Veritas Error Codes
Veritas Error Codes
Veritas Error Codes
10001 Please look for messages in the log file
10003 Invalid message for agent
10004 No agent pid specified for agent %s
10005 Getting id messages from agent %s not started by engine
10006 Invalid agent attribute: %s
10007 Agent does not exist: %s
10008 Warning: Agent %s has faulted %d times since %s
10009 Agent %s has faulted %d times in less than %d seconds. Will not attempt to
restart.\n\t Correct the problem and use 'haagent -start' to start the agent
10010 Stopping all agents
10011 System not in running state; cannot start agent %s
10012 File %s not found
10013 %s not a regular file, or execute permission is not set; cannot start
10014 Agent file not specified for resource type %s
10015 Cannot start %s; please check file
10016 Agent %s for resource type %s successfully started at %s
10017 Agent already started
10018 Invalid channel
10019 No connection (ipmhandle) with agent %s: cannot stop
10020 Cannot stop agent %s: Some resources are not in offline state
10021 Agent %s not started so cannot be stopped
10022 Agent %s stopped
10023 Agent %s not sending alive messages since %s
10024 Agent %s has not sent startup message since %s; restarting the agent
10025 Unable to add '%s' attribute; return: %d err mesg: %s
10026 Invalid system name
10027 System %s not in STALE_ADMIN_WAIT or ADMIN_WAIT; \n\tunable to
force node into LOCAL_BUILD
10028 Cluster configuration is writable. Must type \n\t'haconf -dump -makero' or
\n\t'hastop -all -force'
10040 Cannot find %s; no link analysis for this node
10041 Cannot find %s; no load sampling for this node
10044 LogSize must be an integer
10045 LogSize must be at least %d
10046 LogSize must be at most %d
10047 CounterInterval must be at least 3 seconds
10048 Attribute %s does not exist
10050 No username or password in login message
10051 System %s does not exist; Unable to force node into LOCAL_BUILD
10052 System %s not in cluster; Unable to force node into LOCAL_BUILD
10053 User %s does not exist
10054 Cannot encrypt password; error 0x%x user %s
10055 User %s has wrong password
10056 User %s has logged in
10057 User %s has no password
10058 UserNames attribute contains no username to check; no logins allowed. Use
hauser command to add users
10059 Unable to force node into LOCAL_BUILD. Please try again
10060 Local build from disk failed with message: %s
10061 Config dump to disk failed with message: %s
10062 Local build from disk failed with message: \n\tNo such file or directory
10063 Local build from disk failed with message: \n\tConfiguration syntax incorrect
10064 Local build from disk failed with message: \n\tConfiguration is stale
10065 Cannot delete %s error %d
10066 Entering RUNNING state
10068 VCS engine will exit to prevent any inconsistency. Review names of systems
listed in VCS configuration and ensure that they are present and thaT node ids are
consistent in the LLT configuration files on all systems in the cluster
10069 All systems have configuration files marked STALE. Unable to form cluster
10070 All systems have stale configurations
10071 last RUNNING node has failed or build from local disk failed. Unable to form a
10072 Cluster waiting for administrative action
10073 Building from local configuration
10074 hacf does not exist!!!
10075 Building from remote system
10076 Local node leaving cluster before joining as versions differ.\n\tlocal ver: %d.
%d.Current cluster ver: %d.%d
10077 Received new cluster membership
10078 Local node restarted in Read-Write mode, and it is the only node in the cluster.
Node transitioning to ADMIN_WAIT
10080 Membership 0x%x, Jeopardy 0x%x
10081 Unable to update attribute
10082 Invalid argument to enable
10083 Enabling LinkMonitoring
10084 Cannot enable LinkMonitoring when GABSIM is enabled
10085 Invalid argument to disable
10086 Disabling LinkMonitoring
10088 No event name specified
10089 Invalid character in event name
10090 Event %s already exists; cannot add it
10092 Attempting to modify non-existent event
10093 Invalid message for event
10094 Event %s added
10095 Event deleted
10096 Condition %s exists for event %s
10097 Condition %s added to event %s\n
10098 Action %s exists for event %s
10099 Action %s added to event %s
10100 Condition %s deleted
10101 Condition %s does not exist for event %s
10102 Action %s deleted
10103 Action %s does not exist for event %s
10104 Event does not exist: %s
10105 Event %s triggered by group probe triggering condition %s
10106 Event %s triggered by group probe triggering action %s
10107 Event %s condition %s not satisfied
10108 All conditions satisfied for event %s
10109 Performing action %s for event %s
10110 Event %s triggered by condition %s
10124 GABSIMSERVER host = %s
10125 GABSIMSERVER: couldn't open connection to the host: %s
10126 Cannot heartbeat; errno %d
10127 No group name specified
10128 Group name is a reserved word or contains invalid character(s)
10129 Attempting to add existing group
10130 Group limit of %d reached; cannot add more
10131 Attempt to modify non-existent group
10132 Invalid message for group %x
10133 Group does not exist: %s
10134 System does not exist: %s
10135 System not part of resource's SystemList %s
10136 Group added; populating SystemList and setting Parallel attribute recommended
before adding resources
10137 Resources exist; cannot delete group
10138 Dependencies exist from/to this group; cannot delete group
10140 Arc exists from %s to %s
10141 Arc from %s to %s would cause loop in the dependency graph
10142 Groups restricted to maximum of one dependency
10143 Maximum 3-level dependency tree exceeded
10144 Could not link groups %s and %s
10146 Could not unlink groups %s and %s
10147 Could not rename group
10148 Initiating online of Resource %s on System %s
10149 Initiating offline of Resource %s on System %s
10151 System not part of group's SystemList %s
10152 Must specify system on which to online/offline group %s
10153 Manual operations are disabled for group %s
10154 Group %s is frozen
10155 Group %s has agent(s) that failed on system %s
10156 Group %s is migrating to or from system %s; on-offlining prohibited during
switch or failover
10157 Group %s faulted on %s; clear faults first with hares -clear
10158 Group %s autodisabled on system %s;\n\tThis can happen if VCS is not running
on the system or group is not probed on the system
10159 Group %s autodisabled in cluster;This can happen if\n\t group is not probed on
all nodes alive in group's SystemList, or\n\t VCS engine is not running on all nodes alive
in group's SystemList
10160 System %s is frozen
10161 Group %s is not enabled on system %s
10162 Group %s has not been fully probed on system %s
10163 Group dependency is not met if group %s goes online on system %s
10164 Group dependency is violated if group %s goes online on system %s
10165 Failover group %s is not completely offline in cluster
10166 Initiating manual online of group %s on system %s
10167 Initiating manual offline of group %s on system %s
10168 No AutoStart resources in group
10172 Group %s does not include System %s
10173 Cannot modify Parallel attribute after resources have been added to group
10174 Use -add or -delete to dynamically modify SystemList
10175 System %s not defined: cannot create SystemList
10176 System %s not defined: cannot modify SystemList
10177 This action will remove %s from group; group must go offline on that system
before it can be removed
10178 System %s not defined: SystemList not modified
10179 Group not offline on system %s; SystemList not modified
10180 System %s not defined or group not offline on system; SystemList not modified
10181 AutoRestart set to %d for %s group
10182 Group %s was manually offlined on system %s
10183 Group Retry: no retry of group %s on system %s due to persistent resource fault
10184 Group Retry: retrying group %s on system %s (try #%d)
