Yes or No Question
Yes or No Question
Yes or No Question
7:26pm Mar 20
1:38am Apr 9
Judy Kerr
2:14am Apr 9
So, if you wanted to use Mary Greer's method (the Yes-No Advice Oracle) but you don't
use Jokers, what card would you use?
Maybe 9H as it's often the "wish" card, but it's also my "yes" card and having it
potentially ending up in the "no" pile just seems odd to me. :) Another option would be a
signifier either of the person asking or the situation being asked about. Personally, I'd
prefer to stick to one card and for me I think that would be JC, my luck/message card.
Dolores Elek
3:31am Apr 9
Judy it wasn't clear to me from the video that one pile was yes and the other was no. My
interpretation was the first card to show gave you the answer eg 9S showed up first so the
answer was no. I gave a wish spread which I can post if you like. Let me know.
Judy Kerr
5:27am Apr 9
Dolores, Nooni's video method as I understand it is to have two piles to allow for a
possible "maybe". By turning the two cards over together there's a slight chance that you'll
turn both 9s at the same time. Or at least, having turned the 9S first, the 9H may be in the
other pile, so not a 50-50 chance of maybe but still a possibility. But in her actual
example, the 9H was behind the 9S in the same pile, so a definite "no". Does anyone else
understand it differently?
Dolores Elek
5:45am Apr 9
Judy, yes I got that if you turned both 9s &9h at the same time it's unclear or "maybe".
But I think yes or no was decided by which showed up first regardless of the pile it is in.
Judy Kerr
6:40am Apr 9
Nevertheless, she went looking for the 9H in the other pile. Anyway, we can interpret our
results however makes sense to us. :)