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PLJ Volume 49 Number 4 - 05 - Ma. Reymunda Carmen R. Balasbas - The National Territory of The Philippines - A Brief Study

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Contemporary history presents a ambivalence on the na tional territory.

On the one hand, our thinkers and statesmen would expand the national
territory, some by the addition of Sabah (North Borneo) and others by
the inclusion of the area known as the Philippine territorial sea, instead
of confining our claim to the 3-mile limit measured from our outlying
islands; on the other hand, there are the so-called Muslim rebels who would
want to set up an autonomous state composed of the islands of Mindanao,
Palawan, Basilan and the Sulu Archipelago, including the Tawi-Tawi group.
It may correctly be averred that at this critical juncture of our history
we are at the crossroads once more, confronted with the ambigious question
of whether to add or subtract, to consolidate or to dismember. It is
rather ironic that the idea of dismemberment should come up with such
dramatic force as to literally drip with the blood of Filipinos - with the
civilian population, unarmed and innocent, often getting the worst of it at
a time when the rest of the world has already recognized Philippine independence as a legal and factual reality.
The more than seven thousand islands which, thanks to Ruy Lopez
de Villalobos, head of the fourth Spanish expedition to this country, later
became known as Felipinas in honor of the Crown Prince of Spain, who
became Philip II, are now known as the Republic of the Philippines,
having been recognized and declared as such by the former colonial power,
the United States of America, through its representative, U.S. Higb Commissioner Paul v. McNutt, at the inaugural ceremonies on July 4, 1946.

Why Territorial Delimitation?

But even as the United Nations-sponsored convention at Caracas, now at
Geneva, wrestles with the problem of the so-called territorial sea, to arrive
at a consensus on the law of the sea, it is of relevance to review the official
instruments from which is derived the authoritative delimitation of Philippine national territory. The need for such delimitation arises not only
from the necessities of national defense but also from jurisdictional considerations for the enforcement of customs and criminal laws and the pro* Member, Student Editorial Board, Philippine Law Journal.




[VOL . 49

tection of fishing and mineral rights, including the tapping of undersea oil
in offshore waters which, by historic right, legally belong to the Philippines.
Not so long ago, President Ferdinand E. Marcos gave utterance to
the confident posture of the government and the Filipino people to defend
their own territory despite the supply of sophisticated weapons and ex
pertise to the rebels from outside sources, without having to invoke the
U.S.-Philippine Treaty of Alliance or Mutual Defense Pact, and without
having to summon the aid of other nations in East Asia with which the
Philippines has regional arrangements for collective self-defense.1
W hat are the Instruments Officially Defining Philippine National Territory?

The quantum of space on this planet which, as land, sea, and superjacent atmosphere, may be internationally recognized as constituting Philippine national territory is defined in several historical documents. The
first of these is the Treaty of Paris, concluded between the United States
and Spain on December 10, 1898 whereby the Philippines was ceded for
1 See in particular chapters V, VI and VII of the U. N . Charter. Dr. Leland
M. Goodrich, Director of the World Peace Foundation and Dr. Edward Hambro,
member of the technical staff of the Norwegian delegation to the United Nations
Conference on International Organization at San Francisco, make the following
"At the San Francisco Confer.::nce these demands for greater recognition of regional and limited arrangements and agencies received
full consideration. While the general principle of subordination of
regional arrangements and agencies to the purposes Rnd principles of
the Charter is retained in the final test, certain amendments were
introduced which considerably strengthened the position of such
regional arrangements and agencies. Under the provisions of Article
52 of the Charter, Members of the United Nations which enter into
such arrangements or constitute such agencies, 'shall make every effort to such regional arrangements or by such regional agencies be
fore referring them to the Security Council' (Charter of the United
Nations, Article 52, paragraph 2)."
" The possibility of using regional arrangements and agencies as the basis
for common action against acts of aggression without the requirement of Security Council authorization was attained by the insertion in Chapter VII of a new
Article safeguarding the 'inherent right of individual or collective self-defense . .. '"



37-38 (1946).
The victorious Allies believed in regional arrangements for mutual cooperation:
"Nothing in this Chapter should preclude the existence of regional arrangements or agencies for dealing with such matters relating to the maintenance
of international peace and security as are appropriate for regional action, provided such arrangements or agencies and their activities are consistent with
the purposes and principles of the Organization. The Security Council should
encourage settlement of local disputes through such regional arrani!ements or
by such r egional agencies, either on the initiative of the states concerned or by
reference from the Security Council." (Dumbarton Oaks Proposals, Chapter VIII,
Section 1, Washington, October I, 1944).




twenty million dollars, containing 17 articles, the third of which defines

the boundaries of the Philippine archipelago. 2
The second instrument was the one-article "Treaty for Cession of
Outlying Islands of the Philippines, November 7, 1900". For the nominal
sum of one hundred thousand dollars these outlying islands "lying within
certain described lines" were comprehended in the original cessions. 3
The third instrument was the Anglo-American Convention of 1930,
signed at Washington by the U.S. Secretary of State and the British
Ambassador, but it was not until 1932 that the exchange of ratifications
took place. However, it was only on October 16, 1947 that an exchange
of notes with the British government effected the transfer of the Turtle
Islands to the Philippines.
It remained for Section 16, Article IV of the Revised Administrative
Code of 1917, to define the territorial extent of Philippine jurisdiction,
2 Article III, Treaty of Paris:
"Spain cedes to the U.nited States the Archipelago known as the Philippme Islands and comprehending the islands lying within the following lines:
"A line running from west to east along or near the twentieth parallel of
north latitude, and through the middle of the navigable channel of Bashi, from
the one hundred and eighteenth to the one hundred and twenty-seventh degree
meridian of longitude east of Greenwich, thence along the one hundr ed and
twenty-seventh degree meridian of longitude east of' Greenwich to the parallel
of four degrees and forty-five minutes north latitude, thence a long the parallel
of four degret:s and forty-five minutes north latitude to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude one hundred and nine teen degrees and thirty-five
minutes east of Greenwich, thence along the mer idian of longitude one hundred
and nineteen degrees and thirty-five minutes east of Greenwich to the parallel
of latitude seven degrep.s and forty minutes, north thence along the parallel of lati
tude seven degrees and forty minutes north to its intersection with the one hundred
and sixteenth degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich, thence by a direct
line to the intersection of the tenth degree parallel of north latitude with
the one hundred and eighteenth degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich, and thence along the one hundred and eighteenth degree meridian of
longitude east of Greenwich to the point of beginning."
3 T1'eaty for Cession of Outlying Islands of Ike Philippines, November 7. 1900:
Solo Article
Spain relinquishes to the United States all title and claim of title, which
she may have had at the time of the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace of
Paris, to any and all islands belonging to the Philippine Archipelago, lying
outside the lines described in Article In of that Treaty and particularly to
the islands of Cagayan Sulu and their dependencies, and agrees that all such
islands shall be comprehended in the cession of the Archipelago as fully as
if they had been expressly included within those line;;.
The United States, in consideration of this r elinquishment, will pay to Spain
"the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) within six months after
the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty.
The present Treaty shall be ratified by the President of the United States ,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by Her Majest y
the Queen Regent of Spain, after approval by the Cortes of the Kingdom, and
the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible.
In faith whereof, we, the respective plenipotentiaries, have signed this Treaty
and have hereunto affixed our seals.
Done in duplicate at the City of Washington , the 7th day of November, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred.





