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Object Oriented Programming (Mechanical Engineering)

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Code No: X0322
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009


(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks

1. a)“Members of a community interact with one another by making requests”. Explain how.
b) What does it mean for one method to override another method from a parent class?
2. a) What is byte code? What are the advantages of translating a Java program into (8m)
byte code?
b) Explain various Arithmetic and Bitwise operators supported by Java and explain each
with examples. (8m)
3. a) Explain the difference between the method overloading and method overriding
with an example for each. (8m)
b) Distinguish between abstract methods and non-abstract methods with an example.
4. a) Explain the difference between an interface and a class with an example each.

b) Explain in detail various forms of interface implementations. (8m)

5. a) Briefly discuss the life cycle diagram of the thread and explain its stages.
b) What are built in exceptions? With an example, describe checked and unchecked

b) What are Event classes? When the ActionEvent is generated? Describe the integer
constants of ActionEvent class.

6. a) What is delegation event model? Briefly describe the roles of sources and listeners.
( 8m)


7. a)What is an applet? What packages are to be imported while writing an applet program?
Explain why those packages are needed? (8m)
b)Explain with an illustration the steps to follow to use a scroll pane. (8m)
8. a)What is a socket? Why are they important in modern communications? (4m)
b)Give the syntax of the following methods of DatagramPacket class and explain:
getAddress( ), getData( ), getLength( ), setAddress( ), setData( ) (12m)
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Code No: X0322

II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009


(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) Explain the fundamental characteristics of Object Oriented Programming. (8+8m)

b) Explain how the members of a community interact with one another.
2. a) What is a variable? Explain the scope and lifetime of variable with appropriate (8m)
b)Write a Java program to print the following : (8m)
3. a) What is an Object class? Explain the object hierarchy. (8m)
b) Explain the usage of super keyword with an example. (8m)

4. Explain the process of creating, defining, importing and accessing a package with suitable

examples. (16m)


a) Briefly discuss the thread priorities.

a) Describe Event, Event Sources and Event Listeners?

b) Describe in detail about the AWT class hierarchy.

7. a)What is an applet? What are the two types of applets? Explain briefly.
b)Explain with an example the steps to follow to use a tree.
b) What is an Exception? Briefly discuss Termination and Resumption models of (10m)
exception handling. Is java uses termination or resumption model of exception handling?



8. a)What is a port? List any four well-known ports. (6m)

b)Explain how multiple clients can be serviced by a server? (10m)

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Code No: X0322
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009


(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) What is the need for Object Oriented paradigm? (8+8m)

b) What is a class inheritance hierarchy? How is it linked to classes and behavior?
2. a) What is Java Applet? How its creation does change internet programming? (8+8m)
b) Write a Java class Stack that implements a stack of integers. Write a tester program to
demonstrate Stack class.
3. a) What is dynamic method dispatch? Write a Java program to demonstrate dynamic
method dispatch. (8m)
b) Consider the following Java program:
public class MainTest
public static void main(String[] args)
C obj = new C( );
class A

int max( int x, int y)
if(x > y)
return x;
return y;
class B extends A
int max(int x, int y)
return super.max(y,x)-10;
class C extends B
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Code No: X0322

int max(int x, int y)

return super.max(x+10,y+10);

Find the output of the above program by stating the necessary reasons. (8m)
ϰ͘a) Explain the difference between an interface and an abstract class with an example.
b) List and explain any four classes available in java.io package (8m)

5. a) What is an Exception? Explain the hierarchy of Exception types. (6m)

b) What is default exception handler? With an example java program, explain the same.
Is it essential to catch all types of exceptions? (10m)
6. a) What is an EventObject? What are the two methods of EventObject? Describe
AdjustmentEvent class. (8m)
b) What is Component class? In what way it is related to Container class? When the
ComponentEvent is generated and describe the component event types. (8m)
7. a) Why Swing applets are more popular than AWT based applets? (2m)
b) What are the three models JTable relies on? What are the steps required to set up a
simple JTable that can be used to display data? Explain with an example. (14m)

8. a) Explain client/server communication? (8m)
b) What is HTTP? How does it work? (8m)

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Code No: X0322
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009


(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) “One principal of object-oriented problem solving is the vehicle by which activities are
initiated”. Explain.
b) What is a class? How are classes linked to the behavior?
2. a) Explain how JAVA changed the Internet.
b) What is method overloading? Explain with an example.
3. a) Explain an abstract class with an example. (8m)
b) Explain the usage of final keyword. (6m)

c) What is the difference between print( ) and println( ) methods. (2m)

4.a) Explain the various forms of access protection in Java. (8m)

b) Explain the usage of StringTokenizer class with an example (8m)