10185 Group Retry failed for Group %s on System %s: failure occurred within
10186 Group Retry failed for Group %s on System %s: retries exceeded
10187 Received -nopre online command for group %s on system %s
10188 Switch option limited to failover groups; use online/offline for parallel groups
10191 Cannot switch; group %s is not active anywhere in the cluster
10192 Cannot switch to own system
10193 Group %s is stopping on system %s and it will not switch
10194 Group %s is stopping on system %s due to failover and it will not switch
10195 Agent(s) for group %s failed on system %s
10196 Group %s depends on group %s to be on system %s; cannot switch group %s
10197 Must specify system to switch to for group %s
10199 Group %s is not configured on system %s
10200 System %s is not available
10205 Group %s is faulted on system %s
10206 Group dependencies are not met for group %s on system %s
10207 Group dependencies are violated for group %s on system %s
10208 Initiating switch of group %s from system %s to system %s
10209 System not part of group's SystemList: %s
10212 %s dropped below zero; setting to zero
10213 Concurrency Violation; %s increased above 1 for failover group
10215 Undefined type %s
10216 Conventional dependency of resource type %s to %s would create a loop in the
dependency graph
10217 Group %s already active. Ignoring Restart
10218 Group %s autodisabled. Ignoring Restart
10219 Group %s not completely offline on node %s. Ignoring Restart
10220 Group %s not enabled on node %s; ignoring Restart
10221 VCS not running on node %s; ignoring Restart for group %s
10222 Node %s frozen; ignoring Restart for group %s
10223 Group %s frozen on %s; ignoring Restart
10224 Group %s has probes pending on node %s; ignoring Restart
10225 Agent has failed on node %s; ignoring Restart for group %s
10226 Group %s migrating to or from node %s; ignoring Restart
10227 One or more child group not okay with bringing group %s online on node
%s;ignoring Restart
10228 One or more parent group not okay with bringing group %s online on node %s;
ignoring Restart
10229 Persistent resource went online on node %s. Trying to online the resources of
group %s that were online prior to the fault on node %s
10230 Persistent resource went online on node %s; Trying to online group %s on the
10231 Clearing start attributes for resources of group %s on node %s
10232 Clearing Restart attribute for group %s on node %s
10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group %s on all nodes
10234 AutoRestart attribute is not set, so VCS will not bring group %s online if any
fault on persistent resource clears
10235 Restart set for group %s. Group will be brought online if fault on persistent
resource clears.\n If group brought online anywhere else from autostarlist or manually,
then Restart will be reset
10236 No resource name specified
10237 Resource name is a reserved word or contains invalid character(s)
10238 Attempting to add existing resource
10239 Resource limit of %d reached; cannot add more
10240 Attempt to modify non-existent resource
10241 Invalid message for resource %x
10244 Populate SystemList before adding resource
10245 Resource added\nNameRule and Enabled attributes must be set before agent
10246 SystemList of resource's group does not include %s
10247 Only agents can modify state values
10248 Only agents can modify flags values
10249 Child resource does not exist: %s
10250 Resources links may not span groups
10251 Link to self is prohibited
10252 Arc exists from %s to %s
10253 Resources of Operations 'None' and 'OnOnly' may not depend on other resources
10255 Could not link %s and %s
10257 Cannot unlink type-based dependencies
10258 Could not unlink %s and %s
10260 Resource does not exist %s
10261 Resource not configured to run on system %s
10262 System not part of resource's SystemList: %s
10263 Cannot clear resource of Operations type 'None'
10265 Cannot clear resource while group is going offline
10266 Resource not faulted on node %s
10267 Resource not faulted or group in process of failing over
10269 Agent for resource failed on system %s
10270 Resource is not enabled
10271 Resources of Operations type 'None' do not support onlining or offlining
10272 Resources of Operations type 'OnOnly' do not support offlining
10275 Manual operations (ManualOps) on resource's group is disabled
10276 Group %s for resource %s is frozen
10278 Service group (%s) of resource (%s) has failed or is switching,on/offlining
10280 Group %s for resource %s is not enabled on system %s
10281 Group %s for resource %s is autodisabled on system %s
10282 Group %s for resource %s is autodisabled in cluster
10283 Resource has not been probed on system %s
10284 Cannot bring a faulted resource on-line,Clear the faulted resource on system %s
10285 Cannot online; resource's group is frozen, waiting for dependency to be satisfied
10286 Cannot online; resource's group is not offline elsewhere
10287 Online resources depend on resource:'%s'; take them offline first
10291 Resource %s, configured under Group %s, does not include System %s
10292 Cannot online a resource on node %s, which is going down
10293 Faulted persistent resource %s is part of online dependency; Clear the faulted
10294 Faulted resource %s is part of online dependency;clear the faulted resource
10295 Initiating online of Resource %s (Group %s) on System %s
10297 Resource %s (Group %s) is online on %s (first probe)
10298 Resource %s (Group %s) is online on %s (initiated by VCS)
10299 Resource %s (Group %s) is online on %s (not initiated by VCS)
10300 Initiating offline of Resource %s (Group %s) on System %s
10302 RESOURCE %s (Group %s) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys %s (first probe)
10303 RESOURCE %s (Group %s) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys %s
10304 Resource %s (Group %s) is offline on %s (First probe)
10305 Resource %s (Group %s) is offline on %s (initiated by VCS)
10306 Resource %s (Group %s) is offline on %s (previous state=OFFLINE)
10307 Resource %s (Group %s) is offline on %s (not initiated by VCS)
10315 Snmp attribute modification error %s
10317 Snmp actions disabled
10318 Cannot send SNMP trap; IP Address (%s) must be valid
10319 No trap message to send for trap %s
10320 Invalid trap number %s
10322 Node %d changed state from %s to %s
10352 hasys:System already exists
10353 hasys:System %s not found in LLT configuration file
10354 System %s not found in LLT configuration file; LLTNodeId Value from %s will
be used
10355 Please review names of systems listed in VCS configuration, ensuring that they
are present \n\t\t and that node IDs are consistent in the LLT configuration files on \n\t\t
all systems in the cluster
10357 hasys:System does not exist
10359 hasys:Node is currently in cluster.Can't delete it
10360 hasys:Cannot delete - system %s is part of SystemList of group %s
10363 Exiting; could not mark configuration stale
10364 haconf: Cluster already writable
10365 Unable to set Read/Write File to 0
10367 haconf: Dump already in progress
10369 haconf: Cluster not writable
10371 Unable to set Read/Write File to 1
10374 haconf:No dumps in progress
10389 hasys:Can't modify reserved attributes
10391 System '%s' listed in but absent in LLT config file
10393 System %s has node id %d in LLT configuration file on system %s, but node id
%d is on system %s
10396 hasys:Invalid system name: %s
10397 process_system() has unknown message: %x
10398 Failed to invoke trigger (no node in RUNNING state): %s %s
10399 Failed to create process: %s %s
10400 Trigger sent on node %s: %s %s
10404 Type name is a reserved word or contains invalid character(s)
10405 Invalid minor code %x
10406 Invalid character in type name
10407 Type already exists
10408 Type limit of %d reached; cannot add more
10409 Type does not exist: %s
10410 Resources exist; Cannot delete 'Resource-Type'
