% of conifers are currently threatened with extinction;
32% of amphibians are threatened with extinction, but information is more limited and this may be an underestimate. Higher
levels of threat have been found in the cycads, where 52% are
threatened (C4.ES). In general, freshwater habitats tend to have
the highest proportion of threatened species (C4.5.2).

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Figure 1.6. Estimated Total Reactive Nitrogen Deposition from the

Atmosphere (Wet and Dry) in 1860, Early 1990s, and Projected

for 2050 (milligrams of nitrogen per square meter per year) (R9 Fig 9.2)

Atmospheric deposition
currently accounts for roughly
12% of the reactive nitrogen
entering terrestrial and
coastal marine ecosystems
globally, although in some
regions, atmospheric
deposition accounts for a
higher percentage (about 33%
in the United States). (Note:
the projection was included in
the original study and is not
based on MA scenarios.)


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Over the past few hundred years,

humans have increased the species
extinction rate by as much as 1,000
times background rates typical over the
planets history (medium certainty)
(C4.ES, C4.4.2.). (See Figure 1.8.)
Extinction is a natural part of Earths
history. Most estimates of the total
number of species today lie between 5
million and 30 million, although the
overall total could be higher than 30
million if poorly known groups such as
deep-sea organisms, fungi, and microorganisms including parasites have more
species than currently estimated. Species
present today only represent 24% of all
species that have ever lived. The fossil
record appears to be punctuated by ve
major mass extinctions, the most recent
of which occurred 65 million years ago.
The average rate of extinction found
for marine and mammal fossil species
(excluding extinctions that occurred in
the ve major mass extinctions) is
approximately 0.11 extinctions per
million species per year. There are
approximately 100 documented extinctions of birds, mammal, and amphibians over the past 100 years, a rate
50500 times higher than background
rates. Including possibly extinct species, the rate is more than 1,000 times
higher than background rates.
Although the data and techniques used
to estimate current extinction rates
have improved over the past two
decades, signicant uncertainty still
exists in measuring current rates of
extinction because the extent of extinctions of undescribed taxa is unknown,
the status of many described species is
poorly known, it is difcult to document the nal disappearance of very
rare species, and there are time lags
between the impact of a threatening
process and the resulting extinction.

Genetic diversity has declined globally,
particularly among cultivated species. The
extinction of species and loss of unique
populations has resulted in the loss of unique
genetic diversity contained by those species
and populations. For wild species, there are few
data on the actual changes in the magnitude
and distribution of genetic diversity (C4.4),
although studies have documented declining
genetic diversity in wild species that have been
heavily exploited. In cultivated systems, since
1960 there has been a fundamental shift in the
pattern of intra-species diversity in farmers elds
and farming systems as the crop varieties planted
by farmers have shifted from locally adapted
and developed populations (landraces) to more
widely adapted varieties produced through
formal breeding systems (modern varieties).
Roughly 80% of wheat area in developing
countries and three quarters of the rice area in
Asia is planted with modern varieties (C26.2.1).
(For other crops, such as maize, sorghum and
millet, the proportion of area planted to modern
varieties is far smaller.) The on-farm losses of
genetic diversity of crops and livestock have been
partially offset by the maintenance of genetic
diversity in seed banks.

Figure 1.7. Growth in Number of Marine Species

Introductions (C11)

Number of new records of established non-native invertebrate and algae species

reported in marine waters of North America, shown by date of rst record, and number
of new records of non-native marine plant species reported on the European coast, by
date of rst record.
Number of species
Non-native marine plant species
reported on European coast

Non-native invertebrates and

plants reported in marine
waters of North America






17901819 182049 185079





Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Figure 1.8. Species Extinction Rates (Adapted from C4 Fig 4.22)

Distant past refers to average
extinction rates as estimated from
the fossil record. Recent past
refers to extinction rates calculated
from known extinctions of species
(lower estimate) or known extinctions
plus possibly extinct species (upper
bound). A species is considered
to be possibly extinct if it is
believed by experts to be extinct
but extensive surveys have not
yet been undertaken to conrm its
disappearance. Future extinctions
are model-derived estimates using
a variety of techniques, including
species-area models, rates at which
species are shifting to increasingly
more threatened categories,
extinction probabilities associated
with the IUCN categories of threat,
impacts of projected habitat loss
on species currently threatened
with habitat loss, and correlation
of species loss with energy
consumption. The time frame and
species groups involved differ among
the future estimates, but in general
refer to either future loss of species
based on the level of threat that
exists today or current and future
loss of species as a result of habitat changes taking place over the period of roughly 1970 to 2050. Estimates based on the fossil record are
low certainty; lower-bound estimates for known extinctions are high certainty and upper-bound estimates are medium certainty; lower-bound
estimates for modeled extinctions are low certainty and upper-bound estimates are speculative. The rate of known extinctions of species in the
past century is roughly 50500 times greater than the extinction rate calculated from the fossil record of 0.11 extinctions per 1,000 species
per 1,000 years. The rate is up to 1,000 times higher than the background extinction rates if possibly extinct species are included.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

2. How have ecosystem services and their uses changed?

cosystem services are the benets provided by ecosystems.

These include provisioning services such as food, water, timber, ber, and genetic resources; regulating services such as the
regulation of climate, oods, disease, and water quality as well as
waste treatment; cultural services such as recreation, aesthetic
enjoyment, and spiritual fulllment; and supporting services such
as soil formation, pollination, and nutrient cycling. (See Box 2.1.)
Human use of all ecosystem services is growing rapidly.
Approximately 60% (15 out of 24) of the ecosystem services
evaluated in this assessment (including 70% of regulating and
cultural services) are being degraded or used unsustainably.
(See Table 2.1.) Of 24 provisioning, cultural, and regulating
ecosystem services for which sufcient information was available,
the use of 20 continues to increase. The use of one service, capture sheries, is now declining as a result of a decline in the
quantity of sh, which in turn is due to excessive capture of sh
in past decades. Two other services (fuelwood and ber) show
mixed patterns. The use of some types of ber is increasing and
others decreasing; in the case of fuelwood, there is evidence of a
recent peak in use.
Humans have enhanced production of three ecosystem services
crops, livestock, and aquaculture through expansion of the
area devoted to their production or through technological inputs.
Recently, the service of carbon sequestration has been enhanced
globally, due in part to the re-growth of forests in temperate
regions, although previously deforestation had been a net source
of carbon emissions. Half of provisioning services (6 of 11) and
nearly 70% (9 of 13) of regulating and cultural services are being
degraded or used unsustainably.
Provisioning Services: The quantity of provisioning ecosystem services such as food, water, and timber used by humans
increased rapidly, often more rapidly than population growth
although generally slower than economic growth, during the
second half of the twentieth century. And it continues to grow.
In a number of cases, provisioning services are being used at
unsustainable rates. The growing human use has been made
possible by a combination of substantial increases in the absolute
amount of some services produced by ecosystems and an increase
in the fraction used by humans. World population doubled
between 1960 and 2000, from 3 billion to 6 billion people, and
the global economy increased more than sixfold. During this
time, food production increased by roughly two-and-a-half times
(a 160% increase in food production between 1961 and 2003),
water use doubled, wood harvests for pulp and paper tripled, and
timber production increased by nearly 60% (C9.ES, C9.2.2, S7,
C7.2.3, C8.1). (Food production increased fourfold in developing countries over this period.)
The sustainability of the use of provisioning services differs in
different locations. However, the use of several provisioning
services is unsustainable even in the global aggregate. The current
level of use of capture sheries (marine and freshwater) is not sustainable, and many sheries have already collapsed. (See Figure 2.1.)

Figure 2.1. Estimated Global Marine Fish Catch,

19502001 (C18 Fig 18.3)

In this Figure, the catch reported by governments is in some

cases adjusted to correct for likely errors in data.

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Currently, one quarter of important commercial sh stocks are

overexploited or signicantly depleted (high certainty) (C8.2.2).
From 5% to possibly 25% of global freshwater use exceeds longterm accessible supplies and is maintained only through engineered water transfers or the overdraft of groundwater supplies
(low to medium certainty) (C7.ES). Between 15% and 35% of irrigation withdrawals exceed supply rates and are therefore unsustainable (low to medium certainty) (C7.2.2). Current agricultural
practices are also unsustainable in some regions due to their reliance on unsustainable sources of water, harmful impacts caused by
excessive nutrient or pesticide use, salinization, nutrient depletion,
and rates of soil loss that exceed rates of soil formation.
Regulating Services: Humans have substantially altered
regulating services such as disease and climate regulation by
modifying the ecosystem providing the service and, in the case
of waste processing services, by exceeding the capabilities of
ecosystems to provide the service. Most changes to regulating
services are inadvertent results of actions taken to enhance the
supply of provisioning services. Humans have substantially modied the climate regulation service of ecosystemsrst through
land use changes that contributed to increases in the amount of
carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases such as methane and
nitrous oxide in the atmosphere and more recently by increasing
the sequestration of carbon dioxide (although ecosystems remain
a net source of methane and nitrous oxide). Modications of
(continued on page 46)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Box 2.1. Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem services are the benets people
obtain from ecosystems. These include provisioning, regulating, and cultural services that
directly affect people and the supporting services needed to maintain other services (CF2).
Many of the services listed here are highly interlinked. (Primary production, photosynthesis,
nutrient cycling, and water cycling, for example,
all involve different aspects of the same biological processes.)

Provisioning Services
These are the products obtained from ecosystems, including:
Food. This includes the vast range of food
products derived from plants, animals, and
Fiber. Materials included here are wood, jute,
cotton, hemp, silk, and wool.
Fuel. Wood, dung, and other biological materials serve as sources of energy.
Genetic resources. This includes the genes
and genetic information used for animal and
plant breeding and biotechnology.
Biochemicals, natural medicines, and pharmaceuticals. Many medicines, biocides, food additives such as alginates, and biological materials
are derived from ecosystems.
Ornamental resources. Animal and plant products, such as skins, shells, and owers, are
used as ornaments, and whole plants are used
for landscaping and ornaments.
Fresh water. People obtain fresh water from
ecosystems and thus the supply of fresh water
can be considered a provisioning service.
Fresh water in rivers is also a source of energy.
Because water is required for other life to exist,
however, it could also be considered a supporting service.

Regulating Services
These are the benets obtained from the
regulation of ecosystem processes, including:
Air quality regulation. Ecosystems both
contribute chemicals to and extract chemicals
from the atmosphere, inuencing many aspects
of air quality.
Climate regulation. Ecosystems inuence climate both locally and globally. At a local scale,
for example, changes in land cover can affect
both temperature and precipitation. At the global
scale, ecosystems play an important role in


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

climate by either sequestering or emitting greenhouse gases.

Water regulation. The timing and magnitude
of runoff, ooding, and aquifer recharge can be
strongly inuenced by changes in land cover,
including, in particular, alterations that change
the water storage potential of the system, such
as the conversion of wetlands or the replacement of forests with croplands or croplands with
urban areas.
Erosion regulation. Vegetative cover plays an
important role in soil retention and the prevention of landslides.
Water purication and waste treatment.
Ecosystems can be a source of impurities (for
instance, in fresh water) but also can help lter
out and decompose organic wastes introduced
into inland waters and coastal and marine
ecosystems and can assimilate and detoxify
compounds through soil and subsoil processes.
Disease regulation. Changes in ecosystems can
directly change the abundance of human pathogens, such as cholera, and can alter the abundance of disease vectors, such as mosquitoes.
Pest regulation. Ecosystem changes affect
the prevalence of crop and livestock pests
and diseases.
Pollination. Ecosystem changes affect the
distribution, abundance, and effectiveness
of pollinators.
Natural hazard regulation. The presence of
coastal ecosystems such as mangroves and
coral reefs can reduce the damage caused by
hurricanes or large waves.

Cultural Services
These are the nonmaterial benets people obtain
from ecosystems through spiritual enrichment,
cognitive development, reection, recreation, and
aesthetic experiences, including:
Cultural diversity. The diversity of ecosystems
is one factor inuencing the diversity of cultures.
Spiritual and religious values. Many religions
attach spiritual and religious values to ecosystems or their components.
Knowledge systems (traditional and formal).
Ecosystems inuence the types of knowledge
systems developed by different cultures.
Educational values. Ecosystems and their components and processes provide the basis for both
formal and informal education in many societies.
Inspiration. Ecosystems provide a rich source

of inspiration for art, folklore, national symbols,

architecture, and advertising.
Aesthetic values. Many people nd beauty or
aesthetic value in various aspects of ecosystems,
as reected in the support for parks, scenic
drives, and the selection of housing locations.
Social relations. Ecosystems inuence the
types of social relations that are established in
particular cultures. Fishing societies, for example,
differ in many respects in their social relations
from nomadic herding or agricultural societies.
Sense of place. Many people value the sense
of place that is associated with recognized features of their environment, including aspects of
the ecosystem.
Cultural heritage values. Many societies place
high value on the maintenance of either historically important landscapes (cultural landscapes) or culturally signicant species.
Recreation and ecotourism. People often
choose where to spend their leisure time based in
part on the characteristics of the natural or cultivated landscapes in a particular area.

Supporting Services
Supporting services are those that are necessary for the production of all other ecosystem
services. They differ from provisioning, regulating, and cultural services in that their impacts
on people are often indirect or occur over a very
long time, whereas changes in the other categories have relatively direct and short-term impacts
on people. (Some services, like erosion regulation, can be categorized as both a supporting
and a regulating service, depending on the time
scale and immediacy of their impact on people.)
These services include:
Soil Formation. Because many provisioning
services depend on soil fertility, the rate of
soil formation inuences human well-being in
many ways.
Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces
oxygen necessary for most living organisms.
Primary production. The assimilation or accumulation of energy and nutrients by organisms.
Nutrient cycling. Approximately 20 nutrients
essential for life, including nitrogen and phosphorus, cycle through ecosystems and are maintained at different concentrations in different
parts of ecosystems.
Water cycling. Water cycles through ecosystems and is essential for living organisms.

Table 2.1. Trends in the Human Use of Ecosystem Services and Enhancement or Degradation of the Service

around the Year 2000 (See page 45 for legend.)




or Degradedb




Food provision has grown faster than overall population growth.

Primary source of growth from increase in production per unit
area but also signicant expansion in cropland. Still persistent
areas of low productivity and more rapid area expansion, e.g.,
sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Latin America.



Signicant increase in area devoted to livestock in some regions,

but major source of growth has been more intensive, conned
production of chicken, pigs, and cattle.



Marine sh harvest increased until the late 1980s and has

been declining since then. Currently, one quarter of marine sh
stocks are overexploited or signicantly depleted. Freshwater
capture sheries have also declined. Human use of capture
sheries as declined because of the reduced supply, not
because of reduced demand.



Aquaculture has become a globally signicant source of food in

the last 50 years and, in 2000, contributed 27% of total sh
production. Use of sh feed for carnivorous aquaculture species
places an additional burden on capture sheries.

Table 8.4

Wild plant
and animal


Provision of these food sources is generally declining as

natural habitats worldwide are under increasing pressure
and as wild populations are exploited for food, particularly by
the poor, at unsustainable levels.




Global timber production has increased by 60% in the last four

decades. Plantations provide an increasing volume of harvested
roundwood, amounting to 35% of the global harvest in 2000.
Roughly 40% of forest area has been lost during the industrial era,
and forests continue to be lost in many regions (thus the service
is degraded in those regions), although forest is now recovering in
some temperate countries and thus this service has been enhanced
(from this lower baseline) in these regions in recent decades.


hemp, silk



Cotton and silk production have doubled and tripled

respectively in the last four decades. Production of other
agricultural bers has declined.


Wood fuel


Global consumption of fuelwood appears to have peaked in the

1990s and is now believed to be slowly declining but remains
the dominant source of domestic fuel in some regions.


Traditional crop breeding has relied on a relatively narrow range

of germplasm for the major crop species, although molecular
genetics and biotechnology provide new tools to quantify and
expand genetic diversity in these crops. Use of genetic
resources also is growing in connection with new industries
based on biotechnology. Genetic resources have been lost
through the loss of traditional cultivars of crop species (due in
part to the adoption of modern farming practices and varieties)
and through species extinctions.


Provisioning Services



(continued on page 42)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Table 2.1. Trends in the Human Use of Ecosystem Services and Enhancement or Degradation of the Service

around the Year 2000 (See page 45 for legend.) (continued)




or Degradedb

medicines, and




Fresh water



Demand for biochemicals and new pharmaceuticals is growing,

but new synthetic technologies compete with natural products to
meet the demand. For many other natural products (cosmetics,
personal care, bioremediation, biomonitoring, ecological
restoration), use is growing. Species extinction and overharvesting
of medicinal plants is diminishing the availability of these resources.


Human modication of ecosystems (e.g., reservoir creation) has

stabilized a substantial fraction of continental river ow, making
more fresh water available to people but in dry regions reducing
river ows through open water evaporation and support to
irrigation that also loses substantial quantities of water.
Watershed management and vegetation changes have also had
an impact on seasonal river ows. From 5% to possibly 25% of
global freshwater use exceeds long-term accessible supplies and
requires supplies either through engineered water transfers or
overdraft of groundwater supplies. Between 15% and 35% of
irrigation withdrawals exceed supply rates. Fresh water owing
in rivers also provides a service in the form of energy that is
exploited through hydropower. The construction of dams has not
changed the amount of energy, but it has made the energy more
available to people. The installed hydroelectric capacity doubled
between 1960 and 2000. Pollution and biodiversity loss are
dening features of modern inland water systems in many
populated parts of the world.


The ability of the atmosphere to cleanse itself of pollutants has

declined slightly since preindustrial times but likely not by more
than 10%. The net contribution of ecosystems to this change is
not known. Ecosystems are also a sink for tropospheric ozone,
ammonia, NOX, SO2, particulates, and CH4, but changes in
these sinks were not assessed.



Terrestrial ecosystems were on average a net source of CO2

during the nineteenth and early twentieth century and became
a net sink sometime around the middle of the last century. The
biophysical effect of historical land cover changes (1750 to
present) is net cooling on a global scale due to increased albedo,
partially offsetting the warming effect of associated carbon
emissions from land cover change over much of that period.


and local

Changes in land cover have affected regional and local climates

both positively and negatively, but there is a preponderance of
negative impacts. For example, tropical deforestation and
desertication have tended to reduce local rainfall.



The effect of ecosystem change on the timing and magnitude of

runoff, ooding, and aquifer recharge depends on the ecosystem
involved and on the specic modications made to the ecosystem.


Regulating Services
Air quality


Water regulation


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s




or Degradedb




Land use and crop/soil management practices have exacerbated

soil degradation and erosion, although appropriate soil
conservation practices that reduce erosion, such as minimum
tillage, are increasingly being adopted by farmers in North
America and Latin America.

and waste

Globally, water quality is declining, although in most industrial

countries pathogen and organic pollution of surface waters has
decreased over the last 20 years. Nitrate concentration has
grown rapidly in the last 30 years. The capacity of ecosystems
to purify such wastes is limited, as evidenced by widespread
reports of inland waterway pollution. Loss of wetlands has
further decreased the ability of ecosystems to lter and
decompose wastes.



Ecosystem modications associated with development have

often increased the local incidence of infectious diseases,
although major changes in habitats can both increase or
decrease the risk of particular infectious diseases.

Pest regulation

In many agricultural areas, pest control provided by natural

enemies has been replaced by the use of pesticides. Such
pesticide use has itself degraded the capacity of agroecosystems
to provide pest control. In other systems, pest control provided
by natural enemies is being used and enhanced through integrated
pest management. Crops containing pest-resistant genes can
also reduce the need for application of toxic synthetic pesticides.



There is established but incomplete evidence of a global decline

in the abundance of pollinators. Pollinator declines have been
reported in at least one region or country on every continent
except Antarctica, which has no pollinators. Declines in
abundance of pollinators have rarely resulted in complete failure
to produce seed or fruit, but more frequently resulted in fewer
seeds or in fruit of reduced viability or quantity. Losses in
populations of specialized pollinators have directly affected the
reproductive ability of some rare plants.

Box 11.2

Natural hazard

People are increasingly occupying regions and localities that

are exposed to extreme events, thereby exacerbating human
vulnerability to natural hazards. This trend, along with the
decline in the capacity of ecosystems to buffer from extreme
events, has led to continuing high loss of life globally and
rapidly rising economic losses from natural disasters.







Cultural Services

(continued on page 44)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Table 2.1. Trends in the Human Use of Ecosystem Services and Enhancement or Degradation of the Service

around the Year 2000 (See page 45 for legend.) (continued)




or Degradedb

Spiritual and











Social relations



Sense of place



heritage values



Recreation and


Soil formation





Cultural Services (continued)

There has been a decline in the numbers of sacred groves and
other such protected areas. The loss of particular ecosystem
attributes (sacred species or sacred forests), combined with social
and economic changes, can sometimes weaken the spiritual
benets people obtain from ecosystems. On the other hand,
under some circumstances (e.g., where ecosystem attributes are
causing signicant threats to people), the loss of some attributes
may enhance spiritual appreciation for what remains.


The demand for aesthetically pleasing natural landscapes has

increased in accordance with increased urbanization. There has
been a decline in quantity and quality of areas to meet this
demand. A reduction in the availability of and access to natural
areas for urban residents may have important detrimental
effects on public health and economies.


The demand for recreational use of landscapes is increasing,

and areas are increasingly being managed to cater for this use,
to reect changing cultural values and perceptions. However,
many naturally occurring features of the landscape (e.g., coral
reefs) have been degraded as resources for recreation.


Several global MA systems, including dryland, forest, and

cultivated systems, show a trend of NPP increase for the
period 1981 to 2000. However, high seasonal and inter-annual
variations associated with climate variability occur within this
trend on the global scale


Supporting Services


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s




or Degradedb



Supporting Services (continued)

Nutrient cycling

There have been large-scale changes in nutrient cycles in

recent decades, mainly due to additional inputs from fertilizers,
livestock waste, human wastes, and biomass burning. Inland
water and coastal systems have been increasingly affected by
eutrophication due to transfer of nutrients from terrestrial to
aquatic systems as biological buffers that limit these transfers
have been signicantly impaired.


Water cycling

Humans have made major changes to water cycles through

structural changes to rivers, extraction of water from rivers,
and, more recently, climate change.


For provisioning services, human use increases if the human consumption of the service increases (e.g., greater food consumption); for regulating and cultural services, human
use increases if the number of people affected by the service increases. The time frame is in general the past 50 years, although if the trend has changed within that time frame, the
indicator shows the most recent trend.
For provisioning services, we dene enhancement to mean increased production of the service through changes in area over which the service is provided (e.g., spread of
agriculture) or increased production per unit area. We judge the production to be degraded if the current use exceeds sustainable levels. For regulating and supporting services,
enhancement refers to a change in the service that leads to greater benets for people (e.g., the service of disease regulation could be improved by eradication of a vector
known to transmit a disease to people). Degradation of a regulating and supporting services means a reduction in the benets obtained from the service, either through a change
in the service (e.g., mangrove loss reducing the storm protection benets of an ecosystem) or through human pressures on the service exceeding its limits (e.g., excessive
pollution exceeding the capability of ecosystems to maintain water quality). For cultural services, degradation refers to a change in the ecosystem features that decreases the
cultural (recreational, aesthetic, spiritual, etc.) benets provided by the ecosystem. The time frame is in general the past 50 years, although if the trend has changed within that
time frame the indicator shows the most recent trend.
Low to medium certainty. All other trends are medium to high certainty.

= Increasing (for human use column) or enhanced (for enhanced or degraded column)
= Decreasing (for human use column) or degraded (for enhanced or degraded column)

= Mixed (trend increases and decreases over past 50 years or some components/regions increase while others decrease)

NA = Not assessed within the MA. In some cases, the service was not addressed at all in the MA (such as ornamental resources),
while in other cases the service was included but the information and data available did not allow an assessment of the pattern
of human use of the service or the status of the service.

= The categories of human use and enhanced or degraded do not apply for supporting services since, by denition, these
services are not directly used by people. (Their costs or benets would be double-counted if the indirect effects were included.)
Changes in supporting services inuence the supply of provisioning, cultural, or regulating services that are then used by people
and may be enhanced or degraded.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


ecosystems have altered patterns of disease by increasing or

decreasing habitat for certain diseases or their vectors (such as
dams and irrigation canals that provide habitat for schistosomiasis) or by bringing human populations into closer contact with
various disease organisms. Changes to ecosystems have contributed to a signicant rise in the number of oods and major
wildres on all continents since the 1940s. Ecosystems serve an
important role in detoxifying wastes introduced into the environment, but there are intrinsic limits to that waste processing capability. For example, aquatic ecosystems cleanse on average 80%
of their global incident nitrogen loading, but this intrinsic selfpurication capacity varies widely and is being reduced by the
loss of wetlands (C7.2.5).
Cultural Services: Although the use of cultural services has
continued to grow, the capability of ecosystems to provide
cultural benets has been signicantly diminished in the past
century (C17). Human cultures are strongly inuenced by ecosystems, and ecosystem change can have a signicant impact on
cultural identity and social stability. Human cultures, knowledge
systems, religions, heritage values, social interactions, and the
linked amenity services (such as aesthetic enjoyment, recreation,
artistic and spiritual fulllment, and intellectual development)
have always been inuenced and shaped by the nature of the
ecosystem and ecosystem conditions. Many of these benets are
being degraded, either through changes to ecosystems (a recent
rapid decline in the numbers of sacred groves and other such
protected areas, for example) or through societal changes (such
as the loss of languages or of traditional knowledge) that reduce
peoples recognition or appreciation of those cultural benets.
Rapid loss of culturally valued ecosystems and landscapes can
contribute to social disruptions and societal marginalization. And
there has been a decline in the quantity and quality of aesthetically pleasing natural landscapes.
Global gains in the supply of food, water, timber, and other
provisioning services were often achieved in the past century
despite local resource depletion and local restrictions on resource
use by shifting production and harvest to new underexploited
regions, sometimes considerable distances away. These options
are diminishing. This trend is most distinct in the case of marine
sheries. As individual stocks have been depleted, shing pressure
has shifted to less exploited stocks (C18.2.1). Industrial shing
eets have also shifted to shing further offshore and in deeper
water to meet global demand (C18.ES). (See Figure 2.2.) A variety of drivers related to market demand, supply, and government
policies have inuenced patterns of timber harvest. For example,
international trade in forest products increases when a nations
forests no longer can meet demand or when policies have been
established to restrict or ban timber harvest.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Although human demand for ecosystem services continues to

grow in the aggregate, the demand for particular services in
specic regions is declining as substitutes are developed. For
example, kerosene, electricity, and other energy sources are
increasingly being substituted for fuelwood (still the primary
source of energy for heating and cooking for some 2.6 billion
people) (C9.ES). The substitution of a variety of other materials
Figure 2.2. Trend in Mean Depth of Catch

Since 1950

Fisheries catches increasingly originate from deep areas.

(Data from C18 Fig 18.5)


Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

for wood (such as vinyl, plastics, and metal) has contributed to

relatively slow growth in global timber consumption in recent
years (C9.2.1). While the use of substitutes can reduce pressure
on specic ecosystem services, this may not always have positive
net environmental benets. Substitution of fuelwood by fossil
fuels, for example, reduces pressure on forests and lowers indoor
air pollution, but it may increase net greenhouse gas emissions.
Substitutes are also often costlier to provide than the original
ecosystem services.
Both the supply and the resilience of ecosystem services are
affected by changes in biodiversity. Biodiversity is the variability
among living organisms and the ecological complexes of which
they are part. When a species is lost from a particular location
(even if it does not go extinct globally) or introduced to a new
location, the various ecosystem services associated with that
species are changed. More generally, when a habitat is converted,
an array of ecosystem services associated with the species present
in that location is changed, often with direct and immediate

impacts on people (S10). Changes in biodiversity also have

numerous indirect impacts on ecosystem services over longer
time periods, including inuencing the capacity of ecosystems
to adjust to changing environments (medium certainty), causing
disproportionately large and sometimes irreversible changes in
ecosystem processes, inuencing the potential for infectious
disease transmission, and, in agricultural systems, inuencing
the risk of crop failure in a variable environment and altering
the potential impacts of pests and pathogens (medium to high
certainty) (C11.ES, C14.ES).
The modication of an ecosystem to alter one ecosystem
service (to increase food or timber production, for instance)
generally results in changes to other ecosystem services as well
(CWG, SG7). Trade-offs among ecosystem services are commonplace. (See Table 2.2.) For example, actions to increase food
production often involve one or more of the following: increased
water use, degraded water quality, reduced biodiversity, reduced
forest cover, loss of forest products, or release of greenhouse
gases. Frequent cultivation, irrigated rice production, livestock
production, and burning of cleared areas and crop residues now
release 1,600800 million tons of carbon per year in CO2 (C26.
ES). Cultivation, irrigated rice production, and livestock production release between 106 million and 201 million tons of carbon
per year in methane (C13 Table 13.1). About 70% of anthropogenic nitrous oxide gas emissions are attributable to agriculture,
mostly from land conversion and nitrogen fertilizer use (C26.
ES). Similarly, the conversion of forest to agriculture can signicantly change ood frequency and magnitude, although the
amount and direction of this impact is highly dependent on the
characteristics of the local ecosystem and the nature of the land
cover change (C21.5.2).
Many trade-offs associated with ecosystem services are
expressed in areas remote from the site of degradation. For example, conversion of forests to agriculture can affect water quality
and ood frequency downstream of where the ecosystem change
occurred. And increased application of nitrogen fertilizers to
croplands can have negative impacts on coastal water quality.
These trade-offs are rarely taken fully into account in decisionmaking, partly due to the sectoral nature of planning and partly
because some of the effects are also displaced in time (such as
long-term climate impacts).
The net benets gained through actions to increase the productivity or harvest of ecosystem services have been less than initially believed after taking into account negative trade-offs. The
benets of resource management actions have traditionally been
evaluated only from the standpoint of the service targeted by the
management intervention. However, management interventions
to increase any particular service almost always result in costs to
other services. Negative trade-offs are commonly found between
individual provisioning services and between provisioning services

and the combined regulating, cultural, and supporting services

and biodiversity. Taking the costs of these negative trade-offs into
account reduces the apparent benets of the various management
interventions. For example:
Expansion of commercial shrimp farming has had serious
impacts on ecosystems, including loss of vegetation, deterioration
of water quality, decline of capture sheries, and loss of biodiversity (R6, C19).
Expansion of livestock production around the world has
often led to overgrazing and dryland degradation, rangeland
fragmentation, loss of wildlife habitat, dust formation, bush
encroachment, deforestation, nutrient overload through disposal
of manure, and greenhouse gas emissions (R6.ES).
Poorly designed and executed agricultural policies led to an
irreversible change in the Aral Sea ecosystem. By 1998, the Aral
Sea had lost more than 60% of its area and approximately 80%
of its volume, and ecosystem-related problems in the region now
include excessive salt content of major rivers, contamination of
agricultural products with agrochemicals, high levels of turbidity
in major water sources, high levels of pesticides and phenols in
surface waters, loss of soil fertility, extinctions of species, and
destruction of commercial sheries (R6 Box 6.9).
Forested riparian wetlands adjacent to the Mississippi river
in the United States had the capacity to store about 60 days of
river discharge. With the removal of the wetlands through canalization, leveeing, and draining, the remaining wetlands have a
storage capacity of less than 12 days discharge, an 80% reduction
in ood storage capacity (C16.1.1).
However, positive synergies can be achieved as well when
actions to conserve or enhance a particular component of an
ecosystem or its services benet other services or stakeholders.
Agroforestry can meet human needs for food and fuel, restore
soils, and contribute to biodiversity conservation. Intercropping can increase yields, increase biocontrol, reduce soil erosion, and reduce weed invasion in elds. Urban parks and other
urban green spaces provide spiritual, aesthetic, educational, and
recreational benets as well as such services such as water purication, wildlife habitat, waste management, and carbon
sequestration. Protection of natural forests for biodiversity conservation can also reduce carbon emissions and protect water
supplies. Protection of wetlands can contribute to ood control
and also help to remove pollutants such as phosphorus and
nitrogen from the water. For example, it is estimated that the
nitrogen load from the heavily polluted Illinois River basin to
the Mississippi River could be cut in half by converting 7% of
the basin back to wetlands (R9.4.5). Positive synergies often
exist among regulating, cultural, and supporting services and
with biodiversity conservation.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Table 2.2. Indicative Ecosystem Service Trade-offs

The nature and direction of trade-offs among ecosystem services depends signicantly on the specic management practices used to change the
target service and on the ecosystem involved. This table summarizes common directions of trade-offs encountered across ecosystem services,
although the magnitude (or even direction) of the trade-off may differ from case to case.

Provisioning Services Regulating Services

and Quality






N Regulation
(Avoidance of



Increased food
Interproduction through vention
expansion of










Increased sh catch can increase ecotourism

opportunities (e.g., increased sport shing
opportunities) or decrease them if the levels
are unsustainable or if the increased catch
reduces populations of predators that attract
tourists (e.g., killer whales, seals, sea lions).

Damming rivers
to increase water





River modication can reduce ood frequency

but increase the risk and magnitude of
catastrophic oods. Reservoirs provide
some recreational opportunities but those
associated with the original river are lost.

Increased timber





Timber harvest generally reduces

availability of wild sources of food.

Draining or lling
wetlands to reduce
malaria risk


Filled wetlands are often used for agriculture.

Loss of wetlands results in a loss of water
cleansing capability, loss of a source of
ood control and ecotourism potential.

Establishing a
strictly protected
area to maintain
biodiversity and
provide recreation


Strictly protected areas may result in the

loss of a local source of food supply and
ber production. The presence of the
protected area safeguards water supplies
and water quality, prevents emissions of
greenhouse gases that might have resulted
from habitat conversion and increases
tourism potential.

Increased food
production through
intensication of

Increased wild
sh catch

= change in the rst column has a negative impact on the service
+ = change in the rst column has a positive impact on the service
o = change in the rst column is neutral or has no effect on the service
NA = the category is not applicable





Cultural Supporting
Services Services

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Agricultural ecosystems reduce exposure to

certain diseases but increase the risk
of other diseases

3. How have ecosystem changes affected human well-being

and poverty alleviation?

Relationships between Ecosystem Services
and Human Well-being

hanges in ecosystem services inuence all components of

human well-being, including the basic material needs for
a good life, health, good social relations, security, and freedom
of choice and action (CF3). (See Box 3.1.) Humans are fully
dependent on Earths ecosystems and the services that they
provide, such as food, clean water, disease regulation, climate
regulation, spiritual fulllment, and aesthetic enjoyment. The
relationship between ecosystem services and human well-being is
mediated by access to manufactured, human, and social capital.
Human well-being depends on ecosystem services but also on the
supply and quality of social capital, technology, and institutions.
These factors mediate the relationship between ecosystem
services and human well-being in ways that remain contested and
incompletely understood. The relationship between human wellbeing and ecosystem services is not linear. When an ecosystem
service is abundant relative to the demand, a marginal increase in
ecosystem services generally contributes only slightly to human
well-being (or may even diminish it). But when the service is
relatively scarce, a small decrease can substantially reduce human
well-being (S.SDM, SG3.4).
Ecosystem services contribute signicantly to global
employment and economic activity. The ecosystem service of
food production contributes by far the most to economic activity
and employment. In 2000, the market value of food production
was $981 billion, or roughly 3% of gross world product, but it is a
much higher share of GDP within developing countries (C8 Table
8.1). That year, for example, agriculture (including forestry and
shing) represented 24% of total GDP in countries with per capita
incomes less than $765 (the low-income developing countries,
as dened by the World Bank) (C26.5.1). The agricultural labor
force contained 1.3 billion people globallyapproximately a
fourth (22%) of the worlds population and half (46%) of the
total labor forceand some 2.6 billion people, more than 40%
of the world, lived in agriculturally based households (C26.5.1).
Signicant differences exist between developing and industrial
countries in these patterns. For example, in the United States only
2.4% of the labor force works in agriculture.
Other ecosystem services (or commodities based on ecosystem
services) that make signicant contributions to national
economic activity include timber (around $400 billion), marine
sheries (around $80 billion in 2000), marine aquaculture ($57
billion in 2000), recreational hunting and shing ($50 billion
and $2437 billion annually respectively in the United States
alone), as well as edible forest products, botanical medicines,
and medicinal plants (C9.ES, C18.1, C20.ES). And many other
industrial products and commodities rely on ecosystem services
such as water as inputs.

