Every generation of youth share some common characteristics. However, each generation is defined by
some specific shared elements that differentiate them from past generations. Primary elements tend to be:
1. Shared music
4. Shared television programs
2. Shared experiences
5. Shared celebrities (people of influence)
3. Shared crises
6. Shared new technology
Lets take a look at this new generation of students on campus, and compare them to the previous four
generations who walked through the doors of our schools.
Greatest Generation
Silent Generation
Manifest destiny
You owe me
Generation X
Generation Y
Relate to me
Life is a cafeteria
3. Attitude to authority
Respect them
Endure them
Replace them
Ignore them
Choose them
4. Role of relationships
Long term
Limited: useful
Central; caring
5. Value Systems
Shop around
6. Role of Career
Central focus
Place to serve
7. Schedules
8. Technology
Whats that?
Hope to outlive it
Master it
Enjoy it
Employ it
9. Market
Seek to stabilize
Create it!
Meet Generation iY
I now call this batch of students: Generation iYbecause of the impact of iTunes, iPhones, iChat, iPods,
iMovies, iBooks, iPhotosand that fact that life for them is pretty much about: I. The first five years of
research on this generation turned up different results than the last five years.
For a little more than five years, social scientists were elated with their findings on this new generation of
kidsGeneration Y, the Millennial Generation. The stats on them were very positive:
Teen pregnancy was down
Drug abuse was lower than their parents
Violent crime was at its lowest in twenty years
Education and civic involvement was at a record high
The students were optimistic about their prospects of changing the world.
Now, however, we have seen the dark side of this generation. After the first half of this generation grew into
adulthood, and technology expanded for all of them, we began discovering some new characteristics. They
began to be echo boomers sharing some of the same traits as kids in the 1960s. In short, over-indulgence
plus over-protection equals a sense of entitlement. Weve created a generation of screenagers.
Life in Neverland
Adults have created a different world, a sort of Neverland, like the one we saw in the story of Peter Pan.
Its a place where the lost boys were mischievous, they wanted a mother figure and they refuse to grow
up. What are the reasons for this exchange of the real world for the virtual world?
1. Video games
These addictive activities disengage kids from the world. Especially boys. Some young men even seem to
prefer on-line pornography over healthy intimacy with another human being. There is no need to work at a
relationship. When the boy is ready to stop, he needs only to click a button. Further, kids reading and
learning abilities are being damaged by computer games and television. Eye specialists warn they impair
the development of a childs vision, leading to nearsightedness.
2. Damaging Parenting Styles
Helicopter, Karaoke, Dry Cleaner and Volcano Parents have unwittingly delayed responsibility in their kids.
Most parents mean well and damage unwittingly. But their children are their trophies. Some will do anything
to make them succeed. They hover over their child, they want to be their childs buddy and they drop
them off at school expecting good grades since theyre consumer.
3. Prescription drugs
Hyperactive, frustrated boys are increasingly being medicated. The U.S. makes up 5% of the world
population but consumes over 90% of drugs for ADD and ADHD. Dr. Leonard Sax, MD writes that these
drugs shrink the motivational centers of the brain and the effect of this lasts years, well after these kids stop
taking their meds. If they were around today, Charlie Brown would be on Prozac and Dennis the Menace
would be on Ritalin.
4. The Media: Television, Movies and Music
TV dilemmas are resolved in thirty minutes. The Internet can be manipulated at will. Students can log off
Facebookand visit Second Life. American Idol beckons them to become rich and famous overnight. If
theyre bored, they can just turn it off. This has created a disparity between the real world they live in and
the virtual world they enjoy for hours each day.
5. Endocrine disruptors
Chemicals from plastic bottles, canned food linings and some shampoos mimic natural estrogen, the
female hormone. This has impacted the hormone balance in kids today, especially males. Boys
testosterone levels are half of what they were in their grandparents day. Another effect of these disruptors
is that boys bones are significantly more brittle today.
6. Teaching Methods
My concern is that school is preparing them for more school not for life. Because of the pressure teachers
feel from the statelesson plans are reduced to producing higher grades instead of better people. Further,
girls develop intellectually up to two years ahead of boys. Boys in grade school are naturally energetic.
They need ways to express their native energy. They are not ready to learn in the manner girls do so early.
Most teachers prefer compliant, dutiful girls.
7. Affluence and social liberation (Over the last fifteen years).
Perhaps this one may change. Parents invite their college grads to return home, rather than help them out
of the nest. 60% of graduates return home after college. We postpone maturity. We expand adolescence.
The U.S. Census Bureau reports that one third of young men, ages 22-34 still live at home. This represents
a 100% increase over the last twenty years.
By the time students reach their adolescent years, they are a picture of paradox. Students transition in four
basic categories as they move from childhood to adolescence:
1. Biological They experience puberty; their body changes and develops physically. Their voice changes,
they grow hair in new places and take an adult body type.
2. Cognitive They mature intellectually; their intelligence moves from concrete thinking to abstract thinking.
They can comprehend things conceptually.
3. Social They begin viewing relationships differently and value them for different reasons. They process
interactions with others in reality instead of possibility.
4. Emotional Their view of self changes as well as their capacity to function independently. They become
stable and their self-awareness increases.
My research on these four areas of maturity reveals some very clear conclusions:
1. Students today are advanced biologically. They are growing up physically faster than ever. Puberty hits
both boys and girls one to two years earlier than it did for teens thirty years ago.
2. Students are advanced cognitively. They are exposed to so much information so early; they can handle
multiple messages rapidly and assimilate visual information more quickly than adults.
3. Students advanced socially. They have friends they connect with in person at school, then hundreds
more they connect with via the internet. Their social capacity is hugethey multi-task.
4. However, when it comes to emotional maturitythey are not advanced. In fact, our studies show they
are behind. A huge percentage are backward. This explains their baffling Jeckell and Hyde demeanor.
Theyre ahead of schedule in so many categories, yet backward in others.
Emotional intelligence is the number one need of a first year students.
Tim Elmore / Growing Leaders, Inc. / Copyright 2009 / Atlanta, GA / www.GrowingLeaders.com
There are thousands of schools attempting to cover hundreds of issues each year with their freshmen
students. Sowhy teach character and leadership? Based on research done by the Higher Education
Research Institute at UCLA, we believe a case can be built for its importance. Here are some of the
conclusions from their research:
1. Every student has leadership potential.
2. Leadership can no longer be the possession of the exclusive few.
3. Character and ethics are the foundation of any successful venture.
4. We cannot separate leadership from values.
5. Moral intelligence can be developed through repeated exposure.
6. In todays world, every student will need leadership skills.
(Offer lab experiences for them to observe, explore and learn from)
P PARTICIPATORY (Let them discover truth through discussion and participate in outcomes)
The Habitudes series is a simple, profound way to connect with students and teach them character and
leadership. Within the series, they cover self-leadership, connecting with others in community, leading
others and changing organizational culture. Theyre being used by a number of corporations across the
U.S. and internationally, but their greatest potential for impact lies in next-generation leaders. Here is why
1. Habitudes enables you to teach leadership in a simple and brief period of time.
2. Habitudes can spark discussion that goes as deep as the maturity of your students.
3. Habitudes provides an image, relational discussion and an exercise to participate in together.
4. Habitudes offer you a set of transferable concepts that students can teach as well.
5. Habitudes is a series of four discussion guides based on a 360-degree leadership proposition.
6. Habitudes furnishes you with a shared language for your community.
Tim Elmore / Growing Leaders, Inc. / Copyright 2009 / Atlanta, GA / www.GrowingLeaders.com