Centennial Review July 2016
Centennial Review July 2016
Centennial Review July 2016
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And what did he say? I tell you, I do not know the man.
in jeopardy the wealth we have piled up, the businesses
Even Peter, cursing and swearing, I tell you I do not know
we have built, the professional and social standing we have
the man. Well, thats not how the challenge is
earned, the security and tranquility we enjoy,
going to come to you and me. The challenge
the opportunities for worldly advancement we
will come today in a different form. Do you
cherish, the connections we have cultivated,
stand for the sanctity of human life and the
the relationships we treasure, will we silently
dignity of marriage as the union of husband
acquiesce to the destruction of human lives or
Side Of
and wife? And we will be tempted because of
the demolition of marriage? My friends, the
the social pressures we now face, to in effect
challenge to our faith today, does not come in
say, I do not know the man. But we must
the way that it came to Peter. You remember
never yield to those pressures.
Peter, warming himself in front of the fire on
that terrible late Holy Thursday night and early
God and God Alone is Our Judge
Good Friday morning when the maid comes to him. Jesus,
Powerful forces tell us that our defeat in the cause of
being persecuted, facing trial, going before Pilate, sent to
marriage and in the cause of human life are inevitable.
Herod, sent back to Pilate. Peter, one of the few who didnt
They warn us that we are on the wrong side of history.
just run away. Peter, warming his hands by the fire was
Youve heard that, right? They insist that we will be
asked by the maid, Surely you were this mans disciple.
By Stephen Thomas Scheffel
First century Christians lived, worked, and worshiped in a social, economic, and
political environment that was both highly restrictive and very unforgiving. But
knowing all things, Jesus, before he was ready to leave his disciples, called upon
his followers to be notorious in deed. He warned them that even under the best
of circumstances, they could expect no more than to be treated as he was treated
during his own earthly ministry. As Jesus said in John chapter 15, If the world
hates you, know that it has hated me before it has hated you.
But following this already more than sobering prediction, Jesus went further to
share just how he desired his followers to interact with their surroundings at every
level. He called on his followers to be known for their love for one another and for
loving their neighbors, second only to their love for God.
All of us who have experienced these past years at Colorado Christian University
would immediately recognize the unapologetic acknowledgment of him who is
responsible for all that is there, the author and finisher of our faith, JesusJesus, Jesus, Jesus.
As we depart the friendly confines of Leprino Hall, we will be entering a culture that has nearly abandoned its Christian
roots. Our beliefs are now considered to be antiquated and irrelevant, while religious liberty, at one time our nations
most treasured freedom, is now considered to be code for discrimination and intolerance.
Before us we have a few options, we could respond to increasing hostility with contempt and seclusion or, we could
respond with love and with grace. A truth so simple, yet far too often forgotten, is that as his children, we have the love
of Christ within us, we are saved by his grace, we quite literally have everything. How can we not be the most friendly,
joyful, and content people that this world has ever known? Yes life is hard, we will all face trials, the Bible even guarantees
that. But, we have the ultimate advantage, we have Jesus Christ on our side. How can that simple, yet profound reality
not infiltrate every aspect of our lives?
So what now? To have lived, studied, and grown in an atmosphere where Jesus is preeminent, now, as in the case of his
disciples and the early Christians, the challenge is taking that truth and living it out in a manner that his call on our lives
is such, that the reputation, the lasting impression of any of us, is that she is a follower of Jesus, he is a follower of Jesus.
These last four years, the goal has been to foster a place where we have seen Jesus. Now, our challenge is for others to see
Jesus in us as we embark on our future. So for us as graduates, as world changers if you will.
Yesterday Today And ForeverJesusJesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Centennial Review July 2016 3
Centennial Institute
Colorado Christian University
8787 W. Alameda Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80226
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Colorado Christian University class of 2016 was the largest graduating class in the
schools history.