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System Design: Unit - 6

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Learning Objectives
After having read this unit, you will be able to:

learn the meaning and purpose of system design;

understand the performance specifications and system specification;

describe the process of conceptual system design;

understand the process of detailed system design;

understand the objectives and main considerations for the output/input


describe the types and main points in procedure design.




Design Objectives


Conceptual Design


Design Methods


Detailed System Design




Review Questions

6.1. Introduction
System design is another important step in the system development process.
This phase starts after the system analysis phase is over. In other words, the
output of the system analysis phase, i.e. requirement specifications becomes
an input in design phase. Data requirements are worked out on the basis of

user requirement estimates. The identification of data requirements includes
identifying data sources, the nature and type of data that is available and data
gaps. For example, for designing a salary system, a system designer would
consult the input documents (data sources) such as attendance, leave account,
deductions to be made, etc. so that he may understand what kind of data is
available, in what form, when it is supplied and by whom.

6.2. Design Objectives

A system is designed with the following main objectives.
The system should be designed in such a way that it may be learnt and
operated with ease by the users. Thus, the design should be user-oriented.
The business organizations are dynamic in nature. Therefore, a system must be
responsive to the change inevitably requested by its users.
A system must be efficient, i.e. it should perform jobs within their specified
time. The efficiency of a system may be measured in terms of the following

Throughput: It is the ability to handle a specified number of jobs per

unit of time.


Response time: The ability to respond to a request made by the user

within a given time limit.


Run time: It is the ability to undertake the complete job within a given
time limit.

This aspect relates to hardware reliability, physical security of data and the
deduction and prevention of fraud and abuse of data.
System design is carried out at two levels, namely conceptual level and
physical level, known as conceptual design and physical design, respectively.
These two phases are also called external design or general design and internal
design or detailed design.

6.3. Conceptual Design

It is in the conceptual design stage that alternative overall MIS designs are
conceived and the best one is selected by the system analyst in consultation
with the top management. In the conceptual design, the feasibility of meeting
the management objectives for the MIS is assessed and a broad-brush picture
of the system is painted. That is why; conceptual design is also known as gross
design, high-level design or an overall MIS design, which becomes a basis for
the detailed MIS design. In other words, a conceptual design is a prerequisite
for the detailed design. Conceptual design involves the following steps.

Define problem


Set system objectives


Identify constraints


Determine information needs


Determine information sources


Develop various designs


Document the conceptual design


Prepare report

A brief discussion of these steps will make the concept clearer.


6.3.1. Define Problem

The first step in conceptual MIS design is to clearly understand and define the
problem to be solved. It should be noted here that these are not only the
current problems, which are of concern; rather MIS design should be related to
long-range planning for the organization so as to solve future problems.
Further, MIS function is supposed to solve the problems relating to
information needs for the business organization. Thus information needs of the
organization are to be identified and understood in this step, which can be
determined by understanding the mission, objectives, and strategic and
operating plans for the business.

6.3.2. Set System Objectives

Having defined and understood the problem to be solved, the system analyst,
in consultation with the user, must set the system objectives. While setting
system objectives, it must be kept in mind that the value of an information
system lies in the benefits to its users. Thus, mere efficiency of the system
would not serve the purpose. However, it is very difficult to set the real
objectives of an information system. Quite often the objectives of an
information system are set in vague terms, for example, keep accurate
records. have maximum efficiency, reduce costs, provide quality
information, pay salary to employees by due date. No doubt, setting of
specific objectives is difficult, but it is very important, so that system
objectives may provide a measure of performance of the system or to design
an information system to help achieve its objectives. Therefore, system
objectives should be stated, as far as possible, in quantitative rather than
qualitative terms. For example, some of the already given objectives may be
re-started as pay salary to 100 per cent employees by the last day of the
month, pay 100 per cent of invoices before due date, etc.

6.3.3. Identify Constraints

System constraints are also known as problem boundaries or restrictions.
Knowledge of the constraints is essential, as it helps the designer to consider

the limitations that restrict the design of the system. In other words, constraints
limit freedom of action in designing a system to achieve the objective. In the
light of the constraints, a constant review of objectives is necessary. Thus,
establishing constraints will help ensure that the design is realistic.
System constraints may be classified under two categories, namely:

External constraints, and


Internal constraints.

