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Cracking The Indus Script: Andrew Robinson Reflects On The Most Tantalizing of All

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from atmospheric chemists from around
the world.
First, establish and fund a network of
flagship stations9 to monitor: concentrations, fluxes, interactions and feedbacks
as well as more general air quality and
meteorology data. Around 58such
stations (costing between US$7million
and $11million each) would suffice
for a major city. These should be complemented by mobile measurement
platforms on cars and aeroplanes, remote
sensing of air columns from the ground,
satellite observations and smog chambers. Major sources of pollutants can be
identified using historic data.
Second, indoor air-quality measurements and monitoring must be
conducted concurrently in a representative selection of residential and office
Third, atmospheric chemists must
model secondary-pollutant production
pathways and feedback mechanisms
under high concentrations of various
pollutants. These models must then be
compared with observations.
Fourth, the links between air pollutants
and mortality and other health effects
need to be established. That way the
most health-relevant pollutants and their
sources can be identified and mitigated
first. A database should be developed to
track health impacts.
Fifth, long-term sustainable engineering solutions such as improving processes
and material flows in industry must be
implemented to maintain low levels of
air pollution. This will require capacity
building across the Chinese authorities and institutes on using air-quality
assessment data in decision-making, in
developing legislative tools and in cleanair action plans.
Only by understanding atmospheric
chemistry will China clean its air.
Markku Kulmala is professor of aerosol
physics at the University of Helsinki,
e-mail: markku.kulmala@helsinki.fi
1. Lelieveld, J., Evans, J. S., Fnais, M.,
Giannadaki, D. & Pozzer, A. Nature 525,
367371 (2015).
2. Lim, S. S. et al. Lancet 380, 22242260
3. Zhang, J. et al. Lancet 375, 11101019
4. Guo, S. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111,
1737317378 (2014).
5. Ding, A. J. et al. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13,
58135830 (2013).
6. Ding, A. J. et al. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13,
1054510554 (2013).
7. Xiao, S. et al. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 15,
17691781 (2015).
8. Kulmala, M. et al. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 65,
2137 (2014).
9. Hari, P. et al. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 15,
2106321093 (2015).

The mysterious Indus unicorn on a roughly 4,000-year-old sealstone, found at the Mohenjo-daro site.

Cracking the
Indus script

Andrew Robinson reflects on the most tantalizing of all

the undeciphered scripts that used in the civilization
of the Indus valley in the third millennium bc.

he Indus civilization flourished

for half a millennium from about
2600bc to 1900bc. Then it mysteriously declined and vanished from view.
It remained invisible for almost 4,000years
until its ruins were discovered by accident
in the 1920s by British and Indian archaeologists. Following almost a century of excavation, it is today regarded as a civilization
worthy of comparison with those of ancient
Egypt and Mesopotamia, as the beginning of
Indian civilization and possibly as the origin
of Hinduism.
More than a thousand Indus settlements
covered at least 800,000 square kilometres
of what is now Pakistan and northwestern India. It was the most extensive urban

culture of its period, with a population of

perhaps 1 million and a vigorous maritime
export trade to the Gulf and cities such as
Ur in Mesopotamia, where objects inscribed
with Indus signs have been discovered.
Astonishingly, the culture has left no archaeological evidence of armies or warfare.
Most Indus settlements were villages;
some were towns, and at least five were
substantial cities (see Where unicorns
roamed). The two largest, Mohenjo-daro
a World Heritage Site listed by the United
Nations located near the Indus river, and
Harappa, by one of the tributaries, boasted
street planning and house drainage worthy
of the twentiethcentury ad. They hosted
the worlds first known toilets, along with

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complex stone weights, elaborately drilled
gemstone necklaces and exquisitely carved
seal stones featuring one of the worlds
stubbornly undeciphered scripts.


Mohenjo-daro existed at the same time as the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Crete.

family from southern India that includes

Tamil. In 1987, Assyriologist James Kinnier
Wilson at the University of Cambridge, UK,
published an Indo-Sumerian decipherment, based on a comparison of the Indus
signs with similar-looking ones in cuneiform accounting tablets from Mesopotamia.


