Neonatal Hypoglycemia - Current Concepts
Neonatal Hypoglycemia - Current Concepts
Neonatal Hypoglycemia - Current Concepts
Preterm and intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) newborns have different patterns of
adaptation to that of a full-term neonate: they both have limited energy depots, and they have
a higher risk of impaired compensatory ketogenesis. (Ward Platt & Desphande 2005). These
babies are capable of neoglucogenesis and lypolisis, with some differences and restrictions.
Preterm infants have limited energy stores plus immature metabolic pathways to ensure an
adequate glucose production, that lead to a larger fall in blood glucose in the first hours after
birth. Because they have limited glycogen liver storage depots (since this takes place mainly
during the third trimester), glycogenolisis is limited, therefore neoglucogenesis (from glycerol,
alanine and lactate) is the main pathway for glucose production. Because neoglucogenesis
requires some time to begin, in the absence of adequate glycogenolisis, hypoglycaemia in these
babies is hard to avoid if exogenous glucose is not administered (Mitanchez, 2007), although
some authors suggest that though neoglucogenesis occurs at slower rates in these infants than
in term newborns, it may be just sufficient to prevent hypoglycaemia in the first hours of life
(Gustafsson, 2009). Lypolisis occurs. However, the depot fat in an infant born after at 28 weeks
is only 2% of total body weight (7 times less than in term infants) therefore the degree of
lypolisis is decreased (Gustafsson, 2009; Diderholm , 2009).
Preterm infants are therefore at higher risk for hypoglycaemia because of their limitations
for adequate glucose metabolism, but also because other clinical conditions which are
associated with hypoglycaemia are common in this population, such as perinatal asphyxia,
hypoxia, sepsis, and hypothermia. Preterm infants are less capable of compensating these
glucose alterations than term infants are, being the final goal to ensure sufficient energy
substrate for the brain to use, and even moderate hypoglycaemia can lead to an adverse
neurodevelopmental outcome. Enteral feeding is a stimulus for postnatal metabolic
adaptation. Thus, early milk feeding should be encouraged as soon as possible when
tolerated, even at a minimal level (Mitanchez, 2007).
On the other hand, preterm infants (particularly those less than 30 weeks of gestational age
(GA)) frequently have impaired insulin glucose balance, leading to hyperglycaemia during
the first weeks of life. This occurs because processing of pro-insulin in the pancreatic betacells is deficient, therefore preterm infants are partially resistant to insulin. Exogenous
insulin infusion is efficient and may be used with caution. (Mitanchez, 2008). These patterns
of metabolic adaptation are further influenced by feeding practices. (Ward Platt &
Desphande, 2005)
As mentioned before, compared to adequate for gestational age (AGA), infants with IUGR
have smaller energy depots. Gluconeogenesis has been shown to occur effectively from
glycerol in these infants (50% of glycerol is converted to glucose and this rate increases in
babies who do not receive extra parenteral glucose infusion) and from pyruvate. Ketogenesis
is severely limited in preterm infants. Lypolisis also occurs but is limited because it correlates
with birth weight (that is: the rate of lypolisis depends on the amount of stored fat), and it is
therefore reduced in IUGR babies (Gustafsson, 2009, Mitanchez, 2007).
Infants born to diabetic mothers are at risk for hypoglycaemia, due to increased levels of
insulin in the baby. This increase occurs due to increased maternal glucose levels
throughout the pregnancy. Despite insulin normally reducing lypolisis, this does not
happen in these babies, probably as a compensation for the lower level of glucose
production seen in these newborns (Gustafson, 2009).
There is limited information on metabolism in newborn LGA infants. These babies tend to
have increased lypolisis rates (partly due to higher body and brain weight) and variable
degrees of insulin resistance (as happens with obese children in later periods of life)
(Gustafsson, 2009).