"Section 16. Territorial. jurisdiction and extent of powers of Philippine Government. - The territory over which the Government of the
Philippine Islands exercises jurisdiction consists of the entire Philippine Archipelago and is comprised in the limits defined by the treaties
between the United States and Spain, respectively signed in the City
of Paris on the tenth day of December, eighteen hundred and ninetyeight, and in the City of Washington on the seventh day of November,
one thousand nine hundred."

The fifth official source of the definition of Philippine territory

was the Philippine Independence Act, the Tydings-McDuffie Law, Section
1 of which is the same as that of the prior Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act,
authorizing the Philippine Legislature to
". . . provide for the election of delegates to a constitutional convention, . . . to formulate and draft a constitution for the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands, whicb shall
exercise jurisdiction over all the territory ceded to the United States
by the treaty of peace concluded between the United States and
Spain on the 10th day of December, 1898, the boundaries of which are
set forth in Article III of said treaty, together with those islands
embraced in the treaty between Spain and the United States con
cluded at Washington on the 7th day of November, 1900 . . ."

The sixth instrument is section 1 of the 1935 Constitution, a simplification of the. technical description of Philippine boundaries in section
1 of the Report of the Committee on Territorial Delimitation, of the
Constitutional Convention.
The seventh instrument is the 1973 Constitution, Article I of which is
clearly an improvement over the corresponding section of the 1935 Constitution. It reads as follows:
"Section 1. The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all the
other territories belonging to the Philippines by historic or legal
title, including the territorial sea, the air space, the subsoil, the sea
bed, the insular shelves, and the other submarine areas over which
the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction. The waters around,
between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, irrespective of
their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal watels of
the Philippines."

As in the 1935 Constitution, there has been a studied departure

from a technical delimitation of boundary lines - those rules that, in the '
language of Professor Fenwick, ". . . have been worked out which may
be regarded as the prescriptive or customary law of the subject holding
good in the absence of treaty stipulations."4 Implicit in the new Philip FENWICK, INTERNA"UONAL LAw, 274-75 (2d

ed., 1934).




pine Constitution is not only the assertion of sovereignty over territory

subject of historic claims but also a projection of the importance to the
Philippines of the waters embraced in the national territory as defined by
treaties. In his statement on July 8, 1974 at a plenary session of the
Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea at Caracas, Venezuela, Secretary of Justice Vicente Abad Santos, co-chairman of the Philippine delegation remarked:
"For centuries the use of the sea as an artery for the movement
of people and articles of trade and commerce and as a source of
livelihood has been governed by the customary rules of international
law. As the sea took on greater importance as a result of the multiplication of peoples and nations, it became manifest that the customary rules were inadequate and needed revision and expansion."5

Obviously, the historical and political considerations affecting our national boundaries have to dovetail with the overriding geographical factors.
This introduces us to a brief treatment of the various parts of the national

What Are the Parts


Our National Territory?

A contemporary source is a Textbook on the New Philippine Constitution by Professors Hector S. de Leon and Emilio E. Lugue, Jr. 6 They
have painstakingly identified these parts, thus:
"The phrase 'all the other territories belonging to the Philippines
by historic right or legal title' is intended to cover pending Philippine claim to Sabah (formerly North Borneo) against Malaysia, and
the possible claim to the so-called Freedomland (a group of islands
known as 'Spratly' islands which are also being claimed by other
nations notably the Republic of China and South Vietnam), and the
Marianas Islands, including Guam (which according to historical documents were under the control of the civil and ecclesiastical authorities
in the Philippines during the Spanish Regime), or any other territory
over which the Philippines may in the future find it has a right to
"Other areas included in Phiiippine archipelago. They ale:
"(1) The territorial sea. - It is that part af the sea extending
three nautical miles from the low-water mark. It is also called the
'marginal sea', the 'marginal belt', the 'marine belt', or a certain
limit as '3-mile limit'. This three-mile rule is now considered obsolete.
The International Law Commission of the United Nations
which has been undertaking a comprehensive study of the Law of the
Sea, particularly the subject of the breadth of the territorial sea of
a coastal state, has recommended that it should not be more than
twelve miles;

Abad Santos, The Archipelagic Concept - I , 2 J . INTEG. BAR PHIL., 136 (1974).
34-38, (1973 Ed.).



[VOL. 49

"(2) The air space. - This refers to that part of the air above
the land and water territory of -the Philippines. The p :'c<,ent state
of development in space navigation does not permit any delimitation
of the height of air space subject to the sovereign jurisdiction of a
"(3) The sub-soil. - This refers to the soil below the surface
soil, including mineral and natural resources;
"( 4) The sea-bed (or sea floor or sea bottom). - This refers to
the land that holds the sea; including mineral and natural resources;
"(5) Insular shelves (or continental shelves). - They are the submerged portions of a continent or offshore island, 'which slope gently
seaward from the low waterline to a point where a substantial break
in grade occurs, at which point the bottom slopes seaward at a considerable increase in slope until the great ocean depths are reached;
"(6) Other submarine areas. - Among oceanographic terms used
are seamount, trough, trench, basin, deep, bank, shoal, and reef.
"Three-fold division of navigable waters . From the standpoint of
International Law, the waters of the earth are divided into:
"(1) Inland or internal waters. - They are the parts of the sea
within the land territory. They are consi.dered in the same light as
rivers and lakes within the land territoi-j of a state;
"(2) Territorial sea (supra.). - It is a belt of water outside and
parallel to the coastline or to the outer limits of the inland or internal
waters; and
"(3) High or open seas. - They ~re waters that lie seaward of
the territorial sea.
"The inland or internal waters and the territorial sea together
comprise what is generally known as the territorial waters of a state.
Over these waters, a state exercises sovereignty to the same extent
as its land territory but foreign vessels have the right of innocent
passage through the territorial sea. On the other hand, the open
seas are international waters which means that they are not subject
to the sovereignty of any state but every state has equal rights of
use in them."

Hershey,' classifies the extent of a state's tern tory into (1) the Land
Domain; (2) the Maritime and Fluvial Domain, or territorial waters, using
the latter phrase in a general sense; and (3) Aerial Space. To avoid the
ambiguity of the word "territory", Professtlr Foulke suggests the use of
"maritime belt" when referring to marginal waters, and the word "territory" when referring to the surface over which the jurisdiction of the
state . extends, whether land or waters, and "territorial waters." when
referring to inland waters. s
LAw 286 (1920).
8 See also 1 OPPENHEI;>,I, INTERNATIONAL LAW 235 (2d ed., 1912); and WILSON,



Professor Alf


ROSS9 at trj but('~ to

a particu lar sta te tha t area in which

effectively OIld con/jlltl alh- , for il
is only the continual ilssen ion of power rhilt the law cannot disregarJ,
Otherwise stated , it is rhe principle of effectiveness that det ermi n e~ hoth
t he statil d(~scrip ti o n of the area and the dynamic rule - concerning the
acquisition and loss of territory.

thE' organs

of power ;)s)'er!