External constraints, as the name indicates, are external to the organization.

For example, constraints posed by customers, the government and suppliers.
Whereas internal constraints are posed from within the organization, for
example, non co-operation and lack of support from top management;
organizational policy; resource constraints like manpower, time and money,

6.3.4. Determine Information Needs

For a good design of information system, it is very important to know the real
information needs of management (users) in a clear statement. Thus,
information needs which can really help the management in discharging their
functions are identified. For determination of information needs, user should

What they want out of an information system; and


Items of information that are needed to achieve the pre-determined


But, user-mangers are rarely specific on the above points, since getting them
to be specific about their information needs is a challenging job for the system
analyst. A system analyst, thus depending on the situation, has to adopt either a
direct approach, the system analyst would ask four or fivr major
responsibilities of the user-manager, followed by one or two specific items of
information that are required to carry out each of the responsibilities. Indirect

approach stresses on the avoidance of direct questions. Instead, the system
analyst asks the user to describe his/her decision-making process. This is
found an easy way as the user-manager is well-familiar with the operation/job
and thus can describe clearly his/her decision-making process.
As already discussed in system analysis, there are several approaches like
interviewing the user managers, using questionnaires, record review and
observation, etc., but the system analyst has to take a judicious decision
regarding an approach or a combination of approaches to understand clearly
the information needs of user-managers in an organization.

6.3.5. Determine Information Sources

Just as a clear understanding and wholistic view of the users information
needs is the basis for the design of MIS, the source of this information requires
to be determined in order to identify input data, along with identification of its
source, timing and format, etc.
Though some information systems may require considerable external
information, the main information in a majority of the information systems is
found from within the organization: the internal records, files, books,
statistical and accounting documents, etc. Thus, for determining sources of
information, studying the existing system is quite helpful. A system analyst
should clearly understand that in this step, the structure of the new system
starts to take shape and thus he should not only determine information sources
for the particular sub-system under consideration, but also must take into
account how they fit into the overall sources of information and techniques of
analysis. Sources of information may be classified as given below:

Internal and External Records: The internal records may be in

written form like files, inputs and outputs, correspondence, reports,
documentation of the present or planned systems, etc., whereas
external sources may include trade publications, government statistics,


Managers and Operating Personnel: User-managers and operating

personnel may be an important source for understanding input, output
and data processing requirements of an information system. however,
gathering Needs
data from this
source involves interviewing the managers




and operating personnel, which requires proper planning and skill.

Annual Requirements
Unit Price
Ordering Cost
Carrying Cost
Lead Time
Consumption Rate
Figure 6-1 Information Needs/ Information Sources Matrix
Once the information sources and information needs are determined, the next
activity is to match the information needs and sources. This can be done by
using a matrix diagram, which is a valuable device for integration of subsystems and in the rest of the system design process. Figure 6-1 illustrates the
use of a matrix diagram in one of the sub-systems of the materials
management system.

6.3.6. Develop Various Designs

By now, a system analyst should be able to conceptualize the overall structure
of the information system; he or she is going to design. As already mentioned,
conceptual design gives us an overview or a sketch of the structure of the MIS.
Thus, conceptual design gives us an overview or a sketch of the structure of
the MIS. Thus, conceptual design is like a skeleton of the MIS, which guides
and restricts the form of the detailed design. To be more concise, it may be
said that if conceptual design is the skeleton, then detailed design is the flesh.
At this stage, the conceptual design would define the main decision points,

information flows, channels of information and roles of user-managers. Here
the system analyst works out broad feasible alternative combinations of input,
storage, processing, communication and output to generate various conceptual
MIS designs. More than one alternative conceptual designs are to be
developed which are compared to select the optimum one, which

Meets the requirements of the users/organization, and


Is cost effective.