5. a) Describe throw, throws and finally clauses. (9m)

b) What is Daemon thread? Differentiate between process and thread. (7m)
6. a) What are the Adapter classes? Briefly describe the MouseMotionAdapter class ( 8m)
b) What is a FocusEvent? In what way it is related to ComponentEvent ? Briefly describe

the FocusEvent Class. (8m)
7. a)How applet differs from an application? (8m)
b)Mention the two models on which JTree relies on. What are the various events
generated by JTree and what are the corresponding event listeners? Mention the
corresponding package for these classes and interfaces. (8m)
8. a)Explain how socket communication takes place. (8m)
b)What are factory methods? Explain the three commonly used InetAddress factory
methods. (8m)

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Code No: X0425
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009


(Com.to ECE,ETM)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) Derive the expressions for (i) voltage gain, AV , (ii) current gain, Ai, (iii) input
impedance Ri and (iv) output resistance Ro of a CE amplifier using h-parameter
model. (8)

b) The h parameters of a transistor used in CE amplifier are given as : hie=1k ȍ;

hfe=100, hre=2*10-4 and hoe=20ȝA/V. If Rc=5 k ȍ and Rs = 1k ȍ, determine AI, RI ,
AV, AVs, Ro and Ro’. (8)

2. a)Draw the circuit of differential amplifier and explain its working principle. (8)
b)Explain and derive the expressions for differential mode gain
(A DM ) and
common mode gain
(A CM ) of a differential amplifier. (8)

3. a) Draw the high frequency equivalent circuit of BJT (8+8)

b) Derive an expression for its parameters.

4. a) With the help of neat diagram. Explain the characteristics of class-A amplifier
(b) Derive an expression for its efficiency and figure of merit. (8+8)

5. a) Give schematic of class B push-pull amplifier with complementary symmetry

configuration and explain the working of it.
b) What is a tuned Amplifier? What are the various types of tuned amplifiers? (10+6)

6. a) Explain about stagger tuning how it is helpful in tuned amplifiers? (6)

b) What are the characteristics of wideband amplifiers? Discuss about different
methods of compensation in wideband amplifiers? (10)

7. a) Compare different voltage regulator circuits with their merits and demerits? (10)

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Code No: X0425

b) For the given Zener regulator circuit, the supply voltage varies from 20 to 30 volts.
Load current varies from 0 to 9.5 mA, Zener breakdown occurs at 5 mA. Find the value
of Rs, RLmin, RLmax (6)

a) What is meant by voltage multiplier? List out the names of four different multipliers
b) Explain with neat sketch half wave voltage doubler? (10)



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Code No: X0425
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009


(Com.to ECE,ETM)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) Explain the analysis of a CC amplifier (emitter follower) using approximate

h-parameter model and derive the expressions for AI, RI , AV, Ro and Ro’. (8)

b) A Common Collector amplifier stage uses a transistor with the following

h-parameter values hie=1k ȍ; hfe=100, RE=5 k ȍ, and Rs= 1k ȍ. calculate
AI, RI , AV and Ro for the CC amplifier using approximate h-parameter model
formulae. (8)

2. a)Draw the frequency response of an RC coupled amplifier and explain why gain falls at
low and high frequencies. (5)
b) Define upper cut-off and lower cut-off frequencies of a RC coupled amplifier. What
is the significance of these frequencies? (5)
c) A two-stage amplifier shown in fig. 1 is in CE-CC configuration. The transistor
β r
parameters are given as o = 100 and π =0.5 kΩ. Determine the overall voltage gain
and current gain. Assume o = ∞. (6)

Fig. 1 Circuit for 2(c)

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Code No: X0425
3. a) Explain in detail about the variation of hybrid parameters with respect to IC, VCE
and temperature
b) The following data are the parameters of a BJT at Ic = 5mA,Vce = 10 and at room
temperature. hie = 800W, hoe = 10-4 siemens, hfe =100, hre =10-4 ,ft=50MHz, Co=3pF

compute the values of all the hybrid π parameters. (6+10)

4. a) Describe the operation of class-B push pull amplifier (8+8)

b) Explain how the cross over distortion is minimized.

5. a) Derive the equivalent circuit of a capacitance coupled single tuned amplifier (10+6)
b) Derive the equation for voltage gain.

