Introduction ......................... 3
Chapter One: Character
Movement .............................
Offensive Action: Making a Hit! .
Chapter Four: The Game
Master ................................
What is an RPG? ...................
Combat Challenges ...............
Example Enemies ................
The Stat Block ....................
Appendix A: Equipment ...........
Appendix B: Skill Descriptions . .
Appendix C: Xception
Descriptions ............................
Appendix D: Xample
Xceptionals .............................
Creation ................................ 4 Defensive Action: Controlling
Character Profiles ................... 5 The Hit! ................................. 13 Combat Strategy ................. 22 Appendix E: Advancement
Build .................................... 5 Assigning Damage .................. 13 Advancement ....................... 23 Tables .................................... 31
Intellect ............................... 5 Attack Summary ..................... 14 Special Effects ...................... 23 Appendix E: Character Creation
Temperament ....................... 5 Critical Successes .................... 14 Xample Story: Recipe Party ... 24 Summary ............................... 34
Ability Scores ......................... 6 Offensive Critical Success ........ 14 Xceptional Character Sheet .... 35
Rage .................................... 6 Defensive Critical Success ........ 14
Precognition .......................... 6 Effects of Damage .................... 15
Grace ................................... 6 Unconsciousness and Death ..... 15
Rank Descriptors .................... 6 Instant KO ............................. 15 Xceptional RPG version 1.1 February 2010
Finding Ability Scores ............. 7 Completing the Combat ............ 15 is CC:BY-SA 2010 by Jeff Moore
Classes ................................. 7 Victory Rush .......................... 15 Licensed under the Creative Commons: Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Brawler ................................ 7 Healing ................................... 16 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
c b a
Shooter ................................ 7 Healing Conscious Characters ... 16
Mentalist .............................. 7 Healing Unconscious Characters 16
Combat Ranks ........................ 7 Recovery ................................ 16
Offensive Combat Ranks ......... 7 Guided Recovery .................... 16
Defensive Combat Ranks ........ 8 For Conscious Characters ........ 17 Only free software was used in the production of this document.
Determining Class .................. 8 For Unconscious Characters ..... 17 Artwork was drawn with GiMP 2.6: http://www.gimp.org/
Skills and Xceptions ................ 9 Natural Recovery .................... 17 Layout was done with Open Office 3.1: http://www.openoffice.org/
Rage Skills ............................ 9 For Conscious Characters ........ 17
Precognition Skills ................. 9 For Unconscious Characters ..... 17 This work is dedicated to my girl, Mendi.
Grace Skills ......................... 10 Fight for Life Check ................ 17 Thank you for your patience.
Xceptions ............................. 10 Chapter Three: The Xceptional
Chapter Two: The Game World ..................................... 18 Thanks to Rob Lang, of the Free RPG Blog
System ................................ 11 The 1950's Campaign ............... 18 http://www.thefreerpgblog.com.
Combat ............................... 12 The Modern Campaign .............. 19 His Free Guide to Organizing Your RPG
Initiative ............................. 12 Other Worlds ........................... 19 was used in the production of this work.
Turn Order ......................... 12 The Treasure Seekers
Campaign .............................. 19 Visit me at: http://dreamsanddragons.blogspot.com/
INTRODUCTION Key to the Xceptional system is the d5 and the 5x5 die roll.
Xceptional uses only the sugar cube shaped dice with six-sides
Xceptional is the RPG of super adventure where people with common to most board games. All rolls in Xceptional use a
spectacular powers called Xceptionals struggle to survive in an unique interpretation of the standard six-sided die called the d5.
atmosphere of resentment and hate. The d5 is a roll of a d6 (a six-sided dice) where the six is
interpreted as zero.
This document contains all the rules you need to play as a super
powered Xceptional. In the pages that follow you will find a WHAT'S INSIDE
simple game system, an introduction to the world of the
Xceptionals, character creation rules that include the special Chapter One covers Character Creation. It contains
powers (called Xceptions) that set the player characters apart everything you need to create and evolve an original character
from the rest of the world, rules for combat, and character in the world of Xceptional.
Chapter Two covers The Game System. It contains the basics
Xceptional's roll under skill system is simple and versatile. It of the d5 and the 5x5 (two d5's multiplied together) roll under
uses a pair of standard six-sided dice in a unique way but skill system. It also includes rules on Combat, Controlling
resolves all action the same way ... Multiply natural Ability by Damage, Healing, and Recovery.
developed Skill to find a Target number. Roll this number or less
to succeed. Chapter Three covers The Xceptional World. It takes a look
at the default setting for the Xceptional RPG and talks about
There are no charts or tables to reference during play and the playing the game in that setting as well as in other settings.
most complex math used is simple multiplication, where the
highest numbers being multiplied would be 5x5. Chapter Four covers The Game Master. It looks at how to
play a role-playing game, how to track information in a guided
Combat uses the same roll under system as all other action but improvisation or story adventure, and offers some advice on
introduces a unique damage allocation mechanic that adds new combat strategy, as well as character advancement and creation.
strategy to the otherwise simple system.
Also inside is the Xample Story: Recipe Party. A sample
adventure set in the 1950's Xceptional Campaign World.
CHAPTER ONE: CHARACTER CREATION The next step in character creation is to choose some Skills that
determine areas of developed interest for the character. Skill
Characters are the constructs through which the players interact Ranks like Combat Ranks combine with Ability Scores to
in the game world. Information about a character is needed to determine a character's chance of success when using the Skill.
understand the character's capabilities. Creating a Character
generates this information. Choose some Xceptions for the character and character
creation is almost complete. Xceptions are special maneuvers or
A Quick overview of the Character Creation Process: powers that characters can invoke to bend the rules and give
them a strategic advantage in combat.
