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Evereska by Phasai

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Bastion of
the Elves
Compiled, Edited & in some parts written by

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Contents Page
Map of the Shaeradim...............................................................page 2
Location....................................................................................page 4
History......................................................................................page 4
Geography & Places within the Shaeradim Mountains..............page 11
The City of Evereska..................................................................page 19
The Culture and Society of Evereska........................................ page 26
The Defences & Mythal of Evereska..........................................page 31
The City Locality Guide..............................................................page 34
Detailed map of the City of Evereska.........................................page 38
Map of Halfway Inn Trade Precinct............................................page 40
Sources Used.............................................................................page 41

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Evereska and the Shaeradim Mountains

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The Vale of Evereska is located high amidst the Shaeradim, a small mountain range on the western edge of
Anauroch, due north of the Battle of Bones. Humans sometimes employ the nomenclature Graycloak Hills for
the mountains surrounding Evereska, but that is more properly applied to the next set of hills to the north,
also known as the Tomb Hills. This verdant valley and walled city of the elves is the greatest known
concentration of moon elven Fair Folk remaining in Faerun, beautiful, cultured place of beauty where few are

Excerpt from freely available image at

The history of Evereska is a secret shared with few non-elves, and even most elven residents are uncertain of
its origins. Most accounts place its' founding at -8600 DR, making it the most ancient city known in all Faer0n.
Why such a remote site was chosen is unknown, but many sages believe Corellon Larethian himself chose the
vale as a "last stand" stronghold for the elves during the Sundering of the Drow, if the unthinkable happened
and Lloth somehow defeated the Seldarine. It certainly has served as a refuge for the elven people on
numerous occasions, including the fall of the Netherese Empire and the Fall of Myth Drannor.
-8600 DR: Evereska founded in secret by surviving clans of the former Shamel Othreier, Miyeritar,
Orishaar and Eiellor as an elven safe haven in the woods east of Aryvandaar.
8500 DR: Moon and Green Elven Selutaar from Evereska help with the raising of Aelinthaldaar, which
becomes the capital city of Illefarn.
8400 DR: Concerned Moon and Green Elf elders meet to discuss the return of a few sun elves to found
Siluvanede in the northwestern reaches of the High Forest. Fears of another Vyshaan empire and the
rediscovery of the secrets of Aryvandaar lead to discussions on the setting up of a realm to watch over the Sun
elves of Siluvanede.
8130 DR Several clans of Moon and Green elves move to Rystall Wood with the founding of Yrlaancel, the
City of Peace.
8000 DR Green Elf Selutaar and priests from Evereska and Rystall Wood help in the establishment of
Semberholme as a safe haven in times of war and crisis for the females, children, and elders of the elves of

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-7600 DR Sharrven is founded in the southern reaches of the High Forest, due to overcrowding in
Evereska and elitism of Siluvanedenn elves.

7400 DR Survivors from realm of Ilodhar as it falls under an orc horde, make their way to Evereska and
6950 DR The ruling Lords of Evereska try to convince the Star elves to stay as they begin to gather in the
Yuirwood, leaving the other elf nations behind.
6600 DR Yuireshanyaar is founded by Star elves and Green elf descendents from the refugees of
Miyeritarwho had up until now been living within the hidden forests and vales of the Shaeradim.
6000 DR Elves from Evereska stumble across the tomb of Hssthak, a sarrukh mummy. Recognizing the threat
it posed, a half-dozen elves volunteer to become mummies so that they can guard the tomb for all eternity.
5660 DR Intevars Librarium *5700] and some strongholds in Uvaeren are attacked by greedy elf wizards
seeking knowledge of High Magic, to no avail. However, Intevar dies of a poisoned wound, ending the Fifth
Rysar. The assassins are tracked back to Lothen by agents from the Knaves of the Missing page from Evereska,
and eliminated with extreme prejudice. The servants of a previously unknown demon Lord named Malkizid
are thought to be involved.
5300 DR The elves of Siluvanede erect a mythal in the city of Adofhaeranede causing much concern amongst
the Moon and Green Elf clans of Evereska who caution the Gold elves of Myth Adofhaer about the abuses of
the past. The Corselutaar of the city signs a binding compact to not repeat the mistakes of the past.
5000 DR Survivors of House Dlardrageth, a clan of demon-blooded sun elves, flee from Arcorar to Siluvanede.
While the elves of Evereska go into mourning over the sudden destruction of Uvaeren. Priests and other
concerned citizens use hidden gates to rush aid and support to the few survivors and to help put out the fires
devastating the forests of Cormanthyr.
4700 DR Nobles of Sharrven (with aid from Moon and Green Elf clans from Evereska) who seek to restrict the
ambitious Siluvanedenn found the kingdom of Eaerlann among the ruins of Aryvandaar.
4500 DR to 4300 DR Seven Citadels War: These skirmishes between the elite forces of Siluvanede
and the fledgling forces of Eaerlann are sometimes collectively referred to as the Sixth Crown War. There is
much unrest in Evereska as some Sun, Moon and Green elf families leave the city to support their kin in other
4440 DR Eaerlann presses Siluvanede. The Siluvanedenn open several of Aryvandaars ancient citadels and
equip their warriors with Vyshaantar weapons. This tactic draws Sharrven into the war. The elders of Evereska
now realise that unless the Sun Elves of Siluvanede are stopped then another Aryvandaar could emerge. They
provide troops and logistic support to the realms of Sharrven and Eaerlann.
4300 DR The Seven Citadels War ends, and Eaerlann forcibly annexes Siluvanede. Upon discovering the
deceit of the feyri, untainted Siluvanedenn High Mages following the terms of the oath with Evereska, place
the city of Myth Adofhaer in magical stasis, effectively fleeing to the far future to escape association with the
feyri houses.
4000 DR The Coronal Oacenth of Jhyrennstar falls ill, leading to the forging of the three elfblades (by smiths
and priests of Tethrin Veralde Master of Blades from Evereska )and the Ruling Trials. Coronal Kahvoerm
Irithyl becomes the ruler of Semberholme, Jhyrennstar, and Elven Court, all of which are now Cormanthyr.

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3983 DR Elders and Selutaar from Evereska arrive to witness the beginnings of the city of Cormanthor, with
the Summoning of the Rule Tower. They offer their help and expertise as geomancers and druids move into
help with the construction of the city.
3859 DR The elves of Evereska begin the construction of several watch towers on their western border as the
Citizens of the Narrow Sea fishing villages of Fenwick, Gers, Gilan, Gustaf, Moran, Nauseef, and Janick combine
for mutual protection, form the Alliance of Seventon.
3830 DR At the prompting of selutaar from Evereska and Sharrven the Eaerlanni elves initiate a formal
dialogue with humans of Netheril and begin instructing promising Netherese students in the Art. Netherils
first arcanist is Therion of Gers.
3655 DR Orcs pour forth from the Spine of the World, but the elves of Illefarn, Evereska and Eaerlann turn
them back with help from the fledgling Netherese Empire and the Rengarth barbarians. The tribal lands of the
Rengarth are absorbed into Netheril, although the barbarians remain largely autonomous.

3654 DR Escaping his Evereskan captors a sarrukh lich of tremendous power disguises himself as a human
archwizard and appears to the Netherese who have begun to learn magic from the Earlanni elves. Although he
calls himself Arthindol, the Netherese dub him Terraseer for his power to see events all over the world. The
Terraseer teaches secrets of the Art to humans and reappears to help them over the comingcenturies, never
seeming to age. The Lich seeks to dominate the humans for his own purposes and undermines the efforts of
the elves.
3605 DR Orcs pour from the Spine of the World but elves turn them back in a great slaughter with help from
fledgling Netheril. This orc incursion lasts nineteen years.
3373 DR King Azkuldar of Ammarindar initiates trade relations with the magic-wielding humans of Netheril,
and Moon elf traders from Evereska. This trade leads to the founding of a trading post on the present site of
the Halfway Inn.
2770 DR The Slaughter of Sharrven: The elf realm of Sharrven fragments and falls due to an explosion in the
monstrous populations within the southern High Forest engineered by the feyri of Siluvanede. Survivors flee
to Eaerlann and Evereska.
2135 DR Fighting a Yuan-ti and Lizard-kin incursion into the Blackwoods, the Everdusk Knights ride forth and
destroy the massive horde of serpent and lizard folk.
1644 DR Moon Elf nobles from the Ammath clan set about rescuing slaves taken for experiments in the mines
of Dekanter.
1535 DR Green and Moon elves from Evereska, Eaerlann, Illefarn and Cormanthyr establish Yrlaphon in the
eastern woods across the River Lis.
1400 DR Followers of Shevarash discover an attempt by Drow from Ched Nassad to invade Evereska from
beneath. The invading army of orcs, goblins and Drow is crushed by the combined forces of Evereska and
Ammarindar long before it can reach the upper levels of the underdark beneath the Shaeradim Vale.
1250 DR Unther battles Yuireshanyaar for control of the southern Aglarondan coast. The star elves are driven
back into the woods. Green elves from Eaerlann, Illefarn and Evereska use hidden gates to travel to Aglarond
to assist their distant kin.
1100 DR Illefarns last coronal, Syglaeth Audark, commands a Retreat to Evermeet. The remnants of the elf
empire fragment into the independent realms of Ardeep, Iliyanbruen (in Neverwinter Wood), and Rilithar (in
Westwood and Kryptgarden Forest). Many Moon and Sun elf families migrate to Evereska and Eaerlann rather
than heed the call to retreat. Selutaar from Illefarn, Eaerlann and Evereska raze Aelinthaldaar, the capital city

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of Illefarn, using High magic, on the order of Illefarns coronal. Virtually nothing is left to indicate that an elf
city had stood on the site for seven millennia.
897 DR King Olaurin, greatest hero-king of Ammarindar, is slain by the deep dragon Erthungaron who in turn
is slain by the visiting envoys from Evereska, Duskblade Nemilyth Mistwing and Selutaar Karlah Durothil.
699 DR Year of Moon Blades Clashing The star elves abandon Yuireshanyaar for Sildyuir. Many green elves
choose to remain in the Yuirwood, whilst others return to their homes within the Vales of the Shaeradim.
461 DR Year of Bold Pioneers The phaerimm begin casting the spells that eventually lead to the creation of
the Great Desert of Anauroch and the abandonment of Low Netheril. The few remaining Green Elf Selutaar of
Evereska and Eaerlann secretly meet with their lost kin, the Sharn, and entreat them to help contain the
growing threats of both the Netherese and the Phaerimm.
354 DR Year of Many Maws The first recorded clash between the Sharn, Green elf wizards and the Phaerimm
occurs in Anauroch.
345 DR Year of Good Courage Arthindol the Terraseer [2375] appears for the final time. Upon arriving
in the enclave of Karsus, he warns that the goddess Mystryl is about to face her greatest challenge. Pursued by
Evereskan Selutaar, Priests and Spell Blades, Arthindol disappears in a flurry of magic and steel, never to be
seen again.
339 DR Year of Sundered Webs Fall of Netheril: Nearly all of the Netherese enclaves fall to the earth and
are destroyed due to disruptions in the Weave brought about by the casting of the spell Karsuss avatar and
the subsequent death of the goddess Mystryl. The body of the momentary god Karsus [408, 298] falls to
earth in the eastern region of the High Forest. In the wake of the cataclysm, Evereska seals its borders, its
troops turning away many refugees who come looking for sanctuary from the wreckage of their former realm.
111 DR Year of Terrible Anger The Orc Marches: The entire North erupts as great orc hordes stream south
from the Spine of the World and the Ice Mountains to lay waste to all in their path. Illusk and Gauntlgrym fall
to this onslaught, and Delzoun is devastated by countless orc assaults. Most of Illusks population manages to
escape by sea or by magic and is spared. The elves of Evereska, Iliyanbruen, Rilithar, Siluvanede, and Eaerlann
unite to shatter the strength of the orcs and halt their rampage south into the High Forest and Dessarin Valley.
177 DR Year of the Troublesome Vixen With help from troops from Evereska,the elves of Iliyanbruen destroy
the orcs of the Severed Hand and Argrock, though the effort costs much of their strength. Within three years,
Iliyanbruen is no more. Many of its Moon elf inhabitants travel to Evereska and Evermeet or south to Ardeep,
leaving only scattered Green elf settlements and the abandoned capital of Sharandar.
220 DR Year of the Sword Violets Coronal Eltargrim opens the forest of Cormanthor to non-elves, NTelQ
uess, primarily druids, great wizards, and crafters who can add to the glory of Cormanthyr. Several xenophobic
Sun and Moon elf families migrate west to their holdings in Evereska.
244DRYear of the Elfsands: Evereska's existence is uncovered by N'Tel'Quess for the first time, though
the secret is kept for centuries by the human tribes of the Graycloak Hills.
261 DR Year of Soaring Stars The elf city at the heart of Cormanthyr becomes the unified city of Myth Drannor.
Coronal Eltargrim, in an edict called the Opening [462], declared that Cormanthyr was to be an open realm,
accessible to all non-elves (NTelQ uess), following the laying of the mythal and the renaming of the city. Many
Sun elf houses remove themselves to Evereska, and from there to Evermeet. Some of the more conservative
Moon elf houses join them in Evereska, at least for a time.
290 DR Year of Full Cribs This year marks the greatest number of births in Evereskas history.
329 DR Year of the Closed Scroll The Anauroch Desert ceases to spread when the sharn and Green elf selutaar
from Evereska and Eaerlann finally defeat the phaerimm, using High magic they erect the Sharn Wall, thus
sealing the phaerimm within the Anaurochs borders.

