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Tutorial #004: Building Metadata For Oracle B2B 11g Using Self-Service XML

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Oracle B2B Tutorial

Tutorial #004:
Building Metadata for Oracle
B2B 11g using Self-Service XML

Page 1 of 24

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3
Creating basic Self-Service XML ....................................................................................... 4
Get Self-Service XSD ..................................................................................................... 4
Create blank Self-Service XML from Schema ............................................................ 4
Update Document protocol values in XML ................................................................. 7
Update ParameterValue for Document protocol.......................................................... 8
Update trading partner details in XML ...................................................................... 9
Update Host details in TradingPartner Element .......................................................... 9
Add Remote TP details in TradingPartner Element .................................................. 11
Update agreement details in XML ............................................................................. 13
Update Inbound Agreement to receive 850 Document.............................................. 13
Add Outbound Agreement to send 997 Document .................................................... 14
Export ECS/XSD files from Oracle B2B Document Editor ...................................... 16
Complete Self-Service XML........................................................................................ 17
Create Oracle B2B Metadata using Self-Service Utility.................................................. 19
Additional features, Tips and Tricks ................................................................................ 20
Creating MLLP channel ............................................................................................. 20
Using Folder based input approach............................................................................ 20
Typical Self-Service Errors ............................................................................................... 21
FAQ ................................................................................................................................... 22
Reference Information ...................................................................................................... 23

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Self-Service XML is a simplified metadata of Oracle B2B 11g metadata. This helps user to
create bulk amount of document protocol, trading partner, and agreements in a single

The main purpose of this tech-note is to show Self-Service usage through creating XML
based on the Selfservice.xsd, and running the tool using command-line script.
After reading this tech-note, users should be able to independently model Self-Service XML
based on the use cases.
B2B users who want to create/upload bulk configuration using Oracle B2B as an Integration
Gateway product and would like to understand various use cases and implementation.
Basic knowledge of XML and Oracle B2B 11g metadata is must.

This document is based on Oracle Fusion Middleware B2B 11g R1 PS2.

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Creating basic Self-Service XML

An XSD also shipped to explain the structure of the Self-Service XML. Appendix in Oracle B2B
11g documentation has the details of the Self-Service supported transport, document protocols,
exchange, and its protocols details. Once the XML get created manually or modified from existing
sample, this XML has to be given to the Self-Service Utility to convert to the Oracle B2B 11g
metadata format. After successful conversion, converted Oracle B2B 11g metadata has to import
using B2B UI Import or command-line import. Rest of steps of bringing the agreement to Runtime
remains same.

Deploying agreements and modifying the existing configuration are similar for all the document
protocols, which will not be explained in this document.

Get Self-Service XSD

XSD for Self-Service is shipped as part of Oracle SOA-B2B WLS installation. In SOA_HOME
location, all the command-line utilities for Oracle B2B are bundled in single ant script. Using this
ANT scripts target, Self-Service.xsd will be created.
Prerequisite: Set environment variables
Variable Name


Run ant command to export Self-Service.xsd

ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bselfservicexsd

Now, a file with name selfservice.xsd will get created in the ORACLE_HOME/bin location.

Create blank Self-Service XML from Schema

Using the above created XSD, XML has to be created. Most of the IDEs offers the way to create
XML Document from XML Schema. For instance, consider Oracle JDeveloper to create XML.
Create a Project or use existing project.
Right click on Project, and Select New.
Choose XML in Categories panel.
Choose XML Document from XML Schema in Items panel.

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Choose selfservice.xsd and give XML file name.

Select Next.

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Choose Root Element as SelfService and Depth as 5.

Click Finish.

An XML is created with all possible elements and empty string as value in attributes.

Empty string in this blank XML has to be get filled with right value based on the Appendix in
Oracle B2B documentation. In this XML, DocumentPrototocol, TradingPartner, and Agreement
elements are created once by IDE. User needs to create these elements based on their business

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Update Document protocol values in XML

In Oracle B2B, Document protocol details are captured in sub-elements like version, type and
definition. This helps to reuse the configuration, for instance, once document protocol version
defined, it can be reused by different document type.
Following document protocols are supported in Self-Service

Update X12 Document protocol name

<DocumentProtocol name="EDI_X12">
Update Document version and type name
<DocumentProtocolVersion name="4010">
<DocumentType name="850">

