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Representation To DOE For Grant of 4600 GP To HC/Assistants

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The Honble Secretary,
Department of Expenditure,
Ministry of Finance,
North Block, New Delhi-110 001

Sub: Regarding submission of representation in the light of direction of the

Honble CAT, Ahmedabad Bench, Ahmedabad vide Order


10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/2012 (Ms. Malini Navin Mehta & Ors
Vs. UOI & Ors) in the matter of grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 in PB-2 to
the HC/Assistant of AIR & Doordarshan on par with similarly placed
Assistant/PA of CSS and Department of Space and other filed offices.

Respected sir,
With regard to the captioned subject, it is humbly stated that a case
bearing OA No. 381/2012 (Ms. Malini Navin Mehta & Ors. Vs. UOI & Ors.) was
filed before the Honble CAT, Ahmedabad Bench, Ahmedabad. It is further
stated that after hearing both the rival submissions of the Learned Counsels,
the Honble CAT, Ahmedabad passed the following operative direction vide
Order dated 10.06.2016:-

8. Although the case is nearly identical to the one dealt with in OA no.
208/2012, it is noticed that the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of
Finance are the authority to decide on the issue but they have not been
arraigned as respondents. Hence, we direct respondent no. 1 to take up the
Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 1

demands of the applicants with the Ministry of Finance and communicate its
final decision to the applicant. The applicants for this purpose will file a fresh
representation within one month of receipt of this order and respondent no.
1 will communicate their final views on the subject within three months after
getting necessary orders of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.

Photocopy of certified copy of Order dated

10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/2012 is






In order to appreciate the lawful demand/main relief in true perspective,

as prayed for in the OA No. 381/2012, the succeeding factual matrix is brought
to your humble notice and records:-

1. That, at the very out set, the applicants would like to draw your kind and
humble attention towards the genesis of the pay parity of the applicants
on par with Assistants of CSS. The fact remains that the Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi vide OM dated 04th August
1997 had recommended the pay scale of Rs. 1640-2900 (Pre-revised)
(Revised scale being Rs. 5500-9000) to the Head Clerk/Accounts/Sr.
Store Keepers of All India Radio and Doordarshan holding therein in
para-2 that The matter has been examined in this Ministry with regard
to the Head Clerk and Office Superintendent Level II in All India Radio
and Doordarshan. After goring through the list of duties assigned to
the above categories of staff in All India Radio and Doordarshan
(Annexure-II). It is felt that they have been performing supervisory
Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 2

duties. This is also evident from Col. 9 (Pt.III) of the CR format in

respect of Head Clerks/Accountants/Senior Storekeepers (AnnexureII).
Photocopy of OM dated 4th August 1997 is
enclosed and marked as Annexure-2.

2. That in furtherance of the aforesaid recommendation, the applicants

Association had moved before the Honble CAT, Principal Bench, New
Delhi by filing OA No. No. 469/2003 for the grant of pay scale of Rs.
5500-9000 at par with Assistants of CSS.
3. it is admitted fact the Respondent Department had granted the pay
scale of Rs. 5500-9000 to the applicants (All UDCs in the pay scale of
5500-9000 under ACP Scheme) and the Assistants/Head Clerks/
Storekeepers of Doordarshan and All India Radio on par with the Central
Secretariat Services in compliance of Order passed in OA No. 469/2003
by the Honble CAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi duly upheld by the Apex
Court. It is reasserted that the said pay scale was granted to the
applicants and the Assistants/Head Clerks/Storekeepers of Doordarshan
and All India Radio on part with the Assistant of Central Secretariat since
these posts are of supervisory in nature.

Photocopy of certified copy of Order







compliance order are enclosed and

marked as Annexure- 3 series.

Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 3

4. That it is also an admitted fact that all the similarly situated Assistants
including the applicants as well as Assistants of CSS who were in the prerevised pay scale of Rs. 5500-9000 as on 01.01.2006 was granted the GPRs. 4200 consequent upon the implementation of the 6th CPC.
5. That it is further stated that subsequently the Assistants of CSS/NonCSS/Autonomous Bodies were granted GP- 4600 vide OM dated
13.11.2009 and 16.11.2009 of Department of Expenditure.
6. That it is most pertinent to mention here that the said GP-4600 was
granted on the twin grounds that the Assistants of CSS/NonCSS/Autonomous Bodies were holding and performing supervisory
nature of duties and responsibilities and the element of Director
Recruitment through All India Open Competitive Examination which is
apparently evident from the file noting of above letters dated
13.11.2009 and 16.11.2009.
Photocopies of OM dated 13.11.2009
and 16.11.2009 including file noting are
enclosed herewith and marked as
Annexure- 4 and 5 series.
7. That notwithstanding the aforesaid facts vide para-4 above, it is further
to state that various other Departments/Autonomous Bodies/CAT etc.
have also granted the GP-4600 to the employees not falling under the
purview of supervisory posts which is evident from the Statement/Chart.
Photocopy of chart is enclosed herewith
and marked as Annexure-6.
8. That it is additionally most pertinent to mention here that the non-CSS
Assistants working in Prasar Bharati, DG:AIR, DG:Doordarshan on
deputation basis and Press Council of India (PCI) are also getting GPRepresentation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 4

4600 which is non-supervisory post. It is further submitted that he PCI

and the Prasar Bharti are under the Administrative control of the
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
Photocopy of RTI reply is enclosed and
marked as Annexure-7.
9. That it is also to bring to your humble notice that the Apex Court in SLP
No. 33048/2011 (from the judgment and order dated 24.11.2010 in WPC
No. 27155/2009 of the High Court of Madras) had held that when two
posts under two different wings of the same Ministry are not only
identical but also involve the performance of the same nature of
duties, it will be unreasonable and unjust to discriminate the two in
the matter of pay.
Photocopy of order dated 24.11.2010 is
enclosed and marked as Annexure-8.
10.That, accordingly, the Prasar Bharati came out with a letter no. Misc.1/330/2012-PPC dated 18.06.2015 and, inter-alia, upgraded the pay
scale of the applicants to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500.
Photocopy of letter dated 18.06.2015 is
enclosed and marked as Annexure-9.
11.That, thereupon, the respondent department granted GP-4600 to the
applicants and other the Assistants/Head Clerks/Storekeepers of
Doordarshan and All India Radio and, accordingly, the pay was re-fixed in
the said GP-4600. The Pay and Accounts Office (NER), Doordarshan,
Guwahati also issued authority of pension based on this re-fixation in
GP-4600. A few copies of re-fixation of pay dated 13.07.2015,
24.06.2015 and pension settlement are appended herewith for kind
perusal and record.
Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 5

Photocopies of re-fixation of pays and

pension settlement are enclosed and
marked as Annexure-10 series.
12. That it is stated that recently

DG, All India Radio has issued order

No.23/1/2014/S-VI (Vol.II)/602 dt. 24.11.2015 regarding parity of Hindi Staffs of AIR

with Hindi Staffs of Central Secretaries Official language Services (CSOLS) in
Compliance of Decision dated 14.8.2014 in OA No.2777/2014 and CP No.336/2015.
of CAT, PB, New Delhi. Moreover, the similarly placed employees including the
applicants have yet been denied the same benefit.

Photocopies of order dated 24.11.2015 is

enclosed and marked as Annexure-11.
13. That the Accountant of Subordinate (Not belonging to CSS cadre) office is granted
GP-4600 which is in Pre-Revised 5500-9000 as on 1.1.2006 in Dept. of Law and
Legal Authority. It is important to state that initially the DOE had denied the grant of
GP-Rs. 4600 on two occasions viz. on 14.04.2012 and 11.03.2013 on the plea that
the post of Accountant did not belong to the CSS and the post also did not cover the
OM dated 16.11.2011 but eventually in compliance of order dated 05.12.2014
passed in OA No. 2206/2013 the Accountant of Subordinate (Not belongs to CSS
cadre) office was granted GP-4600 which is in Pre-Revised 5500-9000 as on
1.1.2006 similar to the applicants. The Honble CAT

vide OA No.2206/2013

dt.5.12.2014 directed the Respondents to grant GP-4600/- to Accountants working in

Dept. of legal Affairs, Ministry of Law (even taken into account that their
Accountants are not treated as CSS Cadre). Moreover, the similarly placed
employees of AIR and Doordarshan including the applicants have yet been denied
the same benefit.

Photocopies of the implementation/fixation order of

Ministry of Law & Justice vide No.A-24011/39/2009Admn.CAS-78 dated 8th September, 2015 is enclosed
and marked as Annexure-12 series.

Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 6

14. That it is further sate that in WPC, HC, No. 116/2013 judgment dated 6.9.2013,
Sh.Kaushik Paik and UOI held that Court Noticed that the respondents position is
further assailable by the fact that other Non-CSS such as CIC, Planning
Commision,CRPF,CEC and CAT itself had shown the readiness/willingness to
provide for higher Pay Scale as has been sought for by the petitioners in this case
Indeed, similar officer, employees above the rank and status of Assistant including
section Officer are not members of any CSS cadre. The Petitioners therefore
cannot be discriminated for this reason,

Photocopies of order dated 09.06.2013 is enclosed

and marked as Annexure-13.

15. That it is pertinent to mention here that recently the Honble High Court, Delhi vide
Order dated 02.05.2013 passed in WP(C) no. 6522/2012 and WP (C) No. 6751/2012 has
granted the benefit of GP-Rs.4600 to the Personal Assistant, Judicial Assistant, Junior
Translator and Assistant Librarian who do not belong to the CSS cadre. It is also not out
of place to mention here that the Delhi High Court in WPC No 4606/2011 Judgment dated
14.10.2014.DGOF v/s UOI also granted GP-4600 to Non CSS Assistants, the Learned
CAT, Jaipur in OA No. 291/00620/2014 dated 29.10.2015 has given direction to grant
GP-4600 to Non- CSS Assistant and the Learned CAT, Chandigarh in OA No. CPB/1/141/2014-LC dated 2.12.2014 has given direction to grant GP-4600 to Non- CSS

Photocopies of order dated

02.05.2013 & other judgments are
enclosed and marked as Annexure14 series.

That it is also stated that in column No.4 of the O.M. vide F.No.1/1/2008-IC
dtd.16/11/2009 in connection with granting the Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- to Assistant of
CSS cadre which is reproduced below-

Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 7

i.e. With the issue of this Departments OM of even number dated 13 th

November, 2009, the Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- has already been
introduced in the case Assistants of Office Staff in Field Offices.
In addition to the above, the Assistants of various departments which are
not participating in CSS/CSSS cadre and similarly several autonomous bodies
have granted Rs. 4600/- to the Assistants working in them. The Details are
mentioned below for ready reference.

17. That the Central Vigilance Commission vide Chapter 7.54 Para 7.54.4 held that
The ministerial staff in CVC has demanded parity with similarly placed posts in
Central Secretariat Service and Central Secretariat Stenographers service. The
Commission has separately recommended full parity between all such posts
whether in field officer or in secretariat or whether belonging to CSS/CSSS or
otherwise. This will meet the instant demand of ministerial staff in CVC.
Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 8

18. That it is relevant to bring to your humble notice that various Ministries while
granting the GP-Rs.4600, maintaining parity with the CSS/CSSS, held as under:-


Ministry of Urban Development (Land and Development Office)

vide Chapter 7.16 Para 7.46.0 held- Parity with CSS/CSSS has
been demanded. The Commission is recommending parity between
field offices and secretariat which will address the demand.


Ministry of Textile vide Chapter 7.43 Para 7.43.8 held Parity

between various ministerial and stenographic posts in the field and
secretariat offices has been demanded. This issue has already been
covered therein shall apply in this Ministry as well.


Ministry of Tourism vide Chapter 7.44 Para 7.44.5 held Higher

scale of Rs.6500-10500 has been sought for the posts of Assistant
(non Gazetted Group B) and Sr. Stenographer (non Gazetted Group
B) which are presently in the scale of Rs.5500-9000. The commission
is separately recommending merger of the pay scales of Rs.50008000,






recommendation, therefore, necessary in this regard.










Stenographers in Central Administrative Tribunal have demanded pay

scale on par with Assistants and Stenographers in CSS and CSSS.
The commission has already recommended parity between similarly
placed posts in the field offices and secretariat. This will address the

Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 9

instant demand. No separate recommendation is, therefore,

necessary in the case.

Ministry of HRD Chapter 7.32 Para 7.32.4 held Pay scale on par
with that of Assistants in Central Secretariat Service has been sought
for the past of Assistant in Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of
Administration (LBSNAA). The post is presently in the pay scale of
Rs.5500-8000. The Commission has already recommended parity
between similarly placed posts in the field offices and the secretariat in
Chapter 3.1. The recommendations will apply in this case as well.


Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs Chapter 7.31 Para 7.31.3 held

Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs is not a participating office of Central
Secretariat Service. The ministerial employees have demanded parity
with similarly designated posts in Central Secretariat Service and
Central secretariat Stenographers Service. The Commission has
separately recommended full parity between all such posts, whether in
field offices or in secretariat, or whether belonging to CSS/CSSS, or
otherwise. This will meet the instant demand of ministerial staff in this


Ministry of Earth Sciences Chapter 7.12 Para 7.12.3 held- Parity

of Assistant in field organizations with those in Central Secretariat
Service has been demanded. The Commission has ready considered
this issue in chapter 3.1. The recommendations contained therein shall
apply in this case as well.

Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 10


Ministry of Law and Justice Chapter 7.24 Para 7.24.4 held Higher

scale of Rs.6500-10500 has been sought for Senior Printing Assistants. The
post is presently in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 and will automatically be
placed in the higher scale of Rs.6500-10500. No separate recommendation
is necessary. And, Chapter 7.24 Para 7.24.13 Personal Assistants
(Regional Language) in Official Language wing of Legislative Department have
demanded the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 on par with Personal Assistants of
Central Secretariat Stenographers Service. The commission has separately
recommended merger of the pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5000-8000,
Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500. This will automatically ensure placement of
Personal Assistants (Regional Language) in PB@ pay band of Rs.8700-34800
along with a grade pay of Rs.4200/- corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale
of Rs.6500-10500. No Specific recommendations on this account are,
therefore required.
(IX) Ministry of Agriculture Chapter 7.1 Para 7.1.8. Higher pay scales have
been demanded for various ministerial posts in Central Institute of Coastal
Engineering for Fishery. The Commission has already recommended parity









Recommendations made therein shall apply to these posts as well.

(X) Ministry of Civil Aviation Chapter 7.3 Para 7.3.8 The Commission has
recommended parity between various analogous posts in the Secretariat and field
offices. This will ensure that pay scales of all these posts come on part with
similarly placed posts in the Secretariat including those belonging to the various
services of Central Secretariat. No special dispensation is, therefore
necessary in their case.
Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 11

(XI) Ministry of Industry & Commerce Chapter 7.5 Para 7.5.9 Assistance in
various field have demanded parity with Assistants




Service. This issue has been covered by the Commission in Chapter 3.1. The
recommendations contained therein will apply in this case as well.

Ministry of Corporate Affairs Chapter 7.8 Para 7.8.5 Assistants

and Stenographers working in MRTP Commission have demands pay scales on

par with those existing for similarly designated posts in CSS and CSSS. The issue
has already been covered in Chapter 3.1.

Ministry of Culture Chapter 7.9 Para 7.9.6 and 7.9.7 Ministerial

cadre in ASI has demanded parity with Central Secretariat personnel. The
Commission had already recommended parity between field organizations and
secretariat in Chapter 3.1 of the report. The recommendations will apply in this
case as well. Employees of Archaeological Survey of India have demanded pay
scales on par with their counter parts in Central Secretariat. Parity between
headquarters organisations and field staff has already been recommended in
Chapter 3.1. No specific recommendation is therefore, necessary.

Ministry of Defence Chapter 7.10 Para 7.10.15 Insofar as the post

of Assistant in concerned the Commission has already recommended parity

between similarly placed posts in field and secretariat offices.

Ministry of External Affairs Chapter 7.14 Para 7.14.3 Ministry of

External Affairs does not participate in the Central Secretariat Services Scheme.
However, parity has always existed between the officials working in this Ministry
and those working in other Ministries that participate in the Central Secretariat
Service Scheme. The Government had upgraded the pay scales of Assistants in
Central Secretariat Service and also introduced the pay scale of Rs.8000-13500
Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 12











recommended full parity between Secretariat and Field Officers. This will naturally
entail parity between various Secretariat offices irrespective of whether they
participate in the Central Secretariat Services Scheme Or not.

Ministry of Finance (Deptt. Of Economic Affairs) Chapter 7.15

Para 7.15.3 The Post of Assistant (Excluded) exist in the Budget Division of
Department of Economic Affairs. The Post do not belong to the Central Secretariat
Service. The post of Assistant (Excluded) is in a lower scale of Rs.5500-9000. It
has been proposed that the post of Assistant (excluded) should be given the pay
scale of Rs.6500-10500 on par with Assistants of Central Secretariat Service.
Insofar as the post of Assistant (Excluded) is concerned, it will automatically be
placed in the scale of Rs.6500-10500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2
of Rs.8700-34800 along-with grade pay on account of restructuring of the pay
scales being recommended by the Commission.