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342 DR Year of Cantobele Stalking Athalantar falls to an orc horde driven from the High Moor by troops from
Evereska exploring the lost ruins of Miyeritar. The orcs are in turn destroyed by an unlikely alliance of moon
elves from Ardeep and dwarves from Dardath. The last Council of Illefarn is called, and the long-fragmented elf
realm of Illefarn is officially dissolved with the remaining wood elves of Iliyanbruen and many wood elves from
Rilithar departing for Evereska and Evermeet. Ardeep and Dardath formally ally and look to create further
alliances with the humans of the region.
464 DR Year of the True Names: While wandering across Anauroch, Arun's Son saves a trio of Evereska
n elves from a phaerimm ambush nearly at the cost of his life. Retrieved from death by Mystra, he
becomes her Chosen, as he whom magic, duty, and honour defines". As the Nameless Chosen, he
becomes the first human ever to stay among Evereskas glades.
523 DR Year of Trials Arcane Driven from Evereska for their suspected dealings with dark powers (i.e. Malkizid
& Moander), Moon elves of Clan Starym return to Myth Drannor, restoring that house as a social power and
taking over the house lordship with the absence of Josidiah Starym.
557 DR Year of the Melding Nejizar sends yuan-ti infiltrators south to the Reaching Woods to incite
the hobgoblin tribes to march against Phalorm. Ultimately the hobgoblins are repelled and the serpentine
provocateurs assassinated. This defeat forces the serpentfolk of Najara to retreat into the Serpent Hills where
many of their remaining forces are destroyed by troops from Evereska seeking to end the Serpent thtreat once
and for all. They fail.
590 DR Year of the Turning Leaf Elf and human wizards from Ascalhorn, Eaerlann, Evereska, Silverymoon,
and Myth Drannor raise a mythal over the Eaerlanni city of Glaurachyndaar, thereby establishing Myth
604 DR Year of the Immured Imp The armies of Phalorm drive off an orc horde that besieges Secomber.
Ellatharion, Phalorms elf king, leads an army of elves and halflings into the High Forest in pursuit of the orcs,
and neither king nor army returns. Later a few of the survivors are found by an Evereskan merchant caravan
as they stumle from the swamps of the Chelimbyr Marsh, all quite mad.
659 DR Year of the Hunting Ghosts Thirty wizards from Myth Drannor, ten Moon and Green elf wizards from
Evereska and ten wizards from elsewhere in the Realms migrate to Silverymoon and begin establishing its role
as a sister city to Myth Drannor and a center of magical and mundane learning.
664 DR Year of the Falling Petals The Heirs Passing: Aravae Irithyl and all her personal guards are murdered in
Myth Drannor by Starym, who flee to Evereska and, who use magic to hide their foul deed. The Srinshee and
the High Court mages insist on maintaining the Mourning Days and add the funeral of Aravae to the solemn
times while staving off a succession war among the nobles of Cormanthyr. The assassins, minor nobles from
the house are subsequently slain to hide their involvement in the assassination.
690 DR Year of the Clashing Blades Sakaala of the Seven Rings disbands and dismantles the Incanistaeum, the
school of wizardry formerly run by the Seven Wizards of Myth Drannor. She and her three remaining
apprentice-students (two elves, one half-elf) leave for parts unknown after growing wings from their backs and
taking flight.
At last sighting, they are headed to the northwest. Crossing the Anaurach they are attacked by an ancient blue
wyrm named Cassagrimwald. Fleeing west they are eventually rescued by Eagle riders from Evereska who take
them to the city for rest and to heal. Sakaala and her apprentices decide to stay for a time and become well
known residence and inhabitants of the Unicorn & Crescent Inn.
694 DR Year of the Ominous Oracle The Circle of Flames and the wizards of Windsong Tower begin spiriting
magic items and tomes (including the Scrolls Ardentym and the Keryfaertel) to safety. Many end up in
Evereska, Ascalhorn and Silverymoon in the trusted hands of colleagues there (in the cases of wizards not
moving there themselves), though some wizards take off with their secrets to Evereska and parts unknown
over the next twelve years.

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712 DR Year of the Lost Lance The Hill Lord of Evereska learns of the invasion of Cormanthor. Enlisting as
many volunteers as possible (about 1500 troops), they head through gates to Semberholme where they assist
refugees flleing the war and protect the elves southern holdings from the Army of Darkness.
713 DR Year of the Firedrake Reinforcments are sent from Evereska to help the elves of Cormanthor reclaim
and re-establish the Elven Court. Moon and Green elf individuals from Evereska join their kin in defending
Myth Drannor from the attacking hordes. In a secret meeting by the elders of several Elven realms it is agreed
that Myth Drannor is indefensible but it can be used as a trap to destroy the Army of Darkness with minimal
loss of life. Much like the way the elves of Ardeep used the Stonehouse to destroy various hordes of orcs in
the past.
714 DR Year of Doom Fall of Myth Drannor: The final campaigns of the elves and allies against the Army of
Darkness see the re-establishment of the Elven Court as a seat of elf power in Cormanthyr while Myth Drannor
falls under siege by the Army of Darkness. With the slaughter of the army and cavalry, little can be done
against the Siege of Shadow, which descends on Myth Drannor on the 21st day of Kythorn. Evereska receives
many refugees from the city in its final days.
864 DR Year of the Broken Branch Orcs of the Nethertusk horde overrun Myth Glaurach only to slaughtered in
turn by the combines armies of Eaerlann, Evereska, Ascalhorn and Ammarindar.
882 DR Year of the Curse Demons and devils battle in the elf citadel of Ascalhorn. Triumphant demons stream
forth, bringing about the fall of Eaerlann Many refugees flee to Evereska and other realms. Dwarves allow
human refugees to settle in the surface strongholds of Citadel Sundbarr. Moon elf refugees from Eaerlann
resettle Ardeep and rebuild the realm. A brief alliance with the humans dwelling along the Delimbiyr and the
dwarves of the Forlorn Hills founders because of lingering suspicions about the role of humans in the fall of
Ascalhorn, later to be known as Hellgate Keep. This alliance is dubbed the Fallen Kingdom (the same name
already given to Phalorm), much to the confusion of later historians.
The dwarf realm of Ammarindar is overrun by lingering horrors unleashed by the Netherese of Ascalhorn. In
the end the Ascal Hordes progress is only checked when the combined forces of Evereska and the surviving
dwarves of Ammarindar drive the demons back at the Battle of Bleached Bones Pass.
890 DR Year of the Burning Tree The demons beneath Hellgate Keep begin tunneling to bypass
the Harpers wards. Theur efforts are frustrated however by the combined efforts of surviving Ammarindan
Rune Casters, a few sympathetic Sharn and several Moon and Green elf wizards from Evereska, driving the
demons north towards the Nether Mountains.
1018 DR Year of the Dracorage All of the Dragons in the Shaeradim go into enforced hibernation just before
the arrival of the King Killer Star, thus avoiding the worst effects of the coming Dracorage. Their lairs are
carefully hidden and guarded by the magic and troops of Evereska.
1090 DR Year of Slaughter Battle of the Bones: A horde of 200,000 goblins and orcs arises from the High
Moors due to extreme drought and attempts an invasion of the North. Forces from across the north, including
Evereska fight and eventually destroy the horde, but at great cost. The Battle of the Bones marks the spot of
the great battle that destroys the horde.
1100 DR Year of the Bloodrose The moon elves of Loudwater and the surrounding environs withdraw to
Evereska to escape the increasing human presence.
1306 DR Year of Thunder Troops from Evereska destroy several Zhentarim outposts along their western
border. They discover several attempts by the Zhents to tunnel into the vale and collapse these tunnels in turn
as they are discovered.
1335 DR The Year of the Snow Winds The Evereska Charter claims the Graycloak Hills for the elves.

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1344 DR Year of Moonfall The Retreat: After years of thought and meditation, the leaders of the elf nations
agree to withdrawal from the increasingly human controlled lands of mainland Faern. Most, though not all,
elf communities begin a Retreat to the Green Isle of Evermeet. Many Evereskan Moon and Green elf families
refuse to leave, believing it wrong to simply abandon the lands they have held for so long. Co-operation, not
retreat is the answer they seek.
1371 DR Year of the Unstrung Harp: League of the Silver Marches: To counter the rise of Oboulds Kingdom of
Dark Arrows and thwart future evils of the North, High Lady Alustriel of Silverymoon gathers the leaders of the
region to council. From Old Delzoun, the Moonlands, and the Rauvin Vale come elf, human, and dwarf lords to
seek answers to their common troubles. Evereskan representatives agree to an alliance with the newly formed
realm, but elect to remain outside its system of government. Out of that oft-stormy meeting comes the High
Ladys Alliance, a confederation of city-states known as the League of the Silver Marches. The Sharn Wall is
breached. The phaerimm and their thralls begin the siege of Evereska. Khelben Arunsun leads an elf relief army
from Waterdeep that becomes trapped in Evereska after failing to raise the siege there. An army drawn from
the members of the Lords Alliance and led by Laeral Silverhand- Arunsun also marches for Evereska in the last
days of this year to aid Khelbens troops, but does not arrive for several months.
1372 DR Year of Wild Magic Hammer 1: Thultanthar, the City of Shade, returns to the skies
of Faern, marking the return of the archwizards of Netheril.
Tarsakh 26: The Shadovars trap the phaerimms surrounding Evereska with a shadowshell.
Mirtul 20: After five months of battling phaerimms and armies of bugbears and lizardfolk thralls led by
beholder and illithid generals, the relief army led by Laeral Silverhand-Arunsun and her sister Storm arrives in
Flamerule 10: The shadowshell surrounding Evereska fails.
Eleasias 2: Elves and their allies drive the phaerimms out of Evereska in a tenday, and the citys mythal is
restored by months end.
Marpenoth 30: Daemonfey occupy Myth Glaurach.
1374 DR Year of Lightning Storms Ches 1: The daemonfey lead an army of orcs and ogres from Myth
Glaurach to attack elf villages of the High Forest.
Ches 8: A branch of the fey`ri army marches southeast to assault Evereska.
Ches 10: Seiveril Miritar resigns from the ruling council of Evermeet and declares his intention to lead a
volunteer army to assist Evereska.
Tarsakh 19: The elven Crusade arrives in Myth Glaurach.
Ches 16: Troops from Seiverils Crusade begin to arrive in Evereska.
27 Ches: The Battle of the Cwm took place between the daemonfey army and an elven coalition from Evereska
and Evermeet, on the West Cwm on the outskirts of Evereska. The battle was won by the elves, but at great
cost. The elves were led by Seiveril Miritar and consisted of 2000 Evereskan combatants, and 6000 elves from
Evermeet, although 1000 Evereskans and 2000 of the less experienced of the Evermeet elves remained behind
in Evereska as a precaution against a surprise attack directly on the city.
Tarsakh 12: In the wake of a failed assault on Evereska, the half-fiend gold elves of House Dlardrageth returns
to Myth Drannor, accompanied by a legion of feyri liberated from the Nameless Dungeon
1379 DR Year of the Lost Keep Despite suffering greviously from its own setbacks, geomancers from Evereska
arrive to help with the rebuilding going on in Myth Drannor. A formal alliance is signed between the two
1385 DR Year of Blue Fire Mystra dies and the Spell Plague is unleashed, the city of Evereska escapes largely
unscathed, but many of its outlying settlements are destroyed in the ensuing magical conflagrations. When the
Spellplague pushed the two planes closer together, Evereska drifted into the fringes of the Arvandor and now
exists equally in both places. Elves are taught at the youngest age to wander freely between the worlds, and all
the defenses that protect Evereska from the dangers of Faern protect it as well from the greater dangers of
the Arvandor.