The degradation of ecosystem services represents a loss of a

capital asset (C5.4.1). (See Figure 3.1.) Both renewable resources
such as ecosystem services and nonrenewable resources such as
mineral deposits, soil nutrients, and fossil fuels are capital assets.
Yet traditional national accounts do not include measures of
resource depletion or of the degradation of renewable resources.
As a result, a country could cut its forests and deplete its
sheries, and this would show only as a positive gain to GDP
despite the loss of the capital asset. Moreover, many ecosystem
services are available freely to those who use them (fresh water
in aquifers, for instance, or the use of the atmosphere as a sink
for pollutants), and so again their degradation is not reected in
standard economic measures.
When estimates of the economic losses associated with the
depletion of natural assets are factored into measurements of
the total wealth of nations, they signicantly change the balance
sheet of those countries with economies especially dependent
on natural resources. For example, countries such as Ecuador,
Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Republic of Congo, Trinidad and Tobago,
Uzbekistan, and Venezuela that had positive growth in net savings
(reecting a growth in the net wealth of the country) in 2001
actually experienced a loss in net savings when depletion of natural
resources (energy and forests) and estimated damages from carbon
emissions (associated with contributions to climate change) were
factored into the accounts. In 2001, in 39 countries out of the
122 countries for which sufcient data were available, net national
savings (expressed as a percent of gross national income) were
reduced by at least 5% when costs associated with the depletion of
natural resources (unsustainable forestry, depletion of fossil fuels)
and damage from carbon emissions were included.
The degradation of ecosystem services often causes signicant
harm to human well-being (C5 Box 5.2). The information
available to assess the consequences of changes in ecosystem services
for human well-being is relatively limited. Many ecosystem services
have not been monitored and it is also difcult to estimate the
relative inuence of changes in ecosystem services in relation to
other social, cultural, and economic factors that also affect human
well-being. Nevertheless, the following evidence demonstrates that
the harmful effects of the degradation of ecosystem services on
livelihoods, health, and local and national economies are substantial.
Most resource management decisions are most strongly inuenced
by ecosystem services entering markets; as a result, the nonmarketed
benets are often lost or degraded. Many ecosystem services, such as
the purication of water, regulation of oods, or provision of
(continued on page 56)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Box 3.1. Linkages between Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being

Human well-being has ve main components:
the basic material needs for a good life,
health, good social relations, security, and
freedom of choice and action. (See Box Figure
A.) This last component is inuenced by other
constituents of well-being (as well as by other
factors including, notably, education) and is
also a precondition for achieving other components of well-being, particularly with respect to
equity and fairness. Human well-being is a continuumfrom extreme deprivation, or poverty,

to a high attainment or experience of wellbeing. Ecosystems underpin human well-being

through supporting, provisioning, regulating,
and cultural services. Well-being also depends
on the supply and quality of human services,
technology, and institutions.
Basic Materials for a Good Life
This refers to the ability to have a secure and
adequate livelihood, including income and
assets, enough food and water at all times,

shelter, ability to have energy to keep warm

and cool, and access to goods. Changes in
provisioning services such as food, water, and
fuelwood have very strong impacts on the adequacy of material for a good life. Access to
these materials is heavily mediated by socioeconomic circumstances. For the wealthy,
local changes in ecosystems may not cause a
signicant change in their access to necessary
material goods, which can be purchased from
other locations, sometimes at articially low

Box Figure A. Illustration of Linkages between Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being
This gure depicts the strength of linkages between categories of ecosystem services and components of human well-being that are commonly
encountered, and includes indications of the extent to which it is possible for socioeconomic factors to mediate the linkage. (For example, if it is
possible to purchase a substitute for a degraded ecosystem service, then there is a high potential for mediation.) The strength of the linkages
and the potential for mediation differ in different ecosystems and regions. In addition to the inuence of ecosystem services on human well-being
depicted here, other factorsincluding other environmental factors as well as economic, social, technological, and cultural factorsinuence
human well-being, and ecosystems are in turn affected by changes in human well-being.






Potential for mediation by
socioeconomic factors


Intensity of linkages between ecosystem
services and human well-being







Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Basic material
for good life


of choice
and action

Good social relations

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

prices if governments provide subsidies (for

example, water delivery systems). Changes in
regulating services inuencing water supply,
pollination and food production, and climate
have very strong impacts on this element of
human well-being. These, too, can be mediated by socioeconomic circumstances, but to
a smaller extent. Changes in cultural services
have relatively weak linkages to material elements of well-being. Changes in supporting
services have a strong inuence by virtue of
their inuence on provisioning and regulating
services. The following are some examples
of material components of well-being affected
by ecosystem change.
Income and Employment: Increased production of crops, sheries, and forest products
has been associated with signicant growth
in local and national economies. Changes in
the use and management of these services
can either increase employment (as, for example, when agriculture spreads to new regions)
or decrease it through gains in productivity of labor. In regions where productivity has
declined due to land degradation or overharvesting of sheries, the impacts on local economies and employment can be devastating
to the poor or to those who rely on these services for income.
Food: The growth in food production and
farm productivity has more than kept pace
with global population growth, resulting in signicant downward pressure on the price of
foodstuffs. Following signicant spikes in the
1970s caused primarily by oil crises, there
have been persistent and profound reductions
in the price of foodstuffs globally (C8.1). Over
the last 40 years, food prices have dropped
by around 40% in real terms due to increases
in productivity (C26.2.3). It is well established
that past increases in food production, at progressively lower unit cost, have improved the
health and well-being of billions, particularly
the most needy, who spend the largest share
of their incomes on food (C8.1). Increased
production of food and lower prices for
food have not been entirely positive. Among
industrial countries, and increasingly among
developing ones, diet-related risks, mainly
associated with overnutrition, in combination
with physical inactivity now account for one

third of the burden of disease (R16.1.2). At

present, over 1 billion adults are overweight,
with at least 300 million considered clinically
obese, up from 200 million in 1995 (C8.5.1).
Water Availability: The modication of
rivers and lakes through the construction of
dams and diversions has increased the water
available for human use in many regions of the
world. However, the declining per capita availability of water is having negative impacts on

human well-being. Water scarcity is a globally signicant and accelerating condition for
roughly 12 billion people worldwide, leading to
problems with food production, human health,
and economic development. Rates of increase
in a key water scarcity measure (water use relative to accessible supply) from 1960 to the
present averaged nearly 20% per decade globally, with values of 15% to more than 30% per
decade for individual continents (C7.ES).

Box Table. Selected Water-related Diseases

Approximate yearly number of cases, mortality, and disability-adjusted life years. The DALY
is a summary measure of population health, calculated on a population scale as the sum
of years lost due to premature mortality and of healthy years lost to disability for incident
cases of the ill-health condition (C7 Table 7.10).

of Cases


4 billion



by human feces


300500 million



transmitted by

200 million



transmitted by
aquatic mollusks

50100 million
500,000 DHF



transmitted by

(river blindness)

18 million


by black y

Typhoid and

17 million

Dengue and


150 million, with 6

million blind



(Guinea worm


Adjusted Life
(thousand DALYs)

Relationship to

food, ooding

lack of
basic hygiene


water and food

contaminated by
human feces

Diarrhea is a water-related disease, but not all diarrhea is associated with contaminated water.
The number in parentheses refers to the diarrhea specically associated with contaminated water.
The upper part of the range refers specically to 2001.

(continued on page 52)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Box 3.1. Linkages between Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being (continued)
By health, we refer to the ability of an individual to feel well and be strong, or in other
words to be adequately nourished and free
from disease, to have access to adequate
and clean drinking water and clean air, and to
have the ability to have energy to keep warm
and cool. Human health is both a product and
a determinant of well-being. Changes in provisioning services such as food, water, medicinal plants, and access to new medicines and
changes in regulating services that inuence
air quality, water quality, disease regulation,
and waste treatment also have very strong
impacts on health. Changes in cultural services can have strong inuences on health,

since they affect spiritual, inspirational, aesthetic, and recreational opportunities, and
these in turn affect both physical and emotional states. Changes in supporting services
have a strong inuence on all of the other
categories of services. These benets are
moderately mediated by socioeconomic circumstances. The wealthy can purchase substitutes for some health benets of ecosystems
(such as medicinal plants or water quality),
but they are more susceptible to changes
affecting air quality. The following are some
examples of health components of well-being
affected by ecosystem change.
Nutrition: In 2000, about a quarter of
the burden of disease among the poorest

countries was attributable to childhood and

maternal undernutrition. Worldwide, undernutrition accounted for nearly 10% of the global
burden of disease (R16.1.2).
Water and Sanitation: The burden of disease
from inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene
totals 1.7 million deaths and results in the loss
of at least 54 million healthy life years annually. Along with sanitation, water availability
and quality are well recognized as important
risk factors for infectious diarrhea and other
major diseases. (See Box Table.) Some 1.1
billion people lack access to clean drinking
water, and more than 2.6 billion lack access
to sanitation (C7.ES). (See Box Figures B and
C.) Globally, the economic cost of pollution of

Box Figure B. Proportion of Population with Improved Drinking Water Supply in 2002 (C7 Fig 7.13)
Access to improved drinking water is estimated by the percentage of the population using the following drinking water sources: household
connection, public standpipe, borehole, protected dug well, protected spring, or rainwater collection.









Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

coastal waters is estimated to be $16 billion

annually, mainly due to human health impacts
Vector-borne Disease: Actions to reduce
vector-borne diseases have resulted in major
health gains and helped to relieve important
constraints on development in poor regions.
Vector-borne diseases cause approximately
1.4 million deaths a year, mainly due to
malaria in Africa. These infections are both an
effect and a cause of poverty (R12.ES). Prevalence of a number of infectious diseases
appears to be growing, and environmental
changes such as deforestation, dam construction, road building, agricultural conversion,

and urbanization are contributing factors in

many cases (C14.2).
Medicines: The use of natural products in the
pharmaceutical industry has tended to uctuate
widely, with a general decline in pharmaceutical bioprospecting by major companies. Historically, most drugs were obtained from natural
products. Even near the end of the twentieth
century, approximately 50% of prescription
medicines were originally discovered in plants
(C10.2). Natural products still are actively used
in drug exploration. Medicinal plants continue
to play an important role in health care systems in many parts of the world. One MA subglobal assessment in the Mekong wetlands

identied more than 280 medically important

plant species, of which 150 are still in regular
use (C10.2.2). Medicinal plants have generally
declined in availability due to overharvesting
and loss of habitats (C10.5.4).
Good Social Relations
Good social relations refer to the presence of
social cohesion, mutual respect, and the ability to help others and provide for children.
Changes in provisioning and regulating ecosystem services can affect social relations,
principally through their more direct impacts
on material well-being, health, and security.
Changes in cultural services can have a strong

Box Figure C. Proportion of Population with Improved Sanitation Coverage in 2002 (C7 Fig 7.14)
Access to improved sanitation is estimated by the percentage of the population using the following sanitation facilities: connection to a public
sewer, connection to a septic system, pour-ush latrine, simple pit latrine (a portion of pit latrines are also considered unimproved sanitation),
and ventilated improved pit latrine.








(continued on page 54)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Box 3.1. Linkages between Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being (continued)
inuence on social relations, particularly in cultures that have retained strong connections to
local environments. Changes in provisioning
and regulating services can be mediated by
socioeconomic factors, but those in cultural
services cannot. Even a wealthy country like
Sweden or the United Kingdom cannot readily
purchase a substitute to a cultural landscape
that is valued by the people in the community.
Changes in ecosystems have tended to
increase the accessibility that people have to
ecosystems for recreation and ecotourism.
There are clear examples of declining ecosystem services disrupting social relations
or resulting in conicts. Indigenous societies
whose cultural identities are tied closely to
particular habitats or wildlife suffer if habitats
are destroyed or wildlife populations decline.
Such impacts have been observed in coastal
shing communities, Arctic populations, traditional forest societies, and pastoral nomadic
societies (C5.4.4).
By security, we refer to safety of person
and possessions, secure access to necessary resources, and security from natural and
human-made disasters. Changes in regulating services such as disease regulation, climate regulation, and ood regulation have
very strong inuences on security. Changes in
provisioning services such as food and water
have strong impacts on security, since degradation of these can lead to loss of access to
these essential resources. Changes in cultural
services can inuence security since they can
contribute to the breakdown or strengthening
of social networks within society. Changes in
supporting services have a strong inuence by
virtue of their inuence on all the other categories of services. These benets are moderately
mediated by socioeconomic circumstances.
The wealthy have access to some safety nets
that can minimize the impacts of some ecosystem changes (such as ood or drought
insurance). Nevertheless, the wealthy cannot
entirely escape exposure to some of these
changes in areas where they live.
One example of an aspect of security
affected by ecosystem change involves inuences on the severity and magnitude of oods


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

and major res. The incidence of these has

increased signicantly over the past 50 years.
Changes in ecosystems and in the management of ecosystems have contributed to these
trends. The canalization of rivers, for example,
tends to decrease the incidence and impact
of small ood events and increase the incidence and severity of large ones. On average,
140 million people are affected by oods each
yearmore than all other natural or technological disasters put together. Between 1990
and 1999, more than 100,000 people were
killed in oods, which caused a total of $243
billion in damages (C7.4.4).
Freedom of Choice and Action
Freedom of choice and action refers to the
ability of individuals to control what happens
to them and to be able to achieve what they
value doing or being. Freedom and choice
cannot exist without the presence of the other
elements of well-being, so there is an indirect inuence of changes in all categories
of ecosystem services on the attainment of
this constituent of well-being. The inuence

of ecosystem change on freedom and choice

is heavily mediated by socioeconomic circumstances. The wealthy and people living
in countries with efcient governments and
strong civil society can maintain freedom and
choice even in the face of signicant ecosystem change, while this would be impossible
for the poor if, for example, the ecosystem
change resulted in a loss of livelihood.
In the aggregate, the state of our knowledge about the impact that changing ecosystem conditions have on freedom and choice
is relatively limited. Declining provision of fuelwood and drinking water have been shown to
increase the amount of time needed to collect
such basic necessities, which in turn reduces
the amount of time available for
education, employment, and care of family
members. Such impacts are typically thought
to be disproportionately experienced by
women (although the empirical foundation for
this view is relatively limited) (C5.4.2).

Viet Nam

Figure 3.1. Net National Savings in 2001 Adjusted for Investments in Human Capital, Natural

Resource Depletion, and Damage Caused by Pollution Compared with Standard Net
National Savings Measurements (C5.2.6)

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%





Saudi Arabia
Trinidad and


Positive values for national savings (expressed as a percent
of Leone
gross national income) reect a gain in wealth for a nation.Pakistan
measures do not incorporate investments in human capital (in standard
national accounting, these expenditures are treated as consumption),
depletion of a variety of natural resources, or pollution damages.
The World Bank provides estimates of adjusted net nationalColombia
taking into account education expenses (which are added to standard
measures), unsustainable forest harvest, depletion of nonrenewable
resources (minerals and energy), and damage from carbonChile
related to its contribution to climate change (all of which are
subtracted from the standard measure). The adjusted measure still
overestimates actual net national savings, since it does notMexico
potential changes in many ecosystem services including depletion
Egypt of
sheries, atmospheric pollution, degradation of sources of fresh water,
and loss of noncommercial forests and the ecosystem services they
provide. Here we show the change in net national savings in
2001 for
countries in which there was a decline of at least 5% in netCanada
savings due to the incorporation of resource depletion or damage
from carbon emissions.
South Africa
Legend for the columns
Net savings, in percent of GNI: indicator of wealth taking into
account only economic parameters.


Adjusted net savings, in percent of GNI: net savings indicator

inclusive of human capital (e.g., education) and natural resources
depletion (e.g., unsustainable forestry, energy use, CO2 pollution)


Difference between net savings and adjusted net savings in 2001


Viet Nam

Legend for the background

Resource depletion and damage accounted for loss of:
25 to 60%

10 to 25%

5 to 10%

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Sierra Leone
South Africa
Legend for the columns
Net savings, in percent of GNI: indicator of wealth taking into
account only economic parameters.
Adjusted net savings, in percent of GNI: net savings indicator
inclusive of human capital (e.g., education) and natural resources
depletion (e.g., unsustainable forestry, energy use, CO2 pollution)
Difference between net savings and adjusted net savings in 2001

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


aesthetic benets, do not pass through markets. The benets they

provide to society, therefore, are largely unrecorded: only a portion
of the total benets provided by an ecosystem make their way into
statistics, and many of these are misattributed (the water regulation
benets of wetlands, for example, do not appear as benets of
wetlands but as higher prots in water-using sectors). Moreover,
for ecosystem services that do not pass through markets there is
often insufcient incentive for individuals to invest in maintenance
(although in some cases common property management systems
provide such incentives). Typically, even if individuals are
aware of the services provided by an ecosystem, they are neither
compensated for providing these services nor penalized for reducing
them. These nonmarketed benets are often high and sometimes
more valuable than the marketed benets. For example:
Total economic value of forests. One of the most comprehensive studies to date, which examined the marketed and
nonmarketed economic values associated with forests in
eight Mediterranean countries, found that timber and
fuelwood generally accounted for less than a third of total
economic value in each country. (See Figure 3.2.)
Recreational benets of protected areas: The annual recreational value of the coral reefs of each of six Marine Management Areas in the Hawaiian Islands in 2003 ranged
from $300,000 to $35 million.
Water quality: The net present value in 1998 of protecting water quality in the 360-kilometer Catawba River
in the United States for ve years was estimated to be
$346 million.
Water purication service of wetlands: About half of the total
economic value of the Danube River Floodplain in 1992
could be accounted for in its role as a nutrient sink.
Native pollinators: A study in Costa Rica found that forestbased pollinators increased coffee yields by 20% within
1 kilometer of the forest (as well as increasing the quality
of the coffee). During 200003, pollination services from
two forest fragments (of 46 and 111 hectares) thus
increased the income of a 1,100-hectare farm by $60,000
a year, a value commensurate with expected revenues from
competing land uses.
Flood control: Muthurajawela Marsh, a 3,100-hectare
coastal peat bog in Sri Lanka, provides an estimated $5 million in annual benets ($1,750 per hectare) through its role
in local ood control.
The total economic value associated with managing ecosystems
more sustainably is often higher than the value associated with the
conversion of the ecosystem through farming, clear-cut logging, or
other intensive uses. Relatively few studies have compared the total
economic value (including values of both marketed and nonmarketed ecosystem services) of ecosystems under alternate management regimes, but a number of studies that do exist have found


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Figure 3.2. Annual Flow of Benets from

Forests in Selected Countries

(Adapted from C5 Box 5.2)

In most countries, the marketed values of ecosystems associated

with timber and fuelwood production are less than one third of the
total economic value, including nonmarketed values such as carbon
sequestration, watershed protection, and recreation.

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


that the benet of managing the ecosystem more sustainably

exceeded that of converting the ecosystem (see Figure 3.3),
although the private benetsthat is, the actual monetary benets captured from the services entering the marketwould favor
conversion or unsustainable management. These studies are consistent with the understanding that market failures associated
with ecosystem services lead to greater conversion of ecosystems
than is economically justied. However, this nding would not
hold at all locations. For example, the value of conversion of an
ecosystem in areas of prime agricultural land or in urban regions
often exceeds the total economic value of the intact ecosystem.

(Although even in dense urban areas, the total ecoFigure 3.3. Economic Benets under Alternate Management
nomic value of maintaining some green space
Practices (C5 Box 5.2)
can be greater than development of these sites.)
In each case, the net benets from the more sustainably managed ecosystem are
The economic and public health costs associated
greater than those from the converted ecosystem even though the private (market)
with damage to ecosystem services can be substantial.
benets would be greater from the converted ecosystem. (Where ranges of values are
The early 1990s collapse of the Newfoundgiven in the original source, lower estimates are plotted here.)
land cod shery due to overshing (see
Figure 3.4) resulted in the loss of tens of
thousands of jobs and has cost at least $2
billion in income support and retraining.
The cost of U.K. agriculture in 1996 resulting from the damage that agricultural practices cause to water (pollution,
eutrophication), air (emissions of greenhouse gases), soil (off-site erosion damage,
carbon dioxide loss), and biodiversity was
$2.6 billion, or 9% of average yearly gross
farm receipts for the 1990s. Similarly, the
damage costs of freshwater eutrophication
alone in England and Wales was estimated
to be $105160 million per year in the
1990s, with an additional $77 million per
year being spent to address those damages.
The burning of 10 million hectares of
Indonesias forests in 1997/98 cost an estimated $9.3 billion in increased health care,
lost production, and lost tourism revenues
and affected some 20 million people across
the region.
The total damages for the Indian Ocean
region over 20 years (with a 10% discount
rate) resulting from the long-term impacts
of the massive 1998 coral bleaching episode
are estimated to be between $608 million
(if there is only a slight decrease in tourismgenerated income and employment results)
and $8 billion (if tourism income and
employment and sh productivity drop signicantly and reefs cease to function as a
protective barrier).
The net annual loss of economic value associated with invasive species in the fynbos
vegetation of the Cape Floral region of
Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
South Africa in 1997 was estimated to be
$93.5 million, equivalent to a reduction of
the potential economic value without the
invasive species of more than 40%. The invasive species
waters are increasing in frequency and intensity, harming
have caused losses of biodiversity, water, soil, and scenic
other marine resources such as sheries and harming
beauty, although they also provide some benets, such as
human health (R16 Figure 16.3). In a particularly severe
provision of rewood.
outbreak in Italy in 1989, harmful algal blooms cost the
The incidence of diseases of marine organisms and emercoastal aquaculture industry $10 million and the Italian
gence of new pathogens is increasing, and some of these,
tourism industry $11.4 million (C19.3.1).
such as ciguatera, harm human health (C19.3.1). Episodes of harmful (including toxic) algal blooms in coastal

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Figure 3.4. Collapse of Atlantic Cod Stocks off the East Coast of Newfoundland in 1992 (CF Box 2.4)
This collapse forced the closure of
the shery after hundreds of years of
exploitation. Until the late 1950s, the
shery was exploited by migratory seasonal
eets and resident inshore small-scale
shers. From the late 1950s, offshore
bottom trawlers began exploiting the
deeper part of the stock, leading to a large
catch increase and a strong decline in the
underlying biomass. Internationally agreed
quotas in the early 1970s and, following
the declaration by Canada of an Exclusive
Fishing Zone in 1977, national quota
systems ultimately failed to arrest and
reverse the decline. The stock collapsed
to extremely low levels in the late 1980s
and early 1990s, and a moratorium on
commercial shing was declared in June
1992. A small commercial inshore shery
was reintroduced in 1998, but catch
rates declined and the shery was closed
indenitely in 2003.

900 000
800 000
700 000
600 000
500 000
400 000
300 000
200 000
100 000
Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

The number of both oods and res has increased signicantly, in part due to ecosystem changes, in the past 50
years. Examples are the increased susceptibility of coastal
populations to tropical storms when mangrove forests
are cleared and the increase in downstream ooding that
followed land use changes in the upper Yangtze river
(C.SDM). Annual economic losses from extreme events
increased tenfold from the 1950s to approximately $70
billion in 2003, of which natural catastrophesoods,
res, storms, drought, and earthquakesaccounted for
84% of insured losses.
Signicant investments are often needed to restore or maintain
nonmarketed ecosystem services.
In South Africa, invasive tree species threaten both native
species and water ows by encroaching into natural habitats, with serious impacts for economic growth and human
well-being. In response, the South African government
established the Working for Water Programme. Between
1995 and 2001 the program invested $131 million (at
2001 exchange rates) in clearing programs to control the
invasive species.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

The state of Louisiana has put in place a $14-billion wetland restoration plan to protect 10,000 square kilometers of
marsh, swamp, and barrier islands in part to reduce storm
surges generated by hurricanes.
Although degradation of ecosystem services could be signicantly slowed or reversed if the full economic value of the services were taken into account in decision-making, economic
considerations alone would likely lead to lower levels of biodiversity (medium certainty) (CWG). Although most or all biodiversity has some economic value (the option value of any species
is always greater than zero), that does not mean that the protection of all biodiversity is always economically justied. Other
utilitarian benets often compete with the benets of maintaining greater diversity. For example, many of the steps taken to
increase the production of ecosystem services involve the simplication of natural systems. (Agriculture, for instance, typically
has involved the replacement of relatively diverse systems with
more simplied production systems.) And protecting some other
ecosystem services may not necessarily require the conservation
of biodiversity. (For example, a forested watershed could provide
clean water whether it was covered in a diverse native forest or in
a single-species plantation.) Ultimately, the level of biodiversity
that survives on Earth will be determined not just by utilitarian
considerations but to a signicant extent by ethical concerns,
including considerations of the intrinsic values of species.

Even wealthy populations cannot be fully insulated from the

degradation of ecosystem services (CWG). The degradation of
ecosystem services inuences human well-being in industrial
regions as well as wealthy populations in developing countries.
The physical, economic, or social impacts of ecosystem
service degradation may cross boundaries. (See Figure 3.5.)
Land degradation and res in poor countries, for example,
have contributed to air quality degradation (dust and
smoke) in wealthy ones.
Degradation of ecosystem services exacerbates poverty in
developing countries, which can affect neighboring industrial countries by slowing regional economic growth and
contributing to the outbreak of conicts or the migration
of refugees.
Changes in ecosystems that contribute to greenhouse gas
emissions contribute to global climate changes that affect
all countries.
Many industries still depend directly on ecosystem services.
The collapse of sheries, for example, has harmed many
communities in industrial countries. Prospects for the
forest, agriculture, shing, and ecotourism industries are
all directly tied to ecosystem services, while other sectors
such as insurance, banking, and health are strongly, if less
directly, inuenced by changes in ecosystem services.
Wealthy populations are insulated from the harmful effects
of some aspects of ecosystem degradation, but not all.
For example, substitutes are typically not available when
cultural services are lost.
While traditional natural resource sectors such as agriculture,
forestry, and sheries are still important in industrial-country
economies, the relative economic and political signicance of
other sectors has grown as a result of the ongoing transition
from agricultural to industrial and service economies (S7). Over
the past two centuries, the economic structure of the worlds largest economies has shifted signicantly from agricultural production to industry and, in particular, to service industries. (See
Figure 3.6.) These changes increase the relative signicance of
the industrial and service sectors (using conventional economic
measures that do not factor in nonmarketed costs and benets) in
comparison to agriculture, forestry, and sheries, although natural
resourcebased sectors often still dominate in developing countries. In 2000, agriculture accounted for 5% of gross world product, industry 31%, and service industries 64%. At the same time,
the importance of other nonmarketed ecosystem services has
grown, although many of the benets provided by these services
are not captured in national economic statistics. The economic
value of water from forested ecosystems near urban populations,
for example, now sometimes exceeds the value of timber in those
ecosystems. Economic and employment contributions from ecotourism, recreational hunting, and shing have all grown.
Increased trade has often helped meet growing demand for
ecosystem services such as grains, sh, and timber in regions
where their supply is limited. While this lessens pressures on

Figure 3.5. Dust Cloud off the Northwest Coast

of Africa, March 6, 2004

In this image, the storm covers about one fth of Earths

circumference. The dust clouds travel thousands of miles and fertilize
the water off the west coast of Florida with iron. This has been linked to
blooms of toxic algae in the region and respiratory problems in North
America and has affected coral reefs in the Caribbean. Degradation of
drylands exacerbates problems associated with dust storms.

Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Earth Observatory

ecosystem services within the importing region, it increases

pressures in the exporting region. Fish products are heavily
traded, and approximately 50% of exports are from developing
countries. Exports from these nations and the Southern Hemisphere presently offset much of the shortfall of supply in European, North American, and East Asian markets (C18.ES). Trade
has increased the quantity and quality of sh supplied to wealthy
countries, in particular the United States, those in Europe, and
Japan, despite reductions in marine sh catch (C18.4.1).
The value of international trade in forest products has
increased much faster than increases in harvests. (Roundwood
harvests grew by 60% between 1961 and 2000, while the value
of international timber trade increased twenty-ve-fold (C9.ES).)
The United States, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and Italy
were the destination of more than half of the imports in 2000,
while Canada, United States, Sweden, Finland, and Germany
account for more than half of the exports.
Trade in commodities such as grain, sh, and timber is accompanied by a virtual trade in other ecosystem services that are
required to support the production of these commodities.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Figure 3.6. Changes in Economic Structure for Selected Countries. This indicates the share of national GDP

for different sectors between 1820 and 1992. (S7 Fig 7.3)































Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Globally, the international virtual water trade in crops has been

estimated between 500 and 900 cubic kilometers per year, and
130150 cubic kilometers per year is traded in livestock and livestock products. For comparison, current rates of water consumption for irrigation total 1,200 cubic kilometers per year (C7.3.2).
Changes in ecosystem services affect people living in urban
ecosystems both directly and indirectly. Likewise, urban populations have strong impacts on ecosystem services both in the
local vicinity and at considerable distances from urban centers
(C27). Almost half of the worlds population now lives in urban
areas, and this proportion is growing. Urban development often
threatens the availability of water, air and water quality, waste
processing, and many other qualities of the ambient environment
that contribute to human well-being, and this degradation is
particularly threatening to vulnerable groups such as poor people.
A wide range of ecosystem services are still important to livelihoods. For example, agriculture practiced within urban boundaries contributes to food security in urban sub-Saharan Africa.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Urban populations affect distant ecosystems through trade and

consumption and are affected by changes in distant ecosystems
that affect the local availability or price of commodities, air or
water quality, or global climate, or that affect socioeconomic conditions in those countries in ways that inuence the economy,
demographic, or security situation in distant urban areas.
Spiritual and cultural values of ecosystems are as important
as other services for many local communities. Human cultures,
knowledge systems, religions, heritage values, and social interactions have always been inuenced and shaped by the nature of
the ecosystem and ecosystem conditions in which culture is
based. People have beneted in many ways from cultural ecosystem services, including aesthetic enjoyment, recreation, artistic
and spiritual fulllment, and intellectual development (C17.ES).
Several of the MA sub-global assessments highlighted the importance of these cultural services and spiritual benets to local communities (SG.SDM). For example, local villages in India preserve
selected sacred groves of forest for spiritual reasons, and urban
parks provide important cultural and recreational services in cities around the world.

Ecosystem Services, Millennium Development

Goals, and Poverty Reduction
The degradation of ecosystem services poses a signicant
barrier to the achievement of the Millennium Development
Goals and to the MDG targets for 2015. (See Box 3.2.) Many
of the regions facing the greatest challenges in achieving the
MDGs overlap with the regions facing the greatest problems
related to the sustainable supply of ecosystem services (R19.ES).
Among other regions, this includes sub-Saharan Africa, Central
Asia, and parts of South and Southeast Asia as well as some
regions in Latin America. Sub-Saharan Africa has experienced
increases in maternal deaths and income poverty (those living on
less than $1 a day), and the number of people living in poverty
there is forecast to rise from 315 million in 1999 to 404 million
by 2015 (R19.1). Per capita food production has been declining
in southern Africa, and relatively little gain is projected in the
MA scenarios. Many of these regions include large areas of
drylands, in which a combination of growing populations and
land degradation are increasing the vulnerability of people to
both economic and environmental change. In the past 20 years,
these same regions have experienced some of the highest rates of
forest and land degradation in the world.

Despite the progress achieved in increasing the production

and use of some ecosystem services, levels of poverty remain
high, inequities are growing, and many people still do not have
a sufcient supply of or access to ecosystem services (C5).
In 2001, some 1.1 billion people survived on less than $1
per day of income, most of them (roughly 70%) in rural
areas where they are highly dependent on agriculture, grazing, and hunting for subsistence (R19.2.1).
Inequality in income and other measures of human wellbeing has increased over the past decade (C5.ES). A child
born in sub-Saharan Africa is 20 times more likely to die
before age ve than a child born in an industrial country,
and this ratio is higher than it was a decade ago. During the
1980s, only four countries experienced declines in their
rankings in the Human Development Index (an aggregate
measure of economic well-being, health, and education);
during the 1990s, 21 countries showed declines, and 14 of
them were in sub-Saharan Africa.
Despite the growth in per capita food production in the
past four decades, an estimated 852 million people were
undernourished in 200002, up 37 million from 199799.
Of these, nearly 95% live in developing countries (C8.ES).