The following examples of alternative conceptual designs will further clear

this point.
Suppose a person who wants to build his house, approaches an architect for
the plan of his would be house. The architect in turn, on the basis of the
requirements of the person, prepares three or four plans for his house. These
three or four plans, in fact are alternative conceptual designs of the house.
Each design may differ in terms of dimensions, locations or any other
specifications of the rooms, etc. For example, one design may propose two
bedrooms on the ground floor and one room on the first floor for a three
bedroom house. Whereas other designs may propose all the three bedrooms at
the ground floor but having different specifications and locations of each
room. The person, on the basis of already given criteria, selects the optimum
design for his would be house from these alternative designs.
Similarly consider an organization having 15 finished inventory stores, which
are spread all over India. Head office of the company and the manufacturing
plant are located at Delhi. The organization is facing a crisis in deliveries to its
customers. To provide better service to its customers, it requires an MIS to be
developed, which may regulate its manufacturing and inventories. The
systems analyst may develop more than one alternative conceptual designs of
MIS. One design may suggest all orders from customers be sent directly to
marketing department at the organizational head-office. Marketing department
will then provide demand forecasts to the production department and shipping
order to the stores of the organization. A computer-based information system
will maintain a perpetual inventory of all products in all the stores. The second

design may propose orders to be sent by the customers directly to the nearest
store. Each store keeps its own inventory records; each forecasts its demand
for the month ahead and sends it to the production department. A third design
may propose region-wise control of the orders, which are sent by the
customers to the stores at the region level, which in turn process the orders of
customers from their respective regions and transmit the orders to the
marketing department at the head office of the organization. Marketing
department sends the demand order to the production department and shipping
orders to the concerned stores. Before recommending the optimal conceptual
design, the system analyst evaluates each of the alternative designs. The
following criterion may be adopted as a basis for evaluating the designs:
Economic Basis
A preliminary cost-benefit analysis of each of the designs is made.
Performance Basis
Each alternative is objectively evaluated for the anticipated performance with
the objectives of the systems as previously developed.
Operational Basis
For each alternative, analysis is made to determine the strong and weak points
in respect of quality of the databases, information, potential breakdown points,

6.3.7. Documentation of the Conceptual Design

The final selected conceptual alternative is documented in specific terms. The
documentation of the conceptual design involves:
i) Overall system flow,
ii) System inputs,
iii) System outputs, and

iv) Other documentations like activity sheet and system description, etc.

6.3.8. Report Preparation

Having documented the conceptual design, the next step is to get an approval
of the management (user) so as to start the detailed design activity. Thus, a
proposal giving the cost to be incurred and possible organizational changes is
prepared for the management. The report thus prepared should briefly mention
the problem, the objectives, an overall view of the system, justifications for
selecting one alternative over others, time and other resources required for
developing and implementing the system. Documentation of the system should
also be appended in the annexure or be given in a different volume of the
report. The report thus submitted, is reviewed by the top management of the
organization. If approved, the detailed system design activity is undertaken.

6.4. Design Methods

There are a number of methods for designing information systems. Following
is a brief description of some of the popular methods.
Problem Partitioning
The method is based on the principle of divide and conquer. In this method,
instead of solving the entire problem at once, the problem is divided into small
manageable parts (modules) that can be solved separately. This problem
partitioning method aims at reducing complexity because each module can be
developed, coded and tested relatively independently of the others. Also,
maintenance is minimized if each module can be modified separately.
Structured Design
In this method, a structured chart is created, which can be used to implement
the system. the chart depicts modules defining each module by the specific
function. The aim is to produce a structure where the modules have minimum
dependence on each other (decoupling); and have a high level of cohesion,
meaning all the statements within a module are functionally related. Various

tools like flow-charting, data flow diagrams, structure charts, structured
English, etc., are used in a structured design.
Top-Down Design
The top-down design is based on the concept of a system which suggests that a
system consists of sub-systems (components), which have sub-systems of their
own. In other words, a system may be termed as a hierarchy of sub-systems,
the highest level sub-system corresponding to the total system. accordingly,
this method involves the identification of the main components of the system,
decomposing them onto their lower-level components and iterating the desired
level of detail is reached.
It attempts to smoothen the path of system design by starting at the top and
designing the broad modules first. At each stage, adequate attention is paid to
subsequent interfacing so that as the system expands further, modules can be
added without trouble.

