Business 2 B
Business 2 B
Business 2 B
Derived Demand
Building loyalty is an important part of sustaining strong businessto-business client relationships, and strong branding can help create that
loyalty. A good brand conveys the messages you want your customer to
hear, and just like business-to-consumer branding, an attractive and
easily recognizable brand can bring new customers to your business who
will remain loyal if your company delivers on its brand promise. For
example, a company that buys coffee to serve its employees may remain
loyal to a particular brand even if lesser known brands have lower prices,
because the brand's promise of quality has been delivered over and over
again. A brand also helps to position a company among its competitors
and set it apart from other companies offering similar services to other
General Strategy
B2B companies need to consider all of the factors that may affect
their customers' decisions. For example, a company might consider
buying a substitute product from another firm if the price is lower for
similar quality or if consumers start demanding slightly different product
offerings. In the B2B space, it can be more difficult to determine what will
make a customer switch product or service providers because the factors
affecting decision making may occur much further down the distribution
chain. Therefore, B2B product and service providers must be especially
knowledgeable about their market segments and be able to anticipate
their needs.
Good staff communication is essential to business success. At the most basic level,
employees who don't know what's expected of them seldom perform to their
potential. "You can tie back almost every employee issue -- attendance, morale,
performance, and productivity -- to communication," says Fred Holloway, an HR
adviser in Medford, Oregon. According to a study by the consultants Watson Wyatt
(now Towers Watson), companies that communicate effectively are far more likely
than companies that don't to report high levels of "employee engagement" and
lower levels of turnover. The bottom line for these effective communicators,
according to the study: a market premium of nearly 20 percent.
And yet, human nature being what it is, workplace communication is rarely
adequate -- and could almost always be better. The good news is that you don't
have to be an extrovert, or even particularly nurturing, to foster healthy
communication at your company. You simply need the will to improve it. Mostly, you
need to be honest, show respect to employees, and work on building trust, without
which employees tend to put up a filter and what you say doesn't matter.
Communicating Better
1. Create the Culture
Above all else, to the extent possible, strive to be transparent and straightforward
about the challenges of your business and even about your company's financials.
Such candor fosters trust and understanding. "Your employees know you make more
money than they do," says Bloomington, Illinois, HR consultant Rick Galbreath.
"What they don't understand is that you take more risk. They won't be able to
understand the risk until they understand the business."
Schedule informal communication. The simplest way to put yourself (and your
managers) in the mindset to communicate, says Galbreath, is to put it on your
calendar. In addition to the scheduled activities below, he recommends spending 15
minutes each day, more if you can spare it, on "nontransactional conversation" with
underlings. By nontransactional, Galbreath means exchanges that don't have a
specific purpose, like a request to do something.
Meet one on one. Informal confabs with the people who report to you, held at least
biweekly, serve as excellent occasions to check on their progress as well as identify
problems before they blister, and so can be a powerful motivational tool. Galbreath
also recommends occasional (once or twice a year) skip-level meetings with
individual employees two or more levels down. Besides making sure the boss is not
isolated at the top, skip-level meetings are a morale booster. "People are very
complimented that a boss two levels up wants to talk with them," says Galbreath.
"They're often turned into retention interviews."
Meet in groups. A brief team huddle at the start of the day or the shift is a good way
to discuss the goals, challenges, or operating plan for the day. A huddle should be
just that, conducted standing in an open space; it should not last more than 10 or
15 minutes. (Pass-down memos, stored in a network folder, can be used to report
the events of one shift to the next.) Then, every quarter, a large-group or
companywide meeting can serve as a sort of state-of-the-business update, says
The meeting should last about an hour and include a question-and-answer session.
If the company culture discourages searching questions, they can be submitted
anonymously in advance, says Galbreath. Finally, occasional "lunch and learn"
gatherings are good for a less formal discussion of the company, for introducing
new products and strategies, or for most any other ancillary subject you want to
broach. (They are not places to discuss essential topics or conduct core training.)
2. Make Sure Your Message is Heard
The ways in which you communicate can often be just as important as the
substance of that communication. We address the right medium in the section "In
Person or in Writing?"; here are a few other strategies for getting your point across.
