Mindrolling History Project3
Mindrolling History Project3
Mindrolling History Project3
as the fifth child of the seven children of Sangdag Thrinley Lhundrub and Yum Lhadzin
Yangcen Drolma.
Although Tibet has been blessed with the presence of many great enlightened masters, it
is said very few are comparable to Lochen Dharmashri in learning and understanding of
the profound dharma. The Terlung (gter lung- treasure prophesies), prophesized the
birth of Lochen Dharmashri as the birth of "a great master with the name beginning with
dharma, an emanation of Yudra Nyingpo, with unparallel wisdom and qualities of
compassion and great devotion, who will uphold the victorious banner of dharma for the
benefit of sentient beings."
Lochen Dharmashri was an emanation of one of the 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche,
Yudra Nyingpo. Yudra Nyingpo was a prince of Gyalmo Tsawe Rong (Gyarong) in
Eastern Tibet. In Gyarong, Yudra Nyingpo received teachings from Vairocana, who was
exiled in the area for a certain period of time. Studying with Vairocana, Yudra Nyingpo
became a great scholar and translator. Later he traveled to Central Tibet and received
teachings from Guru Rinpoche and he became one of the greatest masters of semde and
longde teachings of Dzogpa Chenpo in Tibet.
Lochen Dharmashri's father, the great master Sangdag Thrinley Lhundrub, passed away
into parinirvana when Lochen Dharmashri was only nine years old, still a young boy.
Upon the passing away of his father, Lochen Dharmashri fervently supplicated to the
kudung of his father while performing the kudung chpa (sku gdung mchod) - prayers
and offerings to the kudung. On the same night, he dreamt that Sangdag Thrinley
Lhundrub appeared amidst rainbow lights and dissolved into himself. Lochen
Dharmashri awoke immediately and experienced immense joy and clarity. It is said that
at that time, his mind and the guru's mind merged into one and from then on Lochen
Dharmashri's mind was filled with exceptional clarity and profound understanding of the
From his young age, Lochen Dharmashri was taught the dharma and brought up by his
older brother Chgyal Rigzin Terdag Lingpa with great love and kindness. He was also
lovingly taught and cared for by his other older brother Gyalse Tenpa'i Nyima and his
mother Yum Lhadzin Yangcen Drolma.
At the age of thirteen, Lochen Dharmashri received the genyen (dge bsnyen) vows from
Rigzin Terdag Lingpa who performed the tsug ph (gtsug phud), hair cutting ceremony.
Terdag Lingpa then bestowed him the name Tenzin Jamyang Wangpo (bstan 'dzin 'jam
dbyang dbang po).
At the age of fifteen, he received from the Great Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobsang
Tenzin Gyatso the rabjung (rab byung) vows and at the age of twenty, in the great palace
of Potala, Lochen Dharmashri received from the Great Fifth Dalai Lama the gelong (dge
slong) vows of full ordination.
Having accomplished great learning and mastering all sciences and philosophies, at the
age of twenty-seven, in the presence of a great assembly, Lochen Dharmashri was
granted the eminent distinction of the title of "The Great Learned One".
Most importantly, it is said that throughout his life Lochen Dharmashri was very
particular in not creating any nyetung (nyes ltung) - transgressions and violations in
relation to even the smallest of the vows. Like the brilliant sun and moon, Lochen
Dharmashri always kept the most perfect conduct free of every stain. His precision and
carefulness with his vinaya vows and samayas is even today considered to be the example
of perfect purity within the vinaya lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Until this day, Lochen
Dharmashri's commentary on the Dom Sum (sdom gsum) - the "Collection of Treatises
on the Three Vows" is considered one of the most important and authoritative works on
the topic of ethics in buddhadharma.
At the age of 12, on the auspicious 25th day of the 7th month of the Wood Snake Year,
Lochen Dharmashri received from his older brother, Chgyal Terdag Lingpa, the entire
cycle of teachings and the empowerment of Rigzin Thugthig (Terdag Lingpa's first terma
Heart Essence of the Vidyadharas). The occasion was marked by many auspicious signs
and it is said that Lochen Dharmashri had plucked an ordinary twig of a tree and put in
into the bumpa, and as the empowerment was bestowed the ordinary twig bloomed with
At the age of 16, Lochen Dharmashri received the Dra Kalapa (sgra kalhapa) and
Debgyor (sdeb sbyor) from Gungtang Panchen Shenyen Namgyal (gung thang pan chen
bshes gnyen rnam rgyal) and also mastered the Lantsha (lan tsha) and Wartu (war tu)
From his older brother Gyalse Tenpa'i Nyima Rinpoche, Lochen Dharmashri studied the
science of astrology. From the master Karma Kngyen (karma kun mgyan) he received
the teachings of the Kalachakra and from Taglung Drubchen Ngawang (stag lung grub
chen ngag dbang) the teachings and transmissions of Saraswati.