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Geography & Places Within the Shaeradim Mountains

Flora/Fauna; Birds, cats, and small forest creatures of all sorts are numerous, even in the city itself.
There are an incredibly diverse number of rare trees in the Vale. The most common are the oak, boxwood,
walnut, shadowtop, duskwood, bluetop, and blueleaf trees, The blueleaf trees are sculpted by Evereska n
magics, wreathing much of the valley in royal blue foliage.
The Graycloak Hills
Once known as the Tomb Hills, these high, grass-girt hills were settled by the elves of Evereska a few decades
ago, ostensibly to deal with the many banshees there. Now they.re always cloaked in mist. Part of a powerful
ward that warns the elves of intruders and negates certain magics. The name Graycloak Hills comes from these
mists and the gray cloaks worn by the elves dwelling there, who call their land Grayhome.
Theres little for a traveller to visit Grayhome for, now that strong elven patrols block all access to the magic
rich tombs of the Fallen Kingdom. These patrols are sometimes bolstered by the Walker in the Mists, a golem
formed, those who.ve fought it swear, from solid mist! In the Fallen Kingdom, adventurers in earlier years
found tomb after tomb of long-dead warrior-kings, both human and elven. Most folk in Amn, Baldur.s Gate,
and Waterdeep, where many such forays were sponsored, believe the elves wanted to seize the riches and
magic for themselves.
Maskar Wands, head of the noble Wands family of Waterdeep that is famous for its mastery of magic, has said
publicly he believes powerful Netherese magic was found in the Graycloaks, perhaps an entire fortress or city
and the elves felt they must possess it to strengthen Evereska, prevent a stampede of greedy and well armed
humans into the hills, and keep the magic out of the hands of the Zhentarim, whose forces and caravans probe
ever more often at the defences of both Evereska and the Graycloaks. Rumours in the Halfway Inn speak of
elven warriors training extensively in the high meadows of Grayhome and of magically aided digging going on
there. The digging is rumoured to be the construction of cavern homes for the elves to retreat to should they
be driven out of Evereska, since Zhentarim and orc attempts to tunnel into the rich vale grow more numerous
every year. The elves could also be excavating Netherese treasures, of course. Travellers and adventurers
beware: The elves aid visitors they favour by offering an empty barrow tomb as a camping place, but deal
harshly that is, fatally, with those they deem tomb robbers.
The Blazevale
The broad, sand-scoured valley that separates the Shaeradim from the Graycloak Hills to the north. A
place of scrubby pines and thornbush, of cacti and wolfroot, where only the hardiest of rabbits,
moonfoxes, mice. lizards. and meadow quail survive. At the head of the Blazevale lies fortress of
Rocs Nest.
Rocs Nest
A high, rocky outcrop and natural citadel that has housed elf garrisons for nearly a thousand years since
the Crown Wars. Though the fortress had been abandoned since after the fall of Aryvandaar, its location
between Evereska and the Graycloak Hills means that the Elves of Evereska still maintain it as a watch
The Shaeradim Vale
The Vale is a verdant alpine valley about 18 miles long by 4 miles wide. It is encircled by twelve
virtually impassable mountains save for the narrow cleft to the west leading to the Halfway Inn and two
well hidden footpaths leading out to the northeast and southeast. The elves sculpted the entire valley into
a terraced garden wreathed in tall trees of green and blue foliage. This is only broken by The Singing
Waters, the only river of note, which flows through the middle of the vale into the city itself. The most
common structures dotting the vale are elegant arched bridges. The entire vale is warded against
teleportation of all sorts, though many of the mages and clerics of proven loyalty possess the ward tokens
to bypass them.
A forest of spruce, birch and fir trees rings the upper slopes of the vale. A crescent of green pastureland

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lays far below the city walls, flecked with gray boulders, brown ponies, and emerald stands of fir. Beyond
the pasture, the rolling patchwork of black-and gold winter fields rise toward the mist-shrouded
vineyards. Visible on the highest terraces, are the switchback trails that lead into the forests of the High
Vale. There are always a handful of Spellguards posted at the livery station and the other entrances to the
Halfway Inn
Despite its name, this establishment is far more than an inn. It is more a community to which the name of the
inn is applied. Why its called Halfway. Im not sure, but the general consensus is that its halfway to
anywhere..except Evereska.5 Halfway Inn functions as a tavern, stables, and storehouse, and as the center of a
caravan camping area and trading compound used by all who want to trade with the elves of Evereska Most
humans are never allowed to even see that fabled valley and city. This prohibition accounts for the popularity
of the latest in Evereskan exports: exquisitely painted views of gardens, mansions, and temples of the city of
Evereska. These paintings are truly beautiful, with vibrant colours, charming scenes, and magics that preserve
them and make them glow so that they can seen even in darkrooms. Small cantrips on the most expensive of
these pictures make small birds, squirrels, and the like appear and wander through the scene augmented, very
rarely by an armoured elf or gowned lady gliding along in the background shadows or appearing from time to
time in the windows of a castle turret or on a balcony Such pictures sell for 400 to 6,000 gp, depending on size,
subject, and enchantments.
Trade at the Halfway Inn is a two-way process. For their part, the elves of Evereska, preoccupied with
defending their vale and the nearby Graycloak Hills against an increasing Zhentarim presence, have begun
buying the finest horses they can get.
This sort of trade keeps the Halfway Inn busy. Adventurers use it as a base to explore the lands around (though
they.re no longer welcome in the elven-held Graycloak Hills), merchants and mercenaries gather here, and the
few elven-led caravans assemble here for trips to Secomber, Waterdeep, Berdusk, Neverwinter, Silverymoon,
or Baldurs Gate (rarely elsewhere). Humans, elves, half-elves, dwarves, and halflings are all seen here often.
The presence of the compound has encouraged halflings to settle in the woods around, and the smell of
rumoured gold finds on the Lonely Moor has drawn the dwarves.
The Halfway Inn stands in a small forest, just west of a narrow, heavily guarded cleft that offers the only way
into Evereska for those who cant fly. (Other paths lead out of Evereska to the north and south.) The visitor will
find a wide wagon trail leads from the west into a large open area divided into camping areas, each with two
paddocks and a spring-fed horse pond, by a radial array of warehouses. An open assembly ground spreads out
to the south; a trash dump and a wagon repair works lie beside it The easternmost building, at the back of this
bustle, is the Halfway Inn.
The Halfway Inn
Stoutly built of wood and stone, the inn has a dark appearance from the front. It almost seems to blend into
the trees around it. Long candle lamps light the entrance brilliantly The visitor can readily see the attached
stables on the north end of the building. They.re .self-service.-style stables, but warded to chime a tiny
hostlers bell if entered from outside. The bell doesnt sound if they.re entered from the inn.
Stepping inside the inn, the visitor finds a dark lobby with a door watcher and a cloak room. The door watcher
is usually one of the pretty elven barmaids, glad to be off her feet for a time. Behind the raised front of her
desk she has a foot gong to summon armed aid, and a hand cross bow that fires sleep-envenomed darts.
Beyond the desk, a broad archway opens into the tavern room, the heart of activity in the Halfway Inn. This
dimly lit, many-pillared room fills the entire ground floor of the inn except for the stables to the north and the
kitchens to the south. The ground floor room has over a dozen round tables by the bar, but most patrons
prefer the heavily curtained booths that open off the main room all along the north wall, the east (or back)
wall except at the exit, and the south wall once one is passed the bar. At least one booth is known to have a
secret passage connecting it to the cellars below, the back hall, and a linen closet on the floor above.

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The booths have tables, built-in seating, and curtains that completely conceal those inside when drawn
together. The back or east end of the room is deliberately kept dark for privacy, and the rest of the room is
cosily lit for reasons of discretion, . as one of the staff put it All this is because most elves dont like strong light
and the other patrons are busy not being seen. The inn is always abuzz with deal making covert meetings, and
whispered intrigues. A broad wooden stair with several shield-hung landings rises up from the main tavern
room to the two floors of sleeping rooms above. The inns third floor consists of a single suite of rooms right
up among the trees, and the suite is almost always occupied by visiting elves.
The rear exit to the tavern room opens into a back hall with a stair to the sleeping floors, the entrance to the
stables, and a back door. All three are much used by guests who dont want to be seen leaving or going to their
rooms and by local professional escorts. The Halfway Ladies (not part of the inn staff, but known to them and
allowed free run of the place) are notorious for their high-class dress and manners. They.re mostly moon elves
who pretend to high rank, though a doppleganger once slipped into the roster for a tenday.
The inn serves good food, has a surprisingly wide selection of cheeses from all over Faern, and offers a broad,
well stocked cellar of good wines. The beer is robust, even nutty in flavour, and the zzar will catch most
Waterdhavians by surprise. Its been strengthened to elven tastes, ending up as an almond-flavoured strong
sherry. The inn is run by the discreet and trustworthy Myrin Silverspear, though I suspect its owned and run
by the rulers of Evereska, not Silverspear himself The inn staff consists of old veterans, who see to the stables,
furniture, and brawls, and a selection of pert, pretty fast-moving elven barmaids. The moody, haughty or
brooding sorts of elves dont apply for this position.
The Halfway specializes in getting the cheery, bouncy sort, all tinkling laughter and deft dancing around
patrons while carrying flagons balanced to the ceiling. They keep the drinkers well supplied downstairs and
keep the rooms upstairs clean and comfortable, if unspectacular. The inns decor and appointments are
definitely rustic, with chamber pots instead of garderobes. An ewer of water, some fruit, and a jar of biscuits
are placed in every room. Cats pad everywhere within and about the inn, keeping the mice down. The Halfway
Inn is a welcome haven to many travellers. Long may it remain so.
(Extract taken from Volos Guide to the Sword Coast Pg 133-135, By Ed Greenwood)
Wind Lords Eyrie
The Wind Lords Eyrie is home to the great Eagles of Evereska. The Wind Lords Eyrie forms a part of the
southern Sha, the Encircling Mountains of the Shaeradim. It is here that Lord of the Eagles lives and from here
he watches for spies in and around the vale. Set high atop Mount Mythrallis, this community of giant Eagles
uses the sheer cliffs of the mountain as its main nesting and roosting site within the Shaeradim Vale.
Citadel of Winters Twilight
The imposing black granite walls and watch towers of this cylindrical citadel have been constructed to watch
over the approaches through the Western Cwm (or the Valley of Silence). From here patrols of elves on giant
eagles, on foot and horseback guard the ground and skies of the western Shaeradim. These patrols are
typically 5-8 elves of 3rd-5th level; usually fighters, mages, or fighter-mages. The citadel is staffed at all times
with a Vale Guard Captain; this is usually a 10/10 level fighter-mage who commands potent magical
items and an enchantment that allows instant communication with other captains or the Lord of Evereska
at will as long as they remain within the vale. The Citadel hold2-3lieutenants as well as a Feywarden (Sp priest
of Corellon Larethian (lvl 6-10)). Winters Citadel holds 400 elves, 200 horses and 60 eagles, as well as
occasional visitors from Evereska proper, Sha-Quessir, and Harpers.
Mount Kukri
One of the 12 Shaeradim that towers over the Northern Cwm. From its perpetually snow capped heights
observers in the White Raven watch tower can see more than one hundred miles into the Anaurach.
Cedar Vale

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A glacial valley that now forms the head waters of the Silkmoon Stream. This cedar and giant granite boulder
filled valley leads to towering cliffs at the base of the GulanthaarFalls. The vale is patrolled by troops from
Golantha Citadel, and has been a well known grave yard for many an orc horde seeking a back way into
Northern Cwm
A glacial fir and pine filled valley that skirts around the base of Mount Kukri, the Northern Cwm is home to
many green and moon elf villages and farms. There are several horse ranches here along with orchards and
market gardens. The valley is regularly patrolled by troops out of Carlaeron, but the hardy folk of the Vale
prefer to take care of their own affairs rather than involve the local authorities. There are rumoured to be
many bolt holes and caverns amongst the slopes of Mount Kukri and the Kukri hills to the north and east.
The imposing rose pink sand stone walls and watch towers of this multi towered fortress have been
constructed to house the soldiers of the Desert Watch. From here patrols of elves on giant eagles, Copper
Dragons, on foot and horseback guard the ground and skies of the western Anauroch. These patrols are
typically 5-8 elves of 3rd-5th level; usually fighters, mages, or fighter-mages. The citadel is staffed at all times
with a Vale Guard Captain; this is usually a 10/10 level fighter-mage who commands potent magical
items and an enchantment that allows instant communication with other captains or the Lord of Evereska
at will as long as they remain within the vale. The Citadel hold2-3lieutenants as well as a Feywarden (Sp priest
of Corellon Larethian (lvl 6-10)). Winters Citadel holds 500 elves, 250 horses and 4 Copper Dragons, 60 eagles.
Halls of the Crimson King
A crumbling elven citadel whose antiquity predates the fall of Netheril. Its crumbling walls and dungeons are
said to be haunted by the spirits of elven defenders who died under the coruscating breath of a great red
wyrm. A wyrm unleashed upon the elves by the negligent practices of a Netherese Arcanist, one Karsus the
Silkmoon Stream
A fast flowing, salmon filled, glacial stream, the Silkmoon holds special reverence for the followers of the
goddess, Kirith Sotheril The Magess. It was here in ages past that her avatar defended a group of moon and
wood elf refugees from Eaerlann from a horde of demons from Ascalhorn. The ensuing battle saw Kirith
Sotheril sacrifice herself, alongside several priests of Sehanine and a Selutaar from Elvenport, thus allowing
the refugees to find safety behind the walls of Golantha.
Everdusk Glade
Hidden within this small forest of Shadow Top and Desert Oak trees is a shrine dedicated to Tethrin Veralde
Master of Blades. This place of hidden worship is where the Everdusk Knights swear their sacred oaths, and
where they bury their fallen dead. Within the glade is a large clearing devoid of growing things but covered in
the ash of many funeral pyres. Here the knights burn their fallen comrades before casting their armour and
blades into the cold depths of Evenstar Loch.
Everdusk Tower