Evaluate your own abilities. By merely being aware, you can play to your strengths
and mitigate weaknesses. Sometimes a single trait can encompass both strengths
and weaknesses, says Elaine Tweedy, director of the University of Scranton Small
Business Development Center. A dominant, confident individual, for example, can
probably run a good meeting and offer his own opinions while keeping people
focused. On the other hand, someone who is too dominant might discourage
creative input from others. Personality assessments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator and the DISC evaluation, can help managers get a handle on their own
strengths and weaknesses. These evaluations are often best done in groups so the
contrast between types is vivid and the team develops strategies to work more
Sharpen your message. According to research cited by the Society for Human
Resource Management, people normally remember only three to five points from
any communication. So keep it short and sharp. This is especially true if your
message is being delivered by e-mail or memo. Your conclusions or main points
belong at the top as bullet points. An elaborate setup is counterproductive, says
Galbreath; readers discern condescension when a big setup attempts to spin bad
news, and when one introduces good news, they stop reading before they get to it.
Keep the paragraphs short and the whole document to no more than a page. "If
someone taped a $20 bill to the second page of every memo in America," says
Galbreath, "nobody would ever find one."
If forced to go long during a meeting, Galbreath tries to keep his audience engaged
with a compelling moment every few minutes. "I'm going to give them a giggle, or
an 'aha,' or something that is going to engage them at a deeper level than just
listening," he says.
Recognize good work. If your message is always negative, it won't be heard.
Balance criticism with compliments. Do this two ways: Thank employees personally
for their efforts, and hold up their behavior as an example to the organization.
Prepare for meetings. Whether your meeting is one on one or in a group, plan what
you are going to say and how you will say it. It's important to tailor the delivery to
its audience, says Tweedy. "If I brought in an employee who likes direction and
formality, and if I presented none of that, they would take my communication as
less valid, because it's not what they're accustomed to."
Understand unspoken signals. Body language, for example, can undermine a
spoken message. Slouch while disciplining a staff member, for instance, and your
demeanor might be read as uncertainty -- or as a lack of interest in the problem you
are trying to fix. Even where you hold the meeting can be suggestive: Calling an
underling into your office, for example, emphasizes your hierarchical advantage and
could affect the dynamics of your conversation; visiting an employee in his office,
on the other hand, emphasizes collegiality and could result in more open discussion.
Follow up. When a message needs reinforcement, follow up afterward with a memo
or note that recapitulates the conversation.
the company often have the best suggestions for improving it and are often the first
to see danger approaching.
Take input seriously. Otherwise, employees will see through the window dressing,
which can actually make things worse. "Just because someone gives you a
suggestion doesn't mean you have to implement it," says Patricia Veesart, a
regional director of the Kansas Small Business Development Center. "But if you
don't, you ought to offer some kind of explanation."
Check management attitude. Employees will keep quiet if they perceive that the
company culture and management discourage, if even subtly, risk taking, or show
downright hostility to questions. According to one recent study, if employees don't
think company managers and their policies are fair, all the staff feedback in the
world won't create a good employer-employee relationship.
In Person or in Writing?
Choosing the medium for a message depends on your office culture. E-mail is
increasingly acceptable, even for conveying important information. But there are
exceptions. As a general rule, anything that requires development of an
interpersonal relationship with an employee requires face-to-face communication.
That includes first-time instruction, coaching, counseling, significant delegation,
conflict resolution, and, especially, delivering bad news.
Urgent matters, too, are best handled in person. Written messages are often read
with divided attention or even ignored for a while; to ensure full and immediate
focus on a matter, deliver the message orally.
Finally, recognize that words on a page or screen lack the context, tone, and
nonverbal cues that help people understand your meaning in person. When in
doubt, talk face to face.
Governments are contained within the federal, state and local arenas. Governments
typically work with prenegotiated contracts and they've usually vetted out
contractors they've used before or for whom there are standing contracts that might
be grandfathered in. Types of B2G techniques called integrated marketing
communications encompass Web-based communications as well as strategic public
relations and electronic marketing.
Government bids are solicitations that originate from businesses that have
something a government needs. The solicitations may be in the form of reverse
auctions where sellers are competing to obtain business. The American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has spurned the use of B2G.
Social platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can be part of this vertical
market, although businesses largely neglect this form of B2G selling. Businesses can
provide documents such as a "Statement of Capabilities" which outlines the
abilities, products and services of a company that wishes to contract with
government agencies. This document will frequently accompany a "Proposal of
Service" that can be supplied when submitting contract bids