6.5. Detailed System Design

As already stated, conceptual design in itself is not the end of the design
process; rather it serves as a basis for the detailed MIS design. The
performance requirements specified by the conceptual design become inputs
to the detailed design phase, in which these are further refined, detailed and
finalized to be called the system specifications. Thus, the main objective of the
detailed system design is to prepare a blue print of a system that meets the
goals of the conceptual system design requirements. Detailed system design
involves the following phases.

Project Planning and Control


Involve the User


Define the Detailed Sub-Systems


Input/Output Design


Feedback from the User


Database Design

vii) Procedure design

viii) Design Documentation
A brief discussion on each of these phases is given below.

6.5.1. Project Planning and Control

In order to ensure an effective and efficient design of an MIS, it is very
important that a detailed design process should in itself be considered a
complete project. Therefore, the first step in the detailed design is planning
and controlling, so that standards may be established and a proper follow-up is
made. Some of the main points, which are important in planning and control
of the detailed design, are given below.
Project Planning

Formulate the project objectives.


Define the project tasks.


Prepare a network diagram of all events and activities so as to specify

sequential and parallel events.


Schedule the work as per the requirements of the user.


Prepare a budget for the project.

Project Control

Get a feedback of the actual performance of the project with respect to

time, cost and work of the project and compare it with schedules,
budgets and technical plans.


Take corrective action where required so as to maintain control.


6.5.2. Involve the User

System designers must inform the users regarding the new information system
being developed and gain their support and acceptance. In this phase, users are
assured that changes will benefit them or that they will not be at disadvantage
because of the new system. it is also important to take users in confidence so
as to obtain information for the design of the system. This will also help
managing resistance to change and would ensure successful implementation of
the system.

6.5.3. Detailed Sub-System Definition

In detailed system design, every system needs to be broken down to ascertain
all activities required and their respective inputs and outputs. In some of the
cases, sub-systems are broadly defined in the conceptual design phase, but at
this stage they are specifically defined to work out every detail concerning the
sub-system. Decomposition of the system to operational activities in general is
carried out as follows.
Functional Component
Operation element
Wherever needed, integration of activities into a sub-system may be done on
the basis of any one or more of the following common features.
i) Common functions
ii) Common techniques or procedures
iii) Logical flow relationships
iv) Common outputs or inputs


6.5.4. Output/Input Design

Having defined the sub-systems well, by way of flow diagrams and a thorough
discussion with the users of the MIS, the system designers now define the
specifications of outputs and inputs for each subsystem, in more detail. These
specifications will later be used by programmers to develop programs to
actually produce the output/input. As the main purpose of an MIS is to provide
information to aid decision making, to the user, output/input is one of the most
important characteristics of the information system. As decisions are based on
the output from the system and input to the system, system designers must
give this phase the attention it deserves. The following paragraphs will
highlight the key points to be considered while preparing output and input
Output Design
The term output implies any information printed or displayed, produced by an
MIS. At this stage, the following activities take place.
i) Specific outputs which are required to meet the information needs are
ii) Methods for presenting information are selected, and
iii) Reports, formats or other documents that act as carrier of information,
produced by an MIS, are designed.
Objectives of Output Design
An output from an MIS should meet one or more of the following objectives.

It should provide information about the past, present or future events.

Outputs at the operational control level provide information of the
past and the present events, whereas outputs which are required at
the strategic planning level include information on future projections.


It should signal important events, opportunities and problems. For

example, exceptional reports indicate such happenings.


It should trigger an action in response to some event. A set of rules is

pre-defined for such a trigger. For example, an order is prepared
when inventory reaches a certain level.


It should confirm an action as a result of some transaction. For

example, printing a receipt upon receiving the telephone bill.

Main Points for Output Design

The following questions need to be answered for designing good output.
i) Who will receive the output? The answer to this question will help
determine the level of the user and also the use of the information,
i.e. internal or external to the organization. The content, format and
media needs of the output may be designed accordingly. For
example, vice presidents of an organization may require reports only
of exceptions and in summary form, supplemented by graphic
displays, whereas customers may like on-line query facilities.
ii) When and how often is the output needed? This determines the timing
and frequency of output generation. Some outputs are generated
regularly, whereas some are generated only when certain conditions
arise, e.g. inventory orders are generated when inventory fails to a
certain level.
iii) What is its planned use? The usage of the output determines the
content, form and media. For example, the content, layout and media
will be different for the output if it is used to convey information
(sales report), to ask a question (queries by the customer) or to
trigger an action (generation of an order).
iv) How much details are needed? This question specifically answers
about the details required from an output, which will affect the
output design.