6. What is the need of neutralization? Explain different techniques of neutralization with

neat sketch? (16)

7. a). Draw the basic block diagram of regulated power supply and explain it with each
block? (8+8)
b). In the given Zener diode regulator circuit, Zener diode conducts if the supply voltage
Vi is greater than 20 V, Zener diode voltage is 16 V. The meter resistance is 500 ohms.
Find R1 and R2 where R1 + R2 = 99.5 kŸ

8. www.andhracolleges.com
a) Draw the circuit of full-wave voltage doubler circuit and explain its operation.
Mention the PIV of each diode?

and write down PIV rating of each diode and voltage of each capacitor

b) The circuit shown in the following figure is a full wave voltage multiplier. Analyze the circuit

Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

USA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand Universities List

www.andhracolleges.com Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information

www.andhracolleges.com The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: X0425

II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009


(Com.to ECE,ETM)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) Define the various h-parameters and give their units. (8)

b) Explain how to calculate CE h-parameters from the input and output

characteristics. (8)

2. a) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of (i) transformer coupling (ii) direct
coupling. Discuss one application of each. (8)
b) Show that gain-bandwidth product of an RC coupled amplifier constant. (8)

3. a)Draw the Hybrid - ʌ model of a transistor in CE configuration and (8+8)

give the typical values of these parameters.
b) Explain hybrid π mode of BJT with resistive load in detail.

4. a) Describe the operation of class-AB amplifier (10+6)

b) Show how even harmonics are eliminated.

5. a) Derive the equation for 3db bandwidth capacitance coupled tuned amplifier (10+6)

b) Explain about synchronous tuning of tuned amplifier with an example of a block
diagram for the system concept.

6. a) Draw and explain the working of class-C tuned amplifier with neat sketch?
b) The following data is given to class-C amplifier (8+8)
RL = 6kŸ
Q = 80
fr = 5 MHz
VCC = 15V
Calculate the values of L and C of a tank circuit with worst case power dissipation of 20mW
7. a)Design a series regulated power supply with following specifications: (16)
Unregulated input voltage, Vin = 30 V and ro= 8 Ÿ
Regulated output voltage =12 V
Maximum load current = 200 mA
Control transistor, hfe = 100, hie =200 Ÿ
Amplitude transistor, hfe = 200, hie =1000 Ÿ
Reference voltage, Vref = 6 V
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www.andhracolleges.com The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: X0425 ^dͲϯ

Zener resistance, RZ = 10 Ÿ
Zener current = 20 mA
b) Also calculate its stability factor and output resistance.

c) Also draw the complete circuit diagram with the designed component values.

8. a) What are the limitations of various linear regulators? Explain. (8+8)

b) Design a adjustable regulator using LM 317 which will satisfy the requirements as
output voltage 7 to 15 V, output 1 mA.

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www.andhracolleges.com The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: X0425

II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009


(Com.to ECE,ETM)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
ϭ. a) Draw the small signal model of an FET and explain the significance of
each element. (4)

b) Draw a Common-Source n-channel JFET amplifier. Draw its small-signal

equivalent circuit and explain why VDD does not appear in the circuit. (4)

c) Show that the transconductance ‘gm’ of a JFET is related to the drain current
IDS by
gm =( 2/|Vp| ) SQRT (IDSSIDS). (8)
2. a)Draw the circuit of a cascade amplifier and derive the expressions for its (i) current
gain, A I (ii) voltage gain, A V by using the ac equivalent circuit. (8)
b)For the component values given in fig. 2, calculate the gain of the cascade circuit. dc
I = I C2 = 1 β = 120
analysis performed on the circuit gives C 1 mA and o . (8)

www.andhracolleges.com Fig. 2 AC equivalent circuit for 2(b)

3. a) Derive an expression for short circuit current gain of CE amplifier (8+8)

b)Derive an expression for fT and fβ .

4. Describe the operation of class-B transformer less amplifier and complementary (16)
symmetry amplifier.

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www.andhracolleges.com The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: X0425 ^dͲϰ

5. a) Draw the circuit of double tuned transformer coupled amplifier. Discuss the nature of
response of the amplifier for different values of KQ = 1 ; KQ > 1 and KQ < 1. (8)
b) Design the single stage FET tuned amplifier for the following specifications

fo = 12MHz. bandwidth B =10KHz and midband voltage gain Avm = -15.The FET
parameters are gm =4ms rd=25K ohms; CGS =CDS =5pF. (8)

6. Explain the internal circuit diagram of CA 3040 video amplifier? (16)

7 a) Explain the limitations of unregulated power supplies. To derive regulated DC output

from AC mains, what are the important building blocks required. Explain about each
block. ( 8)

b). Explain the following terms (8)

i) Source regulation
ii) Output resistance
iii)Temperature stability

8. a)Draw the circuit diagram of a half wave voltage doubler circuit and explain its
operation sketch the input and output waveforms. Mention what is the PIV of diode.
What is its output voltage under no load conditions?

b) Discuss about DC to DC converters ? (10+6)

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