Give name to Document definition and location of 850.xsd

<DocumentDefinition customFileType="false"
name="850def" useDefaultDefinition="true">
Make sure, from Document Builder exported file placed in schema/850.xsd location. This schema
folder has to be created in which this XML exist.
Now, DocumentProtocol element looks below
<DocumentProtocol name="EDI_X12">
<DocumentProtocolVersion name="4010">
<DocumentType name="850">
<DocumentDefinition customFileType="false"
name="850def" useDefaultDefinition="true">
<ParameterValue name="" />
<ParameterValue name="" />

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Update ParameterValue for Document protocol

This document definition has to be customized by updating the ParameterValue details. Not
necessary to capture all ParameterValue in XML from Appendix - EDI_X12 Document Protocol
Parameter Values. Most of the ParameterValue has default value, which will be created implicitly
while importing to Oracle B2B repository.
If business needs the different value, this has to be captured by choosing right ParameterValue
with updating value attribute. In this use case, ParameterValue for TransactionECSFileBlob and
GroupID needs to be changed.
Create TransactionECSFileBlob ParameterValue in DocumentDefition element
<DocumentDefinition customFileType="false"
name="850def" useDefaultDefinition="true">
<ParameterValue name="TransactionECSFileBlob"
value="schemas/850.ecs" />

In DocumentType element, update blank ParameterValue with GroupID

<DocumentType name="850">
<DocumentDefinition customFileType="false"
name="850def" useDefaultDefinition="true">
<ParameterValue name="TransactionECSFileBlob"
value="schemas/850.ecs" />
<ParameterValue name="GroupID" value="PO" />
In DocumentProtocolVersion element, remove blank ParameterValue element.
Add new document type and document defition for 997
<DocumentType name="997">
<DocumentDefinition customFileType="false"
name="997def" useDefaultDefinition="true">
<ParameterValue name="TransactionECSFileBlob"
value="schemas/997.ecs" />
<ParameterValue name="GroupID" value="FA" />

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Now, DocumentProtocol updating completed and element looks like below

<DocumentProtocol name="EDI_X12">
<DocumentProtocolVersion name="4010"
<DocumentType name="850">
<DocumentDefinition customFileType="false"
name="850def" useDefaultDefinition="true">
<ParameterValue name="TransactionECSFileBlob"
value="schemas/850.ecs" />
<ParameterValue name="GroupID" value="PO" />
<DocumentType name="997">
<DocumentDefinition customFileType="false"
name="997def" useDefaultDefinition="true">
<ParameterValue name="TransactionECSFileBlob"
value="schemas/997.ecs" />
<ParameterValue name="GroupID" value="FA" />

Update trading partner details in XML

Assume, Trading partner Acme receives document 850 and sends document 997 to GlobalChips.
Hence, Two TradingPartner elements have to be created in Self-Service XML, 1) store the details
of the Host, and 2) store the details of Remote Trading partner.
Update Host details in TradingPartner Element
In Host, details of Identification, listening delivery channel, and supported document definitions
need to be captured.
In TradingPartner Element, update name and hosted = true.
<TradingPartner hosted="true" name="Acme">

Add Identification Elements, to capture three identifier details- EDI Interchange ID, EDI Group
ID, and EDI Interchange ID Qualifier. List of identifications supported in Self-Service XML is
captured in the Appendix of Oracle B2B documentation.
<Identification name="InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
<Identification name="GroupID" value="Acme" />
<Identification name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />


By default, Oracle B2B creates Name Identifier. Hence, no need of adding

Identification element for Name identifier.
Update DeliveryChannel element to create a listening channel, which will receive message
from trading partner.
<DeliveryChannel ackMode="None" compressed="false"
internal="false" listening="true" name="Acme_receive_file"

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Update ExchangeProtocolRef element, with the name of exchange

<ExchangeProtocolRef name="Generic-File" />
Few exchange protocol has ParameterValue(s). These details captured in the section of
Exchange Protocols Parameter Values in the Appendix of Oracle B2B documentation. For
Generic-File exchange, no ParameterValue is available in Oracle B2B.
Update TransportProtocolRef element, with the name of transport, and update with possible
<TransportProtocolRef name="File">
<ParameterValue name="folder" value="/tmp/Acme_File_Inbound/" />
In this usecase, one ParameterValue has created to capture folder value. From this folder, 850
documents picked by Host and processed.
Other ParameterValue list is captured in Transport Protocols ParameterValues section in the
Appendix of Oracle B2B documentation.
Complete DeliveryChannel element
<DeliveryChannel ackMode="None" compressed="false"
internal="false" listening="true" name="Acme_receive_file"
<ExchangeProtocolRef name="Generic-File" />
<TransportProtocolRef name="File">
<ParameterValue name="folder" value="/tmp/Acme_File_Inbound/" />

