15 Essential Skills of An Arabic Learner
15 Essential Skills of An Arabic Learner
15 Essential Skills of An Arabic Learner
by Andrew Dempsey
What makes some people who try to learn Arabic succeed, while others fail?
What will help you become fluent, where others have not been able to?
Over the past 25 years I have lived in the Arab world and have observed many
successful Arabic learners. I have also seen even more people live here a long
time and yet find themselves unable to interact in Arabic on any practical level.
In the past few years, interest in learning the Arabic language has increased
exponentially around the world. This led me to begin to ask myself what
successful Arabic learners have in common with each other. What are the
essential skills that lead to their success?
In the summer of 2015, I was able to conduct a series of interviews with some
highly accomplished leaders in the field of Arabic language teaching, and to ask
them these questions. What are the traits that are common to successful Arabic
learners? What are the skills they demonstrate that make them successful?
Each person I interviewed is a thought-leader in some aspect of Arabic language
teaching. All are internationally recognized for their contribution to helping
Arabic learners from many different backgrounds and countries to become
proficient in the language. They are a small but representative cross-sample of
highly experienced experts in their field. Together they have over 150 years of
combined experience in Arabic language teaching. Their books have been used
by tens of thousands of Arabic learners. They hold leadership positions in some
of the most highly recognized universities that teach Arabic to non-Arabic
speakers in the world. They have together authored more than 100 articles in
research journals.
What came out of these interviews was a clear set of factors that should be
taken into consideration in order to become a successful Arabic learner. As
I sifted through the many valuable insights shared by each person, I began to
see specific skills, mindsets, and approaches that were mentioned by most or
all of them, even if the names and terminologies differed slightly from person
to person.
As you launch your journey of learning Arabic, or continue to press forward in
it, these skills will prove essential to you being able to successfully become
fluent in the Arabic language.
The Interviews
The people I interviewed included (in alphabetical order):
Laila Al-Sawi (American University in Cairo)
Abbas Al-Tonsi (Georgetown University)
Kirk Belnap (Brigham Young University)
Kristen Brustad (University of Texas at Austin)
Aiyub Palmer (University of Kentucky)
David Wilmsen (American University in Beirut)
I would like to offer a sincere word of appreciation to each of these language
teaching professionals for helping me compile this collection of essential
Arabic language learning skills. Each of the interviews was thoughtprovoking and highly instructional for me. Each person I spoke with was very
generous with their time and their willingness to share their experience,
gained over decades of teaching Arabic.
The 15 Essential Skills of an Arabic Learner is a compilation and synthesis of
what was shared with me. Any mistakes or oversights should be attributed to
me, and not to those whom I interviewed.
A. Mindset
Having a correct mindset is foundational to all of the other skills. Learners who
approach Arabic with these intentional mindsets learn Arabic more quickly and
more effectively than learners who do not. Your mindset has the power to
accelerate your learning, but also the potential to hold it back. Here are 5 key
mindsets that are essential to learning Arabic.
1. Clear Goals
Set fluency as your aim. Many people approach Arabic with a mindset that they
will tinker in the language and learn the alphabet and possibly a few helpful
words. Often, for religious or cultural reasons, their goal is to be able to read or
recite Arabic without understanding it. This approach will not result in you
effectively learning the language and being able to use it. By setting your goal
to becoming fluent, you will activate all of your thinking, motivation, and
energy to launch you and sustain you on your journey to becoming competent
in Arabic.
You can learn Arabicnot only does the teacher need to believe,
but the student as well. (Kirk Belnap)
2. Interaction
Commit to interact. Communication is your primary means of learning Arabic. It
is not a mystical goal that is only achieved at the end of the journey. You will
learn Arabic as you use it to interact in real life situations, and so at every step
along the way, be sure to use each new thing you learn in a conversation with
someone. Using your imperfect Arabic for partial interaction will activate and
solidify what you have learned, and position you to learn even more.
3. Enthusiasm
Be enthusiastic. Choose a positive, energetic approach to learning Arabic. This
will bring about a genuine change in how you experience the process of
acquiring the language. It will heighten your ability to receive and process
Arabic input, it will accelerate your ability to grasp and learn new things, and it
will give you resilience and persistence when the journey seems long. It will also
make the process much more enjoyable and fascinating.
