Security Views/Dr. Bill Hancock: US Department of Defense Prepares Cybercrime Database
Security Views/Dr. Bill Hancock: US Department of Defense Prepares Cybercrime Database
Security Views/Dr. Bill Hancock: US Department of Defense Prepares Cybercrime Database
Bill Hancock
US Department of Defense
Prepares Cybercrime Database
The Defense Department is on the verge of
completing a common database to aid the defence
and intelligence communities in battling cybercrime, according to the new commander of
the Pentagons Joint Task Force for Computer
Network Defense. The database will enable those
involved in computer emergency response across
DOD, the intelligence agencies and the FBI to share
information critical to protecting their networks
against intruders.
The database is in the final stages of development and
likely will be an operational reality in early 2001,
said Maj. Gen. James Bryan, who commands the JTFCND. Having the ability to create a common
database and to share that database allows us to take
In November 1996, one month before Deutchs violations were discovered, a CIA senior intelligence
analyst was found to have written a document with
the highest level of classification on his home computer, which was connected to the Internet. As in
Deutchs case, members of the analysts family had
access to the computer. The analyst was demoted in
rank and salary, given a letter of reprimand barring
raises for two years, and suspended without pay for a
month. After the suspension, the analysts clearances
were restored, and he retired from the agency a year