History of Computers
History of Computers
History of Computers
Napier's Bone
Slide Rule
Logarithm, roots
Until 1960s
Mechanical calculators
Schickard's Clock
Punched card
Difference Engine
English mathematician
Charles Babbage (1822)
Steam driven
Polynomial , logarithmic ,
trigonometric functions
Never functional
Analytic Engine
Mark I
ABC computer
Commercial Computers
Mauchly and Eckert set up their own company which produced the first commercial
computer the UNIVAC
In 1957 IBM 305 used magnetic disk for the storage (tapes were used prior to that)
1959 IBM introduced two desk-sized computers IBM 1401 for business and IBM
1620 for scientist.
The invention of transistors (which replaced vacuum tubes) and Integrated Circuit
(Texas Instruments) enabled the shrink in the size of computers
Programming languages
Hand built
Apple II (1977)
2003 myspace.com
2004 - facebook.com
2005 youtube.com