In the ancient Vyshaanti fighting academies, a martial style developed among young elves who were
gifted in fighting and magic. This was a divergent path of bladesinging -- a more brutal style that
incorporated heavier armor and more deadly spells. Originally known as Nael'kerym, these warriors
greatly complemented bladesingers. They were meant to be heavy combat spellblades, while the
bladesingers acted as precision skirmishers. Everdusk Tower houses one of the most ancient
Spellblade Martial Orders in all of Faerun. Dating from the very founding of Evereska, the Everdusk
Knights are an order dedicated to the honour and ideals shown by their forbears the H'ei'Yal
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Drathinmale, who fought only orcs at the fall of Shantel Othreier 11000 years ago. Their greatest
enemies are those spellblades who seek to emulate the Vyshann, the Uluuth Phlarenn.
The imposing black granite walls and watch towers of this cylindrical citadel have been constructed to watch
over the approaches through the Northern Cwm. From here patrols of elves on giant eagles, on foot and
horseback guard the ground and skies of the northern Shaeradim. These patrols are typically 5-8 elves of 3rd5th level; usually fighters, mages, or fighter-mages. The citadel is staffed at all times with a Vale Guard Captain;
this is usually a 10/10 level fighter-mage who commands potent magical items and an enchantment that
allows instant communication with other captains or the Lord of Evereska at will as long as they remain within
the vale. Aurcara Citadel hold2-3lieutenants as well as a Feywarden (Sp priest of Corellon Larethian (lvl 6-10)).
The Citadel holds 300 elves, 150 horses and 60 eagles.
Mount Alidacaer
One of the 12 Shaeradim that towers over the Blaze vale. From its perpetually snow capped heights observers
in the Blazing Eye watch tower can see any invaders entering the Blaze Vale. Atop the tower is a signal beacon
that is lit at the first sign of trouble within the Vale and the hills around it. The beacons flame can be seen
from the Rocs Nest, Aurcara Citadel, and the watch tower atop Mount Kukri.
Set against the ever glowing Tower of Dreams, the imposing rose pink sand stone walls and watch towers of
this multi towered fortress have been constructed to house the soldiers of the Desert Watch. From here
patrols of elves on giant eagles, on foot and horseback guard the ground and skies of the western Anauroch.
These patrols are typically 5-8 elves of 3rd-5th level; usually fighters, mages, or fighter-mages. The citadel is
staffed at all times with a Vale Guard Captain; this is usually a 10/10 level fighter-mage who commands potent
magical items and an enchantment that allows instant communication with other captains or the Lord of
Evereska at will as long as they remain within the vale. The Citadel hold2-3lieutenants as well as a Feywarden
(Sp priest of Corellon Larethian (lvl 6-10)). Winters Citadel holds 500 elves, 250 horses and 60 eagles.
Hidden amongst the scrub covered hills are several halfling and green elf communities. They raise crops and
livestock to feed the city and trade with the Bedine who come to water their stock in the rock pools and wadis
found at the feet of the Celdaraan Hills.
Frosthearts Stream
This icy cold glacial stream gets its name from the attitude that the elves have towards invaders as they
attempt to follow it upwards through the Copper Canyon. The waters of the Frostheart have flowed red with
the blood of invading armies on more than one occaision. Despite this, the canyon is considered one of the
best places to catch brown trout, but only the brave or fool hardy fish here after sundown.
Ivory Horn
One of the 12 Shaeradim that towers over the Western Cwm. From its perpetually snow capped heights
observers in the Ravens Eye watch tower can see any invaders entering the valley of Silence. Atop the tower is
a signal beacon that is lit at the first sign of trouble within the cwm and the hills around it. The Horn holds a
deeper secret. Set 3500 up the southern side of the mountain is a network of crystal filled caves that is home
to a nesting pair of adult silver dragons. Their names and heritage have yet to be revealed, but the
approaches to their caves are closely watched by the duskblades of Everdusk Tower. So far all intruders have
been swiftly and lethally dealt with.
Weeping Maids Tor
One of the 12 Shaeradim that towers over the Northern Cwm. From its perpetually snow capped heights
observers in the Copper Keep maintain a close watch on the Copper Canyon . Many an invading army has met

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its doom here at the base of the Heartsblood cliffs, trapped and annihilated whilst looking for a back way into
Evereska. The Moutain takes its name from the story of a young moon elf maiden who fell in love with a
soldier from a rival house. Despite the best efforts of the priests of Hanali, the two lovers had to flee the
outraged members of their families. Eventually cornered half way up the mountain, the lovers prayers were
answered when Sehanine took pity on then and transformed both elves into silver dragons.
A cedar, yew, and blackwood filled forest upon the southern slopes of the Shaeradim that is home to several
halfling and green elf villages. The Blackwood tree grows fast and tall, up to 45 m height. It has a wide

ecological tolerance, occurring over an extensive range of soils and climatic conditions, but develops
better in colder climates. The timber taken from these woods is valued for its highly decorative
quality which may be used as a cabinet timber, for musical instruments or in boatbuilding.
The imposing black granite walls and watch towers of this cylindrical citadel have been constructed to watch
over the approaches through the Cedar Vale. From here patrols of elves on giant eagles, on foot and
horseback guard the ground and skies of the western Shaeradim. These patrols are typically 5-8 elves of 3rd5th level; usually fighters, mages, or fighter-mages. The citadel is staffed at all times with a Vale Guard Captain;
this is usually a 10/10 level fighter-mage who commands potent magical items and an enchantment that
allows instant communication with other captains or the Lord of Evereska at will as long as they remain within
the vale. Citadels hold2-3lieutenants (F8/M8), as well as a Feywarden (Sp priest of Corellon Larethian (lvl 610)). Golantha holds 300 elves, 150 horses and 60 eagles, as well as occasional visitors from Evereska proper,
Sha-Quessir, and Harpers.
Willowdale is the name given to the wood by its gnomish and halfling inhabitants. This quiet group of rural
farms and hamlets is set upon the banks of the Singing Waters as it wends its way south towards the upper
Winding Water. Willowdale is situated south of the Gate Woods that shroud the entrance to Evereska in trees.
Star Sapphire Tor
One of the 12 Shaeradim that towers over the Cedar Vale. From its perpetually snow capped heights
observers in the Silkmoon watch tower can see any invaders entering the plains between the Shaeradim and
the Battle of Bones. Atop the tower is a signal beacon that is lit at the first sign of trouble within the Vale and
the hills around it. The beacons flame can be seen from Everdusk Tower, Golantha, and the watch tower atop
Mount Mythrallis.
Mountain of the Risen Moon
One of the 12 Shaeradim that towers over the Shaeradim Vale. From its perpetually snow capped heights
observers in the Risen Moon watch tower can see any invaders entering the valley. Atop the tower is a signal
beacon that is lit at the first sign of trouble within the Vale and the hills around it. The beacons flame can be
seen from Evereska, The Wind Lords Eyrie Golantha, and the watch towers atop most of the Shaeradim Peaks.
Mount Mythrallis
One of the 12 Shaeradim that towers over the Shaeradim Vale. From its perpetually snow capped heights
observers in the Mythrallis watch tower can see any invaders entering either the Shaeradim or Cedar Vales.
Atop the tower is a signal beacon that is lit at the first sign of trouble within the Vale and the hills around it.
The beacons flame can be seen from Evereska, The Wind Lords Eyrie, Golantha, and the watch towers atop
most of the Shaeradim Peaks.
Secret Gate

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The only way through the mountains inside. It is also the route by which the Swords of Evereska
leave the Vale.
The Hidden Path:
The scent of spruce resin fills the darkness at the opening of this cavernous path, a hundred elf archers
watching from hidden galleries high above, guard the door Any sign of trouble brings a bring a flurry of spells
and arrows down, a precaution contrived to keep secret the defences of the Secret Gate.
The path rounds a curve then arches over a smoky-bottomed abyss on a marble bridge. On the far side of
the bridge is a cramped vestibule sealed by a thin sheet of muscovite mica. A stem-faced moon elf in the
silver-gilded plate mail of a Vale Guard holds this position at all times. The path then winds down a hanging
gorge into the forests of the Upper Vale. The trees are ancient and enormous; mostly spear spruce tall enough
to scratch the sky. The trail descends sharply, winding through ravines and around craggy outcroppings where
the treetops glow thin enough to show streaks of distant cliffs, until the trail leaves the steep slopes of the
Upper Vale and descends into the terraces of the Vine Vale.
Outer Defences
Numerous watchtowers and small citadels have been constructed in the mountains around the vale; these
form the bases for the patrols of moon elves on giant eagles that guard the skies. These patrols are
typically 5-8 elves of 3rd-5th level; usually fighters, mages, or fighter-mages. Each watchtower is staffed
at all times with a guard lieutenant; this is usually a 8/8 level fighter-mage who commands potent magical
items and an enchantment that allows instant communication with other captains or the Lord of Evereska
(see below) at will as long as they remain within the vale. Citadels hold2-3lieutenants as well as a
Feywarden (Sp priest of Corellon Larethian (lvl 6-10)). The full complement of a watchtower is 40 elven
warriors and 20 eagles, a Citadel holds 100 elves and 60 eagles, as well as occasional visitors from
Evereska proper, Sha-Quessir, and Harpers.
Tower of Dreams
One of the most interesting and least talked about features of the vale is the Tower of Dreams. This
impossibly slender crystal spire, is wreathed in mist and clouds, and rises in the mountains at the
northernmost end of the vale. It overlooks the Shinning Falls, a waterfall that plummets down a sheer cliff
rising at least 1,400 feet. The waters plunge into a large lake that narrows into the Singing Waters river
(This river later flows through the city of Evereska itself, along the western wall between the common
district and temple district). No entrance or windows are visible in the structure, though at night strange
lights glow within, and occasional music of indescribable beauty often carry for miles through the
mountains around it. Who built the tower is a matter much speculation, but persistent rumours suggest that
it is the abode of Corellon Larethian himself built not long after the Sundering of the Drow, when
Evereska was but a remote outpost. Certainly some force or power protects the vale when humanoid
armies threaten (the "hurled bolts from the sky" are most definitely not mortal or even High Magic) but
Larathien's clerics are remarkably quiet about the whole business
Those few elves that have journeyed to Arvandor on the outer plane of Arborea say it bears more than a
passing resemblance to Corellon's abode there. Whatever the case, all Evereskan elves consider the
waterfall and the tower sacrosanct and never attempt to climb or enter it. The waters of the pool, however,
are highly valued for their legendary healing qualities. Any who merely bathes in the water during full
moon will be healed of ailments, wounds, and even have lost limbs regenerated. Needless to say, the
elves never speak of this to outsiders, as such a prize would be beyond price to the elves enemies if they
were ever to learn how to harness its power.
The Copper Canyon
A high wall ravine leading into the shadows of the High Shaeradim. A dead end and killing for invading armies
as the Canyon winds its way to high cliff walls in the shadows of the highest mountain peaks.

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The Shaeradim
Are the twelve mountains surrounding the elven settlement of Evereska. They are almost six
thousand feet high and are surrounded for fifteen miles by lesser hills and narrow vales. There is a large
valley west of Evereska and inside the hills called the West Cwm. The mountain Ilaerothil (the Sentinel)
is fifteen miles northwest of this site, and Eastpeak is fifteen miles southeast.
East Peak
The highest mountain in the Shaeradim, site of a tall granite watch tower and signal fire. Home of the Desert
Border Garrison that patrols the outer edges of the Anauroch.
The Vyshaan Barrows
West of East Peak dating back to the time of the Vyshaan Empire lay the
barrows and burial crypts of the hated Vyshaan elves. Tome Guards regularly patrol this region said to be
plagued by baelnorns, banshees and other elven spirits that refuse to travel to Arvandor.
Other sites
Throughout the wooded vale are small villages or isolated towers; the former are the home of a few
scattered bands of Sylvan elves, the latter are mage towers. While both groups value their isolation, they
are fiercely protective of the vale and loyal to Erlan Duirsar and will fight in the Vale's defence as need
The Vine Vale
A vast staircase of lush vineyards and black soiled winter fields, descending toward Evereska's walls in a series
of smokethorn tree and spiny soapleaf covered terraces.

The Sunset Gate

A gate separating the West Cwm and the Vine Vale on the outskirts of Evereska. There is a stone guardhouse
nearby that used to serve as a watch post for a dozen Evereskan soldiers.
The West Cwm
A large high valley in the Shaeradim, the hills surrounding Evereska. In the south there is a large deep lake of
very cold water, and to the east lies the Vine Vale, through the Sunset Gate. It was the site of the Battle of the
Cwm between the daemonfey army and the defending elves of Evereska and Evermeet.
The Meadow Wall & Gilded Gate
Down the Vine Vale terraces via a series of gentle switchbacks lies a path from the Secret Gate that connects
to a narrow lane that skirts the edge of the walled pasturelands that surround Evereska. As parties approach
the boundary, they must speak a word of passing. A large gilded gate will swing open, admitting the visitors
into a rolling meadow dotted with boulders and bigcone furs. Like many of Evereska's defences, the gate's
purpose is not obvious. While it was not magical, it marks the perimeter of the city's most priceless treasure
and best-kept secret, the mythal.