The first step in character creation is defining a character
Profile. A profile is a simple template answering the most basic Finally, pick a Name for the character. Players should also think
questions about a character's physical, intellectual, and about how their characters came to learn the Skills that they
emotional aspects. possess and what sorts of adventures they have had in the past.
Next, a character's Profile enables the player to determine the Roll or Choose
character's Ability Scores. Ability Scores narrow down the
information from the Profile, providing numerical values that the Each Step in the Character Creation Process is defined in more
game system uses to determine chances of success or failure. detail in the pages that follow. For every step in the creation
process the player has the option to Roll or Choose.
The third step in character creation is to choose a Class for the
character. A character's Class is a categorization that helps to For quick character creation with little fuss, Xceptional
define the character's role in combat. For this reason Class is characters can be generated completely at random.
also called, Combat Class.
Alternatively, players may select each piece of character
Class is used to find Combat Ranks that determine a information from the choices provided.
character's proficiencies in battle. Combat Ranks are used in
combination with Ability Scores to determine the chance of Finally, players may opt to combine the two approaches, rolling
success when attempting Offensive or Defensive Actions in some information about their characters randomly while
combat. choosing others pieces of information to suit their preference.
Character Profiles Aspect 3: TEMPERAMENT
Character Profiles are composed of 3 Aspects. These Aspects Temperament is a reflection of a character's personality type.
help to define the character's strengths and weaknesses in the Player Characters come in one of two Temperaments:
Bold - the character is more impulsive than careful;
Aspect 1: BUILD
Build is a reflection of a character's body type. Player Characters
come in one of two Builds: Cautious - the character is more careful than impulsive.
Aspect 2: INTELLECT Players can simply choose a value for each of the Aspects in
their Profile, or they can roll a d5 to determine the Aspects
Intellect is a reflection of a character's process of assimilating randomly.
knowledge. Player Characters come in one of two Intellects:
A player's Character Profile grants bonuses that will increase the
Theory - The character learns through a cerebral method, values of their Ability Scores.
processing information more internally than externally;
Ability Scores Grace (G)
These are scores that measure a character's physical and mental ● agility, nimbleness, dexterity, finesse, suppleness, balance
aspects. The same three Ability Scores are used to define every
character and creature in the game. ● allure, beauty, comeliness, elegance, dignity, refinement
Finding Ability Scores (and Random Profile rolls) CLASSES
Based on Character Profile find the scores for each of the three Combat Classes are special designations that define a
Abilities (Rage, Precognition, and Grace.) Every Ability begins character's strategic role in tabletop combat.
with a score of 2 and is increased from there.
BRAWLER - Brawlers specialize in close combat.
BUILD: Quick or Powerful? - Brawlers begin play with Strike and Parry Ranks of 1.
[3-5] Cautious (+1 to Precognition) Strike – Use this Offensive Combat Rank to "Make a Hit" when
attacking an adjacent target. Such attacks might include use of
a melee weapon, or boxing, or brawling.
After adding the bonuses to the three Ability Scores as indicated
by their Character Profiles, characters will have a total of 9 Aim – Use this Offensive Combat Rank to "Make a Hit" when
points assigned to Ability Scores with no score smaller than 2 or attacking a distant target. Such attacks might include use of a
larger than 4. ranged or thrown weapon, or even projected super powers.
Focus – Use this Offensive Combat Rank to "Make a Hit" with a TABLE A (Roll or choose):
mental or mystical attack. Any visible figure, distant or adjacent,
can be a target of this attack. Focus cannot be used unskilled. [0-1] Brawler
[2-3] Shooter
Defensive Combat Ranks [4-5] Mentalist
SKILLS AND XCEPTIONS Roll or Choose: Two Xcpetions.
Skills work like Combat Ranks, and represent areas of interest Rage Skills
and developed proficiency for a character. Complete Skill
Descriptions can be found in Appendix B on page: 27.
[0] Climb
[1] Courage
Xceptions are the special abilities that bend the rules and give
characters an edge in combat. Xception Descriptions can be [2] Intimidation
found in Appendix C on page: 28. [3] Jump
[4] Muscle
Selecting Starting Skills and Xceptions [5] Survival
Newly created characters begin play with 5 Skills each with a Precognition Skills
Skill Rank of 1, and 2 Xceptions also each with a Rank of 1. If
you are rolling randomly, reroll duplications.
[0] Guile
Roll or Choose: One Skill for each of the three Ability Scores. [1] Heal
[2] Nature
Roll or Choose: One Skill for the key Ability Score for your [3] Perception
Class. [4] Repair
[5] Technology
Roll or Choose: One Skill for one of the other Ability Scores
that is not a key Ability Score for your Class.
Grace Skills Xceptions: I-S [2-3]
Rolling Xceptions: First Roll to see which alphabetical Xceptions: S-X [4-5]
subgroup an Xception belongs to, then roll again to find the
[0] Stun
[1] Teleport
Xceptions: A-F [0-1]
[2] Xceptional Defense
[3] Xceptional Healing
[0] Amplify
[4] Xceptional Offense
[1] Blitzkrieg
[5] Xplosion
[2] Dampen
[3] Deadly Attack
Completing a Character: Give the character a NAME and add
[4] Deflection other details to complete character creation. Look at the Xample
[5] Flight Xceptionals in Appendix D on page 30 for some character ideas.
CHAPTER TWO: THE GAME SYSTEM Weak - This result only occurs when a character attempts an
Unskilled Task and the GM has applied a Negative Rank Shift.
d5 - a d5 is a roll of a dice where 6 is read as 0 (zero.) When attempting a Weak Task, the target is Ability Score -2.