From his older brother, Chgyal Terdag Lingpa, Lochen Dharmashri studied ritual
dances, the art of mandala, and ritual melody (gar thig dbyang gsum). It was from
Terdag Lingpa that he also received the teachings on the Classes of the Three Vows
(sdom gsum rab dbyed). From his second older brother Gyalse Tenpa'i Nyima, Lochen
Dharmashri received the vinaya teachings, and the teachings on the conduct of the
vinaya. At the age of 27, Lochen Dharmashri received the entire body of Longchenpa's
In particular, throughout his life, Lochen Dharmashri continued with deep devotion to
carefully serve and attend to his incomparably kind teacher, Chgyal Rigzin Terdag
Lingpa, from whom he received a vast amount of profound teachings and transmissions.
Included in these transmissions and teachings was a vast amount of terma teachings
(gter chos) of great Tertns such as Grubthob Ngdrub (grub thob dngos grub), Neten
Dangma Lhngyal (gnas brtan ldang ma lhun rgyal), Chetsn Senge Wangchug (lce
btsun seng ge dbang phyug), Gya Zhang Trom (rgya zhang khrom), Lhaje Nubchung
(lha rje gnubs chung), Ngadag Nyang Ralpachen (mnga' bdag nyang ral pa can), Guru
Chwang (gu ru chos dbang) and Pema Ledrel Tsal (pad ma las 'brel rtsal) and many
Furthermore, from Chgyal Rigzin Terdag Lingpa, Lochen Dharmashri also received the
empowerments, teachings and transmissions of all of the termas revealed by Terdag
Lingpa, such as the Rigzin Thugthig, Thugje Chenpo Desheg Kundu and the Atiyoga and
Vajrasattva Cycle. Lochen Dharmashri also received many marvelous and profound
teachings and transmissions from the Great Fifth Dalai Lama.
Lochen Dharmashri received the entire transmission of the root of all teachings - the
Nyingma Gybum (rnying ma rgyud 'bum). The Nyingma Gyubum consists of 25 (31)
volumes containing a collection of transmissions of the three inner tantras. From the
great master Dorje Drag Rigzin Chenpo Pema Thrinley (rdo rje brag rig 'dzin chen po
pad ma phrin las), Lochen Dharmashri received the entire body of the newer tantras, the
essential teachings and empowerment of Kalachakra, the Gyutrl Zhitro (sgyu 'phrul zhi
khro) and Lama Sangd (bla ma gsang 'dus).
From the great, learned master of the Sakyapa, Sakya Dagchen Knga Tashi (sa skya
bdag chen kun dga' bkra shiz), Dharmashri received the transmissions of Yangdag
Gonlug (yang dag 'gon lugs kyi dbang), Domsum (sdom gsum) and Rigter (rigs gter).
From master Dingri Knpangpa Lodr Tenpa (ding ri kun spangs pa blo gros brtan pa)
Dharmashri received the wang (dbang), lung (lung) and tri (khrid) of the Zhije Ngachi
Barsum (zhi byed snga phyi bar gsum kha 'thor dang bcas pa).
From the great master Khedrup Chcong Gyaltsen (mkhas grub chos skyong rgyal
mtshan) he received the entire teachings, empowerment and profound instructions of
the Shangpa lineage. From Lochen Rinzang (lo chen rin bzang) he received the entire tri
(khrid) of the Jor Drug (sbyor drug).
Furthermore, from Drubpei Wangchuk Lodro Gyatso (grub pa'i dbang phyug blo gros
rgya mtsho) he received further teachings on Kalachakra and Jor Drug (sbyor drug).
