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OMNI Test Norm

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Appendix A

Selected OMNI Scales

Fig. A.1 Childrens OMNI-walk/run RPE scale (Robertson 2004)

Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

L. Haile et al., Perceived Exertion Laboratory Manual,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1917-8



Fig. A.2 Adult OMNI-walk/run RPE scale (Robertson 2004)

Fig. A.3 Childrens OMNI-resistance exercise RPE scale, female (Robertson 2004)

Appendix A

Appendix A

Fig. A.4 Childrens OMNI-resistance exercise RPE scale, male (Robertson 2004)

Fig. A.5 Adult OMNI-resistance exercise RPE scale, male (Robertson 2004)



Fig. A.6 Childrens OMNI-step RPE scale, female (Robertson 2004)

Fig. A.7 Childrens OMNI-step RPE scale, male (Robertson 2004)

Appendix A

Appendix A

Fig. A.8 Adult OMNI-step RPE scale, female (Robertson 2004)

Fig. A.9 Adult OMNI-elliptical RPE scale (Mays et al. 2010)


Appendix B

RPE Scale Instructions

Adult OMNI-Walk/Run RPE Scale Instructions

for RPE-O Only
This perceived exertion scale includes numerical categories from 0 to 10. You will
use it to assess your perceptions of exertion while you exercise. The numbers on the
scale represent a range of exertion levels from 0, extremely easy, to 10, extremely
hard. To help you select a number that represents your level of exertion, consider
the following. When the exercise exertion you are experiencing is extremely easy,
respond with a 0. Think about a time when you exercised and the level of exertion
was extremely easy and most likely equivalent to a rating of 0. As an example,
you should respond with a 0 when you are walking very slowly on the treadmill.
When the exertion you are experiencing is extremely hard, respond with a 10.
Think about a time when you exercised and the perception of exertion was
extremely hard, likely attained at your maximal performance level. Most likely
the exertional level would be equivalent to a rating of 10. As an example, you should
respond with a 10 when you are running up a steep incline on the treadmill and you
may not be able to exercise much longer owing to fatigue. Please rate your level of
exertion for your overall body, taking into consideration the exertion experienced in
your legs and your chest/breathing. When asked, use both the pictures and words to
help you select one rating number that represents the level of exertion your body is
experiencing. Each number response is called a rating of perceived exertion, or
RPE. Please point to the number that best represents your RPE at the moment you
are asked.

Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

L. Haile et al., Perceived Exertion Laboratory Manual,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1917-8



Appendix B

Adult OMNI-Walk/Run RPE Scale Instructions

for Undifferentiated and Differentiated RPE
This perceived exertion scale includes numerical categories from 0 to 10. You will
use it to assess your perceptions of exertion while you exercise. The numbers on the
scale represent a range of exertion levels from 0, extremely easy, to 10, extremely
hard. To help you select a number that represents your level of exertion, consider
the following. When the exercise exertion you are experiencing is extremely easy,
respond with a 0. Think about a time when you exercised and the level of exertion
was extremely easy and most likely equivalent to a rating of 0. As an example, you
should respond with a 0 when you are walking very slowly on the treadmill. When
the exertion you are experiencing is extremely hard, respond with a 10. Think
about a time when you exercised and the perception of exertion was extremely
hard, likely attained at your maximal performance level. Most likely the exertional
level would be equivalent to a rating of 10. As an example, you should respond with
a 10 when you are running up a steep incline on the treadmill and you may not be
able to exercise much longer owing to fatigue. You will be asked to rate your level
of exertion for your overall body, your legs and your chest/breathing. When asked,
use both the pictures and words to help you select one rating number that represents
the level of exertion your overall body, legs, or chest/breathing are experiencing.
Each number response is called a rating of perceived exertion, or RPE. Please point
to the number that best represents your RPE at the moment you are asked.

Borg (620) Scale Instructions for RPE-O Only During

Treadmill Exercise
This perceived exertion scale includes numerical categories from 6 to 20. You will
use it to assess your perceptions of exertion while you exercise. The numbers on the
scale represent a range of exertion levels from 6, no exertion at all, to 20, maximal exertion. To help you select a number that represents your level of exertion,
consider the following. When the exercise exertion you are experiencing is no
exertion at all, respond with a 6. Think about a time when you exercised and the
level of exertion was no exertion at all and most likely equivalent to a rating of 6.
As an example, you should respond with a 6 when you are walking very slowly on
the treadmill. When the exertion you are experiencing is maximal exertion,
respond with a 20. Think about a time when you exercised and the perception of
exertion was maximal exertion, likely attained at your maximal performance
level. Most likely the exertional level would be equivalent to a rating of 20. As an
example, you should respond with a 20 when you are running up a steep incline on
the treadmill and you may not be able to exercise much longer owing to fatigue.
Please rate your level of exertion for your overall body, taking into consideration the
exertion experienced in your legs and your chest/breathing. When asked, use the

Appendix B


words to help you select one rating number that represents the level of exertion your
body is experiencing. Each number response is called a rating of perceived exertion,
or RPE. Please point to the number that best represents your RPE at the moment you
are asked.

Adult OMNI-Cycle RPE Scale Instructions for RPE-L Only

This perceived exertion scale includes numerical categories from 0 to 10. You will
use it to assess your perceptions of exertion while you exercise. The numbers on the
scale represent a range of exertion levels from 0, extremely easy, to 10, extremely
hard. To help you select a number that represents your level of exertion, consider
the following. When the exercise exertion you are experiencing is extremely easy,
respond with a 0. Think about a time when you exercised and the level of exertion
was extremely easy and most likely equivalent to a rating of 0. As an example,
you should respond with a 0 when you are pedaling against no resistance on the
cycle. When the exertion you are experiencing is extremely hard, respond with a
10. Think about a time when you exercised and the perception of exertion was
extremely hard, likely attained at your maximal performance level. Most likely
the exertional level would be equivalent to a rating of 10. As an example, you should
respond with a 10 when you are pedaling against a very heavy resistance on the
cycle and may not be able to exercise any longer owing to fatigue. You will be asked
to rate the level of exertion of your legs only, not for your chest/breathing or your
overall body. When asked, use both the pictures and words to help you select one
rating number that represents the level of exertion your body is experiencing. Each
number response is called a rating of perceived exertion, or RPE. Please point to the
number that best represents your RPE at the moment you are asked.

Adult OMNI-Cycle RPE Scale Instructions

for Undifferentiated and Differentiated RPE
This perceived exertion scale includes numerical categories from 0 to 10. You will
use it to assess your perceptions of exertion while you exercise. The numbers on the
scale represent a range of exertion levels from 0, extremely easy, to 10, extremely
hard. To help you select a number that represents your level of exertion, consider
the following. When the exercise exertion you are experiencing is extremely easy,
respond with a 0. Think about a time when you exercised and the level of exertion
was extremely easy and most likely equivalent to a rating of 0. As an example,
you should respond with a 0 when you are pedaling against no resistance
on the cycle. When the exertion you are experiencing is extremely hard,
respond with a 10. Think about a time when you exercised and the perception of
exertion was extremely hard, likely attained at your maximal performance level.


Appendix B

Most likely the exertional level would be equivalent to a rating of 10. As an

example, you should respond with a 10 when you are pedaling against a very heavy
resistance on the cycle and may not be able to exercise any longer owing to fatigue.
You will be asked to rate your level of exertion for your overall body, your legs and
your chest/breathing. When asked, use both the pictures and words to help you
select one rating number that represents the level of exertion your overall body, legs,
or chest/breathing are experiencing. Each number response is called a rating of
perceived exertion, or RPE. Please point to the number that best represents your
RPE at the moment you are asked.

