The document lists the minimum required contents of a first aid kit according to Order No. 427/2002 of the Public Administration. It includes 28 items such as a plastic box, scissors, bandages, gauze, disinfectants, gloves, and instruction manual. The kit contains basic medical supplies needed to provide first aid treatment.
The document lists the minimum required contents of a first aid kit according to Order No. 427/2002 of the Public Administration. It includes 28 items such as a plastic box, scissors, bandages, gauze, disinfectants, gloves, and instruction manual. The kit contains basic medical supplies needed to provide first aid treatment.
The document lists the minimum required contents of a first aid kit according to Order No. 427/2002 of the Public Administration. It includes 28 items such as a plastic box, scissors, bandages, gauze, disinfectants, gloves, and instruction manual. The kit contains basic medical supplies needed to provide first aid treatment.
The document lists the minimum required contents of a first aid kit according to Order No. 427/2002 of the Public Administration. It includes 28 items such as a plastic box, scissors, bandages, gauze, disinfectants, gloves, and instruction manual. The kit contains basic medical supplies needed to provide first aid treatment.
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Cutie din material plastic, etansa, cu colturi rotunjite 1
Foarfece cu varfuri boante 1 Garou 50 cm 1 Deschizator de gura din material plastic 1 Dispozitiv de respiratie gura la gura 1 Pipa Guedel marimea 4 1 Pipa Guedel marimea 10 1 Manusi de examinare, pereche 4 Pahare de unica folosinta 5 Batiste de hartie cu solutie dezinfectanta 10 Atele din paterial plastic 2 Fesi din tifon mici 5 cm/ 4 cm 5 Fesi din tifon mari 10 cm/ 5 cm 3 Bandaj triunghiular l = 80 mm 2 Vata hidrofila sterila, pachet A 50 g 2 Ace de siguranta 12 Leucoplast 5 cm/ 3 m 1 Leucoplast 2,5 cm/ 2,5 m 1 Alcool sanitar 200 ml 1 Comprese sterile 10 cm/ 8 cm x 10 buc. 10 Pansament individual 2 cm/ 6 cm 10 Pansament cu rivanol 6 cm/ 10 cm 5 Plasture 6 cm/ 50 cm 1 Creion 1 Caiet a 50 de pagini 1 Brosura cu instructiuni de prim ajutor 1 Rivanol solutie 1A, 200 ml 1 Apa oxigenata sau perogen 1 Alcool iodat 200 ml 1