From Dorje Dzinpa Knga Tendar (rdo rje'dzin pa kun dga' bstan dar) Lochen
Dharmashri received the Sang De Jig Sum (gsang bde 'jigs gsum), Ngoglug Kyi Dorje
Denzhi (rngog lugs kyi rdo rje gdan bzhi), Mahamaya, Marpo Korsum, (dmar po skor
gsum) and Gurzhel Gyi Jenang (gur zhal gyi rjes gnang).
From Shenyen Jampa Phuntsok Namgyal (bshes gnyen byams pa phun tshogs rnam
rgyal) he received the Chenrezig Senge Dra (spyan ras gzings seng ge sgra), Drozang
Lug Namse Karpo Tshedzin ('gro bzang lugs rnam sras dkar po tshe 'dzin), Chenrezig
Palmo'i Lug (spyan ras gzigs dpal mo'i lugs) and the Gurzhal (gur zhal).
From Domtsn Knga Dargye (sdom brtson kun dga' dar rgye) Lochen Dharmashri
received the Uma Metog Threngj ('dul ba me tog phreng rgyud), Sumjapa Tsadrel
(sum brgya pa rtsa'grel), Uma Rigsthog Kor (dbu ma rigs tshogs skor), Dompa
Nyishupa (sdom pa nyi shu pa), Lama Ngacupa (bla ma lnga bcu pa) and the Jowo'i
Chjung Jatsa (jo bo'i chos 'byung 'brgya rtsa).
From Lungrig Mawei Wangchuk Sangye Chdar (lung rigs smra ba'i dbang phyug
sangs rgyas chos dar) he received Uma Tsajug Zhisum (dbu ma rtsa 'jug bzhi gsum),
Namdrel (rnam 'grel), Dulwa Dotsa ('dul ba mdo rtsa), Ngnpa Dz (mngon pa mdzod),
Drelchung Dnsal ('grel chung don gsal) and Sapen Gyi Thubpa Gongsal (sa pan gyi
thub pa dgongs gsal).
From Kyi Knga Tensal (skyi kun dga' bstan gsal) Lochen Dharmashri received the
Gyuthrul Thramo'i Kor (sgyu 'phrul phra mo'i skor) and Zur Tsho Tlug Pa'i Gyuthrul
Gyi Yigcha Threntsheg (zur tsho stod lugs pa'i sgyu 'phrul gyi yig cha phran tshegs).
From the master Zhalupa Rinchen Zangpo (zha lu pa rin chen bzang po) he received the
transmissions of Drimed Namnyi (dri med rnam gnyis). From the master Kangyurwa
Drubpa Dorje (bka' 'gyur ba grub pa rdo rje) Lochen Dharmashri received the Dode
Kalzang (mdo sde bskal ba bzang), Jetongpa (brgyad stong pa), Ngedn Gyi Dothren
(nges don gyi mdo phran), Jamch Denga (byams chos sde lnga),
Bodhisattvacaryavtara (spyod 'jug) as well as many teachings of the sutra lineage. From
the master Drikung Trlpay Ku ('bri gung sprul pa'i sku) he received the Drami Nyen
Pa'i Tshewang (sgra mi snyan pa'i tshe dbang).
Again, from Trewo Trlpay Ku Chying Wangpo (tre bo sprul pa'i sku chos kyi dbang
po) he received the Chagchen Lhancig Kyejor (phyag chen lhan cig skyes sbyor),
Wangchig Dorje's Khriyig (dbang phyug rdo rjes mdzad pa'i khrid yig), Pehar Gyi
Drubthab Trin Nag Khrig Pa (pe har gyi sgrub thabs sprin nag 'khrigs pa).
From the master Pawo Tlpay Ku (dpa' bo sprul pa'i sku) Lochen Dharmashri received
the Chagchen Yige Zhipa'i Dn Tshugce Ma (phyag chen yi ge bzhi pa'i don tshugs bcad
In short, Lochen Dharmashri held and accomplished a vast body of gsar rnying ris med
(new school, old school and rime school) transmissions, which he received from almost
twenty different teachers. He remained extremely humble and always spoke of his
learning and accomplishments as a drop in the ocean. In receiving all these various
transmissions and teachings, Lochen Dharmashri not only received them, but also
accomplished these practices. Furthermore, he played a pivotal role in the revival and
strengthening of these transmission lineages.