Borg (620) Scale Instructions for RPE-L

Only During Cycle Exercise
This perceived exertion scale includes numerical categories from 6 to 20. You will
use it to assess your perceptions of exertion while you exercise. The numbers on the
scale represent a range of exertion levels from 6, no exertion at all, to 20, maximal exertion. To help you select a number that represents your level of exertion,
consider the following. When the exercise exertion you are experiencing is no
exertion at all, respond with a 6. Think about a time when you exercised and the
level of exertion was no exertion at all and most likely equivalent to a rating of 6.
As an example, you should respond with a 6 when you are pedaling against no resistance on the cycle. When the exertion you are experiencing is maximal exertion,
respond with a 20. Think about a time when you exercised and the perception of
exertion was maximal exertion, likely attained at your maximal performance
level. Most likely the exertional level would be equivalent to a rating of 20. As an
example, you should respond with a 20 when you are pedaling against a very heavy
resistance on the cycle and may not be able to exercise any longer owing to fatigue.
Please rate your level of exertion for your legs only, not for your chest/breathing or
your overall body. When asked, use the words to help you select one rating number
that represents the level of exertion your legs are experiencing. Each number
response is called a rating of perceived exertion, or RPE. Please point to the number
that best represents your RPE at the moment you are asked.

Adult OMNI-Resistance Exercise RPE

Scale for RPE-AM Only
This perceived exertion scale includes numerical categories from 0 to 10. You will
use it to assess your perceptions of exertion while you perform resistance exercise.
The numbers on the scale represent a range of exertion levels from 0, extremely
easy, to 10, extremely hard. To help you select a number that represents your

Appendix B


level of exertion, consider the following. When the resistance exercise exertion you
are experiencing is extremely easy, respond with a 0. Think about a time when
you exercised and the level of exertion was extremely easy and most likely equivalent to a rating of 0. As an example, you should respond with a 0 when you are
lifting a very light weight that is extremely easy to lift. When the exertion you are
experiencing is extremely hard, respond with a 10. Think about a time when you
performed resistance exercise and the perception of exertion was extremely hard,
likely attained at your maximal performance level. Most likely the exertional level
would be equivalent to a rating of 10. As an example, you should respond with a 10
when you are lifting the heaviest weight you can lift and may not be able to lift for
one more repetition owing to fatigue. You will be asked to rate the level of exertion
of your active muscles only, not for your chest/breathing or your overall body. When
asked, use both the pictures and words to help you select one rating number that
represents the level of exertion your active muscles are experiencing. Each number
response is called a rating of perceived exertion, or RPE. Please point to the number
that best represents your RPE at the moment you are asked.

Adult OMNI-Resistance Exercise RPE Scale

for Undifferentiated and Differentiated RPE
This perceived exertion scale includes numerical categories from 0 to 10. You will
use it to assess your perceptions of exertion while you perform resistance exercise.
The numbers on the scale represent a range of exertion levels from 0, extremely
easy, to 10, extremely hard. To help you select a number that represents your
level of exertion, consider the following. When the resistance exercise exertion you
are experiencing is extremely easy, respond with a 0. Think about a time when you
exercised and the level of exertion was extremely easy and most likely equivalent
to a rating of 0. As an example, you should respond with a 0 when you are lifting a
very light weight that is extremely easy to lift. When the exertion you are experiencing is extremely hard, respond with a 10. Think about a time when you performed
resistance exercise and the perception of exertion was extremely hard, likely
attained at your maximal performance level. Most likely the exertional level would
be equivalent to a rating of 10. As an example, you should respond with a 10 when
you are lifting the heaviest weight you can lift and may not be able to lift for one
more repetition owing to fatigue. You will be asked to rate your level of exertion for
your overall body, your active muscles and your chest/breathing. When asked, use
both the pictures and words to help you select one rating number that represents the
level of exertion your overall body, active muscles, or chest/breathing are experiencing. Each number response is called a rating of perceived exertion, or RPE. Please
point to the number that best represents your RPE at the moment you are asked.


Appendix B

Borg (620) Scale Instructions for RPE-AM Only During

Resistance Exercise
This perceived exertion scale includes numerical categories from 6 to 20. You will
use it to assess your perceptions of exertion while you perform resistance exercise.
The numbers on the scale represent a range of exertion levels from 6, no exertion
at all, to 20, maximal exertion. To help you select a number that represents your
level of exertion, consider the following. When the resistance exercise exertion you
are experiencing is no exertion at all, respond with a 6. Think about a time when
you exercised and the level of exertion was no exertion at all and most likely
equivalent to a rating of 6. As an example, you should respond with a 6 when you
are lifting a very light weight that is extremely easy to lift. When the exertion you
are experiencing is maximal exertion, respond with a 20. Think about a time when
you performed resistance exercise and the perception of exertion was maximal
exertion, likely attained at your maximal performance level. Most likely the exertional level would be equivalent to a rating of 20. As an example, you should respond
with a 20 when you are lifting the heaviest weight you can lift and may not be able
to lift for one more repetition owing to fatigue. You will be asked to rate the level of
exertion of your active muscles only, not for your chest/breathing or your overall
body. When asked, use the words to help you select one rating number that represents the level of exertion your active muscles are experiencing. Each number
response is called a rating of perceived exertion, or RPE. Please point to the number
that best represents your RPE at the moment you are asked.

Appendix C

Determination of Validity Coefficients:

An Example Using Cycle Ergometry Graded
Exercise Test Results

1. In a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, label columns of data as shown in Fig. A.10.

(a) For resistance exercise, Exercise Stage may be replaced with %1RM and Weight
Lifted may take the place of physiological variables such as VO2 and HR.
(b) For treadmill exercise, VO2 may be expressed in ml kg min1.
(c) RPE-O and other differentiated RPEs such as RPE-C or RPE-AM may be
used in your experiment.

Fig. A.10
Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
L. Haile et al., Perceived Exertion Laboratory Manual,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1917-8



Appendix C

2. Plot of VO2 and Borg RPE-L for determination of concurrent validity:

(a) Click on the INSERT tab and in the CHARTS section click on SCATTER.
Select the first available chart option. A blank or example scatter plot will
appear on your screen (Fig. A.11).

Fig. A.11

(b) Click on the SELECT DATA tab (Fig. A.12).

Appendix C


Fig. A.12

(c) Remove any entries found in the LEGEND ENTRIES text box then click
ADD (Figs. A.13 and A.14).


Fig. A.13

Fig. A.14

Appendix C

Appendix C


(d) Under SERIES NAME, enter VO2 and Borg RPE-L. Then click on the icon
to the right of the SERIES X VALUES text box and highlight the VO2 values. After the values are highlighted click the icon on the box that appeared
(Fig. A.15).

Fig. A.15


Appendix C

(e) Then click on the icon to the right of the SERIES Y VALUES text box and
highlight the Borg RPE-L values. After the values are highlighted click the
icon on the box that appeared (Fig. A.16).

Fig. A.16

Appendix C


(f) Click OK on the next two screens. You should now have a scatter plot with
Borg RPE-L on the y-axis and VO2 on the x-axis (Fig. A.17).

Fig. A.17


Appendix C

(g) Create a title for the plot and enter the appropriate axis labels and units of
measure (Fig. A.18).

Fig. A.18

Appendix C


(h) To determine the validity coefficient, click on one of the data points to highlight the entire data series. Right click on one of the data points and a menu
will appear. Click ADD TRENDLINE and the FORMAT TRENDLINE
menu will appear. Select LINEAR, DISPLAY EQUATION ON CHART,
The trendline and equation will be displayed on the chart. Take the square
root of the R2 value to determine the Pearson correlation coefficient
(Fig. A.19).