5x5 roll - a 5x5 roll is two d5 rolls multiplied together.
Unskilled - any skill with no Ranks assigned to it is Unskilled.
Ability Scores range from 1 to 4. When attempting an Unskilled Task, the Target is Ability Score
Skill Ranks range from 1 to 4 and U (Unskilled.) -1.
Ability Score multiplied by Skill Rank equals Target. Skill of 5 A Skill Rank of 5 is only possible when a Skill Rank 4
Roll Target or less on a 5x5 roll to succeed in a task. has been boosted by a Positive Rank Shift.
A roll of 0 always succeeds. A roll of 25 always fails.
The 5x5 Roll (A closer look at the Targets.)
Rank Shifts - under certain circumstances, Skill Ranks may
have a +1 or -1 Rank Shift applied as a bonus or penalty by -1 1 in 6 17% 4 19 in 36 53% 10 28 in 36 78%
the GM. This results in the following range of Targets:
0 11 in 36 31% 5 21 in 36 58% 12 30 in 36 83%
Targets Table 1 12 in 36 33% 6 23 in 36 64% 15 32 in 36 89%
2 14 in 36 39% 8 25 in 36 69% 16 33 in 36 92%
Ability of 1 Ability of 2 Ability of 3 Ability of 4
3 16 in 36 44% 9 26 in 36 72% 20 35 in 36 97%
Weak -1 0 1 2
Unskilled 0 1 2 3 How do I roll a -1?
Skill of 1 1 2 3 4
If a character with an Ability Score of 1 attempts a WEAK Task,
Skill of 2 2 4 6 8
the Target to succeed is -1. There is a special rule for this. Read
Skill of 3 3 6 9 12 the "-1" as, "Roll -1 die." Attempt your task roll with only 1d5.
Skill of 4 4 8 12 16 Since a roll of 0 always succeeds, if you roll 0, the task is
Skill of 5 5 10 15 20
COMBAT Offensive Action:
After moving a character can attempt an Offensive Action
(Strike, Aim, Focus) if they have a legal target.
Combatants roll Initiative on 1d5. (Roll one six-sided die and
count the six as a zero.)
To succeed at an Offensive Action, the player must roll:
Turn Order
"Combat Rank in Offensive Action" X "Ability Score relative to
the Combat Rank" or less with a 5x5 roll.
To determine a character's place in the turn order, add the
Initiative die roll to the character's Precognition Ability
Score. Combatants take turns in order from highest to lowest. Success is referred to as Making a Hit.
On their turn a character can move up to their Initiative roll Once an attacker Makes a Hit, the target must roll to Control
plus their Grace Ability Score in inches on the tabletop. the Hit.
Defensive Action:
CONTROLLING THE HIT! Use Parry to Control the Hit from a Strike attack.
Controlling the Hit is a Defensive Action. Defensive Actions Use Dodge to Control the Hit from an Aim attack.
(Parry, Dodge, Resist) are attempted after an enemy has
successfully Made a Hit against a character.
Use Resist to Control the Hit from a Focus attack.
Defensive Actions are paired with their Offensive Action counter If the Defending character fails in their Defensive Action, they do
parts. Defenders must use the Defensive Action relative to the not Control the Hit. If the Defender does not Control the Hit, the
Offensive action that Made the Hit when attempting to Control Attacker chooses which Ability Score the Defender must reduce.
the Hit.
Attacker rolls to Make a Hit. If an Offensive or Defensive Action is successful AND the 5x5 roll
shows DOUBLES (both dice show the same number) the action
Is the attack roll equal to or lower than:
produces a Critical Success.
Offensive Rank X Ability Score?
NO: Attacker selects which of the Defender's Ability Scores to If the result of a Defensive Action is a Critical Success, the
reduce by 1. Defender has Blocked the Hit.
YES: Defender selects which Ability Score to reduce by 1. If a Defender has Blocked the Hit, the Hit is completely
eliminated and no Ability Score is reduced; no Damage taken.
When an Ability Score is reduced by a Hit, this immediately After a character has made an Offensive Action, and the target
impacts the Damaged character's effectiveness in battle. When of that action has had an opportunity to perform a Defensive
rolling Offensive and Defensive combat actions always multiply Action in response, the current player's turn ends, and play is
the Combat Rank by the current (damaged) Ability Score. passed to the next character in the turn order.
UNCONCIOUSNESS AND DEATH After all characters in the turn order have had an opportunity to
take Offensive Action as described above, the Combat Round
ends and a new round begins.
If an Ability Score is reduced to a value of 0, the character is
rendered Unconscious.
Return to the top of the Combat Sequence and roll new
Initiatives for all participants. Continue this pattern until all
If any single Ability Score is reduced to a value of less than 0, combatants on one side or the other have been eliminated from
or if any two Ability Scores are ever both equal to 0 at the same the combat.
time, the character is Dead.
If any one Ability Score suffers the Damage of two Hits from a Victory Rush
single Offensive Action, the defender is rendered Unconscious
even if no Ability Score has been reduced to 0.
Characters (Not Unconscious) get a Victory Rush after winning
a combat, instantly regaining 1 point to a Damaged Ability Score
An unconscious character, with no Ability Score of less than 1, of their choice.
will regain consciousness moments after the combat ends.
HEALING An unconscious character who has had all Ability Scores
restored to a value of 1 or greater will regain consciousness
immediately following the successful application of the Healing
Each successful application of the Healing Skill will remove the skill. -- No further use of the Healing Skill can be applied to this
effects of one Hit. (Increase the current value of the lowest character for the rest of the day.
valued Ability Score that has had its value reduced through
damage by +1.)