Diabetic mother
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
RH haemolytic disease
Pancreatic islets dysregulation Syndrome
Pancreatic islets adenoma
Perinatal stress; asphyxia, sepsis
Polycythemia, hypothermia
Maternal drugs: propanolol, oral
antidiabetic preparations
Adrenal insufficiency
Hypothalamic / Hypopituitaric deficiency
Inborn errors in metabolism
Transient hyperinsulinism
Persistent hyperinsulinism
Low glycogen deposits
Feeding difficulties
Fluid / energy restrictions
Altered cathecolamin response
Counter-regulatory hormone deficiency
Enzyme defects, altered glucogenolisis,
neoglucogenesis or fatty acid oxidation.
appears, but normally occur after persistently or recurrently low glucose values over at least
12 hours.
Other clinical manifestations include tachypnea, cyanosis (due to apnea, autonomic
response or decreased pulmonary flow) or apnea spells. Difficulty to suck and feeding
problems may also occur. Autonomic alterations are frequent, such as hypothermia or
unstable temperature, pallor, profuse sweating or bradycardia (Alkalay et al, 2005).
6. Diagnosis
In order to diagnose hypoglycaemia, a cut-off value has to be established. There is still no
evidence of what that numerical value is, and it probably differs amongst different babies
(term, preterm, IUGR, asphyxiated, septic ) as tolerance thresholds of glucose values are
probably different in each of these scenarios (sick babies are probably more susceptible to
hypoglycaemia than healthy term newborns, specially if hypoglycaemia persists or is
severe). Therefore, in order to diagnose hypoglycaemia, operational guidelines exist, and
patognomonic of hyperinsulinism: excessive insulin levels despite having low glucose levels
without the normal alternative energy ketone body production.
Second level laboratory tests:
Ketone bodies and organic acids in blood
Organic acids in urine
This is a first step towards diagnosing possible inborn errors in metabolism, specially
specific enzyme defects found in organic acidemias.
Third level laboratory tests:
Thyroid hormones (T4, TSH)
Cortisol / ACTH (poner nombre entero) / Growth Hormone (GH)
Amino-acids in blood and in urine
Growth hormone and Cortisol are counter-regulatory hormones that normally rise with
hypoglycaemia. If there are low levels of GH (< 7-10 ng/mL) or of cortisol (<20 microg/dL)
this suggests an isolated hormone deficiency or hypopituitarism.
Glucagon basal levels are suggestive, but specifically, an increase in plasma glucose of more
than 30 mg/dl after glucagon administration suggests that the hepatic glycogen stores are
not depleted, which is also characteristic of hyperinsulinism.
Diagnostic criteria to define hyperinsulinism are:
Glucose < 40mg/dL
Insuline > 13 microU/mL
Glucose/insuline ratio < 3:1
Glucose intravenous needs > 6-8 mg/kg/min
Negative ketone bodies in plasma and urine (3-beta-hidroxi-butiric acid < 1mmol/L)
Low free fatty acids (< 1 mmol/L)
Cortisol > 20 microg/dL
GH > 7-10 ng/mL
Glucemic reaction to glucagon administration > 30 mg/dL (ie: positive response)
insulin inhibits glycogenolisis (turning glycogen stores into glucose), neoglucogenesis (de
novo glucose production from non-carbohydrate sources such as lipids and proteins) lipolysis
and therefore ketogenesis (oxidation of fatty acids to produce alternative energy substrate
ketone bodies). As was mentioned before, the normal counter-regulatory cortisol and glucagon
responses are blunted, so hypoglycaemia persists. In this scenario, the brain is being deprived
of any form of energy substrate, as glucose (its main energy source) is depleted in plasma, but
also, alternative energy sources (ketone bodies and lactate) are characteristically low in these
cases, so the risk for brain damage is increased greatly.