I hem ,~e/t: es

Relevilll[ to the Philippine situation is the observiltion of Pascual

F iore, '(' that " Te r ritorial Walers , that is to say, those contained between the
s hores of a s tate and the line that co nsti tutes its ma rItIme or r iver
boundary, mus t be deemed to be in the juridica l possession of th e
territori(lj sovereign."

An enlightening backgrounder for our espousal of the archipelagic con

{'ept is the following resume' of some international maritime boundaries ."
" But where the maritime boundary comes into contact with a
strait separating the territory of a single state, it is governed by
the same principles tha t control bays ,and gulfs . In general. if a
strait is less than six miles in width its wate rs are territorial waters
subject to the exclusive ju risdiction or the state; although in a .Dumbel' of cases (:ustom has given a prescriptive ritle to territori a l sove reignty over straits greater than ~ix m iles in width. The Great
Belt of Denmark, being of an average width of len miles , is part of
the territory of Denmark , so that the two parts of the s tat e east (lnd
west of the Belt, 'form continuous te rritory . So also the Bosporus
~ nu the Dardanelles are territorial waters of Turkey; while th e strait
of' Kertch, connecting the Sea of Azov with the Blac k Sea, is Ru ssian.
The United St(ltes and Great Britain claim tt:lTilOrial sovereignt y
divided by the middle boundary-line, over the s trait of Juan de Fuca ,
which has an average width of fifteen miles. Chile claims ter ritoria l
j urisdiction over the Straits of Magellan. It should be not ed that
the question of territorial jurisdiction over s trai ts is closely associa ted
with the more important question of the servi tudes upon such waters
by which freedom of navigation is secured for the commerce of a ll
nations. Consequen tly, in certain cases , such as those of Long Isla nd
Sound and the Strai t of Solen t, where the strai t does not form a n
international highway, third states have been indifferent to the assertion of territorial cla ims by the state in possession of the land on
both sides ."

W hat About Territorial Atmosphere?

Any Limits?

I t is quite certain that international law has developed a long way

from the ancient Roman law doctrine that "the air is free."1 2

139 ( 1947) .

416-17 ( 1918) .
11 Fenwick, op. cil., supra note 4 at 387 ,
l ~ Willia ms , Developments in Aerial Law, 75 U. PA , L. REv. 139, 140 (1926).




[VOL, 49

. . In the nineteenth century some writers advocated the establishment of an aerial zone above corresponding to the maritime
zone adjacent to state territory. The development during the twentieth century of radio communication and the use of the atmosphere
as a highway for many types of aircraft, balloons, etc., has given rise
to questions in regard to aerial jurisdiction. Some of these questions have been settled by conventions and others have gone before
courts. While the Hague Peace Conference of 1899 provided for the
use of balloons in war, these provisions were inadequate to meet
changing conditions and aerial navigation, and during the first decade
of the twentieth century attempts were made to draw up rules in
regard to the use of the air. In a preliminary statement, the Institute of International Law in 1906 declared that 'The air is free . States
have over it, in time of peace and in time of war, only the rights
necessary for preservation,' but the idea gradually gave way to the
idea that jurisdiction in the air appertained to the subjacent state."

Prior to World War II, rules were drawn up regulating the use of
radio communication both in peace and in the event of war. During the
war, countries found it necessary to issue proclamations limiting activity
in its airspace in addition to the censorship of radio messages. The Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of 1919 stated in its first
article: 12.
"The High Contracting Parties recognize that every Power has
complete and exclusive sovereignty over the air space above its territory.'
"For the purpose of the present Conven.tion the territory of a
State shall be understood as including the national territory, both
that of the mother country and of the colonies, and the territorial
waters adjacent thereto ."

D('spite the universal experience in two world wars that "States would
accept nothing less than complete authority over the air space above their
territory," a number of international conferences have been called to thresh
out the problem of aerial domain, such as that in 1944.13
Extent of Philippine Territorial Waters

It hali not been easy to formulate a universally acceptable rule on

the distance from the coastline to which national jurisdictional competence
may extend. The UN Conference on the Law of the Sea at Caracas, Venezuela was to be followed by another at Geneva in April and May, 1975. The
position of the' Philippine Government was authoritatively stated by former
Senator Arturo M. Tolentino, co-chairman of the Philippine delegation,
on August 12, 1974, at the Caracas conference, as follows :14
Dickinson, supra, at 377.
Tolentino, The Archipelagic Concept - II, 2 J. INTEG. BAR 141 (1947) .






"In urging the favorable consideration of these new drafts, may

I emphasize on some new features, particularly the following:
"I. The new draft clarifies that these articles apply only or exclusively to outlying or oceanic archipelagic States, no part of which
State is on a continent or mainland, and which has its own independent government.
"2. Although an archipelaiic State, by definition 'may include other
islands: which do not geographically fonn an integral part of the
archipelago of such Stnte, the drawing of baselines by tMt State is
limited only to the archipelago proper. The baselines are not to be
extended to the 'other islands', which will, therefore, be outside the
baselines, and tbe w:tters between the archipelago proper and the
'other islands' are not going to be 'I.fch ipclagic walers.
"]. Allhough the archipelagic State may restrict innocent passage
of foreign ships through the archipelagic waters to sealanes designated
by it, if it does not establish such Sf'alanes, then, the entire archipelagic walers are open to innocent passage of foreign ships.
"4. In designating sealanes, the Drchipelagic State must take into
account (a) the recommenda tion or ted:nical advice of competent intematiOflal organizations, (b) the ch:lllnels customarily used for international navigation, (c) the special characteristics of particular channels, and ( d) the special ch:tracteristics of particular ships.
"5. The authority of the archipelagic State to make laws and
reaulations relating to passage of foreign ships throulI:h the archipelagic waters is subjected to two important limitations, namely;
(a) Such laws and regulations mus t not be 'inconsistent with the provi~ions of these articles' and must have 'due regard to other applicable rules of intern.... tional law,' and (b) Such laws and regulations cannot go beyond the subject matters listed in paragraph 6 of
Arlicle 5, thereby preventina the possibility o f surprise to the maritime community."