Update SupportedDocumentDefinition element, to capture possible documents to

send/receive. Document details whichever is captured in DocumentProtocol has to be used in this
elements attribute. Two SupportedDocumentDefinition are created- 1) receive 850, and 2) send
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="850def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
docTypeName="850" initiator="false" />
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="997def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
docTypeName="997" initiator="true" />

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Host details completely captured.

<TradingPartner hosted="true" name="Acme">
<Identification name="InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
<Identification name="GroupID" value="Acme" />
<Identification name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<DeliveryChannel ackMode="None" compressed="false" internal="false"
listening="true" name="Acme_receive_file" responseMode="None">
<ExchangeProtocolRef name="Generic-File" />
<TransportProtocolRef name="File">
<ParameterValue name="folder" value="/tmp/Acme_File_Inbound/" />
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="850def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010" docTypeName="850"
initiator="false" />
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="997def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010" docTypeName="997"
initiator="true" />

Add Remote TP details in TradingPartner Element

Similar to Host, in Remote TP, details of Identification, trading partner delivery channel, and
supported document definitions need to be captured.
In TradingPartner Element, update name and hosted = true.
<TradingPartner hosted="false" name="GlobalChips">

Add Identification Elements, to capture three identifier details- EDI Interchange ID, EDI Group
ID, and EDI Interchange ID Qualifier.
<Identification name="InterchangeID" value=" GlobalChips" />
<Identification name="GroupID" value=" GlobalChips" />
<Identification name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />


By default, Oracle B2B creates Name Identifier. Hence, no need of adding

Identification element for Name identifier.
Update DeliveryChannel element to create a delivery channel, which will send message to
trading partner.
<DeliveryChannel ackMode="None" compressed="false"
internal="false" listening="false"
name="GlobalChips_File_Endpoint" responseMode="None">
Update ExchangeProtocolRef element, with the name of exchange
<ExchangeProtocolRef name="Generic-File" />

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Update TransportProtocolRef element, with the name of transport, and update with possible
<TransportProtocolRef name="File">
<ParameterValue name="folder"
value="/tmp/GlobalChips_File_Outbound/" />
In this use case, one ParameterValue has created to capture folder value. Processed 997
documents will be placed in this folder by Host.
Complete DeliveryChannel element
<DeliveryChannel ackMode="None" compressed="false"
internal="false" listening="false"
name="GlobalChips_File_Endpoint" responseMode="None">
<ExchangeProtocolRef name="Generic-File" />
<TransportProtocolRef name="File">
<ParameterValue name="folder"
value="/tmp/GlobalChips_File_Outbound" />

Update SupportedDocumentDefinition element, to capture possible documents to

send/receive. Document details whichever is captured in DocumentProtocol has to be used in this
elements attribute. Two SupportedDocumentDefinition are created- 1) send 850, and 2) receive
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="850def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
docTypeName="850" initiator="true" />
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="997def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
docTypeName="997" initiator="false" />

Trading partner details completely captured.

<TradingPartner hosted="false" name="GlobalChips">
<Identification name="InterchangeID" value="GlobalChips" />
<Identification name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<Identification name="GroupID" value="GlobalChips" />
<DeliveryChannel ackMode="None" compressed="false" internal="false"
listening="false" name="GlobalChips_File_Endpoint"
<ExchangeProtocolRef name="Generic-File" />
<TransportProtocolRef name="File">
<ParameterValue name="folder"
value="/tmp/GlobalChips_File_Outbound" />
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="850def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
docTypeName="850" initiator="true" />
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="997def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
docTypeName="997" initiator="false" />

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Update agreement details in XML

Document protocol and trading partner details are captured in previous sections. Using these
details, agreements has to be created.