Fig. A.19

Appendix D

Determination of VT and RPE-VT

Calculation of VE VO21 and VE VCO21

1. Obtain a printout containing the 15-s exercise VO2, VCO2, and VE values in l min1
from the respiratory-metabolic measurement system. In a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, label columns for VO2, VCO2, VE (each in l min1), VE VO21 and VE VCO21.
2. In the columns for VO2, VCO2, and VE, enter each 15-s value measured during
exercise as listed in the printout (Fig. A.20).

Fig. A.20
Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
L. Haile et al., Perceived Exertion Laboratory Manual,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1917-8



Appendix D

3. Calculate VE VO21 by dividing VE (l min1) by VO2 (l min1) for each row and
enter the value in the appropriate cell. This can be completed by typing the equation seen in Fig. A.21 in the first cell available under VE VO21 then hitting the
ENTER key on the keyboard. This equation can be copied into the remaining
cells below VE VO21 to complete the calculation for each 15-s interval.

Fig. A.21

Appendix D


4. Calculate VE VCO21 by dividing VE (l min1) by VCO2 (l min1) for each row

and enter the value in the appropriate cell. This can be completed by typing the
equation seen in Fig. A.22 in the first cell available under VE VO21 then hitting
the ENTER key on the keyboard. This equation can be copied into the remaining
cells below VE VCO21 to complete the calculation for each 15-s interval.

Fig. A.22


Appendix D

Plot of VE VO21 and VE VCO21 for Determination of VT

1. Obtain a printout from the respiratory-metabolic measurement system containing the 15-s exercise values of VO2 (l min1) and the ventilatory equivalents
(VE VO21 and VE VCO21). These variables have no units of measure because
they are a ratio between two variables with the same units of measure.
2. In a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, label columns for VO2 (l min1), VE VO21
and VE VCO21. Enter each 15-s value measured during exercise as listed in the
printout. If VE VO21 and VE VCO21 were calculated using a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet as described above, you may continue to use that spreadsheet
(Fig. A.23).

Fig. A.23

Appendix D


3. Create a line graph with VE VO21 and VE VCO21 on the y-axis and VO2
(l min1) on the x-axis.
(a) Click on the INSERT tab then click on the INSERT LINE CHART icon.
Select the first option for a basic 2D line chart (Fig. A.24).

Fig. A.24


Appendix D

(b) A blank chart will appear on the spreadsheet. Right click on the chart and
click SELECT DATA (Fig. A.25).

Fig. A.25

Appendix D

(c) The SELECT DATA SOURCE box will appear (Fig. A.26).

Fig. A.26



Appendix D

(d) Click ADD under LEGEND ENTRIES and the EDIT SERIES box will
appear (Fig. A.27).

Fig. A.27

Appendix D


(e) Click on the icon to the right of the SERIES NAME text box then click on
the cell in the spreadsheet containing VE VO21. Click the icon on the right
side of the box that appeared to return to the EDIT SERIES box (Fig. A.28).

Fig. A.28


Appendix D

(f) Click on the icon to the right of the SERIES VALUES text box then highlight all the cells in the spreadsheet containing data under VE VO21. Click
the icon on the right side of the box that appeared to return to the EDIT
SERIES box. Click OK to return to the SELECT DATA SOURCE BOX
(Fig. A.29).

Fig. A.29

Appendix D


(g) Click ADD under LEGEND ENTRIES and the EDIT SERIES box will
(h) Click on the icon to the right of the SERIES NAME text box then click on
the cell in the spreadsheet containing VE VCO21. Click the icon on the right
side of the box that appeared to return to the EDIT SERIES box.
(i) Click on the icon to the right of the SERIES VALUES text box then highlight all the cells in the spreadsheet containing data under VE VCO21. Click
the icon on the right side of the box that appeared to return to the EDIT
SERIES box. Click OK to return to the SELECT DATA SOURCE BOX.
(Fig. A.30).

Fig. A.30


Appendix D

(k) Highlight all the cells containing data under VO2 then click OK (Fig. A.31).

Fig. A.31

Appendix D


(l) Click OK on the SELECT DATA SOURCE box and the plot will appear. It
may be beneficial to enlarge the plot so the labels on the x-axis are easily
viewable. Locate the point on the graph where VE VO21 begins to increase
without an increase in VE VCO21. Draw a vertical line from that point down
to the x-axis and identify the VO2 equivalent to this divergent point. Convert
the units of this VO2 value from l min1 to %VO2max/peak (Fig. A.32).

Fig. A.32


Appendix D

Adjustment of Automatic VT Calculation in a Respiratory

Metabolic Measurement System
1. Focus your attention on the figure showing VE VO21 and VE VCO21 on the
y-axis and Time on the x-axis. There will be a vertical line indicating the position
of the VT on this figure.
2. If the vertical line is not located over the point where VE VO21 begins to increase
without an increase in VE VCO21, adjust the vertical line until it is located
directly over this point.
3. If the vertical line is located over the point where VE VO21 begins to increase
without an increase in VE VCO21, do not adjust it.
4. The computer program will automatically provide the VO2 value (l min1) and
%VO2max/peak associated with the VT.

Determination of RPE-VT: An Example Using Cycle

Ergometry Graded Exercise Test Results
1. In a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, label columns of data as shown in Fig. A.33.

Fig. A.33

Appendix D


(a) For treadmill exercise, VO2 may be expressed in ml kg min1.

(b) RPE-O and differentiated RPE such as RPE-C may be used in your
2. Plot of VO2 as a function of Borg RPE-L for determination of RPE-VT.
(a) Click on the INSERT tab and in the CHARTS section click on SCATTER.
Select the first available chart option. A blank or example scatter plot will
appear on your screen (Fig. A.34).

Fig. A.34


(b) Click on the SELECT DATA tab (Fig. A.35).

Fig. A.35

Appendix D

Appendix D


(c) Remove any entries found in the LEGEND ENTRIES text box then click
ADD (Fig. A.36).

Fig. A.36


Appendix D

(d) Under SERIES NAME, enter VO2 and Borg RPE-L. Then click on the icon
to the right of the SERIES X VALUES text box and highlight the VO2 values. After the values are highlighted click the icon on the box that appeared
(Fig. A.37).

Fig. A.37

Appendix D


(e) Then click on the icon to the right of the SERIES Y VALUES text box and
highlight the Borg RPE-L values. After the values are highlighted click the
icon on the box that appeared (Fig. A.38).

Fig. A.38


Appendix D

(f) Click OK on the next two screens. You should now have a scatter plot with
Borg RPE-L on the y-axis and VO2 on the x-axis (Fig. A.39).

Fig. A.39

Appendix D


(g) To determine the Borg RPE-VT, click on one of the data points to highlight
the entire data series. Right click on one of the data points and a menu will
appear. Click ADD TRENDLINE and the FORMAT TRENDLINE menu
then click CLOSE. The trendline and its linear equation will be displayed on
the chart. Use this linear equation to calculate RPE-VT. Use VO2 (l min1)
corresponding to the VT as the x value in the equation and solve for y.
The calculated y value is the Borg RPE-VT (Fig. A.40).