Presentation of Output
Even a high quality content may go unnoticed, if presented poorly. Therefore,
presentation of output is regarded an important feature of output design. The
presentation may be either tabular or graphical, or both. The tabular format, in
general, should be preferred when
i) details dominate the contents
ii) contents are classified in groups
iii) total are to be drawn and comparisons are to be made.
Sigma Industries Ltd
Purchase Order

Item Code

Qty Ordered

Figure 6.2. a) Tabular Format of Output b) Graphical Format of Output.

In the detailed reports, a tabular format is preferred. However, graphics are
used to improve the effectiveness of output, especially in detecting patterns in
data and trends or changes in trends. Some users like to see information in
graphic form rather than in rows and columns. Figure 6.2 exhibits tabular and
graphic form of output. Tabular and graphical formats may be combined
together to enhance the presentation of output.
Output Design Specifications
The main points which should be considered in the output design
specifications are given below.

i) Paper Size: The designer must specify the size of the paper to be used
for the output, e.g. A4 size, A3 size, etc., or 9.5x11 inches, 11x14.7/8
inches or 8x14.7/8 inches, etc.
ii) Special Forms: Outputs can be designed on the pre-printed form
where standard print headings/titles, etc., are required. For example,
the pre-printed form may have the name and logo of the organization
printed at the top. This enhances presentation and gives a professional
look to the output document. Some of the universities use this type of
form for the certificates/degrees to be awarded to the students.
Railways are also using similar forms for reservation tickets.
iii) Multiple Copies of Output: When more than one copy is required
from the system, multiple copies are to be produced. This can be
achieved by using multipart forms. Multiple paper is available in
carbon and carbonless forms.
iv) Turnaround Documents: The output may be designed as a turnaround
document, if the organization uses optical scanners for reading data
from the forms. Thus, in a turnaround document, the output later
comes back as an input document.
v) Output Layout: The arrangement of items on the output medium is
known as an output layout. The layout design acts as a blue print that
guides the programmer in the development of codes. The output layout
should have the following.

Heading and date


Data and details


Summaries and totals


Page title, number and date


Notes and comments


Column headings and data type. Designers usually use N(n) for
numeric data type and X(n) for alpha data type, n specific the
width of the column.

Figure 6-3 depicts output layout.
ABC Pvt. Ltd.
Salary Statement for the Month N(2)
Total Pages N(2)
Figure 6-3 Output Layout

Print Date:

Account No.


For designing screens, system designer may design multiple screens or special
windowing capabilities such as pop-up windows. Such designs will enhance
readability for the visual displays.
Input Design
Generally, output from a system is regarded as the main determinant of the
systems performance, yet as already mentioned; outputs from the system are
affected by the inputs to the system. Therefore, input design is equally
important for the system designer.
Objectives of Input Design
The main objectives which guide the input design are briefly discussed as

Control the volume of input data. Try to reduce data requirements

and avoid capturing unnecessary data. Constant and systemcomputable data should not be captured.


Avoid processing delays during data entry. Automating data

capturing may reduce this delay.


Avoid data entry errors. Checks in the data entry programs, which are
called input validation techniques may help.


Keep the process simple. The system should be kept as simple and
easy to use as possible.

Input Layout

The input layout should contain the following.

Heading and data of data entry.


Data heading and value.

iii) Data type and width of the column.

iv) Initials of data entry operator.
Figure 6-4 illustrates an input layout design.
ABC Pvt. Ltd
Customer order Form
Customer Code: X(4)

Item Code

Qty Ordered

Figure 6-4 Input Layout Design

6.5.5. Feedback from the User

Having specially defined sub-systems, output and inputs, the designers once
again involves the user to get feedback. This step will increase the acceptance
of the MIS being designed. The system analyst should demonstrate the
proposed MIS to the users of the system/sub-system. This step will also
reassure the top management of the user organization that the detailed design
project is progressing as per plans.