Box 3.2. Ecosystems and the Millennium Development Goals

The eight Millennium Development Goals
were endorsed by governments at the United
Nations in September 2000. The MDGs aim
to improve human well-being by reducing poverty, hunger, and child and maternal mortality; ensuring education for all; controlling and
managing diseases; tackling gender disparity; ensuring sustainable development; and
pursuing global partnerships. For each MDG,
governments have agreed to between 1 and
8 targets (a total of 15 targets) that are to
be achieved by 2015. Slowing or reversing
the degradation of ecosystem services will
contribute signicantly to the achievement of
many of the MDGs.
Poverty Eradication. Ecosystem services are a dominant inuence on livelihoods
of most poor people. Most of the worlds
poorest people live in rural areas and are
thus highly dependent, directly or indirectly,
on the ecosystem service of food production, including agriculture, livestock, and
hunting (R19.2.1). Mismanagement of ecosystems threatens the livelihood of poor people and may threaten their survival (C5.ES).
Poor people are highly vulnerable to changes
in watershed services that affect the quality or availability of water, loss of ecosystems such as wetlands, mangroves, or coral

reefs that affect the likelihood of ood or

storm damage, or changes in climate regulating services that might alter regional climate.
Ecosystem degradation is often one of the
factors trapping people in cycles of poverty.
Hunger Eradication (R19.2.2). Although
economic and social factors are often the
primary determinants of hunger, food production remains an important factor, particularly among the rural poor. Food production
is an ecosystem service in its own right, and
it also depends on watershed services, pollination, pest regulation, and soil formation.
Food production needs to increase to meet
the needs of the growing human population,
and at the same time the efciency of food
production (the amount produced per unit
of land, water, and other inputs) needs to
increase in order to reduce harm to other key
ecosystem services. Ecosystem condition,
in particular climate, soil degradation, and
water availability, inuences progress toward
this goal through its inuence on crop yields
as well as through impacts on the availability
of wild sources of food.
Reducing Child Mortality. Undernutrition
is the underlying cause of a substantial proportion of all child deaths. Child mortality is
also strongly inuenced by diseases associ-

ated with water quality. Diarrhea is one of the

predominant causes of infant deaths worldwide. In sub-Saharan Africa, malaria additionally plays an important part in child mortality
in many countries of the region.
Combating Disease (R19.2.7). Human
health is strongly inuenced by ecosystem
services related to food production, water
quality, water quantity, and natural hazard
regulation, and the role of ecosystem management is central to addressing some of
the most pressing global diseases such as
malaria. Changes in ecosystems inuence
the abundance of human pathogens such
as malaria and cholera as well as the risk
of emergence of new diseases. Malaria is
responsible for 11% of the disease burden in
Africa, and it is estimated that Africas GDP
could have been $100 billion larger (roughly
a 25% increase) in 2000 if malaria had been
eliminated 35 years ago (R16.1).
Environmental Sustainability. Achievement of this goal will require, at a minimum,
an end to the current unsustainable uses of
ecosystem services such as sheries and
fresh water and an end to the degradation of
other services such as water purication,
natural hazard regulation, disease regulation,
climate regulation, and cultural amenities.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, the regions with the

largest numbers of undernourished people, are also the
regions where growth in per capita food production has
lagged the most. Most notably, per capita food production
has declined in sub-Saharan Africa (C28.5.1).
Some 1.1 billion people still lack access to improved water
supply and more than 2.6 billion have no access to
improved sanitation. Water scarcity affects roughly 12
billion people worldwide. Since 1960, the ratio of water
use to accessible supply has grown by 20% per decade
(C7.ES, C7.2.3).
The degradation of ecosystem services is harming many of the
worlds poorest people and is sometimes the principal factor
causing poverty. This is not to say that ecosystem changes such as
increased food production have not also helped to lift hundreds of
millions of people out of poverty. But these changes have harmed
many other communities, and their plight has been largely overlooked. Examples of these impacts include:
Half of the urban population in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean suffers from one or more diseases
associated with inadequate water and sanitation (C.SDM).
Approximately 1.7 million people die annually as a result of
inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (C7.ES).
The declining state of capture sheries is reducing a cheap
source of protein in developing countries. Per capita sh
consumption in developing countries, excluding China,
declined between 1985 and 1997 (C18.ES).
Desertication affects the livelihoods of millions of people,
including a large portion of the poor in drylands (C22).
The pattern of winners and losers associated with
ecosystem changes, and in particular the impact of ecosystem
changes on poor people, women, and indigenous peoples, has
not been adequately taken into account in management decisions (R17). Changes in ecosystems typically yield benets for
some people and exact costs on others, who may either lose
access to resources or livelihoods or be affected by externalities
associated with the change. For several reasons, groups such as
the poor, women, and indigenous communities have tended to
be harmed by these changes.
Many changes have been associated with the privatization
of what were formerly common pool resources, and the
individuals who are dependent on those resources have thus
lost rights to them. This has been particularly the case for
indigenous peoples, forest-dependent communities, and
other groups relatively marginalized from political and
economic sources of power.
Some of the people and places affected by changes in ecosystems and ecosystem services are highly vulnerable and
poorly equipped to cope with the major ecosystem changes
that may occur (C6.ES). Highly vulnerable groups include


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

those whose needs for ecosystem services already exceed the

supply, such as people lacking adequate clean water supplies
and people living in areas with declining per capita agricultural production. Vulnerability has also been increased by
the growth of populations in ecosystems at risk of disasters
such as oods or drought, often due to inappropriate policies that have encouraged this growth. Populations are
growing in low-lying coastal areas and dryland ecosystems.
In part due to the growth in these vulnerable populations,
the number of natural disasters (oods, droughts, earthquakes, and so on) requiring international assistance has
quadrupled over the past four decades. Finally, vulnerability
has been increased when the resilience in either the social or
ecological system has been diminished, as for example
through the loss of drought-resistant crop varieties.
Signicant differences between the roles and rights of men
and women in many societies lead to womens increased
vulnerability to changes in ecosystem services. Rural
women in developing countries are the main producers of
staple crops like rice, wheat, and maize (R6 Box 6.1).
Because the gendered division of labor within many societies places responsibility for routine care of the household
with women, even when women also play important roles
in agriculture, the degradation of ecosystem services such as
water quality or quantity, fuelwood, agricultural or rangeland productivity often results in increased labor demands
on women. This can affect the larger household by diverting time from food preparation, child care, education of
children, and other benecial activities (C6.3.3).Yet gender
bias persists in agricultural policies in many countries, and
rural women involved in agriculture tend to be the last to
benet fromor in some cases are negatively affected by
development policies and new technologies.
The reliance of the rural poor on ecosystem services is rarely
measured and thus typically overlooked in national statistics and in poverty assessments, resulting in inappropriate
strategies that do not take into account the role of the environment in poverty reduction. For example, a recent study
that synthesized data from 17 countries found that 22% of
household income for rural communities in forested
regions comes from sources typically not included in
national statistics, such as harvesting wild food, fuelwood,
fodder, medicinal plants, and timber. These activities generated a much higher proportion of poorer families total
income than wealthy familiesincome that was of particular signicance in periods of both predictable and unpredictable shortfalls in other livelihood sources (R17).
Poor people have historically lost access to ecosystem services
disproportionately as demand for those services has grown.
Coastal habitats are often converted to other uses, frequently for
aquaculture ponds or cage culturing of highly valued species such
as shrimp and salmon. Despite the fact that the area is still used
for food production, local residents are often displaced, and the

food produced is usually not for local consumption but for

export (C18.4.1). Many areas where overshing is a concern are
also low-income, food-decit countries. For example, signicant
quantities of sh are caught by large distant water eets in the
exclusive economic zones of Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia,
Guinea Bissau, and Sierra Leone. Much of the catch is exported
or shipped directly to Europe, while compensation for access is
often low compared with the value of the product landed overseas. These countries do not necessarily benet through increased
sh supplies or higher government revenues when foreign distant
water eets ply their waters (C18.5.1).
Diminished human well-being tends to increase immediate
dependence on ecosystem services, and the resultant additional
pressure can damage the capacity of those ecosystems to deliver
services (SG3.ES). As human well-being declines, the options
available to people that allow them to regulate their use of natural resources at sustainable levels decline as well. This in turn
increases pressure on ecosystem services and can create a downward spiral of increasing poverty and further degradation of ecosystem services.
Dryland ecosystems tend to have the lowest levels of human
well-being (C5.3.3). Drylands have the lowest per capita GDP
and the highest infant mortality rates of all of the MA systems
Nearly 500 million people live in rural areas in dry and semiarid
lands, mostly in Asia and Africa but also in regions of Mexico
and northern Brazil (C5 Box 5.2). The small amount of precipitation and its high variability limit the productive potential of
drylands for settled farming and nomadic pastoralism, and many

ways of expanding production (such as reducing fallow periods,

overgrazing pasture areas, and cutting trees for fuelwood) result
in environmental degradation. The combination of high variability in environmental conditions and relatively high levels of poverty leads to situations where human populations can be
extremely sensitive to changes in the ecosystem (although the
presence of these conditions has led to the development of very
resilient land management strategies). Once rainfall in the Sahel
reverted to normal low levels after 1970, following favorable
rainfall from the 1950s to the mid-1960s that had attracted people to the region, an estimated 250,000 people died, along with
nearly all their cattle, sheep, and goats (C5 Box 5.1).
Although population growth has historically been higher in
high-productivity ecosystems or urban areas, during the 1990s
it was highest in less productive ecosystems (C5.ES, C5.3.4). In
that decade dryland systems (encompassing both rural and urban
regions of drylands) experienced the highest, and mountain systems the second highest, population growth rate of any of the
systems examined in the MA. (See Figure 3.7.) One factor that
has helped reduce relative population growth in marginal lands
has been migration of some people out of marginal lands to cities
or to agriculturally productive regions; today the opportunities
for such migration are limited due to a combination of factors,
including poor economic growth in some cities, tighter immigration restrictions in wealthy countries, and limited availability of
land in more productive regions.

Figure 3.7. Human Population Growth Rates, 19902000, and Per Capita GDP and Biological

Productivity in 2000 in MA Ecological Systems

Population growth
between 1990 and 2000

Net primary

Population growth
between 1990 and 2000




Gross domestic
dollars per capita
20 000




16 000




12 000


8 000


4 000


in percentage



kg / sq. meter/ year



Forest and woodland

Population growth

in percentage


Net primary productivity





Forest and woodland


Gross domestic product

Sources: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


4. What are the most critical factors causing ecosystem changes?

atural or human-induced factors that directly or indirectly

cause a change in an ecosystem are referred to as drivers.
A direct driver unequivocally inuences ecosystem processes. An
indirect driver operates more diffusely, by altering one or more
direct drivers.
Drivers affect ecosystem services and human well-being at
different spatial and temporal scales, which makes both their
assessment and their management complex (SG7). Climate
change may operate on a global or a large regional spatial scale;
political change may operate at the scale of a nation or a municipal district. Sociocultural change typically occurs slowly, on a
time scale of decades (although abrupt changes can sometimes
occur, as in the case of wars or political regime changes), while
economic changes tend to occur more rapidly. As a result of this
spatial and temporal dependence of drivers, the forces that
appear to be most signicant at a particular location and time
may not be the most signicant over larger (or smaller) regions
or time scales.

Indirect Drivers
In the aggregate and at a global scale, there are ve indirect
drivers of changes in ecosystems and their services: population
change, change in economic activity, sociopolitical factors, cultural factors, and technological change. Collectively these factors inuence the level of production and consumption of
ecosystem services and the sustainability of production. Both
economic growth and population growth lead to increased consumption of ecosystem services, although the harmful environmental impacts of any particular level of consumption depend on
the efciency of the technologies used in the production of the
service. These factors interact in complex ways in different locations to change pressures on ecosystems and uses of ecosystem
services. Driving forces are almost always multiple and interactive, so that a one-to-one linkage between particular driving
forces and particular changes in ecosystems rarely exists. Even so,
changes in any one of these indirect drivers generally result in
changes in ecosystems. The causal linkage is almost always highly
mediated by other factors, thereby complicating statements of
causality or attempts to establish the proportionality of various
contributors to changes. There are ve major indirect drivers:
Demographic Drivers: Global population doubled in the past
40 years and increased by 2 billion people in the last 25 years,
reaching 6 billion in 2000 (S7.2.1). Developing countries have
accounted for most recent population growth in the past quartercentury, but there is now an unprecedented diversity of demographic patterns across regions and countries. Some high-income
countries such as the United States are still experiencing high
rates of population growth, while some developing countries
such as China, Thailand, and North and South Korea have very


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

low rates. In the United States, high population growth is due

primarily to high levels of immigration. About half the people in
the world now live in urban areas (although urban areas cover
less than 3% of the terrestrial surface), up from less than 15% at
the start of the twentieth century (C27.1). High-income countries typically have populations that are 7080% urban. Some
developing-country regions, such as parts of Asia, are still largely
rural, while Latin America, at 75% urban, is indistinguishable
from high-income countries in this regard (S7.2.1).
Economic Drivers: Global economic activity increased nearly
sevenfold between 1950 and 2000 (S7.SDM). With rising per
capita income, the demand for many ecosystem services grows. At
the same time, the structure of consumption changes. In the case
of food, for example, as income grows the share of additional
income spent on food declines, the importance of starchy staples
(such as rice, wheat, and potatoes) declines, diets include more
fat, meat and sh, and fruits and vegetables, and the proportionate consumption of industrial goods and services rises (S7.2.2).
In the late twentieth century, income was distributed unevenly,
both within countries and around the world. The level of per
capita income was highest in North America, Western Europe,
Australasia, and Northeast Asia, but both GDP growth rates and
per capita GDP growth rates were highest in South Asia, China,
and parts of South America (S7.2.2). (See Figures 4.1 and 4.2.)
Growth in international trade ows has exceeded growth in
global production for many years, and the differential may be
growing. In 2001, international trade in goods was equal to 40%
of gross world product. (S7.2.2).
Taxes and subsidies are important indirect drivers of ecosystem
change. Fertilizer taxes or taxes on excess nutrients, for example,
provide an incentive to increase the efciency of the use of fertilizer applied to crops and thereby reduce negative externalities.
Currently, many subsidies substantially increase rates of resource
consumption and increase negative externalities. Annual subsidies to conventional energy, which encourage greater use of fossil
fuels and consequently emissions of greenhouse gases, are estimated to have been $250300 billion in the mid-1990s (S7.ES).
The 200103 average subsidies paid to the agricultural sectors of
OECD countries were over $324 billion annually (S7.ES),
encouraging greater food production and associated water consumption and nutrient and pesticide release. At the same time,
many developing countries also have signicant agricultural production subsidies.
Sociopolitical Drivers: Sociopolitical drivers encompass the
forces inuencing decision-making and include the quantity of
public participation in decision-making, the groups participating
in public decision-making, the mechanisms of dispute resolution,
the role of the state relative to the private sector, and levels of
education and knowledge (S7.2.3). These factors in turn inuence the institutional arrangements for ecosystem management,
as well as property rights over ecosystem services. Over the past

Figure 4.1. GDP Average Annual Growth, 19902003 (S7 Fig 7.6b)
Average annual percentage growth rate of GDP at market prices based on constant local currency. Dollar gures for GDP are converted from
domestic currencies using 1995 ofcial exchange rates. GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any
product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of
fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources.






50 years there have been signicant changes in sociopolitical

drivers. There is a declining trend in centralized authoritarian
governments and a rise in elected democracies. The role of
women is changing in many countries, average levels of formal
education are increasing, and there has been a rise in civil society
(such as increased involvement of NGOs and grassroots organizations in decision-making processes). The trend toward democratic institutions has helped give power to local communities,
especially women and resource-poor households (S7.2.3). There
has been an increase in multilateral environmental agreements.
The importance of the state relative to the private sectoras a
supplier of goods and services, as a source of employment, and as
a source of innovationis declining.
Cultural and Religious Drivers: To understand culture as a
driver of ecosystem change, it is most useful to think of it as the

values, beliefs, and norms that a group of people share. In this

sense, culture conditions individuals perceptions of the world,
inuences what they consider important, and suggests what
courses of action are appropriate and inappropriate (S7.2.4).
Broad comparisons of whole cultures have not proved useful
because they ignore vast variations in values, beliefs, and norms
within cultures. Nevertheless, cultural differences clearly have
important impacts on direct drivers. Cultural factors, for example, can inuence consumption behavior (what and how much
people consume) and values related to environmental stewardship, and they may be particularly important drivers of environmental change.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Figure 4.2. Per Capita GDP Average Annual Growth, 19902003 (S7 Fig 7.6a)
Average annual percentage growth rate of GDP per capita at market prices based on constant local currency. Dollar gures for GDP are converted
from domestic currencies using 1995 ofcial exchange rates. GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus
any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of
fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources.







Science and Technology: The development and diffusion of scientic knowledge and technologies that exploit that knowledge
has profound implications for ecological systems and human wellbeing. The twentieth century saw tremendous advances in understanding how the world works physically, chemically, biologically,
and socially and in the applications of that knowledge to human
endeavors. Science and technology are estimated to have
accounted for more than one third of total GDP growth in the
United States from 1929 to the early 1980s, and for 1647% of
GDP growth in selected OECD countries in 196095 (S7.2.5).
The impact of science and technology on ecosystem services is
most evident in the case of food production. Much of the increase


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

in agricultural output over the past 40 years has come from an

increase in yields per hectare rather than an expansion of area
under cultivation. For instance, wheat yields rose 208%, rice
yields rose 109%, and maize yields rose 157% in the past 40 years
in developing countries (S7.2.5). At the same time, technological
advances can also lead to the degradation of ecosystem services.
Advances in shing technologies, for example, have contributed
signicantly to the depletion of marine sh stocks.
Consumption of ecosystem services is slowly being decoupled from economic growth. Growth in the use of ecosystem
services over the past ve decades was generally much less than
the growth in GDP. This change reects structural changes in
economies, but it also results from new technologies and new
management practices and policies that have increased the efciency with which ecosystem services are used and provided

substitutes for some services. Even with this progress, though, the
absolute level of consumption of ecosystem services continues to
grow, which is consistent with the pattern for the consumption
of energy and materials such as metals: in the 200 years for
which reliable data are available, growth of consumption of
energy and materials has outpaced increases in materials and
energy efciency, leading to absolute increases of materials and
energy use (S7.ES).
Global trade magnies the effect of governance, regulations,
and management practices on ecosystems and their services,
enhancing good practices but worsening the damage caused by
poor practices (R8, S7). Increased trade can accelerate degradation of ecosystem services in exporting countries if their policy,
regulatory, and management systems are inadequate. At the same
time, international trade enables comparative advantages to be
exploited and accelerates the diffusion of more-efcient technologies and practices. For example, the increased demand for
forest products in many countries stimulated by growth in forest
products trade can lead to more rapid degradation of forests in
countries with poor systems of regulation and management,
but can also stimulate a virtuous cycle if the regulatory framework is sufciently robust to prevent resource degradation while
trade, and prots, increase. While historically most trade related
to ecosystems has involved provisioning services such as food,
timber, ber, genetic resources, and biochemicals, one regulating
serviceclimate regulation, or more specically carbon sequestrationis now also traded internationally.
Urban demographic and economic growth has been increasing pressures on ecosystems globally, but afuent rural and suburban living often places even more pressure on ecosystems
(C27.ES). Dense urban settlement is considered to be less environmentally burdensome than urban and suburban sprawl. And
the movement of people into urban areas has signicantly lessened pressure on some ecosystems and, for example, has led to the
reforestation of some parts of industrial countries that had been
deforested in previous centuries. At the same time, urban centers
facilitate human access to and management of ecosystem services
through, for example, economies of scale related to the construction of piped water systems in areas of high population density.

Direct Drivers
Most of the direct drivers of change in ecosystems and biodiversity currently remain constant or are growing in intensity in
most ecosystems. (See Figure 4.3.) The most important direct
drivers of change in ecosystems are habitat change (land use
change and physical modication of rivers or water withdrawal
from rivers), overexploitation, invasive alien species, pollution,
and climate change.
For terrestrial ecosystems, the most important direct drivers of
change in ecosystem services in the past 50 years, in the aggregate, have been land cover change (in particular, conversion to
cropland) and the application of new technologies (which have
contributed signicantly to the increased supply of services such

as food, timber, and ber) (CWG, S7.2.5, SG8.ES). In 9 of the

14 terrestrial biomes examined in the MA, between one half and
one fth of the area has been transformed, largely to croplands
(C4.ES). Only biomes relatively unsuited to crop plants, such as
deserts, boreal forests, and tundra, have remained largely untransformed by human action. Both land cover changes and the management practices and technologies used on lands may cause major
changes in ecosystem services. New technologies have resulted in
signicant increases in the supply of some ecosystem services, such
as through increases in agricultural yield. In the case of cereals, for
example, from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s the global area
under cereals fell by around 0.3% a year, while yields increased by
about 1.2% a year (C26.4.1).
For marine ecosystems and their services, the most important
direct driver of change in the past 50 years, in the aggregate, has
been shing (C18). At the beginning of the twenty-rst century,
the biological capability of commercially exploited sh stocks
was probably at a historical low. FAO estimates that about half of
the commercially exploited wild marine sh stocks for which
information is available are fully exploited and offer no scope for
increased catches, and a further quarter are over exploited.
(C8.2.2). As noted in Key Question 1, shing pressure is so
strong in some marine systems that the biomass of some targeted
species, especially larger shes, and those caught incidentally has
been reduced to one tenth of levels prior to the onset of industrial shing (C18.ES). Fishing has had a particularly signicant
impact in coastal areas but is now also affecting the open oceans.
For freshwater ecosystems and their services, depending on
the region, the most important direct drivers of change in the
past 50 years include modication of water regimes, invasive
species, and pollution, particularly high levels of nutrient loading. It is speculated that 50% of inland water ecosystems (excluding large lakes and closed seas) were converted during the
twentieth century (C20.ES). Massive changes have been made in
water regimes: in Asia, 78% of the total reservoir volume was
constructed in the last decade, and in South America almost
60% of all reservoirs have been built since the 1980s (C20.4.2).
The introduction of non-native invasive species is one of the
major causes of species extinction in freshwater systems. While
the presence of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen is
necessary for biological systems, high levels of nutrient loading
cause signicant eutrophication of water bodies and contribute
to high levels of nitrate in drinking water in some locations.
(The nutrient load refers to the total amount of nitrogen or
phosphorus entering the water during a given time.) Non-point
pollution sources such as storm water runoff in urban areas, poor
or nonexistent sanitation facilities in rural areas, and the ushing
of livestock manure by rainfall and snowmelt are also causes of
contamination (C20.4.5). Pollution from point sources such as
mining has had devastating local and regional impacts on the
biota of inland waters.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Figure 4.3. Main Direct Drivers of Change in Biodiversity and Ecosystems (CWG)
The cell color indicates impact of each driver on biodiversity in each type of ecosystem over the past 50100 years. High impact means that over the
last century the particular driver has signicantly altered biodiversity in that biome; low impact indicates that it has had little inuence on biodiversity in
the biome. The arrows indicate the trend in the driver. Horizontal arrows indicate a continuation of the current level of impact; diagonal and vertical arrows
indicate progressively increasing trends in impact. Thus for example, if an ecosystem had experienced a very high impact of a particular driver in the
past century (such as the impact of invasive species on islands), a horizontal arrow indicates that this very high impact is likely to continue. This Figure
is based on expert opinion consistent with and based on the analysis of drivers of change in the various chapters of the assessment report of the MA
Condition and Trends Working Group. The Figure presents global impacts and trends that may be different from those in specic regions.







Temperate grassland


Tropical grassland
and savanna

Inland water

Drivers impact on biodiversity

over the last century


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Drivers current trends


Decreasing impact


Continuing impact


Increasing impact

Very high

Very rapid increase

of the impact

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Coastal ecosystems are affected by multiple direct drivers.

Fishing pressures in coastal ecosystems are compounded by a
wide array of other drivers, including land-, river-, and oceanbased pollution, habitat loss, invasive species, and nutrient loading. Although human activities have increased sediment ows in
rivers by about 20%, reservoirs and water diversions prevent
about 30% of sediments from reaching the oceans, resulting in a
net reduction of 10% in the sediment delivery to estuaries, which
are key nursery areas and shing grounds (C19.ES). Approximately 17% of the world lives within the boundaries of the MA
coastal system (up to an elevation of 50 meters above sea level
and no further than 100 kilometers from a coast), and approximately 40% live in the full area within 50 kilometers of a coast.
And the absolute number is increasing through a combination of
in-migration, high reproduction rates, and tourism (C.SDM).
Demand on coastal space for shipping, waste disposal, military
and security uses, recreation, and aquaculture is increasing.
The greatest threat to coastal systems is the developmentrelated conversion of coastal habitats such as forests, wetlands,
and coral reefs through coastal urban sprawl, resort and port
development, aquaculture, and industrialization. Dredging,
reclamation and destructive shing also account for widespread,
effectively irreversible destruction. Shore protection structures
and engineering works (beach armoring, causeways, bridges, and
so on), by changing coastal dynamics, have impacts extending
beyond their direct footprints. Nitrogen loading to the coastal
zone has increased by about 80% worldwide and has driven
coral reef community shifts (C.SDM).
Over the past four decades, excessive nutrient loading has
emerged as one of the most important direct drivers of
ecosystem change in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. (See Table 4.1.) While the introduction of nutrients into
ecosystems can have both benecial effects (such as increased
crop productivity) and adverse effects (such as eutrophication of
inland and coastal waters), the benecial effects will eventually
reach a plateau as more nutrients are added (that is, additional
inputs will not lead to further increases in crop yield), while the
harmful effects will continue to grow.
Synthetic production of nitrogen fertilizer has been an important driver for the remarkable increase in food production that
has occurred during the past 50 years (S7.3.2). World consumption of nitrogenous fertilizers grew nearly eightfold between
1960 and 2003, from 10.8 million tons to 85.1 million tons.
As much as 50% of the nitrogen fertilizer applied may be lost to
the environment, depending on how well the application is
managed. Since excessive nutrient loading is largely the result of
applying more nutrients than crops can use, it harms both farm
incomes and the environment (S7.3.2).
Excessive ows of nitrogen contribute to eutrophication of
freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems and acidication of
freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems (with implications for biodiversity in these ecosystems). To some degree, nitrogen also plays a

Table 4.1. Increase in Nitrogen Fluxes in Rivers

to Coastal Oceans due to Human

Activities Relative to Fluxes prior to
the Industrial and Agricultural
Revolutions (R9 Table 9.1)

Labrador and Hudsons Bay

no change

Southwestern Europe


Great Lakes/St. Lawrence basin


Baltic Sea watersheds


Mississippi River basin


Yellow River basin


Northeastern United States


North Sea watersheds


Republic of Korea


role in the creation of ground-level ozone (which leads to loss of

agricultural and forest productivity), destruction of ozone in the
stratosphere (which leads to depletion of the ozone layer and
increased UV-B radiation on Earth, causing increased incidence
of skin cancer), and climate change. The resulting health effects
include the consequences of ozone pollution on asthma and
respiratory function, increased allergies and asthma due to
increased pollen production, the risk of blue-baby syndrome,
increased risk of cancer and other chronic diseases from nitrates
in drinking water, and increased risk of a variety of pulmonary
and cardiac diseases from production of ne particles in the
atmosphere (R9.ES).
Phosphorus application has increased threefold since 1960,
with a steady increase until 1990 followed by a leveling off at a
level approximately equal to applications in the 1980s. While
phosphorus use has increasingly concentrated on phosphorusdecient soils, the growing phosphorus accumulation in soils
contributes to high levels of phosphorus runoff. As with nitrogen
loading, the potential consequences include eutrophication of
coastal and freshwater ecosystems, which can lead to degraded
habitat for sh and decreased quality of water for consumption
by humans and livestock.
Many ecosystem services are reduced when inland waters and
coastal ecosystems become eutrophic. Water from lakes that
experience algal blooms is more expensive to purify for drinking
or other industrial uses. Eutrophication can reduce or eliminate
sh populations. Possibly the most apparent loss in services is the
loss of many of the cultural services provided by lakes. Foul odors
of rotting algae, slime-covered lakes, and toxic chemicals produced by some blue-green algae during blooms keep people from

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


swimming, boating, and otherwise enjoying the aesthetic value

of lakes (S7.3.2).
Climate change in the past century has already had a measurable impact on ecosystems. Earths climate system has changed
since the preindustrial era, in part due to human activities, and it
is projected to continue to change throughout the twenty-rst
century. During the last 100 years, the global mean surface temperature has increased by about 0.6o Celsius, precipitation patterns have changed spatially and temporally, and global average
sea level rose by 0.10.2 meters (S7.ES). Observed changes in
climate, especially warmer regional temperatures, have already
affected biological systems in many parts of the world. There
have been changes in species distributions, population sizes,


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

and the timing of reproduction or migration events, as well as an

increase in the frequency of pest and disease outbreaks, especially
in forested systems. The growing season in Europe has lengthened over the last 30 years (R13.1.3). Although it is not possible
to determine whether the extreme temperatures were a result of
human-induced climate change, many coral reefs have undergone major, although often partially reversible, bleaching episodes when sea surface temperatures have increased during one
month by 0.51o Celsius above the average of the hottest
months. Extensive coral mortality has occurred with observed
local increases in temperature of 3o Celsius (R13.1.3).

5. How might ecosystems and their services change in the

future under various plausible scenarios?

he MA developed four global scenarios to explore plausible

futures for ecosystems and human well-being. (See Box
5.1.) The scenarios were developed with a focus on conditions in
2050, although they include some information through the end
of the century. They explored two global development paths,
one in which the world becomes increasingly globalized and the
other in which it becomes increasingly regionalized, as well as
two different approaches to ecosystem management, one in
which actions are reactive and most problems are addressed only
after they become obvious and the other in which ecosystem
management is proactive and policies deliberately seek to maintain ecosystem services for the long term:
Global Orchestration: This scenario depicts a globally connected society that focuses on global trade and economic liberalization and takes a reactive approach to ecosystem problems but
that also takes strong steps to reduce poverty and inequality and
to invest in public goods such as infrastructure and education.
Economic growth is the highest of the four scenarios, while this
scenario is assumed to have the lowest population in 2050.
Order from Strength: This scenario represents a regionalized
and fragmented world that is concerned with security and protection, emphasizes primarily regional markets, pays little attention to public goods, and takes a reactive approach to ecosystem
problems. Economic growth rates are the lowest of the scenarios
(particularly low in developing countries) and decrease with
time, while population growth is the highest.
Adapting Mosaic: In this scenario, regional watershed-scale
ecosystems are the focus of political and economic activity. Local
institutions are strengthened and local ecosystem management
strategies are common; societies develop a strongly proactive
approach to the management of ecosystems. Economic growth
rates are somewhat low initially but increase with time, and the
population in 2050 is nearly as high as in Order from Strength.
TechnoGarden: This scenario depicts a globally connected
world relying strongly on environmentally sound technology,
using highly managed, often engineered, ecosystems to deliver
ecosystem services, and taking a proactive approach to the management of ecosystems in an effort to avoid problems. Economic
growth is relatively high and accelerates, while population in
2050 is in the mid-range of the scenarios.
The scenarios are not predictions; instead, they were developed
to explore the unpredictable and uncontrollable features of
change in ecosystem services and a number of socioeconomic factors. No scenario represents business as usual, although all begin
from current conditions and trends. The future will represent a
mix of approaches and consequences described in the scenarios, as
well as events and innovations that have not yet been imagined.
No scenario is likely to match the future as it actually occurs.
These four scenarios were not designed to explore the entire range

of possible futures for ecosystem servicesother scenarios could be

developed with either more optimistic or more pessimistic outcomes for ecosystems, their services, and human well-being.
The scenarios were developed using both quantitative models
and qualitative analysis. For some drivers (such as land use
change and carbon emissions) and some ecosystem services (such
as water withdrawals and food production), quantitative projections were calculated using established, peer-reviewed global
models. Other drivers (such as economic growth and rates of
technological change), ecosystem services (particularly supporting and cultural services such as soil formation and recreational
opportunities), and human well-being indicators (such as human
health and social relations) were estimated qualitatively. In general, the quantitative models used for these scenarios addressed
incremental changes but failed to address thresholds, risk of
extreme events, or impacts of large, extremely costly, or irreversible changes in ecosystem services. These phenomena were
addressed qualitatively, by considering the risks and impacts of
large but unpredictable ecosystem changes in each scenario.
(continued on page 74)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Box 5.1. MA Scenarios

Global Orchestration
The Global Orchestration scenario depicts
a globally connected society in which policy
reforms that focus on global trade and economic liberalization are used to reshape economies and governance, emphasizing the creation of markets that allow equitable participation and provide equitable access to goods and
services. These policies, in combination with
large investments in global public health and
the improvement of education worldwide, generally succeed in promoting economic expansion and lifting many people out of poverty
into an expanding global middle class. Supranational institutions in this globalized scenario
are well placed to deal with global environmental problems such as climate change and sheries decline. However, the reactive approach to
ecosystem management makes people vulnerable to surprises arising from delayed action.
While the focus is on improving the well-being
of all people, environmental problems that
threaten human well-being are only considered
after they become apparent.
Growing economies, expansion of education, and growth of the middle class lead to
demands for cleaner cities, less pollution, and
a more beautiful environment. Rising income
levels bring about changes in global consumption patterns, boosting demand for ecosystem services, including agricultural products
such as meat, sh, and vegetables. Growing
demand for these services leads to declines
in other ones, as forests are converted into
cropped area and pasture and the services
they formerly provided decline. The problems


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

related to increasing food production, such

as loss of wildlands, are not apparent to most
people who live in urban areas. They therefore
receive only limited attention.
Global economic expansion expropriates
or degrades many of the ecosystem services poor people once depended on for survival. While economic growth more than compensates for these losses in some regions
by increasing the ability to nd substitutes for
particular ecosystem services, in many other
places, it does not. An increasing number of
people are affected by the loss of basic ecosystem services essential for human life. While
risks seem manageable in some places, in
other places there are sudden, unexpected
losses as ecosystems cross thresholds and
degrade irreversibly. Loss of potable water
supplies, crop failures, oods, species invasions, and outbreaks of environmental pathogens increase in frequency. The expansion of
abrupt, unpredictable changes in ecosystems,
many with harmful effects on increasingly
large numbers of people, is the key challenge
facing managers of ecosystem services.

Order from Strength

The Order from Strength scenario represents a regionalized and fragmented world
that is concerned with security and protection, emphasizes primarily regional markets,
and pays little attention to common goods.
Nations see looking after their own interests
as the best defense against economic insecurity, and the movement of goods, people, and
information is strongly regulated and policed.
The role of government expands as oil compa-

nies, water utilities, and other strategic businesses are either nationalized or subjected
to more state oversight. Trade is restricted,
large amounts of money are invested in security systems, and technological change slows
due to restrictions on the ow of goods and
information. Regionalization exacerbates
global inequality.
Treaties on global climate change, international sheries, and trade in endangered species are only weakly and haphazardly implemented, resulting in degradation of the global
commons. Local problems often go unresolved, but major problems are sometimes
handled by rapid disaster relief to at least temporarily resolve the immediate crisis. Many
powerful countries cope with local problems by
shifting burdens to other, less powerful ones,
increasing the gap between rich and poor. In
particular, natural resourceintensive industries
are moved from wealthier nations to poorer,
less powerful ones. Inequality increases considerably within countries as well.
Ecosystem services become more vulnerable, fragile, and variable in Order from
Strength. For example, parks and reserves
exist within xed boundaries, but climate
changes around them, leading to the unintended extirpation of many species. Conditions for crops are often suboptimal, and the
ability of societies to import alternative foods
is diminished by trade barriers. As a result,
there are frequent shortages of food and
water, particularly in poor regions. Low levels
of trade tend to restrict the number of invasions by exotic species; ecosystems are less
resilient, however, and invaders are therefore
more often successful when they arrive.
Adapting Mosaic
In the Adapting Mosaic scenario, regional
watershed-scale ecosystems are the focus of
political and economic activity. This scenario
sees the rise of local ecosystem management
strategies and the strengthening of local institutions. Investments in human and social capital are geared toward improving knowledge
about ecosystem functioning and management, which results in a better understanding of resilience, fragility, and local exibility of ecosystems. There is optimism that we
can learn, but humility about preparing for sur-

of social and environmental problems, ranging

from urban poverty to agricultural water pollution. As more knowledge is collected from
successes and failures, provision of many services improves.

prises and about our ability to know everything

about managing ecosystems.
There is also great variation among nations
and regions in styles of governance, including
management of ecosystem services. Some
regions explore actively adaptive management, investigating alternatives through experimentation. Others use bureaucratically rigid
methods to optimize ecosystem performance.
Great diversity exists in the outcome of these
approaches: some areas thrive, while others
develop severe inequality or experience ecological degradation. Initially, trade barriers for
goods and products are increased, but barriers for information nearly disappear (for those
who are motivated to use them) due to improving communication technologies and rapidly
decreasing costs of access to information.
Eventually, the focus on local governance
leads to failures in managing the global commons. Problems like climate change, marine
sheries, and pollution grow worse, and global
environmental problems intensify. Communities slowly realize that they cannot manage
their local areas because global and regional
problems are infringing on them, and they
begin to develop networks among communities, regions, and even nations to better manage the global commons. Solutions that were
effective locally are adopted among networks.
These networks of regional successes are
especially common in situations where there
are mutually benecial opportunities for coordination, such as along river valleys. Sharing good solutions and discarding poor ones
eventually improves approaches to a variety

The TechnoGarden scenario depicts a globally connected world relying strongly on
technology and highly managed, often engineered ecosystems to deliver ecosystem services. Overall efciency of ecosystem service provision improves, but it is shadowed
by the risks inherent in large-scale humanmade solutions and rigid control of ecosystems. Technology and market-oriented institutional reform are used to achieve solutions
to environmental problems. These solutions
are designed to benet both the economy and
the environment. These changes co-develop

with the expansion of property rights to ecosystem services, such as requiring people to
pay for pollution they create or paying people for providing key ecosystem services
through actions such as preservation of key
watersheds. Interest in maintaining, and even
increasing, the economic value of these property rights, combined with an interest in learning and information, leads to a owering of
ecological engineering approaches for managing ecosystem services. Investment in green
technology is accompanied by a signicant
focus on economic development and education, improving peoples lives and helping them
understand how ecosystems make their livelihoods possible.