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Map excerpt taken from Return of the Archwizards by Troy Denning

The City of Evereska
Evereska, with a vast staircase of vineyards descending toward the city in a series of mist-shrouded terraces. In
the bottom of the valley lay a rolling patchwork of fields both gold and black, these farmlands form a deep
crescent in the bottom of the valley, with the thousand foot cliffs of the High Shaeradim ringing it on the
exterior and Evereska looming up in the center. Though the city is often described as walled-usually by
bombastic humans who based their "eyewitness" accounts on tales bribed from elves half-drunk on the
Halfway Inn's potent elquesstria, the walls are in fact the smooth-polished thousand-foot cliffs of the Three
Sisters, the largest of the dozen hills upon which Evereska rests. Behind the cliff tops rise hundreds of towers,
soaring up out of a thick bluetop forest to make the city look like a many-spired crown. Most spires rise to
twice the height of the surrounding trees, some even higher than the peaks of the High Shaeradim. Their
exteriors swarm with lines of antlike figures, residents of the city going about their daily business with no
thought as to how strange it looks from below. Such is the magic of Evereska, jewel of the mountains.

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The Towers Soaring

Set outside the city on the banks of the Singing Waters River, Sehanine's temple is soaring monument open
only to elves and a few pious half-elves. The temple is constructed of white marble and shaped so as to
suggest imminent flight. Symmetry and circles are highly prized by the faith, and are reflected in the
architecture of Sehanine's house of worship. The central chapel is perfectly circular and is open to the night
sky. A great garden and hedgerow mazes encircle the main structure, their formations imitating the paths of
the heavenly bodies in the night sky above. Near the temple on the opposite banks of the river, megaliths form
a great stone circle for use in tracking the position of the moon, fixed stars, and wandering stars by elven
Surrounded by the Meadow Wall, the center of the valley has an inner ring of knolls. The three highest
hills, known as the Sisters, form a fairly even triangle around the city of Evereska. The knolls are broken
by the Singing Waters, which flows through the western edge of the city. The city itself is a wonder to
behold. The city is comprised of a garden-like series of lawns and wooded terraces interlaced with
crystal-clear streams that link spill pools and fountains. There are no streets, but sweeping, winding paths,
some of which have been overgrown by the local flora. Evereska is divided into three tiers, much in the
manner of the "Grey Elven" cities described in the Complete Book of Elves- the outer tier of artisans,
craftsmen and traders and all other commoners, the middle tier of the well-to-do and some minor nobles,
as well as the inns and taverns for adventuring elves and visitors to the city. This tier also holds most of
the holy sites and temples to the Seldarine deities, such as Solonor Thendora's Moondark Hill, Hanali
Celanil's Garden, and the Moonspire, an incredibly beautiful spire of magically conjured marble to
Sehahine Moonbow and Corellon Larethian. There are also shrines/groves to Lurue the Unicom,
Meilikki, and Silvanus. The innermost section holds the Evereska Colleges of Magic and Arms, most of
the noble estates, and the Lord's palace. While the innermost tier is the most opulent, all areas of the city
are beautiful, clean, and serene, with sounds of music, singing, and woodland creatures filling the air
without being obtrusive. The diversity of plants and animals can make a visitor forget that they walk within
a walled city and not deep in the wilderness.
There are rumours of gate linkages with Waterdeep, the island elven realm of Evermeet, and ruined
Spellgard. Three Elven archers patrol the skies on giant eagles to prevent unwanted intrusions, and wards
of the strongest sort prevent teleportation into or out of the vale. If there are any pass tokens to these
wards, they are kept very secret.
Some sages believe the vale is defended by the magics of the elven deity Corellon Larethian himself. Its
defences certainly do include bolts of hurled magic that strike from the sky to smash hostile armies. Few
beings venture within 10 miles of the foothills of the Evereskan mountains without being seen by the
elves of one of the many ever vigilant watch posts and mobile patrols. Don't expect to get into Evereska
unless you have legitimate business and are an elf - or can persuade an elf to escort you in. Harper pins
are usually known to grant passage unless there's evidence they're carried by a non-Harper. Dwarves,
half-orcs, and the like are usually not admitted, whatever their aims.
Most trade between Evereska and the non-elven world is carried on at the trading compound of the
Halfway Inn, constructed for that very purpose. Elves do not welcome strangers into their city or their
homes, and wont grant a tourist or merchant passage into the vale just because she or he wants to see its
glories. And those glories are considerable. I've seen them briefly and can report a gardenlike series of
lawns and wooded terraces interlaced with crystal-clear streams that link spill pools and fountains. Birds,
cats, and small forest creatures are numerous, and music is heard here and there. Splendid tall houses with
many spires and balconies rise up through the many huge, old trees. These trees are mainly duskwood and
bluetop, but almost all varieties can be seen in the vale.
Many Evereskan elves never leave the valley, or desire to, since they love to dedicate their time to
creating beautiful paintings and sculptures or mastering the music of voice and instruments. A very few
craft new spells in deep caverns, where they work in careful concert with the ruling Hill Elders so as to
create no unforeseen danger to the city or weakness in its defences by their work. (By common

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agreement, existing portals were either destroyed or girt about with protective magic to prevent their use
by invaders.)
Entering the City
The city is entered via a small, irregular chamber hewn into the cliff base. Stepping into the chamber and
triggering the command word teleports occupants with a golden flash into a marble-paved lane filled with
the zesty scent of dusktop blossoms. This route is well guarded and warded and can be shut down or
redirected at a moments notice
Homes of the City
White-paved paths curve off in every direction, twisting through an eye-boggling tangle of towers and
trunks. The trees are uniformly as large around as castle towers, with cross-striped bark ranging from
white to gray, and branches so high overhead it is not unusual for mist to form beneath the leaf canopy.
The towers are sometimes smaller than the tree boles and sometimes larger, but most are almost
indistinguishable from the mighty bluetops that dominated the outer rim of the city.
Many homes are worked into the landscape so as to blend in with the growing plants and form a series of
beautiful bowers, dells, and vistas. Others are splendid tall houses with many spires and balconies rise up
through the huge trees. Spells that do strange things to intruders protect some areas and menacing
mansion guardians such as helmed honours and shield guardians rise up to strike at intruders that invade
their walls. All towers and trees can be climbed using the Spider Climb ability provided by the m1'thal.
"Always use bare skin. Never wear gloves or shoes." the safest way to enter and leave a door hole, is to
approach it from the side rather than clamber over the bottom. Elves everywhere, glide along the ground
paths, popping out of high doorways to clamber headfirst down tower exteriors, sometimes
even soaring from one building to another like flying squirrels.
Features and Buildings of the City
Three Sisters
The three major peaks upon which the city of Evereska is built. Their walls have been carved and polished into
1000' cliffs atop which the city rests.
Evereskan Colleges of Magic and Arms
The Evereskan Colleges are a training academy of the highest standards. The training they provide is one of the
reasons that Evereska is so well defended. Harpers are the only N'Tel'Quess who can normally get training at
arms or magic in Evereska , although the occasional half-elf, if of sufficiently exalted parentage on the elven
side, may be taught.
Fountain heart of Shimmering Gold
Built on the Bellcrest, the highest of the Sisters, is Hanali's temple. It is an enormous structure of white marble
and moonstone, surrounded by gardens that bloom year-round with rare flowers and exotic fruit. Bright and
beautiful, with fountains and springs throughout and great gardens encircling the central chapel. Lady
Goldheart's house of worship is designed with young lovers in mind, providing endless mazes of shady paths,
babbling brooks, quiet pools, leafy bowers, and flowering hedgerows, so as to facilitate amorous trysts and
romantic rendezvous. Interior chambers are designed so as to permit the entrance of the sun, moon, and
gentle breezes.
Many chambers display beautiful works of art, serving the local community as a museum, as well as a
great concert hall from which strains of music spill out into the surrounding gardens. The Fountain heart of
Shimmering Gold is led by the stunningly beautiful moon elf, Hamalitia Everlove, whose beauty has
continued to increase over the centuries. The temple has housed countless Evereskan weddings, revels,
and dances, and in addition to displaying works of Evereska's greatest artisans, holds many greatest

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artistic treasures from Ascalhom, Eaerlann, Illefarn, Myth Drannor, and Sharrven. On a low pedestal at
the center of the gardens, accessed through a maze of rose-entwined boxwood, stands a statue of the
goddess carved from rare white stone.
Novices of Hanali are known as the Beauteous. Full priests of the Heart of Gold are known as Paramours.
In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Hanalian priests are Dove, Suitor, Lover, Libertine, Soft
Caress, Heart's Desire, and Fiery Ardor. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty
priests are known as goldhearts. The clergy of Hanali includes gold elves (30%), moon elves (28%), and halfgold
elves (17%), half-moon elves (15%), wild elves (7o/o), half-wild elves (3Yo), sea elves, winged elves,
and half-elves of those ancestries (1%). Hanali's clergy includes specialty priests (38%), mystics (32%),
and clerics (including multi-classed half-elven clerics) (30%) and is nearly evenly split between females
(54%) and males (46%).
The Statue of Hanali Celanil
The sculpture depicts Lady Goldheart (Hanali) with angular, delicate features, exquisite lips curved in a
knowing smile, and almond-shaped lips. One long-fingered hand rests over her heart and the other touches a
pointed ear, a traditional portrayal of the goddess showing that she is ever receptive to the prayers of lovers.
As old as Evereska itself, it is one of the few surviving examples of high elven religious art from the Pre-Netheril
period. The great statue stands upon the surface of a dark courtyard of granite cobble-stones.
This is the place where the mythal was cast. This is a secret so closely guarded that, aside from Lord Duirsar
and the city's high mages, only Evereska's most loyal friends amongst the Chosen are privy to it. The statue of
Hanali Celanil is the very heart and soul of the Mythal.
Cloudcrown Hill
The place where the palaces of Lord Duirsar and the great nobles sit scattered amongst the trees that continue
to the base of this high peak.
Cloudtop Tower
The second highest spire within the city grown from white marble and made to resemble a stand of Blueleaf
trees it is home to the High Magi of the Cloudtop Circle, advisers to the Council of Hill Elders and commanders
of the Spell Guard.
Cloud Crown Palace
Cloud-crown Palace is the finest example of Evereska's naturist architecture. The palace resembles a stand of
bluetops packed so closely together that the huge boles have grown into each other. The scaling on the bark is
so expertly done that even a practiced sculptor's eye would not known it is stone, it is a place of mighty
defensive magics and ancient towers. It is also the home of the Vale Lord and where the Hill Elders meet. The
majority of the Vale Guard is stationed here along with members of the Spell Guard and elements of the
Swords of Evereska where Noble Blades and Lordly Wands perform their stints in the Noble Militia.
The Tower Higher than East Peak
This often cloud shrouded tower gives the best view of the city and the surrounding vale. It rises 1500' from
the ground. Used as a watch tower, from it can be seen the edges of the Anauroch and the Vyshaan Cairn. The
tallest spire in all of Evereska and home to the Arch- Wizard of the city and the circle of High-Magi living there.
All take turns teaching at the academy as well as seeing to the needs and maintenance of the mythal and the
various gates that surround the city. Members of the Vale Guard and the Kingfishers Aerial cavalry use it as a
lookout and base from which to operate.

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Moondark Hill, Solonor's Thendora's Temple