10411 Cannot modify Operations attribute after resources of this type have been
10412 Could not start agent for type %s on system %s
10413 Attribute name is a reserved word or contains invalid character(s)
10415 Cannot add attributes to predefined types
10416 Attribute already exists %s (%s)
10417 Update error %s
10418 Unknown return value
10419 Cann't change defaults for Type: %s
10421 Non-static attribute does not exist %s (%s)
10422 Cannot modify non-static attribute:'Enabled'
10423 Incorrect value or dimension type for attribute: %s
10424 Incorrect value type specified: %s
10426 Incorrect keylist for %s
10428 Incorrect association for %s
10431 Incorrect dimension type '%d' specified
10436 Static attribute does not exist %s (%s)
10437 Cannot delete system-defined or predefined attributes
10438 Group %s has been probed on system %s
10439 Not initiating auto-start online of group on system %s after probe. Waiting for
group %s to probe all nodes alive in SystemList
10440 Cannot online group %s on node %s. Restart is set. Group will be brought online
if fault on persistent resource clears. If group is brought online anywhere else from
autostarlist or manually, Restart will be reset
10441 Cannot bring group %s on line on node %s. AutoRestart attribute is not set, so
will not try to bring group online if any fault on persistent resource clears
10442 Initiating auto-start online of group %s on system %s
10446 Group %s is offline on system %s
10447 Group %s is online on system %s
10448 Group %s is failed over to system %s
10449 Group %s autodisabled on node %s until it is probed
10451 Cleared autodisabled for Group %s on node %s
10455 Operation %s(0x%x) rejected. Sysstate=%s%s,Channel=%s,Flags=0x%x
10456 Configuration must be ReadWrite. ('%s(0x%x)',Sysstate=%s,Channel=
10457 Node: %d changed name from: %s to: %s
10458 Warning: PreOnline 0 for group %s; nopre option is ignored
10459 Warning: PreOnlining 0 for node %s; group %s (or one of its resources) may
have gone online between a prior online and this nopre online
10460 Clearing start attribute for resource %s of group %s on node %s
10550 Exiting:Cannot open %s
10551 Cannot write to: %s errno: %d
10553 Cannot read from file: %s,err: %d
10554 '%s' does not exist: %s
10555 Incorrect recognition of list descriptor %s
10557 Missing value in attribute keylist
10559 Missing associated value
10561 Modify_nvelem;invalid vtype for %s
10562 Value is already global
10563 Key %s already in list
10564 No value associated with key %s
10565 Modify/add attribute is invalid for scalars
10566 Entry %s not found in attribute keylist
10567 Specified entry greater than list length
10568 Delete valid only for keylists and associations
10571 Key %s not found
10572 No entry at index %d; (did you start with 0?)
10573 Scope (global/local) is incorrect
10574 No entry for system %s
10575 Attribute %s not defined
10576 System-defined attributes may not be modified
10577 Could not find value of attribute %s
10579 Incorrect value for boolean/state/integer %s
10581 Incorrect value for boolean/state/integer in vector or keylist %s at location %d
10583 Incorrect boolean/state/integer value for associate array entry: %s
10584 Last key not associated with an element
10590 Cannot start %s %d
10591 Failed while waiting for process to complete %s %d
10601 Usage:
10602 Argument count limit(%d) exceeded
10603 Unknown option: %s
10604 Unsuccessful open of service
10605 Incorrect system specified
10606 Incorrect agent specified
10609 Conditional argument %s does not contain an '='
10610 Invalid number of arguments
10611 Invalid arguments
10616 Must be root to run this command
10617 Static attributes may not be temporary
10618 Invalid arguments for attribute addition
10619 'HAD' starting on: %s
10620 Waiting for local cluster configuration status
10621 Local cluster configuration error
10622 Local cluster configuration missing
10623 Local cluster configuration invalid
10624 Local cluster configuration stale
10625 Local cluster configuration valid
10626 Too many arguments
10627 Expected a system name
10628 Incorrect number of arguments
10629 Too few args or too many options
10632 Unexpected option
10633 Invalid arguments
10642 Error:
10643 Error in file :%s at line:%d
10653 Invalid group dependency location specified %s
10655 Invalid group dependency state specified %s
10662 Incorrect group or attribute %s,%s
10664 No values specified
10666 Deleting keys.Values can't be specified
10669 Incorrect flag specified
10670 Incorrect group specified
10677 Must specify destination
10691 Must specify system name
10693 Incorrect attribute specified
10694 Incorrect value specified
10696 Incorrect time value specified
10699 \n\tSCALAR:
10706 Incorrect resource or attribute %s,%s
10715 Incorrect syntax
10718 Incorrect resource specified
10740 Incorrect snmp command %s
10746 Incorrect snmp command
10753 Node name %s, Node ID: %d
10754 Node ID; %d does not exist in cluster configuration
10755 Unexpected value returned
10761 Node ID expected
10772 Too many options
10792 Must specify the type name
10799 Too few arguments
10805 Connection timed out
10806 Error while registering resource,group or system
10807 %s not system-specific; cannot compare
10808 %s system-specific; need a system name
10809 Value type not supported
10810 Must be an administrator to run this command
11001 Unknown major message value=0x%x
11005 hacf -status died; transistioning to STALE_ADMIN_WAIT
11008 Exiting; cannot lock %s
11009 Exiting; another copy of VCS may be running
11013 Cannot lock file: %s
11014 Cannot write string '%s' to file: %s
11020 Exiting:Cannot register with SCM(service ctl manager).err: %d
11021 Failed to notify service ctl manager (SCM),status: %d, err: %d
11022 VCS engine (had) started
11023 Cannot initialize socket
11024 System name retrieval failed
11025 Could not allocate update_err_msg; out of memory?
11026 Could not allocate update_vlistp; out of memory?
11030 had not ready to receive this command. Message was: 0x%x
11031 GABSIM open failed. Exiting
11032 registration failed. Exiting
11033 GAB open failed. Exiting
11034 registering for cluster membership
11035 Waiting for cluster membership
11036 GAB recv failed. Exiting
11038 Failed to open had service
11039 Failed to make MSG_CLUSTER_STOP_SYS
11041 Engine stopping; deleting vlist for %s
11042 Deleting vlist for %s
11043 halog:Unknown major/minor msg = %x
11044 halog:Invalid node %s
11053 halog:Error specifying cache_size
11055 Unknown process-registration message: %x
11062 Warning: group %s does not exist; resources added later will not be registered
11064 Warning: type %s does not exist. Resources added later will not be registered
11083 Tags A,B,C,D and E are global tags.\n\t Do not try to add or delete these
11084 %s is an invalid TAG. Use A,B,C,D or E instead
11086 Exiting: Cannot make directory: %s
11098 Another hashadow running.. VCS engine is exiting
11102 VCS exited gracefully
11103 VCS exited.It will restart
11104 VCS has faulted %d times since %ld; hashadow will not restart VCS. Correct
problem and restart VCS
11106 Cannot get lock on file: %s, Errno: %d
11107 Restarting VCS with following arguments: %s %s
11108 Cannot start had. Error=0x%x
11113 Memory allocation failed
11124 Force overrides evacuate; choose force, evacuate, or neither
11131 Incorrect username
11135 Cannot get password; error 0x%x
11137 Cannot encrypt password; error 0x%x
11140 $BNAME is used to setup a disk for combined use by VERITAS Volume
Manager and by VERITAS Cluster Server for disk\ncommunication.
11141 Failed to setup disk; exiting $1
11142 There are currently slices in use on disk $RDISK Destroy existing data and
reinitialize disk?
11143 Device does not exist
11144 Device $DISK contains mounted file systems.
11145 Usage: $BNAME [disk_tag]
Example: $BNAME c1t0d0
Must be run before disk is placed under VxVM control.