Understanding this is crucial, as management to prevent brain damage will differ from
other underlying processes. Initially, 2.6 mmol/l was suggested as definition for
hypoglycaemia based on the neurophysiological changes associated to hypoglycaemia, but
these were established under conditions of non-hyperinsulinism, that is, the brain does have
alternative energy fuel. Later, operational thresholds were suggested for different groups
of neonates (Cornblath, 2000), since there is still uncertainty as to what levels of
hypoglycaemia and for what duration, promote brain injury. And though many centres
have accepted 2.6mmol/L as the operational threshold for hyperinsulinism, based on the
complete absence of alternative energy sources for the brain in a crucial moment (intense
development in the neonate and during infancy), a higher threshold of at least 3.5-6 mmol/L
is necessary in order to prevent cerebral glycopenia, as the brain will be completely
dependant on glucose plasma levels for an adequate glucose intake (Hussain et al, 2007).
There is great variability in terms of clinical presentation, histology, genetics and treatment
response and hyperinsulinism can be classified according to three main characteristics:
(Giurgea et al, 2005)
Onset of hypoglycaemia: neonatal period or later during infancy
Histological lesion: focal or diffuse
Genetic transmission: sporadic recessive or less frequently, dominant
Hyperinsulinism may be isolated or may be part of a more complex syndrome. The former
tends to present early in the neonatal period and is frequently severe as compared to
syndromic hyperinsulinism which commonly has later onset during infancy, with a milder
presentation. Severity is evaluated considering the exogenous glucose administration rate
required for normoglycaemia and the response to medical treatment which may be highly
variable amongst individuals. (Cloherty & Stark, 2009; Chan, 2011; Arnoux et al, 2010).
Over the past decades, there is increasing information on the genetic aspects of
hyperinsulinism. Congenital hyperinsulinism is caused by mutations in genes involved in
regulation of insulin secretion. To date, seven genes involved have been identified (ABCC8,
KCNJ11, GLUD1, CGK, HADH, SLC16A1 and HNF4A). These genes encode glucokinase,
glutamate dehydrogenase, the mitochondrial enzyme short-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA
dehydrogenase plus the proteins that form the subunits of the ATP-K channel (which are the
most common underlying mechanisms). Severe forms of congenital hyperinsulinism, that is,
those with early neonatal presentation, are caused by mutations in these ATP-K channel
subunits: ABCC8 or sulfonylurea receptor gene (SUR1) and KCNJ11 or inward-rectifying
potassium channel gene (KIR6.2), both located in the 11p15.1 region. Mutations in HNF4A,
GLUD1, CGK, and HADH lead to transient or persistent hyperinsulinism, whereas
mutations in SLC16A1 cause exercise-induced hyperinsulinism.
In focal pancreatic islet-cells hyperplasia, mutations of the ABCC8 or the KCNJ11 genes are
inherited from the father, with a loss of the maternal allele specifically in the hyperplasic
islet cells. In diffuse isolated hyperinsulinism, genetic inheritance is heterogeneous and may
be recessive (ABCC8 and KCNJ11) or dominant (ABCC8, KCNJ11, GCK, GLUD1, SLC16A1,
HNF4A and HADH). Syndromic hyperinsulinism is always diffuse and genetic inheritance
depends on the specific syndrome. (Arnoux et al, 2010 ; Giurgea, 2005 ; Kapoor et al, 2009a)
Despite the increasing amount of genetic information already available, there are still up to
50% of the cases where no known genetic alteration can be identified.
Therefore, defining the histological forms of hyperinsulinism is particularly important as
they involve different genetic mutations and inheritance but most importantly, because they
have different treatment options. Focal hyperplasia consists of a focal adenomatoid
hyperplasia of islet cells, while diffuse forms involve all the pancreatic beta cells of the
whole pancreas. Infants suffering from ATP-K hyperinsulinism present shortly after birth
with severe and persistent hypoglycaemia, and the majority do not respond to medical
treatment. Up to 40-60% of the children with ATP-K hyperinsulinism have focal lesions in
the pancreas and are candidates for local resection which is effective while avoiding the
long-term complications of near-total pancreatectomy such as diabetes-mellitus. Diffuse
hyperinsulinism however, when resistant to medical treatment (octreotide, diazoxide,
calcium antagonists and continuous feeding) may require subtotal pancreatectomy.