Fig. A.40

Appendix E

Prediction of VO2peak: An Example Using

Cycle Ergometry Graded Exercise Test Results

1. In a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, label columns of data as shown in Fig. A.41.

(a) For treadmill exercise, VO2 may be expressed in ml kg min1.
(b) RPE-O and differentiated RPE such as RPE-C may be used in your

Fig. A.41

Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

L. Haile et al., Perceived Exertion Laboratory Manual,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1917-8



Appendix E

2. Plot of VO2 and OMNI RPE-L for prediction of VO2peak.

(a) Click on the INSERT tab and in the CHARTS section click on SCATTER.
Select the first available chart option. A blank or example scatter plot will
appear on your screen (Fig. A.42).

Fig. A.42

Appendix E

(b) Click on the SELECT DATA tab (Fig. A.43).

Fig. A.43



Appendix E

(c) Remove any entries found in the LEGEND ENTRIES text box then click
ADD (Fig. A.44).

Fig. A.44

Appendix E


(d) Under SERIES NAME, enter VO2 and OMNI RPE-L. Then click on the
icon to the right of the SERIES X VALUES text box and highlight the
OMNI RPE-L values. After the values are highlighted click the icon on the
box that appeared (Fig. A.45).

Fig. A.45


Appendix E

(e) Then click on the icon to the right of the SERIES Y VALUES text box and
highlight the VO2 values. After the values are highlighted click the icon on
the box that appeared (Fig. A.46).

Fig. A.46

Appendix E


(f) Click OK on the next two screens. You should now have a scatter plot with
VO2 on the y-axis and OMNI RPE-L on the x-axis (Fig. A.47).

Fig. A.47


Appendix E

(g) To determine the equation from which VO2peak will be predicted, click on
one of the data points to highlight the entire data series. Right click on one
of the data points and a menu will appear. Click ADD TRENDLINE and the
FORMAT TRENDLINE menu will appear. Select LINEAR and DISPLAY
EQUATION ON CHART then click CLOSE. The trendline and its linear
equation will be displayed on the chart. Use this linear equation to calculate
RPE-VT. Use VO2 (l min1) corresponding to the VT as the x value in the
equation and solve for y. The calculated y value is the Borg RPE-VT
(Fig. A.48).

Fig. A.48

Appendix F

Advanced Perceived Exertion Scaling

Procedure for Use Prior to an RPE-Based,
Interval Exercise Program

For cycle exercise, the low intensity bout begins with unloaded pedaling and subsequently increases in power output every 15 or 30 s. The client provides RPE just
prior to each power output increase until moderate intensity is reached, identified by
a rating of 56 on the OMNI Scale or 1113 on the Borg Scale. If the client shows
physiological signs of moderate to high intensity exercise, such as increased rate of
breathing or heart rate, yet continues to rate exertion levels as low, further discussion
about the link between RPE and physiological intensity may be necessary. Then, to
further test the subjects understanding, he/she is asked to produce a specific level of
perceived exertion on the cycle. The test administrator decides on a specific target
RPE, from two to four on the OMNI Scale, and then instructs the client to adjust the
power output until the intensity of cycling produces an exertion level equal to that
specific RPE. The subject should be allowed to adjust the intensity for 1 or 2 min
before the power output is checked for accuracy. If the intensity chosen does not
match the intensity at which the client previously rated that particular RPE, additional practice and feedback may be necessary. However, if the intensity chosen
matches the intensity at which the client previously reported that particular RPE,
provide him/her with positive reinforcement and continue with the next phase.
For the moderate intensity phase, begin the load-incremented bout at the low
intensity that the client previously produced and increase power output every 15 or
30 s. The client provides RPE just prior to each power output increase until high
intensity is reached, identified by a rating of 8 on the OMNI Scale or 1718 on the
Borg Scale. If the client terminates exercise due to fatigue yet rates exertion levels
as moderate, further discussion about RPE and maximal physiological intensity
may be necessary. For some clients, especially those who may not have performed
maximal exercise previously, the experience of maximal exercise facilitates their
ability to rate exertion levels at moderate intensities of exercise. For the production
bout at moderate intensity, RPEs from 5 to 7 on the OMNI Scale are appropriate.
This bout is important to determine if additional practice and feedback may be necessary to rate exertion accurately at moderate exercise intensity.

Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

L. Haile et al., Perceived Exertion Laboratory Manual,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1917-8



Appendix F

For the high/maximal intensity phase, begin the load-incremented bout at the
intensity the client previously produced in the moderate phase and subsequently
increase power output every 15 or 30 s until volitional termination owing to fatigue.
Similar to the standard exercise anchoring procedure, instruct the subject to assign
a maximal RPE value (10 on the OMNI Scale, 20 on the Borg Scale) to that intensity. Minimal rest (approximately 2 min) is necessary between phases and between
load-incremented and production bouts within phases. However, ample rest sufficient for complete or near complete recovery is advised between advanced exercise
anchoring and subsequent administration of aerobic fitness testing. For unfit and/or
sedentary individuals, advanced exercise anchoring and aerobic fitness testing may
need to be performed on separate days.


Cardiorespiratory fitness The ability to perform dynamic exercise of a moderate to

vigorous intensity using large muscle groups for a prolonged period; this fitness
measurement is dependent upon the functional capacity of the cardiovascular and
respiratory systems and the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle.
Differentiated RPE RPE used to estimate the level of exertion for a specific anatomical region of the body, such as the chest/breathing (RPE-C), arms (RPE-A),
legs (RPE-L), or active muscle mass (RPE-AM).
Estimationproduction paradigm A perceptually based exercise prescription
procedure whereby both the estimation and production test protocols are used to
prescribe and self-regulate exercise intensity according to a target RPE or RPE
Estimation protocol A research procedure used in perceived exertion scale validation studies involving a graded exercise test during which RPE and physiological
responses are measured for each progressive exercise test stage, with intensity
ranging from very low through maximal.
Exercise anchoring A procedure whereby the individual links the perception of
exertion experienced while actually performing a very low exercise intensity and
when performing a very high exercise intensity with the low and high anchor
points on the perceived exertion scale, respectively.
Exercise intensity self-regulation error When an individual is not accurately selfregulating exercise intensity at a target RPE such that the physiological responses
(VO2, HR) during the production trial are different from those that were observed
at the same target RPE during the estimation trial.
Exertional recall An estimate of the RPE for a bout of exercise or physical activity
performed at least 1 week prior; may be included as part of a physical activity
Group-normalized perceptual response A range of RPEs that corresponds to a
target physiological outcome during exercise and that is common to a specified
group of individuals.

Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

L. Haile et al., Perceived Exertion Laboratory Manual,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1917-8




Imposed exercise intensity When an individual performs a prescribed exercise

intensity based on physical units (W), ergometer settings (speed/grade, intensity
settings) or physiological measures (HR, VO2) which has been determined by the
health-fitness professional or exercise test administrator.
Intensity discrimination The ability to perceptually differentiate between separate target RPEs such that physiological responses are different between different self-regulated conditions.
Just noticeable difference in perceived exertion (perceived exertion JND) The
smallest amount of change in a stimulus (exercise intensity), expressed in physiological (VO2) or physical (PO) units, necessary to elicit a change in sensation
(perception of physical exertion).
Maximal Aerobic Power (VO2max/peak) The maximum amount of oxygen that
can be consumed while breathing ambient air during load-incremented aerobic
exercise at sea level; the terms maximal aerobic power and maximal or peak
oxygen uptake (VO2max/peak) can be used interchangeably.
Memory anchoring A procedure used to acquaint the user with the level of exertion perceived at the low and high anchor points of a category RPE scale.
Momentary RPE The acute level of perceived exertion rated at the moment the
individual is asked during exercise or PA; also referred to as in-task or on-stimulus RPE.
Muscular strength, dynamic The ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert
force using concentric or eccentric muscular action resulting in the movement
of a resistance.
One-repetition maximum (1RM) The maximal amount of force that can be produced during a single contraction of a muscle or muscle group through the full
range of motion.
Pacing Strategy The self-selected exercise pace or tactic that an athlete adopts,
usually at the beginning of an event or competition, to ensure optimal metabolic
requirements and performance outcomes.
Perceived exertion The subjective intensity of effort, strain, discomfort, and/or
fatigue that is experienced during exercise and physical activity.
Perceptual augmenter A perceptual outlier who provides RPE values greater than
what is appropriate based on a given physiological and/or physical marker of
exercise intensity and may assign a maximal or near-maximal RPE to submaximal exercise intensity.
Perceptual outlier An individual who provides inappropriate RPE values that do
not conform to the predictions of Borgs Range Model.
Perceptual reducer A perceptual outlier who provides RPE values less than what
is appropriate based on a given physiological and/or physical marker of exercise
intensity and may assign a submaximal RPE to maximal exercise intensity.
Prescription congruence When physiological responses (VO2, HR) corresponding
to a specific target RPE are similar between the estimation trial and production
trial at a given submaximal intensity.
Predicted RPE A global estimate of the expected RPE for an entire bout of
exercise or PA rated prior to performance of that activity.



Production protocol An exercise bout during which an individual self-regulates

exercise intensity to produce a specific target RPE.
RPE warning zone A range of RPEs that indicate impending graded exercise test
termination and, as such, the initiation of preliminary procedures to safely end
the exercise test.
Segmented session RPE A global estimate of the average RPE experienced for a
specific segment (time-period) of a bout of exercise or PA but rated after performance of that activity.
Self-selected exercise intensity When an individual performs exercise at a preferred intensity during which self-adjustment of ergometer settings are allowed.
Session RPE A global estimate of the average RPE experienced for an entire bout
of exercise or PA but rated after performance of that activity.
Target RPE or target RPE range One RPE or a range of RPEs that indicate the
level(s) of exertion to be achieved by self-regulating exercise intensity using a
production perceptual protocol.
Teleoanticipation A sensory nervous system comprised of both feed-forward and
feedback perceptual-cognitive information regarding muscle fiber recruitment
and firing frequency during exercise performance; in this system the magnitude
and frequency of efferent (i.e., descending) motor signals associated with previous exercise performance are stored in the sensory cortex; this information is further augmented by afferent signals reflecting the metabolic and biomechanical
limits of muscular performance; subsequently, the stored perceptual-cognitive
information is recalled to shape the upper limits of exercise performance as set
by peak tolerable perceptual limits of heavy muscular exercise.
Undifferentiated RPE RPE used to estimate the level of exertion for the overall
body, often referred to as RPE-O.
Validity The degree to which a test or test item measures the construct it is intended
to measure.
Validity, concurrent (general definition) The extent to which test scores are associated with those of other accepted tests when both measures are obtained along
a common stimulus range.
Validity, concurrent, of a perceived exertion scale The extent to which RPE are
associated with accepted physical and physiological markers of exercise intensity across an individuals full physiological range.
Validity, construct (general definition) The ability of a test to represent the underlying construct.
Validity, construct, of a perceived exertion scale The extent to which RPE from a
newly developed perceived exertion scale are associated with RPE derived from
a perceived exertion scale for which concurrent validity has been previously
Ventilatory threshold (VT) Also known as the ventilatory breakpoint, can be
defined as the point during exercise of increasing intensity when pulmonary ventilation begins to increase at a rate disproportionately faster than that of oxygen
consumption; the respiratory analog to the lactate threshold (both commonly
called the anaerobic threshold).


Adenosine antagonism
classification, 221
dopamine secretion, 221, 222
nociceptors activation, 222
PE and muscle pain, 222
characteristics, 5
exercise prescription, 5
to exercise program, 166
health care and fitness professional, 4
intervention programs, 4
low, 164
Adult OMNI-Cycle RPE Scale, 45
Aerobic interval exercise
in coronary artery disease patients, 134
in diabetic patients, 134
effect on AR and PAE, 210212
estimationproduction paradigm, 137
improved VO2max, 134
intensity discrimination, AR, 209210
intensity discrimination using AR,
maximal cardiac output, 134
moderate-intensity continuous
exercise, 134
rate-limiting physiological factors, 133
target exercise-induced pain ratings, 209
Affective response (AR). See also Music
circumplex model, 3031
cognitive appraisal process, 2930
description, 29
diverse environments, 31
dual-mode model, 3334

FS (see Feeling Scale (FS))

PAAR relation, 31
PAE (see Physical activity enjoyment
rating scale, 32
significance, to exercise, 30
Alberton, C.L., 78
Albertus, Y., 149150
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
aerobic PA, 3
assessment of RPE throughout graded
exercise testing, 6465
and CDC, 2
Exercise is Medicine, 4
guidelines, cardiorespiratory fitness, 213
health-fitness benefits, 163, 206
initiatives, partnership with the US
Surgeon General, 4
metabolic equations, 209210
Anaerobic threshold (AT)
acute AR to exercise, 34
exercise intensities, 34
ventilatory (VT)/lactate threshold (LT),
Anchoring procedures
AR to exercise, 200201
exercise-induced pain, 200
exercise procedures, 4548
memory procedures, 4546
AR. See Affective response (AR)
Astorino, T.A., 220, 225
Asynchronous vs. synchronous music, 248
AT. See Anaerobic threshold (AT)
Atkinson, G., 245

Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

L. Haile et al., Perceived Exertion Laboratory Manual,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1917-8


Backhouse, S.H., 225, 236
Baden, D.A., 149, 150
Baechle, T.R., 105
Balasekaran, G., 60, 61
Bartlett, J.D., 35, 211
Behavior change
PA adherence, 4
perceptual and psychosocial needs, 5
Borg (0-10) Category-Ratio (CR) Scale
(CR10 Scale)
and childrens OMNI-Hurt Scale, 2526
perceived exertion and pain, 23
rate pain sensation, 24
Borg, G., 24, 30
Borg, G.A., 43
Borg Scale, RPE measurement, 15, 16

Caffeine. See also Ergogenic effect
description, 219
ergogenic aid, 219
RPE (see Rating of perceived exertion
Carbohydrate ingestion. See also Ergogenic
description, 233
endurance exercise performance, 233
glucose receptors, stimulation, 234
Carbohydrate mouth rinse
on RPE and mood, 236237
short-term exercise, 235
Carbohydrate supercompensation/loading, 234
Cardiorespiratory fitness
AR and PAE, 3738
assessment, 65
cardiovascular and respiratory systems,
functional capacity, 90
estimation protocol, 112
maximal exercise testing, 90
pulmonary ventilation, 90
treadmill protocol, 90
VO2 and VCO2, expired concentrations, 90
VO2max, 90
CDC. See Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC)
Ceci, R., 132
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), 2
CERT. See Childrens Effort Rating Table
Chemoreceptors, nociceptive pathway, 22
Chenoweth, D., 3