A variety of problems in global agriculture

are addressed by focusing on the multifunctional aspects of agriculture and a global reduction of agricultural subsidies and trade barriers. Recognition of the role of agricultural diversication encourages farms to produce a variety of ecological services rather than simply
maximizing food production. The combination
of these movements stimulates the growth of
new markets for ecosystem services, such as
tradable nutrient runoff permits, and the development of technology for increasingly sophisticated ecosystem management. Gradually, environmental entrepreneurship expands as new
property rights and technologies co-evolve to
stimulate the growth of companies and cooperatives providing reliable ecosystem services to
cities, towns, and individual property owners.
Innovative capacity expands quickly in
developing nations. The reliable provision of
ecosystem services as a component of economic growth, together with enhanced uptake
of technology due to rising income levels, lifts
many of the worlds poor into a global middle
class. Elements of human well-being associated with social relations decline in this scenario due to great loss of local culture, customs, and traditional knowledge and the weakening of civil society institutions as an increasing share of interactions take place over the
Internet. While the provision of basic ecosystem services improves the well-being of the
worlds poor, the reliability of the services,
especially in urban areas, become more critical and is increasingly difcult to ensure. Not
every problem has succumbed to technological innovation. Reliance on technological solutions sometimes creates new problems and
vulnerabilities. In some cases, societies seem
to be barely ahead of the next threat to ecosystem services. In such cases new problems
often seem to emerge from the last solution,
and the costs of managing the environment
are continually rising. Environmental breakdowns that affect large numbers of people
become more common. Sometimes new problems seem to emerge faster than solutions.
The challenge for the future is to learn how to
organize socioecological systems so that ecosystem services are maintained without taxing societys ability to implement solutions to
novel, emergent problems.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Projected Changes in Indirect

and Direct Drivers under MA Scenarios
In the four MA scenarios, during the rst half of the twentyrst century the array of both indirect and direct drivers affecting ecosystems and their services is projected to remain largely
the same as over the last half-century, but the relative importance of different drivers will begin to change. Some factors
(such as global population growth) will begin to decline in
importance and others (distribution of people, climate change,
and changes to nutrient cycles) will gain more importance. (See
Tables 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3.)
Statements of certainty associated with ndings related to the
MA scenarios are conditional statements; they refer to level of
certainty or uncertainty in the particular projection should that
scenario and its associated changes in drivers unfold. They do
not indicate the likelihood that any particular scenario and its
associated projection will come to pass. With that caveat in
mind, the four MA scenarios describe these changes between
2000 and 2050 (or in some cases 2100):
Population is projected to grow to 8.19.6 billion in 2050
(medium to high certainty) and to 6.810.5 billion in 2100,
depending on the scenario (S7.2.1). (See Figure 5.1.) The rate of
global population growth has already peaked, at 2.1% per year in
the late 1960s, and had fallen to 1.35% per year in 2000, when
global population reached 6 billion (S7.ES). Population growth
Figure 5.1. MA World Population Scenarios (S7 Fig 7.2)





Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

over the next several decades is expected to be concentrated in

the poorest, urban communities in sub-Saharan Africa, South
Asia, and the Middle East (S7.ES).
Per capita income is projected to increase two- to fourfold,
depending on the scenario (low to medium certainty) (S7.2.2). Gross
world product is projected to increase roughly three to sixfold in
the different scenarios. Increasing income leads to increasing per
capita consumption in most parts of the world for most resources
and it changes the structure of consumption. For example, diets
tend to become higher in animal protein as income rises.
Land use change (primarily the continuing expansion of agriculture) is projected to continue to be a major direct driver of change
in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems (medium to high certainty)
(S9.ES). At the global level and across all scenarios, land use
change is projected to remain the dominant driver of biodiversity
change in terrestrial ecosystems, consistent with the pattern over
the past 50 years, followed by changes in climate and nitrogen
deposition (S10.ES). However, other direct drivers may be more
important than land use change in particular biomes. For example, climate change is likely to be the dominant driver of biodiversity change in tundra and deserts. Species invasions and water
extraction are important drivers for freshwater ecosystems.
Nutrient loading is projected to become an increasingly severe
problem, particularly in developing countries. Nutrient loading
already has major adverse effects on freshwater ecosystems and
coastal regions in both industrial and
developing countries. These impacts
include toxic algae blooms, other human
health problems, sh kills, and damage to
habitats such as coral reefs. Three out of
the four MA scenarios project that the
global ux of nitrogen to coastal ecosystems will increase by 1020% by 2030
(medium certainty) (S9.3.7.2). (See Figure
5.2.) River nitrogen will not change in
most industrial countries, while a 20
30% increase is projected for developing
countries, particularly in Asia.
Climate change and its impacts (such as
sea level rise) are projected to have an increasing effect on biodiversity and ecosystem services (medium certainty) (S9.ES). Under the
four MA scenarios, global temperature is
expected to increase signicantly1.5
2.0o Celsius above preindustrial level in
2050 and 2.03.5o Celsius above it in
2100, depending on the scenario and using
(continued on page 78)

Table 5.1. Main Assumptions Concerning Indirect and Direct Driving Forces Used in the MA Scenarios



Order from



high fertility level;

high mortality levels
until 2010 then
medium by 2050;
low migration

medium fertility and

mortality levels;
medium migration


Indirect Drivers

high migration; low

fertility and
mortality levels
2050 population:
8.1 billion

high fertility and mortality levels (especially

in developing countries); low migration
2050 population: 9.6 billion

2050 population:
9.5 billion
Average income



GDP growth
per year until

Global: 19952020:
2.4% per year

19952020: 1.4% per year

2050 population:
8.8 billion

similar to Order from

Strength but with
increasing growth
rates toward 2050

lower than Global

but catching up
toward 2050

1.5% per year

1.9% per year

1.9% per year

2.5% per year

industrialized c.:
2.0% per year

industrialized c.:
2.3% per year

1.7% per year

1.9% per year

developing c.:
3.8% per year

developing c.:
2.8% per year

developing c.:
3.2% per year

4.8% per year

3.5% per year

4.3% per year

similar to today,
then becomes more

becomes more equal

20202050: 3.0%
per year
industrialized c.:
2.5% per year
2.1% per year


20202050: 1.0% per year

2.1% per year

2.4% per year

1.4% per year

2.3% per year

Income distribution

becomes more

similar to today

Investments into new

produced assets




begins like Order

from Strength, then
increases in tempo


Investments into
human capital




begins like Order

from Strength, then
increases in tempo


Overall trend in
technology advances




medium in general;
high for environmental



weak international competition

weak focus on
local environment


Attitude toward
environmental policies



proactive learning


(continued on page 76)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Table 5.1. Main Assumptions Concerning Indirect and Direct Driving Forces Used in the MA Scenarios


Order from





Indirect Drivers (continued)

Energy demand and


regionalized assumptions


high level of energy

efciency; saturation
in energy use

Energy supply

market liberalization;
selects least-cost
options; rapid
technology change

focus on domestic energy resources

some preference
for clean energy

preference for
renewable energy
resources and rapid
technology change

Climate policy




yes, aims at stabilization of CO2 - equivalent

concentration at
550 ppmv

Approach to achieving

economic growth
leads to sustainable

national-level policies; conservation;

reserves, parks

local-regional comanagement;

tradable ecological
property rights

Land use change

global forest loss

until 2025 slightly
below historic rate,
stabilizes after 2025;
~10% increase in
arable land

global forest loss faster than historic rate

until 2025; near current rate after 2025;
~20% increase in arable land compared
with 2000

global forest loss

until 2025 slightly
below historic rate,
stabilizes after 2025;
~10% increase in
arable land

net increase in forest

cover globally until
2025; slow loss after
2025; ~9% increase
in arable land

Greenhouse gas
emissions by 2050

CO2: 20.1 GtC-eq

CH4: 3.7 GtC-eq
N2O: 1.1 GtC-eq
other GHG:
0.7 GtC-eq

CO2: 15.4 GtC-eq

CH4: 3.3 GtC-eq
N2O: 1.1 GtC-eq
other GHG: 0.5 GtC-eq

CO2: 13.3 GtC-eq

CH4: 3.2 GtC-eq
N2O: 0.9 GtC-eq
other GHG:
0.6 GtC-eq

CO2: 4.7 GtC-eq

CH4: 1.6 GtC-eq
N2O: 0.6 GtC-eq
other GHG:
0.2 GtC-eq

Air pollution

SO2 emissions
stabilize; NOx
emissions increase
from 2000 to 2050

both SO2 and NOx emissions increase


SO2 emissions
decline; NOx
emissions increase

strong reductions
in SO2 and NOx

Climate change

2.0oC in 2050 and

3.5oC in 2100 above

1.7oC in 2050 and 3.3oC in 2100 above


1.9oC in 2050 and

2.8oC in 2100 above

1.5oC in 2050 and

1.9oC in 2100 above

Nutrient loading

increase in N
transport in rivers

increase in N transport in rivers

increase in N
transport in rivers

decrease in N
transport in rivers

Direct Drivers


These categories refer to the countries at the beginning of the scenario; some countries may change categories during the course of the 50 years.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Table 5.2. Outcomes of Scenarios for Ecosystem Services in 2050 Compared with 2000 (S.SDM)
Denitions of enhanced and degraded are provided the note below.

Order from Strength

Adapting Mosaic










Food (extent to which

demand is met)



Aesthetic values

Recreation and

Genetic resources
Ornamental resources
Fresh water
Regulating Services
Air quality regulation
Climate regulation
Water regulation
Erosion control
Water purication
Disease control:
Disease control:
Storm protection

Cultural Services

Cultural diversity
Knowledge systems
(diversity and memory)

Legend: = increase, = remains the same as in 2000, = decrease

Note: For provisioning services, we dene enhancement to mean increased production of the service through changes in area over which the service is provided (e.g., spread of
agriculture) or increased production per unit area. We judge the production to be degraded if the current use exceeds sustainable levels. For regulating services, enhancement
refers to a change in the service that leads to greater benets for people (e.g., the service of disease regulation could be improved by eradication of a vector known to transmit
a disease to people). Degradation of regulating services means a reduction in the benets obtained from the service, either through a change in the service (e.g., mangrove
loss reducing the storm protection benets of an ecosystem) or through human pressures on the service exceeding its limits (e.g., excessive pollution exceeding the capability
of ecosystems to maintain water quality). For cultural services, degradation refers to a change in the ecosystem features that decreases the cultural (recreational, aesthetic,
spiritual, etc.) benets provided by the ecosystem, while enhancement refers to a change that increases them.

These categories refer to the countries at the beginning of the scenario; some countries may change categories during the course of the 50 years.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Table 5.3. Outcomes of Scenarios for Human Well-being in 2050 Compared with 2000
Global Orchestration


Order from Strength

Adapting Mosaic








Material well-being



Social relations
Freedom and choice

Legend: = increase, = remains the same as in 2000, = decrease


These categories refer to the countries at the beginning of the scenario; some countries may change categores during the course of 50 years.

Figure 5.2. Comparison of Global River Nitrogen

Export from Natural Ecosystems,

Agricultural Systems, and Sewage
Efuents, 1975 and 1990, with Model
Results for the MA Scenarios in 2030
(S9 Fig 9.21)

Million tons of nitrogen per year


Level in 1990
Level in 1975



Global Order from Adapting

Orchestration Strength


Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

a median estimate for climate sensitivity (2.5oC for a doubling of

the CO2 concentration) (medium certainty). The IPCC reported
a range of temperature increase for the scenarios used in the
Third Assessment Report of 2.06.4o Celsius compared with preindustrial levels, with about half of this range attributable to the
differences in scenarios and the other half to differences in climate models. The smaller, somewhat lower, range of the MA scenarios is thus partly a result of using only one climate model
(and one estimate of climate sensitivity) but also the result of
including climate policy responses in some scenarios as well as
differences in assumptions for economic and population growth.
The scenarios project an increase in global average precipitation
(medium certainty), but some areas will become more arid while
others will become more moist. Climate change will directly alter
ecosystem services, for example, by causing changes in the productivity and growing zones of cultivated and noncultivated vegetation. It is also projected to change the frequency of extreme
events, with associated risks to ecosystem services. Finally, it is
projected to indirectly affect ecosystem services in many ways,
such as by causing sea level to rise, which threatens mangroves
and other vegetation that now protect shorelines.
Climate change is projected to further adversely affect key
development challenges, including providing clean water, energy
services, and food; maintaining a healthy environment; and conserving ecological systems, their biodiversity, and their associated
ecological goods and services (R13.1.3).
Climate change is projected to exacerbate the loss of biodiversity and increase the risk of extinction for many species,
especially those already at risk due to factors such as low
population numbers, restricted or patchy habitats, and
limited climatic ranges (medium to high certainty).
Water availability and quality are projected to decrease in
many arid and semiarid regions (high certainty).
The risk of oods and droughts is projected to increase
(high certainty).

Sea level is projected to rise by 888 centimeters.

The reliability of hydropower and biomass production is
projected to decrease in some regions (high certainty).
The incidence of vector-borne diseases such as malaria
and dengue and of waterborne diseases such as cholera is
projected to increase in many regions (medium to high
certainty), and so too are heat stress mortality and threats
of decreased nutrition in other regions, along with severe
weather traumatic injury and death (high certainty).
Agricultural productivity is projected to decrease in the
tropics and sub-tropics for almost any amount of warming
(low to medium certainty), and there are projected adverse
effects on sheries.
Projected changes in climate during the twenty-rst century
are very likely to be without precedent during at least the
past 10,000 years and, combined with land use change and
the spread of exotic or alien species, are likely to limit both
the capability of species to migrate and the ability of species
to persist in fragmented habitats.
By the end of the century, climate change and its impacts may
be the dominant direct drivers of biodiversity loss and the change in
ecosystem services globally (R13). Harm to biodiversity will grow
with both increasing rates in change in climate and increasing
absolute amounts of change. For ecosystem services, some services in some regions may initially benet from increases in temperature or precipitation expected under climate scenarios, but
the balance of evidence suggests that there will be a signicant
net harmful impact on ecosystem services worldwide if global
mean surface temperature increases more than 2o Celsius above
preindustrial levels or at rates greater than 0.2o Celsius per decade
(medium certainty). There is a wide band of uncertainty in the
amount of warming that would result from any stabilized greenhouse gas concentration, but based on IPCC projections this
would require an eventual CO2 stabilization level of less than
450 parts per million carbon dioxide (medium certainty).
This judgment is based on the evidence that an increase of
about 2o Celsius above preindustrial levels in global mean surface
temperature would represent a transition between the negative
effects of climate change being felt in only some regions of the
world to most regions of the world. For example, below an
increase of about 2o Celsius, agricultural productivity is projected
to be adversely affected in the tropics and sub-tropics, but benecially affected in most temperate and high-latitude regions,
whereas more warming than that is projected to have adverse
impacts on agricultural productivity in many temperate regions.
A 2o increase would have both positive and negative economic
impacts, but most people would be adversely affectedthat is,
there would be predominantly negative economic effects. It
would pose a risk to many unique and threatened ecological
systems and lead to the extinction of numerous species. And it
would lead to a signicant increase in extreme climatic events
and adversely affect water resources in countries that are already
water-scarce or water-stressed and would affect human health
and property.

Changes in Ecosystems
Rapid conversion of ecosystems is projected to continue under
all MA scenarios in the rst half of the twenty-rst century.
Roughly 1020% (low to medium certainty) of current grassland
and forestland is projected to be converted to other uses between
now and 2050, mainly due to the expansion of agriculture and,
secondarily, because of the expansion of cities and infrastructure
(S9.ES). The biomes projected to lose habitat and local species at
the fastest rate in the next 50 years are warm mixed forests,
savannas, scrub, tropical forests, and tropical woodlands (S10.ES).
Rates of conversion of ecosystems are highly dependent on future
development scenarios and in particular on changes in population, wealth, trade, and technology.
Habitat loss in terrestrial environments is projected to accelerate decline in local diversity of native species in all four scenarios
by 2050 (high certainty) (S.SDM). Loss of habitat results in the
immediate extirpation of local populations and the loss of the
services that these populations provided.
The habitat losses projected in the MA scenarios will lead to
global extinctions as numbers of species approach equilibrium
with the remnant habitat (high certainty) (S.SDM, S10.ES). The
equilibrium number of plant species is projected to be reduced
by roughly 1015% as a result of habitat loss from 1970 to 2050
in the MA scenarios (low certainty). Other terrestrial taxonomic
groups are likely to be affected to a similar extent. The pattern of
extinction through time cannot be estimated with any precision,
because some species will be lost immediately when their habitat
is modied but others may persist for decades or centuries. Time
lags between habitat reduction and extinction provide an opportunity for humans to deploy restoration practices that may rescue
those species that otherwise may be in a trajectory toward extinction. Signicant declines in freshwater sh species diversity are
also projected due to the combined effects of climate change,
water withdrawals, eutrophication, acidication, and increased
invasions by nonindigenous species (low certainty). Rivers that
are expected to lose sh species are concentrated in poor tropical
and sub-tropical countries.

Changes in Ecosystem Services

and Human Well-being
In three of the four MA scenarios, ecosystem services show net
improvements in at least one of the three categories of provisioning, regulating, and cultural services (S.SDM). These three
categories of ecosystem services are all in worse condition in
2050 than they are today in only one MA scenarioOrder from
Strength. (See Figure 5.3.) However, even in scenarios showing
improvement in one or more categories of ecosystem services,
biodiversity loss continues at high rates.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Figure 5.3. Number of Ecosystem Services Enhanced or Degraded by 2050 in the Four MA Scenarios
The Figure shows the net change in the number of ecosystem services enhanced or degraded in the MA scenarios in each category of services for
industrial and developing countries expressed as a percentage of the total number of services evaluated in that category. Thus, 100% degradation
means that all the services in the category were degraded in 2050 compared with 2000, while 50% improvement could mean that three out of six
services were enhanced and the rest were unchanged or that four out of six were enhanced and one was degraded. The total number of services
evaluated for each category was six provisioning services, nine regulating services, and ve cultural services.
Changes in ecosystem services
in percentage

Global Orchestration

Order from Strength

80 Provisioning

Adapting Mosaic

Regulating Cultural






Regulating Cultural


Industrial countries


Developing countries


Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

The following changes to ecosystem services and human wellbeing were common to all four MA scenarios and thus may be
likely under a wide range of plausible futures (S.SDM):
Human use of ecosystem services increases substantially under all
MA scenarios during the next 50 years. In many cases this is accompanied by degradation in the quality of the service and sometimes,
in cases where the service is being used unsustainably, a reduction
in the quantity of the service available. (See Appendix A.) The
combination of growing populations and growing per capita consumption increases the demand for ecosystem services, including
water and food. For example, demand for food crops (measured in
tons) is projected to grow by 7085% by 2050 (S9.4.1) and global
water withdrawals increase by 2085% across the MA scenarios
(S9 Fig 9.35). Water withdrawals are projected to increase signi-


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

cantly in developing countries but to decline in OECD countries

(medium certainty) (S.SDM). In some cases, this growth in
demand will be met by unsustainable uses of the services, such as
through continued depletion of marine sheries. Demand is
dampened somewhat by increasing efciency in use of resources.
The quantity and quality of ecosystem services will change dramatically in the next 50 years as productivity of some services is
increased to meet demand, as humans use a greater fraction of
some services, and as some services are diminished or degraded.
Ecosystem services that are projected to be further impaired by
ecosystem change include sheries, food production in drylands,
quality of fresh waters, and cultural services.
Food security is likely to remain out of reach for many people.
Child malnutrition will be difcult to eradicate even by 2050
(low to medium certainty) and is projected to increase in some
regions in some MA scenarios, despite increasing food supply
under all four scenarios (medium to high certainty) and more

diversied diets in poor countries (low to medium certainty)

(S.SDM). Three of the MA scenarios project reductions in child
undernourishment by 2050 of between 10% and 60%, but
undernourishment increases by 10% in Order from Strength (low
certainty) (S9.4.1). (See Figure 5.4.) This is due to a combination
of factors related to food supply systems (inadequate investments
in food production and its supporting infrastructure resulting in
low productivity increases, varying trade regimes) and food
demand and accessibility (continuing poverty in combination
with high population growth rates, lack of food infrastructure
Vast, complex changes with great geographic variability are
projected to occur in world freshwater resources and hence in their
provisioning of ecosystem services in all scenarios (S.SDM). Climate
change will lead to increased precipitation over more than half of
Earths surface, and this will make more water available to society
and ecosystems (medium certainty). However, increased precipitation is also likely to increase the frequency of ooding in many
areas (high certainty). Increases in precipitation will not be universal, and climate change will also cause a substantial decrease in
precipitation in some areas, with an accompanying decrease in
water availability (medium certainty). These areas could include
highly populated arid regions such as the Middle East and Southern Europe (low to medium certainty). While water withdrawals
decrease in most industrial countries, they are expected to increase
substantially in Africa and some other developing regions, along
with wastewater discharges, overshadowing the possible benets
of increased water availability (medium certainty).
A deterioration of the services provided by freshwater resources
(such as aquatic habitat, sh production, and water supply for
households, industry, and agriculture) is expected in developing
countries under the scenarios that are reactive to environmental
problems (S9.ES). Less severe but still important declines are
expected in the scenarios that are more proactive about environmental problems (medium certainty).
Growing demand for sh and sh products leads to an increasing risk of a major and long-lasting collapse of regional marine sheries (low to medium certainty) (S.SDM). Aquaculture may relieve
some of this pressure by providing for an increasing fraction of
sh demand. However, this would require aquaculture to reduce
its current reliance on marine sh as a feed source.
The future contribution of terrestrial ecosystems to the regulation of climate is uncertain (S9.ES). Carbon release or uptake
by ecosystems affects the CO2 and CH4 content of the atmosphere at the global scale and thereby affects global climate.
Currently, the biosphere is a net sink of carbon, absorbing about
12 gigatons a year, or approximately 20% of fossil fuel emissions. It is very likely that the future of this service will be greatly
affected by expected land use change. In addition, a higher atmospheric CO2 concentration is expected to enhance net productivity, but this does not necessarily lead to an increase in the carbon

sink. The limited understanding of soil respiration processes

generates uncertainty about the future of the carbon sink. There
is medium certainty that climate change will increase terrestrial
uxes of CO2 and CH4 in some regions (such as in Arctic tundra).
Dryland ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to changes
over the next 50 years. The combination of low current levels of
human well-being (high rates of poverty, low per capita GDP,
high infant mortality rates), a large and growing population, high
variability of environmental conditions in dryland regions, and
high sensitivity of people to changes in ecosystem services means
that continuing land degradation could have profoundly negative
impacts on the well-being of a large number of people in these
regions (S.SDM). Subsidies of food and water to people in vulnerable drylands can have the unintended effect of increasing the
risk of even larger breakdowns of ecosystem services in future
years. Local adaptation and conservation practices can mitigate
some losses of dryland ecosystem services, although it will be
difcult to reverse trends toward loss of food production capacity, water supplies, and biodiversity in drylands.
Figure 5.4. Number of Undernourished Children

Projected in 2050 under MA Scenarios

Million undernourished children



Order from
Orchestration Strength

Mosaic TechnoGarden

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


relations, and material needs. If the same technologies are used

globally, however, local culture can be lost or undervalued. High
levels of trade lead to more rapid spread of emergent diseases,
somewhat reducing the gains in health in all areas. Locally
focused, learning-based approaches lead to the largest improvements in social relations.
Order from Strength, which focuses on reactive policies in a
regionalized world, has the least favorable outcomes for human
well-being, as the global distribution of ecosystem services and
human resources that underpin human well-being are increasingly skewed. (See Figure 5.5.) Wealthy populations generally
meet most material needs but experience psychological unease.
Anxiety, depression, obesity, and diabetes have a greater impact
Figure 5.5. Net Change in Components of Human

Well-being between 2000 and 2050 under

MA Scenarios (Data from Table 5.3)

The Figure shows the number of components of human well-being

enhanced minus the number degraded for each scenario between
2000 and 2050 for industrial and developing countries. This
qualitative assessment of status examined ve components of human
well-being: material well-being, health, security, good social relations,
and freedom of choice and action.
Net change in components of human well-being


While human health improves under most MA scenarios,

under one plausible future health and social conditions in the
North and South could diverge (S11). In the more promising
scenarios related to health, the number of undernourished
children is reduced, the burden of epidemic diseases such as HIV/
AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis would be lowered, improved vaccine development and distribution could allow populations to
cope comparatively well with the next inuenza pandemic, and
the impact of other new diseases such as SARS would also be limited by well-coordinated public health measures.
Under the Order from Strength scenario, however, it is plausible
that the health and social conditions for the North and South
could diverge as inequality increases and as commerce and scientic exchanges between industrial and developing countries
decrease. In this case, health in developing countries could
become worse, causing a negative spiral of poverty, declining
health, and degraded ecosystems. The increased population in
the South, combined with static or deteriorating nutrition, could
force increased contact between humans and nonagricultural
ecosystems, especially to obtain bushmeat and other forest goods.
This could lead to more outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever and zoonoses. It is possible, though with low probability, that a more
chronic disease could cross from a nondomesticated animal species into humans, at rst slowly but then more rapidly colonizing
human populations.
Each scenario yields a different package of gains, losses, and
vulnerabilities to components of human well-being in different
regions and populations (S.SDM). Actions that focus on
improving the lives of the poor by reducing barriers to international ows of goods, services, and capital tend to lead to the
most improvement in health and social relations for the currently
most disadvantaged people. But human vulnerability to ecological surprises is high. Globally integrated approaches that focus on
technology and property rights for ecosystem services generally
improve human well-being in terms of health, security, social

Order from





Industrial countries
Developing countries

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

on otherwise privileged populations in this scenario. Disease

creates a heavy burden for disadvantaged populations.
Proactive or anticipatory management of ecosystems is generally advantageous in the MA scenarios, but it is particularly
benecial under conditions of changing or novel conditions
(S.SDM). (See Table 5.4.) Ecological surprises are inevitable
because of the complexity of the interactions and because of
limitations in current understanding of the dynamic properties
of ecosystems. Currently well understood phenomena that were
surprises of the past century include the ability of pests to evolve
resistance to biocides, the contribution to desertication of
certain types of land use, biomagnication of toxins, and the
increase in vulnerability of ecosystem to eutrophication and

unwanted species due to removal of predators. While we do not

know which surprises lie ahead in the next 50 years, we can be
certain that there will be some.
In general, proactive action to manage systems sustainably
and to build resilience into systems will be advantageous, particularly when conditions are changing rapidly, when surprise
events are likely, or when uncertainty is high. This approach
is benecial largely because the restoration of ecosystems or
ecosystem services following their degradation or collapse is
generally more costly and time-consuming than preventing
degradation, if that is possible at all. Nevertheless, there are
costs and benets to both proactive and reactive approaches,
as Table 5.4 indicated.

Table 5.4. Costs and Benets of Proactive as Contrasted with Reactive Ecosystem Management as

Revealed in the MA Scenarios (S.SDM)

Proactive Ecosystem Management

Payoffs benet from lower risk of unexpected losses of
ecosystem services, achieved through investment in
more efcient use of resources (water, energy, fertilizer,
etc.); more innovation of green technology; capacity to
absorb unexpected uctuations in ecosystem services;
adaptable management systems; and ecosystems
that are resilient and self-maintaining


Reactive Ecosystem Management

avoid paying for monitoring effort

do well under changing or novel conditions

do well under smoothly or incrementally changing conditions

build natural, social, and human capital

build manufactured, social, and human capital

technological solutions can create new problems

expensive unexpected events

costs of unsuccessful experiments

persistent ignorance (repeating the same mistakes)

costs of monitoring

lost option values

some short-term benets are traded for long-term benets

inertia of less exible and adaptable management of

infrastructure and ecosystems
loss of natural capital

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


6. What can be learned about the consequences of ecosystem

change for human well-being at sub-global scales?

he MA included a sub-global assessment component to

assess differences in the importance of ecosystem services for
human well-being around the world (SG.SDM). The Sub-global
Working Group included 33 assessments around the world. (See
Figure 6.1.) These were designed to consider the importance of
ecosystem services for human well-being at local, national, and
regional scales. The areas covered in these assessments range from
small villages in India and cities like Stockholm and So Paulo to
whole countries like Portugal and large regions like southern
Africa. In a few cases, the sub-global assessments were designed
to cover multiple nested scales. For example, the Southern Africa


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

study included assessments of the entire region of Africa south

of the equator, of the Gariep and Zambezi river basins in that
region, and of local communities within those basins. This
nested design was included as part of the overall design of the
MA to analyze the importance of scale on ecosystem services and
human well-being and to study cross-scale interactions. Most
assessments, however, were conducted with a focus on the needs
of users at a single spatial scalea particular community, watershed, or region.
The scale at which an assessment is undertaken signicantly
inuences the problem denition and the assessment results
(SG.SDM). Findings of assessments done at different scales varied
due to the specic questions posed or the information analyzed.
Local communities are inuenced by global, regional, and local
factors. Global factors include commodity prices (global trade
asymmetries that inuence local production patterns, for
instance) and global climate change (such as sea level rise).
Regional factors include water supply regimes (safe piped water in
rural areas), regional climate (desertication), and geomorphological processes (soil erosion and degradation). Local factors include
market access (distance to market), disease prevalence (malaria,
for example), or localized climate variability (patchy thunderstorms). Assessments conducted at different scales tended to focus
on drivers and impacts most relevant at each scale, yielding different but complementary ndings. This provides some of the benet of a multiscale assessment process, since each component
assessment provides a different perspective on the issues addressed.
Although there is overall congruence in the results from
global and sub-global assessments for services like water and
biodiversity, there are examples where local assessments showed
the condition was either better or worse than expected from the
global assessment (SG.SDM). For example, the condition of
water resources was signicantly worse than expected in places
like So Paulo and the Laguna Lake Basin in the Philippines.
There were more mismatches for biodiversity than for water provisioning because the concepts and measures of biodiversity were
more diverse in the sub-global assessments.
Drivers of change act in very distinct ways in different regions
(SG7.ES). Though similar drivers might be present in various
assessments, their interactionsand thus the processes leading to
ecosystem changediffered signicantly from one assessment to
another. For example, although the Amazon, Central Africa, and
Southeast Asia in the Tropical Forest Margins assessment have
the same set of individual drivers of land use change (deforestation, road construction, and pasture creation), the interactions
among these drivers leading to change differ. Deforestation
driven by swidden agriculture is more widespread in upland and
foothill zones of Southeast Asia than in other regions. Road

Figure 6.1. MA Sub-global Assessments

Eighteen assessments were approved as components of the MA. Any institution or country was able to undertake an assessment as part of the
MA if it agreed to use the MA Conceptual Framework, to centrally involve the intended users as stakeholders and partners, and to meet a set of
procedural requirements related to peer review, metadata, transparency, and intellectual property rights. The MA assessments were largely
self-funded, although planning grants and some core grants were provided to support some assessments. The MA also drew on information from
15 other sub-global assessments afliated with the MA that met a subset of these criteria or were at earlier stages in development.

construction by the state followed by colonizing migrant settlers,

who in turn practice slash-and-burn agriculture, is most frequent
in lowland areas of Latin America, especially in the Amazon
Basin. Pasture creation for cattle ranching is causing deforestation almost exclusively in the humid lowland regions of mainland South America. The spontaneous expansion of smallholder
agriculture and fuelwood extraction for domestic uses are important causes of deforestation in Africa.
The assessments identied inequities in the distribution of
the costs and benets of ecosystem change, which are often
displaced to other places or future generations (SG.SDM). For
example, the increase in urbanization in countries like Portugal is
generating pressures on ecosystems and services in rural areas.
The increase in international trade is also generating additional
pressures around the world, illustrated by the cases of the mining
industries in Chile and Papua New Guinea. In some situations,
the costs of transforming ecosystems are simply deferred to
future generations. An example reported widely across sub-global

assessments in different parts of the world is tropical deforestation, which caters to current needs but leads to a reduced capacity to supply services in the future.
Declining ecosystem trends have sometimes been mitigated
by innovative local responses. The threats observed at an
aggregated, global level may be both overestimated and underestimated from a sub-global perspective (SG.SDM). Assessments at an aggregated level often fail to take into account the
adaptive capacity of sub-global actors. Through collaboration in
social networks, actors can develop new institutions and reorganize to mitigate declining conditions. On the other hand, subglobal actors tend to neglect drivers that are beyond their reach
of immediate inuence when they craft responses. Hence, it is
crucial for decision-makers to develop institutions at the global,
regional, and national levels that strengthen the adaptive capacity

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


of actors at the sub-national and local levels to develop contextspecic responses that do address the full range of relevant drivers. The Biodiversity Management Committees in India are a
good example of a national institution that enables local actors to
respond to biodiversity loss. This means neither centralization
nor decentralization but institutions at multiple levels that
enhance the adaptive capacity and effectiveness of sub-national
and local responses.
Multiscale assessments offer insights and results that would
otherwise be missed (SG.SDM). The variability among subglobal assessments in problem denition, objectives, scale criteria, and systems of explanation increased at ner scales of
assessment (for example, social equity issues became more visible
from coarser to ner scales of assessment). The role of biodiversity as a risk avoidance mechanism for local communities is frequently hidden until local assessments are conducted (as in the
Indian local, Sinai, and Southern African livelihoods studies).
Failure to acknowledge that stakeholders at different scales
perceive different values in various ecosystem services can lead
to unworkable and inequitable policies or programs at all scales
(SGWG). Ecosystem services that are of considerable importance
at global scales, such as carbon sequestration or waste regulation,


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

are not necessarily seen to be of value

locally. Similarly, services of local importance, such as the cultural benets of ecosystems, the availability of manure for fuel
and fertilizer, or the presence of non-wood
forest products, are often not seen as
important globally. Responses designed to
achieve goals related to global or regional
concerns are likely to fail unless they take
into account the different values and concerns motivating local communities.
There is evidence that including multiple knowledge systems increases the
relevance, credibility, and legitimacy of
the assessment results for some users
(SG.SDM). For example, in Bajo Chirrip
in Costa Rica, the involvement of nonscientists added legitimacy and relevance to
assessment results for a number of potential users at the local level. In many of the
sub-global assessments, however, local
resource users were one among many groups
of decision-makers, so the question of
legitimacy needs to be taken together with
that of empowerment.
Integrated assessments of ecosystems
and human well-being need to be adapted
to the specic needs and characteristics of
the groups undertaking the assessment (SG.SDM, SG11.ES).
Assessments are most useful to decision-makers if they respond
to the needs of those individuals. As a result, the MA sub-global
assessments differed signicantly in the issues they addressed.
At the same time, given the diversity of assessments involved in
the MA, the basic approach had to be adapted by different assessments to ensure its relevance to different user groups. (See Box
6.1.) Several community-based assessments adapted the MA
framework to allow for more dynamic interplays between
variables, to capture ne-grained patterns and processes in complex systems, and to leave room for a more spiritual worldview.
In Peru and Costa Rica, for example, other conceptual frameworks were used that incorporated both the MA principles and
local cosmologies. In southern Africa, various frameworks were
used in parallel to offset the shortcomings of the MA framework
for community assessments. These modications and adaptations
of the framework are an important outcome of the MA.

Box 6.1 Local Adaptations of MA Conceptual Framework (SG.SDM)

The MA framework was applied in a wide
that current rates of change may prove chalrange of assessments at multiple scales. Par- lenging to the adaptive capacities of the
ticularly for the more local assessments, the
communities.) The cross shape of the Vilframework needed to be adapted to better
canota framework diagram represents the
Chakana, the most recognized and sacred
reect the needs and concerns of local comshape to Quechua people, and orders the
munities. In the case of an assessment conducted by and for
indigenous communities in
the Vilcanota region of
Peru, the framework had
to be recreated from a
base with the Quechua
understanding of ecologiof indigenous
cal and social relationDiversity nurturing
ships. (See Figure.) Within
Spiritual attainment
the Quechua vision of the
cosmos, concepts such as
reciprocity (Ayni), the
Munay, Yachay,
inseparability of space and
time, and the cyclical
nature of all processes
Learning systems
(Pachakuti) are important
Information and
components of the Inca
knowledge transmission
denition of ecosystems.
Love (Munay) and working
(Llankay) bring humans to
a higher state of knowlTraditional institutions
edge (Yachay) about their
Governance systems
surroundings and are
Customary laws
therefore key concepts
Social struggles
linking Quechua communities to the natural world.
Ayllu represents the governing institutions that regSource: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Vilcanota Sub-global Assessment
ulate interactions between
all living beings.
The resulting framework has similariworld through deliberative and collective
ties with the MA Conceptual Framework, but
decision-making that emphasizes reciprocity
the divergent features are considered to be
(Ayni). Pachamama is similar to a combinaimportant to the Quechua people conducttion of the ecosystem goods and services
ing the assessment. The Vilcanota concepand human well-being components of the
tual framework also includes multiple scales
MA framework. Pachakuti is similar to the MA
(Kaypacha, Hananpacha, Ukupacha); howdrivers (both direct and indirect). Ayllu (and
Munay, Yachay, and Llankay) may be seen
ever, these represent both spatial scales and
as responses and are more organically intethe cyclical relationship between the past,
grated into the cyclic process of change
present, and future. Inherent in this concept
and adaptation.
of space and time is the adaptive capacity of
In the Vilcanota assessment, the Quechua
the Quechua people, who welcome change
communities directed their work process
and have become resilient to it through an
to assess the conditions and trends of ceradaptive learning process. (It is recognized

tain aspects of the Pachamama (focusing on

water, soil, and agrobiodiversity), how these
goods and services are changing, the reasons behind the changes, the effects on the
other elements of the Pachamama, how the
communities have adapted and are adapting


Changes within
Complexity of
cause and effect
of changes

to the changes, and the state of resilience

of the Quechua principles and institutions for
dealing with these changes in the future.
Developing the local conceptual framework from a base of local concepts and principles, as opposed to simply translating the
MA framework into local terms, has allowed
local communities to take ownership of their
assessment process and given them the
power both to assess the local environment
and human populations using their own knowledge and principles of well-being and to seek
responses to problems within their own cultural and spiritual institutions.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


7. What is known about time scales, inertia, and the risk of

nonlinear changes in ecosystems?

he time scale of change refers to the time required for the

effects of a perturbation of a process to be expressed. Time
scales relevant to ecosystems and their services are shown in Figure 7.1. Inertia refers to the delay or slowness in the response of a
system to factors altering their rate of change, including continuation of change in the system after the cause of that change has
been removed. Resilience refers to the amount of disturbance or
stress that a system can absorb and still remain capable of returning to its predisturbance state.