11146 WARNING: This utility will destorying all data on $DISK.Have all disk groups
and file systems on disk $1 been either unmounted or deported?
11147 ${HB_SLICE_SIZE} blocks are available for VxCS disk communication and
service group heartbeat regions on device $RAW \n\t This disk can now be configured
into a Volume Manager disk group.\n\t Using vxdiskadm, allow it to be configured into
the disk group as a replacement disk. Do not select reinitialization of the disk.\n\t After
running vxdiskadm, consult the output of prtvtoc to confi rm the exsistence of slice 7.
Reinitializing the disk under VxVM will delete slice 7. If this happens, deport the disk
group and rerun $BNAME.
11155 ioctl error GAB_IOC_DISK
11156 %s: cannot malloc(%u) for msgbuf
11157 %s cannot ioctl(IOCTL_LLT_GETPARAM/LP_LOWNODE): %s
11158 %s cannot ioctl(IOCTL_LLT_GETPARAM/LP_HIGHNODE): %s
11159 %s cannot ioctl(IOCTL_LLT_GETPARAM/LP_MYNODE): %s
11160 %s cannot ioctl(IOCTL_LLT_GETPARAM/LP_MYCLUSTER): %s
11161 %s cannot ioctl(IOCTL_LLT_GETPARAM/LP_NUMLINK): %s
11162 cannot malloc(%u) for IOCTL_LLT_GETNODEINFO
11163 cannot ioctl(IOCTL_LLT_GETNODEINFO, %d): %s
11165 Error opening /dev/gab_0
11166 Error opening /dev/llt
11167 Error obatining LLT data - exiting
11172 Insufficient number of arguments
11174 %s: not found
11175 %s: internal error
11176 Failed to execute command; exitcode: %d
11177 Command exited on remote host with exitcode: %d
11178 Completed %d runs
11180 Cmd Busy: %d
11181 Cmd Rejected: %d
11182 Server Platform: %s
11183 Default: Unknown message %d
11186 Too many clients
11187 (%s): %d handle not found
11198 (%s): %d not found
11200 Invalid parameter %s
11202 Failed to open file '%s'
11203 Failed to write '%s'
11206 Invalid message header
11207 Failed to set state to %d [%s, h= %d]
11209 Unknown message %d from unknown sender %d
11210 (%s) remove client [%s, h= %d]
11211 In %s state [%s]
11212 Failed to create process %s; return: %d
11213 Slave started successfully
11214 Handle=(%d), (%s) Unknown message %d
11216 (%s) set state to %d [%s, handle= %d]
11220 (%s) set state to %d [msg %d, handle= %d]
11235 %s exiting: cannot register with SCM: %d\n
11237 %s is Up
11241 Insufficient number of arguments
11244 '-handle' option not specified
11245 Failed to connect to %s; return: %d
11246 %s is Up
11247 Invalid message header from %d
11249 Failed to create pipes %d %d %d
11250 Failed to redirect handles %d %d %d
11251 Failed to create child; Err: %d
11252 (%s) Unknown message %d from server
11253 Failed to write stdin to pipe; Err: %d
11258 Error while reading Stdout pipe: %d
11259 #bytes in command output: %d
11260 No data on Stdout
11261 Error while reading Stderr pipe; Err: %d
11263 No data on Stderr
11272 Command is running on remote host
11273 Function '%s' failed; Err: %d
11274 System shutting down on %s, HAD exiting..
12021 syntax error - %s '%s' in file %s:%d
12022 Failed to get working directory
12023 Unsuccessful open of ipm service
12026 Types file should have '.%s' extension
12027 Cannot mkdir %s
12028 Cannot chdir %s
12028 Exiting:Cannot chdir %s
12030 Can't open lock file.errno = %d
12031 Configuration locked
12032 Cannot create file: %s
12033 Cannot open file: %s
12035 Error deleting file: %s
12036 Source file should have '.%s' extension
12040 Failed to change to working directory
12043 Failed to dump the configuration from the live engine
12045 Aborting after syntax errors
12046 Configuration stale
12047 Cannot fork %s
12048 Destination file should have a '.%s' extension
12051 illegal group dependency clause
12054 Cannot open input file: %s
12055 Unexpected EOF '%s'
12056 parent resource '%s' does not exist %s
12057 child resource '%s' does not exist %s
12058 unknown type '%s' %s
12059 Expecting -keys
12060 Cannot find attribute '%s'
12061 Scalars attributes cannot have multiple values
12062 Cannot find resource '%s'
12065 Unknown subcommand '%s'
12066 Not enough arguments
12076 Cannot find group '%s'
12083 Cannot find system %s
12085 expecting haevent -add
12086 unknown event '%s'
12087 Unknown command '%s'
12088 unknown event subcommand '%s'
12089 unexpected message 0x%x type=%d from engine
12090 0x%x message unknown
12092 ipm send failure
12093 recvb failure
12095 Aborting hacf: errors encountered
12097 Duplicate definition for %s at %s:%d
12103 Cannot find attribute def for %s.%s
12104 expecting a list for %s
12105 Cannot open output '%s'
12109 ipm sendrecvb failure
12111 configuration may contain only one cluster clause
12112 configuration may contain only one snmp clause
12113 system %s defined more than once
12114 group %s defined more than once
12115 group %s cannot have more than one group dependency clause
12116 group %s has a local attribute without a SystemList
12117 system %s not on group %s\'s SystemList
12118 'Name' is a reserved word and may not be used to name objects or attributes
12119 name required for %s:%d
12120 Qualified name not found
12121 Value for attribute '%s' not found
12122 '%s' is a reserved word and may not be used to name objects or attributes
12123 Type '%s' defined more than once
12124 '-unlink' not implemented. In file: %s:%d
12125 Cannot find 'NameRule' for %s or 'name' for %s
12126 Cannot find type '%s' %s
12127 Cannot find group '%s' %s
12128 Resource %s is %s and must not have children
12129 resource '%s' in a cycle
12130 group %s does not exist
12131 group %s contains group dependency cycles
12132 Cannot find group '%s'
12133 group %s contains too deep group dependency
12134 SystemList for group %s contains non-existent system %s
12135 group %s has a AutoStartList without a SystemList
12136 system %s in group %s AutoStartList, but not in the SystemList
12137 Invalid Resource Type %s in group %s
12138 Cannot find type '%s'
12139 Resource Type %s occuring more than once in dependency attribute for group
12140 group %s has SystemZones without a SystemList
12141 System %s in group %s SystemZones, but not in the SystemList
12142 attribute %s for %s cannot be specified both local and global
12143 attribute %s for %s specified local on %s more than once
12144 A type cannot be named '%s'. It is a reserved word %s
12145 SystemList does not have a list
12146 group %s has a local attribute %s without SystemList
12150 duplicate event item name %s %s
12151 duplicate event name %s %s
12155 Bad include line in file %s:%d
VERITAS Cluster Server error messages and error codes [Part 2].
13001 Output of the completed operation (%s) on resource (%s) \n%s
13002 Output of the completed operation (%s) \n%s
13003 Output of the timedout operation (%s) on resource (%s) \n%s
13004 Output of the timedout operation (%s) \n%s
13005 Agent(%s) is exiting due to internal error.
13006 Resource(%s) - clean procedure did not complete within the expected time.
13007 Resource(%s) - close procedure did not complete within the expected time.
13008 Agent rejected the offline command for resource(%s) because the resource is not
13009 Agent rejected the online command for resource(%s) because the resource is not
13010 Agent rejected the probe command for resource(%s) because the resource is not
13011 Resource(%s) - offline procedure did not complete within the expected time.
13012 Resource(%s) - online procedure did not complete within the expected time.
13013 Resource(%s) - did not become online even after completing online & retrying, if
configured so. Administrative intervention may be required.