A character can still benefit from Recovery (Guided or
Natural) even if the maximum number of attempts to heal the
Healing Conscious Characters character have been reached for that day.
The first time the Healing skill is used on a conscious character RECOVERY
in a given day, resolve the test normally. The second time the
Healing skill is used on the same conscious character in the
same day, the skill test suffers a negative rank shift. Each night a character can recover from damage through rest.
There are two types of recovery: Natural and Guided Recovery.
Guided Recovery for Conscious Characters This test suffers a negative rank shift (Guided recovery is easier
on the body.) but if successful, Natural Recovery restores 1 Hit
to the character's lowest damaged Ability Score over night.
Guided Recovery can be attempted on each patient once per day
before sleep. (This is independent of the limit on Healing Skill
Tests listed above.) Guided Recovery is a Healing (Precognition) Natural Recovery for Unconscious Characters
Skill Test. Successful application of the Guided Recovery test to a
CONSCIOUS patient restores 1 Hit to the character's lowest
damaged Ability Score over night. Unconscious Characters who have not benefited from the
successful application of Guided Recovery (Healing) can attempt
to Fight for Life by rolling a Survival (Rage) Skill test.
Guided Recovery for Unconscious Characters
Natural Recovery
If the Fight for Life check is failed, the character is Dead.
Note: Sidekicks will not die unless the character possessing the
Conscious Characters who have not benefited from the Sidekick also dies. Consider a "dead" Sidekick as only
successful application of Guided Recovery (Healing) can attempt unconscious.
Natural Recovery by rolling a Survival (Rage) Skill test.
CHAPTER THREE: THE XCEPTIONAL WORLD Most women who found themselves with power, kept it secret.
The handful of women who did reveal themselves wore masks
and costumes to conceal their identities. A group of such women
The default world setting of the Xceptional RPG is a place where who called themselves the Xceptionals (and thereby coined the
people (called Xceptionals) possess fantastic powers. Xceptionals common name for these powers and the people possessing
live in a struggle to prove themselves in a world ruled by more them) fought against super insane madmen while avoiding
common men. capture and dissection by the government.
On July 8, 1947. an alien spacecraft exploded in the sky above Many of the first Xceptionals who survived passed their abilities
Roswell New Mexico. About a year later the first Xceptionals on to their children, and although women still seemed to be
began displaying the signs of super abilities (Xceptions.) favored by the power, more men emerged with powers and later
Inexplicably the vast majority (over 90%) of individuals effected generations of male Xceptionals did not suffer from the insanity
by this phenomena were women. Although the appearance of of their forefathers.
Xceptionals was concentrated in and around the Roswell area
initially the effect spread outward from there. By the late 1950's
reports of Xceptionals had spread to the east coast of the United The 1950's Campaign
The Modern Campaign OTHER WORLDS
This world is more like the heroic world of superheroes in the Xceptional should be generic enough to be played in most
comic books we read today. Female Xceptionals still outnumber modern settings. In fantasy settings the skill Technology could
males by roughly 3 to 1, but male heroes are prominent (as are be changed to Magic to describe a measure of mystical
female villains.) Players seeking a more traditional superhero knowledge and study. In addition, games set in a fantasy or
game should play Xceptional in the modern campaign. science fiction setting might consider the Treasure Seekers
Campaign option.
CHAPTER FOUR: THE GAME MASTER In addition, the Game Master must present challenges for the
players: problems to solve, and enemies to defeat. The story
need not be completed in a single session of play, and the
What is an RPG? players will bring the same characters back for the next session,
and the one after that, and the one after that. Once a story has
been completed, a new story can begin, all comprising the
A Role-Playing Game is a set of guidelines for participation in the collected adventures of the same group of characters.
activity of guided improvisation. This improvisation is generally
intended to simulate an adventure story.
The Game Master creates a basic outline for the story to follow
but allows the players to determine their actions in response to Enemies created by the GM for use in challenging the players
the situations presented. This can frequently take the story in need not (and most likely should not) follow the rules for
unexpected directions, so the story outline must be fluid, and Character Creation.
the key to being a good Game Master is quick thinking, and the
ability to adapt the story to fit the actions of the players.
EXAMPLE ENEMIES [b] A Name descriptor for the enemy.
3 Thugs, 211, 1-U, 1UU, Speedster 1 (knife) [c] The enemy's Ability Scores.
2 Henchmen, 223, U-1, UU1, Xceptional Offense 1 (gun) These are always presented in the order: Rage, Precognition,
Grace. This order can be easily remembered if you consider the
starting character of each Ability Score: R = Rage, P =
Boss, 343, U2U, 121, Flight, Regeneration Precognition, G = Grace. Together they create the mneumonic:
RPG (Role-playing Game.)
Information organized as in the examples above is called a "Stat Also included in parenthesis after the Xception is Equipment
Block." that grants the Xception if that applies.
THE STAT BLOCK Examine the STAT BLOCK for the Thugs in the Example:
[a] The Number of enemies appearing (optional if there is only [a] The first information we find is the number 3. That means
one.) that 3 Thugs are present as part of the combat challenge.
[b] The name, "Thugs" appears next. This name could have of the Thugs, they have: Parry 1, Resist U, and Dodge U.
been anything, it's meant to be a basic descriptor of the type of
challenge being encountered.
[f] Last are Xceptions. Thugs are normal people with no special
powers, but because these Thugs carry knives they are granted
[c] Next is the number 211. This number presents the Thugs' the Xception of Speedster at Rank 1.
Ability Scores in order Rage, Precognition, then Grace. Rage is 2.