Childrens Effort Rating Table (CERT)
10-category scale, 59
semantic limitations, children, 16
upper HR range, dynamic exercise, 17
verbal descriptors, 16
Childrens OMNI Muscle Hurt Scale
description, 25
muscle hurt during resistance exercise, 25
and Pain Intensity Scale, 21
verbal and pictorial descriptors, 26
Childrens OMNI-Step RPE Scale, 62
Circumplex model
early monopolar scales, 30
facial and vocal expressions, 3031
Coefficients, validity
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, 267
VO2 and Borg RPE-L
axis labels and units, measure, 274
LEGEND ENTRIES text box, 268, 270
Pearson correlation coefficient, 275
scatter plot, 273
SELECT DATA tab, 268
Cole, K.J., 223
Comparative stimulus/stimuli, 151
Concurrent validity
CR10 Scale, 202
definition, 56
Pain Intensity Scale, 202
undifferentiated RPE, evidence
CERT, 59
HR and VO2, 59
OMNI Perceived Exertion Scale, 58,
60, 61
validity coefficients, 5859
Constant workload exercise. See Rating of
perceived exertion (RPE)
Construct validity
Childrens OMNI-Step RPE Scale, 62
definition, 57
Feeling Scale (FS) Scale, 203
Pain Intensity Scale, 203
undifferentiated RPE, evidence, 60, 62
Continuous exercise
aerobic interval exercise, 133134
in coronary artery disease patients, 134
interval exercise bout, duration, 135
moderate-intensity, 134
RPE-based interval exercise and, 133
self-regulating, 227, 250
training, 134
Cook, D.B., 24, 25, 200, 202, 204, 205,
207, 214


Cooper, D.M., 35
Crisp, N.A., 35, 211
Cross-validation, RPE-based prediction
models, 9596
CR10 Scale. See Borg (0-10) Category-Ratio
(CR) Scale (CR10 Scale)
Cycle ergometer procedures
data organization and analysis, 6970,
equipment, 50, 68, 154
exercise procedure, 5152
graded exercise test, 69, 154155
JND protocol, 156158
memory procedures, 5051
pre-exercise procedures, 68, 154
production protocol, 159160
Cycle ergometry graded
Borg RPE-L for determination
INSERT tab, 291
LEGEND ENTRIES text box, 293
scatter plot, 296
SELECT DATA tab, 292
SERIES Y VALUES text box, 295
trendline and linear equation, 297
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, 290
VO2 peak prediction (see Prediction,

Da Silva, S.G., 205
Daussin, F.N., 133134
Demand artifact, 24
Demura, S., 223
Differentiated RPE, 4647
vs. undifferentiated exertional
ratings, 58
in validity experiment, 6263
Distress management training (DMT)
program, 203
DMT. See Distress management training
(DMT) program
Doherty, M., 219, 222, 223, 228
caffeine, 221, 227
central fatigue, exercise, 222
exercise performance, 221, 222
motivation and reward, 225
Dual-mode model
anaerobic threshold (AT), 3334
description, 33
interindividual variability, AR, 201, 206
Dunbar, C.C., 115117

Dynamic muscular strength. See also Aerobic

interval exercise
assessment, 91
multiple-RM test, 91
1RM, 91

Earle, R.W., 105
Economist cost, PA, 3
EDI. See Exercise discomfort index (EDI)
Effort Continua, 44
EFI. See Exercise-induced feeling
inventory (EFI)
Ekkekakis, P., 14, 31, 33, 165, 201, 206,
214, 215
Elsangedy, H.M., 78
Enjoyment. See Physical activity
enjoyment (PAE)
Ergogenic effect
adenosine antagonism, 221222
endurance exercise, 220
glycogen sparing, 220221
placebo control design, 219
reliability, time and distance
protocols, 220
carbohydrate ingestion
during exercise, 234235
and mouth rinses (see Carbohydrate
mouth rinse)
supercompensation protocols/
loading, 234
Esfandiari, S., 134
Estimationproduction paradigm
assessments, results and analysis, 119
caffeine, 227
carbohydrate ingestion, 238
client information, 119
cycle ergometer procedures, 123126
estimation protocol, 111112
exercise-induced pain, 207208
exercise intensity self-regulation,
117118119, 208209, 227
intramodal vs. intermodal prescription
congruence, 113116
production protocol, 112113
teleoanticipation, 116117
treadmill procedure, 120123
Estimation protocol/trial
Borgs Range Model, 111
exercise intensity self-regulation, 119,
238, 250
individual aerobic fitness level, 112

Estimation protocol/trial (cont.)
perceived exertion scaling procedures,
physiological monitoring, 112
regular aerobic exercise, 112
RPE Scale, 112
RPE-VT, 112
Eston, R. G., 96
Exercise anchoring procedure
category pain scales, 200
cycle ergometer procedures, 5152
resistance exercise procedures, 5253
RPE scale anchoring, 4546
treadmill procedures, 49
trial exercise test, 201
Exercise discomfort index (EDI), 216
Exercise enjoyment, regular PA participation, 30
Exercise-induced feeling inventory (EFI), 248
Exercise-induced muscle pain
applications, 26
childrens OMNI-Hurt Scale, 2526
and clinical conditions, 2223
CR10 Scale, 2324
demographic characteristics, 26
description, 21
healthy individuals, 23
leg aches and leg cramps, 23
mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors, 22
noxious sensations, 22
pain intensity scale, 24
perceived exertion, 22
threshold, tolerance and affective
components, 21
Exercise intensity self-regulation.
See also Estimationproduction
caffine, 227
carbohydrate ingestion, 237
differentiated RPE, 117118
assessments, outcomes and analysis, 154
cycle ergometer procedures, 154160
exercise testing, 153
JND (see Just noticeable difference
pacing strategy and teleoanticipation, 148
perceived exertion, 150
perceptual acuity, 152
standard stimulus, 150151
exercise-induced pain, 207208
exercise intensity self-regulation, 208209
music, 250
perceptual methodology, 238, 250
RPE vs. HR, 118119

Exercise is Medicine, 4
Exercise prescription
Exercise is Medicine, 4
health-fitness promotion, 5
Exercise template, 149150, 153
Exertional symptoms, perceived, 14
Exertion scaling procedures
cycle ergometer procedures, 5052
dominant signal, 46
effort continua, 44
exercise anchoring procedures, 4648
high/maximal intensity phase, 307308
memory, 4546
moderate intensity phase, 307
perceptual outliers, 4748
Range Models, 4445
resistance exercise procedures, 5253
test administrator, 307
treadmill procedures, 4850
undifferentiated vs. differentiated RPE,

Feeling Scale (FS)
circumplex model, 33
construct validity evidence, 203
description, 32
face, content and construct validity, 33
verbal descriptors, 29, 3233
FS. See Feeling Scale (FS)

Glycogen sparing
endurance exercise performance, 220
plasma epinephrine, 220221
responders and non-responders, 221
Goss, F., 77
Goss, F.L., 6465
Graded exercise test (GXT)
estimation protocol, 57
exercise experience and mode, 90
load-incremented, 90
at maximal intensity, 76, 93, 95
pre-participation, 79, 114, 117, 212
target HR(s) determination, 163
termination, 93, 95
VO2 max assessment, 46, 90
Graham, D., 35
Graham, T.E., 221
Green, J.M., 182, 224
Grieser, M., 35
Group-normalized perceptual response


assessments, 80
client information, 79
outcomes and analysis, 80
GXT. See Graded exercise test (GXT)

intensity discrimination, 132133

treadmill procedures, 137140
Intramodal, prescription congruence, 113116
Ivy, J.L., 223

Hadjicharalambous, M., 223
Hagen, J., 246
Haile, A.M., 36, 204
Haile, L., 182, 183, 214, 215
Hardy, C.J., 30, 203, 215
Hassmen, P., 132
Heart rate (HR) range
and VO2 monitoring, 78
at VT (HR-VT)
calculation, 77
OMNI scales, 75
variability, 77
Helgerud, J., 134
Higgins, L.W., 115116, 133, 135
Hudson, G.M., 225
Hunt, S.E., 214, 215