He received vast teachings and transmissions from Chgyal Terdag Lingpa, his elder
brother, whom he revered as his root teacher and served as an attendant. Of the many
teachings and transmissions he received they included: the two kinds of Nyingthig,
Kunzang Gong d (kun bzang dgongs 'dus) and Ati Zabdn (ati zab don snying po),
Dorsem Khri yig (rdor sems kyi khrid yig ma bu), Longde Dorje Zampa (klong sde rdo
rje zam pa), Dong trug (dong sprugs kyi gzhung), Thr nag (khros nag) and Cd (gcod
khrid). Lochen Dharmashri also received Terdag Lingpa's termas and many other kama
and terma transmissions as well as pith instructions.
Subsequently Lochen Dharmashri practiced and accomplished each of these ocean-like
teachings and spent many years in retreats. He gained deep insight of the profound path
of teachings and spent much time in retreat and practicing the teachings he received.
In the Year of the Hare, seeing obstacles to his lifespan, he entered into a retreat of vajra
recitation- rdor bzlas and accomplished great samadhi. From the age of 48 until 64, he
taught extensively through the summer and winter each year.
In order to serve the Dharma and strengthen its foundation, he also bestowed and
trained a huge body of monastics with excellent discipline, personally training them and
giving them ordination to become exemplary monks. Following the tradition of avoiding
large groups of people taking vows, he would ensure their sincerity and understanding by
bestowing the vows directly to the individual or to very small groups. He is said to have
personally bestowed the bhikshu (full ordination) to 447 monks, 1298 getsuls (noviceshramanera vows) and countless other vows to many fortunate ones.
He served the Dharma and his root teacher, Chgyal Terdag Lingpa throughout his life
and became and a great example of "mkhas tshul gsum ldan": learning, exemplary ethics
and compassion. To this day, Tibet owes the presence of the pure vinaya lineage brought
into Tibet by the great Khenchen Bodhisattava to the efforts and contribution of Lochen
In the Year of the Fire Bird (1717) - Lochen Dharmashri had reached the age of 65 when
the great conflict with the Dzungar Mongols turned into a bloody war and the invasion of
the region brought massive destruction to the buddhadharma and many monasteries
were razed to the ground.
At that time, Chgyal Terdag Lingpa, who had passed into parinirvana a couple of years
before, had established the magnificent monastery and sangha of Mindrolling and it had
become one of the foremost learning centers of Nyingmapas. Mindrolling came under
the destruction of the invasion and the entire monastery was destroyed and burnt.
Since the sons and daughters of Chgyal Terdag Lingpa were still young, Lochen
Dharmashri was serving as the regent and administrative head of Mindrolling. He was
captured and imprisoned by the Dzungar Mongol army in Lhasa. Along with many other
teachers, Lochen Dharmashri was then taken to be executed. Before doing so, he was
asked if he had a final wish.
Several years before, during one of his discussions with his older brother, Chgyal
Terdag Lingpa had recommended that Lochen Rinpoche study and practice the
accomplishment of Tsendeb Phowa (practice of transferring consciousness). He had
accordingly followed that instruction of his Guru.
Lochen Dharmashri asked if he could be taken to the Lhasa Jokhang (the Lhasa Jokhang
temple was built by King Songtsen Gampo in 642 and amongst many other important
relics and representations of the three jewels also contains perhaps the most venerated
object of Tibet, the Jowo Sakyamuni Statue) and be allowed to offer his prostrations to
the Jowo statue before being executed. His hands were bound and he was taken there
surrounded by the Dzungar Mongol soldiers. As he was walking to the temple, he began
reciting the Zanc (bzang spyod smon lam)- Prayer of Excellent Conduct as he walked
towards the temple. As he recited the line "gonpo kun gyi dung du dag chi'o"* he placed
his head on the feet of Jowo and performing the tsendeb phowa, expelled his
consciousness and passed away into parinirvana.
Since then, it is the tradition in Mindrolling that whenever the Prayer of Excellent
Conduct is recited, there is a pause in the recitation at the point where Lochen
Dharmashri passed into parinirvana. It is so that we can remember this great master's
vast activities and infinite kindness and, most importantly, follow the profound path that
he has shown us.
"Those lamps of the world who have not yet appeared
Will progressively become enlightened, turn the wheel of dharma,
And fully demonstrate passing into nirvana, the final peace.
*I will arrive in the presence of all those protectors."