13014 Resource (%s) - open procedure did not complete within the expected time.
13015 Resource (%s) - faulted and the attempt to automatically restart it was not
effective. Administrative intervention may be required.
13016 Resource(%s) faluted by becoming offline unexpectedly on its own & it was
cleaned up by the agent successfully.
13017 Resource(%s) faulted by becoming offline unexpectedly, on its own.
13018 Resource(%s) was successfully cleaned up by the agent after the monitoring
program consistently failed to determine the resource status within the expected time.
13019 Agent(%s) is exiting because the required arguments were not specified.
13020 Agent(%s) is exiting because it was given too many arguments
13021 Agent(%s) is exiting because it was given unexpected option(%s)
13022 Agent(%s) is exiting because of invalid usage.
13023 The agent is restarting the resource(%s), which became offline unexpectedly on its
13024 The agent is restarting the resource(%s), for which the monitoring program
consistently failed to determine the resource status within the expected time.
13026 Resource(%s) - monitor procedure finished successfully after failing to complete
within the expected time for (%d) consecutive times.
13027 Resource(%s) - monitor procedure did not complete within the expected time.
13028 Resource(%s) - the last (%d) invocations of the monitor procedure did not
complete within the expected time.
13029 Resource(%s) - did not become offline even after completing the clean procedure.
Administrative intervention may be required.
13037 Monitor script file (%s) not found.
13038 Error executing the program(%s) for resource (%s).
13039 Program(%s) for resource (%s) was abnormally terminated with the exit code
13042 Agent(%s) is exiting because it encountered error(%d) when opening the lock
13043 Agent(%s) is exiting because it encountered error(%d) when locking file(%s)
13044 Agent(%s) is exiting because it encountered error(%d) when seeking to the
beginning of the the lock file(%s)
13045 Agent(%s) is exiting because it encountered error(%d) writing to the lock file(%s).
13046 Agent(%s) is exiting because of incomplete write (%d) of (%d) to the lock
13047 Agent(%s) is exiting because it encountered error(%d) when releasing lock on
13048 Agent(%s) is exiting because it encountered error(%d) when seeking to the
beginning of the lock file(%s)
13050 Agent(%s) is exiting because it could not lock the file(%s)
13051 Agent(%s) is exiting because another agent with process-id(%d) is already running
for this type
13052 Terminating the hung agent for the type(%s) with process-id(%d)
13061 Agent is exiting because it could not load the agent library(%s).
13062 Agent is exiting because it could not find VCSAgStartup() in the agent library
192001 FileName is not valid
187001 File Name is not valid
186001 Unable to create the file
186002 Unable to delete the file
186503 Monitor is successful
186504 Online is successful
186505 Offline is successful
186506 Clean is successful
188001 Unable to create the file
188002 ERROR! FileName is not valid
189001 Unable to get the path of the HASTATUS.EXE
189503 Execution result of the HASTATUS.EXE command %s
190001 Target Resource name is not a valid name
190002 Unable to Get the computer Name
190003 Unable to determin the state using Input values
190004 Target resource is not Probed
190005 Unable to get the HASTATUS.EXE Path %s
183001 HostName is not a valid name
183002 Exchange Path is not a valid path
183003 Unable to set the Virtual Name
183004 Unable to Start the Exchange Server Services
183005 Unable to stop the Exchange Server Services
183006 Unable to un-set the Virtual Name
183007 Invlid parameters VirtualName
183008 Unable to start the communication with the registry
183009 Unable to update the registry values
183010 Unable to close the communication with the registry
183011 Unable to find the 'ComputerName' name from registry
183012 Unable to read the 'ComputerName' from the registry
183013 Unable to communicate with Windows Service Control Manager
183014 Unable to start Microsoft Exchange System Attendant Service
183015 Unable to start Microsoft Exchange System Directory Service
183016 Unable to start Microsoft Exchange Information Store Service
183017 Unable to start Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent Service
183018 Unable to start Microsoft Exchange Event Service
183019 Unable to start Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service
183020 Unable to get Windows Name from the Service Display Name for (%s)
183021 Unable to Control the Service (%s)
183022 Unable to QueryServiceStatus the Service (%s)
183023 Unable to stop Microsoft Exchange Event Service
183024 Unable to stop Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service Connector
183025 Unable to stop Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent Service
183026 Unable to stop Microsoft Exchange Information Store Service
183027 Unable to stop Microsoft Exchange System Directory Service
183028 Unable to stop Microsoft Exchange System Attendant Service
183029 Starting Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent Service
183030 %s: Service Status is SERVICE_RUNNING
183031 %s: Service Status is SERVICE_START_PENDING
183032 %s: Service Status is SERVICE_STOP_PENDING
183033 %s: Service Status is SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING
183034 %s: Service Status is Unknown Action is PAUSE PENDING
183035 %s: Service Status is SERVICE_PAUSED
183036 %s: Service Status is SERVICE_STOPPED
183037 Log Buffer: %s
183038 Unable to start Microsoft Exchange Directory Synchronization Service
183039 Unable to start MS Mail Connector Interchange
183040 Unable to stop Microsoft Exchange Directory Synchronization Service
183041 Unable to stop MS Mail Connector Interchange
183503 In Exchange Monitor Function
183504 In Exchange Online Function
183505 Parameters received from Agent Frameworks are Parm#1 (%s), Param#2 (%s)
183506 In Exchange Offline Function
183507 ISINTEG.EXE path (%s)
183508 Result of the ISINTEG Execution %s
183509 Starting Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent service
183510 Attempting to stop Microsoft Exchange Event
183511 Attempting to stop Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service
183512 Attempting to stop Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent
183513 Attempting to stop Microsoft Exchange Information Store
183514 Attempting to stop Microsoft Exchange System Directory
183515 Attempting to stop Microsoft Exchange System Attendant
183516 Attempting to stop Microsoft Exchange Directory Synchronization
183517 Attempting to stop MS Mail Connector Interchange
184001 IIS Configuration is not Valid
184002 Unable to get the Service Control Manager Handle
184003 Unable to get the Service Name from Service Display Name
184004 Unable to get the Service Handle for IIS Service
184005 Unable to find a usable WinSock DLL
184006 Unable to get host name
184007 Unable to get host name from gethostbyname
184008 FTP Service is in Unknown State
184009 Unable to create a FTP socket %ld
184010 Unable to set the FTP socket options %ld
184011 Unable to set the IO mode of the FTP socket %ld
184012 Unable to establish FTP socket connection %ld
184013 Unable to determine the status of the FTP socket %ld
184014 Unable to read the status of the FTP connection %ld
184015 Unable to send the command to the FTP server %ld
184016 Unable to get the status of the send command from FTP server %ld
184017 Unable to receive a command from FTP server %ld
184018 Connection with the FTP server Timeout
184019 Unable to get the data from the FTP server %ld
184020 WWW Service is in Unknown State