Time Scales and Inertia

Many impacts of humans on ecosystems (both harmful and
benecial) are slow to become apparent; this can result in the
costs associated with ecosystem changes being deferred to
future generations. For example, excessive phosphorus is accumulating in many agricultural soils, threatening rivers, lakes,
and coastal oceans with increased eutrophication. Yet it may
take years or decades for the full impact of the phosphorus to
become apparent through erosion and other processes (S7.3.2).
Similarly, the use of groundwater supplies can exceed the
recharge rate for some time before costs of extraction begin to
grow signicantly. In general, people manage ecosystems in a
manner that increases short-term benets; they may not be
aware of, or may ignore, costs that are not readily and immediately apparent. This has the inequitable result of increasing
current benets at costs to future generations.
Different categories of ecosystem services tend to change over
different time scales, making it difcult for managers to evaluate trade-offs fully. For example, supporting services such as soil
formation and primary production and regulating services such
as water and disease regulation tend to change over much longer
time scales than provisioning services. As a consequence, impacts
on more slowly changing supporting and regulating services are
often overlooked by managers in pursuit of increased use of provisioning services (S12.ES).
The inertia of various direct and indirect drivers differs considerably, and this strongly inuences the time frame for solving ecosystem-related problems once they are identied (RWG,
S7). For some drivers, such as the overharvest of particular species, lag times are rather short, and the impact of the driver can
be minimized or halted within short time frames. For others,
such as nutrient loading and, especially, climate change, lag times
are much longer, and the impact of the driver cannot be lessened
for years or decades.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Signicant inertia exists in the process of species extinctions

that result from habitat loss; even if habitat loss were to end
today, it would take hundreds of years for species numbers to
reach a new and lower equilibrium due to the habitat changes
that have taken place in the last centuries (S10). Most species
that will go extinct in the next several centuries will be driven to
extinction as a result of loss or degradation of their habitat (either
through land cover changes or increasingly through climate
changes). Habitat loss can lead to rapid extinction of some species
(such as those with extremely limited ranges); but for many species, extinction will only occur after many generations, and longlived species such as some trees could persist for centuries before
ultimately going extinct. This extinction debt has important
implications. First, while reductions in the rate of habitat loss will
protect certain species and have signicant long-term benets for
species survival in the aggregate, the impact on rates of extinction
over the next 1050 years is likely to be small (medium certainty).
Second, until a species does go extinct, opportunities exist for it
to be recovered to a viable population size.

Nonlinear Changes in Ecosystems

Nonlinear changes, including accelerating, abrupt, and potentially irreversible changes, have been commonly encountered in
ecosystems and their services. Most of the time, change in ecosystems and their services is gradual and incremental. Most of
these gradual changes are detectable and predictable, at least in
principle (high certainty) (S.SDM). However, many examples
exist of nonlinear and sometimes abrupt changes in ecosystems.
In these cases, the ecosystem may change gradually until a particular pressure on it reaches a threshold, at which point changes
occur relatively rapidly as the system shifts to a new state. Some
of these nonlinear changes can be very large in magnitude and
have substantial impacts on human well-being. Capabilities for
predicting some nonlinear changes are improving, but for most
ecosystems and for most potential nonlinear changes, while science can often warn of increased risks of change, it cannot predict the thresholds where the change will be encountered (C6.2,
S13.4). Numerous examples exist of nonlinear and relatively
abrupt changes in ecosystems:
Disease emergence (S13.4): Infectious diseases regularly
exhibit nonlinear behavior. If, on average, each infected person
infects at least one other person, then an epidemic spreads, while
if the infection is transferred on average to less than one person
the epidemic dies out. High human population densities in close
contact with animal reservoirs of infectious disease facilitate rapid
exchange of pathogens, and if the threshold rate of infection is
achievedthat is, if each infected person on average transmits
the infection to at least one other personthe resulting infectious agents can spread quickly through a worldwide contiguous,
highly mobile, human population with few barriers to transmis-

Figure 7.1. Characteristic Time and Space Scales Related to Ecosystems and Their Services
Note: For comparison, this Figure includes references to time and space scales cited in the Synthesis Report of the IPCC Third
Assessment Report. (IPCC TAR, C4 Fig 4.15, C4.4.2, CF7, S7)
(period in years)
Species numbers to reach a new
equilibrium through extinction after
habitat loss (100 to 1 000)
Secondary succession reestablishment of original community of species
following disturbance (100 to 1 000)
Species composition in a region to reach
a new equilibrium following a lasting
change in climate (10 000 to 1 million)


Range of lifetimes of species in marine

fossil record (1 to 10 million)



1 000

10 000

100 000

1 000 000





1 000

10 000

100 000

1 000 000




1 000

10 000

100 000

1 000 000

Spatial scale:
(sq. kilometer)
100 to 10 000
1 to 10
10 to 10 000

10 000 000
Greenhouse gases to mix in
global atmosphere (2 to 4)


50% of a CO2 pulse

to disappear (50 to 200)


Air temperature to respond

to CO2 rise (up to 120 to150)


Sea level to respond to temperature

change (up to 10 000)


10 000 000
Physiological acclimation of plants to
an increase in CO2 (1 to 100)


Range of lifetimes of
organisms (up to 1000)


Phosphorus concentrations to return

to natural levels after applications
halted (10 to 300)

1 to10

10 000 000



The ecosystem structure category includes also the range size of vertabrate species for which the time scale is not available.
The spatial scale goes from 0.1 to 100 million square kilometers.

Sources: IPCC, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

sion. The almost instantaneous outbreak of SARS in different

parts of the world is an example of such potential, although rapid
and effective action contained its spread. During the 1997/98 El
Nio, excessive ooding caused cholera epidemics in Djibouti,
Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique. Warming of the
African Great Lakes due to climate change may create conditions
that increase the risk of cholera transmission in surrounding
countries (C14.2.1). An event similar to the 1918 Spanish u
pandemic, which is thought to have killed 2040 million people
worldwide, could now result in over 100 million deaths within a
single year. Such a catastrophic event, the possibility of which is
being seriously considered by the epidemiological community,
would probably lead to severe economic disruption and possibly
even rapid collapse in a world economy dependent on fast global
exchange of goods and services.

Algal blooms and sh kills (S13.4): Excessive nutrient loading

fertilizes freshwater and coastal ecosystems. While small increases
in nutrient loading often cause little change in many ecosystems,
once a threshold of nutrient loading is achieved, the changes can
be abrupt and extensive, creating harmful algal blooms (including blooms of toxic species) and often leading to the domination
of the ecosystem by one or a few species. Severe nutrient overloading can lead to the formation of oxygen-depleted zones, killing all animal life.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s



Fisheries collapses (C18): Fish population collapses have been

commonly encountered in both freshwater and marine sheries.
Fish populations are generally able to withstand some level of
catch with a relatively small impact on their overall population
size. As the catch increases, however, a threshold is reached after
which too few adults remain to produce enough offspring to support that level of harvest, and the population may drop abruptly
to a much smaller size. For example, the Atlantic cod stocks of
the east coast of Newfoundland collapsed in 1992, forcing the
closure of the shery after hundreds of years of exploitation, as
shown in Figure 3.4 (CF2 Box 2.4). Most important, the stocks
may take years to recover or not recover at all, even if harvesting
is signicantly reduced or eliminated entirely.
Species introductions and losses: Introductions (or removal)
of species can cause nonlinear changes in ecosystems and their
services. For example, the introduction of the zebra mussel (see
photo above) into U.S. aquatic systems resulted in the extirpation of native clams in Lake St. Clair, large changes in energy
ow and ecosystem function, and annual costs of $100 million
to the power industry and other users (S12.4.8). The introduction of the comb jelly sh (Mnemiopsis leidyi) in the Black Sea
caused the loss of 26 major sheries species and has been implicated (along with other factors) in subsequent growth of the


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

anoxic dead zone (C28.5). The loss of the sea otters from many
coastal ecosystems on the Pacic Coast of North America due to
hunting led to the booming populations of sea urchins (a prey
species for otters) which in turn led to the loss of kelp forests
(which are eaten by urchins).
Changes in dominant species in coral ecosystems: Some coral
reef ecosystems have undergone sudden shifts from coral-dominated to algae-dominated reefs. The trigger for such phase shifts,
which are essentially irreversible, is usually multifaceted and
includes increased nutrient input leading to eutrophic conditions, and removal of herbivorous shes that maintain the balance between corals and algae. Once a threshold is reached, the
change in the ecosystem takes place within months and the
resulting ecosystem, although stable, is less productive and less
diverse. One well-studied example is the sudden switch in 1983
from coral to algal domination of Jamaican reef systems. This
followed several centuries of overshing of herbivores, which left
the control of algal cover almost entirely dependent on a single
species of sea urchin, whose populations collapsed when exposed
to a species-specic pathogen. As a result, Jamaicas reefs shifted
(apparently irreversibly) to a new low-diversity, algae-dominated
state with very limited capacity to support sheries (C4.6).
Regional climate change (C13.3): The vegetation in a region
inuences climate through albedo (reectance of radiation from
the surface), transpiration (ux of water from the ground to the
atmosphere through plants), and the aerodynamic properties of

the surface. In the Sahel region of North Africa, vegetation cover

is almost completely controlled by rainfall. When vegetation is
present, rainfall is quickly recycled, generally increasing precipitation and, in turn, leading to a denser vegetation canopy.
Model results suggest that land degradation leads to a substantial reduction in water recycling and may have contributed to
the observed trend in rainfall reduction in the region over the
last 30 years. In tropical regions, deforestation generally leads
to decreased rainfall. Since forest existence crucially depends on
rainfall, the relationship between tropical forests and precipitation forms a positive feedback that, under certain conditions,
theoretically leads to the existence of two steady states: rainforest and savanna (although some models suggest only one stable
climate-vegetation state in the Amazon).
There is established but incomplete evidence that changes
being made in ecosystems are increasing the likelihood of nonlinear and potentially high-impact, abrupt changes in physical
and biological systems that have important consequences for
human well-being (C6, S3, S13.4, S.SDM). The increased
likelihood of these events stems from the following factors:
On balance, changes humans are making to ecosystems are
reducing the resilience of the ecological components of the systems
(established but incomplete) (C6, S3, S12). Genetic and species
diversity, as well as spatial patterns of landscapes, environmental
uctuations, and temporal cycles with which species evolved,
generate the resilience of ecosystems. Functional groups of
species contribute to ecosystem processes and services in similar
ways. Diversity among functional groups increases the ux of
ecosystem processes and services (established but incomplete).
Within functional groups, species respond differently to
environmental uctuations. This response diversity derives from
variation in the response of species to environmental drivers,
heterogeneity in species distributions, differences in ways that
species use seasonal cycles or disturbance patterns, or other
mechanisms. Response diversity enables ecosystems to adjust in
changing environments, altering biotic structure in ways that
maintain processes and services (high certainty) (S.SDM). The
loss of biodiversity that is now taking place thus tends to reduce
the resilience of ecosystems.
There are growing pressures from various drivers (S7, SG7.5).
Threshold changes in ecosystems are not uncommon, but they
are infrequently encountered in the absence of human-caused
pressures on ecosystems. Many of these pressures are now
growing. Increased sh harvests raise the likelihood of sheries
collapses; higher rates of climate change boost the potential for
species extinctions; increased introductions of nitrogen and
phosphorus into the environment make the eutrophication of

aquatic ecosystems more likely; as human populations become

more mobile, more and more species are being introduced into
new habitats, and this increases the chance of harmful pests
emerging in those regions.
The growing bushmeat trade poses particularly signicant
threats associated with nonlinear changes, in this case accelerating rates of change (C8.3, S.SDM, C14). Growth in the use and
trade of bushmeat is placing increasing pressure on many species,
particularly in Africa and Asia. While population size of harvested species may decline gradually with increasing harvest for
some time, once the harvest exceeds sustainable levels, the rate of
decline of populations of the harvested species will tend to accelerate. This could place them at risk of extinction and also reduce
the food supply of the people dependent on these resources.
Finally, the bushmeat trade involves relatively high levels of
interaction between humans and some relatively closely related
wild animals that are eaten. Again, this increases the risk of a
nonlinear change, in this case the emergence of new and serious
pathogens. Given the speed and magnitude of international travel
today, new pathogens could spread rapidly around the world.
A potential nonlinear response, currently the subject of
intensive scientic research, is the atmospheric capacity to
cleanse itself of air pollution (in particular, hydrocarbons and
reactive nitrogen compounds) (C.SDM). This capacity depends
on chemical reactions involving the hydroxyl radical, the atmospheric concentration of which has declined by about 10%
(medium certainty) since preindustrial times.
Once an ecosystem has undergone a nonlinear change,
recovery to the original state may take decades or centuries and
may sometimes be impossible. For example, the recovery of
overexploited sheries that have been closed to shing is quite
variable. Although the cod shery in Newfoundland has been
closed for 13 years (except for a small inshore shery between
1998 and 2003), there have been few signs of a recovery,
and many scientists are not optimistic about its return in the
foreseeable future (C18.2.6). On the other hand, the North
Sea Herring shery collapsed due to overharvesting in the late
1970s, but it recovered after being closed for four years (C18).

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


8. What options exist to manage ecosystems sustainably?

t is a major challenge to reverse the degradation of ecosystems while meeting increasing demands for their services.
But this challenge can be met. Three of the four MA scenarios
show that changes in policies, institutions, and practices can
mitigate some of the negative consequences of growing pressures on ecosystems, although the changes required are large
and not currently under way (S.SDM). As noted in Key Question 5, in three of the four MA scenarios at least one of the three
categories of provisioning, regulating, and cultural services is in
better condition in 2050 than in 2000, although biodiversity loss
continues at high rates in all scenarios. The scale of interventions
that results in these positive outcomes, however, is very signicant. The interventions include major investments in environmentally sound technology, active adaptive management,
proactive actions to address environmental problems before their
full consequences are experienced, major investments in public
goods (such as education and health), strong action to reduce
socioeconomic disparities and eliminate poverty, and expanded
capacity of people to manage ecosystems adaptively.
More specically, in Global Orchestration trade barriers are
eliminated, distorting subsidies are removed, and a major emphasis is placed on eliminating poverty and hunger. In Adapting
Mosaic, by 2010 most countries are spending close to 13% of
their GDP on education (compared with an average of 3.5% in
2000), and institutional arrangements to promote transfer of
skills and knowledge among regional groups proliferate. In
TechnoGarden, policies are put in place to provide payment to
individuals and companies that provide or maintain the provision of ecosystem services. For example, in this scenario, by
2015 roughly 50% of European agriculture and 10% of North
American agriculture is aimed at balancing the production of
food with the production of other ecosystem services. Under this
scenario, signicant advances occur in the development of environmental technologies to increase production of services, create
substitutes, and reduce harmful trade-offs.
Past actions to slow or reverse the degradation of ecosystems
have yielded signicant benets, but these improvements have
generally not kept pace with growing pressures and demands.
Although most ecosystem services assessed in the MA are being
degraded, the extent of that degradation would have been much
greater without responses implemented in past decades. For
example, more than 100,000 protected areas (including strictly
protected areas such as national parks as well as areas managed
for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems, including timber
harvest or wildlife harvest) covering about 11.7% of the terrestrial surface have now been established (R5.2.1). These play an
important role in the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

services, although important gaps in the distribution of protected

areas remain, particularly in marine and freshwater systems.
Technological advances have also helped to lessen the rate of
growth in pressure on ecosystems caused per unit increase in
demand for ecosystem services. For all developing countries, for
instance, yields of wheat, rice, and maize rose between 109% and
208% in the past 40 years. Without this increase, far more habitat would have been converted to agriculture during this time.
An effective set of responses to ensure the sustainable management of ecosystems must address the drivers presented in
Key Question 4 and overcome barriers related to (RWG):
inappropriate institutional and governance arrangements,
including the presence of corruption and weak systems of
regulation and accountability;
market failures and the misalignment of economic incentives;
social and behavioral factors, including the lack of political
and economic power of some groups (such as poor people,
women, and indigenous groups) who are particularly
dependent on ecosystem services or harmed by their
underinvestment in the development and diffusion of
technologies that could increase the efciency of use of
ecosystem services and reduce the harmful impacts of
various drivers of ecosystem change; and
insufcient knowledge (as well as the poor use of existing
knowledge) concerning ecosystem services and management, policy, technological, behavioral and institutional
responses that could enhance benets from these services
while conserving resources.
All these barriers are compounded by weak human and institutional capacity related to the assessment and management of ecosystem services, underinvestment in the regulation and
management of their use, lack of public awareness, and lack of
awareness among decision-makers of the threats posed by the
degradation of ecosystem services and the opportunities that
more sustainable management of ecosystems could provide.
The MA assessed 74 response options for ecosystem services,
integrated ecosystem management, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and climate change. (See Appendix B.)
Many of these options hold signicant promise for conserving or
sustainably enhancing the supply of ecosystem services. Examples
of promising responses that address the barriers just described
are presented in the remainder of this section (RWG, R2). The
stakeholder groups that would need to take decisions to implement each response are indicated as follows: G for government,
B for business and industry, and N for nongovernmental organizations and other civil society organizations such as communitybased and indigenous peoples organizations.

Institutions and Governance

Changes in institutional and environmental governance frameworks are sometimes required in order to create the enabling
conditions for effective management of ecosystems, while in
other cases existing institutions could meet these needs but face
signicant barriers. Many existing institutions at both the global
and the national level have the mandate to address the degradation of ecosystem services but face a variety of challenges in
doing so related to the need for greater cooperation across sectors
and the need for coordinated responses at multiple scales. However, since a number of the issues identied in this assessment are
recent concerns and were not specically taken into account in
the design of todays institutions, changes in existing institutions
and the development of new ones may sometimes be needed,
particularly at the national scale.
In particular, existing national and global institutions are
not well designed to deal with the management of open access
resources, a characteristic of many ecosystem services. Issues of
ownership and access to resources, rights to participation in
decision-making, and regulation of particular types of resource
use or discharge of wastes can strongly inuence the sustainability of ecosystem management and are fundamental determinants
of who wins and who loses from changes in ecosystems. Corruptiona major obstacle to effective management of ecosystems
also stems from weak systems of regulation and accountability.
Promising interventions include:
Integration of ecosystem management goals within other sectors
and within broader development planning frameworks (G). The most
important public policy decisions affecting ecosystems are often
made by agencies and in policy arenas other than those charged
with protecting ecosystems. Ecosystem management goals are

more likely to be achieved if they are reected in decisions in other

sectors and in national development strategies. For example, the
Poverty Reduction Strategies prepared by developing-country governments for the World Bank and other institutions strongly shape
national development priorities, but in general these have not
taken into account the importance of ecosystems to improving the
basic human capabilities of the poorest (R17.ES).
Increased coordination among multilateral environmental
agreements and between environmental agreements and other
international economic and social institutions (G). International
agreements are indispensable for addressing ecosystem-related
concerns that span national boundaries, but numerous obstacles
weaken their current effectiveness (R17.2). The limited, focused
nature of the goals and mechanisms included in most bilateral and multilateral environmental treaties does not address
the broader issue of ecosystem services and human well-being.
Steps are now being taken to increase coordination among these
treaties, and this could help broaden the focus of the array of
instruments. However, coordination is also needed between the
multilateral environmental agreements and the more politically
powerful international legal institutions, such as economic and
trade agreements, to ensure that they are not acting at cross-purposes (R.SDM). And implementation of these agreements also
needs to be coordinated among relevant institutions and sectors
at the national level.
Increased transparency and accountability of government and
private-sector performance in decisions that affect ecosystems, including
through greater involvement of concerned stakeholders in decisionmaking (G, B, N) (RWG, SG9). Laws, policies, institutions, and

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


markets that have been shaped

through public participation in
decision-making are more likely
to be effective and perceived as
just. For example, degradation
of freshwater and other ecosystem services generally have
a disproportionate impact on
those who are, in various ways,
excluded from participation in
the decision-making process
(R7.2.3). Stakeholder participation also contributes to the
decision-making process because
it allows a better understanding
of impacts and vulnerability, the
distribution of costs and benets
associated with trade-offs, and
the identication of a broader
range of response options that
are available in a specic context.
And stakeholder involvement
and transparency of decisionmaking can increase accountability and reduce corruption.
Development of institutions
that devolve (or centralize) decision-making to meet management
needs while ensuring effective coordination across scales (G, B, N)
(RWG). Problems of ecosystem management have been exacerbated by both overly centralized and overly decentralized decision-making. For example, highly centralized forest management
has proved ineffective in many countries, and efforts are now
being made to move responsibility to lower levels of decisionmaking either within the natural resources sector or as part of
broader decentralization of governmental responsibilities. At the
same time, one of the most intractable problems of ecosystem
management has been the lack of alignment between political
boundaries and units appropriate for the management of ecosystem goods and services. Downstream communities may not have
access to the institutions through which upstream actions can
be inuenced; alternatively, downstream communities or countries may be stronger politically than upstream regions and may
dominate control of upstream areas without addressing upstream
needs. A number of countries, however, are now strengthening
regional institutions for the management of transboundary ecosystems (such as the Danube River, the Mekong River Commission, East African cooperation on Lake Victoria, and the Amazon
Cooperation Treaty Organization).
Development of institutions to regulate interactions between
markets and ecosystems (G) (RWG). The potential of policy and
market reforms to improve ecosystem management are often
constrained by weak or absent institutions. For example, the
potential of the Clean Development Mechanism established


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

under the Framework Convention on Climate Change to provide nancial support to developing countries in return for
greenhouse gas reductions, which would realize climate and biodiversity benets through payments for carbon sequestration in
forests, is constrained by unclear property rights, concerns over
the permanence of reductions, and lack of mechanisms for
resolving conicts. Moreover, existing regulatory institutions
often do not have ecosystem protection as a clear mandate. For
example, independent regulators of privatized water systems and
power systems do not necessarily promote resource use efciency
and renewable supply. There is a continuing importance of the
role of the state to set and enforce rules even in the context of
privatization and market-led growth.
Development of institutional frameworks that promote a shift
from highly sectoral resource management approaches to more integrated approaches (G, B) (R15.ES, R12.ES, R11.ES). In most
countries, separate ministries are in charge of different aspects of
ecosystems (such as ministries of environment, agriculture, water,
and forests) and different drivers of change (such as ministries of
energy, transportation, development, and trade). Each of these
ministries has control over different aspects of ecosystem management. As a result, there is seldom the political will to develop
effective ecosystem management strategies, and competition
among the ministries can often result in policy choices that are
detrimental to ecosystems. Integrated responses intentionally and
actively address ecosystem services and human well-being simultaneously, such as integrated coastal zone management, integrated river basin management, and national sustainable
development strategies. Although the potential for integrated


responses is high, numerous barriers have limited their effectiveness: they are resource-intensive, but the potential benets can
exceed the costs; they require multiple instruments for their
implementation; and they require new institutional and governance structures, skills, knowledge, and capacity. Thus far, the
results of implementation of integrated responses have been
mixed in terms of ecological, social, and economic impacts.

Economics and Incentives

Economic and nancial interventions provide powerful instruments to regulate the use of ecosystem goods and services (C5
Box 5.2). Because many ecosystem services are not traded in
markets, markets fail to provide appropriate signals that might
otherwise contribute to the efcient allocation and sustainable
use of the services. Even if people are aware of the services provided by an ecosystem, they are neither compensated for providing these services nor penalized for reducing them. In addition,
the people harmed by the degradation of ecosystem services are
often not the ones who benet from the actions leading to their
degradation, and so those costs are not factored into management decisions. A wide range of opportunities exists to inuence
human behavior to address this challenge in the form of economic and nancial instruments. Some of them establish markets; others work through the monetary and nancial interests of
the targeted social actors; still others affect relative prices.
Market mechanisms can only work if supporting institutions
are in place, and thus there is a need to build institutional
capacity to enable more widespread use of these mechanisms
(R17). The adoption of economic instruments usually requires a

legal framework, and in many cases the choice of a viable and

effective economic intervention mechanism is determined by the
socioeconomic context. For example, resource taxes can be a
powerful instrument to guard against the overexploitation of an
ecosystem service, but an effective tax scheme requires well-established and reliable monitoring and tax collection systems. Similarly, subsidies can be effective to introduce and implement
certain technologies or management procedures, but they are
inappropriate in settings that lack the transparency and accountability needed to prevent corruption. The establishment of market mechanisms also often involves explicit decisions about
wealth distribution and resource allocation, when, for example,
decisions are made to establish private property rights for
resources that were formerly considered common pool resources.
For that reason, the inappropriate use of market mechanisms can
further exacerbate problems of poverty.
Promising interventions include:
Elimination of subsidies that promote excessive use of ecosystem
services (and, where possible, transfer of these subsidies to payments
for nonmarketed ecosystem services) (G) (S7.ES). Subsidies paid to
the agricultural sectors of OECD countries between 2001 and
2003 averaged over $324 billion annually, or one third the global
value of agricultural products in 2000. Many countries outside
the OECD also have inappropriate subsidies. A signicant proportion of this total involves production subsidies that lead to
greater food production in countries with subsidies than the
global market conditions warrant, that promote the overuse of
water, fertilizers, and pesticides, and that reduce the protability
of agriculture in developing countries. They also increase land
values, adding to landowners resistance to subsidy reductions.
On the social side, agricultural subsidies make farmers overly
dependent on taxpayers for their livelihood, change wealth distribution and social composition by beneting large corporate
farms to the detriment of smaller family farms, and contribute to
the dependence of large segments of the developing world on
aid. Finally, it is not clear that these policies achieve one of their
primary targetssupporting farmers income. Only about a
quarter of the total expenses in price supports translate into additional income for farm households.
Similar problems are created by shery subsidies, which for the
OECD countries were estimated at $6.2 billion in 2002, or
about 20% of the gross value of production that year (C8.4.1).
Subsidies on sheries, apart from their distributional impacts,
affect the management of resources and their sustainable use by
encouraging overexploitation of the resource, thereby worsening
the common property problem present in sheries. Although
some indirect subsidies, such as payments for the withdrawal of
individual transferable harvest quotas, could have a positive
impact on sheries management, the majority of subsidies have a
negative effect. Inappropriate subsidies are also common in sectors such as water and forestry.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Although removal of production subsidies would produce net

benets, it would not occur without costs. The farmers and shers beneting directly from the subsidies would suffer the most
immediate losses, but there would also be indirect effects on ecosystems both locally and globally. In some cases it may be possible to transfer production subsides to other activities that
promote ecosystem stewardship, such as payment for the provision or enhancement of regulatory or supporting services. Compensatory mechanisms may be needed for the poor who are
adversely affected by the immediate removal of subsidies (R17.5).
Reduced subsidies within the OECD may lessen pressures on
some ecosystems in those countries, but they could lead to more
rapid conversion and intensication of land for agriculture in
developing countries and would thus need to be accompanied by
policies to minimize the adverse impacts on ecosystems there.
Greater use of economic instruments and market-based approaches
in the management of ecosystem services (G, B, N) (RWG). Economic
instruments and market mechanisms with the potential to enhance
the management of ecosystem services include:
Taxes or user fees for activities with external costs (trade-offs
not accounted for in the market). These instruments create
an incentive that lessens the external costs and provides revenues that can help protect the damaged ecosystem services.
Examples include taxes on excessive application of nutrients
or ecotourism user fees.
Creation of markets, including through cap-and-trade systems.
Ecosystem services that have been treated as free
resources, as is often the case for water, tend to be used
wastefully. The establishment of markets for the services
can both increase the incentives for their conservation and
increase the economic efciency of their allocation if supporting legal and economic institutions are in place. However, as noted earlier, while markets will increase the
efciency of the use of the resource, they can have harmful
effects on particular groups of users who may inequitably
affected by the change (R17). The combination of regulated emission caps, coupled with market mechanisms for
trading pollution rights, often provides an efcient means
of reducing emissions harmful to ecosystems. For example,
nutrient trading systems may be a low-cost way to reduce
water pollution in the United States (R7 Box 7.3).
One of the most rapidly growing markets related to ecosystem services is the carbon market. (See Figure 8.1.)
Approximately 64 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
were exchanged through projects from January to May
2004, nearly as much as during all of 2003 (78 million tons)
(C5 Box 5.2). The value of carbon dioxide trades in 2003
was approximately $300 million. About one quarter of the
trades (by volume of CO2 equivalents) involve investment in
ecosystem services (hydropower or biomass). The World
Bank has established a fund with a capital of $33.3 million
(as of January 2005) to invest in afforestation and reforestation projects that sequester or conserve carbon in forest and


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Figure 8.1. Total Carbon Market Value per Year

(in million dollars nominal) (C5 Box 5.1)

Million dollars
2004 figures
are for the
first five
months only















Sources: World Bank, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

agroecosystems while promoting biodiversity conservation

and poverty alleviation. It is speculated that the value of the
global carbon emissions trading markets may reach $10 billion to $44 billion in 2010 (and involve trades totaling 4.5
billion tons of carbon dioxide or equivalent).
Payment for ecosystem services. Mechanisms can be established
to enable individuals, rms, or the public sector to pay
resource owners to provide particular services. For example,
in New South Wales, Australia, associations of farmers purchase salinity credits from the State Forests Agency, which in
turn contracts with upstream landholders to plant trees,
which reduce water tables and store carbon. Similarly, in
1996 Costa Rica established a nationwide system of conservation payments to induce landowners to provide ecosystem
services. Under this program, the government brokers contracts between international and domestic buyers and local
sellers of sequestered carbon, biodiversity, watershed services, and scenic beauty. By 2001, more than 280,000 hectares of forests had been incorporated into the program at a
cost of about $30 million, with pending applications covering an additional 800,000 hectares (C5 Box 5.2).
Other innovative conservation nancing mechanisms
include biodiversity offsets (whereby developers pay for
conservation activities as compensation for unavoidable
harm that a project causes to biodiversity). An online news
site, the Ecosystem Marketplace, has now been established

by a consortium of institutions to provide information on

the development of markets for ecosystem services and the
payments for them.
Mechanisms to enable consumer preferences to be expressed
through markets. Consumer pressure may provide an alternative way to inuence producers to adopt more sustainable production practices in the absence of effective
government regulation. For example, certication schemes
that exist for sustainable sheries and forest practices provide people with the opportunity to promote sustainability
through their consumer choices. Within the forest sector,
forest certication has become widespread in many countries and forest conditions; thus far, however, most certied
forests are in temperate regions, managed by large companies that export to northern retailers (R8).

Social and Behavioral Responses

Social and behavioral responsesincluding population policy;
public education; empowerment of communities, women,
and youth; and civil society actionscan be instrumental in
responding to ecosystem degradation. These are generally interventions that stakeholders initiate and execute through exercising
their procedural or democratic rights in efforts to improve ecosystems and human well-being.
Promising interventions include:
Measures to reduce aggregate consumption of unsustainably managed ecosystem services (G, B, N) (RWG). The choices about what
individuals consume and how much they consume are inuenced
not just by considerations of price but also by behavioral factors
related to culture, ethics, and values. Behavioral changes that could
reduce demand for degraded ecosystem services can be encouraged
through actions by governments (such as education and public
awareness programs or the promotion of demand-side management), industry (such as improved product labeling or commitments to use raw materials from sources certied as sustainable),
and civil society (such as public awareness campaigns). Efforts to
reduce aggregate consumption, however, must sometimes incorporate measures to increase the access to and consumption of those
same ecosystem services by specic groups such as poor people.
Communication and education (G, B, N) (RWG, R5).
Improved communication and education are essential to achieve
the objectives of the environmental conventions, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, and the sustainable management
of natural resources more generally. Both the public and decision-makers can benet from education concerning ecosystems
and human well-being, but education more generally provides
tremendous social benets that can help address many drivers of
ecosystem degradation. Barriers to the effective use of communication and education include a failure to use research and apply
modern theories of learning and change. While the importance
of communication and education is well recognized, providing
the human and nancial resources to undertake effective work is
a continuing barrier.

Empowerment of groups particularly dependent on ecosystem

services or affected by their degradation, including women, indigenous people, and young people (G, B, N) (RWG). Despite womens
knowledge about the environment and the potential they possess,
their participation in decision-making has often been restricted
by social and cultural structures. Young people are key stakeholders in that they will experience the longer-term consequences of
decisions made today concerning ecosystem services. Indigenous
control of traditional homelands can sometimes have environmental benets, although the primary justication continues to
be based on human and cultural rights.

Technological Responses
Given the growing demands for ecosystem services and other
increased pressures on ecosystems, the development and diffusion of technologies designed to increase the efciency of
resource use or reduce the impacts of drivers such as climate
change and nutrient loading are essential. Technological change
has been essential for meeting growing demands for some ecosystem services, and technology holds considerable promise to
help meet future growth in demand. Technologies already exist
for reducing nutrient pollution at reasonable costsincluding
technologies to reduce point source emissions, changes in crop
management practices, and precision farming techniques to help
control the application of fertilizers to a eld, for examplebut
new policies are needed for these tools to be applied on a sufcient scale to slow and ultimately reverse the increase in nutrient loading (recognizing that this global goal must be achieved
even while increasing nutrient applications in some regions such
as sub-Saharan Africa). Many negative impacts on ecosystems
and human well-being have resulted from these technological
changes, however (R17.ES). The cost of retrotting technologies once their negative consequences become apparent can be
extremely high, so careful assessment is needed prior to the introduction of new technologies.
Promising interventions include:
Promotion of technologies that increase crop yields without any
harmful impacts related to water, nutrient, and pesticide use (G, B,
N) (R6). Agricultural expansion will continue to be one of the
major drivers of biodiversity loss well into the twenty-rst century. Development, assessment, and diffusion of technologies that
could increase the production of food per unit area sustainably
without harmful trade-offs related to excessive use of water, nutrients, or pesticides would signicantly lessen pressure on other
ecosystem services. Without the intensication that has taken
place since 1950, a further 20 million square kilometers of land
would have had to be brought into production to achieve todays
crop production (C.SDM). The challenge for the future is to similarly reduce the pressure for expansion of agriculture without
simultaneously increasing pressures on ecosystem services due to
water use, excessive nutrient loading, and pesticide use.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Restoration of ecosystem services (G, B, N) (RWG, R7.4). Ecosystem restoration activities are now common in many countries
and include actions to restore almost all types of ecosystems,
including wetlands, forests, grasslands, estuaries, coral reefs, and
mangroves. Ecosystems with some features of the ones that were
present before conversion can often be established and can provide some of the original ecosystem services (such as pollution
ltration in wetlands or timber production from forests). The
restored systems seldom fully replace the original systems, but
they still help meet needs for particular services. Yet the cost of
restoration is generally extremely high in relation to the cost of
preventing the degradation of the ecosystem. Not all services can
be restored, and those that are heavily degraded may require considerable time for restoration.
Promotion of technologies to increase energy efciency and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions (G, B) (R13). Signicant reductions in net greenhouse gas emissions are technically feasible due
to an extensive array of technologies in the energy supply, energy
demand, and waste management sectors. Reducing projected
emissions will require a portfolio of energy production technologies ranging from fuel switching (coal/oil to gas) and increased
power plant efciency to increased use of renewable energy technologies, complemented by more efcient use of energy in the
transportation, buildings, and industry sectors. It will also
involve the development and implementation of supporting
institutions and policies to overcome barriers to the diffusion of
these technologies into the marketplace, increased public and
private-sector funding for research and development, and effective technology transfer.