Update Inbound Agreement to receive 850 Document

In Oracle B2B, Identification, Delivery channel, and Document details from Host/TP used to
create an agreement.
Update Agreement element with name and agreementID.
<Agreement agreementId="GlobalChips_Acme_X12_4010_850_File"
Name and agreementId need not to be same always. In ebMS usecase, agreementId is used as
Update SupportedDocumentType element with document details.
<SupportedDocumentType docDefName="850def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
Name used in DocumentDefinition element, has to be given to docDefName attribute.
Update InitiatingParticipant and RespondingParticipant.
Acme receives Document 850 from GlobalChips. GlobalChips details have to go on
InitiatingParticipant, and Acme details have to go on RespondingParticipant.
Update InitiatingParticipant.
<InitiatingParticipant name="GlobalChips">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />

Note: Listening channels receives the messages from trading partner. Listening channels
works agnostic to agreement and trading partner and are not required to refer from agreement.
Update RespondingParticipant.
<RespondingParticipant name="Acme">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />

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Update AgrDocTypeParameterValues, to specify Functional Acknowledgement, Translation,

and Validation required or not.
<ParameterValue name="validate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="translate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="fa" value="true" />

Note: If FA (Functional Acknowledgement) or validate enabled, then translate must to be

Inbound Agreement for document 850 created successfully

<Agreement agreementId="GlobalChips_Acme_X12_4010_850_File"
<SupportedDocumentType docDefName="850def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
<InitiatingParticipant name="GlobalChips">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<RespondingParticipant name="Acme">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<ParameterValue name="validate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="translate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="fa" value="true" />

Note: If no internal delivery channel found in Host participant, then any messages received
using this agreement will send to Fabric/JMS/AQ based on the System Configuration set in
Oracle B2B UI.

Add Outbound Agreement to send 997 Document

Similar to inbound agreement, details like Identification, delivery channel, and document details
used from Host/TP, to create an agreement. In outbound agreement, delivery channel must to be
specified in RespondingParticipant element.
Update Agreement element with name and agreementID.
<Agreement agreementId="Acme_GlobalChips_X12_4010_997_File"
name=" Acme_GlobalChips_X12_4010_997_File">

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Update SupportedDocumentType element with document details.

<SupportedDocumentType docDefName="997def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"

Update InitiatingParticipant and RespondingParticipant.

Acme sends document 997 to GlobalChips. Acme details have to go on InitiatingParticipant, and
GlobalChips details have to go on RespondingParticipant.
Update InitiatingParticipant.
<InitiatingParticipant name="Acme">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />

Note: Listening channels receives the messages from trading partner. Listening channels
works agnostic to agreement and trading partner and are not required to refer from agreement.
Update RespondingParticipant.
<RespondingParticipant name="GlobalChips">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<DeliveryChannelRef name="GlobalChips_File_Endpoint" />

Update AgrDocTypeParameterValues, to specify Functional Acknowledgement, Translation,

and Validation required or not.
<ParameterValue name="validate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="translate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="fa" value="false" />

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Outbound Agreement for document 997 created successfully

<Agreement agreementId="Acme_GlobalChips_X12_4010_997_File"
name=" Acme_GlobalChips_X12_4010_997_File">
<SupportedDocumentType docDefName="997def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
<InitiatingParticipant name="Acme">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<RespondingParticipant name="GlobalChips">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<DeliveryChannelRef name="GlobalChips_File_Endpoint" />
<ParameterValue name="validate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="translate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="fa" value="false" />

Note: IdentificationRef elements in Agreement are subset of Identification in TradingPartner.

Export ECS/XSD files from Oracle B2B Document Editor

Oracle B2B - Document Editor (Powered by EdifecsTM) is an integrated guideline creation and for
defining and managing custom document definitions for EDI transactions.
Guidelines was created in Oracle B2B Document Editor has to be exported in XSD and ECS
format and placed in schemas folder. In this use case, EDI X12 v4010 850 and EDI X12 v4010
997 are the guidelines needed 850.ecs, 850.xsd, 997.xsd, and 997.ecs.

Note: Relative path used to locate schemas folder in this use case. This schemas folder has
to be created in which folder Self-Service XML exist.