As expressed by Ambassador Tolentino, his delegation was "ready and

willing to negotiate, compromise, and accommodate with the end in view
of reaching satisfactory agreement, as long as the essence of the archipelagic concept is maintained."
In that speech, Ambassador Tolentino had occasion to stress that our
historic waters are small, the total surface area of the waters within our
baselines being only about 170,000 square miles, compared to about half
a million square miles of the Hudson Bay alone claimed by a single country
as part of its territory. These small Philippine historic waters are com
prehended in the following provision of Section 6 of Act No. 4003, otherWise known as the Fisheries Act, to wit:
"Sec. 6. Words and pllrtlses defined. this Act shall be construed as follows:

Words and term! used in

'Philippine waters, or territorial waters of the Philippines' includes

all waters pertaining to the Philippine Archipelago as defined in the
treaties between the United States and Spain, dated respecti\'c\Y the



[VOL. 49

tenth of December eighteen hundred and ninety-eight , and the seventh

of November, nineteen hundred."

Sovereignty and Jurisdiction Over the National Territory

The case of Port Arthur is a classic instance of sove eignty and jurisdiction not being exercised by the same country over
particular territory. Thus when years ago China leased Port ArthGr to Germany and
to Russia, we had a case, as Wilson said, of a leased territory "remainIng
under the sovereignty of the lessor," but passing "within the jurisdiction
of the lessee. "1 5
Sovereignty has been defined as the "union and exercise of all human
power possessed in a state ; it is a combination of all power; it is the
power to do everything in a state without accountability, to make
laws, to execute and to apply them, to impose and collect taxes and levy
contributions, to make war or peace, to form treaties of aliance or of
commerce with foreign nations, and the like.10
There are many elements of sovereignty as a collective force in the
perspective of world politics, according to Madariagal1 , such as: Juridical
idea, psychological reaction, the instinctive projection that all nationals
make their nation on the plane of ideals, the subconscious force for the
expansion or growth of the community. In the legal or juridical sense,
the remar~(s of Max Huber, who said that "Sovereignty in the relation
between states signifies independence. Independence in regard to a portion of the globe is the right to exercise therein, to the exclusion of any
other state, the functions of a state."18
Jurisdiction, which Wilson has defined as "the right to exercise state
authority," was touched upon by Chief Justice Marshall in these terms: 10
"The jurisdiction of the nation within its own territory is necessarily exclusive and absolute. It is susceptible of no limitation not
imposed by itself. Any restriction upon it, deJ;"iving validity from an
external source, would imply a dimmution of its own sovereignty to
the extent of the restriction, and an investment of that sovereignty
to the same extent in that power which would impose such restriction.
"All exceptions, therefore, to the full and complete power of
a D.'1tion within its own territories, must be traced up to the con1~ Wilson, HANDBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAw 95 (1910).

15-16 (1937)
18 Publication ~f the International Bureau of the Permanent Court' of Arbitration (1928); also published in 22 A.I . INT'L 867 (1928). See BRIGGS, THE
LAw OF NATIONS; CASES, DOCUMENTS, AND NOTES 173 (1942). It wiII be recalled that"
Huber was the Arbitrator chosen by the Netherlands and the United States in
the Las P."J.lmas (Miangas) case to determine the question of sovereignty olVer
the Island of Palm as (Miangas) in 1928.
19 Schooner Exchange v. McFadden, 7 Cranch. 116, 3 L .Ed . 287 (1812L




sent of the nation itself. They can flow from no other legitimate
"This consent may be either expressed or implied. In the latter
case, it is less determinate, exposed more to the uncertainties of
construction, out, if understood, no less obligatory."

The extent of jurisdiction, according to Charles C. Soule and C. McCauley is as follows: (1) Territorial jurisdiction, (2) Jurisdiction over
persons, (3) Aerial jurisdiction, and (4) Maritime jurisdiction. Quite enlightening are their comments on these areas of jurisdiction : 20
Territorial Jurisdiction
"TerritOrial jurisdiction of a state extends over all land and enclosed water within its boundaries together with a three-mile margin
of water where it abuts upon the sea.
"The marine league. It has become a well established principle
of international law that a state exercises jurisdiction over a marginal sea extending a marine league (three miles) from a coast at
low tide . This principle was generally accepted at the time when
the effective range of artillery was about three miles. Efforts have
been made in recent years to increase the breadth of this belt to
correspond to the increase in artillery range, but such agreement has
not been reached to date.
"Jurisdiction over this marginal belt extends to
customs duties, secrecy of coast fortification, and to
fisheries. Vessels of all nations are allowed passage
waters in peace time but belligerent public vessels
their use in war, except under restricted conditions.

police control,
the control of
through these
are forbidden

Jurisdiction Over the Air

"Jurisdiction over the air has become a question of major importance since the advent of balloons, radio, aeroplanes, and airships. The
experience during the World War practically determined that the air
above a state comes under the jurisdiction of the state. In time of
war, neutrals shall forbid belligerents to use it, but in time of peace,
free passage will be granted to all innocent aircraft.
"The International Air Navigation Convention formulated a set of
aerial rules and regulations in 1919 . . .
Jurisdiction 011 the High Seas
"The high seas include all waters outside of the territorial threemile limit. In times of peace the high seas are free for the passage of
ships of all states which carry recognized flags and are engaged in
innocent voyages.
Piracy - Slave Trade
"Piracy and trading in slaves has (sic) been outlawed by the
nations and any vessel found engaging in those pursuits is subject to
capture and punishment by any state.




[VOL. 49

Jurisdiction Over Vessels

"Public vessels are owned by the government, are engaged in
government business , and are commanded by government officers.
"Private vessels are those operated by individuals.
"The state exercises jurisdiction over its public ve3sels at all
times, whether upon the high seas or with:n the territorial waters
of anotner state, with the exception that they are subject to local
harbor regulations, such as the place of anchorage. A state has the
right, and frequently exercises it, to prevent entry to its harb j rs of
foreign vessels.

"A state exercises .complete jurisdiction over its private vessels

within its own waters and upon the high seas. Crimes committed
upon the high seas come within the jurisdiction of the state whose
flag the vessel flies. When upon the high seas, a private vessel is
considered as part of the territory of the state whose flag it flies,
but when within the territorial waters of another state she becomes
almost wholly subject to the jurisdiction of that state. The extent
of jurisdiction varies in different states.
"A private vessel when within the territorial waters of a foreign
state is subject to the civil and criminal jurisdiction of that state,
but ordinarily the interior discipline and customs of the ship are nat
interfered with unless a law of the port is violated.

Special Jurisdiction for Revenue, Police, Fisheries, etc.

For special jurisdiction and for that on straits, gulfs, bays, inland
seas and lakes, rivers, navigation, and fisheries, we have to turn to Wilson 21
whom we quoted earlier:
"Within the three-mile limit exclusive jurisdiction aver fisheries
and other undertakings is generally admitted.
"A wider special jurisdiction is often claimed, and generally admitted, for p'..arposes of administration of revenue, fisheries, and sanitary regulations, and for better policing of a coast. This is often
exteiided to ten miles, and sometimes to twelve miles. States often
make regulations for the coast trade, limiting such trade to vessels
flying their awn flag.