Were not child learners, we're adult learners, but you have to
approach it with that same kind of fascination. Don't look at it as
a chore find it fascinating. (David Wilmsen)
4. Ambiguity
Accept ambiguity in your conversations and interactions in Arabic. Being able to
accept and be comfortable with situations in which you do not understand
everything that is being said to you (or written) is essential to learning Arabic.
Having the flexibility to be able to adapt to input that is slightly beyond your
ability to fully grasp will stretch you and cause you to apply internal learning
strategies that advance your language skills.
5. Mistakes
In order to grow as an Arabic learner, you need to make mistakes. Lots of
mistakes. The more that you experiment and get things wrong as you use
Arabic, the more feedback and growth you will experience. The fear of failure
can prevent you from attempting to speak or listen in Arabic (or write and
read), and can set up anxiety filters that make it difficult to process and learn.
Usually, our fear of failure is based on a false feel that we are incapable of
learning, or on a false perception of what others will think of us as we begin to
use our imperfect Arabic. Overcoming your fear of failure in Arabic means
believing in yourself, laughing at your own mistakes (knowing they are helping
you in your journey, not hindering you), and choosing to show off your growing
skills to the world rather than hiding imperfect skills.
B. Habits
The daily habits that you cultivate can greatly assist you in your Arabic learning
journey. Establishing these habits means that you are taking control of your
time and focus in a way that maximizes your ability to understand, acquire, and
produce Arabic.
6. Activate
Use what you have already learned in Arabic immediately. One of the dangers
that some people fall into is growing in their knowledge of vocabulary,
grammar, or pronunciation, but never taking initiative to actually use it in real
life. If you make a daily habit of using your Arabic in some small way, you will
have broken the inertia of passive learning and will be actively increasing your
Arabic level.
7. Vocabulary
Build your vocabulary daily by adding at least one new word or expression to
your repertoire each day. There will be days where you will learn much more
than one item, but by setting a minimum of one term per day, you will ensure
that your mind stays freshly focused on expanding your active vocabulary at all
times. Over time, this will lead to a significant increase in your ability to
understand and express yourself in Arabic.
8. Read
Read Arabic daily, and push yourself to complete reading something in Arabic
every day. Reading is foundational to enriching your vocabulary and engraining
Arabic structures and styles of discourse into your thinking. It is not difficult to
find materials to read in Arabic, whether news, commentary, religious, social
media, or many other forms. Try to read things through to their end even when
you dont understand every word. The discipline of reading to the end (whether
a chapter, blog entry, tweet, or article) overcomes our tendency to drop focus
when we dont understand everything.
9. Listen
Listen to Arabic being used spoken, sung, or recited every day. This is
foundational to building understanding, pronunciation, and a sense of the
rhythm of how the language is spoken. By listening every day, you will develop
an ear that can comprehend verbal Arabic effectively. This listening can be
include some periods of active listening, but also longer periods of having
Arabic playing in the background as you do other tasks. Daily listening builds
your confidence and level of comfort when it comes to engaging in
conversations in Arabic.
C. Systems
Having organized systems in place that set a framework to your Arabic learning
enables you to systematically progress through a planned curriculum of Arabic
content, and receive corrective feedback. The structure and evaluation built into
these systems provide you with a step by step plan for progress, as well as
correcting errors that would otherwise become engrained in your Arabic.
10. Classes
Take organized lessons given by a skilled instructor, in order to be able to
follow a learning curriculum that has been set by someone who has experience
in facilitating Arabic language learning. Classes provide a framework that can
dramatically accelerate your progress in all areas of Arabic. They also provide
feedback and evaluation, which are essential to prevent the recurring mistakes
we make from becoming a permanent part of our language (a process known as
fossilization). These classes can be in person or online.
"In class they are going to show you why it works this way, or
why it shouldn't work this way but perhaps does" (David
11. Apps
Take advantage of the increasing number of computer-assisted language
learning tools that are available for Arabic learners, to work specific language
skills. These apps, whether websites or software that runs on your computer or
mobile device, can be used to provide the time-intensive drilling and practice
that is usually not feasible in class. They can provide excellent exposure and
practice in comprehension, pronunciation, and structure.