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Complete Self-Service XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DocumentProtocol name="EDI_X12">
<DocumentProtocolVersion name="4010">
<DocumentType name="850">
<DocumentDefinition customFileType="false"
definitionFileName="schemas/850.xsd" name="850def"
<ParameterValue name="TransactionECSFileBlob"
value="schemas/850.ecs" />
<ParameterValue name="GroupID" value="PO" />
<DocumentType name="997">
<DocumentDefinition customFileType="false"
definitionFileName="schemas/997.xsd" name="997def"
<ParameterValue name="TransactionECSFileBlob"
value="schemas/997.ecs" />
<ParameterValue name="GroupID" value="FA" />
<TradingPartner hosted="true" name="Acme">
<Identification name="InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
<Identification name="GroupID" value="Acme" />
<Identification name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<DeliveryChannel ackMode="None" compressed="false" internal="false"
listening="true" name="Acme_receive_file" responseMode="None">
<ExchangeProtocolRef name="Generic-File" />
<TransportProtocolRef name="File">
<ParameterValue name="folder" value="/tmp/Acme_File_Inbound/" />
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="850def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
docTypeName="850" initiator="false" />
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="997def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
docTypeName="997" initiator="true" />
<TradingPartner hosted="false" name="GlobalChips">
<Identification name="InterchangeID" value="GlobalChips" />
<Identification name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<Identification name="GroupID" value="GlobalChips" />
<DeliveryChannel ackMode="None" compressed="false" internal="false"
listening="false" name="GlobalChips_File_Endpoint"
<ExchangeProtocolRef name="Generic-File" />
<TransportProtocolRef name="File">
<ParameterValue name="folder"
value="/tmp/GlobalChips_File_Outbound" />
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="850def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
docTypeName="850" initiator="true" />
<SupportedDocumentDefinition docDefName="997def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
docTypeName="997" initiator="false" />
Page 17 of 24

<Agreement agreementId="GlobalChips_Acme_X12_4010_850_File"
<SupportedDocumentType docDefName="850def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
<InitiatingParticipant name="GlobalChips">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<RespondingParticipant name="Acme">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<ParameterValue name="validate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="translate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="fa" value="true" />
<Agreement agreementId="Acme_GlobalChips_X12_4010_997_File"
<SupportedDocumentType docDefName="997def"
docProtocolName="EDI_X12" docProtocolVersion="4010"
<InitiatingParticipant name="Acme">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
<RespondingParticipant name="GlobalChips">
<IdentificationRef name="GroupID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeID" value="GlobalChips" />
<IdentificationRef name="InterchangeIDQualifier" value="ZZ" />
name="GlobalChips_File_Endpoint" />
<ParameterValue name="validate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="translate" value="true" />
<ParameterValue name="fa" value="false" />

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Create Oracle B2B Metadata using Self-Service Utility

Self-Service XML was created successfully for EDI X12 v4010 850 inbound, EDI X12 v4010 997
outbound. This XML needs to be converted to Oracle B2B metadata format before getting
imported to Oracle B2B.
In SOA_HOME location, all the command-line utilities for Oracle B2B are bundled in single ant
script. Using this ANT scripts target, Self-Service XML will be converted to a ZIP file, which will
be the format of Oracle B2B metadata.
Prerequisite: Set environment variables
Variable Name


Run ant command to create Oracle B2B metadata

ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bselfservice
-Dinput="/tmp/selfservice1.xml" -Doutput="soa.zip"

A file with name soa.zip will get created in the ORACLE_HOME/bin location.
Oralce metadata is in importable format for Oracle B2B and can be imported either using
Oracle B2B UI or Command-line approach.

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Additional features, Tips and Tricks

This section explains few of the advanced topics as well as few of the tips and tricks to handle
the some of the complex Self-Service scenarios

Creating MLLP channel

In Oracle B2B, all the MLLP delivery channels (TCP listening/establish) are created under the
Host with attribute listening=true. This channel can be used in an agreement for the remote
participant (Initiating/responding), if this trading partner name is given in delivery channel
attribute createdBy.
For instance, Acme receives message from GlobalChips using MLLP channel with local port
number 7777, then delivery channel has to create in Acme as below.
<DeliveryChannel createdBy="GlobalChips" compressed="false"
responseMode="None" ackMode="None" name="HL7Ext"
internal="false" listening="true">
<ExchangeProtocolRef name="MLLP">
<ParameterValue value="None" name="ImmediateACK"/>
<ParameterValue value="0x0b" name="Start-Block-Char"/>
<ParameterValue value="0x1c" name="End-Block-Char"/>
<ParameterValue value="0x0d" name="Carriage-Return-Char"/>
<TransportProtocolRef name="TCP">
<ParameterValue value="Server" name="tcp-param-sockettype"/>
<ParameterValue value="localhost" name="tcp-param-host"/>
<ParameterValue value="7777" name="tcp-param-port"/>
<ParameterValue value="true" name="tcp-paramPermanentConnectionType"/>

