Elevators and Escalators Design PDF
Elevators and Escalators Design PDF
Elevators and Escalators Design PDF
Lecture No.11
Course Director: Ahmed Elastal
Instructor: Reem Abu El-Khair
Sunday 21-12-2008
The upward and downward movement of people in newly erected multistory buildings is principally
achieved by lifts.
Fig. No. 1 Shows the multistory buildings upward and downward movement of people is achieved by
Location of Lifts
It is recommended that the walking distance between the entrance or office and the lift group should
not be greater than 6Om, preferably this should be kept to 45m maximum.
When lifts are arranged in a group it is recommended that all the lifts in that should serve the same
In larger, multistory buildings it is usual to locate the lifts at a central pedestrian circulation
Lobbies in front of lift shaft entrances must be designed and arranged.
For a lobby in front of a single lift, the available min depth between the wall of the lift shaft
door and the opposite wall, measured in the direction of the lift car must be at least the same
as the depth of the lift car itself.
The building and its function dictate the basic type of lifts which need to be provided.
Lifts are mechanical installations which are required to have a long service life.
Grouping of Lifts
The lifts should be positioned to:
Minimize the walking distance between cars and hence the time taken to load passengers which
will then improve overall quality of service.
For a two lift group: side by side positioning is the most efficient but also the option having
the lifts positioned opposite one another is also an efficient arrangement.
Fig.No.2 Shows the Lobbies in front of lift shaft entrances must be designed and arranged
Number of Storey.
Distance between floors.
Intensive use of elevator in each floor.
Location of the building.
Number of users in rush hours.
Services in the building.
Fig No. 4 Shows the Structural Dimensions, Dimension of the basic element of the elevator
Elevators Types
There are three main applications for lifts namely :
Passenger, Goods and Service
Freight Elevators
Bed Elevators
Panoramic Elevators
Library Elevators
Food Elevators
Elevators Types
Fig. No.5 Shows the plan view of the lift for Hospital beds dimensions
Fig. No.6 Shows the several types of plan view of the Panoramic lifts dimensions
Traction Lift
Hydraulic Lift
Drive Unit:
Hydraulic Lifts
Hydraulic Lifts Hydraulic lifts work by the action of a pumped fluid, normally oil. Within
a cylinder driving a piston which-is attached to the lift car.
The hydraulic lift is used in applications where the maximum travel distance is about 20m.
The maximum traveling speed of commercially available hydraulic lifts is limited to about
This type of lift is suited to low intensity usage and is limited to around a maximum of 50
starts per hour.
The hydraulic lift has the advantage of lower capital cost when compared with a traction lift
Traction Lifts
This type of lift is driven by Wire ropes passing over a driving wheel or sheave and
connected to the lift car and a counterweight.
The speed of these lifts can range from 0.5 m/s up to a maximum of 10 m/s.
Lift Cars
Lift motor room
1- Two Panel center opening : This is considered the most efficient door configuration as
passengers can pass through the entrance before the doors are fully.
2- Four panel centre opening: This arrangement is used on entrances of 1400mm wide and above.
3- Two panel side opining: This method
is more space efficient but slower for
transfer and is used ,on
non intensive applications.
Lift Cars
Lift cars are made up of Two Main component parts :
The car itself and the sling which holds the car.
The sling includes the guide shoes and safety gear.
The internal height within the car must be at least 1980mm.
On very high speed lifts the car requires special design to reduce noise levels and this is
achieved by providing noise insulation to the car and streamlining the car to make the
airflow around the car Smoother.
Traction Lifts
Basically, the motor only has to overcome friction the weight on the other side does most of
the work.
Using up the potential energy in the elevator car (letting it descend to the ground) builds up
the potential energy in the weight (the weight rises to the top of the shaft). .
Both the elevator car and the counterweight ride on guide rails along the sides of the
elevator shaft. The rails keep the car and counterweight from swaying back and forth, and
they also work with the safety system to stop the car in an emergency.
Lift Layout
The lift machine is usually located above the lift shaft as this allows :
The most economical and simplest roping system.
Reduced power consumption and the loads on the overhead structure are usually lower than
those with the lift machine below the lift shaft. Also lift motor rooms located at the bottom of the
shaft increases the shaft dimensions and increases maintenance
Lift stops at each call floor in sequence in the order that the floors are reached according to the
direction of travel
Escalator = Scala Elevator
The escalator as we know it was later re-designed by Charles Seeberger in 1897, who created the
name 'escalator' from the word 'scala', which is Latin for steps and the word 'elevator', which had
already been invented.
An escalator is a conveyor type transport device that moves people. It is a moving staircase with
steps that move up or down using a conveyor belt and tracks keeping each step horizontal for the
passenger. However, the escalator began as an amusement and not as a practical transport.
Fig. No.9 Shows the width of the step to be used is (60 -100cm)
Fig. No. 10 Shows the dimensions and performance for escalators with either 30 or 35 angle of
Institute of Design Graphics