6.5.6. Database Design

A database is an orderly arrangement of all the records related to each other. It
serves as a data resource for the MIS of an organization. To have optimum
performance, storage and fast retrieval of data, database design is an important
phase in the detailed design of a system. for designing a database, the designer
should keep the following points in mind.
i) Identify all data tables and record types.

ii) Identify fields for each table, the key fields for each table and relations
between various tables.
iii) Determine the data type and width for each field of the tables.
iv) Normalize the data tables.
v) Property document data dictionary.

6.5.7. Procedure Design

Procedures are the rules, standards or methods designed to increase the
effectiveness of the information system. The procedures detail about the tasks
to be performed in using the system. They serve as ready reckoners for the
designers as well as for the users. Sometimes they perform the task of a
supervisor over operations. There is a wide variety of procedures, which
i) Data Entry Procedures: These are the methods designed for data
entry, e.g. data entry sequence.
ii) Run-time Procedures: The actions to be taken by the users to achieve
the intended results, e.g. a procedure may instruct the user to load
printer with a specific size of paper.
iii) Error-handling Procedures: These procedures help the user in
detecting and correcting errors.
iv) Security and Backup Procedure: Through these procedures
information is provided regarding actions required to be taken to
protect the system against damage.
v) Software





instructions on how to document the programs.

In designing procedures, designers should:
a) understand the purpose and quality standard of each procedure


b) develop a step-by-step direction for each procedure, and
c) document all the procedures.

6.5.8. Design Documentation

Detailed design starts with the performance specifications given by the
conceptual design and ends with a set of design specifications for the
construction of MIS. The outputs from detailed design, i.e. design
specifications, are handled over to the programmers for writing codes to
translate system specifications into a physical MIS. Therefore, the system
analyst should very carefully document the detailed design. In fact, design
documents should consist of comprehensive details of all the design phases.
Design documentation of detailed design report, generally, consists of
i) System objectives,
ii) Design constraints,
iii) Inputs/Outputs,
iv) Data files,
v) Procedures (manual),
vi) Proposed system ( a summary and detailed flow charts),
vii) Input/output specifications,
viii) Program specifications,
ix) Database specifications,
x) Cost of installation and implementation, and
xi) System test conditions.
Documentation of the system should also include a user-manual and operatormanual. A user-manual is prepared to guide the user in understanding and
using the system. Thus, it should be simple, easy to understand and without

any technical jargon. Whereas an operator-manual is written for the computer
operators. Operator-manual should include an operators view of the system,
specifying start, stop and restart sequences. It should also contain various
procedures which may guide the operator regarding security, privacy and
integrity of data.

6.6. Summary
The main objective of the system design is to produce system specifications,
which can then be converted into an information system for use in the
organisation. However, the system design is a creative activity and is
considered to evolve through two different levels of design, i.e. conceptual
design and detailed design. In the conceptual design, the feasibility of meeting
the management objectives for the MIS is assessed and a broad-brush picture
of the system is painted. That is why; conceptual design is also known as gross
design, high-level design or an overall MIS design, which becomes a basis for
the detailed MIS design. In other words, a conceptual design is a prerequisite
for the detailed design.
The performance requirements specified by the conceptual design become
inputs to the detailed design phase, in which these are further refined, detailed
and finalized to be called the system specifications. Thus, the main objective
of the detailed system design is to prepare a blue print of a system that meets
the goals of the conceptual system design requirements.

6.7. Review Questions

1) What is meant by conceptual design of MIS? Discuss various steps
involved in the conceptual design of a system.
2) Do you think a conceptual design is a prerequisite to detailed design? If
yes, why?
3) Elaborate the concept and role of conceptual MIS design.

4) Why is the term gross design often used to designate conceptual design?
Which term do you think is more appropriate? Why?
5) Should detailed design work ever overlap the development of the
conceptual design? Give problems and advantages, if any.
6) Distinguish between conceptual design and detailed design. Which is
more important?
7) What objectives guide the design of output and input specifications?
8) What is meant by design specifications? Discuss various phases involved
in preparing design specifications. Do you think users should be
involved in preparing design specifications? Why?

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