Using Folder based input approach

In Self-Service utility, complete Self-Service XML is given as a single XML input. While
creating 1000+ agreement, it is tedious to prefer an XML with all these details. Instead of
pointing to single XML file in input argument, folder can be pointed.
ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bselfservice
-Dinput="/tmp/ss_folder" -Doutput="soa.zip"
While trying with multiple file approach, user has to make sure that name of the self-service
xml files are in following order
1. Document protocols self-service XMLs
2. Trading partners self-service XMLs (HOST must be first in this list)
3. Agreements self-service XMLs
Otherwise, there could be a possibility of error thrown with referenced object does not exist.
For instances, create file names as below
doc_selfservice.xml to hold document protocols.
tp_selfservice.xml to hold trading partner details.
tpa_selfservice.xml to hold agreements details.

Note: All these files have to have SelfService element as root element.
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Typical Self-Service Errors

1. Transport protocol is not supported for exchange
Make sure that chosen transport protocol and exchange protocol are supported
combination in Oracle B2B.
2. File does not exist
Make sure that XSD/ECS files located in document protocol exist and accessible in file
3. Identification type and value combination must be unique in trading partner: {0}
type: {1} value: {2}
Identifications type and value combination must be unique for trading partner. Or
May be identification is created with Name identifier in Self-Service XML. Self-Service
XML automatically creates Name Identifier implicitly; hence it is not required to type
explicitly in Self-Service XML.
4. Delivery channel name must be unique in trading partner
Make sure that delivery channel name is unique in trading partner.
5. No SupportedDocumentType found for Agreement
Make sure that SupportedDocumentType element exist in Agreement element.
6. Identification type={0} and value={1} specified in agreement {2}, does not exist in
trading partner
IdentificationRef elements attributes type and value in agreement combination does not
exist in Indentification elements attributes of trading partner. Make sure, trading partner
has this type-value combination.
7. ID does not found for Parametervalue Name {0}
Make sure that there is no typo error in ParameterValue name. Make Double check with
ParameterValue list in Oracle B2B Documentation Appendix.

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1. What are the formats can be used to give value for name attribute in Identification
Three, For instance, consider EDI Interchange ID, following are the formats used to
create identification.
1. <Identification name="InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
2. <Identification name="itype-InterchangeID" value="Acme" />
3. <Identification name="EDI Interchange ID" value="Acme" />

2. Do we need to specify as IdentificationRef in agreement for all the Identification in

TradingPartner Element?
No. IdentificationRef list is subset of Identification list.
3. Do we need to specify mandatorily output folder for Self-Service Utility?
4. Does only relative path allowed to specify XSD and ECS file?
No. Absolute path also allowed locating XSD and ECS file. Absolute path has to start with
forward slash (/). Hence, in windows box, XSD / ECS have to be located in same drive.
5. Does Self-Service utility validates Self-service XML before converting to Oracle
B2B metadata?
Yes. All the XSD validation error found in Self-Service XML listed.
6. What are the elements not possible to create using Self-Service?
Callout.xml, types.xml, User element, and system properties are not possible to create
using Self-Service. Oracle B2B UI provides easy way to configure this and most of the
user experience these objects get created one time and get reused.

Is it possible to create only document protocol details?


8. Is it possible to create only trading partner details?

No. Trading partner details need document protocol details to create
SupportedDocumentDefinition. Hence, Document protocol details have to exist in to
create trading partner details. Similarly, agreement creation needs trading partner and
document protocol details.

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Reference Information
Oracle B2B
Oracle B2B Forum
Forum: http://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=242
Fusion Middleware
Service-Oriented Architecture
Oracle B2B 11g Self-Service Appendix

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This technote has been assembled using excerpts from:

Oracle B2B User Manual

Oracle B2B Partner Training Curriculum

Oracle B2B Technical Notes

Oracle B2B Tutorials

Chief Editor:
Krishnamoorthy Dharmalingam
Sundararaman Shenbagam
Ramesh Anantharamaiah
Sankar Mani
Jeffrey Hutchins
Ted Hong
Lasted Updated: May 24, 2011

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