Knowledge and Cognitive Responses

Effective management of ecosystems is constrained both by a
lack of knowledge and information concerning different aspects
of ecosystems and by the failure to use adequately the information that does exist in support of management decisions.
Although sufcient information exists to take many actions that
could help conserve ecosystems and enhance human well-being,
major information gaps exist. In most regions, for example, relatively little is known about the status and economic value of
most ecosystem services, and their depletion is rarely tracked in
national economic accounts. Limited information exists about
the likelihood of nonlinear changes in ecosystems or the location
of thresholds where such changes may be encountered. Basic
global data on the extent and trend in different types of ecosystems and land use are surprisingly scarce. Models used to project
future environmental and economic conditions have limited
capability of incorporating ecological feedbacks including nonlinear changes in ecosystems.
At the same time, decision-makers do not use all of the relevant information that is available. This is due in part to institutional failures that prevent existing policy-relevant scientic


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

information from being made available to decision-makers. But

it is also due to the failure to incorporate other forms of knowledge and information, such as traditional knowledge and practitioners knowledge, that are often of considerable value for
ecosystem management.
Promising interventions include:
Incorporate both the market and nonmarket values of ecosystems
in resource management and investment decisions (G, B) (RWG).
Most resource management and investment decisions are
strongly inuenced by considerations of the monetary costs and
benets of alternative policy choices. In the case of ecosystem
management, however, this often leads to outcomes that are not
in the interest of society, since the nonmarketed values of ecosystems may exceed the marketed values. As a result, many existing
resource management policies favor sectors such as agriculture,
forestry, and sheries at the expense of the use of these same ecosystems for water supply, recreation, and cultural services that
may be of greater economic value. Decisions can be improved if
they include the total economic value of alternative management
options and involve deliberative mechanisms that bring to bear
noneconomic considerations as well.
Use of all relevant forms of knowledge and information in assessments and decision-making, including traditional and practitioners
knowledge (G, B, N) (RWG, C17.ES). Effective management of
ecosystems typically requires place-based knowledgeinformation about the specic characteristics and history of an ecosystem.
Formal scientic information is often one source of such information, but traditional knowledge or practitioners knowledge held
by local resource managers can be of equal or greater value. While
that knowledge is used in the decisions taken by those who have it,
it is too rarely incorporated into other decision-making processes
and is often inappropriately dismissed.
Enhance and sustain human and institutional capacity for
assessing the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being
and acting on such assessments (G, B, N) (RWG). Greater technical capacity is needed for agriculture, forest, and sheries management. But the capacity that exists for these sectors, as limited
as it is in many countries, is still vastly greater than the capacity
for effective management of other ecosystem services. Because
awareness of the importance of these other services has only
recently grown, there is limited experience with assessing ecosystem services fully. Serious limits exist in all countries, but especially in developing countries, in terms of the expertise needed in
such areas as monitoring changes in ecosystem services, economic valuation or health assessment of ecosystem changes, and
policy analysis related to ecosystem services. Even when such
assessment information is available, however, the traditional
highly sectoral nature of decision-making and resource management makes the implementation of recommendations difcult.
This constraint can also be overcome through increased training
of individuals in existing institutions and through institutional
reforms to build capacity for more integrated responses.

Design of Effective Decision-making Processes

and Global



typically used to evaluate potential policy options) can assist

Decisions affecting ecosystems and their services can be
decision-making concerning ecosystems and their services (R3
improved by changing the processes used to reach those deciTables 3.6 to 3.8). Deliberative tools include neighborhood
sions. The context of decision-making about ecosystems is
forums, citizens juries, community issues groups, consensus conchanging rapidly. The new challenge to decision-making is to
ferences, electronic democracy, focus groups, issue forums, and
make effective use of information and tools in this changing conecosystem service user forums. Examples of information-gathertext in order to improve the decisions. At the same time, some
ing tools include citizens research panels, deliberative opinion
old challenges must still be addressed. The decision-making propolls, environmental impact assessments, participatory rural
cess and the actors involved inuence the intervention chosen.
appraisal, and rapid rural appraisal. Some common planning
Decision-making processes vary across jurisdictions, institutions,
tools are consensus participation, cost-benet analysis, multicriand cultures. Yet the MA has identied the following elements of
teria analysis, participatory learning and action, stakeholder decidecision-making processes related to ecosystems and their sersion analysis, trade-off analysis, and visioning exercises. The use
vices that tend to improve the decisions reached and their outof decision-making methods that adopt a pluralistic perspective
comes for ecosystems and human well-being (R18.ES):
is particularly pertinent, since these techniques do not give
Use the best available information, including considerations
undue weight to any particular viewpoint. These tools can be
of the value of both marketed and nonmarketed ecosystem
used at a variety of scales, including global, sub-global, and local.
A variety of frameworks and methods can be used to make
Ensure transparency and the effective and informed particibetter decisions in the face of uncertainties in data, prediction,
pation of important stakeholders.
context, and scale (R4.5). Commonly used methods include
Recognize that not all values at stake can be quantied, and
cost-benet or multicriteria analyses, risk assessment, the precauthus quantication can provide a false objectivity in decitionary principle, and vulnerability analysis. (See Table 8.1.) All
sion processes that have signicant subjective elements.
these methods have been able to support optimization exercises,
Strive for efciency,
but not at the
Table 8.1. Applicability of Decision Support Methods and Frameworks
expense of
(R4 Table 4.1)
Scale of
Consider equity and
vulnerability in terms
of the distribution of
costs and benets.
Ensure accountabilMethod
ity and provide for
regular monitoring

and evaluation.
Consider cumulative

and cross-scale effects

and, in particular,

assess trade-offs
across different eco+

system services.
A wide range of deliberVulnerability

ative tools (which facilianalysis

tate transparency and
stakeholder participation),
The precautionary principle is not strictly analogous to the other analytical and assessment methods but still can be
considered a method for decision support. The precautionary principle prescribes how to bring scientic uncertainty into the
decision-making process by explicitly formalizing precaution and bringing it to the forefront of the deliberations. It posits that
tools (which are primarily
signicant actions (ranging from doing nothing to banning a potentially harmful substance or activity, for instance) may be
justied when the degree of possible harm is large and irreversible.
focused on collecting
data and opinions), and
planning tools (which are
++ = direct application of the method by design
+ = possible application with modication or (in the case of uncertainty) the method has already
been modied to handle uncertainty
= weak but not impossible applicability with signicant effort

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


but few of them have much to say about equity. Cost-benet

analysis can, for example, be modied to weight the interests of
some people more than others. The discount rate can be viewed,
in long-term analyses, as a means of weighing the welfare of
future generations; and the precautionary principle can be
expressed in terms of reducing the exposure of certain populations or systems whose preferential status may be the result of
equity considerations. Only multicriteria analysis was designed
primarily to accommodate optimization across multiple
objectives with complex interactions, but this can also be
adapted to consider equity and threshold issues at national and
sub-national scales. Finally, the existence and signicance of various thresholds for change can be explored by several tools, but
only the precautionary principle was designed explicitly to
address such issues.
Scenarios provide one way to cope with many aspects of
uncertainty, but our limited understanding of ecological systems and human responses shrouds any individual scenario in
it own characteristic uncertainty (R4.ES). Scenarios can be used
to highlight the implications of alternative assumptions about
critical uncertainties related to the behavior of human and ecological systems. In this way, they provide one means to cope with
many aspects of uncertainty in assessing responses. The relevance, signicance, and inuence of scenarios ultimately depend
on who is involved in their development (SG9.ES).
At the same time, though, there are a number of reasons to be
cautious in the use of scenarios. First, individual scenarios represent conditional projections based on specic assumptions. Thus,
to the extent that our understanding and representation of the ecological and human systems represented in the scenarios is limited,
specic scenarios are characterized by their own uncertainty. Second, there is uncertainty in translating the lessons derived from
scenarios developed at one scalesay, globalto the assessment of
responses at other scalessay, sub-national. Third, scenarios often
have hidden and hard-to-articulate assumptions. Fourth, environmental scenarios have tended to more effectively incorporate stateof-the-art natural science modeling than social science modeling.
Historically, most responses addressing ecosystem services
have concentrated on the short-term benets from increasing
the productivity of provisioning services (RWG). Far less
emphasis has been placed on managing regulating, cultural, and
supporting ecosystem services; on management goals related to
poverty alleviation and equitable distribution of benets from


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

ecosystem services; and on the long-term consequences of ecosystem change on the provision of services. As a result, the current
management regime falls far short of the potential for meeting
human needs and conserving ecosystems.
Effective management of ecosystems requires coordinated
responses at multiple scales (SG9, R17.ES). Responses that
are successful at a small scale are often less successful at higher
levels due to constraints in legal frameworks and government
institutions that prevent their success. In addition, there appear
to be limits to scaling up, not only because of these higher-level
constraints, but also because interventions at a local level often
address only direct drivers of change rather than indirect or
underlying ones. For example, a local project to improve livelihoods of communities surrounding a protected area in order to
reduce pressure on it, if successful, may increase migration into
buffer zones, thereby adding to pressures. Cross-scale responses
may be more effective at addressing the higher-level constraints
and leakage problems and simultaneously tackling regional and
national as well as local-level drivers of change. Examples of
successful cross-scale responses include some co-management
approaches to natural resource management in sheries and
forestry and multistakeholder policy processes (R15.ES).
Active adaptive management can be a particularly valuable
tool for reducing uncertainty about ecosystem management
decisions (R17.4.5). The term active adaptive management
is used here to emphasize the key characteristic of the original
concept (which is frequently and inappropriately used to mean
learning by doing): the design of management programs to
test hypotheses about how components of an ecosystem function and interact and to thereby reduce uncertainty about the
system more rapidly than would otherwise occur. Under an
adaptive management approach, for example, a sheries manager might intentionally set harvest levels either lower or
higher than the best estimate in order to gain information
more rapidly about the shape of the yield curve for the shery.
Given the high levels of uncertainty surrounding coupled
socioecological systems, the use of active adaptive management
is often warranted.

9. What are the most important uncertainties hindering

decision-making concerning ecosystems?

he MA was unable to provide adequate scientic information to answer a number of important policy questions
related to ecosystem services and human well-being. In some
cases, the scientic information may well exist already but the
process used and time frame available prevented either access to
the needed information or its assessment. But in many cases
either the data needed to answer the questions were unavailable
or the knowledge of the ecological or social system was inadequate. We identify the following information gaps that, if
addressed, could signicantly enhance the ability of a process like
the MA to answer policy-relevant questions posed by decisionmakers (CWG, SWG, RWG, SGWG).

Condition and Trends

There are major gaps in global and national monitoring systems that result in the absence of well-documented, comparable,
time-series information for many ecosystem features and that
pose signicant barriers in assessing condition and trends in ecosystem services. Moreover, in a number of cases, including
hydrological systems, the condition of the monitoring systems
that do exist is declining.
Although for 30 years remote sensing capacity has been
available that could enable rigorous global monitoring of
land cover change, nancial resources have not been available to process this information, and thus accurate measurements of land cover change are only available on a
case study basis.
Information on land degradation in drylands is extremely
poor. Major shortcomings in the currently available assessments point to the need for a systematic global monitoring program, leading to the development of a scientically
credible, consistent baseline of the state of land degradation and desertication.
There is little replicable data on global forest extent that
can be tracked over time.
There is no reasonably accurate global map of wetlands.
There are major gaps in information on nonmarketed
ecosystem services, particularly regulating, cultural, and supporting services.
There is no complete inventory of species and limited
information on the actual distributions of many important plant
and animal species.
More information is needed concerning:
the nature of interactions among drivers in particular
regions and across scales;
the responses of ecosystems to changes in the availability
of important nutrients and carbon dioxide;


nonlinear changes in ecosystems, predictability of thresholds, and structural and dynamic characteristics of systems
that lead to threshold and irreversible changes; and,
quantication and prediction of the relationships between
biodiversity changes and changes in ecosystem services for
particular places and times.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


There is limited information on the economic consequences

of changes in ecosystem services at any scale and, more generally,
limited information on the details of linkages between human
well-being and the provision of ecosystem services, except in the
case of food and water.
There are relatively few models of the relationship between
ecosystem services and human well-being.

There is a lack of analytical and methodological approaches
to explicitly nest or link scenarios developed at different geographic scales. This innovation would provide decision-makers
with information that directly links local, national, regional, and
global futures of ecosystem services in considerable detail.
There is limited modeling capability related to effects of
changes in ecosystems on ows of ecosystem services and effects
of changes in ecosystem services on changes in human wellbeing. Quantitative models linking ecosystem change to many
ecosystem services are also needed.
Signicant advances are needed in models that link ecological and social processes, and models do not yet exist for many
cultural and supporting ecosystem services.
There is limited capability to incorporate adaptive responses
and changes in human attitudes and behaviors in models and
to incorporate critical feedbacks into quantitative models. As
food supply changes, for example, so will patterns of land use,
which will then feed back on ecosystem services, climate, and
food supply.
There is a lack of theories and models that anticipate thresholds that, once passed, yield fundamental system changes or even
system collapse.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

There is limited capability of communicating to nonspecialists the complexity associated with holistic models and scenarios
involving ecosystem services, in particular in relation to the
abundance of nonlinearities, feedbacks, and time lags in most

Response Options
There is limited information on the marginal costs and
benets of alternative policy options in terms of total economic
value (including nonmarketed ecosystem services).
Substantial uncertainty exists with respect to who benets
from watershed services and how changes in particular watersheds inuence those services; information in both of these areas
is needed in order to determine whether markets for watershed
services can be a fruitful response option.
There has been little social science analysis of the effectiveness of responses on biodiversity conservation.
There is considerable uncertainty with regards to the importance people in different cultures place on cultural services, how
this changes over time, and how it inuences the net costs and
benets of trade-offs and decisions.

Appendix A

Ecosystem Service Reports

This Appendix presents some of the main ndings from the Condition and Trends Working Group and

the Scenarios Working Group for a selected set of ecosystem services addressed in the Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment.


Provisioning Service

eople obtain food from highly managed systems such as

crops, livestock, and aquaculture and also from wild sources,
including freshwater and marine capture sheries and the harvesting of wild plants and animals (bushmeat, for example).

Condition and Trends

Food production more than doubled (an increase of over
160%) from 1961 to 2003 (C8.1). (See Appendix Figure A.1.)
Over this period, production of cerealsthe major energy
component of human dietshas increased almost two and a
half times, beef and sheep production increased by 40%,
pork production by nearly 60%, and poultry production
doubled (C8.ES).
Over the past 40 years, globally, intensication of cultivated
systems has been the primary source (almost 80%) of increased
output. But some countries, predominantly found in subSaharan Africa, have had persistently low levels of productivity,

and continue to rely on expansion of cultivated area. For all

developing countries over the period 196199, expansion
of harvested land contributed only 29% to growth in crop
production versus the contribution of increases in yields, which
amounted to 71%; in sub-Saharan Africa, however, yield
increases accounted for only 34% of growth in production
(C26.ES, C26.1.1).
Both total and per capita sh consumption have grown
over the past four decades. Total sh consumption has declined
somewhat in industrial countries, while it has nearly doubled in
the developing world since 1973 (C8.ES).
Demand for sh has risen more rapidly than production,
leading to increases in the real prices of most fresh and frozen
sh products (C8.ES).

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Appendix Figure A.1. Trends in Key Indicators of Food Provision: 19612003 (C8 Figure 8.1)

Global Production, Prices, and Undernourishment

Globally, an estimated 852 million people were undernourished in 200002, up 37 million from the period 199799.
Only undernourishment in developing countries is plotted in this Figure.



1 200

Undernourished in
developing countries

Total food







1 000


Food production
per capita

Food price




Sources: FAOSTATS, SOFI, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Relative Changes in Food Supply (Crops and Livestock): Industrial and Developing Countries
















Sources: FAOSTATS, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Freshwater aquaculture is the fastest-growing food

production sector. Worldwide, it has increased at an average
compounded rate of 9.2% per year since 1970, compared with
only 1.4% for capture sheries and 2.8% for terrestrial farmed
meat production systems (C26.3.1). Aquaculture systems now
account for roughly 27% of total sh production (C8 Table 8.4).
The level of global output of cereals has stagnated since
1996, so grain stocks have been in decline. Although there is
concern about these trends, they may reect only a normal cycle
of market adjustment (C8.2.2).
Although there has been some cereal price increase since
2001, prices are still some 3040% lower than their peak in the
mid-1990s (C8.2.2).
Current patterns of use of capture sheries are unsustainable.
Humans increased the capture of marine sh up until the
1980s by harvesting an ever-growing fraction of the available
resource. Marine sh landings are now declining as a result of the
overexploitation of this resource (C18.ES). Inland water sheries,
which are particularly important in providing high-quality diets
for poor people, have also declined due to habitat modication,
overshing, and water withdrawals (C8.ES).
While traditional aquaculture is generally sustainable, an
increasing share of aquaculture uses carnivorous species, and this
puts increased pressure on other sheries to provide shmeal as
feed and also exacerbates waste problems. Shrimp farming often
results in severe damage to mangrove ecosystems, although some
countries have taken steps to reduce these harmful impacts.

All four MA scenarios project increased total and per
capita global food production by 2050 (S9). On a per capita
basis, however, basic staple production stagnates or declines in
the Middle East and North Africa and increases very little in
sub-Saharan Africa for all four scenarios. Production shortfalls
are expected to be covered through increased food imports in
these regions. Agricultural land area continues to increase in
developing countries under the MA scenarios, but declines in
industrial countries. (See Appendix Figure A.2.)
Global demand for food crops (measured in tons) is projected to grow by 7085% between 2000 and 2050 (S9.4.1).
Demand for both freshwater and marine sh will expand
because of increasing human population and changing food preferences, and the result will be an increasing risk of a major and
long-lasting decline of regional marine sheries (medium to high
certainty) (S9.ES).

Appendix Figure A.2. Changes in Agricultural Land

(Pasture and Cropland)

under MA Scenarios (S9 Fig 9.15)

Note that the total amount of pasture and cropland in 2000 plotted
here is greater than the amount shown in Table 1.1 due to the fact
that extensive grazing lands are included in the statistics for pasture
and cropland here and not in the statistics for cultivated systems in
Table 1.1.









Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s



Provisioning and Supporting Services

ater is both a provisioning service, since ecosystems are

the source of water used by people, and a supporting service, since water is required for life on Earth and thus supports
all other ecosystem processes. Forest and mountain ecosystems
are associated with the largest amounts of fresh water57% and
28% of the total runoff, respectively. These systems each provide renewable water supplies to at least 4 billion people, or two
thirds of the global population. Cultivated and urban systems
generate only 16% and 0.2%, respectively, of global runoff, but
due to their close proximity to humans they serve from 4.55
billion people. Such proximity is associated with nutrient and
industrial water pollution (C7.ES).

Condition and Trends

Recent changes to ecosystems have not signicantly reduced
the net amount of renewable freshwater runoff on Earth, but the
fraction of that runoff used by humans has grown dramatically.
Global freshwater use expanded at a mean rate of 20% per decade
between 1960 and 2000, doubling over this time period (C7.ES).
Contemporary water withdrawal is approximately 10% of
global continental runoff, although this amounts to between 40%
and 50% of the continental runoff to which the majority of the
global population has access during the year (C7.ES, C7.2.3).
Inorganic nitrogen pollution of inland waterways has
increased more than twofold globally since 1960 and more than

Appendix Figure A.3. Unsustainable Water Withdrawals for Irrigation (C7 Fig 7.3)
Globally, roughly 1535% of irrigation withdrawals are estimated to be unsustainable (low to medium certainty) (C7.2.2). The map indicates where
there is insufcient fresh water to fully satisfy irrigated crop demands. The imbalance in long-term water budgets necessitates diversion of surface
water or the tapping of groundwater resources. The areas shown with moderate-to-high levels of unsustainable use occur over each continent and
are known to be areas of aquifer mining or major water transfer schemes. Key: high overdraft, > 1 cubic kilometer per year; moderate, 0.11
cubic kilometer per year; low, 00.1 cubic kilometer per year. All estimates made on about 50-kilometer resolution. Though difcult to generalize,
the imbalances translate into water table drawdowns >1.6 meters per year or more for the high overdraft case and <0.1 meter per year for low,
assuming water decits are met by pumping unconned aquifers with typical dewatering potentials (specic yield = 0.2).

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

tenfold for many industrialized parts of the world (C7.ES).

Current patterns of human use of water are unsustainable.
From 5% to possibly 25% of global freshwater use exceeds longterm accessible supplies and is met through engineered water
transfers or the overdraft of groundwater supplies (low to medium
certainty). More than 1 billion people live in areas without
appreciable supplies of renewable fresh water and meet their
water needs in this way (C7.ES). In North Africa and the Middle
East, unsustainable use represents about a third of all water use
(low certainty) (C7.ES).
Globally, 1535% of irrigation withdrawals are estimated
to be unsustainable (low to medium certainty) (C7.2.2). (See
Appendix Figure A.3.)

Use of water is expected to grow by approximately 10%
between 2000 and 2010, compared with rates of 20% per decade
over the past 40 years (C7.ES).
Water withdrawals began to decline in many parts of the
OECD at the end of the twentieth century, and with medium
certainty will continue to decline throughout the OECD during
the twenty-rst century because of saturation of per capita
demands, efciency improvements, and stabilizing populations
Water withdrawals are expected to increase greatly outside
the OECD as a result of economic development and population
growth. The extent of these increases is very scenario-dependent.
In sub-Saharan Africa, domestic water use greatly increases and
this implies (low to medium certainty) an increased access to
fresh water. However, the technical and economic feasibility of
increasing domestic water withdrawals is very uncertain (S9.ES).
Across all the MA scenarios, global water withdrawals
increase between 20% and 85% between 2000 and 2050. (S9 Fig
9.35) (See Appendix Figure A.4.)
Global water availability increases under all MA scenarios.
By 2050, global water availability increases by 57% (depending
on the scenario), with Latin America having the smallest increase
(around 2%, depending on the scenario), and the Former Soviet
Union the largest (1622%) (S9.4.5). Increasing precipitation
tends to increase runoff, while warmer temperatures intensify
evaporation and transpiration, which tends to decrease runoff.

Appendix Figure A.4. Water Withdrawals in 2050

under MA Scenarios (S9 Fig 9.35)

Cubic kilometers per year

8 000

7 000

Order from
6 600

6 000

5 000

5 500

5 100

4 400
4 000
Current global
annual water
3 600

3 000

2 000

1 000

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Timber, Fiber, Fuel

Provisioning Services

imber is harvested from forests and plantations and used for

a variety of building, manufacturing, fuel, and other needs.
Forests (providing fuelwood and charcoal), agricultural crops,
and manure all serve as sources of biomass energy. A wide variety
of crops and livestock are used for ber production. Cotton,
ax, hemp, and jute are generally produced from agricultural
systems, while sisal is produced from the leaves of Agave cactus.
Silk is produced by silkworms fed the leaves of the mulberry tree,
grown in an orchard-like culture, and wool is produced by sheep,
goats, alpaca, and other animals.
Appendix Figure A.5. Changes in Forest Area under

MA Scenarios (S9 Fig 9.15)







Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Condition and Trends

Global timber harvests increased by 60% since 1960, and
wood pulp production increased slightly less than threefold
over this same time (C9.ES, C9 Table 9.5). Rates of growth in
harvests have slowed in recent years.
Fuelwood is the primary source of energy for heating and
cooking for some 2.6 billion people, and 55% of global wood
consumption is for fuelwood (C9.ES). Although they account for
less than 7% of world energy use, fuelwood and charcoal provide
40% of energy use in Africa and 10% in Latin America (C9.4).
Global consumption of fuelwood appears to have peaked
in the 1990s and is now believed to be slowly declining as a
result of switching to alternate fuels and, to a lesser degree,
more-efcient biomass energy technologies. In contrast, global
consumption of charcoal appears to have doubled between 1975
and 2000, largely as a result of continuing population shifts
toward urban areas (C9.4.1).
Localized fuelwood shortages in Africa impose burdens on
people who depend on fuelwood for home heating and cooking
(SG3.4). The impact on people may be high prices in urban
areas or lengthy and arduous travel to collect wood in rural areas.
Among agricultural bers, global cotton production has
doubled and silk production has tripled since 1961 (C9.ES).
Despite this doubling of production, the land area on which
cotton is harvested has stayed virtually the same. Production
of ax, wool, hemp, jute, and sisal has declined. For example,
competition from synthetic fabrics has contributed to a
reduction in the demand for wool in recent decades; wool
production declined 16% between 1980 and 2000 (C9.5.3).
Plantations are likely to provide an increasing proportion
of timber products in the future (C9.ES). In 2000, plantations
were 5% of the global forest cover, but they provided some 35%
of harvested roundwood, an amount anticipated to increase to
44% by 2020. The most rapid expansion will occur in the midlatitudes, where yields are higher and production costs lower.
Under the MA scenarios, forest area increases in industrial
regions and decreases in developing ones between 1970 and
2050. In one scenario (Order from Strength), the rate of forest loss
increases from the historic rate (of about 0.4% annually between
1970 and 1995) to 0.6%. In Global Orchestration and Adapting
Mosaic, the rate of loss continues at the historic rate. Forest loss in
TechnoGarden decreases in the rst decades of the scenario period,
but over the whole period is near the historic rate because the use
of biofuels increases as part of climate change policies, leading to
further pressure on forest area. (See Appendix Figure A.5.) (For
particular ecosystems, such as tropical forests, deforestation rates
might be higher than average.)

Biochemicals and Genetic Resources

Provisioning Services

wide variety of speciesmicrobial, plant, and animal

and their genes contribute to commercial products in such
industries as pharmaceuticals, botanical medicines, crop
protection, cosmetics, horticulture, agricultural seeds, environmental monitoring and a variety of manufacturing and
construction sectors.

Condition and Trends

Biodiversity is in increasing demand as a source of
commercial material. An overview of the industries involved,
trends in the use of biodiversity, and the types of social and
commercial benets is provided in Appendix Table A.1.
Appendix Table A.2 is a partial list of compounds derived

from natural sources approved for marketing within the

pharmaceutical industry in the 1990s.

Market trends vary widely according to the industry and
country involved, but many bioprospecting activities and
revenues are expected to increase over the next decades. Several
major new industries, such as bioremediation and biomimetics,
are well established and appear set to increase, while others have
a less certain future. The current economic climate suggests that
pharmaceutical bioprospecting will increase, especially as new
methods that use evolutionary and ecological knowledge enhance
productivity (C10.ES).

Appendix Table A.1. A Summary of Status and Trends in Major Bioprospecting Industries (C10 Table 10.8)

Involvement in

Trend in




tends to be cyclical

cyclical, possible

human health,






human health,


mostly P,A,M

and natural
personal care



human health
and well-being








mostly M

Crop protection
and biological



food supply,
















human wellbeing, food









Horticulture and
seed industry

Legend: +++ = billion dollar, ++ = million dollar, + protable but amounts vary
P= plants, A = animals, M= microorganisms

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Appendix Table A.2. Some Compounds from Natural Sources (Pure Natural Products, Semi-synthetic

Modications, or the Pharmacophore is from a Natural Product) Approved for

Marketing in the 1990s, in the United States and Elsewhere (C10 Table 10.2)


Brand Name


In the United States and elsewhere



Johnson & Johnson (Ortho Biotech)



Rhne-Poulenc Rorer






Pharmacia & Upjohn



Yakult Haisha



Bristol-Myers Squibb









SmithKline Beecham




Only outside the United States



Wyeth Ayerst

Cytarabine ocfosfate




Interferon, gamma-la

Siu Valy


Acta Medica

Pormer sodium

Quadra Logic


Zeuyaku Kogyo



Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Climate Regulation
Regulating Services

cosystems, both natural and managed, exert a strong inuence

on climate and air quality as sources and sinks of pollutants,
reactive gases, greenhouse gases, and aerosols and due to physical
properties that affect heat uxes and water uxes (precipitation).
Ecosystems can affect climate in the following ways: warming (as
sources of greenhouse gases, for instance, or forests with lower
albedo than bare snow); cooling (as sinks of greenhouse gas,
sources of some aerosol that reect solar radiation, and evapotranspiration, for example); and by altering water redistribution/recycling and regional rainfall patterns (through evapotranspiration,
for instance, or cloud condensation nuclei).

Condition and Trends

Changes in ecosystems have made a large contribution to
historical changes in radiative forcing from 1750 to the present
mainly due to deforestation, fertilizer use, and agricultural
practices (C13.ES). (See Appendix Figure A.6.) Ecosystem
changes account for about 1030% of the radiative forcing of
CO2 since 1750 and a large proportion of the radiative forcing
due to CH4 and N2O. Ecosystems are currently a net sink for
CO2 and tropospheric ozone, while they remain a net source
of CH4 and N2O. Future management of ecosystems has the
potential to modify concentrations of a number of greenhouse
gases, although this potential is likely to be small in comparison
to IPCC scenarios of fossil fuel emissions over the next century
(high certainty). Ecosystems inuence the main anthropogenic
greenhouse gases as follows:
Carbon dioxide: About 40% of the historical emissions
(over the last two centuries), and about 20% of current
CO2 emissions (in the 1990s), originated from changes in
land use and land management, primarily deforestation.
Terrestrial ecosystems were a sink for about a third of
cumulative historical emissions and a third of total emissions in the 1990s (energy plus land use). The sink may be
explained partially by afforestation, reforestation, and forest
management in North America, Europe, China, and other
regions and partially by the fertilizing effects of N deposition and increasing atmospheric CO2. Terrestrial ecosystems were on average a net source of CO2 during the
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and became a net
sink sometime around the middle of the last century (high
certainty). The net impact of ocean biology changes on
global CO2 uxes is unknown.
Methane: Natural processes in wetland ecosystems account
for about 2530% of current methane emissions, and
about 30% of emissions are due to agriculture (ruminant
animals and rice paddies).
Nitrous oxide: Ecosystem sources account for about 90% of
current N2O emissions, with 35% of emissions from agricultural systems, primarily driven by fertilizer use.
Tropospheric ozone: Dry deposition in ecosystems accounts
for about half the tropospheric ozone sink. Several gases
emitted by ecosystems, primarily due to biomass burning,
act as precursors for tropospheric ozone formation (NOX,
volatile organic compounds, CO, CH4). The net global
effect of ecosystems is as a sink for tropospheric O3.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Appendix Figure A.6. Contribution of Ecosystems to Historical Radiative Forcing and

Current Greenhouse Gas Emissions (C13 Fig 13.3)

Global mean radiative forcing

In watts per sq. meter

A. Historical Global Annual Mean Radiative Forcing, 1750 to 2000

Some ecosystem influence

Little or no ecosystem influence









N2 O






High High High







High Medium Low



NB: The height of a bar indicates a best estimate of the forcing, and the
accompanying vertical black line a likely range of values. Where no bar is present,
the vertical line only indicates the range in best estimates with no likelihood.

ppmv CO2 equivalent


B. Contribution of Ecosystems
to Current Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Sources: IPCC, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment














Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s



Figure A is the radiative forcing caused by changes in atmospheric

composition, alteration in land surface reectance (albedo), and variation
in the output of the sun for the year 2000 relative to conditions in 1750.
The height of the bar represents a best estimate, and the accompanying
vertical line a likely range of values. Factors with a signicant ecosystem
inuence are separated from those without one. The indirect effect of
aerosols shown is their effect on cloud droplet size and number, not
cloud lifetime.
Figure B is the relative contribution of ecosystems to sources, sinks, and
net changes in three main greenhouse gases. These can be compared with
each other by conversion into CO2 -equivalent values, based on the global
warming potential (radiative impact times atmospheric lifetime) of
the different gases. For CH4 and N2O, a 100-year time scale was assumed;
a short time scale would increase the relative value compared with CO2
and a longer time scale would reduce it. Ecosystems are also a net
sink for tropospheric ozone, but it is difcult to calculate emissions in
CO2 -equivalent values.

During much of the past century, most cropping systems

have undergone a steady net loss of soil organic matter. However,
with the steady increase in crop yields, which increases crop biomass and the amount of residue returned to the soil, and with
the adoption of conservation tillage and no-till cropping systems,
net carbon sequestration is estimated to occur in the maize-soybean systems of North America and in some continuous irrigated
lowland rice systems. Agriculture accounts for 44% of anthropogenic methane emissions and about 70% of anthropogenic
nitrous oxide gases, mainly from the conversion of new land to
agriculture and nitrogen fertilizer use (C26.2.6).
Terrestrial and marine plants x atmospheric CO2 and
return it via respiration. In the ocean, some of the carbon sinks
in the form of dead organisms, particles, and dissolved organic
carbon, a small amount of which remains in sediments; the rest
is respired at depth and eventually recirculated to the surface (the
biological pump). The biological pump acts as a net sink for
CO2 by increasing its concentration at depth, where it is isolated
from the atmosphere for decades to centuries, causing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere to be about 200 parts per
million lower than it would be in the absence of life (C13.2.1).
On the land large amounts of carbon xed by plants are stored in
soil organic matter.
Land cover changes since 1750 have increased the reectivity
to solar radiation (albedo) of the land surface (medium certainty),
partially offsetting the warming effect of associated CO2 emissions
(C13.ES). Deforestation and desertication in the tropics and
sub-tropics leads to a reduction in regional rainfall (high certainty).
Biophysical effects need to be accounted for in the assessment of
options for climate change mitigation. For example, the warming
effect of reforestation in seasonally snow-covered regions due to
albedo decrease is likely to exceed the cooling effect of additional

carbon storage in biomass. Biophysical effects of ecosystem

changes on regional climate patterns depend on geographical
location and season. With high certainty:
Deforestation in seasonally snow-covered regions leads to
regional cooling of the land surface during the snow season
due to increase in surface albedo, and it leads to warming
during the summer due to reduction in evapotranspiration.
Large-scale tropical deforestation (hundreds of square kilometers) reduces regional rainfall, primarily due to decreased
Desertication in the tropics and sub-tropics leads to
decrease in regional precipitation due to reduced evapotranspiration and increased surface albedo.

The future contribution of terrestrial ecosystems to the regulation of climate is uncertain. Currently, the biosphere is a net
sink of carbon, absorbing about 12 gigatons of carbon per year,
or approximately 20% of fossil fuel emissions. It is very likely
that the future of this service will be greatly affected by expected
land use change. In addition, a higher atmospheric CO2 concentration is expected to enhance net productivity, but this does not
necessarily lead to an increase in the carbon sink. The limited
understanding of soil respiration processes generates uncertainty
about the future of the carbon sink. There is medium certainty
that climate change will increase terrestrial uxes of CO2 and
CH4 in some regions (such as in Arctic tundras) (S9.ES).

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Disease Regulation
Regulating Services

he availability of many ecosystem services, such as food,

water, and fuel, can profoundly inuence human health
(R16). Here, we consider a much narrower service provided by
ecosystems related to human health: the role of ecosystems in
regulating infectious disease. Ecosystem changes have played
an important role in the emergence or resurgence of infectious
diseases. (See Appendix Table A.3.) Ecosystem modications associated with developments such as dam building and the expansion
of agricultural irrigation, for example, have sometimes increased
the local incidence of infectious diseases such as malaria, schistosomiasis, and arbovirus infections, especially in the tropics. Other
modications to ecosystems have served to reduce the incidence
of infectious disease.