"Jurisdiction -


"The rule in regard to marginal seas applies to straits \"hich

are six miles or more in width.
"Straits less than six miles in width are within the jurisdktion
of the shore state or states.

"Jurisdiction -

Gulfs and Bays

" Over gulfs and bays ~holly within the territorial limits, and over
such as are not more than six miles in width at the opening into
the sea, the jurisdiction is in the shore state or states. More extended jurisdiction is in some cases claimed and admitted.


supra, note 13 at 99-115.




"jurisdiction - Inland Seas and Lakes

"In general, the jurisdiction over inclosed waters is in the state
whose land surrounds . the water.
"If an inland sea or lake is surrounded by land belonging to two
or more states, in absence of conventional agreement, jurisdiction is
in such state in proportion to its coast line.
"Jurisdiction - Rivers
"A state has exclusive jurisdiction over rivers, wholly within its
"When a river flows through two or more states, each state, in
absence of other agreement, has jurisdiction to the middle of the
river, or in case of a navigable river to the middle of the main
channel, or thalweg.
"The high sttas beyond the marine league are open to the free
navigation of all states.
"There is a qualified right of navigation in. most other waters.
"Fishing in the open sea is free to all, though 's ometimes regulated
by treaties or domestic law binding those subject to them.
"A state may control or forbid fishing within the maritime or
fluvial domain."

Is Joint Jurisdiction
Yes, by two or
dominium, as in the
Germany and Great

more states, over the same area - some sort of concase of Samoa by a general act of the United States,
Britain from 1889 to 1899. 22

May Sovereignty Be Limited?

Again, the answer is in the affirmative. As a member of the United
Nations and as 'a signatory to regional arrangements or bilateral treaties,
such as with the United States, we know only too well that some portion
of our sovereignty has been diminished, as Chief Justice Marshall said
in the Schooner v. McFadden case,23 to the extent of the restriction deriving
validity from an external source although, theoretically, such jurisdiction
"is susceptible of no limitation not imposed by itself."
For his part, Madariaga mentions several limitations, such as ethical
or financial (required contributions to the UN Budget), and judicial limitations (by solidarity, by public opinion, or by executive and legislative
powers of the UN (General Assembly and Security Council).24
On the Expansion of the National T errito,-y
Although territorial expansion through discovery, conquest or exploration is past, a~ everl the lunar landing by Neil Armstrong and other
Ct. Ibid., 91.
Schooner Exchange v. McFadden, supra, note 19.
24 DE MADARIAGA, sllpra, note 17 at 40.




[VOL. 49

American astronauts has not been made a basis for claims to additional
territory but rather for the common benefit of mankind, yet the flux of
histori~ development poses the possibility of such expansion. At any rate,
legal history points to variol's II;odes of territorial acquisition which cannot fail to interest the student of international law.
Oppenheim25 classifies these modes into original, such as occupation,
accretion, subjugation and prescription, and derivative, such as cession.
Can Sovereignty Be Suspended?

It can, indeed, as what happened in this country during the Japanese

when the decrees of the Japanese military administration rather
than the laws of the United States or of the Commonwealth Government
prevailed. After the Wilr, American sovereignty was fully restored, but
prior to liberation the Filipinos had to pass under the temporary submission to the Japanese military regime and to the Republic under President Jose P. Laurel. In the interregnum, the imperial and military rescripts replaced the American and Philippine laws.


It is, therefore, settled that wartime military occupa~ion suspends

sovereign ty .2&
Some Relevant Obsf'rvations on T erritorial Acquisition

As in the acquisition of a corporeal thing, so in the case of ceded

territory occupancy must unite with possession, i.e., there must be a formal
instrument of cession. 27 Better still, a ratification (such as by U.S. Senate)
after a treaty of cession of territory (Treaty . of Paris, for example) . But
like in donation in municipal law, a country can cede only that which it
As to prescnptlOn, the length of time and other circums~ances needed
to create a title cannot be determined in a fixed rule, but such time of
continuous and undisturbed exercise of sovereignty would suffice "as is
necessary to create the general conviction that the present condition of
things is in conformity with international order."28 .
As to accretion, there seems to be no question that alluvium and increment can add territory, whether appended to the coastline of a country
or as reefs or islands within the territorial waters.
OPPENHEIN, supra, note 8 at 284.
Fleming v. Page, 9 How. 603, 13 L.Ed . 276 (1850); United States v . Rice, 4
Wheat. 246, 4 L .Ed. 562 (1819).
lOp . Atty. Gen. 483; Keene v. M 'Donougr., 8 Pet. 308, 8 L. Ed. 955 (1834); Great
Britain High Court of Admiralty, 1804. 5 C. Robinson 's Reports 106.
2~ OPPENHEIM, supra, note 8 at 400-03.





Modes of Losing Territory

Oppenheim 29 gives these modes in a single sentence:

"To the five modes of acq uiri ng sovereignty over territory correspond five modes of losing - namely, cession, dereliction., operation
of nature, subjugation, prescription, except that it is of some importance to report here, that the hislorical cases of pledging, leasing,
an d giving territory to another State to administer are in fact, although
not in strict law, nothing else th an cessions of territory. But operation of nature, revolt and dereliction must be specially discussed:'

A re These Modes Applicable T o The Philippines?

We believe so. As a member of the family of nations, the Philippines, as a subject of international law, has experienced (and will further
experience) these various modes of acquiring and/or losing territory.
As to acquisition of territory, the mode of discoverlo was invoked
by Spain after the epochal voyage of Magellan and Elcano. But it was
discovery followed by occupation and conquest which won the Philippines
for Spain, as against the mere reliance by Portugal on the confirmation by
the Treaty of Tordesillas of the papal demarcation line.
The theory of suspended sovereignty found application in the Philippines dmin g the last War. "Three Years of Enemy Occupation" by the
late Senator Claro M. Recto remains as an outstanding reference on this
period of Philippine history.
The mode of cession became applicable to the Philippines at the
close of the Spanish-American War. The Treaty of Paris of December
10, 1898 was later supplemented by the treaty concluded at Washington
on November 7, 1900.
As to prescription, there is hardly any question that all the waters
comprehended within the territorial baselines of the Philippines, although
beyond three miles from the coastlines, may be considered to have been
acquired through this mode, aside from their being historic waters as encompassed within the limits of Philippine territory defined in the Paris
and Washington treaties just cited, for as Foulke31 observed, "No taking
of territory, therefore, which continues as a fact can be unlawful according
to international law, however repugnant to the principles of the municipal
law or ideas of morality and ethics." The present exertions of our statesmen and thinkers in espousing the axchipelagic doctrine find justification
not only in enlightened self-interest but in the very methods which interId., p. 311.
Drs. Gregorio F. Zaide (Philippine History and Civilization) and Eufronio
M. Alip (Cultural and Political History of the Philippines), Filipino historians .
would prefer the term "rediscovery", considering that it was the MalaY5 who
first found the Philippine Archipelago.
31 FOULKE, supra. note 7 at 329-30.





lVoL. 49

national law has sanctioned since time out of mind as part of Ihe Law of
Nations . What only remains is for the doctrine to gain acceptance among
the test of the nations most of which, unfortunately, arc not archipebgoes
like the Phili ppines, and therefore find no c0mpuision from their own
self-interest 10 actively support the stand of the Pbilippine delegation.
The very decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration which rccognized
Las Palmas (Miangas) to belong to the Netherlands through long occupation
although that island is twenty miles inside the eastern baseline of the
Philippines as defined in Article III of the T reaty of Paris - that very
decision having recognized the uncontested title of the United States to
the entire Philippine Archipelago, excepting said island of Las Palmas may now be invoked as giving sinews to the Philippine advocacy of the
archipelagic doctrine and Philippine sovereignty over the said historic
waters, for il is the entire area embr;tced in said Article III of the Treaty
of Paris which the United States recognized as belonging to the Republic
of the Philippines when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt approved
the 1935 Constitution containing the ident ical definition of Philippine National Territory in Article I thereof.

