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Lecture II-14, Part II: Quantum Cohomology of K Ahler Manifolds

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Lecture II-14, part II: Quantum Cohomology of Kahler

Edward Witten

May 1, 1997

I Introduction

We return now to twisted N = 2 supersymmetric -models in dimension two with target a

Kahler manifold X . Recall that there were four possibilities for twisting depending on which
supersymmetry Q 2 fQ+ + Q ; Q+ + Q ; Q+ + Q ; Q+ + Q g is preserved. Whichever possibility
one selects, the cohomology of Q as a vector space can be identi ed with the cohomology of X .
But there is more structure; if we restrict to the case that the Riemann surface is a xed x2 ,
then the additional structure is a ring structure on the cohomology of Q. The resulting rings
are called the (a; a), (c; a), (a; c), and (c; c) chiral rings.
With one of the choices, the classical version of the chiral ring turns out to be the usual ring
structure on cohomology, but quantum mechanically there are corrections, instanton corrections,
to this classical answer. For this reason the chiral ring of the -model is called the quantum
cohomology of the Kahler manifold X . In this half of the lecture, we will discuss quantum
cohomology generally and then make some explicit computations in the case X = CP n 1 and
the case X is a Fano hypersurface. These computations will be done both mathematically,
counting holomorphic rational curves with certain properties, and will be done from the physics
point of view by using the renormalization group ow (discussed in Lecture II-12 and the rst
 Notes by John Morgan

half of Lecture II-14) from these -models to Landau-Ginsburg theories with extra vacua.

II The space of 0-energy states

We wish to compute some of these chiral rings, but before we deal directly with the opera-
tors, we compute the 0-energy states in the Hamiltonian framework. The reason for doing this
computation is that as we showed in the last lecture there is a map
: chiral ring ! f0 energy statesg
given by inserting a local operator at a point on the hemisphere. In favorable circumstances this
map is an isomorphism.
In the Hamiltonian framework the bosonic space underlying the space of elds is
W = Maps(S 1 ; X ):
The minimum energy con gurations are the constant maps and hence the space of these is a
copy of X . Since there are fermions in two copies of the spin bundle, when we quantize the
resulting Hilbert space is the tensor product of two copies of the spin bundle over X , i.e., the
space of di erential forms on X . The Hamiltonian is the Laplacian and its space of ground states
is then the space L2 -harmonic forms on X which is identi ed with HL 2 (X ). Of course, there
are normal directions to the copy of X in W to consider, but supersymmetry implies that the
quadratic form in the normal directions is non-degenerate, and hence these directions produce
a tensor products of harmonic oscillators and have a unique ground state. Thus, in the end we
nd that the ground states for the entire theory are identi ed with the harmonic forms on X .
We shall see that the computation of the chiral rings gives the same answer (additively), so that
in the cases we consider today the map is indeed an isomorphism. This is true generally when
the classical theory has the property that the energy grows as the elds go to in nity.

III Generalities on the chiral ring

In order to de ne a chiral ring we need a global supersymmetry. As we saw in Lecture II-13 the
way to obtain these is to twist the usual form of the N = 2 supersymmetric theory. Today we

shall only consider twists making Q+ + Q global. This is what we referred to in Lecture II-13 as
Case A. It is a twist that can be performed for any Kahler manifold { no assumption of vanishing
rst Chern class is necessary. We shall consider local operators which are functions of the basic
bosonic eld : S 1 ! X and fermions. Recall that one of the e ects of twisting is to make the
fermions sections of bundles of integral rather than half-integral spin. That is to say, they are
di erential forms instead of spinors. It will suce in describing the Q-cohomology of operators,
to consider only fermions of zero spin. The reason for this is that all of the Q-cohomology classes
of operators have representatives that are constructed using only those fermions. To be more
precise, the Q-cohomology classes have representatives that depend only on the bosonic elds
and spin zero fermions and not their derivatives. 1 Thus, our local operators will be of the form
O = O(; L; R )
where in the untwisted version of the theory, L is a section of K 1=2
 T 0;1X and R is a
section of K 1=2
T 1;0X . After we twist, these fermion elds lie in  T 0;1X and  T 1;0X , since
the twisting cancels out the line bundle over . In particular, it is possible to form the sum
= L + R and consider operators O = O(; ).