In the 1990s and after, many Indian authors

including some academics have
claimed that the Indus script can be read in a
form of early Sanskrit, the ancestral language
of most north Indian languages including
Hindi. In doing so, they support the controversial views of Indias Hindu nationalist
politicians that there has been a continuous,
Sanskrit-speaking, Indian identity since the
third millenniumbc.
Whatever their differences, all Indus
researchers agree that there is no consensus
on the meaning of the script. There are three
main problems. First, no firm information
is available about its underlying language.
Was this an ancestor of Sanskrit or Dravidian, or of some other Indian language
family, such as Munda, or was it a language
that has disappeared? Linear B was deciphered because the tablets turned out to be
in an archaic form of Greek; Mayan glyphs
because Mayan languages are still spoken.
Second, no names of Indus rulers or personages are known from myths or historical records: no equivalents of Rameses or

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Ptolemy, who were known to hieroglyphic

decipherers from records of ancient Egypt
available in Greek.
Third, there is, as yet, no Indus bilingual
inscription comparable to the Rosetta Stone
(written in Egyptian and Greek). It is conceivable that such a treasure may exist in
Mesopotamia, given its trade links with the
Indus civilization. The Mayan decipherment
started in 1876 using a sixteenth-century
Spanish manuscript that recorded a discussion in colonial Yucatan between a Spanish
priest and a Yucatec Mayan-speaking elder
about ancient Mayan writing.


Indus scholars have achieved much in

recent decades. A superb three-volume
photographic corpus3 of Indus inscriptions,
edited by the indefatigable Asko Parpola, an
Indologist at the University of Helsinki, was
published between 1987 and 2010 with the
support of the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization; a
fourth and final volume is still to come. The
direction of writing chiefly right to left
has been established by analysis of the
positioning of groups of characters in many
differing inscriptions. The segmentation
of texts containing repeated sequences of
characters, syntactic structures, the numeral
system and the measuring system are partly
Views vary on how many signs there are



The Indus script is made up of partially

pictographic signs and human and animal
motifs including a puzzling unicorn. These
are inscribed on miniature steatite (soapstone) seal stones, terracotta tablets and
occasionally on metal. The designs are little
masterpieces of controlled realism, with a
monumental strength in one sense out of
all proportion to their size and in another
entirely related to it, wrote the best-known
excavator of the Indus civilization, Mortimer
Wheeler, in 19681.
Once seen, the seal stones are never forgotten. I became smitten in the late 1980s when
tasked to research the Indus script by a leading
documentary producer. He hoped to entice
the worlds code-crackers with a substantial
public prize. In the end, neither competition
nor documentary got off the ground. But for
me, important seeds were sown.
More than 100 attempts at decipherment
have been published by professional scholars
and others since the 1920s. Now as a result
of increased collaboration between archaeologists, linguists and experts in the digital
humanities it looks possible that the Indus
script may yield some of its secrets.
Since the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in
Egypt in 1799, and the consequent decipherment of the Egyptian hieroglyphs beginning
in the 1820s, epigraphers have learnt how
to read an encouraging number of onceenigmatic ancient scripts. For example, the
Brahmi script from India was cracked in
the 1830s; cuneiform scripts (characterized by wedge-shaped impressions in clay)
from Mesopotamia in the second half of the
nineteenth century; the LinearB script from
Greece in the 1950s;
and the Mayan glyphs No firm
from Central America information
in the late twentieth is available
about its
Several important underlying
scripts still have schol- language.
ars scratching their
heads: for example, Linear A, Etruscan from
Italy, Rongorongo from Easter Island, the
signs on the Phaistos Disc from the Greek
island of Crete and, of course, the Indus script.
In 1932, Flinders Petrie the most celebrated Egyptologist of his day proposed
an Indus decipherment on the basis of the
supposed similarity of its pictographic
principles to those of Egyptian hieroglyphs.
In 1983, Indus excavator Walter Fairservis
at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, claimed in Scientific
American2 that he could read the signs in
a form of ancient Dravidian: the language


Between about 2600 BC and 1900 BC, more than a thousand settlements of the Indus civilization, including
at least five cities, covered at least 800,000 square kilometres. Only 10% of sites have been excavated,
partly because many lie near the tense border between Pakistan and India.






Ganweriwala was
discovered in the 1970s,
but remains unexcavated.

Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, the two

largest Indus cities, boasted complex
street planning and house drainage.


Archaeological site
Extent of Indus valley region
Disputed territory

in the Indus script. In 1982, archaeologist

Shikaripura Ranganatha Rao published a
Sanskrit-based decipherment with just
62signs4. Parpola put5 the number at about
425 in 1994 an estimate supported by
the leading Indus script researcher in
India, Iravatham Mahadevan. At the other
extreme is a high estimate6 of 676 signs,
published this year by archaeologist and
epigrapher Bryan Wells.
Nevertheless, almost every researcher
accepts that the script contains too many
signs to be either an alphabet or a syllabary
(in which signs represent syllables), like
LinearB. It is probably a logo-syllabic script
such as Sumerian cuneiform or Mayan
glyphs that is, a mixture of hundreds of
logographic signs representing words and
concepts, such as &, and %, and a much
smaller subset representing syllables.
As for the language, the balance of
evidence favours a proto-Dravidian
language, not Sanskrit. Many scholars
have proposed plausible Dravidian
meanings for a few groups of characters
based on Old Tamil, although none of
these translations has gained universal
A minority of researchers query whether
the Indus script was capable of expressing
a spoken language, mainly because of the
brevity of inscriptions. The carvings average five characters per text, and the longest has only 26. In 2004, historian Steve
Farmer, computational linguist Richard