184021 Unable to create a WWW socket %ld
184022 Unable to set the WWW socket options %ld
184023 Unable to set the IO mode of the WWW socket %ld
184024 Unable to establish WWW socket connection %ld
184025 Unable to determine the status of the WWW socket %ld
184026 Unable to create a SMTP socket %ld
184027 Unable to set the SMTP socket options %ld
184028 Unable to set the IO mode of the SMTP socket %ld
184029 Unable to establish SMTP socket connection %ld
184030 Unable to determine the status of the SMTP socket %ld
184031 Unable to create a NNTP socket %ld
184032 Unable to set the NNTP socket options %ld
184033 Unable to set the IO mode of the NNTP socket %ld
184034 Unable to establish NNTP socket connection %ld
184035 Unable to determine the status of the NNTP socket %ld
184501 In IIS Open Function
184502 FTP : wServiceFlag(%ld), wServicePortNumber(%ld), wServiceTimeOut (%ld)
184503 WWW : wServiceFlag(%ld), wServicePortNumber(%ld), wServiceTimeOut
184504 SMTP : wServiceFlag(%ld), wServicePortNumber(%ld), wServiceTimeOut
184505 NNTP : wServiceFlag(%ld), wServicePortNumber(%ld), wServiceTimeOut
184506 Monitor Flag : (%ld)
184507 In IIS Monitor Function
184508 In IIS OnLine Function
184509 In IIS OffLine Function
184510 In IIS Close Function
184510 FTP Service Initialize Function
184511 FTP Monitor Function
184512 FTP Service is Offline
184513 Calling Detail Monitor Routine for FTP Service
184514 FTP Service Socket call success
184515 FTP Service Setsockopt call success
184516 FTP Service Ioctlsocket call success
184517 FTP Service Connect call success
184518 FTP Service SocketReadBuffer call success
184520 In Detail Monitor function for FTP Server
184521 WWW Service Initialize Function
184522 WWW Monitor Function
184523 WWW Service is Offline
184524 WWW Service is Online
184525 Calling Detail Monitor Routine for WWW Service
184526 In Detail Monitor function for WWW Server
184527 WWW Service Socket call success
184528 WWW Service Setsockopt call #1 success
184529 WWW Service Setsockopt call #2 success
184530 WWW Service Setsockopt call #3 success
184531 WWW Service Ioctlsocket call success
184532 WWW Service Connect call success
184533 WWW Service Detail Monitor success
184534 SMTP Service Initialize Function
184535 SMTP Monitor Function
184536 Calling Detail Monitor Routine for SMTP Service
184537 SMTP Monitor returning success
184538 In Detail Monitor function for SMTP Server
184539 SMTP Service Socket call success
184540 SMTP Service Setsockopt call success
184541 SMTP Service Ioctlsocket call success
184542 SMTP Service Connect call success
184543 SMTP Service Detail Monitor success
184544 NNTP Service Initialize Function
184545 NNTP Monitor Function
184546 Calling Detail Monitor Routine for NNTP Service
184547 NNTP Monitor returning success
184548 In Detail Monitor function for NNTP Server
184549 NNTP Service Socket call success
184550 NNTP Service Setsockopt call success
184551 NNTP Service Ioctlsocket call success
184552 NNTP Service Connect call success
184553 NNTP Service Detail Monitor success
184554 %s : Service Status is SERVICE_RUNNING
184555 %s : Service Status is SERVICE_START_PENDING
184556 %s : Service Status is SERVICE_STOP_PENDING
184557 %s : Service Status is SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING
184558 %s : Service Status is SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING
184559 %s : Service Status is SERVICE_PAUSED
184560 %s : Service Status is SERVICE_STOPPED
177001 Disk Number is not specified or incorrect, cannot online
177002 Signature is not specified or incorrect, cannot online
177003 Physical drive not found Or Invalid harddisk number configured
177004 Read Error on the configured Disk drive
177005 Incorrect disk.
177500 Actual siganture: %lu
177501 Supplied signature (diskno=%ld, signature=%lu)
178001 Invalid Mount disk.
178002 Drive letter is in use, possibly network drive.
178003 Could not perform quick file system check
178004 Could not run CHKDSK.EXE to check the file system.
178005 Invalid Mount disk Signature (drive=%s, signature=%ld)
178006 File system check failed.
178007 Could not access the drive.
178008 Incorrect File system.
178009 Could not assign the drive letter.
178010 Drive already assigned.
178011 Could not unlock the volume
178012 Could not unassign the drive letter.
178013 Could not dismount the volume.
178014 Forced Unmount - Could not locate OH.EXE to get the list of files opened on the
share drive.
178015 Forced Unmount - Could not get the list of files opened on the shared drive.
178016 Could not lock the volume.
178017 Incorrect drive letter assigned.
178500 Mount device path. (devicepath=%s)
178501 Cleaning resources.
178502 Offline successful.
178503 Online successful.
178504 File system check successful.
178505 Possibly following are the files open on the Shared disk.
178506 File is in use by application (File=%s, Type=%s, Application=%s)
178507 Mount attributes (Disk signature=%lu, drive=%s, file_system_type=%s,
hard_disk#=%d, partition#=%d)
178508 Assigning device path. (devicepath=%s)
178509 Configured file system (filesystem=%s)
178510 Actual file system (filesystem=%s)
178511 Mounted drive. (drive=%s)
198001 PrinterName not specified for resource %s
198002 ShareName not specified for resource %s
198003 Max users cannot be 0 -- check value
198004 Mount resource not specified for spool directory, %s cannot online
198005 Cannot add share %s for device %s error %d parameter %d
198006 Cannot delete share %s -- error %d
198007 Cannot monitor share %s error %d -- returning unknown
198008 For sharename %s, Printer is %s, not %s-- returning offline
198009 %s not shared as a type STYPE_PRINTQ but %d -- returning unknown
198010 Cannot clean share %s -- error %d
198503 In online for resource %s
198504 In offline for resource %s
198505 In monitor for resource %s returning %d
198506 In clean for resource %s
181001 PathName not specified for resource %s
181002 ShareName not specified for resource %s
181003 Max users cannot be 0 -- check value
181004 Shared Drive letter is not retrieved from Mount resource, resource %s cannot
181005 Cannot add share %s for device %s error %d parameter %d
181006 Cannot delete share %s -- error %d
181007 Cannot monitor share %s error %d -- returning unknown
181008 For sharename %s, path is %s, not %s-- returning offline
181009 %s not shared as a type STYPE_DISKTREE but %d -- returning unknown
181010 Cannot clean share %s -- error %d
181503 In online for resource %s
181504 In offline for resource %s
181505 In monitor for resource %s returning %d
181506 In clean for resource %s
180001 Name must be less than %d characters in length
180002 Online -- Cannot convert the virtual name to wide string while adding comment
180003 Unable to get the local host name
180004 Online-- Unable to set the comment info to local computer
180005 Cannot convert the virtual name to wide string
180006 Online -- Cannot add computer name %s
180007 Virtual Name must be present
180009 Monitor -- Unable to get the virtual computer name info
180010 Monitor -- Possibly Virtual name already exists
180011 Cannot delete virtual name
180503 In online for resource %s
180504 In offline for resource %s
180505 In monitor for resource %s returning %d
180506 In clean for resource %s
173001 IP address not specified.
173002 SubNetmask not specified.
173003 Adapter not specified.
173004 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
173005 Bad IP address: %s
173006 Bad SubNetMask: %s
173007 IP address already exists: IP %s
173008 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
173009 No empty slot left for assigning IP, check the adapter name and free slots:
Adapter %s.
