234 Farmer
234 Farmer
234 Farmer
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2 authors, including:
Ronald Eccles
Cardiff University
Nasal obstruction due to chronic enlargement of the inferior turbinate is a common problem for
the ENT surgeon. This review will discuss the pathology of bilateral and unilateral turbinate
enlargement associated with chronic rhinitis and nasal septal deviation, and focus on the structural changes in the turbinates. Cellular hyperplasia, tissue oedema and vascular congestion
all contribute to turbinate enlargement, but there is some evidence that bony enlargement is
associated with unilateral turbinate enlargement. There is no evidence for cellular hypertrophy
despite the common use of the term turbinate hypertrophy and this term should be replaced
with the more correct term of turbinate enlargement. The underlying pathology of turbinate
enlargement has important implications for the surgical management of nasal obstruction.
Key words: turbinate hypertrophy, turbinate enlargement, surgery, mucosa, bone
Chronic nasal obstruction is a common symptom of nasal disease. Enlargement of the inferior turbinates is one of the most
frequent underlying mechanisms (1). Turbinate enlargement
can be bilateral or unilateral. Bilateral turbinate enlargement is
caused by nasal inflammation as a result of allergic and nonallergic rhinitis, other environmental triggers, such as dust and
tobacco and medical causes, including pregnancy (2). Unilateral
turbinate enlargement occurs in association with a congenital,
or acquired anatomical deviation of the nasal septum into the
contralateral nasal passage. It has been proposed that unilateral
turbinate enlargement occurs to protect the more patent nasal
passage from the drying and crusting caused by excess airflow
, but the underlying mechanism for this is unknown.
Turbinate surgery is commonly performed in an attempt to
relieve nasal obstruction, despite a lack of evidence regarding
the underlying pathology of turbinate enlargement. In the literature (3,4) and in rhinology textbooks (1), the mucosal layer of
the inferior turbinate is frequently implicated as the structure
responsible for turbinate enlargement. In particular it is commonly claimed that dilatation of the venous sinuses, due to
engorgement with blood, is the underlying mechanism (1,5).
Pollock (6) suggests that turbinate enlargement is simply due to
mucosal thickening. It has also been suggested that turbinate
enlargement is caused by mucosal oedema with eosinophils
and mast cells present in an inflammatory response (1) .
Saunders (7) describes three ways in which the inferior
turbinate causes nasal obstruction. In addition to mucosal
*Received for publication: September 28, 2006; accepted: October 11, 2006
Tissue oedema
Cellular hypertrophy
Bilateral or unilateral
inferior turbinate
Cellular hyperplasia
Cellular hypertrophy
Cellular hyperplasia
Turbinate enlargement
The structure of the inferior turbinate can be studied by several different methods; histology, CT and decongestion.
Histology can provide information on the amounts of soft and
bony tissues and information about the relative amounts of
different tissues such as glands and venous sinuses.
Histological examination can determine whether turbinate
enlargement is due to cellular hypertrophy or hyperplasia. CT
can give measures of soft and bony tissue components in the
turbinates. The relative degree of shrinkage of the turbinate on
application of a topical decongestant can provide information
about the amount of venous sinuses in the turbinates.
Turbinate tissue from patients with septal deviations and compensatory unilateral turbinate enlargement has been examined
in histological studies (3). The proportion of submucosal
glands, connective tissue, epithelium, arteries and venous
sinuses in the inferior turbinates from these patients has not
been shown to be significantly different when compared with
cadaveric controls (3). The width of the medial mucosa and lateral mucosa in both groups were not significantly different
despite the fact that the enlarged inferior turbinates were significantly wider (3). Qualitative assessment of mucosal architecture has shown that 42.1% of turbinates from patients with
compensatory enlargement exhibit pathological changes.
These include dilated, engorged thin-walled venous sinuses,
fibrosis of the lamina propria, subepithelial infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils and dilatation of excretory glandular ducts (3).
Histological examination of inferior turbinates from patients
with septal deviations and compensatory enlargement of the
contralateral inferior turbinate has shown significant bone
expansion when compared with cadaveric controls (3). A twofold increase in the thickness of the osseous layer of the inferior turbinate was observed (3). Enlargement of the bony layer
accounted for 3/4 of the entire growth of the inferior turbinate.
The number or size of individual cells was not examined.
Computed tomography
The relative enlargement of bony and soft tissue components
of inferior turbinates in patients with unilateral compensatory
turbinate enlargement associated with nasal septal deviation
has been evaluated by CT in several studies (4,13). These studies
have the advantage of examining the inferior turbinate in life.
The mean width of the anterior medial mucosa in unilateral
turbinate enlargement is significantly wider at 5.33mm,
when compared with the contralateral turbinate as a control. The lateral mucosal layer has also been shown to be
significantly wider in patients with unilateral compensatory
enlargement (13).
Turbinate enlargement
This is the first review to examine the evidence for the mechanism of turbinate enlargement. Despite the common occurrence of turbinate enlargement there is little evidence to
explain which turbinate structures are responsible for the
enlargement. The limited evidence available appears to suggest
that there may be two types of turbinate enlargement with
underlying differences in the pathology.
In unilateral turbinate enlargement associated with nasal septal
deviation of the contralateral turbinate there is limited evidence for bony expansion as a major contributing factor. There
is evidence from CT studies to suggest that an element of
mucosal enlargement is also important. Although there is
some evidence for an increase in size of the bony component
of the turbinate it is not clear if this is merely due to an
increase in the overall size of the turbinate. It is generally
assumed that the unilateral turbinate enlargement associated
with septal deviation occurs to protect the more patent side
from the drying and crusting caused by excess airflow (3,4). A
deviated nasal septum may be congenital, the product of
growth asymmetry, or the result of trauma. However, it is
unclear whether cellular hyperplasia or hypertrophy is the
underlying mechanism for bone expansion. The underlying
cause of unilateral turbinate enlargement is also unknown.
The turbinate enlarges to occupy the increased volume of the
nasal passage, but factors that trigger and control the increase
in the size of the turbinate are unknown.
In bilateral turbinate enlargement there is evidence for a
mucosal contribution to enlargement. Histological studies suggest that a combination of mechanisms may be responsible for
mucosal enlargement, including cellular hyperplasia, tissue
oedema and vascular congestion. There is no evidence for cellular hypertrophy. Therefore there is no evidence to substantiate use of the term turbinate hypertrophy and it is proposed
that the term turbinate enlargement is a more accurate
description of the condition. There is no evidence to support
bony enlargement in bilateral disease. With cases of acute
rhinitis it appears that the main cause of turbinate enlargement
is filling of venous sinuses since the size of the turbinate can
be reduced by application of a topical decongestant (22). In
cases of chronic rhinitis there may be some tissue fibrosis due
to a chronic inflammatory response and this may make it difficult to reverse the increase in turbinate size by medical intervention, such as treatment with topical corticosteroids. In
these cases surgery to reduce the size of the turbinate may be
the only option for treatment of nasal obstruction.
Many surgical techniques have been described to reduce the
size of enlarged turbinates. Today, these can be broadly divided into two main categories: turbinate electrosurgery or soft
tissue reduction (including submucosal diathermy and surface
diathermy) and turbinate bone resection/reduction (including
crushing and trimming of the inferior turbinate bone and total
23. Jones AS, Lancer JM, Moir AA, Stevens JC. The effect of submucosal diathermy to the inferior turbinates on nasal resistance to
airflow in allergic and vasomotor rhinitis. Clinical Otolaryngology
1985; 10: 249-252.