Animal Tissues: Asia Technological School of Science and Arts
Animal Tissues: Asia Technological School of Science and Arts
Animal Tissues: Asia Technological School of Science and Arts
Animal tissues
1.Epithelial Tissues
-these tissues form the linings or
coverings of free body surfaces both
internal and external.
Ex: External portion of the skin and inner
linings of the digestive tract, lungs, blood
Sweat gland-epithelial cells with glandular
3. Muscle Tissues
-these tissues have greater capacity
contraction than most other tissues.
-they are responsible for most
movement in higher animals.
Ex: cardiac, smooth and striated.
4. Nerve Tissues
-composed of nerve cells which are
easily stimulated and can transmit
impulses rapidly.
- each cell is composed of cell body
containing the nucleus and one or
more extensions called dendrite fibers.
5. Motor Neuron
-carries the impulse to the axon and
then to the neutral root and to
the end
organ in contact with the
effector which
can be a muscle.
6. Vascular Tissues
-these tissues are the blood and the
lymph which are very important in the
circulatory processes.
a. RBC
-red blood cells or erythrocytes.
-responsible for carrying the
oxygen and other digested food
to all parts of the body.
b. WBC
-White blood cells or the
-proactive elements in the
immune system
that protect
the system from infections or
c. Thrombocytes
-the blood platelets
-responsible for blood
coagulation esp.
when there
is hemorrhage due to the
-the liquid that develops from
inflamed body and at the
same time
responsible for
-the process wherein toxins
produced by cancerous cells are
carried from one part of body to