Moondark Hill is located on the eastern fringes of the moon elven city at the base of one of the greatest peaks
of the Shaeradim. Eastpeak's shadow cloaks the low knoll in darkness for much of the night when the moon is
full, giving rise to the hill's name. The Great Archer's faithful gather to worship their god when the full moon
rises above the top of Eastpeak and its light washes over the hilltop like a wave of silver. Built into the steep
western slope of Moondark Hill is the Hall of the High Hunt, a great open air pavilion encircled by a tightly
packed colonnade of ancient shadowtops. A pure mountain spring rises in the heart of the hill and winds
through a series of natural caverns before exiting at the heart of the Shadowtop Glade. The Hall of the High
Hunt encloses the Singing Spring of Solonor Thelandira, a gurgling fountain of silver waters whose sacred
melodies can cure any wound. The leaf-shadowed Hall of the High Hunt, is where the Elves receive
healing. The air within smells of moss and sweet water, and the song of the silver fountain trills through
the woody pavilion in gay melodies.
The Great Archer's house of worship is a mixture of natural and carefully sculpted features emphasizing
the competing principles that Solonor tries to balance. The temple is cultivated into the grove of
Shadowtops each having been carefully tended from a seedling to form two concentric rings of forest
giants. Each tree has been grown so as to form one or more natural hollows within its trunk
at various elevations, and vine rope bridges are threaded through each tightly packed grove to connect the
chambers in the heart of each tree. At ground level, roots, rocks, earth, plants are woven into near
impregnable defensive fortifications to ensure the sanctity of the temple perimeter. Earthen chambers
are hewn from the dirt beneath the grove, nestled among the tightly woven root structures.
In the surrounding woods, trees are carefully planted so as to create narrow, spoke-like paths radiating
outward from the central grove. Although not immediately obvious to casual observation, the plant growth
along such paths is cultivated so as to impede movement but permit the flight of arrows, thus forming natural
shooting galleries in which invaders are easily targeted. Solonor's temple contains both ceremonial
chambers adorned with hunting trophies and hollows with more practical applications such as crafting and
repairing bows and arrows, the curing of venison and other meats, the tanning of hides, and the carving of
bones to form tools and figurines.
Novices of Solonor are known as Fledglings. Full priests of Keen- Eye are known as Hawkeyes. In
ascending order of rank, the titles used by Solonoran priests are Fletcher, Bowyer, Archer, Gray Wolf,
Snow Tiger, Grizzly Bear, Blood Hawk, Fire Falcon, and Gold Eagle. High-ranking priests have unique
individual titles. Specialty priests are known as rangers. The clergy of Solonor includes moon elves
(33%), green elves (28%), gold elves (22%), half-moon elves (8%), half-green elves (3%), half-gold elves
(2%), lythari (3%), and a handful (I%) of elves and half-elves of other ancestries. Solonor's clergy
includes rangers (36%), cleric/rangers (33%), and clerics (31%), including half-elven multi-classed clerics
other than cleric/rangers. The clergy is almost equally divided among males (52Yo) and females @8%).
When in residence, Solonor's clergy dwell in the caves of Moondark Hill amidst the great hunting
trophies of the faithful. The leader of the priesthood is High Huntsman Pleufan Trueshot, an ancient moon
elf who is said to have hunted in the Far Horns forest that once covered much of the Backlands. Much to
the dismay of much of the Evereskan moon elven nobility, Pleufan has invited human and half-elven
followers of the Great Archer-most of whom are Harpers or Heralds-to worship at the Hall of the High
Hunt during the monthly ceremonies whenever they wish. Some haughty Teu- Tel'Quessir have gone as
far as to move their estates to the far side of the valley in response.
An incredibly beautiful spire of magically conjured marble to Sehahine Moonbow and Corellon Larethian.
Wrought iron gates set in the base entwined with ivy and blooming roses year-round permit passage only to
Tel'Quessir who approach wishing to worship Corellon and Sehanine. Within gleaming white marble walkways
flank tall columns carved into the shapes of giant bluetop trees adorned with ivy and roses, like the entrance
gates, lead to the heart of the tower and connect the numerous shrines found within.
Magical fountains are scattered throughout, and their enchanted waters are said to confer one or more effects
similar to those of potions of healing, elixirs of health, potions of heroism, potions of invulnerability, potions of

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extra-healing, and potions of vitality. The First of the Seldarine and Creator of the Elves is portrayed
traditionally as a tall, unnaturally thin, androgynous elven figure with a thin face, high cheekbones, and
narrow, slanted eyes. The figure is clad in scale armour and carries a long, slim sword. A delicate coronet
graces the brow of the Coronal of Arvandor, and a sense of peace and contentment radiates from the statue
Any of the Fair Folk who pray here may receive a special blessing from Corellon, although at most one such
favour is granted per year. Corellon may manifest as discussed above, or he may grant the ability to cast cure
light wounds or cure serious wounds once at some future time. Some elves report after praying at the shrine
that the Protector gifted them with an item of magic (usually a weapon or article of clothing), while others
have found woodland animal companions or mounts such as giant eagles, moon-horses, or pegasi awaiting
them as they completed their supplications.
Dawns Glory Pond
Surrounded by a granite bank Dawnsglory Pond is a volcanic spring filled with warm mineral rich waters, where
dozens of laughing elves avail themselves of the morning light to bathe and play in the steaming waters.
Goldmorn Knoll
The summit of Goldmorn Knoll located well into the interior of Evereska, is not as high as the Three Sisters nor
as large, but it is home to a sizable grove of rare Sycamore Treants that left Cormyr during the Time of
Troubles and sought refuge in Evereska.
Shrine to Lurue the Unicorn
Shrine to Meilikki
A small grotto of black granite, from which a silver bubbling stream emerges surrounded by Blue Top Trees. It
is said that worshippers of Meilikki often receive visions here from the Goddess, and any ranger or priest of the
Goddess who drinks from the waters in healed of all damage, curses and afflictions. Our Lady of the Forest,
Khalreshaar is the name by which Mielikki is known in Evereska. In this aspect, Mielikki is said to serve Rillifane
Rallathil, not Silvanus, delivering messages and doing errands for the Leaflord when speed is of the essence.
While Khalreshaar/Mielikki is in some respects an interloper god in the elven pantheon, the Fair Folk speak of
a female human druid who was elevated to the ranks of the divine by the Seldarine when she was slain by
soldiers of a human warlord as she attempted to defend elven woodlands from the encroachment of
Shrine to Silvanus
Star Meadow
The great sunning meadow at the base of Bellcrest Hill, a favourite meadow for stargazing.
Star Meadow Hall
Treetop in Starmeadow, a tall white marble tower in the midst of the Star Meadow, home of the Nihmedu
family. Inside Treetop is airy and light, all smooth curves and softly glowing walls. A staircase swirls down from
the upper floors into the foyer and flows into the lower house. Along the walls sit benches of white marble and
tables of translucent alabaster, often with a delicately embossed vase or ethereal statuette placed carefully on
top. Towards the middle of the tower lies a circular great room, where the family takes its meals on the rare
occasions when there are enough of them to fill it. Leading off it through a broad archway is the
Contemplation, a tome-filled chamber, staring over the treetops through a theurglass window.

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Bellcrest Spire
White Marble Tower resembling a giant shadowtop tree, home to the high mages of the Bellcrest Spire Magi
Moon-Dark Towers
Home of the Moon-dark High Magi Circle, a circle of Giant Shadowtop and Blue Leaf trees connected by
skyways east of Solonors temple, atop Moondark Hill. The mages here are said to be masters of nature magic
and number more than a few druids and nature priests amongst the residents here.
Singing Spring
A naturally beautiful spring filled with healing waters. The waters of the pool are highly valued for their
legendary healing qualities. Any who bathes in the water will be healed of ailments, wounds, and even have
lost limbs regenerated.
The Unicorn & Crescent
An inn that welcomes Harpers, the Heralds, and the Chosen of Mystra on the rare occasions when such visitors
are in the city.
Livery Gate Watchtower
Livery Gate
The Groaning Cave
A natural amphitheatre fronted by a white marble veranda and colonnade, situated atop a small hill
surrounded on its lower slopes by a forest of Blue Leaf Trees, passages at the back of the cave lead to hidden
chambers beneath the Three Sisters and eventually out of the Vale. These paths are known to only a very few
and the secret of their existence is kept upon pain of utter annihilation by the city's High Magi.
Path of the Dawn
the path that leads from Dawnsglory Pond up to Starmeadow Tower. It crosses Goldmorn Knoll and traverses
the slope, the woods are more open here and from here watchers can peer down through the bluetop boughs
to the Statue of Hanali below.
Hanging Gardens of Aerdrie Faenya
a series of floating beds of vine lotuses, cloud roses, sky blooms and night jasmine fills the air with sweet
fragrances whilst musty-smelling roots dangle beneath in the mucky water of a knee-deep nourishment pond.
Surrounding the overhead gardens is a thick hedge of duskblossom.

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The Culture and Society of Evereska

Evereska, the Shaeradim (the mountain range surrounding Evereska), and the Graycloak Hills are ruled
by the Hill Council. The Council is composed of twelve Hill Elders and the Watcher Over the Hills, Lord
Erlan Duirsar, leader of the Hill Council
Evereska serves as the strongest elven community on the mainland. Here moon and sun elves dwell in
harmony. While personal rivalries and feuds arise in plenty, no widespread antipathies threaten the city's
peace. Evereska is also a permanent home for those unwilling or unable to make the journey to Evermeet.
Until the phaerimm siege, Evereska was the home to a large number of powerful elven families and elders,
surpassed only by the island of Evermeet. The remaining ancient noble families live in grand palatial
estates. The cold, sneering pride of these elven families is the greatest weakness of Evereska, and the
prime reason most non-elves wouldn't want to enter the vale. The haughtiest of the elves even look down
on elves of their own race whose lineages aren't as exalted as their own. Their contempt for elves of other
races is usually open and their abhorrence of N'Tel'Quess loud and ostentatious. Some haughty elves
have gone so far as to move their estates as far away as possible from places most often visited by
humans. These places include Moondark Hill, where human worshipers of Solonor Thelandira come, and
the Unicom & Crescent, an inn that welcomes Harpers, the Heralds, and the Chosen of Mystra on the rare
occasions when such visitors are in the city.
Even the poorest, most crowded streets are clean, beautiful, and luxurious by human standards. It is on
these streets that artisans live and work close together, sharing the use of a public park rather than
enjoying their own private grounds. Imagine an entire city about as splendid as the royal palace and
gardens of Suzail - or the best areas of Silverymoon, without any of the cobblestones or crowding and
you'll begin to see what it must be like. Amid all of this splendour are temples to all of the elven deities,
the Evereskan Colleges of Magic and Arms, and palatial noble. The palatial estates are home to powerful
and ancient noble families. The cold, sneering pride of these elven families is the greatest weakness of
Evereska, and the prime reason most non-elves wouldn't want to enter the vale. The haughtiest of the
elves even look down on elves of their own race whose lineages aren't as exalted as their own. Their
contempt for elves of other races is usually open and their abhorrence of non-elves loud and ostentatious.
Temples to all elven deities rise within its walls.
Evereska is a cultured city of gardens, music, and elven artisans. Evereska ns devote themselves to
becoming individuals of learning, craft, and deep reason. Many Evereska ns have never left the valley, or
desire to, since they love to dedicate their time to creating beautiful paintings, sculptures, or mastering
music. The most heavily travelled paths are used by artisans, who live and work closely together, sharing
the use of a public park rather than enjoying their own private grounds. The goods produced are sold
along the pathways to any elves that can afford it. If an item is large, it is floated through the city by
magic, not on wagons.
Exports and Imports
Elves of Evereska need little from the outside world. Most of what they want comes under the heading of
pursuing hobbies, from collecting coins or weapons from places as far afield as Zakhara; breeding
experiments; to collecting magic. In exchange for items or equipment needed for the pursuit of their
hobbies, they usually sell baubles: the tinkling blown glass and metal wind sculptures that hang in trees
making soft music in the breezes from one end of the vale to the other; tiny ornamented, sapphire-adorned
silver-bladed daggers that are much favoured as hidden defenders among noble ladies all over Faer0n;
vintages considered too poor for Evereskan tables; small poems set down in exquisite calligraphy on slabs
of ivory or the like in delicate hanging frames; practice or rejected works of art such as paintings,
statuettes and carved boxes. Since metal ore is scarce in the hills and the rock beneath the city, the

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Evereskans trade their wines, paintings, carved coffers and boxes, and statuettes for what outside goods
they need and think little of the world.

The Halfway Inn in the nearby mountains is constructed for the very purpose of trading with the
N'Tel'Quess world.
Among elves, Evereska is the place on Faer0n where the most powerful elven healers and clergy dwell,
surpassed in might only by those of Evermeet. Harpers, Heralds, the Chosen of Mystra, and human
worshipers of the Solonor Thelandira are the humans normally allowed to benefit from the elven healing
available here.
Planar Research
The relatively large population of magic users in Evereska have led to some impressive forays into the
nature of magic and it's place in the physical universe. In addition to making magical constructs and
enchanted items of Evereskan make that much more potent, this research has led elven mages to an
unsurpassed understanding of planar travel and the structure of the Multiverse. A number of permanent
(and closely guarded) portals to the Ethereal and Astral planes have been constructed in the towers,
temples and estates of the elves to provide quick access to virtually any of the outer or inner planes. (The
nature of the vale's wards prevent any extra planar creatures from using these portals to enter Faerun,
though they may enter Evereska through other means.) In addition, a gate to Arvandor almost certainly
exists within or near the Tower of Dreams. Other gates link Evereska with Myth Drannor and Lake
Sember in the Dalelands, Waterdeep, and Silverymoon, though the location of these gates is unknown to
most. It has also been speculated that gates to now-fallen or crumbling elven cities must exist, as
Evereska has been in existence concurrently with Illefarn and a number of other lost elven civilizations.
The elf gates are portals that can teleport things to and from Evermeet, Elion to Evereska and a gate to
Arvandor almost certainly exists within or near the Tower of Dreams. Other gates link Evereska with
Myth Drannor and Lake Sember in the Dalelands, Waterdeep, and Silverymoon, though the location of
these gates is unknown to most. It has also been speculated that gates to now-fallen or crumbling elven
cities must exist, as Evereska has been in existence concurrently with Illefarn and a number of other lost
elven civilizations. One gate is on a hill about a mile above the palace of Seiveril Miritar near Elion in
northern Evermeet. It is in a broad glade and consists of three old stone markers. The other side is a plaza
in Evereska.
Moonwood to Evereska - The Evereskan side of this gate lies high in the northern Shaeradim
surrounding Evereska, and consists of a stone marker covered in Espruar runes beside a waterfall beneath
a stone cliff. The other side of the gate used to link to a northerly outpost of Sharrven before it became a
Clothing and Fashion
Amongst the upper classes, the style is baroque and extravagant. Women tend to wear increasingly wide
and impractical skirts with tight and close fitting tops and wear their hair in elaborate fashions. Men in
contrast often wear tight leggings, while sporting baggy and loose fitting tops. Both male and female
clothing styles are richly decorated and embroidered, often with metallic threads, gemstones,
ornamentation or even magic in some cases.
Sometimes these are combined with an over-robe, which are usually worn open, much like a coat. These
are usually additional marks of status or rank, either within the noble clan, or of personal power in the
case of wizards. Both men and women have adopted the fashion of long trailing sleeves, or material tied
around their wrists. This is an extension of a fashion which has become extreme over the centuries as is more
so currently than ever before, with some sporting sleeves which trail on the ground yard behind them as they
walk. These trailing decorations have also become part of complicated and formal dances where the
partners will hold each other by the sleeves, rather than the hands or arms.