Jenkins, N.T., 224
Just noticeable difference (JND)
exercise-induced muscle pain and AR, 212
exercise intensity self-regulation error
(see Exercise intensity
psychophysical methods, 151
sensations, 151
teleoanticipation and perceived exertion,
227, 238239, 250

Imposed exercise. See also Self-selected
vs. self-selected intensity
exercise programs, 213
FS ratings, 213
lactate threshold (LT), sedentary
males, 213
VT, 214
Intensity discrimination. See also Aerobic
interval exercise
assessment, 133
cycle ergometry, 132
estimationproduction paradigm,
self-regulate exercise intensity, 132
separate production trials, 132
test protocol, 132
Intermodal, prescription congruence, 113116
Interval exercise
advanced perceived exertion scaling
procedures, 136
advantages, health-fitness and performance
outcomes, 133134
appropriate intensity, 135
assessments, results and analysis, 137
client information, 136137
cycle ergometer procedures, 140143
duration, 135

Kalinski, M.I., 117
Kane, I., 180, 215, 216
Kang, J., 114
Kenney, E., 203
Kilpatrick, M.W., 182
Kirkcaldy, B.C., 201
Krause, M.P., 60

Lactate threshold (LT)
definition, 76
in sedentary males, 213
self-selected intensity, FS ratings, 213
Lagally, K.M., 72
Lambert, E.V., 150, 160
Laurence, G., 223, 224
Leutzinger, J., 3
Lima-Silva, A.E., 245
Lim, H.B., 245
Lim, H.B.T., 248, 251
Lind, E., 214
Lin, J., 247
Ljunggren, G., 24
Lloyd, A.J., 23
Load-incremented exercise, 46, 48
LT. See Lactate threshold (LT)
Lu, F.J., 247

MAAC. See Multiple Affective Adjective
Checklist (MAAC)
Matsuo, T., 134, 135

Maximal aerobic power and muscular strength
accuracy, age predicted maximal HR
(APMHR) equations, 92
aerobic exercise, 9293
beta-blocker medication, 92
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), 92
health-fitness setting, 92
maximal GXT, 93
peripheral artery disease (PAD), 93
predictor variables, 91
resistance training program, 93
submaximal tests, training-induced fitness
changes, 9697
VO2max and 1RM prediction, 91
VO2max/peak, 92, 96
Maximal exercise testing
for achievement of VO2max, 6566
to predict impending graded exercise test
termination, 6465
Maximal HR (HRmax)
accurate prediction, 92
aerobic exercise, clinics and fitness
facilities, 92
APMHR equation, men and women, 92
graphic determination, 92
GXT, 90
prediction models, 92
VO2max, 93
Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max),
57, 58, 65
cycle ergometer procedures, 101104
perceptually regulated exercise test, 96
RPE-based models, 9394
specific resistance settings, 4
treadmill procedures prediction, 98101
Mays, R.J., 60, 61
Mechanoreceptors, nociceptive pathway, 22
Memory anchoring procedure
cycle ergometer procedures, 5051
resistance exercise procedures, 52
RPE scale anchoring, 4546
treadmill procedures, 49
Metabolic equivalent task (MET), 192
Mitranum, W., 134
Moderate-intensity exercise, 134
Momentary RPE, 182184
Morgan, O., 5
Morgan, W.P., 13
Moses, J., 201
Mullen, S.P., 35
Multiple Affective Adjective Checklist
(MAAC), 203
Murgatroyd, S., 33

Muscle hurt. See Childrens OMNI Muscle
Hurt Scale
asynchronous vs. synchronous, 248
modern fitness facilities, 243
optimal pacing strategy (see Optimal
pacing strategy)
preferred vs. nonpreferred
external auditory stimuli comparison, 247
lower undifferentiated and differentiated
RPE responses, 246247
song categories, 247
trials, 247
research, 243
RPE (see Rating of perceived exertion
in trained athletes, 246

Nakamura, P.M., 247
Nethery, V.M., 243
Noble, B.J., 64

OConnor, P.J., 204, 207, 209, 224
OMNI Perceived Exertion Scale, 58, 60, 61
OMNI-Resistance Exercise Scale, 46, 48
OMNI Scale. See also Childrens OMNI
Muscle Hurt Scale
adult, 17, 18
childrens, 17
elliptical RPE scale, 259
exercise science research, 16
resistance exercise RPE scale
adult male, 257
female childrens, 256
male childrens, 257
RPE scale
adult female, 259
female childrens, 258
male childrens, 258
verbal and pictorial descriptors, 17, 18
walk/run RPE scale
adult, 256
children, 255
Oncurrent validity, evidence for
undifferentiated RPE, 5860
ONeal, E.K., 236
One-repetition maximum (1RM)
definition, 46
high anchor point using 1RM procedure, 53
resistance exercise prediction procedures

data organization and analysis, 106
equipment, 104
maximum strength test, 105
pre-exercise procedures, 104
submaximal protocol, 105106
RPE-based models, 9394
Optimal pacing strategy
male recreational runners, 245
maximal RPE, 245246
music conditions, 245
time trial exercise performance, 245
Overtraining, 181

PA. See Physical activity (PA)
PACER. See Progressive Aerobic
Cardiovascular Endurance Run
Pacing strategy. See also Optimal pacing
mechanisms, 148149
and RPE, 149150
and teleoanticipation, 148
PAE. See Physical activity enjoyment (PAE)
Pain Intensity Scale
Borg CR10 Scale, 202
childrens OMNI Muscle Hurt Scale, 21, 209
description, 24
load-incremented cycle exercise, 203
self-regulate exercise intensity, 207208
Pain threshold. See Exercise-induced
muscle pain
Parfitt, G., 33, 34, 112, 165, 206, 213, 214
Pearson correlation, 56
Perceived exertion
Borg and OMNI RPE Scales, 11
definition, 11
global explanatory model, 11, 12
OMNI scale, 1718
in PA, 13
perceptual-cognitive reference
filter, 1415
performance-related mediators, 14
physiological mediators, 13
psychophysics, 1516
psychosocial mediators, 1314
RPE scales, 19
scales for children, 1617
scale validation
application, 63
concurrent validity, 56, 5860
construct validity, 57, 60, 62
cycle ergometer procedures, 6870

differentiated RPE in validity
experiment, 6263
differentiated vs. undifferentiated
exertional ratings, 58
estimation protocol, 5758
maximal exercise testing, RPE, 6466
resistance exercise procedures, 7072
treadmill procedures, 6668
undifferentiated RPE, 5860, 62
validity, 5557
symptoms, 14
Perceptual acuity, 152
Perceptual-cognitive reference filter, 1415
Perceptually-regulated exercise test, VO2peak
prediction, 96
Perceptual methodology
carbohydrate ingestion, 237
ergogenic effects, 249
estimationproduction paradigms, 227,
237, 250
external environment control, 251
perceived exertion scale validation, 226,
237, 249
predicted, momentary and session RPE,
228, 239, 251
public health implications, 226
self-selected vs. imposed exercise
intensities, 227228, 239, 250251
target RPE at VT, 226, 238, 249
teleoanticipation and perceived exertion
JND, 227, 238239, 250
VO2max and 1RM prediction, RPE, 227,
238, 250
Perceptual outliers, 47
Performance-related mediators, perceived
exertion, 14
Pfeiffer, K.A., 60
Physical activity (PA). See also Physical
ACSM and CDC, 2
adherence, 45
high associations with diseases, 1
laboratory manual of, 56
lower mortality rate and longer life
expectancy, 12
overall healthfitness promotion, 1
psychological effects, 2
Physical activity enjoyment (PAE)
and AR, aerobic interval exercise, 200,
assessment methodology, 35
definition, 34, 3738
FS responses, 203204
limitations, 36