Precognition is 1. Grace is 1.
Remembering the order of the Ability Scores (Rage,
Precognition, then Grace) makes reading and recording
[d] Now comes Offensive Combat Ranks in the order of related information for combat challenges a simple chore.
Ability Score. Strike is related to Rage, Focus is related to
Precognition, and Aim is related to Grace. The number shown for
the Thugs is 1-U, so the Thugs have: Strike 1; Focus -; Aim U. Using Stat Blocks will make the job of GM much easier.
After the players have played their characters in a few sessions, In the example story, "Recipe Party" a boss villain is introduced
the GM should award the players an Advance. Advances are the and the adventure describes his actions as "... he holds out a
way that a character grows. This growth is a huge part of the hand shooting a piercing beam of light that burns the pavement
appeal of the game. Players enjoy seeing their characters evolve of the street below." But the character doesn't actually possess
and improve as they play in game after. an Xception matching the described ability. The ability is a
descriptor that defines the way the character's Combat Ranks in
Focus manifest. This is known as a Special Effect.
Advancements should not be given out after every session, but
rather every few, or in response to the completion of a
particularly engaging story arc. The GM should gauge this for Special Effects can be anything that helps to bring what a
their specific group and their personal situation. A group that character does into focus. Some special effects will help to
only gets to play once a month for example might receive explain the existence of a specific Xception. (Weapons, Armor
Advancements from the GM more often to prevent the game and other such equipment are examples of this kind of Special
from feeling stagnant over the long period of play. Effect.) While others will just provide flavor to what the
character does (like in the example from the Recipe Party.)
X ample Story: Recipe Party
Players reading this who do not wish to take the job of GM, are
The GM should allow the players to greet each other and
introduce their characters to one another. Then, explain that the
characters have met in a dark alley under the pretense of a
"Recipe Party" to go on patrol wearing scandalous skin tight hero
costume attire.
strongly encouraged to skip this section. Part of the fun of
playing as a character in a Role-Playing Game is in the discovery,
During Patrol the group will hear a nearby alarm ringing. The GM
and the anticipation that comes from not knowing what will
should tell the players that they hear the alarm and ask for their
happen next.
The GM should describe the scene and allow the players to 2 Police, 223, U-1, UU1, Xceptional Offense 1 (revolver)
describe how they wish to react. Once combat has started, have
everyone roll for Initiative and begin the first Initiative
Sequence. If the GM decides that the players are having an easy time
against the Jeweler and his thugs, then have the police assume
that the players are part of the robbery. If on the other hand,
The GM should continue combat until two of the Thugs have the players are in trouble against the Jeweler it will be clear to
fallen, then interrupt combat with the following event: the police that the players are fighting to stop the robbery and
the police will step in on the side of the players.
"A man appears on the edge of the roof of the jewelry store. He
wears shiny gold tights with a large red gem set in the center of After the battle, if the police were on the players' side, they will
his chest. 'I knew you IDIOTS would screw this up!' He screams still want to take them in for questioning. The GM should let the
as he holds out a hand shooting a piercing beam of light that players know that going in with the police would be a really bad
burns the pavement of the street below. 'It seems I must handle idea.
these WOMEN myself ... prepare to face the horror that is ...
Players should decide whether to run or fight, or be taken into
custody (the GM should discourage this last option.) GM and
The Jeweler, 343, U2U, 121, Flight 1, Xcept Healing 1 players should discuss options and react as their characters
would to bring this encounter to some sort of conclusion.
APPENDIX A: EQUIPMENT Heavy Weapons (Deadly Attack) - Two Blunt Weapons (Stun) - Billy Club,
handed weapons such as Claymores or Staff, Gladiator's Net, Bull Whip, Mace or
Battle Axes, also heavy guns or blasters, Hammer, also Pepper Spray.
Weapons, armor, magic items and other cannot be combined with Shield or Off-
such possessions magical and Hand Weapons.
technological in the Xceptional game Light Armor (Xceptional Defense) -
system grant the user Xceptions at Leather or light chain armors.
various ranks. Below are some examples Heavy Armor (Deflection) - Platemail,
of equipment. heavy chain, or futuristic armors. If
combined with Shield improve the Rank Medical Kit, Magic Potion (Xceptional
+1. Healing)
Bardic Musical Instrument (Amplify
or Dampen) - can choose one or the
other effect, must roll a successful Shield (Deflection) - Does not combine Medium Weapons (Xceptional Offense)
Performance Skill check to use. with Heavy Weapons or Off-Hand - Swords, Bows, most guns.
APPENDIX B: SKILL DESCRIPTIONS Intimidation (Rage) - Influence others Repair (Precognition) - use to fix
by presenting a frightful presence. broken things, can also apply to crafting
or constructing things from spare parts.
In the Skill Descriptions below, the
Skill name is followed by its related Jump (Rage) - use to leap over things.
Ability Score in parenthesis. Sex Appeal (Grace) - use to influence
those who might be attracted to you.
Muscle (Rage) - use to perform feats
This skill can often be used to transcend
Balance (Grace) - use this skill to walk of Strength, force open doors, lift heavy
barriers of language and racial/species
a tight rope, or do other things that objects, open jelly jars, etc.
require a character to be light on their
Nature (Precognition) - use to
Survival (Rage) - use to recover from
interact with nature, identify plants, find
near fatal wounds or to resist damage
Climb (Rage) - use this skill to scale food and water in the wilderness, ride
under environmental conditions of
sheer surfaces and vertical terrains. horses, or soothe the heart of a wild
extreme heat, cold, or toxicity.