173010 IP address not specified.
173011 SubNetmask not specified.
173012 Adapter not specified.
173013 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
173014 Bad IP address: %s
173015 Bad SubNetMask: %s
173016 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
173017 Can not offline the resource as IP address is Admin IP address.
173018 IP address not specified, returning unknown state.
173019 SubNetmask not specified, returning unknown state.
173020 Adapter not specified, returning unknown state.
173021 Bad IP address, returning unknown state, IP: %s
173022 Bad SubNetMask, returning unknown state, SubNetMask: %s
173023 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning unknown state. Error: %d-%d
173024 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning unknown state. Error: %d
173025 IP address is Admin IP address, returning unknown state.
173026 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
173027 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
173028 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
173501 Index for assigning IP:%s is %d.
173502 IP assigned successfully IP: %s.
173503 Index for de-assigning IP:%s is %d.
173504 IP de-assigned successfully IP: %s.
173505 Adapter does not have IP assigned: Adapter - %s IP - %s.
173506 Returning offline, Error: %d.
173507 Returning offline, adapter does not have IP assigned: Adapter - %s IP - %s.
173508 Returning online.
173509 IP address not specified.
173510 SubNetmask not specified.
173511 Adapter not specified.
173512 Bad IP address: %s
173513 Bad SubNetMask: %s
173514 Adapter does not have IP assigned: Adapter - %s IP - %s.
173515 Index for de-assigning IP:%s is %d.
173516 Can not de-assign IP as IP address is Admin IP address.
173517 IP de-assigned successfully IP: %s.
173518 CreateMutex for IP agent opened existing mutex.
173519 CreateMutex for IP agent created new mutex.
174001 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning unknown state. Error: %d-%d
174002 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning unknown state. Error: %d
174003 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning offline state. Error: %d
174004 Returning offline state, check if the adapter name is valid: %s
174005 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
174006 Invalid IP address detected. Execute the ipconfig and inform sysadmin. Adapter
and IP is: %s %s
174007 Invalid SubNetMask detected. Execute the ipconfig and inform sysadmin.
Adapter, IP, SubNetMask is: %s %s %s
174008 Adapter not specified, returning unknown state
174009 Adapter does not have IP assigned. Returning offline state, contact sysadmin.
Adapter is :%s
174010 Memory allocation error, contact sysadmin. Returning unknown state.
174011 Returning offline state, check if the adapter name is valid: %s
174012 Adapter not specified
174013 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
174014 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
174015 Memory allocation error, contact sysadmin
174016 Adapter not specified
174017 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
174018 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
174019 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
174501 Ping successfull for the host: %s
174502 Ping unsuccessfull for the host: %s
174503 Found data for the resource
174504 Getting monitored for first time
174505 Total packets sent between 2 intervals: %d
174506 Total error packets sent between 2 intervals: %d
174507 Error percentage is: %d
174508 IP broadcast address is: %s
174509 Finding the broadcast address using IP address and Subnetmask as: %s %s
174510 IP broadcast address is: %s
174511 Using connection status OID
174512 Resource is online as status is connected
174513 Resource is offline as status is disconnected
174514 Using host list/echo service method
174515 Returning online after using ping hostlist
174516 Using echo service method
174517 Pkt count before & after echo is: %d & %d
174518 Resource is found online using UDP echo service
174519 CreateMutex for NIC agent opened existing mutex.
174520 CreateMutex for NIC agent created new mutex.
174521 MAC address is: %s
174522 Total number of interfaces for the system are: %d
174523 Interface index is: %d
174524 Received pkt count is: %d
174525 Sent unicast pkt count is: %d
174526 Sent non unicast pkt count is: %d
174527 Sent error pkt count is: %d
174528 Empty slot found
174529 Found MAC address for the aapter
174530 Crossed the error percentage limit, returning offline
174531 Returning offline
174532 Lock obtained
174533 Lock released
174534 Lock obtained
174535 Lock released
174536 Lock obtained
174537 Lock released
175001 No adapters specified in the AdapterList.
175002 Memory allocation error, contact sysadmin.
175003 Bad IP address: %s
175004 Bad SubNetMask: %s
175005 IP address already exists: IP %s
175006 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
175007 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
175008 No empty slot left for assigning IP address on adapter: %s
175009 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d %s
175010 No adapters specified in the AdapterList.
175011 Memory allocation error, contact sysadmin.
175012 Bad IP address: %s
175013 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
175014 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
175015 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d %s
175016 No adapters specified in the AdapterList, returning unknown state.
175017 Bad IP address, returning unknown state. IP address is: %s
175018 Bad SubNetMask, returning unknown state. SubNetMask is: %s
175019 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning unknown state. Error: %d-%d
175020 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning unknown state. Error: %d
175021 No adapters specified in the AdapterList.
175022 Memory allocation error, contact sysadmin.
175023 Bad IP address: %s
175024 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
175025 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
175026 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d %s
175501 Number of devices are:%d.
175502 Device number and name is :%d- %s
175503 IP Address: %s
175504 SubNetMask: %s
175505 IP address and index for assigning it it as :%s %d.
175506 IP assigned successfully IP and Adapter name is :%s %s.
175507 Found data for the adapter: %s
175508 Adapter and MAC address is : %s %s
175509 Total number of interfaces on the system are %d
175510 Adapter and interface index is : %s %d
175511 Admin Status up for the adapter: %s
175512 Admin Status down for the adapter: %s
175513 Number of devices are:%d.
175514 Device number and name is :%d- %s
175515 IP Address: %s
175516 SubNetMask: %s
175517 IP address and index for de-assigning it it as :%s %d.
175518 IP de-assigned successfully IP and Adapter name is :%s %s.
175519 Found data for the adapter: %s
175520 Adapter and MAC address is : %s %s
175521 Total number of interfaces on the system are %d
175522 Adapter and interface index is : %s %d
175523 Admin Status up for the adapter: %s
175524 Admin Status down for the adapter: %s
175525 Returning online.
175526 Number of devices are:%d.
175527 Device number and name is :%d- %s
175528 IP Address: %s
175529 SubNetMask: %s
175530 IP address and index for de-assigning it it as :%s %d.
175531 IP de-assigned successfully IP and Adapter name is :%s %s.
175532 Found data for the adapter: %s
175533 Adapter and MAC address is : %s %s
175534 Total number of interfaces on the system are %d
175535 Adapter and interface index is : %s %d
175536 Admin Status up for the adapter: %s
175537 Admin Status down for the adapter: %s
175538 Returning offline, error: %d
175539 Adapter does not have IP assigned: IP and adapter name is: %s - %s.
175540 Adapter does not have IP assigned: IP and adapter name is: %s - %s.
176001 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning unknown state. Error: %d-%d
176002 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning unknown state. Error: %d
176003 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
176004 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
176005 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning unknown state. Adapter: %s Error:
176006 VCS internal error, contact support. Returning unknown state. Adapter: %s Error:
176007 VCS internal error, contact support. Adapter: %s Error: %d
176008 VCS internal error, contact support. Adapter: %s Error: %d-%d
176009 VCS internal error, contact support. Adapter: %s Error: %d %s
176010 Check if a valid is specified in the AdapterList. Adapter Name: %s
176011 Invalid Admin IP address. Check the configuration. Admin IP: %s
176012 Invalid SubNetMask. Check the configuration. Admin SubNetMask: %s
176013 Returning offline, No adapters specified in the AdapterList.
176014 Memory allocation error, contact sysadmin. Returning unknown state.
176015 Admin IP address not specified, returning unknown state. Check the
176016 Admin SubNetMask not specified, returning unknown state. Check the
176017 Invalid Admin IP address, returning unknown state. Check the configuration.
Admin IP: %s
176018 Invalid Admin SubNetMask, returning unknown state. Check the configuration.
Admin SubNetMask: %s
176019 Invalid IP address detected. Execute ipconfig and inform sysadmin. Adapter and
IP is : %s %s.