Condition and Trends

Infectious diseases still account for close to one quarter of
the global burden of disease. Major tropical diseases, particularly
malaria, meningitis, leishmaniasis, dengue, Japanese encephalitis,
African trypanosomiasis, Chagas disease, schistosomiasis,
lariasis, and diarrheal diseases still infect millions of people
throughout the world (very certain) (C14.ES).
The prevalence of the following infectious diseases is
particularly strongly inuenced by ecological change: malaria
across most ecological systems; schistosomiasis, lymphatic lariasis,
and Japanese encephalitis in cultivated and inland water systems
in the tropics; dengue fever in tropical urban centers; leishmaniasis
and Chagas disease in forest and dryland systems; meningitis in
the Sahel; cholera in coastal, freshwater, and urban systems; and
West Nile virus and Lyme disease in urban and suburban systems
of Europe and North America (high certainty) (C14.ES).
Various changes to ecosystems can affect disease incidence
through a variety of mechanisms. Disease/ecosystem relationships
that best exemplify these biological mechanisms include the
following examples (C14.ES):
Dams and irrigation canals provide ideal habitat for snails
that serve as the intermediate reservoir host species for
schistosomiasis; irrigated rice elds increase in the extent of
mosquito-breeding surface, increasing the chance of transmission of mosquito-borne malaria, lymphatic lariasis,
Japanese encephalitis, and Rift Valley fever.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Deforestation has increased the risk of malaria in Africa and

South America by increasing habitat suitable for malariatransmitting mosquitoes.
Natural systems with preserved structure and characteristics
generally resist the introduction of invasive human and
animal pathogens brought by human migration and settlement. This seems to be the case for cholera, kala-azar, and
schistosomiasis, which did not become established in the
Amazonian forest ecosystem (medium certainty).
Uncontrolled urbanization in the forest ecosystem has been
associated with mosquito-borne viruses (arboviruses) in the
Amazon and with lymphatic lariasis in Africa. Tropical
urban areas with poor water supply systems and lack of
shelter promote transmission of dengue fever.
There is evidence that habitat fragmentation, with subsequent biodiversity loss, increases the prevalence in ticks of
the bacteria that causes Lyme disease in North America
(medium certainty).
Zoonotic pathogens (dened by their natural life cycle in
animals) are a signicant cause of both historical (such as
HIV and tuberculosis) and newly emerging infectious diseases affecting humans (such as SARS, West Nile virus, and
Hendra virus). In addition, zoonotic pathogens can cause
high case-fatality rates and are difcult to vaccinate against,
since the primary reservoir hosts are nonhumans.
Intensive livestock agriculture that uses subtherapeutic
doses of antibiotics has led to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of Salmonella, Campylobacter,
and Escherichia coli bacteria. Overcrowded and mixed
livestock practices, as well as the trade in bushmeat, can
facilitate interspecies host transfer of disease agents,
leading to dangerous novel pathogens such as SARS
and new strains of inuenza.

Tropical developing countries are more likely to be affected
in the future due to the greater exposure of people in these countries to vectors of infectious disease transmission. Such populations have a scarcity of resources to respond to disease and to
plan environmental modications associated with economic
activities (high certainty). However, international trade and transport leave no country entirely unaffected (S11).
The health consequences under the MA scenarios related
to changes in the disease regulation service of ecosystems vary
widely, with some scenarios showing improving conditions and
others declining conditions (S11).

Appendix Table A.3. Importance of Infectious Diseases as Related to Ecosystem Changes (C14 Table 14.4)


Life Yearsb





350 m


niche invasion;
vector expansion

water projects

tropical (America,
Asia, and Africa )



Dengue fever

80 m



poor housing





42 m


host transfer

bushmeat hunting;
human behavior




12 m


host transfer;
habitat alteration


Americas; Europe
and Middle East



Lyme disease

(US 2002)

depletion of
biodiversity loss;
reservoir expansion


North America
and Europe



Chagas disease

1618 m


habitat alteration

urban sprawl and







rice elds

Southeast Asia



West Nile virus

and other

Americas and


Junin, Machupo

biodiversity loss;

monoculture in
agriculture after

South America



Mayaro o virus
in Brazil



South America




variations in
population density
of natural food





loss; altered host

and mining




120 m


host expansion

dam building;

America, Africa,
and Asia




global (tropical)




sea surface
temperature rising

climate variability
and change

global (tropical)




by oocystes

poor watershed
where livestock






Expected Condence

(continued on page 116)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Appendix Table A.3. Importance of Infectious Diseases as Related to Ecosystem Changes (C14 Table 14.4) (continued)


Life Yearsb





dust storms


Saharan Africa



disturbing soils

climate variability




120 m


tropical America
and Africa





18 m


Africa and
tropical America




Rift Valley Fever

heavy rains

climate variability
and change



niche invasion

industrial food

Australia and
Southeast Asia


niche invasion

antibiotic resistance
from using
in animal feed


bushmeat hunting


host transfer

livestock farming


host transfer

intensive livestock
mixing wild and
domestic animals

m = millions
Disability-adjusted life years: years of healthy life losta measure of disease burden for the gap between actual health of a population
compared with an ideal situation where everyone lives in full health into old age.
and Diarheal diseases (aggregated) deaths and DALYs respectively: 1,798 X 1,000 cases and 61,966 X 1,000 DALYs

Legend: + = low; ++ = moderate; +++ high; ++++ = very high


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Expected Condence

Waste Treatment
Regulating Services

ecause the characteristics of both wastes and receiving ecosystems vary, environments vary in their ability to absorb wastes
and to detoxify, process, and sequester them. Some contaminants
(such as metals and salts) cannot be converted to harmless materials, but others (organic chemicals and pathogens, for example) can
be degraded to harmless components. Nevertheless, these materials
may be released to the environment fast enough to modify ecosystem functioning signicantly. Some materials (such as nutrient
fertilizers and organic matter) are normal components of organism
metabolism and ecosystem processes. Nevertheless, loading rates of
these materials may occur fast enough to modify and impair ecosystem function signicantly.

Condition and Trends

The problems associated with wastes and contaminants are
in general growing. Some wastessewage, for instanceare produced in nearly direct proportion to population size. Other types
of wastes and contaminants reect the afuence of society. An
afuent society uses and generates a larger volume of waste-producing materials such as domestic trash and home-use chemicals
Where there is signicant economic development, loadings
of certain wastes are expected to increase faster than population growth. The generation of some wastes (industrial waste,
for example) does not necessarily increase with population or
development state. These wastes may often be reduced through
regulation aimed to encourage producers to clean discharges or
to seek alternate manufacturing processes (C15.ES).
In developing countries, 9095% of all sewage and 70%
of industrial wastes are dumped untreated into surface water
(C7.4.5). Regional patterns of processing nitrogen loads in freshwater ecosystems provide a clear example of the overloading of
the waste processing service of ecosystems.
Aquatic ecosystems cleanse on average 80% of their
global incident nitrogen loading but this intrinsic self-purication capacity of these ecosystems varies widely and is not
unlimited (C7.2.5).
Severe deterioration in the quality of fresh water is magnied in cultivated and urban systems (high use, high pollution
sources) and in dryland systems (high demand for ow regulation, absence of dilution potential) (C7.ES).

It is neither possible nor appropriate to attempt to state
whether the intrinsic waste detoxication capabilities of the
planet as a whole will increase or decrease with a changing
environment. The detoxication capabilities of individual
locations may change with changing conditions (such as changes
in soil moisture levels). At high waste-loading rates, however,
the intrinsic capability of environments is overwhelmed, such
that wastes will build up in the environment to the detriment of
human well-being and a loss of biodiversity (C15.ES).
The service of water purication could be either enhanced
or degraded in both developing and industrial countries
under the MA Scenarios (S9.5.4). Within industrial countries,
the dilution capacity of most rivers increases because higher
precipitation leads to increases in runoff in most river basins.
Wetland areas decrease because of the expansion of population
and agricultural land. Wastewater ows increase, but in some
scenarios the wealth of the North enables it to repair breakdowns
in water purication as they occur. Within developing countries,
the pace of ecosystem degradation, the overtaxing of ecosystems
by high waste loads, and the decline of wetland area because of
the expansion of population and agricultural land tend to drive a
deterioration of water purication in two scenarios. The Adapting
Mosaic scenario, however, could lead to some gains in water
purication even in developing countries, and the TechnoGarden
scenario would also result in gains.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Natural Hazard Regulation

Regulating Services

cosystems play important roles in modulating the effects of

extreme events on human systems. Ecosystems affect both
the probability and severity of events, and they modulate the
effects of extreme events. Soils store large amounts of water,
facilitate transfer of surface water to groundwater, and prevent or
reduce ooding. Barrier beaches, wetlands, and lakes attenuate
oods by absorbing runoff peaks and storm surges.

Condition and Trends

Humans are increasingly occupying regions and localities
that are exposed to extreme events, (such as on coasts and
oodplains or close to fuelwood plantations). These actions are
exacerbating human vulnerability to extreme events, such as the
December 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Many measures
of human vulnerability show a general increase due to growing
poverty, mainly in developing countries (C16.ES).
Roughly 17% of all the urban land in the United States
is located in the 100-year ood zone. Likewise, in Japan about
50% of the population lives on oodplains, which cover only
10% of the land area. In Bangladesh, the percentage of oodprone areas is much higher and inundation of more than half of
the country is not uncommon. For example, about two thirds of
the country was inundated in the 1998 ood (C16.2.2).


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Many of the available datasets on extreme events show that

impacts are increasing in many regions around the world. From
1992 to 2001, oods were the most frequent natural disaster
(43% of 2,257 disasters), and they killed 96,507 people and
affected more than 1.2 billion people over the decade. Annual
economic losses from extreme events increased tenfold from the
1950s to the 1990s (C16.ES).
The loss of ecosystems such as wetlands and mangroves has
signicantly reduced natural mechanisms of protection from
natural hazards. For example, forested riparian wetlands adjacent
to the Mississippi River in the United States during presettlement
times had the capacity to store about 60 days of river discharge.
With the removal of wetlands through canalization, leveeing,
and draining, the remaining wetlands have a storage capacity of
less than 12 days dischargean 80% reduction of ood storage
capacity (C16.1.1).
The number of oods and res increased signicantly on
all continents over the past 60 years. (See Appendix Figures A.7
and A.8.)
Within industrial countries, the area burned by res is
declining but the number of major res is increasing. In the
United States, for example, the area burned has declined by
more than 90% since 1930, while in Sweden the area burned
annually fell from about 12,000 hectares in 1876 to about 400
hectares in 1989. In North America, however, the number of
re disasters10 or more people reportedly killed, 100 people
reportedly affected, a declared state of emergency, and a call for
international assistanceincreased from about 10 in the 1980s
to about 45 during the 1990s (C16.2.2).

Appendix Figure A.7. Number of Flood Events by Continent and Decade Since 1950 (C16 Fig 16.6)




















Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Appendix Figure A.8. Number of Major Wild Fires by Continent and Decade Since 1950 (C16 Fig 16.9)

Wild fires















Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Cultural Services

uman cultures, knowledge systems, religions, social interactions, and amenity services have been inuenced and
shaped by the nature of ecosystems. At the same time, humankind has inuenced and shaped its environment to enhance the
availability of certain valued services. Recognizing that it is not
possible to fully separate the different spiritual, intellectual, and
physical links between human cultures and ecosystems, the MA
assessed six main types of cultural and amenity services provided
by ecosystems: cultural diversity and identity; cultural landscapes
and heritage values; spiritual services; inspiration (such as for arts
and folklore); aesthetics; and recreation and tourism. Because
global aggregated information on the condition of cultural services was limited (with the partial exception of recreational and
tourism benets), the section below draws signicantly on information in the MA sub-global assessments.

Condition and Trends

Transformation of once diverse ecosystems into relatively
more similar cultivated landscapes, combined with social and
economic changes including rapid urbanization, breakdown
of extended families, loss of traditional institutions, easier
and cheaper transportation, and growing economic and social
globalization, has signicantly weakened the linkages between
ecosystems and cultural diversity and cultural identity (C17.2.1).
Throughout human evolution, human societies have developed
in close interaction with the natural environment, which has
shaped their cultural identity, value systems, and language.
The loss of particular ecosystem attributes (sacred species
or sacred forests), combined with social and economic changes,
can sometimes weaken the spiritual benets people obtain from
ecosystems in many parts of the world (C17.2.3). On the other
hand, under some circumstances (such as where ecosystem
attributes are causing signicant threats to people) the loss of some
attributes may enhance spiritual appreciation for what remains.
People across cultures and regions express, in general, an
aesthetic preference for natural environments over urban or
built ones; the conversion and degradation of relatively natural
environments has diminished these benets. Ecosystems
continue to inspire arts, songs, drama, dance, design, and
fashion, although the stories told through such media are
different from those told historically (C17.2.5).
Recreation and tourism uses of ecosystems are growing,
due to growing populations, greater leisure time available among
wealthy populations, and greater infrastructure development
to support recreational activities and tourism. Nature travel
increased at an estimated rate of 1030% annually in the early
1990s, and in 1997 nature tourism accounted for approximately
20% of total international travel (C17.2.6). Tourism is now
the primary economic development strategy for a number of
developing countries.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Tourism is an important component of the economies of

many of the MA sub-global assessment study areas, and at all
scales most assessment stakeholders requested its inclusion. In
contrast, spiritual, religious, recreational, and educational services
tended to be assessed only at a ne scale in small local studies,
typically because the data required for these assessments are not
available at a broad scale and because of the culture-specic,
intangible, and sometimes sensitive nature of these services
Within the MA sub-global assessments, cultural services of
tourism and recreation were generally in a good condition and
growing, although some assessments expressed concerns about
tourist activities potentially reducing the capacity of ecosystems
to provide this cultural service (SG8.3).
In contrast, within the MA sub-global assessments localscale services of a spiritual nature are of a variable condition,
typically either collapsing or being revived, depending on
policies, interventions, and context-specic factors such as
changes in leadership (SG8.3). Spiritual values were found
to act as strong incentives for ecosystem conservation in subglobal assessments in Peru, Costa Rica, India, and some parts
of Southern Africa. Educational services of ecosystems assessed
in Sweden, So Paulo, and Portugal are all increasing due to
growing levels of awareness of the value and benets of, and thus
the demand for, environmental education.
While provisioning services such as water, medicinal plants,
fuelwood, and food are very important, spiritual and sacred
elements in the local landscape also have a very specic and
important value to local people across all the assessments. In
several cases, spiritual values coincided with other values, such as
biodiversity, water supply, biomedicines, and fuel (SG11.3).

The MA Scenarios project changes in cultural services based
only on a qualitative analyses due to the absence of suitable
quantitative models. Cultural services increase in some scenarios
and decline in others. Generally, cultural services decline
moderately in Global Orchestration and strongly in Order from
Strength, driven in both cases by lack of personal experience with
nature and lower cultural diversity. Lower cultural diversity also
drives a decline in cultural services in the TechnoGarden scenario.
On the other hand, cultural services increase in Adapting Mosaic,
due in part to the increase in knowledge systems and cultural
diversity (S9.7).

Nutrient Cycling
Supporting Services

n adequate and balanced supply of elements necessary

for life, provided through the ecological processes of
nutrient cycling, underpins all other ecosystem services. The
cycles of several key nutrients have been substantially altered
by human activities over the past two centuries, with important positive and negative consequences for a range of other
ecosystem services and for human well-being. Nutrients are
mineral elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
that are essential as raw materials for organism growth and
development. Ecosystems regulate the ows and concentrations of nutrients through a number of complex processes that
allow these elements to be extracted from their mineral sources
(atmosphere, hydrosphere, or lithosphere) or recycled from
dead organisms. This service is supported by a diversity of
different species.

Condition and Trends

The capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to absorb and retain
the nutrients supplied to them either as fertilizers or from the
deposition of airborne nitrogen and sulfur has been undermined
by the radical simplication of ecosystems into large-scale, lowdiversity agricultural landscapes. Excess nutrients leak into the
groundwater, rivers, and lakes and are transported to the coast.
Treated and untreated sewage released from urban areas adds to
the load (C.SDM).
In preindustrial times, the annual ux of nitrogen from the
atmosphere to the land and aquatic ecosystems was roughly 110
210 teragrams of nitrogen a year. Human activity contributes
an additional 165 teragams or so of nitrogen per year, roughly
doubling the rate of creation of reactive N on the land surfaces of
Earth (R9.2). (See Appendix Figure A.9.)

Appendix Figure A.9. Contrast between Contemporary and Pre-disturbance Transports of Total Nitrogen

through Inland Aquatic Systems Resulting from Anthropogenic Acceleration of This

Nutrient Cycle (C7 Fig 7.5)

While the peculiarities of individual pollutants, rivers, and governance dene the specic character of water pollution, the general patterns observed
for nitrogen are representative of anthropogenic changes to the transport of waterborne constituents. Elevated contemporary loadings to one part
of the system (such as croplands) often reverberate to other parts of the system (to coastal zones, for example), exceeding the capacity of natural
systems to assimilate additional constituents.

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


The N accumulation on land and in waters has permitted

a large increase in food production in some countries, but at
the cost of increased emissions of greenhouse gases and frequent
deterioration in freshwater and coastal ecosystem services, such as
water quality, sheries, and amenity values (C12.ES).
Phosphorus is also accumulating in ecosystems at a rate of
10.515.5 teragrams per year, compared with a preindustrial rate
of 16 teragrams per year, mainly as a result of the use of
phosphorus (obtained through mining) in agriculture. Most of
this accumulation is in soils. If these soils erode into freshwater
systems, deterioration of ecosystem services can result. This
tendency is likely to spread and worsen over the next decades, since
large amounts of P have been accumulated on land and their
transport to water systems is slow and difcult to prevent (C12.ES).
Sulfur emissions have been progressively reduced in Europe
and North America but not yet in the emerging industrial areas
of the world: China, India, South Africa, and the southern parts
of South America. A global assessment of acid deposition threats
suggests that tropical ecosystems are at high risk (C12.ES).
Human actions at all scales required to feed the current world
population have increased the leakiness of ecosystems with
respect to nutrients. Tillage often damages soil structure, and the
loss of biodiversity may increase nutrient leaching. Simplication
of the landscape and destruction of riparian forests, wetlands, and
estuaries allow unbuffered ows of nutrients between terrestrial
and water ecosystems. Specic forms of biodiversity are critical to
performing the buffering mechanisms that ensure the efcient use
and cycling of nutrients in ecosystems (C12.ES).


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

In contrast to these issues associated with nutrient oversupply,

there remain large parts of Earth, notably in Africa and Latin

America, where harvesting without nutrient replacement has led to
a depletion of soil fertility, with serious consequences for human
nutrition and the environment (C12.ES).

Recent scenario studies that include projections of nitrogen
fertilizer use indicate an increase of between 10% and 80% (or
more) by 2020 (S9.3.7).
Three out of four MA scenarios project that the global ux
of nitrogen to coastal ecosystems will increase by a further 10
20% by 2030 (medium certainty). River nitrogen will not change
in most industrial countries, while a 2030% increase is projected for developing countries. This is a consequence of increasing nitrogen inputs to surface water associated with urbanization,
sanitation, development of sewerage systems, and lagging wastewater treatment, as well as increasing food production and associated inputs of nitrogen fertilizer, animal manure, atmospheric
nitrogen deposition, and biological nitrogen xation in agricultural systems. Growing river nitrogen loads will lead to increased
incidence of problems associated with eutrophication in coastal
seas (S9.3.7).

Appendix B

Effectiveness of Assessed Responses

response is considered to be effective when its assessment

indicates that it has enhanced the particular ecosystem service (or, in the case of biodiversity, its conservation and sustainable use) and contributed to human well-being without
signicant harm to other ecosystem services or harmful impacts
to other groups of people. A response is considered promising
either if it does not have a long track record to assess but appears
likely to succeed or if there are known means of modifying the
response so that it can become effective. A response is considered
problematic if its historical use indicates either that it has not
met the goals related to service enhancement (or conservation
and sustainable use of biodiversity) or that it has caused signicant harm to other ecosystem services. Labeling a response as
effective does not mean that the historical assessment has not
identied problems or harmful trade-offs. Such trade-offs almost
always exist, but they are not considered signicant enough as to
negate the effectiveness of the response. Similarly, labeling a
response as problematic does not mean that there are no promising opportunities to reform the response in a way that can meet
its policy goals without undue harm to ecosystem services.
The typology of responses presented in the Table in this
Appendix is defined by the nature of the intervention, classified as follows: institutional and legal (I), economic and
incentives (E), social and behavioral (S), technological (T),

and knowledge and cognitive (K). Note that the dominant

class is given in the Table. The actors who make decisions to
implement a response are governments at different levels,
such as international (GI) (mainly through multilateral
agreements or international conventions), national (GN),
and local (GL); the business/industry sector (B); and civil
society, which includes nongovernmental organizations
(NGO), community-based and indigenous peoples organizations (C), and research institutions (R). The actors are not
necessarily equally important.
The table includes responses assessed for a range of ecosystem servicesfood, fresh water, wood, nutrient management, flood and storm control, disease regulation, and
cultural services. It also assesses responses for biodiversity
conservation, integrated responses, and responses addressing
one specific driver: climate change.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s



Required Actors






Type of Response

Appendix B. Effectiveness of Assessed Responses

Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use


Protected areas

PAs are extremely important in biodiversity and ecosystem conservation programs,

especially in sensitive environments that contain valuable biodiversity components. At
global and regional scales, existing PAs are essential but not sufcient to conserve
the full range of biodiversity. PAs need to be better located, designed, and managed
to ensure representativeness and to deal with the impacts of human settlement within
them, illegal harvesting, unsustainable tourism, invasive species, and climate change.
They also need a landscape approach that includes protection outside of PAs. (R5)


Helping local people to

capture biodiversity

Providing incentives for biodiversity conservation in the form of benets for local
people (e.g., through products from single species or from ecotourism) has proved
to be very difcult. Programs have been more successful when local communities have
been in a position to make management decisions consistent with overall biodiversity
conservation. Win-win opportunities for biodiversity conservation and benets for
local communities exist, but local communities can often achieve greater benets from
actions that lead to biodiversity loss. (R5)


Promoting better
management of wild
species as a
conservation tool,
including ex situ

More effective management of individual species should enhance biodiversity

conservation and sustainable use. Habitat-based approaches are critical, but they
cannot replace species-based approaches. Zoos, botanical gardens, and other ex
situ programs build support for conservation, support valuable research, and provide
cultural benets of biodiversity. (R5)



Integrating biodiversity
into regional planning

Integrated regional planning can provide a balance among land uses that promotes
effective trade-offs among biodiversity, ecosystem services, and other needs of
society. Great uncertainty remains as to what components of biodiversity persist under
different management regimes, limiting the current effectiveness of this approach. (R5)


Encouraging privatesector involvement in


Many companies are preparing their own biodiversity action plans, managing their
landholdings in ways that are more compatible with biodiversity conservation,
supporting certication schemes that promote more sustainable use, and accepting
their responsibility for addressing biodiversity issues. The business case that has been
made for larger companies needs to be extended to other companies as well. (R5)


Including biodiversity
issues in agriculture,
forestry, and sheries

More-diverse production systems can be as effective as low-diversity systems, or even

more effective. And strategies based on more intensive production rather than on the
expansion of the area allow for better conservation. (R5)


Designing governance
approaches to support

Decentralization of biodiversity management in many parts of the world has had

variable results. The key to success is strong institutions at all levels, with secure
tenure and authority at local levels essential to providing incentives for sustainable
management. (R5)


Promoting international
cooperation through
multilateral environmental agreements

MEAs should serve as an effective means for international cooperation in the areas
of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. They cover the most pressing drivers
and issues related to biodiversity loss. Better coordination among conventions would
increase their usefulness. (R5,15)


education and

Environmental education and communication programs have both informed and

changed preferences for biodiversity conservation and have improved implementation
of biodiversity responses. Providing the human and nancial resources to undertake
effective work in this area is a continuing barrier. (R5)


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Required Actors

Type of Response






Globalization, trade,
and domestic and
international policies
on food

Government policies related to food production (price supports and various types of
payments, or taxes) can have adverse economic, social, and environmental effects.


Knowledge and

Further research can make food production socially, economically, and environmentally
sustainable. Public education should enable consumers to make informed choices
about nutritious, safe, and affordable food. (R6)



responses, including
biotechnology, precision
agriculture, and
organic farming

New agricultural sciences and effective natural resource management could support
a new agricultural revolution to meet worldwide food needs. This would help
environmental, economic, and social sustainability. (R6)


Water management

Emerging water pricing schemes and water markets indicate that water pricing can be
a means for efcient allocation and responsible use. (R6)


Fisheries management

Strict regulation of marine sheries both regarding the establishment and implementation of quotas and steps to address unreported and unregulated harvest. Individual
transferable quotas also show promise for coldwater, single-species sheries but
they are unlikely to be useful in multispecies tropical sheries. Given the potential
detrimental environmental impacts of aquaculture, appropriate regulatory mechanisms
need to supplement existing polices. (R6)



Livestock management

Livestock polices need to be reoriented in view of problems concerning overgrazing

and dryland degradation, rangeland fragmentation and loss of wildlife habitat, dust
formation, bush encroachment, deforestation, nutrient overload through disposal of
manure, and greenhouse gas emissions. Policies also need to focus on human health
issues related to diseases such as bird u and BSE. (R6)


Recognition of
gender issues

Response policies need to be gender-sensitive and designed to empower women

and ensure access to and control of resources necessary for food security. This needs
to be based on a systematic analysis of gender dynamics and explicit consideration
of relationships between gender and food and water security. (R6)


Determining ecosystem
water requirements

In order to balance competing demands, it is critical that society explicitly agrees on

ecosystem water requirements (environmental ows). (R7)


Rights to freshwater
services and
for their provision

Both public and private ownership systems of fresh water and of the land resources
associated with its provision have largely failed to create incentives for provision of
services. As a result, upland communities have generally been excluded from access
to benets, particularly when they lack tenure security, and have resisted regulations
regarded as unfair. Effective property rights systems with clear and transparent rules
can increase stakeholders condence that they will have access to the benets of
freshwater services and, therefore, their willingness to pay for them. (R7)

Fresh water


(continued on page 126)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s



Required Actors






Type of Response

Appendix B. Effectiveness of Assessed Responses (continued)

Fresh water (continued)


Increasing the
effectiveness of public
participation in

Degradation of fresh water and other ecosystem services has a disproportionate

impact on those excluded from participation in decision-making. Key steps for improving
participatory processes are to increase the transparency of information, improve the
representation of marginalized stakeholders, engage them in the establishment of policy
objectives and priorities for the allocation of freshwater services, and create space for
deliberation and learning that accommodates multiple perspectives. (R7)


River basin

RBOs can play an important role in facilitating cooperation and reducing transaction
costs of large-scale responses. RBOs are constrained or enabled primarily by
the degree of stakeholder participation, their agreement on objectives and management
plans, and their cooperation on implementation. (R7)


Regulatory responses

Regulatory approaches based on market-based incentives (e.g., damages for exceeding

pollution standards) are suitable for point-source pollutants. Regulatory approaches that
simply outlaw particular types of behavior can be unwieldy and burdensome and may fail
to provide incentives for protecting freshwater services. (R7)


Water markets

Economic incentives can potentially unlock signicant supply- and demand-side

efciencies while providing cost-effective reallocation between old (largely irrigation)
and new (largely municipal and instream) uses. (R7)


Payments for
watershed services

Payments for ecosystem services provided by watersheds have narrowly focused on

the role of forests in the hydrological regime. They should be based on the entire ow
regime, including consideration of the relative values of other land cover and land uses,
such as wetlands, riparian areas, steep slopes, roads, and management practices. Key
challenges for payment schemes are capacity building for place-based monitoring and
assessment, identifying services in the context of the entire ow regime, considering
trade-offs and conicts among multiple uses, and making uncertainty explicit. (R7)


Partnerships and

There is a clear mismatch between the high social value of freshwater services and
the resources allocated to manage water. Insufcient funding for water infrastructure
is one manifestation of this. Focusing only on large-scale privatization to improve
efciency and cost-recovery has proved a double-edged strategyprice hikes or control
over resources have created controversy and, in some cases, failure and withdrawal.
Development of water infrastructure and technologies must observe best practices
to avoid problems and inequities. The reexamination and retrotting/refurbishment of
existing infrastructure is the best option in the short and medium term. (R7)



Large dams

The impact of large dams on freshwater ecosystems is widely recognized as being more
negative than positive. In addition, the benets of their construction have rarely been
shared equitablythe poor and vulnerable and future generations often fail to receive
the social and economic benets from dams. Preconstruction studies typically are overly
optimistic about the benets of projects and underestimate costs. (R7)


Wetland restoration

Although wetland restoration is a promising management approach, there are signicant

challenges in determining what set of management interventions will produce a desired
combination of wetland structure and function. It is unlikely that created wetlands can
structurally and functionally replace natural wetlands. (R7)


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Required Actors

Type of Response






Wood, fuelwood, and non-wood forest products

International forest
policy processes and
development assistance

International forest policy processes have made some gains within the forest sector.
Attention should be paid to integration of agreed forest management practices in
nancial institutions, trade rules, global environment programs, and global security
decision-making. (R8)


Trade liberalization

Forest product trade tends to concentrate decision-making power on (and benets from)
forest management rather than spreading it to include poorer and less powerful players.
It magnies the effect of governance, making good governance better and bad
governance worse. Trade liberalization can stimulate a virtuous cycle if the regulatory
framework is robust and externalities are addressed. (R8)


National forest
governance initiatives
and national forest

Forest governance initiatives and country-led national forest programs show promise
for integrating ecosystem health and human well-being where they are negotiated by
stakeholders and strategically focused. (R8)


Direct management of
forests by indigenous

Indigenous control of traditional homelands is often presented as having environmental

benets, although the main justication continues to be based on human and cultural
rights. Little systematic data exist, but preliminary ndings on vegetation cover and
forest fragmentation from the Brazilian Amazon suggest that an indigenous control area
can be at least as effective as a strict-use protected area. (R8)


Collaborative forest
management and
local movements for
access and use of
forest products

Government-community collaborative forest management can be highly benecial but

has had mixed results. Programs have generated improved resource management
access of the rural poor to forest resources but have fallen short in their potential to
benet the poor. Local responses to problems of access and use of forest products
have proliferated in recent years. They are collectively more signicant than efforts led
by governments or international processes but require their support to spread. (R8)


Small-scale private and

public-private ownership
and management
of forests

Where information, tenure, and capacity are strong, small private ownership of forests
can deliver more local economic benets and better forest management than ownership
by larger corporate bodies. (R8)


forestry partnerships

Company-community partnerships can be better than solely corporate forestry, or than

solely community or small-scale farm forestry, in delivering benets to the partners and
the public at large. (R8)


Public and
consumer action

Public and consumer action has resulted in important forest and trade policy initiatives
and improved practices in large forest corporations. This has had an impact in timberconsuming countries and in international institutions. The operating standards of some
large corporations and institutions, as well as of those whose non-forest activities have
an impact on forests, have been improved. (R8)


Third-party voluntary
forest certication

Forest certication has become widespread; however, most certied forests are in
the North, managed by large companies, and exporting to northern retailers. The
early proporents of certication hoped it would be an effective response to tropical
deforestation. (R8)


Wood technology
and biotechnology

Wood technology responses have focused on industrial plantation species with

properties suited for manufactured products. (R8)


(continued on page 128)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s



Required Actors






Type of Response

Appendix B. Effectiveness of Assessed Responses (continued)

Wood, fuelwood, and non-wood forest products (continued)

Commercialization of
non-wood forest

Commercialization of NWFPs has had modest impacts on local livelihoods and has not
always created incentives for conservation. An increased value of NWFPs is not always
an incentive for conservation and can have the opposite effect. Incentives for
sustainable management of NWFPs should be reconsidered, including exploration of
joint-production of timber and NWFPs. (R8)


Natural forest
management in
the tropics

To be economic, sustainable natural forest management in the tropics must focus on a

range of forest goods and services, not just timber. The best practices of global
corporations should be assessed, exploring at the same time what works in traditional
forest management and the work of local (small) enterprises. Considerable interest has
developed in the application of reduced-impact logging, especially in tropical forests, which
lowers environmental impacts and can also be more efcient and cost-effective. (R8)


Forest plantation

Farm woodlots and large-scale plantations are increasingly being established in a

response to growing wood demand and declining natural forest areas. Without adequate
planning and management, forest plantations can be established in the wrong sites,
with the wrong species and provenances. In degraded lands, afforestation may deliver
economic, environmental, and social benets to communities and help reduce poverty
and enhancing food security. (R8)


Fuelwood management

Fuelwood remains one of the main products of the forest sector in the South. If
technology development continues, industrial-scale forest product fuels could become
a major sustainable energy source. (R8)


Afforestation and
reforestation for
carbon management

Although many early initiatives were based on forest conservation or management,

afforestation activities now predominate, perhaps reecting the international decision
in 2001 to allow only afforestation and reforestation activities into the Clean
Development Mechanism for the rst commitment period. (R8)


Nutrient cycling

Mandatory policies, including regulatory control and tax or fee systems, place the costs
and burden of pollution control on the polluter. Technology-based standards are easy to
implement but may discourage innovation and are generally not seen as cost-effective.