III.1 Local Operators

For each di erential form  on X there is an operator O (x) = O ((x); (x)). As we remarked
in the Lecture II-13, under the identi cations of operators and forms, Q is identi ed with the
usual exterior derivative:
fQ; Og = Od :
When, as in the case of these N = 2 supersymmetric -models, the operator-to-state corre-
spondence is an isomorphism we can compute the ring structure of the chiral ring by computing
correlation coecients. Our goal here is to compute in more classical topological and geometric
terms the correlation coecient
hO1 (x1 )   O (xs )i

1 This is the operator analog of the fact that in the Hamiltonian description, the zero energy states are
constructed from di erential forms on the target space with all oscillators in their ground state. Operators that
contain derivatives of elds would correspond to states in which some oscillators are excited.

for closed forms i . As we have already remarked, the correlation coecient is unchanged if we
replace the i by cohomologous forms. Also, to compute this correlation function, which means
to compute the path integral Z Y
DD e2iL O (xi) i
over the space of all elds, it suces to compute the integral over the subspace of Q-invariant
elds. We have already identi ed the bosonic part of the subspace of Q- xed points: it is the
space of holomorphic maps  ! X . For each i choose a cycle Hi Poincare dual to [i]. Then we
can choose a representative for i with support in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of Hi. To
compute the correlation function one will consider the moduli space of holomorphic maps from
the Riemann surface passing through all of the Hi at the points xi. In the `best' case when there
are only nitely many holomorphic maps passing through the cycles, one simply counts each of
these maps with a sign. The sign comes from evaluating the bosonic and fermionic determinants
in an expansion around the classical solution. Then the result is weighted by the exponential of
2i times the value of the action at this component.
Mathematically, there is a dimension count which must be satis ed for the di erential form
being integrated to be top dimensional on the moduli space of holomorphic curves, and hence for
the answer to have a chance of being non-zero. From the physics point of view one sees the same
dimension restriction coming from the anomaly of the R-symmetry. The measure of integration
in the path integral has an anomaly under this symmetry, and one must use a set of operators
whose product has precisely the cancelling anomaly for the path integral to have a chance to
be non-zero. Not surprisingly, these two conditions are the same: namely, that the sum of the
codimensions of the Hi in X must be equal to the dimension of the instanton moduli space of
non-constant holomorphic maps from  to X .
If one wants to see just the classical cohomology ring, rather than the quantum cohomology,
then one should consider just the constant maps to X . Then the dimension condition is
degree i = dimX

and the classical answer is simply Z

1 ^    ^ s :

That is to say, the classical chiral ring is the cohomology ring of X . This answer gets corrected
quantum mechanically by instanton corrections given by the integrals we were describing over the
moduli space of non-constant holomorphic maps. Thus, the chiral ring is a quantum correction
to the usual cohomology ring of X . For this reason the chiral ring is usually called the quantum
cohomology ring of X .

IV More Details on the Ring Structure

Having given the general de nition of quantum cohomology as the chiral ring and indicated the
sorts of mathematics that go into computing it, it is now time to be more concrete and compute
an example. We take the case of  = S 2 mapping into a compact Kahler manifold X . Let us
begin with a correlation function with only two operators:

hO1 O2 i;
with the degree of 1 plus the degree of 2 equal to the dimension of X . We of course know that
the space of constant maps gives a contribution to this correlation function equal to
1 ^ 2:

In this case there is no quantum correction and this is also the answer in the chiral ring. The
reason that there is no quantum correction is that the space of non-constant holomorphic maps
of S 2 ! X passing through a point of H1 and H2 has a free C -action on it. For a component
of this space to possibly give a non-zero correction to the correlation coecient, it must be the
case that its formal dimension is zero. But if it has zero dimension and has a free C -action on
it, then it must be empty. (Even for a possible nonzero component of this space, the free C
action ensures that the contribution is zero.) Thus, we have shown that under the identi cation
of the chiral ring with the cohomology of X , the two point correlation functions, which compute
the inner product on the vector space underlying the chiral ring, give the usual inner product
on cohomology or equivalently give the intersection form on homology.
Now let us consider the ring structure. Fix a basis fig for H  (X ). Let the inner product in

this basis be given by ij :
ij = hO O i: i j

Then the ring structure is determined by structure constants ckij de ned by

O O = ckij O
i j k :

Let !ijk be the three point function

hO O O i:
i j k

Since this three point function is also the inner product of the product of the rst two local
operators with the third, we see
!ijk = crij rk :
Since ij is non-degenerate, this implies that the two and three point correlation functions
determine the ring structure of the chiral ring.