Hall mentions gilt as another mode of acquiring or losing territory,

but it is believed that cession is sufficiently suggestive to include gift, for
cession m3y be either onerous or gratuitous, or, more precisely, in obedience
to historical circumstances, such as defeat in war.

What is the Extent


Philippil1(! Territoria/Waters?

In answering, this question, it is the better P3rt of prudence 10 st3rt

from the geographical fact that the Philippines is an archipelago. The etymology of the word, according to the dictionaries and encyclopedias, shows th3t
it originally meant the sea or ocean, and in fact the Greeks applied it to
the Aegean Sea. It was only a concession to reality that the word was
later made to mean a broad sheet of water interspersed with many islands.
The Spanish and American commissioners who drafted the Treaty of Paris
in 1898, and the Spanish Ambassador and Americ3n Secretary of Sta te
who drafted the treaty concluded at Washington in 1900, in using the
word Archipelago applied to the Philippines could not, therefore, have
been thinking merely of the islands but as well of the waters studded
by those islands. Stated otherwise, in defining Philippine territory in
Ar ticle III of the Treaty of Paris, they meant to include both land and
Such an assumption logically follows from the technical description
to Philippine territory in Article HI. The
baselines had to be made to pass wbolly on water from west to east and
from north 10 south, then from cast to west and from somh to north to
the point of beginning al the one hundred and eighteenth (11 Sth) degree
meridian of lon,gitude east of Greenwich at or ncar the twentieth (20th)

the Paris Commissioners gave




parallel of north latitude. As practical men, they did not intend their
instrument to be later nullified by theorists on the maritime belt or the
three-mile limit by excluding the waters comprehended in the baselines fixed
by them. The ratification of these treaties by the Spanish and American
governments and by the world community of the political realities thus
brought about not only during the entire period of American rule but
also, and especially, after Philippine independence was granted and the
Republic of the Philippines became a full-fledged member of the United
Nations, have endowed the entire national territory of this country with
a prescriptive title of unimpeachable validity.
The Paris CommIssioners must have considered also the large bodies
of water between the principal islands which ruled out a literal observance
of the three-mile limit then in vogue. From the Balintang Channel in the
north to the Polillo Strait, the Verde Island Passage, the Mindoro Strait,
the Sibuyan Sea, the Visayan Sea, the Leyte Gulf, the Cuyo East and
West Passes, the Panay Gulf, the Mindanao Sea, the Sulu Sea, the Moro
Gulf, the Davao Gulf - all these and more are internal waters of the
Philippines; if excluded from Philippine sovereignty just because a ship
may not be nearer than three miles from the coasts of the nearest islands
while passing through , the independence contemplated in the Tydings
McDuffie Act would be set at naught, with a corresponding inefficacy in
criminal, customs, revenue, and fishery administration, and anemia in national security and defense.
It can be pointed out, of course, that Philippine jurisprudence has
given sanction to the three-mile rule. As the Supreme Court ruled in
the case of u.s. v. Bttll. 32
" . . . But the Standard (of which Bull was master) was a Norwegian vessel, and it is conceded that it was not registered or licensed
in the Philippine Islands under the laws thereof. . . No court of
the Philippine Islands had jurisdiction over an offense or crime committed on the high seas or within the territorial waters of any other
country. but when she came within three miles of a line drawn from
the headlands WhICh embrace the entrance to Manila Bay, she was
within teni torial waters, and a new set of principles became applicable. . . "

This ruling came at a time when Americans were a maJonty in the Supreme Court. It is to be admitted tbat the modern champions of the
three-mile limit are Great Britain, the United States, and, more recently,
Soviet Russia. These are maritime nations, with navies controlling the
seven seas; and although Great Britain herself is an island nation, the
British still believe, as Churchill said in the House of Commons during
the past War, that "Britannia still rules the waves." Since most countries
a2 IS Phil. 7, 12 (1910). See also People v. Lol-lo and Saraw, 43 Phil. 19, 22-23
(1922), and People v. Wong Cheng, 46 Phil. 729 (1922) .



[VOL . 49

of the world are not archipelagoes like the Philippines, the archipelagic
doctrine is experiencing an uphill fight for general acceptance. Even the
one-world concept, however, should .not dishearten us into abandoning the
doctrine which we share by geographic destiny with Indonesia and other
independent archipelagoes. Since our geography compels us to disagree
with those who would confine our control to the maritime belt as contradistinguished from the Open Sea,33 it is to our interest to make common cause with countries with geographic configurations and structures
similar to ours in the espousal of the archipelagic doctrine while acceding
to the right of innocent passage for ships of non-belligerent States.

Does the Philippines Have A Continental Shelf?

The inquiry would almost be academic if consideration were accorded
merely to the fact that the Philippines is not situated on the Asian mainland or on any of the other six continents. An island, however, does have
a shelf, and our country being a group of islands gives relevance to Philippine claims to the littoral shelves which international law has accorded to
nations situated along the submerged platforms of the various continents.
Fishing, mineral (including oil), and other resources as well as jurisdictional
rights are involved, hence the importance of more than a passing glance
at this phase of the Law of Nations.
As explained in the Encyclopedia Britannica,34 "The shelf varies greatly
in width. Almost everywhere it represents simply a continuation of the
land surface beneath the ocean margins; hence, it is broad and relatively
level offshore from plains, and narrow, rough and steep off mountainous
coasts." The Philippine Deep, 34,583 feet according to the latest recording,
was for a long time the deepest canyon beneath the ocean surface known
to geographical cartographers and geodetic engineers. On the other hand,
a look at a recent map of the soundings made by our Bureau of Coast
and Geodetic Survey shows that the broadest extension of the coastal
plains seaward are found west of Palawan, east of the two Camarines
provinces and southwest of Polillo island. For a brief history of various
claims and formulations on the doctrine of the continental shelf, we cull
. hereunder the remarks of F.V. Garcia Amador, a member of the International Law Commission of the United Nations, Cuba's representative In
the International Council of Jurists :~a
"The first formulations of the doctrine were scientific and economic in character. At the National Conference on Fisheries at Madrid
in 1918, the Spanish oceanographer Odon de Buen maintained the
thesis that while the domain of the ocean should be for all, 'The


Ct. OPPENHEIM, supra, note 8 at 255-56.