Courage (Rage) - use this skill to face
Technology (Precognition) - use to
danger without loosing your cool. Perception (Precognition) - Use to
work with technology such as computers
notice things, to spot important details
or microwave ovens.
or hear a quiet sound.
Diplomacy (Grace) - use words and
moving oration to influence others.
Thief (Grace) - use to open locks, pick
Performance (Grace) - influence
pockets, or perform other actions
others through artistic expression be it
Guile (Precognition) - use to out think requiring a very steady hand and highly
dance, acting, singing or playing an
an opponent, play chess or solve a developed hand/eye coordination.
riddle; a measure of intellect and
Pilot (Grace) - use to control vehicles,
wagons, cars, buses, airplanes, rocket
Heal (Precognition) - Use to restore
damaged Ability Scores to healthy
conditions (see Healing.)
APPENDIX C: XCEPTION Dampen - Before Initiative is rolled, Airborne characters cannot be the target
DESCRIPTIONS choose a number of enemy targets of a Strike Offensive Action unless
equal to your total Ranks in Dampen. their opponent is also Airborne. You can
In many of the Xception Descriptions Targets suffer a Negative Rank Shift only use this Xception if your unadjusted
below, Ranks in the Xception determine on all Xceptions until the end of the Initiative roll is equal to or lower than
how frequently the character can use it. Initiative Sequence. your ranks in Flight.
This is not meant to imply that the
Xception only works part of the time, but Deadly Attack – Once on your turn, Invisibility - Your character can
is instead intended to illustrate how following a non-critical success, you can become Invisible. In combat your
frequently the Xception has a notable declare that your Offensive Action roll character can be perceived up close but
impact on the outcome of a battle. was a Critical Success. You can only not from any distance. Your character
Xceptions with high ranks can impact use this Xception if your unadjusted cannot be the target of Aim Offensive
combat most of the time, while lower Initiative roll is equal to or lower than Actions and can only be targeted by
ranked Xceptions sway the outcome of a your ranks in Deadly Attack. Focus Offensive Actions if adjacent
battle much less often. Initiative roll to the attacker. You can only use this
based limitations only effect the use of Xception if your unadjusted Initiative
the Xception while in combat. Deflection – Once per Initiative
roll is equal to or lower than your ranks
Sequence, following a non-critical
in Invisibility.
Amplify - Before Initiative is rolled, success, you can declare that your
choose a number of friendly targets Defensive Action roll was a Critical
equal to your Ranks in Amplify (this Success. You can only use this Xception Knockback – Once on your turn,
can include yourself.) Targets gain a if your unadjusted Initiative roll is following a successful Offensive Action
Positive Rank Shift on all Xceptions equal to or lower than your ranks in where you Control the Hit, you can
until the end of the Initiative Deflection. declare that your target has been
Sequence. Knocked Back. A character that is
knocked back is moved directly away
Flight - Your character can fly 50 MPH
from the attacker 1d5+5 inches. You can
Blitzkrieg – Perform two Offensive per Rank in Flight. In combat, your
only use this Xception if your unadjusted
Actions on your turn. You can only use character is considered to be Airborne.
Initiative roll is equal to or lower than
this Xception if your unadjusted Airborne characters add their ranks in
your ranks in Knockback.
Initiative roll is equal to or lower than Flight to their Initiative roll to
your ranks in Blitzkrieg. determine their place in the Turn Order
and to their Movement.
Mind Control - Once on your turn, Speedster – Your character can run 50 Xceptional Healing - your character
following an Offensive Action where MPH per Rank in Speedster. In combat can give up an Offensive Action to
you Control the Hit, you can declare add your rank in Speedster to your remove all Hits from a single target
that your target is Taken Over. You Initiative roll to determine your place in (including yourself.) You can only use
inflict no damage, but instead gain an the Turn Order and your Movement. this Xception a number of times per day
immediate Offensive Action with the equal to your ranks in Xceptional
character Taken Over. Control of the Healing.
Stun – Once on your turn, following a
character ends after your turn. You can
successful Offensive Action, where you
only use this Xception if your Initiative
Control the Hit, you can declare that Xceptional Offense – Once on your
roll is equal to or lower than your ranks
your target has been Stunned. A turn you can reroll a failed Offensive
in Mind Control.
Stunned character looses their next Action roll possibly turning the failure
turn. You can only use this Xception if into a success. You can only use this
Phasing - The character can shift Out your unadjusted Initiative roll is equal Xception if your unadjusted Initiative
of Phase passing through enemies, and to or lower than your ranks in Stun. roll is equal to or lower than your ranks
becoming immune to attacks. The out- in Xceptional Offense.
of-phase character cannot impact the
Teleport - Before Initiative is rolled,
normal world. Declare your Out of
choose a number of friendly targets Xplosion - The character can produce
Phase state at the start of the
equal to your total Ranks in Teleport an explosion with their Offensive
Initiative Sequence after you roll
(this can include yourself.) Targets Action. The explosion inflicts 1 Hit to
Initiative. Before rolling Initiative, your
disappear from one location on the the target plus 1 Hit to every character
character is not Out of-Phase. You can
tabletop and reappear at another. adjacent to the target. The Hits are
only use this Xception if your unadjusted
automatically Controlled by the
Initiative roll is equal to or lower than
Defender and no roll to Control the Hit
your ranks in Phasing. Xceptional Defense – Once per
is made. A character using a Strike
Initiative Sequence, you can reroll a
Action or using Focus on an adjacent
failed Defense Action roll possibly
Sidekick - The player has a constant target, will also suffer a Hit from the
turning the failure into a success. You
companion: Sidekick, 222, 1-1, 222, explosion! You can only use this
can only use this Xception if your
Xception 1. Ranks in Sidekick can add Xception a number of times per day
Initiative roll is equal to or lower than
new Xceptions or improve existing ones. equal to your ranks in Xplosion.
your ranks in Xceptional Defense.