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Groups and Organizations

Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower:
This elven knightly order is a loosely structured organization dedicated to the recovery of lost elven relics from
long-abandoned elven realms.
Knaves of the Missing Page:
This fellowship of elven spell-thieves is based in Evereska, but is active throughout Faer0n. Their numbers are
comprised mostly of rogue-arcanists who follow Erevan. Knaves specialize in the recovery of elven magical
artefacts, spell scrolls, and spell-tomes that have been acquired by other races, particularly humans.
Cloudtop Selutaar Circle:
Selutaar of the Bellcrest Spire:
The Kaliesherai:
Based in the elven city of Evereska, the Kaliesh'erai is a loose association of elves who
have a measure of psionic ability. Because many of them have been honing their mental powers for
centuries, the Hall of the Kaliesh'erai is one of the greatest stores of psionic knowledge in all of Faer0n,
and it is almost certainly the greatest center of such lore beyond the reach of the mind flayers.
Many members of the Kaliesh'erai spend their time in serene contemplation of their gifts, but a faction
within the group has become fascinated with psionic items. As a result, the members of the Kaliesh'erai
are so keen to acquire more such items that they'll happily buy, sell, or trade them with any visitors to
Evereska. A sub-basement in the hall of the Kaliesh'erai contains many laboratories and vaults that hold
psionic items ranging from simple power stones to great psi-crowns and crystal capacitors. Some say it
also holds prison cells where the Kaliesh'erai keep monsters with psionic powers for study.
Campaign Hooks: You can adapt any of the following hooks to draw the characters into contact with the
Kaliesh'erai.* Elf and half-elf characters with psionic classes might have been trained by the Kaliesh'erai.
PCs who come across a psionic item they can't use might seek a buyer for it in Evereska.
The Chaperones of the Moonlight Tryst:
A fellowship of romantically inclined rogues and rangers who discretely safeguard young elven lovers from
those who would take advantage of their distraction and/or innocence. Members of this band are also called
on occasionally to facilitate secret meetings between lovers of rival houses or to aid them in eloping against
their family's wishes. Chaperones of the Moonlight Tryst usually work closely with the priests of the local
temple of Hanali, as those who serve Lady Goldheart often receive the confidences of those struck by the
arrows of the Archer of Love.
The Knights of the Seven Sacred Mysteries:
Are well known for their service in defence of elven homelands from N'Tel'Quess invaders as well as their
ongoing efforts to retrieve tomes of long-lost elvish lore and items of elven artistry from the ruins of fallen
realms. The order is composed of elves and a few half-elves, most of whom are of moon elven or gold elven
ancestry, and it includes many crusaders, as well as a handful of clerics, fighters, and rangers, in its ranks. The
order's entrance requirements are kept secret from non-members, but it is generally known that there are
seven tiers in the order's hierarchy and that it can take a century or more of faithful service to Sehanine before
the next mystery is revealed.
Knights of the First Mystery are the lowest ranking members of the order, while Knights of the Seventh
Mystery are some of the most powerful agents of Sehanine in the Realms. No half-elf has ever risen
higher than the rank of Knight of the Fourth Mystery, but it is not known if that fact indicates the

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difficulty of ascending the order's rarefied ranks and the small representation of half elves in the order or if
it is a manifestation of a bias against those who have some degree of N'Tel'Quess ancestry.
Individuals of Note
Cywen of Neverwinter Q.{G hm R8): The only "official" Harper in Evereska , he serves on the council as
the representative of N'Tel'Quess. Though he never speaks of it, he has been to Evermeet twice in his life,
a rare and cherished gift from the elves.
Dyllant'ya Nightwing (CG ef [moon] Wl8): A close friend of Erlan Duirsar, she is the higheslranking
mage in the vale. She is known to possess a staff of the magi and a ring of shooting stars.
Erlan Duirsar (NG em [moon] F9iW11): Lord Duirsar is the Watcher Over the Hills, making him the
leader of the Hill Council, Lord of Evereska, the Shaeradim, and the Graycloak Hills. He is aided in
ruling by a council of elders, ten moon elves and two 1.12 elves of varying classes (most are mages and fightermages)as well as a representative of the Harpers.
Garion "Quickhands" (NG em fmoon] F4): the proprietor of the Unicom and Crescent Inn, he is a
charming and patient individual. He speaks virtually every civilized language on Faerun (including Auld
Wyrmish and the exotic tongues of Kara-Tur) and has startled many a foreign guest with intricate
knowledge of the customs, mannerisms, and dishes of their homeland. His skill is such that the Inn is the
domicile of choice when such luminaries as Alustriel or Prince Laumruil Moonflower are in the city.
There are persistent rumours that one of the small, cheerful elven ladies who serve as barmaids is not what
she seems.
Shanyrria Alenuath (NG ef [moon] F5/W5/Bladesinger 10): The renowned bladesinger master and
teacher, Shanyrria is an unusual looking moon elf with reddish hair and brown eyes. Some claim she has
human ancestry, but Shanynia denies it. She is often found in the dress of the wild elves, and spends what
time she can spare in the wilderness. When available, she will teach the revered art of blade singing to
those she finds worthy.
Yeris Greenwing (LN em fmoon] R14): Erlan Duirsar's spy captain. There is little that goes on within
the city he is not soon aware of. Though cold and emotionless, he is fiercely devoted to his lord.
Even when compared to other elven settlements, Evereska is home to a large number of incredibly old
and powerful elven elders (especially mages)- surpassed only by the island of Evermeet. Note that
powerful allies of the elven people are often found in Evereska both openly and in disguise- this includes
gold, silver, and steel dragons in elven form, Harpers of all races, any one of the Seven Sisters (most
likely Laeral or Alustriel)and a handful of Tulani, Ghaele, and Firre Eladrin (see the Planescape Monstrous
Compendium II) from the plane of Arborea.
Kymil Nimesin A high elf, of a noble family that had once held a council seat in the long-lost elven
kingdom of Myth Drannor. Currently swordsmaster at an arms academy, he is a renowned adventurer
and a master of battle magic. Rumours persist that he is connected to the mysterious group known as the
High Huntsman Trueshot. High priest of Solonor
Lord Dureth, and his wife Janispar Orthorion
Captain Keya Nihmedu: Commander of the Vale Guard
Gervas Imesfor is a High Elder of Evereska
Lord Kiinyon Colbathin, High Mage & Vale Marshall. A tall moon elf- the acclaimed Kiinyon
Colbathin was one of the greatest spellblades Evereska had ever known but he was an under-confident,
and therefore timid general. Even when compared to other elven settlements, Evereska is home to a large
number of incredibly old and powerful elven elders (especially mages)- surpassed only by the island of

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Evermeet. Note that powerful allies of the elven people are often found in Evereska both openly and in
disguise- this includes gold, silver, and steel dragons in elven form, Harpers of all races, any one of the
Seven Sisters (most likely Laeral or Alustriel)and a handful of Tulani, Ghaele, and Fine Eladrin from the
plane of Arborea.
Myrin Silverspear (LN em F8; INT 17, WIS 18). This dour, silent moon elf is the efficient proprietor of the
Halfway Inn, located outside the Gate Glen of Evereska. His steady silver eyes miss nothing, and hes as
discreet as any accomplished courtier, handling disputes between proud elves as smoothly and as calmly as
brawls between drunken humans. He has a knack for remembering faces and names, and has sometimes
identified mercenaries or merchants from their drawn likenesses or when shown them in various vision spells.
Myrin never speaks of his adventuring past. Some suspect he is a Harper and others that he is a disgraced
member of the ruling family of Evereska, or at least one of that realms oldest, proudest noble families. Myrin
smiles and says nothing. On more than one occasion hes revealed that he wears a ring of spell turning and a
ring of the ram, presumably trophies of his adventuring days. but he wont say anything about them, either.

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Defences and Mythal of the City

Numerous watchtowers and small citadels have been constructed in the mountains around the vale; these
form the bases for the patrols and the Winged Plumed Kingfishes. Travellers seeking Evereska are usually
discovered by the elves before they get within ten miles of the vale. They stop and challenge approaching
folk who are not elves" or escorted by elves.
Citadels: Each citadel is staffed at all times with three guard lieutenants and a Feywarden (cleric of
Corellon Larethian) who commands potent magical items and an enchantment that allows instant
communication with other captains or the Lord of Evereska at will as long as they remain within the vale.
The full complement of a Citadel holds 100 elves and 60 eagles.
Magic.' By common agreement, existing portals were either destroyed or girt about with protective magic
to prevent their use by invaders. Those who seek to enter by magic find all such magical methods foiled
by powerful wards, though mages and clerics of proven loyalty possess the ward tokens to bypass them.
Some sages believe the vale is defended by the magics of the elven deity Corellon Larethian himself. Its
defences certainly do include bolts of hurled magic that strike from the sky to smash hostile armies.
The powerful m14ha1 that governs weather and physical conditions within the valley inhibits certain sorts
of magic and works against blights and diseases.
The most potent magic power of the mythal prevents all hostile magic from being cast by non-elves
and drow. Such magic is either prevented or turned back upon the caster
All elves within the mythal can see the possible consequences of their actions as if affected by a
Foresight spell
The mythal prevents entry to all goblin-kin, drow, phaerimm, evil outer planar creatures, evil
dragons, beholder-kin, illithid-kin, giant-kin, gnolls, evil humans, and all creatures who seek to
do harm to elves
Any of the above creatures and those deemed by the high mages to be enemies can be bombarded
by golden meteors (10d4+l0dg in a 10' radius), 1d4 meteors per enemy per round, those attuned
to the Mythal are unaffected by the golden blasts of magic. mythal concerns itself only with
who is an enemy to the city and who is a friend, and it destroys enemies and protects friends.
The mythal allows those attuned to it to fly with a movement rate of 18/B for as long as they
High Mages in tune with the mythal can trigger an imprisonment spell to entrap creatures
The mythal prevents any form of teleportation, plane shifting & dimensional movement of any
Scrying magics & psionics and those with the charm or telepathic descriptor wont work inside the

Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Detect Undead, Detect Invisibility, Detect Poison and Detect Charm
are always active within the m1'thal and can be freely accessed by anyone attuned to the mythal
All elves are affected by a +1 to hit and saving throws whilst inside the mythal
Any being attuned to the mythal can trigger an Alarm spell, enemies somehow appearing inside
the m1'thal also trigger this effect and glow a brilliant blue if detected

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Spells of the Invocation, Conjuration, Abjuration, Necromantic and Divination school will not
function if cast by non-elves. Elves and those attuned to the Mythal gain a +4 bonus to their
saving throws against such magics cast within the mythal
A permanent Feather Fall affects all those within the mythal as does the ability to spider climb all
known structures as long as bare skin touches the surface to be climbed
The weather inside the mythal is always mild and can be controlled by any high mage attuned to
the mythal through a special ceremony but never to the detriment of the elves
Magical and non magical blights and diseases are prevented within the mythal and those entering
the mythal already afflicted glow a sickly purple until cured or removed from the city. Staying in
the city for more than 10 days will remove all blights, curses and afflictions
Creatures staying more than 7 days within the mythal become immune to the affects of natural
aging and regenerate 2d4+4 hps per night of rest, this includes re-growing lost limbs and organs
All elves are protected from normal missiles
The elven armies stand safe behind their mythal. While it stands, no attack-magic or otherwise-can
cross the Meadow Wall to harm anyone inside.
Patrols: A standard Evereska n patrol is usually 14 chain mail clad archers F4-7 on foot accompanied by
two mages 4-7 and a Blade Singer 7-9
Swords of Evereska :
This knightly order of Corellon claim to trace their heritage and membership back to the Time of Flowers. It is
composed largely of paladins, fighters, and wizards who are unwavering in their defence of the alpine vale. The
leadership of this order rotates through the election of the most worthy noble at the time. The Swords of
Evereska are a noble militia. The title of blade-major rotates, and it can easily be rotated to someone else
through the scheming of a few high nobles.
Tomb Guard:
The Evereskan tomb guardians swear a solemn oath to track grave robbers to the ends of Faer0n and beyond,
never to rest until the defilers have been slain. Evereskan tomb guardian is a special elven kit. To the elves of
Evereska, nothing is more sacred than the countless tombs of great ancestors and heroes scattered among the
region. Unfortunately, the tales of buried treasures and magic items attract many adventurers and defilers,
seeking to strip the tombs of their precious items. The tomb guardians take a special oath to protect the
tombs, track and punish the defilers - even if they have to chase them to the borders of the world. Those who
seek to become tomb guardians must have some degree of spell casting ability, tracking abilities and stealth.
Tombs east of Evereska, on the border of the Anauroch desert are frequently patrolled by tomb guardians,
as they are a regular target of human and humanoid tomb robbers. Some tombs belong to hated long-dead
elven families, but nonetheless the tomb guardians uphold their oaths in protecting these burial places.
Spell Guard:
The Spellguard is an elite cadre of spell casters some 300 in number. Though originally founded as part of the
Cloud Crown Palace guard, their duties have gradually expanded over the years, and now include
peacekeeping within the whole Shaeradim (a vital necessity, given the number of mages
who dwell within). Though they have always rushed to defend the Vale when the situation warranted it, it
wasn't until very recently that they began working closely with the Swords. Two members of the
Spellguard now accompany each patrol of Swords that rides forth from the city. Many of the Spellguard
serve the Lords of the Hill as part of an arrangement with the College of Magic in which promising