To distinguish between focal and diffuse forms, trans-hepatic catheterisation with
pancreatic venous sampling has been used, but is being replaced by [(18)F] Fluoro-L-Dopa
PET scan, which is easier to perform, and is not only a diagnostic tool, but may also be used
to guide laparoscopic surgery. Therefore, rapid genetic analysis combined with an
understanding of these histological features (focal or diffuse disease) and the introduction of
(18)F Fluoro-L-Dopa PET scan, have totally transformed the clinical approach to this
complex metabolic alteration (Arnoux et al, 2010; Kapoor et al 2009).
Ca antagonist Glucagon
Opens K channel
Stimulates CA
Opens K
inhibits insulin
Inhibits Ca
10-15 mg/kg/day
every 8h
(maximum of
every 8h oral
every 4-6h
Indications &
Fist line
Second line
Not enough
Emergency treatment
and stabilization
Liquid retention
Increases myocardial
contractility Lowers
Ca & K Lowers
gastric acid and
pancreatic enzymes
Frequently nauseas
and vomiting
glucogenolisis &
Before considering possible surgical treatments (once the diagnosis of hyperinsulinism has
been made), medical treatment must be started, with the goal of maintaining glucose values
within a normal target range. Initially exogenous glucose administration will be required and
glucagon infusion may be useful in certain emergency situations. In terms of specific medical
treatment, oral diazoxide is the first line option. If the infant does not respond, somatostatin
analogues and calcium antagonists may be considered. Except for ATP-K channel defects
hyperinsulinism (ABCC8 and KCNJ11), most forms are sensitive to diazoxide.
In conclusion, there are two main points that sum up the management of hyperinsulinism
cases: prevention of brain damage by normalizing glycaemia and screening for focal forms
as they may be definitively cured after a limited pancreatectomy. (Arnoux et al, 2010).
glucose perfusion must be started to prevent rebound hypoglycaemia due to peak insulin
secretion; again, around 5-8 mg/kg/min to begin with.
Hypoglycaemia (<46mg/dL or 2.6mmol/L)
No correction: increase
glucose intake to 10-12
mg/kg/min using 12 15%
glucose solutions
If hypoglycaemia persists,
consider glucagon: 01mg/kg/dose im (maximum
of 1mg) and consider forms
of hyperinsulinemic
> 30mg/dL
Depending on glycaemia control afterwards, the exogenous glucose intake may be increased
further either initially increasing perfusion rate (up to a maximum volume intake the baby
will tolerate according to gestational age, weight and clinical status) or, more frequently,
increasing the glucose concentration using 12% or 15% glucose solutions. This implies a
central line must be placed, as with increasing concentration, osmolarity increases and
peripheral lines risk extravasation. In this case, it is preferable not to use umbilical lines,
specifically to avoid using the umbilical artery, as malposition of this artery line may cause
hyperinsulinism due to direct pancreatic stimulus, and further hypoglycaemia.
When glucose needs exceed 12mg/kg/min, glucocorticoid therapy is an option,, due to
stimulation of neoglucogenesis and reduction in peripheral glucose utilization.
Hydrocortisone (5mg/kg/day divided in two doses orally or intravenously) or prednisone
(2mg/kg/day orally or intravenously) are used over several days until glycaemia recovers
and doses can be gradually decreased. In this scenario (persistently high needs of exogenous
glucose administration, despite glucocorticoid treatment) or in emergency situations where
glucose bolus alone is not effective or cannot be administered rapidly enough, glucagon is
an alternatively, though infrequently used. A wide rang of initial bolus doses have been
reported, but in a recent review, the suggested initial dose is 0.2-0.3 mg/kg (either
intramuscular administration or as a slow intravenous push over one minute) with a
maximum doses of 1mg. Blood glucose should rise in the next 20-30 minutes. If not, another
does can be administered, and if there is still no response, glycogen store disorders must be
ruled out. This is only a temporary option, while interventions are planned to provide
sufficient glucose and to start diagnosis of hyperinsulinism which may prompt use of
diazoxide or somatostatin as mentioned earlier (Chan, 2011).