34 Vol. 6, 420

(1965 ed.) .
70-72 (2nd ed., 1959).



continental shelf should belong to the nation to whom the coast be
longs, because it is a continuation of it and the land has an even
greater influence on it than the sea.' Arguing from the fact that 'the
sedentary species are, so to speak, domiciled there - species that
support the local fishing industry on which the greater part of the
activities of the coastal population depends,' he proposed that the
'jurisdictional waters be extended to cover the whole continental shelf.'
The Argentinian professor, Jose Leon Suarez, in some lectures delivered
the same year in Sao Paolo, Brazil, went at greater length into the
scientific and economic aspects of the new theory and also agreed on
the need to extend the territorial sea, because 'trade required it
and, above all, fishing, whaling and scaling, as the life cycle of the
most valuable species gravitates between the territorial sea and the
open sea, which are separated from each other only by an imaginary
manmade barrier but constitute by their nature and form a single,
continuous whole.' This theory was maintained on subsequent occa
sions though not always in connexion with the idea that the territorial sea should extend to the limits of the continental shelf. Barbosa de Magalhaes, for instance, in his observations on Dr. Schucking's
Report on Territorial waters, proposed fixing the breadth of the
latter at twelve miles, basing his arguments on the conclusions reached
by Admiral Almeida d 'Eca regarding the species living or to be
found in the waters covering the shelf."

As reported by Salonga and Yap: 3 6

"One of the conventions adopted by the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea in 1953 was on the continental shelf.
The convention defined the term 'continental shelf' as referring (a)
to the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas adjacent to the
coast but outside the area of the territorial sea, to a depth of 200
meters or, beyond that limit, to where the depth of the superjacent
waters admits of the exploitation of the natural resources of the
said areas; (b) to the seabed and subsoil of similar submarine areas
adjacent to the coasts of islands.
"The Convention recognizes the sovereign right of the coast.a l
State over the continental shelf for the purpose of exploring it and
exploiting its natural resources. These rights of the coastal State are
exclusive in >the sense that if it does not explore the continental shelf
or exploit its natural resources, no other State may do so or make
a claim thereto without its express consent. The rights of the coastal
State do not depend on occupation, or on any express proclamation.
"The rights of the coastal State to the continental sJ:1elf do not
affect the legal status of the superjacent waters, which continue to
be regarded as p2rt of the high seas, or that of the airspace above
those waters.
" The coastal State may construct and maintain or operate on the
con.tinental shelf installations or other devices necessary for its ex
ploration and the exploitation of its n~> tural resources, establish safety


Supra, note 13 at 16971.




( VOL . 49

zones around suc h installa lions and dt'vices, and lak'!! measu res m:ccs

sary [or their protection. However, no unjustified interference with

navigation, fishing or conservation of the living resources of Ihe sea
should result thereby. The laying of submarine cables o r pipeli nes
on the continental shelf shall nOI be impeded.

"The Phili ppines, it may be noted, has joi ned the laJ1!:c number
o f Stales which have asserted domin ion ove r contLnental shelf reo
sources. Under the Petwl cum Act, Republic Act No, 387, all natural
deposits or occurrences of petroleum or natu ral gas e n the continental
shell 'seaward from the shores of the rh.ili ppincs belong to the State,
inalienably and imprescripthciy.'
"How about the area beyond the continental shelf? On December
17, 1970, the General Assembly adopted a Resolution which affirmed
that there is an area of the seabed and the ocean floor, and the
subsoil thereof. beyond the limilS of national jurisdiction, 'the precise
limits of which are yet to be detennincd: and declared among othcr
th ings: (1) that said area should be the common heritage of mankind; (2) that not being subject of appropriation by any means, no
State shall claim or exercise sovereignty or sovereign rights o\'er any
part thereof; (3) that the a rea shall be opcn to use exclusively for
peaceful purposes by all S tates, whether coastal or landlocked, without discrimination, in accordance with the international regime to
be established; (4) that the exploration of the area and the exploitation of its resources shall be carried 0\11 for the benefit of mankind
as a whole, irrespective of the geographical location of the States ,
whether landlocked or coastal, and taking into particular considera
tion the interests and needs of the developing countries; (5) that
an internattonal regime applying to the area and its resources a nd
including appropriate international machinery to give effect to its
provisions shall be established by an international treaty of a universal character, generally agrced upon. The regime shall, inter alia,
provide for the orderly and safe develop ment and r.J.tional management of the a rea and its resources and for expanding opportunities
in the use thereof and ensure the equitable sharing by States in
the benefits der ived therefrom, taking intl) particular considcrution
the interests and needs of the de\'elcping countries, whet her landlocked or coastal. The limits of national jurisdiction, the international regime, including an intcrnational machinery, for thc area and
the resources of the sca.bed and the ocean floor, ami t he subsoil
thereof. beyond such limits, wcre taken up in tne Third Conference
on the Law of the Sea."



tbe Pbilippinc Claim to North Borneo (5abah>?

I n any ex tended treatment of the subject of the Philippine n:ttional

terri tory, it is no r possible to omit evcn a passing reference to
claim to Sabah , tha t area which used to

OU [


be called British North Borneo

on standard maps of the Orient up to September 16, 196) whe n th e: Federa-

TiOn of Malaysia was established under British sponsorship, including North




Borneo (Sabah), Singapore and Sarawak.37 There is every possibility in

the not too distant future that the Philippine claim to Sabah will be
Briefly, this claim derives from the following historical fa.:ts:
Around 1704 the Sultan of Brunei, by way of compensating the Sultdn
of Sulu for the latter's aid in quelling a rebellion, ceded Sabah to the
Sultan of Sulu who thereafter exercised acts of ownership and sovereignty
over Sabah, which was recognized in treaties of friendship by foreign
powers continuously, including Spain (1737), Great Britain (1761)' and
the United States (1899), and as late as May 4, 1923 by a letter of
recognition of sovereign rights of the Sultan 6f Sulu f~om then Governor
Frank W. Carpt:nter.
On February 8, 1962, the Sultan of Sulu and his co-heirs petitioned
the Department of Foreign Affairs, manifesting that Sabah be a part of
Pbilippine territory. Accordingly, on September 12, 1962, an "Instrument
of Cession of North Borneo to the Philippine Government" was signed
by Sultan Esmail Kiram, with Vice-President Emmanuel Pelaez accepting
on behalf of the government.
On the other hand, the British government annexed North Borneo
as a Crown Colony on July 16, 1946, or just 12 days after the declaration
of Philippine independence, basing its claim on the transfer by the British
Nonh Borneo Company on June 26, 1946 to the British government
of the Sabah territory which said company had acquired from an Austrian,
Gustavus Baron de Overbeck to whom Sultan Agham of Sulu had leased
Sabah in 1878 for the nominal sum of $5,000 .00 a year. Since the
contract of lease executed by the Sultan of Sulu was in writing and it
was terminated by him on November 25, 1957, the annexation of Sabah
by the British government was clearly illegal and, according to former
Governor General Francis Burton Harrison, was an act of naked aggression.
As the Republic of the Philippines gradually got its bearings after being
prostrate under enemy occupation for four years, it asserted its claim to
On April 28, 1950, a concurrent resolution (No. 42) was unanimously
adopted by the Congress of the Philippines recognizing ultimate Philippine
sovereignty over North Borneo. Eventually, talks with Malaysian officials
were held on the level of officials at Bangkok on June 17 to July 16,
1968, and when the Malaysian delegation "rejected" the Philippine claim,
such rejection was denounced as a gross violation of the solemn obligations
undertaken by the Malaysian government, including the Marcos-Rahman
Communique of January 11, 1968 whereby Malaysia agreed to discuss the
3 ; Brunei was included in the proposed federation, but the Sultan of Brunei
later decided not to join, but for Brunei to remain a British colony. Singapore
withdrew from the federati on in 1966, having established its own independent