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students who couldn't afford to attend the College on their own are often given training in return for an
equal amount of time served with the Spellguard. The Hill Lords intend to see that this trend continues.
Wizards and sorcerers, blade singers and duskblades all belong to this the arcane arm of the Evereskan
army. Based in the Evereskan College of Magic the Spell Guard counts many High Mages and ArchWizards amongst its members, The Spell Guard practices combining their power with that of the other
Evereskan forces, making them amongst the most deadliest of fighting forces around.
Vale Guard:
Archers and medium infantry, just about every elf in an elf army carries a bow. The Vale Guard are the heaviest
foot soldiers in the Evereskan army. They are swordsmen first and archers second, they are also highly
experienced. Being well-organized the elven army of Evereska is probably the best "combined arms" forces in
the world, using magic, archery, cavalry, and infantry quite skilfully to cut enemy armies to ribbons.
Walker in the Mists:
Lord Duirsar controls a mist golem (equal in powers to an iron golem, save that its body is hard air," like a wall
of force, not iron, and can't rust), that he can use to defend his land.
Each watchtower is staffed at all times with a guard lieutenant, who commands potent magical items and an
enchantment that allows instant communication with other captains or the Lord of Evereska at will as long as
they remain within the vale. The full complement of a watchtower is 40 elven warriors and20 eagles.
Winged Plumed Kingfishers:
The Wing of Plumed Kingfishes is an aerial military order, the Wing of the Evereska n Eyrie includes a large
division of chain-clad Teu TelQuessir mounted on giant eagles and a smaller division mounted on asperii. 500
Giant Eagle Riders F 5-9, 50 Asperii + Riders Fighter/Mages 7-12
Dragons: There are several gold and silver dragons in elven form in the city. The vale is also home to
two formidable dragons: Horadyzan, a male great wyrm gold dragon; and Duldrantzarla, a female
venerable silver dragon. Horadyzan lairs in the northern mountains, just east of the Shining Falls in a
cunningly hidden cave deep in a cleft. Duldrantzarla lairs in a crumbling elven citadel above the pass to
the Halfiway Inn. Their relationship is cordial but distant; for the most part they stay out of each other's
way. Horadyzanis a valuable ally and friend to Erlan Duirsar and the High Magi living in the vale, and
they often seek his aid in diplomatic matters or magical research. Duldrantzarla seems content to remain
aloof, and the elves are more than happy to leave this hidden, powerful guard sleeping above the only real
entrance to the vale. Elven guardsmen and their mounts have stayed in the dragon's crumbling ruins
during storms or during the extremely rare humanoid attacks without being challenged, but such elves
always leave a small treasure somewhere in the ruins as tribute, usually without seeing the dragon at all.
Harpers: This is the only group of humans (as opposed to individuals) who are welcome.

Seven Sisters: Any of them are considered strong allies, but the most likely to be called are Laeral or
Monsters: Hungry monsters, long banned from the elven realm by its protective magic, also skulk about
its edges, growing bolder with each day.
The Evereska Charter

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The Evereska Charter is more of a unilateral declaration of the moon elves of that nation than a true
agreement between nations. The elves declared in 1335 DR that moon elves were claiming the o1d Tomb
Hills (now the Graycloak Hills) for both settlement and to suppress the large number of elven-related
undead that were plaguing the region. Evereska agreed in principle in this document that elven undead
were the responsibility of the living elves, and that banshees should be put to rest by elves throughout the
Heartlands and the North. This token offer of aid (and the fact that no one was about to stop them)
allowed the first moon elf caravans to move in. The Charter states that any tomb robbers found within the
borders of the Graycloak Hills will be tried by elven judgment. Since the definition of tomb robbing is left
to elves, all but the most resilient (and cocky) human raiders have attempted to challenge that claim.
Travellers near the Hills sometimes describe rusted iron cages with human skeletons within, giving an idea
of elven judgment.
The City Locality Guide

Family Name





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60. Meadow Wall& Gilded Gate (Mythal Entrance & Boundary)

61. City Gilded Gate Teleport Entrance
62. Evereskan College of Magic
63. Evereskan College of Arms
64. Fountainheart of Shimmering Gold
65. Statue of Hanali Celani
66. Cloudcrown Hill
67. Cloudtop Tower
68. Cloud Crown Palace
69. Tower Higher Than East Peak
70. Moonspire
71. Dawn's Glory Pond
72. Goldmorn Hill
73. Shrine to Lurue
74. Shrine to Meilikki
75. Shrine to Silvanus
76. Star Meadow
77. Star Meadow Hall {Tree Top)
78. Bellcrest Spire
79. Moon-Dark Tower
80. Moon-Dark Hill- Hall of the High Hunt
81. Singing Spring
82. The Unicorn & Rest
83. Livery Gate watch Tower
84. Livery Gate Cavalry Teleport Ring
85. Livery Gate & Meadow Wall
86. The Groaning Cave
87. Path of the Dawn
88. Hanging Gardens of Aerdrie Faenya
89. Shrine to Erevan lllesere: (Small Crystal filled cave) offerings left here may gain the leaver a single
luck bonus when needed the most, but only once per year.
90. Shrine to Fenmarel Mestarine
91. Temple to Labelas Enoreth:

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The city's second oldest temple, Temple of the Lifegiver is a monument unbowed by the passage of time, built
amidst the branches of a venerable forest giant. The central chapel is dominated by a massive golden sundial
inlaid in the floor, and windows are placed on limbs trimmed back so as to allow the direct rays of the setting
sun to bathe the massive time pieces in colourful hues. The Temple's library houses one of the greatest
collections of elven lore assembled in the Realms.
92. Temple to Rillifane Ralathil:
A gargantuan Blue Top tree over 200 feet tall with the temple of the Leaflord nestled amidst the forest giant's
boughs. The temple consists of a network of platforms sculpted from the tree's branches and hollows
cultivated in the Blue Top's trunk, all of which are linked by bridges of woven vines.
93. Shrine to Shevarash:
Located in a cave mouth that connects with the deep tunnels of the Undercity and Crypts of Evereska. lt
houses the guards of the Undercity and is designed to withstand long-term sieges and includes well stocked
armouries, storerooms, and cisterns of fresh water. The walls of Shevarash's house of worship adorned only
with trophies seized from fallen drow and tomb robbers.
94. Burnished Moon Blade:
This tavern is favoured by elven adventurers because of its tolerance of the strange conditions and company
that they often find themselves in. Service is attentive without being intrusive. None of the workers bother the
patrons, but will gladly see to any requests no matter how strange. Because of the diverse clientele, the
workers are accustomed to odd requests and mannerisms, and look upon these with nothing more than
professional concern. They are aided by resident wizards, who use magical items with telekinesis abilities to
whisk drinks to and from the thirsty over the heads of folk, and to snatch away suddenly drawn weapons or
spoil spellcasting before trouble can get properly underway.
95. Lance and Eagle:
This tavern was established by Ethendal Arohannon (NG Moon Elf male Ftr6) as a meeting place for off duty
Vale Guards. lt quickly became popular as a stopover for paladins and good-natured warriors of all types. The
patrons love to swap stories of past prowess, hear tales from outside the city from passing adventurers or just
complain about the previous day's duties.
96. Treant's Hall:
Five interconnected buildings in the shape of a pentagon form the structure of this popular tavern. The central
area is an open yard filled with several varieties of trees, including a few rare specimens of chime oak from the
Starwood of Cormanthor. Rangers and druids find themselves at home here and can always be found here in
great numbers. Gold Elves also favour this tavern above most because of its ambience and a menu featuring
many Evermeet dishes.
97. Scriptorium:
This parchment shop sells a variety of both magical and non-magical writings and accessories. The proprietor,
an eccentric half-elf named Halashiss, is obsessed with finding new inks and dyes used in the creation of
magical scrolls.
98. Vault of the Sages:
lt is said to be the largest library and greatest collection of knowledge in the Realms. The Vault houses a
priceless collection of tomes and scrolls from Myth Drannor, Evermeet, Sharrven and lllefarn.
99. Brightstar Moon Bardic College & Conservatory:

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The Conservatory is a traditional music school that teaches the children of Evereska to play instruments, sing
and compose music. Unlike Foclucan, no magic is taught here as the teachers are only concerned with music,
not bard craft. Many students of the Spell Singers & Minstrels start here and then move on to the bard's
college to enhance their education.
100. Moonwells Fine Wares:
lf its hard to find then here's where you'll get it. Akturisia Moonwell (a half-Moon Elf Female Thief 10/Mage 15
N), of Myth Drannan origin sends her caravans out from the Half-Way Inn that her family operates. She is
renowned for getting what people want with few questions asked. She is interested only in the trade, but
won't deal with boars, crude bashers or anyone who she deems a threat to the realm. She maintains a huge
network of spies and informants in distant realms who keep her up to date with goings on outside the
101. Houses of Healing: A modestly appointed alabaster columned temple dedicated to Naralis Analor The
Healer and hospital of the common folk.
102. Everbrite Blades:
The main weapon smithy & armourers of the city is run by the priests of Tethrin Veralde Master of Blades. A
shrine to his worship is also maintained here. Anyone wishing to order one of the finest blades made in
Evereska will have to pay handsomely and perform a service for the temple. The temple produces most of the
weapons and armour for the citys soldiers and knights.
103. The Wind Chime Trees:
A small grove of White Oaks dedicated to a circle of Spell Singing Priestesses of Taralen The Songstress. Tis
here beneath the boughs of this tiny grove that the ancient art of spell singing is taught to those who show a
natural talent for this rarest of spell casting arts.
104. Imperial Fleet HQ and shrine to Araleth Letheranil The Prince of Stars.

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The Halfway Inn

1. Halfway Inn
2. Staff Quarters
3 Back Hall & Guest Stair
4. Stables
5. Main Yard & Well
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6. Wagon Works&
7. Rubbish Pit
8.Horse pond
9. Meeting Area & Market
10. Camping Areas

11. Horse Paddocks

12. Ware Houses

Sources Used
Source books used: Every Volos Guide I could get my hands on. Thanks Ed Everything by Steven E Schend, (surely
Corellon in disguise). More Eric L Boyd stuff than can be counted. Volos Guides to; The Dalelands, The North, The
Sword Coast, Balders gate II, Guide to Magic, Cormyr. Cormanthor: Empire of the Elves, The Fall of Myth Drannor,
The Ruins of Myth Drannor, Elves of Evermeet, Complete Book of Elves, Mintipers Chapbook, Twilight Tomb, FR
Adventures, The North Boxed Set, Champions of Ruin, Champions of Valour, Races of the Wild, Mysteries of the
Moonsea, FR Atlas, Silver Marches, Seven Sisters, Serpent Kingdoms, Races of Faerun, Lost Empires of Faerun, Leaves
of Learning, FR Players Guides 3.5 & 4, FRCG 1, 2, 3.5 & 4, Players Handbooks 2, 3.5 (I&II) & 4, DMG 2, 3.5 & 4, FGCG
1, 2, 3.5 & 4, Scepter Tower of Spellgard, College of Wizardry, Bastions of Faith, City of Ravens Bluff, Code of the
Harpers, A Grand History of the Realms, Epic Level Handbook, Demi-human Deities, Hellgate Keep, Blackstaff,
Forsaken House, Farthest Reach, Final Gate , Rescue at Rivenroar Return of the Archwizards The Summoning, The
Siege, The Sorcerer, by Troy Denning.

Web Sites Used


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Main Map Numbered Locations

1. Vine Vale
2. Rocs Nest
3. Halfway Inn
4. Wind Lords Eyrie
5. Western Cwm
6. Hidden Path
7. Tower of Dreams
8. Copper Canyon
9. East Peak
10. Vyshaan Barrows
11. Sun Gate
12. Shining Falls
13. Lake of Dreams
14. Singing Waters
15. Hidden Path NE
16 Hidden Path SE
17. Mount Ilaerothil
18. Gate Glenn
19. Twilight Keep
20. Mount Kukri
21 Cedar Vale
22. Northern Cwm
23. Halls of the Crimson King
24. Silkmoon Stream
25. Ecerdusk Glad
26. Everdusk Tower
27. Aurcara
28. Mount Alidacaer
29. Carlaeron
31. Frostheart Stream
32. Ivory Peak
33. Weeping Maids Tor
34. Blackwood
35. Golantha
36. Willowdale
37. Sapphire Tor
38. Thornwood Palace
39. Risen Moon Tor
40. Mount Mythrallis

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