9. Neurological outcome
There is increasing concern about neurodevelopment after hypoglycaemia and many
studies have tried to establish a correlation between hypoglycaemia and brain damage,
dating since the 1960s. But, to date there is still not sufficient adequate information to define
a precise cut-off glucose value, below which irreversible brain damage occurs, at a specific
moment or for a defined period of time, in a given infant or in a subset of specific infants.
There seems to be consensus that it is after recurrent, protracted, severely low glucose
concentrations (less than 18-20mg/dL (< 1mmol/L) for more that 1-2 hours) specially when
accompanied by severe neurological symptoms such as seizures or coma, that adverse
neurological outcome is to be expected (Rozance & Hay,2006; Cornblath, 2000; Alkalay,
2005; Vannuci, 2001). There is also consensus that in order to define CNS injury as a
consequence of hypoglycaemia, other obvious CNS lesions must be absent (such as hypoxiaischemia, intracranial haemorrhage, infection, etc.). Other conditions such as confirmed or
suspected hyperinsulinemic hypoglycaemia in the presence of seizures, for example,
contribute to the diagnosis of hypoglycaemic injury (Rozance & Hay, 2006).
Because we do not know what the absolute threshold value is, operational thresholds have
been suggested, where clinical guidance is compulsory, so an infant with neurological
symptoms will need more urgent evaluation than an asymptomatic newborn, regardless of
the glucose value (Williams, 2005).
In the preterm population, there are no conclusive studies regarding neurological outcome
in case of hypoglycaemia, but they suggest that even mild but repeated hypoglycaemia
could be detrimental on brain development. Retrospective data from a multicenter trial of
nutrition in premature infants found lower Bayley mental and psychomotor scores at 18
months in infants with at least five confirmed hypoglycaemia events, with a higher rate of
developmental delay and cerebral palsy, but however failed to confirm these findings at 7.5
and 8 years of age (Lucas et al, 1988; Cornblath, 1999 as cited in Chan, 2011).
Considering the innate risk for adverse neurodevelopment in the preterm infant, emphasis
must be put on monitoring glucose levels in these infants to avoid further possible CNS
injury (Wayenberg & Pardou, 2008).
It is worth pointing out that the physiopathological mechanisms that promote injury in
hypoglycaemia vary from injury mechanisms in HIE, with some areas being more sensitive
to deprivation of glucose and others to deprivation of oxygen and a greater tendency
towards selective neuronal necrosis in hypoglycaemic babies. Also, concurrent
hypoglycaemia and HIE have worst prognosis than either condition individually, therefore
extreme caution must be taken to maintain normoglycaemia in an HIE setting (Vannuci,
2001; Garg & Devaskar, 2006).
Neonatal hypoglycaemia can lead to reduced head circumference at follow-up, lower
psychomotor scores, motor deficit and mental retardation. Specifically neonates with
recurrent episodes had lower psychomotor scores than those with a single episode. (Lucas,
1988; Nunes, 2000; Greery, 1966 as cited in Alkalay 2005).
Hypoglycaemia episodes with seizures have worse outcomes than hypoglycaemia episodes
alone. At follow-up, many of those that had hypoglycaemia and seizures develop epilepsy
of different types such as infantile spasms and partial seizures. Electroencephalographic
recordings do not show specific patognomonic features that may result diagnostic (Alkalay,
Parieto-occipital diffusion restriction seen on MRI scans have been reported associated with
neonatal hypoglycaemia and can result in long-term disability, epilepsy, and visual
impairment (Finlan et al, 2006; Tam et al, 2008). The aetiology of this pattern of injury is
unclear; however, transient hyperinsulinism may be an independent risk factor. Magnetic
resonance brain imaging can help define the extent of brain injury and guide follow-up. In a 23
case follow-up, with severely low and persistent or recurrent glucose values, abnormal brain
imaging findings were associated with profound hypoglycaemia and involved occipital lobes
in 82% the cases. Half of these infants had visual impairment (Alkalay et al, 2005b).