(VOL.. 49

peaceful set tlement of the Philippine claim to North Borneo embodied In

the Manila Accord of 1963.
The likelihood of the revival of this Philippine claim springs pardy
from the refusal of the Federation of Malaysia to agree to leave this matter
for adjudication by the International Courr of Justice at the Hague, develop
ing thereby a conviction among Filipinos that the Malaysian position is
basically weak and cannot stand judicial scrutiny.
In the meantime there is this meaningful phrase in Article 1 of the
1973 Constitution: "The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embfflced therein, and all the other
territories belonging ' to the Philippines by historic right or legal title . .. "
(underscoring supplied) which, not having been placed in so many words
in the 1935 Constitution, must look ominous to the Malaysians, considering
that North Borneo is just 18 miles from the Philippines while it is over
1,000 miles from Malaya.
Precisely because it is the Muslims in the Sulu and Tawi.Tawi groups,
as well as in Palawan, Basilan and other parts of Southern Mindanao who
have been raring to organize an invasion of Sabah to make it a factual
part of the Philippines as it used to be in the three hundred and sixty
years since it was ceded to the Sultan of Sulu, there is statesmanlike wisdom
in endeavoring to strengthen national unity by a policy of attraction towards
the Muslim dissidenls to convince them that they are fighdng the wrong
enemy and are being encouraged and even supported by the wrong "friends."
"To put it in capsule form: it is our legal position that the Sultana te
of Sulu had been recognized by the United Kingdom contract of 1878
whereby the Sultan of SuIu granted certain concessions and privileges to
Overbeck and Dent in consideration of an annual tribute of 5,000 Malayan
Dollars (about 570 pounds or 1,000 U.S. Dollars); that it Was one of lease;
that whatever be the characterization of the contract, Overbeck and Dent
did not in any even acquire, as they could not have acquired, under appli.
cable rules of international law, sovereignty or dominion over North Borneo;
that the British North Borneo Company did not acquire, as in fact it was not
authorized to acquire, sovereignty or dominion over North Borneo; that
the British Government consistently barred the British North Borneo Com.
pany from acquiring sovereignty or dominion over North Borneo by main
taining that the same resided in the Sultanate of Sulu; that, as a can
sequence, the British Crown, on the strength of the North Borneo Cession
Order of 1946, did not acquire from the British North Borneo Company
sovereignty or dominion ' over l'.'orth Borneo, since the Company itself did
not ha\'e them; that the said Cession Order was a unilateral acr which
did not produce legal results in the form of a new title; and that the
Sultanate of Sulu, which in 1957 publicly and formally repudiated the
Cession Order and terminated the lease contract of 1878, continued to
exist, in reference to North Borneo, until the Philippines , by virtue of




the title it had acquired from the Sultanate, became vested with sovereignty
and dominion over North Borneo. "38
Prospects of the Philippine Position on Archipelagic Doctrtne

At this writing we can only see bright prospects for the Philippine
position on the archipelagic doctrine, although the Geneva Conference on
the Law of the Sea did not make concrete decisions on the Philippine
proposal. Basis 6f our optimism is the fact that we are not introducing
something new in juristic concept that still needs to find acceptance in
world chancelleries and international conferences. We are merely stll.ting
a right which we have long exercised over our historic waters and in the
internalional project to codify the law of the sea, that such right be given
expression to the mutual advantage of the participating nations. As Ambassador Tolentino said in his speech earlier alluded to:
"May I stress that in advocating the inclusion of the regime
of archipelagos in a convention on the law of the sea, the Philippines
is not seeking a new right for itself. While various proposals before
this Conference would create new rights and benefits - rights that
have never been asserted and benefits that were never enjoyed before - the archipelagic proposals would simply give international
recognition to our existing. right - long asserted, exercised and enjoyed - over our historic archipelagic waters.H39

What To Do With Foreign Military and Naval Bases

Any discussion of Philippine territory would inevitably have to touch

on military and naval bases at present maintained by the United States
in the Philippines. They used to be considered necessary to us as part
of our mutual defense arrangements with the United States. Contemporary
events in South Vietnam and Cambodia, however, have brought the eyeopening realization that we cannot always depend on American assurances
of instantaneous retaliation in case of attack, and that, in fact, American
assistance may not be forthcoming at the very hour that it is most needed.
So ml..ch so that during the state visit of Romanian President Nicolae
Ceausescu, President Ferdinand E. Marcos had occasion to remark that
developments in Indochina have compelled the government to review its
policies on security and development. 4o Clark Field, Subic Bay, Olongapo
at once suggest limitations on Philippine sovereignty over these bastions
of American military, naval and air power, although they also serve as
siphons for dollars very much needed by us. Martial law having ingrained
in us more reliance on our resources and capabilities, the setting is pro38 1 PHILIPPINE CUlM TO NORTH BORNEO (1963).

39 Tolentino, supra, note 14 at 142.

40 Bulletin Today, April 13, 1975, p . 1.



[VOL . 49

pltIOUS for a re-examination not only of economic relations but as well of

mutual defense ties with America. Of crucial interest to our subject is
the need to make absolute and complete Philippine sovereignty, jurisdiction
and control over every inch of our territory, for while our loss in dollars
would be merely temporary and negligible compared to our gross national
product, the gain in self-respect and the esteem of the rest of the world
would be permanent and provide historic impetus to our national development and standing in the world community.41

41 As a matter of fact, we l).ave not had occasion to invoke our mutual defense
treaty with the United States. Even at the height of the Huk and Muslim
rebellion the latter of which the President has called the remaining obstacle to the
lifting of martial law, he publicly announced that the Philippine Armed Forces could
handle the situation without outside assistance. This, despite the fact, no longer
a secret, that some foreign power was helping finance the rebellion and supplying its minions with sophisticated weapons.

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