Sproat (now a research scientist at Google)

and Sanskrit researcher Michael Witzel
at Harvard University caused a stir with
a joint paper7 comparing the Indus script
with a system of non-phonetic symbols akin
to those of medieval European heraldry or
the Neolithic Vina culture from central and
southeastern Europe8.
This theory seems unlikely, for various
reasons. Notably, sequential ordering and
an agreed direction of writing are universal
features of writing systems. Such rules are
not crucial in symbolic systems. Moreover,
the Indus civilization must have been well
aware through its trade links of how cuneiform functioned as a full writing system.
Nevertheless, the brevity of Indus texts
may indeed suggest that it represented only
limited aspects of an Indus language. This is
true of the earliest, proto-cuneiform, writing
on clay tablets from Mesopotamia, around
3300bc, where the symbols record only
calculations with various products (such as
barley) and the names of officials.


The dissident paper has stimulated some

fresh approaches. Wells a vehement
believer that the Indus script is a full writing
system working with the geoinformation
scientist Andreas Fuls at the Technical University of Berlin, has created the first, publicly
available, electronic corpus of Indus texts
(see www.archaeoastronomie.de). Although
not complete, it includes all the texts

from the US-led Harappa Archaeological

Research Project.
A group led by computer scientist Rajesh
Rao at the University of Washington in Seattle has demonstrated the potential of a digital
approach. The team has calculated the conditional entropies that is, the amount of
randomness in the choice of a token (character or word) given a preceding token in
natural-language scripts, such as Sumerian
cuneiform and the English alphabet, and in
non-linguistic systems, such as the computer
programming language Fortran and human
DNA. The conditional entropies of the Indus
script seem to be most similar to those of
Sumerian cuneiform. Our results increase
the probability that the script represents
language, the Rao group has written9. Sproat
strongly disagrees10.
On the ground in Pakistan and India,
more inscriptions continue to be discovered
although not, as yet, any texts longer than
26characters. Unfortunately, less than 10% of
the known Indus sites have been excavated.
The difficulty apart from funding is the
politically troubled nature of the region. Many
of the most promising unexcavated sites lie
in the Pakistani desert region of Cholistan
near the tense border with India. One such
is the city of Ganweriwala, discovered in the
1970s and apparently comparable in size with
Mohenjo-daro and Harappa.
If these sites, and some others within Pakistan and India, were to be excavated, there
seems a reasonable prospect of a widely
accepted, if incomplete, decipherment of
the Indus script. It took more than a century to decipher the less challenging Mayan
script, following several false starts, hiatuses
and extensive excavation throughout the
twentieth century. Indus-script decipherers
have been on the much barer trail older
by two millennia for less than a century,
and excavation of Indus sites in Pakistan has
stagnated in recent decades.
Andrew Robinson is a science writer
based in London. He is the author of Lost
Languages: The Enigma of the Worlds
Undeciphered Scripts and, most recently,
The Indus: Lost Civilizations.
e-mail: andrew.robinson33@virgin.net
1. Wheeler, M. The Indus Civilization 3rd edn 101
(Cambridge Univ. Press, 1968).
2. Fairservis, W. A. Sci. Am. 248, 5866 (1983).
3. Parpola, A. et al. (eds) Corpus of Indus Seals
and Inscriptions Vols 13.1 (Suomalainen
Tiedeakatemia, 1987, 1991, 2010).
4. Rao, S. R. The Decipherment of the Indus Script
(Asia Publishing, 1982).
5. Parpola, A. Deciphering the Indus Script
(Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994).
6. Wells, B. K. The Archaeology and Epigraphy of
Indus Writing (Archaeopress, 2015).
7. Farmer, S., Sproat. R & Witzel, M. Electron. J. Vedic
Stud. 11, 1957 (2004).
8. Lawler, A. Science 306, 20262029 (2004).
9. Rao, R. P. N. et al. Science 324, 1165 (2009).
10. Sproat, R. Language 90, 457481 (2014).

CORRECTED ONLINE 7 APRIL 2016 | 22 O C TO B E R 2015 | VO L 526 | NAT U R E | 501

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In the Comment Cracking the Indus
script (A. Robinson Nature 526, 499
501; 2015), the sentence about Bryan
Wellss estimate of the number of Indus
script signs has been revised to more
accurately reflect Wellss contributions.
He estimated the number of signs at 676,
not 958.

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