In relation to this, a cohort of 45 neonates with diffusion-weighted MRI studies after
hypoglycaemia was studied retrospectively to determine whether hypoglycaemic injury,
as indicated by diffusion restriction in the occipital lobes, correlated with visual evoked
potentials and long-term cortical visual dysfunction. They saw that diffusion-weighted
imaging studies performed within 6 days after initial hypoglycaemia were sensitive in term
(50% had restricted diffusion in occipital lobes) but not in preterm neonates (none had this
alteration), as opposed to those performed after, and were associated with abnormal visual
evoked potentials detected within 1 week after birth. Cortical visual impairment happened
in a signicant proportion of patients with recurrent hypoglycaemia and correlated
significantly with low mesial occipital apparent diffusion coefcient values. They concluded
that diffusion restriction, with low apparent diffusion coefcient values, in the mesial
occipital poles, may indicate poor visual outcomes in acute settings after neonatal
hypoglycaemia (Tam et al, 2008).
While occipital lobe injury patterns have been widely described, other brain injury patterns
have also been identified when studying MRI scans performed on term neonates with
10. Prevention
Despite controversy and gaps in knowledge as to what level of hypoglycaemia and for how
long, brain injury occurs, it is clear that hypoglycaemia can and must be prevented. In the
majority of healthy newborn infants, if hypoglycaemia occurs, it is merely a transient
adaptation process. However, although the majority of term newborns without risk factors
will adapt correctly, there is up to 10% of these infants that will have significant
hypoglycaemia in the first 3-4 hours of life, and will probably be asymptomatic. Helping
these infants adapt is best achieved when promoting early skin to skin contact as soon as the
baby is born (this promotes mother-child bonding, more effective breast feeding and better
temperature control) and early and frequent breast feeding. On the other hand, infants with
risk for hypoglycaemia are more vulnerable and may not adapt as easily as a healthy
newborn, despite applying these strategies. Preventing significant hypoglycaemia in this
subset population implies controlling these infants at risk in the first hours of life and
thereafter periodically depending on the infants clinical status and glucose levels, and
adapting treatment options to the babies situation.
11. Conclusions
Hypoglycaemia in the neonatal period is a frequent problem. In the majority of cases, in
healthy term newborns, it is merely a transient adaptation process from intra-uterine life to
extra-uterine conditions. However, there are infants who for different reasons are at risk of
more significant and persistent hypoglycaemia, that will have less capacity to adapt to extrauterine life and that will require frequent monitoring and treatment when necessary.
The goal is to maintain normoglycaemia in order to assure an adequate energy substrate for
all organs but most importantly for the brain in order to prevent brain injury. To achieve
this, many cut-off values have been proposed, and perhaps the most accepted concept is that
of defining specific operational thresholds for different groups of infants at risk, that is,
the glucose value for a given infant where treatment is required, the point where we must
intervene. There is consensus in the need of preventing hypoglycaemia, which means
looking out for it in infants at risk, and promptly treating it if present (from more frequent
feeding to parenteral glucose infusion to glucagon if necessary).
Hypoglycaemic induced brain damage occurs when hypoglycaemia is severely low in a
persistent or recurrent manner, and is more likely when acute neurological symptoms such
as seizures are present. Occipital lobe affectation has been widely described, but recent
research opens the scope of brain injury to white matter and to vascular lesions as well.
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ISBN 978-953-307-657-7
Hard cover, 238 pages
Publisher InTech
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Blanca Alvarez Fernandez and Irene Cuadrado Perez (2011). Neonatal Hypoglycemia - Current Concepts,
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