176020 Adapter does not have required empty slots. Adapter name, slots required and
actual slots are: %s %d %d
176021 No adapters specified in the AdapterList.
176022 Admin IP address not specified. Check the configuration.
176023 Invalid Admin IP address. Check the configuration. Admin IP: %s
176024 Admin SubNetMask not specified. Check the configuration.
176025 Invalid Admin SubNetMask. Check the configuration. Admin SubNetMask: %s
176026 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
176027 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
176028 VCS internal error, contact support. Adapter: %s Error: %d-%d
176029 VCS internal error, contact support. Adapter: %s Error: %d %s
176030 VCS internal error, contact support. Adapter: %s Error: %d
176031 All the adapter names specified in the configuration file are invalid.
176032 The administrative IP address specified in the configuration file exists on the
network. Admin IP: %s
176033 Memory allocation error, contact sysadmin
176034 Invalid adapter name: %s
176035 Admin IP address not specified. Check the configuration.
176036 Invalid Admin IP address. Check the configuration. Admin IP: %s
176037 Admin SubNetMask not specified. Check the configuration.
176038 Invalid Admin SubNetMask. Check the configuration. Admin SubNetMask: %s
176039 No adapters specified in the AdapterList.
176040 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d
176041 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
176042 VCS internal error, contact support. Adapter: %s Error: %d-%d
176043 Memory allocation error, contact sysadmin
176044 VCS internal error, contact support. Adapter: %s Error: %d
176045 VCS internal error, contact support. Adapter: %s Error: %d %s
176046 VCS internal error, contact support. Error: %d-%d
176501 Retuning as adapter not working. Adapter :%s
176502 Adapter has crossed error percentage limit. Adapter :%s
176503 Returning offline state
176504 CreateMutex for MultiNICA agent opened existing mutex.
176505 CreateMutex for MultiNICA agent created new mutex.
176506 Ping successfull for the host %s
176507 Ping un-successfull for the host %s
176508 Found matching node
176509 Searching matching node
176510 Getting monitored for first time
176511 Adapter and total pkts sent between 2 intervals: %s %d
176512 Adapter and total err pkts sent between 2 intervals: %s %d
176513 Adapter and Error percentage: %s %d
176514 Adapter and broadcast address is: %s %s
176515 IP address and SubNetMask is: %s %s
176516 Using connection status OID.
176517 Adapter is connected, returning as working. Adapter: %s
176518 Adapter is disconnected, returning as not working. Adapter: %s
176519 Using host list/echo service method
176520 Returning adapter working after using ping hostlist. Adapter: %s
176521 Using echo service method
176522 Adapter and Pkt count before & after echo is: %s %d %d
176523 Returning adapter working after using echo service. Adapter: %s
176524 Getting the admin status for adapter: %s
176525 Admin status up for adapter: %s
176526 Admin status down for adapter: %s
176527 Number of devices are: %d
176528 Adapter number and name: %d %s
176529 pingTimeoutMseconds: %d
176530 maxTxErrorPercentage: %d
176531 maxTxErrInterval: %d
176532 isValidConnectionStatus: %d
176533 adminIpAddr: %s
176534 adminSubnet: %s
176535 hostCount: %d
176536 Host number and name: %d %s
176537 Active adapter is %s
176538 Checking if adapter is working. Adapter: %s
176539 Last Valid Adapter is %s
176540 Error limit excceded for adapter, going to select alternate adapter. Adapter: %s
176541 Adapter not working. Adapter: %s
176542 Currently adapter and total number of IPs assigned are: %s %d
176543 Currently adapter and actual number of IPs assigned are: %s %d
176544 IP assigned successfully. Adapter and IP is: %s %s
176545 Setting the admin IP addr down for adapter %s
176546 pingTimeoutMseconds: %d
176547 maxTxErrorPercentage: %d
176548 maxTxErrInterval: %d
176549 isValidConnectionStatus: %d
176550 adminIpAddr: %s
176551 adminSubnet: %s
176552 adapterCount: %d
176553 Setting the entry down adapter and index is: %s %d
176554 Setting the entry up adapter and index is: %s %d
176555 Set the admin status UP successfully for adapter: %s
176556 Setting the entry down as admin IP can not be set. Adapter %s
176557 Active adapter is %s
176558 Adapter number and name: %d %s
176559 Checked, Active adapter is %s
176560 In close
176561 In close completed
176562 Lock obtained
176563 Lock released
176564 Lock obtained
176565 Lock released
176566 Lock obtained
176567 Lock released
176568 Empty slot found. Adapter and addr: %s %s
176569 Found data for adapter: %s
176570 Found data for adapter: %s
176571 Found data for adapter: %s
176572 Adding empty slot, adapter and count is %s %d
176573 Adapter and total ip addresses assigned: %s %d
176574 Setting the ip address to adapter and index is: %s %d
176575 Adapter and HW address is : %s %s
176576 Total number of interfaces for the system are %d.
176577 Adapter and Inf index is: %s %d
176578 Adapter and Inf index is: %s %d
176579 Adapter and Inf index is: %s %d
176580 Adapter and Received pkt count is: %s %d
176581 Adapter and sent unicast pkt count: %s %d
176582 Adapter and sent non unicast pkt count: %s %d
176583 Adapter and sent unicast pkt count: %s %d
176584 Setting the entry UP, adapter and index is %s %d
176585 Setting the entry UP, adapter and index is %s %d
176586 Setting the entry UP, adapter and index is %s %d
176587 Setting the entry DOWN , adapter and index is %s %d
176588 Setting the entry DOWN , adapter and index is %s %d
176589 Setting the entry DOWN , adapter and index is %s %d
179001 Cannot get SCM handle
179002 Cannot Control Service
179003 Invalid Service Name:%s
179004 Cannot Open Service handle
179005 Cannot Start Service
179006 Cannot Stop Service
179007 Cannot Close Service Handle
179501 Serivce status is Running
179502 Serivce status is Stopped
179503 Service status is Paused
179505 Service status is Start_Pending
179506 Service status is Stop_Pending
179507 Service status is Paused_Pending
179508 Service status is Continue_Pending
179509 GenericService Agent Shutdown
179510 Argument %d is:%s
179511 Return value is: %d
185001 Cannot get SCM handle
185002 Cannot Control Service.
185003 Invalid Service Name:%s
185004 Cannot Open Service handle
185005 Cannot Start Service
185006 Cannot Stop Service
185007 Cannot Close Service Handle
185008 Detail Monitoring is failed
185009 Function QueryStatus Failed
185010 Error in notescpp api:%s
185501 Domino's status is Running
185502 Domino's status is Stopped
185503 Domino's status is Paused
185504 Domino's status is Start_Pending
185505 Domino's status is Stop_Pending
185506 Domino's status is Paused_Pending
185507 Domino's status is Continue_Pending
185508 Initializing C++ API for Detail Monitoring
185509 Getting the Database
185510 Opening the Database
185511 Detail Monitoring is disabled
185512 Detail Monitoring is enabled
185513 Detail Monitoring is successfull
185514 Function QueryStatus is successfull
185515 Database File: %s & DominoServer: %s
185516 Return value is: %d
185517 LotusDomino Agent Shutdown