Market-based instruments, such as nancial incentives, subsidies, and taxes, hold

potential for better nutrient management but may not be relevant in all countries
and circumstances. Relatively little is known empirically about the impact of these
instruments on technological change. (R9)


Hybrid approaches

Combinations of regulatory, incentive, and market-based mechanisms are possible for

both national and watershed-based approaches and may be the most cost-effective and
politically acceptable. (R9)


C, R

Historically, emphasis was on physical structures and measures over natural

environment and social institutions. This choice often creates a false sense of security,
encouraging people to accept high risks. Evidence indicates that more emphasis needs
to be given to the natural environment and nonstructural measures. (R11)


Flood and storm regulation

Physical structures


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Required Actors

Type of Response






Flood and storm regulation (continued)

Use of natural

Flood and storm impacts can be lessened through maintenance and management of
vegetation and through natural or humanmade geomorphological features (natural river
channels, dune systems, terrace farming). (R11)


Information, institutions,
and education

These approaches, which emphasize disaster preparedness, disaster management,

ood and storm forecasting, early warning, and evacuation, are vital for reducing
losses. (R11)


Financial services

These responses emphasize insurance, disaster relief, and aid. Both social programs
and private insurance are important coping mechanisms for ood disaster recovery.
They can, however, inadvertently contribute to community vulnerability by encouraging
development within oodplains or by creating cultures of entitlement. (R11)


Land use planning

Land use planning is a process of determining the most desirable type of land use.
It can help mitigate disasters and reduce risks by avoiding development in hazardprone areas. (R11)


Integrated vector

Reducing the transmission of infectious diseases often has effects on other ecosystems
services. IVM enables a coordinated response to health and the environment. IVM
uses targeted interventions to remove or control vector-breeding sites, disrupt vector
lifecycles, and minimize vector-human contact, while minimizing effects on other
ecosystem services. IVM is most effective when integrated with socioeconomic
development. (R12)


management or
modication to reduce
vector and reservoir
host abundance

Environmental management can be highly cost-effective and entail very low

environmental impacts. (R12)


Biological control or
natural predators

Biological interventions can be highly cost-effective and entail very low environmental
impacts. Biological control may be effective if breeding sites are well known and limited
in number but less feasible where they are numerous. (R12)


Chemical control

Insecticides remain an important tool and their selective use is likely to continue
within IVM. However, there are concerns regarding the impacts of insecticides,
especially persistent organic pollutants, on the environment and on human populations,
particularly insecticide sprayers. (R12)


Human settlement

The most basic management of human-vector contact is through improvements in the

placement and construction of housing. (R12)


Health awareness
and behavior

Social and behavioral responses can help control vector-borne disease while also
improving other ecosystem services. (R12)

Genetic modication of
vector species to limit
disease transmission

New cutting-edge interventions, such as transgenic techniques, could be available

within the next 510 years. However, consensus is lacking in the scientic community
on the technical feasibility and public acceptability of such an approach. (R12)


Disease regulation

(continued on page 130)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s



Required Actors






Type of Response

Appendix B. Effectiveness of Assessed Responses (continued)

Cultural services


Awareness of the
global environment
and linking local and
global institutions

Awareness of the planet working as a system has led to an integrated approach to

ecosystems. This process has emphasized the human environment concept and the
discussion of environmental problems at a global scale. Local organizations also take
advantage of emerging global institutions and conventions to bring their case to wider
political arenas. (R14)


From restoring
landscapes to valuing
cultural landscapes

Landscapes are subject to and inuenced by cultural perceptions and political and
economic interests. This inuences decisions on landscape conservation. (R14)


sacred areas

While linking sacred areas and conservation is not new, there has been an increase in
translating the sacred into legislation or legal institutions granting land rights. This
requires extensive knowledge about the link between the sacred, nature, and society in
a specic locale. (R14)


agreements and
conservation of
biological and
agropastoral diversity

Increased exploitation and awareness concerning the disappearance of local resources

and knowledge has highlighted the need to protect local and indigenous knowledge.
Some countries have adopted specic laws, policies, and administrative arrangements
emphasizing the concept of prior informed consent of knowledge-holders. (R14)


Integrating local and

indigenous knowledge

Local and indigenous knowledge evolves in specic contexts, and good care should be
taken to not de-contextualize it. Conventional best-practices methods focusing on
content may not be appropriate to deal with local or indigenous knowledge. (R14)


Compensating for

Compensation for the use of local and indigenous knowledge by third parties is an
important yet complicated response. The popular idea that local and indigenous
knowledge can be promoted by strengthening traditional authorities may not be valid
in many cases. (R14)


Property right changes

Communities benet from control over natural resources but traditional leadership may
not always be the solution. Local government institutions that are democratically elected
and have real authority over resources may be in some cases a better option. There is
a tendency to shift responsibilities back and forth between traditional authorities and
local government bodies, without giving any of them real decision-making powers. (R14)

Certication programs

Certication programs are a promising response, but many communities do not have
access to these programs or are not aware of their existence. In addition, the nancial costs
involved reduce the chances for local communities to participate independently. (R14)


Fair trade

Fair trade is a movement initiated to help disadvantaged or politically marginalized

communities by paying better prices and providing better trading conditions, along with
raising consumers awareness of their potential role as buyers. Fair trade overlaps in
some cases with initiatives focusing on the environmental performance of trade. (R14)


Ecotourism and
cultural tourism

Ecotourism can provide economic alternatives to converting ecosystems,

however it can generate conicts in resource use and the aesthetics of certain
ecosystems. Different ecosystems are subjected to different types and scales of
impact from tourism infrastructure. Furthermore, some ecosystems are easier to
market to tourists than others. The market value of ecosystems may vary according to
public perceptions of nature. Freezing of landscapes, conversion of landscapes,
dispossession, and removing of human inuences may result, depending on views
of what ecotourism should represent. Yet when conservation receives no budgetary
subsidy, tourism can provide revenues for conservation. (R14)

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s





Required Actors

Type of Response






Integrated responses

Environmental policy integration at the international level is almost exclusively dependent I E K GI

on governments commitment to binding compromises on given issues. Major
challenges include reform of the international environmental governance structure and
coherence between international trade and environment mechanisms. (R15)

National action plans

and strategies aiming to
integrate environmental
issues into national

Examples include National Conservation Strategies, National Environmental Action

Plans, and National Strategies for Sustainable Development. Success depends on
enabling conditions such as ownership by governments and civil society and broad
participation, both across sectors within the government and with the private sector as
well as at sub-national and local scales. National integrated responses may be a good
starting point for cross-departmental linkages in governments. (R15)


Sub-national and local

integrated approaches

Many integrated responses are implemented at the sub-national level, and examples
include sustainable forest management, integrated coastal zone management,
integrated conservation and development programs, and integrated river basin
management. Results so far have been varied, and a major constraint experienced by
sub-national and multiscale responses is the lack of implementation capacity. (R15)


Climate change
U.N. Framework
Convention on Climate
Change and Kyoto

The ultimate goal of UNFCCC is stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the

atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with
the climate system. The Kyoto Protocol contains binding limits on greenhouse gas
emissions on industrial countries that agreed to reduce their emissions by an average
of about 5% between 2008 and 2012 relative to the levels emitted in 1990. (R13)


Reductions in net
greenhouse gas

Signicant reductions in net greenhouse gas emissions are technically feasible, in many
cases at little or no cost to society. (R13)


Land use and land

cover change

Afforestation, reforestation, improved management of forests, croplands, and rangelands, and agroforestry provide opportunities to increase carbon uptake, and slowing
deforestation reduces emissions. (R13)


Market mechanisms
and incentives

The Kyoto Protocol mechanisms, in combination with national and regional ones, can
reduce the costs of mitigation for industrial countries. In addition, countries can reduce
net costs of emissions abatement by taxing emissions (or auctioning permits) and using
the revenues to cut distortion taxes on labor and capital. In the near term, projectbased trading can facilitate the transfer of climate-friendly technologies to developing
countries. (R13)



Some climate change is inevitable, and ecosystems and human societies will need
to adapt to new conditions. Human populations will face the risk of damage from
climate change, some of which may be countered with current coping systems; others
may need radically new behaviors. Climate change needs to be factored into current
development plans. (R13)


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Appendix c

Authors, Coordinators, and Review Editors

Core Writing Team
Walter V. Reid, Millennium Ecosystem

Assessment, Malaysia and United States

Harold A. Mooney, Stanford University,
United States
Angela Cropper, The Cropper
Foundation, Trinidad and Tobago
Doris Capistrano, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia
Stephen R. Carpenter, University
of Wisconsin - Madison, United States
Kanchan Chopra, Institute of
Economic Growth, India
Partha Dasgupta, University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Thomas Dietz, Michigan State
University, United States
Anantha Kumar Duraiappah,
International Institute for Sustainable
Development, Canada
Rashid Hassan, University of
Pretoria, South Africa
Roger Kasperson, Clark University,
United States
Rik Leemans, Wageningen University,
Robert M. May, University of Oxford,
United Kingdom
Tony (A.J.) McMichael, Australian
National University, Australia
Prabhu Pingali, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Italy
Cristin Samper, National Museum of
Natural History, United States
Robert Scholes, Council for Science and
Industrial Research, South Africa
Robert T. Watson, The World Bank,
United States
A.H. Zakri, United Nations University,
Zhao Shidong, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China
Neville J. Ash, UNEP-World Conservation
Monitoring Centre, United Kingdom
Elena Bennett, University of Wisconsin
- Madison, United States
Pushpam Kumar, Institute of Economic
Growth, India
Marcus Lee, WorldFish Center, Malaysia
Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment, Malaysia


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Henk Simons, National Institute of Public

Health and the Environment, Netherlands
Jillian Thonell, UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre, United Kingdom
Monika B. Zurek, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Italy
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Coordinating Lead Authors,
Conceptual Framework Lead
Authors, and Sub-global
Assessment Coordinators
Adel Farid Abdel-Kader, United Nations

Environment Programme, Bahrain

Nimbe Adedipe, National Universities
Commission, Nigeria
Zafar Adeel, United Nations University International Network on Water,
Environment and Health, Canada
John B.R. Agard, University of the West
Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
Tundi Agardy, Sound Seas, United States
Heidi Albers, Oregon State University,
United States
Joseph Alcamo, University of
Kassel, Germany
Jacqueline Alder, University Of British
Columbia, Canada
Mourad Amil, Ministere de lAmenagement
du Territoire, de lEau et de lEnvironnement,
Alejandro Argumedo, Asociacion
Kechua-Aymara ANDES, Peru
Dolors Armenteras, Instituto de
Investigacion de Recursos Biolgicos
Alexander von Humboldt, Colombia
Neville J. Ash, UNEP-World Conservation
Monitoring Centre, United Kingdom
Bruce Aylward, Deschutes Resources
Conservancy, United States
Suresh Chandra Babu, International Food
Policy Research Institute, India
Jayanta Bandyopadhyay, Indian Institute
of Management, India
Charles Victor Barber, IUCN
World Conservation Union, United States
Stephen Bass, Department for International
Development, United Kingdom
Allan Batchelor, B&M Environmental
Services (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
T. Douglas Beard, Jr., United States
Geological Survey, United States
Andrew Beattie, Macquarie University,

Juan Carlos Belausteguigoitia, Global

International Waters Assessment, Sweden
Elena Bennett, University of
Wisconsin - Madison, United States
D.K. Bhattacharya, University of
Delhi, India
Hernn Blanco, Recursos e Investigacin
para el Desarrollo Sustentable, Chile
Jorge E. Botero, Centro Nacional
de Investigaciones de Caf, Colombia
Lelys Bravo de Guenni, Universidad
Simn Bolvar, Venezuela
Eduardo Brondizio, Indiana University,
United States
Victor Brovkin, Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research, Germany
Katrina Brown, University of East Anglia,
United Kingdom
Colin D. Butler, Australian National
University, Australia
J. Baird Callicott, University of
North Texas, United States
Esther Camac-Ramirez, Association
Ix Ca Va for Indigenious Development
and Information, Costa Rica
Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum,
World Health Oganization, Switzerland
Doris Capistrano, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia
Fabricio William Carbonell Torres,
Association Ix Ca Va for Indigenious Development and Information, Costa Rica
Stephen R. Carpenter, University of
Wisconsin - Madison, United States
Kenneth G. Cassman, University of
Nebraska - Lincoln, United States
Juan Carlos Castilla, Center for
Advance Studies in Ecology and
Biodiversity, Chile
Robert Chambers, Institute of Development Studies - Sussex, United Kingdom
W. Bradnee Chambers, United Nations
University, Japan
F. Stuart Chapin, III, University of Alaska
- Fairbanks, United States
Kanchan Chopra, Institute of Economic
Growth, India
Flavio Comim, University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom and Federal University of
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Ulisses E.C. Confalonieri, National
School of Public Health, Brazil
Steve Cork, Land and Water Australia,

Carlos Corvalan, World Health

Organization, Switzerland
Wolfgang Cramer, Potsdam Institute
for Climate Impact Research, Germany
Angela Cropper, The Cropper
Foundation, Trinidad and Tobago
Graeme Cumming, University of Florida,
United States
Owen Cylke, World Wildlife Fund,
United States
Rebecca DCruz, Aonyx Environmental,
Gretchen C. Daily, Stanford University,
United States
Partha Dasgupta, University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Rudolf S. de Groot, Wageningen
University, Netherlands
Ruth S. DeFries, University of Maryland,
United States
Sandra Diaz, Universidad Nacional
de Crdoba, Argentina
Thomas Dietz, Michigan State University,
United States
Richard Dugdale, San Francisco State
University, United States
Anantha Kumar Duraiappah,
International Institute for Sustainable
Development, Canada
Simeon Ehui, The World Bank,
United States
Polly Ericksen, Columbia University
Earth Institute, United States
Christo Fabricius, Rhodes University,
South Africa
Dan Faith, Australian Museum, Australia
Joseph Fargione, University of New
Mexico, United States
Colin Filer, Australian National University,
C. Max Finlayson, Environmental
Research Institute of the Supervising
Scientist, Australia
Dana R. Fisher, Columbia University,
United States
Carl Folke, Stockholm University, Sweden
Miguel Fortes, Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission Regional
Secretariat for the Western Pacic, Thailand
Madhav Gadgil, Indian Institute of
Science, India
Habiba Gitay, Australian National
University, Australia
Yogesh Gokhale, Indian Institute
of Science, India

Thomas Hahn, Stockholm University,

Georgina Mace, Zoological Society

Simon Hales, Wellington School of

Jens Mackensen, United Nations

Kirk Hamilton, The World Bank, United

Mai Trong Thong, Vietnamese Academy

Rashid Hassan, University of Pretoria,

Ben Malayang III, Philippine Sustainable


Medicine & Health Sciences, New Zealand


South Africa

He Daming, Yunnan University, China

Kenneth R. Hinga, United States Depart-

ment of Agriculture, United States

Ankila J. Hiremath, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, India
Joanna House, Max Planck Institute for
Biogeochemistry, Germany
Robert W. Howarth, Cornell University,
United States
Tariq Ismail, Saudi Arabia
Anthony Janetos, The H. John Heinz
III Center for Science, Economics, and the
Environment, United States
Peter Kareiva, The Nature Conservancy,
United States
Roger Kasperson, Clark University,
United States
Kishan Khoday, United Nations
Development Programme, Indonesia
Christian Koerner, University of
Basel, Switzerland
Kasper Kok, Wageningen University,
Pushpam Kumar, Institute of
Economic Growth, India
Eric F. Lambin, Universite Catholique
de Louvain, Belgium
Paulo Lana, Universidade Federal
do Paran, Brazil
Rodel D. Lasco, World Agroforestry
Centre, Philippines
Patrick Lavelle, University of Paris VI/
IRD, France
Louis Lebel, Chiang Mai University,
Marcus Lee, WorldFish Center, Malaysia
Rik Leemans, Wageningen University,
Christian Lvque, Institut de Recherches
pour le dveloppement, France
Marc Levy, Columbia University,
United States
Liu Jian, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Liu Jiyuan, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China
Ma Shiming, Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, China

of London, United Kingdom

Environment Programme, Kenya

of Science and Technology, Vietnam

Development Network and University of

the Philippines Los Baos, Philippines
Jean-Paul Malingreau, Joint Research
Centre of the European Commission, Belgium
Anatoly Mandych, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Russian Federation
Peter John Marcotullio,
United Nations University, Japan
Eduardo Marone, Centro de Estudos
do Mar, Brazil
Hillary M. Masundire, University
of Botswana, Botswana
Robert M. May, University of Oxford,
United Kingdom
James Mayers, International Institute
for Environment and Development,
United Kingdom
Alex F. McCalla, University of California
- Davis, United States
Jacqueline McGlade, European
Environment Agency, Denmark
Gordon McGranahan, International
Institute for Environment and Development,
United Kingdom
Tony (A.J.) McMichael, Australian
National University, Australia
Jeffrey A. McNeely, IUCN-The World
Conservation Union, Switzerland
Monirul Q. Mirza, University of Toronto,
Bedrich Moldan, Charles University,
Czech Republic
David Molyneux, Liverpool School of
Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
Harold A. Mooney, Stanford University,
United States
Sanzhar Mustan, Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia, Kazakhstan
Constancia Musvoto, University of
Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Shahid Naeem, Columbia University,
United States
Neboja Nakicenovic, International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
Gerald C. Nelson, University of Illinois
- Urbana-Champaign, United States
Niu Wen-Yuan, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, China

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Ian Noble, The World Bank, United States

Signe Nyb, Norwegian Institute for

Nature Research, Norway

Masahiko Ohsawa, University of
Tokyo, Japan
Willis Oluoch-Kosura, University
of Nairobi, Kenya
Ouyang Zhiyun, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, China
Stefano Pagiola, The World Bank,
United States
Cheryl A. Palm, Columbia University,
United States
Jyoti K. Parikh, Integrated Research
and Action for Development, India
Anand Patwardhan, Indian Institute
of Technology-Bombay, India
Ankur Patwardhan, Research & Action
in Natural Wealth Administration, India
Jonathan Patz, University of Wisconsin
- Madison, United States
Daniel Pauly, University of British
Columbia, Canada
Steve Percy, United States
Henrique Miguel Pereira, University
of Lisbon, Portugal
Reidar Persson, Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Garry D. Peterson, McGill University,
Gerhard Petschel-Held, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
Ina Binari Pranoto, Ministry of Environment, Indonesia
Robert Prescott-Allen, Coast
Information Team, Canada
Rudy Rabbinge, Wageningen University,
Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Woods Hole
Research Center, United States
P. S. Ramakrishnan, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, India
Paul Raskin, Tellus Institute, United States
Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment, Malaysia
Walter V. Reid, Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment, Malaysia and United States
Carmen Revenga, The Nature
Conservancy, United States
Belinda Reyers, Council for Science
and Industrial Research, South Africa


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Taylor H. Ricketts, World Wildlife

Fund, United States

Janet Riley, Rothamsted Research,
United Kingdom
Claudia Ringler, International Food
Policy Research Institute, United States
Jon Paul Rodriguez, Instituto Venezolano
de Investigaciones, United States
Jeffrey M. Romm, University of California
Berkeley, United States
Sergio Rosendo, University of East Anglia,
United Kingdom
Uriel N. Safriel, Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel
Osvaldo E. Sala, Brown University,
United States
Cristin Samper, National Museum of
Natural History, United States
Neil Sampson, The Sampson Group, Inc.,
United States
Robert Scholes, Council for Science and
Industrial Research, South Africa
Mahendra Shah, International Institute
for Applied System Analysis, Austria
Alexander Shestakov, World Wildlife
Fund Russian Programme, Russian Federation
Anatoly Shvidenko, Institute for
Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
Henk Simons, National Institute of Public
Health and the Environment, Netherlands
David Simpson, United States Environmental Protection Agency, United States
Nigel Sizer, The Nature Conservancy,
Marja Spierenburg, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Bibhab Talukdar, Ashoka Trust
for Research in Ecology and the
Environment, India
Mohamed Tawc Ahmed, Suez Canal
University, Egypt
Pongmanee Thongbai, Thailand
Institute of Scientic and Technological
Research, Thailand
David Tilman, University of Minnesota,
United States
Thomas P. Tomich, World Agroforestry
Centre, Kenya
Ferenc L. Toth, International Atomic
Energy Agency, Austria
Jane K. Turpie, University of Cape Town,
South Africa
Albert S. van Jaarsveld, Stellenbosch
University, South Africa

Detlef van Vuuren, National Institute

for Public Health and the Environment,
Joeli Veitayaki, University of the
South Pacic, Fiji
Sandra J. Velarde, World Agroforestry
Centre, Kenya
Rodrigo A. Braga Moraes Victor,
So Paulo City Green Belt Biosphere Reserve
- Forest Institute, Brazil
Ernesto F. Viglizzo, National Institute for
Agricultural Technology, Argentina
Bhaskar Vira, University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom
Charles J. Vrsmarty, University of
New Hampshire, United States
Diana Harrison Wall, Colorado State
University, United States
Merrilyn Wasson, Australian National
University, Australia
Masataka Watanabe, National Institute
for Environmental Studies, Japan
Robert T. Watson, The World Bank,
United States
Thomas J. Wilbanks, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, United States
Meryl Williams, Consultative Group on
International Agricultural Research, Malaysia
Poh Poh Wong, National University of
Singapore, Singapore
Stanley Wood, International Food Policy
Research Institute, United States
Ellen Woodley, Terralingua, Canada
Alistair Woodward, University of
Auckland, New Zealand
Anastasios Xepapadeas, University
of Crete, Greece
Gary Yohe, Wesleyan University,
United States
Yue Tianxiang, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, China
Maria Fernanda Zermoglio, University
of California - Davis, United States
Zhao Shidong, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China
Monika B. Zurek, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Italy

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Board of Review Editors
Jos Sarukhn, Universidad Nacional

Autnoma de Mxico, Mexico

Anne Whyte, Mestor Associates Ltd.,

Board Members
Antonio Alonso Concheiro, Analtica
Consultores Asociados, Mexico

Joseph Baker, Queensland Department of

Primary Industries and Fisheries, Australia

Arsenio Balisacan, Southeast Asian
Regional Center for Graduate Study and
Research in Agriculture, Philippines
Fikret Berkes, University of Manitoba,
Julia Carabias, Universidad Nacional
Autnoma de Mxico, Mexico
Gerardo Ceballos, Universidad Nacional
Autnoma de Mxico, Mexico
Robert Costanza, University of Vermont,
United States
Marian S. de los Angeles, The World
Bank, United States
Navroz K. Dubash, National Institute of
Public Finance and Policy, India
Faye Duchin, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, United States
Jeremy S. Eades, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacic
University, Japan
Mohamed A. El-Kassas, University
of Cairo, Egypt
Paul R. Epstein, Harvard Medical
School, United States
Jorge D. Etchevers, Colegio de
Postgraduados, Mexico
Exequiel Ezcurra, Instituto Nacional
de Ecologa, Mexico
Naser I. Faruqui, Environment
Canada, Canada
Christopher Field, Carnegie Institute
of Washington, United States
Blair Fitzharris, University of Otago,
New Zealand
Gilberto Gallopin, Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean, Chile
Peter Gardiner, Independent consultant,
Mario Giampietro, Istituto Nazionale di
Ricerca per gli Alimenti e la Nutrizione, Italy
Andrew Githeko, Kenya Medical Research
Institute, Kenya

Allen Hammond, World Resources

Institute, United States
Marc J. Hershman, University of
Washington, United States
Brian John Huntley, National Botanical
Institute, South Africa
Pedro R. Jacobi, Universidade de So
Paulo, Brazil
Pavel Kabat, Wageningen University,
Roger Kasperson, Clark University,
United States
Robert W. Kates, Independent Scholar,
United States
Tony La Via, World Resources Institute,
Sarah Laird, Independent Scholar, United
Sandra Lavorel, Universit Joseph Fourier,
Neil A. Leary, International Global Change
System for Analysis Research and Training
Secretariat, United States
Kai Lee, Williams College, United States
Ariel E. Lugo, United States Departement
of Agriculture - Forest Service, Puerto Rico
Yuzuru Matsuoka, Kyoto University, Japan
Richard Moles, University of Limerick,
Fran Monks, United States
Patricia Moreno Casasola, Institute for
Ecology, Mexico
Mohan Munasinghe, Munasinghe
Institute for Development, Sri Lanka
Gerald C. Nelson, University of Illinois
- Urbana-Champaign, United States
Valery M. Neronov, Russian Committee
for UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme, Russian Federation
Shuzo Nishioka, National Institute
for Environmental Studies, Japan
Richard B. Norgaard, University
of California - Berkeley, United States
Bernadette ORegan, University
of Limerick, Ireland
Len Oliv, Universidad Nacional
Autnoma de Mxico, Mexico
Gordon Orians, University of
Washington, United States
Stephen Pacala, Princeton University,
United States
Christine Padoch, New York Botanical
Garden, United States
Jan Plesnik, Agency for Nature
Conservation and Landscape Protection,
Czech Republic

Ravi Prabhu, Center for International

Forestry Research, Zimbabwe
Jorge Rabinovich, National University
of La Plata, Argentina
Victor Ramos, Philippines
David J. Rapport, The University of
Western Ontario, Canada
Robin S. Reid, International Livestock
Research Institute, Kenya
Ortwin Renn, University of
Stuttgart, Germany
Frank Rijsberman, International
Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka
Agnes C. Rola, University of the
Philippines Los Banos, Philippines
Jeffrey M. Romm, University of California
Berkeley, United States
Cherla B. Sastry, University of Toronto,
Marten Scheffer, Wageningen University,
Kedar Lal Shrestha, Institute for
Development and Innovation, Nepal
Bach Tan Sinh, National Institute for
Science and Technology Policy and Strategy
Studies, Vietnam
Otton Solis, Costa Rica
Avelino Surez Rodrguez, Cuban
Environmental Agency, Cuba
Jatna Supriatna, University of Indonesia,
DanLing Tang, Fudan University, China
Holm Tiessen, Goettingen University,
Hebe M.C. Vessuri, Venezuelan Institute
of Scientic Research, Venezuela
Angela de L. Rebello Wagener,
Ponticia Universidade Catolica do Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil
Wang Rusong, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China
Wolfgang Weimer-Jehle, University
of Stuttgart, Germany
Philip Weinstein, University of Western
Australia, Australia
Thomas J. Wilbanks, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, United States
Xu Jianchu, International Center for
Integrated Mountain Development, Nepal
Michael D. Young, Commonwealth
Scientic and Industrial Research
Organization, Australia
Linxiu Zhang, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Appendix D

Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Figure Sources

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Figure Sources

BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy

CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
DALY disability-adjusted life year
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
(United Nations)
GDP gross domestic product
GHS greenhouse gases
GNI gross national income
GNP gross national product
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change
IUCN World Conservation Union
IVM integrated vector management
MA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
MEA multilateral environmental agreement
MDG Millennium Development Goal
NGO nongovernmental organization
NPP net primary productivity
NWFP non-wood forest product
OECD Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
PA protected area
RBO river basin organization
SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
SCOPE Scientic Committee on Problems
of the Environment
UNCCD United Nations Convention to
Combat Desertication
UNEP United Nations Environment
UNFCCC United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change
WWF World Wide Fund for Nature

Most Figures used in this report were redrawn

from Figures included in the technical assessment reports in the chapters referenced in the
Figure captions. Preparation of several Figures
involved additional information as follows:

Chemical Symbols, Compounds,

Units of Measurement
CH4 methane
CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
GtC-eq gigatons of carbon equivalent
N nitrogen
N2O nitrous oxide
NOx nitrogen oxides
ppmv parts per million by volume
SO2 sulfur dioxide
teragram 1012 grams


Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s

Figure 11 (and Figure 3.4)

The source Figure from CF Box 2.4 was

updated to 2003/04 with data from Northern Cod (2J+3KL) Stock Status Update,
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, March 2004.
Figure 14 (and Figure 1.5)

The source Figure (R9 Fig 9.1) was modied to include the addition of projected
human inputs in 2050 based on data included in the original source for R9 Fig 9.1:
Galloway, J.P., et al., 2004, Biogeochemistry
70: 153226.
Figure 1.6

The source Figure (R9 Fig 9.2) was modied to include two additional deposition
maps for 1860 and 2050 that had been
included in the original source for
R9 Fig 9.2: Galloway, J.P., et al., 2004,
Biogeochemistry 70: 153226.
Figure 1.7

This Figure was developed from two Figures

included in articles cited in C11.3.1: Ruiz
et al., 2000, Annual Review of Ecology and
Systematics 31: 481-531 (Fig 1c); Ribera Siguan 2003, in G.M. Ruiz and J.T. Carlton
eds., Invasive Species: Vectors and Management Strategies, Island Press, Washington
D.C. (Fig 8.5).
Figures B and C in Box 3.1 - Linkages between
Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being

The source Figures (C7 Fig 7.13 and 7.14)

are based on World Health Organization
and United Nations Childrens Fund, 2000:
Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report, World Health Organization, Geneva, updated for 2002 using the
WHO online database.

Figure 3.1

This Figure was developed from the

database cited in C5.2.6 using World Bank
gures for adjusted net savings for 2001,
downloaded from lnweb18.worldbank.org/
AccountingAdjustedNetSavings on January
25, 2005.
Figure 3.6

The source Figure (S7 Fig 7.3) is based on

Figure 3-9 in Intergovernmental Panel for
Climate Change, 2000: Special Report on
Emissions Scenarios, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Figures 4.1 and 4.2

The source Figures (S7 Figs 7.6a and 7.6b)

are based on data downloaded from the
online World Bank database and reported
in World Bank, 2004: World Development
Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor
People, World Bank, Washington D.C.
Figure 8.1

The source Figure (C5 Box 5.2) is redrawn

from Figure 7 in World Bank, 2004: State
and Trends of the Carbon Market - 2004.
World Bank, Washington D.C.

Appendix E

Assessment Report Tables of Contents

Note that text references to CF, CWG, SWG, RWG, or SGWG refer to the entire working group report. ES refers to the Main Messages in a chapter.

Ecosystems and Human Well-being:

A Framework for Assessment

Introduction and Conceptual

Ecosystems and Their Services
Ecosystems and Human Well-being
Drivers of Change in Ecosystems
and Their Services
Dealing with Scale
Concepts of Ecosystem Value and
Valuation Approaches
Analytical Approaches
Strategic Interventions, Response
Options, and Decision-making

Current State and Trends:

Findings of the Condition and
Trends Working Group

MA Conceptual Framework
Analytical Approaches for Assessing
Ecosystem Conditions and
Human Well-being
Drivers of Change (note: this is a
synopsis of Scenarios Chapter 7)
Ecosystem Conditions and
Human Well-being
Vulnerable Peoples and Places
Fresh Water
Timber, Fuel, and Fiber
New Products and Industries
from Biodiversity
Biological Regulation of
Ecosystem Services
Nutrient Cycling
Climate and Air Quality
Human Health: Ecosystem
Regulation of Infectious Diseases
Waste Processing and Detoxication
Regulation of Natural Hazards:
Floods and Fires
Cultural and Amenity Services
Marine Fisheries Systems
Coastal Systems
Inland Water Systems


Forest and Woodland Systems

Dryland Systems
Island Systems
Mountain Systems
Polar Systems
Cultivated Systems
Urban Systems


Scenarios: Findings of the

Scenarios Working Group





MA Conceptual Framework
Global Scenarios in Historical
Ecology in Global Scenarios
State of Art in Simulating Future
Changes in Ecosystem Services
Scenarios for Ecosystem Services:
Rationale and Overview
Methodology for Developing the
MA Scenarios
Drivers of Change in Ecosystem
Condition and Services
Four Scenarios
Changes in Ecosystem Services
and Their Drivers across the
Biodiversity across Scenarios
Human Well-being across Scenarios
Interactions among Ecosystem
Lessons Learned for Scenario Analysis
Policy Synthesis for Key Stakeholders

Policy Responses: Findings of the

Responses Working Group

MA Conceptual Framework
Typology of Responses
Assessing Responses
Recognizing Uncertainties in
Evaluating Responses
Food and Ecosystems
Freshwater Ecosystem Services
Wood, Fuelwood, and
Non-wood Forest Products
Nutrient Management

Waste Management, Processing,

and Detoxication
Flood and Storm Control
Ecosystems and Vector-borne
Disease Control
Climate Change
Cultural Services
Integrated Responses
Consequences and Options
for Human Health
Consequences of Responses on
Human Well-being and Poverty
Choosing Responses
Implications for Achieving the
Millennium Development Goals

Multiscale Assessments:
Findings of the Sub-global
Assessments Working Group
SDM Summary
SG.01 MA Conceptual Framework
SG.02 Overview of the MA Sub-global
SG.03 Linking Ecosystem Services
and Human Well-being
SG.04 The Multiscale Approach
SG.05 Using Multiple Knowledge Systems:
Benets and Challenges
SG.06 Assessment Process
SG.07 Drivers of Ecosystem Change
SG.08 Condition and Trends of Ecosystem
Services and Biodiversity
SG.09 Responses to Ecosystem Change
and their Impacts on Human
SG.10 Sub-global Scenarios
SG.11 Communities, Ecosystems,
and Livelihoods
SG.12 Reections and Lessons Learned

Ecosystems and Human Well-being: S y n t h e s i s


Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board

The MA Board represents the users of the ndings of the MA process.

Robert T. Watson, Chief

Scientist, The World Bank

A.H. Zakri, Director, Institute
of Advanced Studies, United
Nations University

Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment Panel
Harold A. Mooney (co-chair),

Stanford University, United States

Angela Cropper (co-chair),

The Cropper Foundation, Trinidad

and Tobago
Doris Capistrano, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia
Stephen R. Carpenter, University
of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
Kanchan Chopra, Institute of
Economic Growth, India
Partha Dasgupta, University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Rik Leemans, Wageningen
University, Netherlands
Robert M. May, University of
Oxford, United Kingdom
Prabhu Pingali, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, Italy
Rashid Hassan, University of
Pretoria, South Africa
Cristin Samper, Smithsonian
National Museum of Natural History,
United States
Robert Scholes, Council for
Scientic and Industrial Research,
South Africa
Robert T. Watson, The World
Bank, United States (ex ofcio)
A. H. Zakri, United Nations
University, Japan (ex ofcio)
Zhao Shidong, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, China
Editorial Board Chairs

Jos Sarukhn, Universidad Nacio-

nal Autnoma de Mxico, Mexico

Anne Whyte, Mestor Associates
Ltd., Canada
MA Director

Walter V. Reid, Millennium

Ecosystem Assessment, Malaysia

and United States

Salvatore Arico, Programme

Ofcer, Division of Ecological
and Earth Sciences, United
Nations Educational, Scientic
and Cultural Organization
Peter Bridgewater, Secretary
General, Ramsar Convention on
Hama Arba Diallo,
Executive Secretary, United
Nations Convention to
Combat Desertication
Adel El-Beltagy, Director
General, International Center
for Agricultural Research in
Dry Areas, Consultative Group
on International Agricultural
Max Finlayson, Chair, Scientic and Technical Review Panel,
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Colin Galbraith, Chair,
Scientic Council, Convention
on Migratory Species
Erika Harms, Senior Program
Ofcer for Biodiversity, United
Nations Foundation
Robert Hepworth, Acting
Executive Secretary, Convention
on Migratory Species
Olav Kjrven, Director,
Energy and Environment Group,
United Nations Development
Kerstin Leitner, Assistant
Director-General, Sustainable
Development and Healthy
Environments, World Health
Alfred Oteng-Yeboah,
Chair, Subsidiary Body on
Scientic, Technical and Technological Advice, Convention
on Biological Diversity
Christian Prip, Chair,
Subsidiary Body on Scientic,
Technical and Technological
Advice, Convention on
Biological Diversity
Mario A. Ramos, Biodiversity
Program Manager, Global
Environment Facility

Thomas Rosswall, Executive

Director, International Council
for Science - ICSU
Achim Steiner, Director
General, IUCN - The World
Conservation Union
Halldor Thorgeirsson,
Coordinator, United Nations
Framework Convention on
Climate Change
Klaus Tpfer, Executive
Director, United Nations
Environment Programme
Jeff Tschirley, Chief,
Environmental and Natural
Resources Service, Research,
Extension and Training Division,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Riccardo Valentini, Chair,
Committee on Science and
Technology, United Nations
Convention to Combat
Hamdallah Zedan,
Executive Secretary, Convention
on Biological Diversity
At-large Members

Fernando Almeida, Executive

President, Business Council for

Sustainable Development-Brazil
Phoebe Barnard, Global
Invasive Species Programme,
South Africa
Gordana Beltram,
Undersecretary, Ministry of
the Environment and Spatial
Planning, Slovenia
Delmar Blasco, Former
Secretary General, Ramsar
Convention on Wetlands, Spain
Antony Burgmans,
Chairman, Unilever N.V.,
Esther Camac-Ramirez,
Asociacin Ix Ca Va de
Desarrollo e Informacin
Indigena, Costa Rica
Angela Cropper (ex ofcio),
President, The Cropper Foundation, Trinidad and Tobago
Partha Dasgupta, Professor,
Faculty of Economics and
Politics, University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Jos Mara Figueres,
Fundacin Costa Rica para el
Desarrollo Sostenible, Costa Rica
Fred Fortier, Indigenous
Peoples Biodiversity Information
Network, Canada

Mohamed H.A. Hassan,

Executive Director, Third World
Academy of Sciences for the
Developing World, Italy
Jonathan Lash, President,
World Resources Institute,
United States
Wangari Maathai,
Vice Minister for Environment,
Paul Maro, Professor,
Department of Geography,
University of Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania
Harold A. Mooney

(ex ofcio), Professor,

Department of Biological
Sciences, Stanford University,
United States
Marina Motovilova, Faculty
of Geography, Laboratory of
Moscow Region, Russia
M.K. Prasad, Environment
Centre of the Kerala Sastra
Sahitya Parishad, India
Walter V. Reid, Director,
Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment, Malaysia and
United States
Henry Schacht, Past
Chairman of the Board, Lucent
Technologies, United States
Peter Johan Schei,
Director, The Fridtjof Nansen
Institute, Norway
Ismail Serageldin, President,
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
David Suzuki, Chair, David
Suzuki Foundation, Canada
M.S. Swaminathan,
Chairman, MS Swaminathan
Research Foundation, India
Jos Galzia Tundisi,
President, International Institute
of Ecology, Brazil
Axel Wenblad, Vice President
Environmental Affairs, Skanska
AB, Sweden
Xu Guanhua, Minister,
Ministry of Science and
Technology, China
Muhammad Yunus,
Managing Director, Grameen
Bank, Bangladesh

Secretariat Support Organizations

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) coordinates the Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment Secretariat, which is based at the following partner institutions:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy
Institute of Economic Growth, India
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico (until 2002)
Meridian Institute, United States
National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands (until mid-2004)
Scientic Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), France
UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre, United Kingdom
University of Pretoria, South Africa
University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
World Resources Institute (WRI), United States
WorldFish Center, Malaysia
Maps and graphics:

Emmanuelle Bournay and Philippe Rekacewicz, UNEP/GRID-Arendal, Norway

The production of maps and graphics was made possible by the generous support of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of Norway and UNEP/GRID-Arendal.

Front cover:
Tran Thi Hoa, The World Bank
Back cover:
David Woodfall/WWI/Peter Arnold, Inc.


Ecosystems and Human Well-being Synthesis


ISBN 1-59726-040-1

All Island Press books are printed on recycled paper

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