Physical activity enjoyment (PAE) (cont.)
questionnaire methodology, 35
single-item metrics, 3637
Physical inactivity
economic cost, 3
epidemic, 23
Physiological mediators, perceived
exertion, 13
Potteiger, J.A., 244
Poulton, R., 179180
Predicted RPE
assessments, results and analysis, 184
client information, 184
cycle ergometer procedures
equipment, 187
graded exercise test, 188
pre-exercise procedures, 188
submaximal exercise intensity trial,
EDI, 216
PACER, 180
RPE prior, 179180
and session AR, 215216
and session exercise-induced pain,
treadmill procedures
equipment, 184
graded exercise test, 185186
pre-exercise procedures, 185
submaximal exercise intensity trial,
Prediction model, RPE-based
accuracy evaluation, 9495
cross-validation, 9596
Prediction, VO2peak
Borg RPE-VT, 306
LEGEND ENTRIES text box, 302
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, 299
OMNI RPE-L, 300, 305
SELECT DATA tab, 301
SERIES Y VALUES text box, 304
Preferred exercise
assessments, results and analysis, 166167
client information, 166
cycle ergometer procedures
data organization and analysis, 172173
equipment, 171
graded exercise test, 171172
imposed exercise intensity trial, 173175
organization and analysis, 175176
pre-exercise procedures, 171
self-selected exercise intensity trial,

treadmill procedures
data organization and analysis,
168169, 171
equipment, 167
graded exercise test, 167168
imposed exercise intensity trial, 169170
pre-exercise procedures, 167
self-selected exercise intensity trial, 170
Prescribed exercise, 164
Prescription congruence
intramodal vs. intermodal
in active college-aged men, 115
cross-modal, 114
cycle ergometer estimation
protocols, 113
cystic fibrosis, 115116
estimation and production protocols, 113
OMNI Cycle RPE Scale, 116
self-regulate exercise intensity, 115
target RPE (Borg Scale), 115
treadmill and cycle ergometer
exercise, 114
production protocol/trial, 113
resistance exercise, 126128
Production protocol/trial
adults with cardiovascular disease, 113
Borg Scale RPE, 113
children with cystic fibrosis, 113
cycle ergometer procedures, 125126
definition, 111
ergometer exercise, 113
exercise intensity self-regulation error, 113
prescription congruence, 113
target RPE production, 112113
treadmill procedure, 122123
Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular
Endurance Run (PACER), 180
Psychophysics, perceived exertion
Borg RPE scale, 1516
definition, 15
HR from RPE responses, 16
Psychosocial mediators, perceived exertion,

Range Models, 4445
Rating of perceived exertion (RPE)
adult OMNI-cycle instructions
RPE-L only, 263
undifferentiated and differentiated RPE,
adult OMNI-resistance exercise
RPE-AM only, 264265

undifferentiated and differentiated
RPE, 265
adult OMNI-walk/run, 262
Borg (620) scale instructions
cycle exercise and RPE-O, 264
only RPE-O, 262263
RPE-AM only, 266
during exercise, 222224
on mood, 225
and pain, 224225
predicted, momentary and session, 228
target RPE at VT, 226
VO2max and 1RM prediction, 227
chest/breathing, 261
estimation and production trials, 152
exercise adherence, 244
JND, 153
and mood, 236237
pacing strategies, 149150
perceived exertion responses, reduction, 243
perception of exertion, 261
predicted, momentary and session, 239, 251
predicted RPE (see Predicted RPE)
scales, perceived exertion, 19
segmented session RPE (see Segmented
session RPE)
session RPE (see Session RPE)
target RPE at VT, 238, 249
undifferentiated and differentiated, 244
VO2max prediction, 238, 250
at VT (RPE-VT)
in children, 78
evidence, 78
and OMNI Scale, 7879
workload conditions, 243244
Rejeski, W.J., 30, 32, 203
Resistance exercise
and aerobic, 21
childrens OMNI-Hurt Scale, 25
isotonic, 25
data organization and analysis, 72
equipment, 52, 70
exercise procedure, 5253
exercise protocols, 7172
memory procedure, 52
pre-exercise procedures, 71
Respiratory exchange ratio (RER), 59
Respiratory exertion, 46
Respiratory rate (RR), 59
Roberson, D.W., 220
Robertson, R.J., 17, 25, 6064, 72, 78, 113,
127, 132, 203

Rognmo, O., 134
Rollo, I., 236
Rose, E.A., 206, 208210, 213
RPE. See Rating of perceived
exertion (RPE)
RPE-VT and VT determination
automatic VT calculation, 290
calculation, 277279
RPE-VT determination (see Cycle
ergometry graded)
VE VO2-1 and VE VCO2-1
blank chart, 282
line graph, 281
SERIES VALUES text box, 286288
ventilatory equivalents, 280
vertical line, 289
RPE warning zone, 64
Russell, J.A., 32

Scaling procedures
anchoring procedures (see Anchoring
perceptual and affective variables,
Schafer, M.A., 192193
Schneider, M., 35
Segmented session RPE
definition, 183
estimation, 186187, 190191
rating, 183
resistance exercise, 191192
Self-efficacy, 5, 14, 34
Self-selected exercise. See also Imposed
affective responses (AR), 164
health-fitness domain, 163164
imposed exercise intensity, 164
prescribed exercise intensity, 164
RPE, 165166
VT/LT, 165
Self-selected vs. imposed exercise intensities,
227228, 239, 250251
Session RPE. See also Predicted RPE
description, 180181
exercise intensity, 182183
segmented, 183
validity, 181182
Shephard, R.J., 201
Sheppard, K.E., 214
Short-term exercise, 235

Smith, P.M., 219, 222, 228
Standard stimulus, 150151, 155, 157, 158
Stanley, D.M., 36, 204
Suminski, R.R., 60
Svebak, S., 33

Target AR
exercise intensity prescription, 205206
physiological and psychological, 210
Target pain ratings, exercise prescription,
204205, 212
individuals cognitive ability, 148
pacing strategy and, 148
perceived exertion JND, 227, 238239, 250
prescription congruence improvement,
Teleoanticipation and perceived exertion JND,
227, 238239, 250
Tenenbaum, G., 244
Treadmill procedures
data organization and analysis, 6768,
equipment, 48, 66, 80
exercise procedure, 49
graded exercise test, 6667, 81
memory procedure, 49
pre-exercise procedures, 66, 8081

Undifferentiated RPE, 46, 149
concurrent validity evidence, 5860
construct validity evidence, 60, 62
Utter, A.C., 60

coefficients, 56 (see also Coefficients,
concurrent (see Concurrent validity)
construct (see Construct validity)
definition, 5556
enjoyment measures, exercise, 203204
exercise-induced pain scales, 202203
Feeling Scale (FS), 203
test protocols, 57
Van Lunduyt, L.M., 201
Ventilatory threshold (VT)
cycle ergometer procedures
data organization and analysis, 8485
equipment, 83
graded exercise test, 8384
pre-exercise procedures, 83
direct assessment, 76
elite endurance athletes, 76
FS ratings, exercise, 206
health-fitness setting, 78
HR-VT, 77
and LT, 76
OMNI scale, 7879
pain threshold, 212
RPE, 205
RPE-VT, 77, 78
in sedentary, 205
surrogate measure, 75
treadmill procedures, 8083
VT. See Ventilatory threshold (VT)

Weiser, P.C., 23, 113, 132
Winnick, J.J., 236

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