(A Sidekick cannot have a Sidekick)
APPENDIX D: XAMPLE XCEPTIONALS Ghost Mentalist, 243, U1U, UUU, Skilled Shooter, 324, U-1, UU1,
Dampen 1, Phasing 1 Xceptional Att 1, Xceptional Def 1
The following Xceptionals are all legal This Mentalist has ghost powers able to The Skilled Shooter is all about accuracy,
as newly created under the character pass through walls and to become and the combination of Xceptional Attack
creation rules, and are suitable for play. untouchable in combat. The Dampen and Xceptional Defense allows this
Players will need to roll their Skills Power is a perfect choice for a phasing character to succeed where other
randomly as these are not included. character because it is activated before characters may fail.
initiative is rolled while the character is
Blasting Shooter, 234, U-1, UU1, still in phase and able to effect the Stretching Mentalist, 333, U1U, UUU,
Knockback 1, Xplosion 1 normal world. Deflection 1, Stun 1
This Shooter is a power house able to Stretching powers work as well at range
blast multiple enemies or knock Hulking Brawler, 423, 1-U, 1UU, as they do close up, so we have chosen
dangerous threats away. As a Shooter Deadly Attack 1, Deflection 1 a Mentalist for the Focus Combat Ranks
the character can attack targets at range The one two punch of Deadly Attack and that can be applied in close combat and
using ranks in Aim. This could be blasts Deflection produces a powerful up front ranged combat equally. The rubber like
from their hands, eye beams, a sonic fighter with a combination of super body of a stretching character is super
scream, or any other sort of ranged strength and invulnerability. resilient so we have chosen Deflection to
special effect. represent this resistance to damage. A
Psychic Mentalist, 243, U1U, UUU, stretching character can wrap their arms
Flying Shooter, 324, U-1, UU1, Mind Control 1, Xceptional Healing 1 legs or body around enemies to entangle
Flight 1, Speedster 1 This Mind Controller can turn enemies them causing them to loose their turn
Flight and Speedster are complimentary. against themselves and heal damaged and we have chosen the Stun Xception
Their benefits stack. Flight is only friends. to represent this.
applied if the character is Airborne, but
Savage Brawler, 423, 1-U, 1UU, Super Speed Brawler, 423, 1-U, 1UU,
Speedster works all the time. As a
Amplify 1, Sidekick 1 (Pet Tiger: Blitzkrieg 1, Teleportation 1
Shooter, the character can attack targets
Deadly Attack 1) Blitzkrieg allows the Super Speed
using ranks in Aim. This could be
The Savage Brawler is a jungle warrior Brawler to make two attacks per turn
explained as, lightning from the sky,
with a pet tiger. Use Amplify to boost the instead of just one. Teleportation allows
heat vision or any other sort of ranged
tiger's Deadly Attack for extra punch. the character to "run" to any spot on the
special effect.
battlefield in the blink of an eye.
Advances Strike Parry Aim Dodge Focus Resist
A character has Combat Ranks as indicated on the Combat Rank
Advancement Table that corresponds with their Class. 0 1 1 U U - U
1 1 1 U U - U
As a character Advances their Combat Ranks improve. A newly 2 1 1 U U - U
created character has Combat Ranks equal to those indicated for
3 1 2 U U - U
a character with 0 (zero) Advances.
4 1 2 U 1 - U
As the group meets to play the GM will award "Advances" to the 5 1 2 U 1 - U
players. Advances add up, so the first time the GM awards an 6 2 2 U 1 - U
Advance the characters will have 1 Advance; the second time
7 2 2 1 1 - U
the GM awards an advance the characters will have 2
Advances ... etc. 8 2 2 1 1 - 1
9 2 3 1 1 - 1
It is recommended that the GM award Advances to the 10 2 3 1 1 - 1
characters in a play group approximately every second or third
11 2 3 1 1 - 1
game session.