V Calculations for C Pn 1

We will now consider an example. We do the computation for CP n 1 by using a gauged linear
-model with linear bosonic elds 1; : : : ; n; p as in Lecture II-12. To get all of CP n 1 we
set the superpotential W equal to zero. We get a family of theories depending on a complex
parameter t = ir + 2 , and as we have seen, for Im t  0 these are non-linear -models on
X with some Kahler metric depending on t and Kahler class roughly proportional to Im t. The
only observable is OH where H is the hyperplane section. We call this operator . Classically, in
CP n 1 we have one relation, namely n = 0. Let us see what happens quantum mechanically.
We need to compute the three point function

ha b c i
where a + b + c = n 1 + dn = dimMd , the dimension of the moduli space of rational curves
of degree d. Clearly, it suces to consider the case when a; b; c < n. This implies that the
only possibilities for d are d = 0; 1. Of course, d = 0 is the moduli space of constant maps and

its contribution is the classical ring structure. For d = 1, we are considering straight lines in
CP n 1. To calculate
hn 1(x)n 1 (y)(z )i
we must consider the space of straight lines through two points meeting a xed hyperplane.
There is exactly one such line. Since the instanton action is e 2it , this lead to the relation

hn 1(x)n 1 (y)(z )i = e 2it


Unraveling the ring structure from this three point function yields

n =e 2it

in quantum cohomology.
We can make the same calculation physically. We are considering the -model CP 1 !
CP n 1. At the end of Lecture II-12 we found that in the infra-red this ows to n vacua with a
mass gap (since this is a case in which c1(X ) > 0, the ow is from the -model to the Landau-
Ginsburg model). The eld  has di erent expectation values in each vacuum. Since the elds
are massive, we simply set them equal to their expectation values. These vacuum expectation
values are  = e2i( t+k)=n; k = 0; : : :; n 1. These give the idempotents of the quantum
cohomology ring, from which we deduce the same answer as before,2 namely that the ring is
generated by  modulo the relation n = e 2it .
2 Except for a factor of  which has to do with a mismatch between our physical and mathematical conventions.
In lecture 12,  was de ned as a eld of dimension one and no e ort was made to compare to any topological
normalization. In our mathematical discussion today,  was normalized topologically as a eld related to a
hyperplane section of projective space, and in particular has dimension zero. To compare the two de nitions, one
should, in the setting of lecture 12, integrate out the  eld in the region r  0 in favor of the massless elds of
the sigma model. In this process,  will turn into an operator of the low energy theory that can be derived from
a two-form on CPn 1 . The cohomology class of this operator will be a multiple C of the hyperplane section,
and C is the factor by which the physical normalization of lecture 12 disagrees with the topological normalization
that gives n = e 2it .

VI Calculations for Fano Hypersurfaces

Now let us generalize these computations to the case of a hypersurface of degree d < n in CP n 1,
so-called Fano hypersurfaces.
According to [Collino-Jinzenji] the answer, computed mathematically, is that the quantum
cohomology ring is generated by  with one relation:

d 1
n d
e 2it
= 0: (1)

Let us think about how this computation ts with the fact that again this -model ows in
the infra-red to a Landau-Ginsburg model plus extra massive vacua. The roots of the equation
d 1 (n d e 2it ) = 0 are of two types: a root at  = 0 of multiplicity d 1, and nondegenerate
roots (that is, roots of multiplicity one) at nonzero sigma. The roots of the equation correspond
to the vacua of the quantum eld theory. Nondegenerate roots correspond to massive vacua,
which give idempotents of the quantum cohomology ring. In analyzing the vacuum structure
of this theory in lecture 12, we found n d massive vacua at nonzero sigma. These give the
factor (n d e 2it ) in the equation for the quantum cohomology. The other factor d 1 is
the contribution of the Landau-Ginzburg vacua at the origin. This factor is present if d > 1 (for
d = 1 we are discussing a projective space of codimension one, and there is no Landau-Ginzburg
vacuum), and corresponds to a root at the origin of multiplicity greater than one if d > 2 (for
d = 2, the central charge of the Landau-Ginzburg theory, which in general is b c = n(1 2=d),
vanishes; in this case the Landau-Ginzburg theory is massive and infrared trivial). For general
d, the multiplicity of the  = 0 root of the quantum cohomology can be computed by evaluating
Tr( 1)F in the Landau-Ginzburg theory at  = 0.

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