Ministry of Urban Development Chapter 7.46 Para 7.46.40 Parity

with CSS/CSSS has been demanded. The Commission is recommended parity

between field offices and secretariat which will address this demand. Moreover, A
statement showing recommendation the names of the Depatments/Autonomous
and Statutory bodies where Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- has already been granted on
the same analogy as per the of 6th CPC/Court directions is given below for your


pay as
as per


mode of

Asstt. Is

Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 13

6th CPC
Council of
India (Min.
of I&B)


Council of


Council of





ry or not

25% by DR





10% by DR



25% by DR






75% by








transfer on
which DR

25% by DR



You may kindly be aware that due to formation of Prasar Bharati being a
Autonomous Body, the Pay Commission had not included his report whereas,
through Amendment of clause 11, all employees of Prasar Bharati those are
Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 14

joined upto 05/10/2007 will be treated as Government Employees and entitled all
consequential pay financial benefit equal to all Central Government Employees.
And, the Head clerk/Assistants working in Prasar Bharati have not been extended
the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- on par with the Assistants of the other Central
Government Departments inspite of the clear cut recommendation of the VI Pay
commission and the acceptance of the same by the government. We are bringing
further materials to your kind attention for better appreciation of the issue
comprehensively. The Sixth pay commission has recommended absolute parity
among the Assistants of Central Secretariat and subordinate offices. We extract
the relevant recommendation of the VI CPC for ready reference.
(XVIII) Philosophy and the Guiding Principal: Chapter-1.2 Para 1.2.18 Parity between
field offices and secretariat has been proposed as, in Commissions view, equal
emphasis has to be given to the field offices in order to ensure better delivery.
Accordingly the Commission has recommended as follows:
HQ Organisation in GOI & Staff in field offices: Chapter-3.1 Para 3.13
Higher pay scales in the Secretariat offices may have been justified in the past when
formulation of proper policies was of paramount importance. However the time has come
to grant parity between similarly placed personnel employed in field offices and in the
Secretariat. This parity will need to be absolute till the grade of Assistant.

You may kindly be aware that parity between Central Secretariat and subordinate
offices has been continuously under the consideration of the various pay commissions.
Actually the previous pay commissions particularly the Fourth and Fifth Pay Commission
had given attention for rationalizing the pay scales.

A careful reading of the relevant

Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 15

recommendation of the VI CPC will show that part from recommending parity on a sound
reasoning the Commission has observed that the time has come to grant parity
thereby proving that this recommendation is only a consummation of the work undertaken
by the earlier pay Commissions in this regard.
In addition to the above the Commission has recommended Rs. 6500-10500 to the
Assistants on par with Assistants of the Central Secretariat.

Similarly, several

autonomous bodies have granted G.P. of Rs.4600/- to the Assistants.

Moreover, that this recommendation to grant parity was included in the Highlights
of the Pay Commission Report goes to show the importance attached to the same.
Even the Implementation cell of the Dept. of Expenditure has acknowledged this aspect
while processing the case for granting Rs.4600/- to Assistants of Central Secretariat and
has termed that the said recommendation is the Cornerstone of the pay commission

Under these circumstances there is no justification whatsoever for

denying the same to the Head clerk/ Assistants of Prasar Bharati.

Thirdly the government, while raising the GP of Assistants of the Central
Secretariat from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 on par with Inspectors of Central Excise etc.,
has stated that the reason for granting such a dispensation was the fact that there
is an element of direct recruitment in the case of the former. This qualification is
also fulfilled by the Assistants of Prasar Bharati in whose case 20% of the posts are filled
by direct recruitment. It is an irony that the government has thought it fit to grant the
Assistants of the Central Secretariat a higher GP comparing them with noncomparable cadres but has denied the same to Assistants of Prasar Bharati who
are on par with the Assistants of the Central Secretariat and for which a sound
recommendation exists and accepted by the government.
Under the facts and circumstances narrated herein above together with various
judicial verdicts, it is categorical that the lawful claims of the applicants are fully qualified for
Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 16

the grant of GP-4600. Hence, it is humbly requested to consider the grant of GP 4600 to
applicants/Assistants of AIR and Doordarshan working under Prasar Bharti/MIB.
For this act of kindness, the applicants shall pray for ever.
Thanking you Sir,
Yours faithfully

Enclosure- As above.


Representation vide Order dated 10.06.2016 passed in OA No. 381/ 2012 passed by the
Honble CAT, Ahmedabad
Page 17

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