12 3 3 1 2 - 1
A character cannot advance more than 20 times. A character 13 3 3 1 2 - 1
with 20 Advances is said to be: Maxed Out. 14 3 3 2 2 - 1
15 3 4 2 2 - 1
In the Combat Ranks Tables that follow a "U" is used to indicate
a Combat Rank that is "Unskilled." 16 3 4 2 2 - 2
17 3 4 2 2 - 2
The Focus Combat Rank is special in that it is exclusive to the 18 4 4 2 2 - 2
Mentalist Combat Class and cannot be used by the Brawler or
Shooter Classes at all. 19 4 4 2 2 - 2
20 4 4 2 3 - 2
Advances Strike Parry Aim Dodge Focus Resist Advances Strike Parry Aim Dodge Focus Resist
0 U U 1 1 - U 0 U U U U 1 U
1 U U 1 1 - U 1 U U U U 1 U
2 U U 1 1 - U 2 U U U U 1 1
3 U U 2 1 - U 3 U U U U 1 1
4 U U 2 1 - 1 4 U 1 U 1 1 1
5 U U 2 1 - 1 5 U 1 U 1 2 1
6 U U 2 2 - 1 6 U 1 U 1 2 1
7 1 U 2 2 - 1 7 U 1 U 1 2 1
8 1 1 2 2 - 1 8 U 1 U 1 2 2
9 1 1 3 2 - 1 9 U 1 U 1 2 2
10 1 1 3 2 - 1 10 U 1 U 1 2 2
11 1 1 3 2 - 1 11 U 1 U 1 3 2
12 1 1 3 3 - 2 12 U 2 U 2 3 2
13 1 1 3 3 - 2 13 U 2 U 2 3 2
14 2 1 3 3 - 2 14 U 2 U 2 3 3
15 2 1 4 3 - 2 15 U 2 U 2 3 3
16 2 2 4 3 - 2 16 U 2 U 2 3 3
17 2 2 4 3 - 2 17 U 2 U 2 4 3
18 2 2 4 4 - 2 18 U 2 U 2 4 3
19 2 2 4 4 - 2 19 U 2 U 2 4 3
20 2 2 4 4 - 3 20 U 3 U 3 4 4
Advances Rank1 Skills Rank2 Skills Rank3 Skills Rank4 Skills Rank1 Xcptns Rank2 Xcptns Rank3 Xcptns Rank4 Xcptns
0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
1 4** 1 0 0 1** 1 0 0
2 5* 1 0 0 2* 1 0 0
3 4** 2 0 0 2 1 0 0
4 5* 2 0 0 1** 2 0 0
5 4** 3 0 0 2* 2 0 0
6 5* 3 0 0 2 2 0 0
7 5 2** 1 0 1** 3 0 0
8 4** 3 1 0 1 2** 1 0
9 3** 4 1 0 1 2 1 0
10 3 3** 2 0 2* 2 1 0
11 2** 4 2 0 1** 3 1 0
12 2 3** 3 0 1 3 1 0
13 3* 3 3 0 1 2** 2 0
14 3 3 2** 1 2* 2 2 0
15 2** 4 2 1 2 2 2 0
16 2 3** 3 1 1** 3 2 0
17 1** 4 3 1 1 2** 3 0
18 1 4 2** 2 1 2 3 0
19 1 3** 3 2 0** 3 3 0
20 0** 4 3 2 0 3 2** 1
*Add one new Skill or Xception as indicated at rank 1. **Advance one Skill or Xception of this rank as indicated to the next higher rank.
APPENDIX F: CHARACTER CREATION SUMMARY Mentalist: Focus = 1, all others = U.
PROFILE - Create a Profile for your character: SKILLS - Roll 1 Skill for each Ability Score:
Roll Build: [0-2] Quick, [3-5] Powerful. Rage Skills: [0] Climb, [1] Courage, [2] Intimidation,
[3] Jump, [4] Muscle, [5] Survival.
Roll Process: [0-2] Theory, [3-5] Practice.
Precognition Skills: [0] Guile, [1] Heal, [2] Nature,
Roll Temperament: [0-2] Bold, [3-5] Cautious.
[3] Perception, [4] Repair, [5] Technology.
ABILITY SCORES - Use your Profile to find Ability Scores:
Grace Skills: [0] Balance, [1] Diplomacy, [2] Performance,
Rage, Precognition, and Grace equal 2 plus Profile bonuses. [3] Pilot, [4] Sex Appeal, [5] Thief.
Quick: +1 to Grace, or Powerful: +1 to Rage. Brawlers roll 1 additional Rage Skill.
Theory: +1 to Precognition, or Practice: +1 to Grace. Shooters roll 1 additional Grace Skill.
Bold: +1 to Rage, or Cautious: +1 to Precognition. Mentalists roll 1 additional Precognition Skill.
CLASS - Determine your Class based on Ability Scores: Brawlers roll a final Skill under: [0-2] Precognition, [3-5] Grace.
All Scores are 3: [1-2] Brawler, [3-4] Shooter, [5-6] Mentalist. Shooters roll a final Skill under: [0-2] Rage, [3-5] Precognition.
Rage is 2 and Precognition is 4: [0-1] Shooter, [2-5] Mentalist. Mentalists roll a final Skill under: [0-2] Rage, [3-5] Grace.
Rage is 2 and Grace is 4: [0-3] Shooter, [4-5] Mentalist. XCEPTIONS - Roll 2 Xceptions - reroll duplicates:
Precognition is 2 and Rage is 4: [0-3] Brawler, [4-5] Shooter. [0-1] Roll Xceptions: A-F, [2-3] Roll Xception: I-S,
Precognition is 2 and Grace is 4: [0-1] Brawler, [2-5] Shooter. [4-5] Roll Xception: S-X.
Grace is 2 and Rage is 4: [0-3] Brawler, [4-5] Mentalist. A-F Xceptions: [0] Amplify, [1] Blitzkrieg, [2] Dampen,
[3] Deadly Attack, [4] Deflection, [5] Flight.
Grace is 2 and Precognition is 4: [0-1] Brawler, [2-5] Mentalist.
I-S Xceptions: [0] Invisibility, [1] Knockback, [2] Mind Control,
COMBAT RANKS - Record Combat Ranks for your Class: [3] Phasing, [4] Sidekick, [5] Speedster.
Brawler: Strike and Parry =1, Aim, Dodge, Resist = U. S-X Xceptions: [0] Stun, [1] Teleport, [2] Xceptional Defense,
Shooter: Aim and Dodge = 1, Strike, Parry, Resist = U. [3] Xceptional Healing, [4] Xceptional Offense, [5] Xplosion.
Xceptional Character Sheet
Name Class Advances
Build Intellect Temperament
Quick Theory Bold
Combat Ranks
Strike Focus Aim
Climb Guile Balance
Amplify Invisibility Stun
Blitzkrieg Knockback Teleport
Dampen Mind Control Xcptn Defens
Deadly Attck Phasing Xcptn Heal
Deflection Sidekick Xcptn Offens
Flight Speedster Xplosion
Equipment and Notes
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0:
Xceptional is CC:BY-SA 2010 by Jeff Moore.