12. Self-Led
Take charge of your own Arabic language learning by directing your own
program of acquisition. Many times, you may not have access to classes or
programs that provide you with the kind of instruction that you would like to
have, and will need to customize your own approach. Even when you are
actively engaged in class work, take control of your learning by building your
own self-led framework of Arabic instruction that combines multiple learning
strategies into an overall plan.
D. Interactions
For most people, the reason that you are learning Arabic is to be able to
interact with people and situations in Arabic. Having regular interactions in the
language is a key to your success. Interacting requires you to bring together all
of your language skills and use them in real life.
13. Conversations
Have real conversations, whether spoken or written, with Arabic speakers. True
conversations, where there is a give and take of information and interaction,
will bring into play all of your receptive and productive skills in Arabic the
skills that are required to understand (receive) and produce language in a way
that allows actual communication. The satisfaction of having understood
someone and having been understood, even on a small level, will motivate you
like very few other things. And the frustration of communication breakdown,
where you are not able to communicate as you would like, will also sharpen
your focus on areas in which you can improve.
E. Results
15. Fluency
The ultimate result of building each skill over time is that you will become
fluent in Arabic. Fluency becomes a skill in and of itself, because as you grow in
fluency, each of the other areas accelerates further, creating a positive, selfsustaining cycle of language growth. With the foundation of a proper mindset,
the development of daily habits, the use of appropriate language learning
systems, and consistent interaction in Arabic, attaining fluency is not just
possible, it is a natural outcome. Functional fluency means that you can
effectively use Arabic to accomplish the specific needs that you have, in a way
that approaches native-speaker effectiveness. Knowing what your goals are will
enable you to achieve the level of fluency that you need.
The Experts
Laila Al-Sawi
Senior Instructor II of Arabic as a foreign language,Arabic Language
Instruction Department (ALI) at the American University in Cairo.
Laila Al-Sawi has been teaching Modern Standard Arabic, reading, writing,
listening, speaking and media, in addition to Egyptian Colloquial Arabic, at
various levels since 1981. She has also served as the director of the Arabic
Language Intensive Summer Program: 2004-2006, in addition to academic
years: 2011-2015. Her areas of academic interest include AFL (Arabic as Foreign
Language) pragmatics, sociolinguistics and the use of CALL (computer assisted
language learning) to promote AFL teaching. Professor Al-Sawi co-authored
Kalaam Gamiil, An Intensive Course in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic,Vol. I & II, as
well as co-authoring Al-Murshid: A Guide to Modern Standard Arabic Grammar
for the Intermediate Level. She has presented a number of conference
presentations and workshops in the field of AFL inside and outside Egypt. In
2006, professor Al-Sawi received the CASA Award for Excellence in Teaching. In
2015 she was promoted to Senior Instructor II, the highest rank in instructor
track appointment, for excellence in teaching, professional development and
services to the ALI department and AUC at large.
Abbas Al-Tonsi
Senior lecturer, Georgetown University Qatar
Abbas Al-Tonsi is Senior Instructor at Georgetown University School of Foreign
Service in Qatar and a faculty member at the Arabic Language Institute (ALI) at
the American University in Cairo (AUC). He has authored or co-authored a
number of Arabic textbooks including Al-Kitaab fii Tacallum al-cArabiyya [The
Book on Learning Arabic] with Kristen Brustad and Mahmoud Al-Batal, Arabiyyat
Wasaail al-iclaam (Media Arabic) with Nariman Warraki, An Intensive Course in
Egyptian Colloquial Arabic with Layla Al-Sawi, Egyptian Colloquial: A Structure
Review, and An Advanced Reader in Egyptian Colloquial with Kristen Brustad. He
has written many articles in literary criticism, Arabic media, and politics.
(Source: Georgetown University Directory)
Kirk Belnap holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania and
is a professor of Arabic in the Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages
at Brigham Young University, where he has been since 1988. Previous
professional service includes six years as executive director of the American
Association of Teachers of Arabic and then six years as editor of its
journal,Al-Arabiyya. His research interests include second language
acquisition, language policy and planning, the history of Arabic, and L1 and L2
literacy. He also heads up Project Perseverance, a comprehensive effort to
empower students to become effective self-regulating learners who proactively
work to accomplish their goals. This includes helping teachers and program
administrators gain the vision and skills to design learning experiences that
promote total engagement.