Laws and Regulations Affecting Nursing
Laws and Regulations Affecting Nursing
Laws and Regulations Affecting Nursing
Republic Acts:
RA 1136 - TB law, reorganizing division of TB control in the DOH
RA 3573 - Reporting of Communicable Diseases
RA 3753 - Civil Registry Law
-RA 4073 - Treatment of Leprosy in a government skin clinic, rural health unit or
by duly licensed physician
RA 4226 - Hospital Licensure Act
RA 5181 - Permanent residence & reciprocity qualifications for
RA 5901 - Working hours & compensation of hospital & clinic personnel
RA 6136 - Expressly authorizes the giving of IV & other injections by the nurse
under the direction & supervision of a physician
RA 6675 - Generics Act of 1988
RA 6725 - Strengthening Prohibition on Discrimination against Women
RA 7170 - Organ Donation
RA 7305 - Magna Carta of Public Health Workers
RA 7392 - Midwifery Law
RA 7600 - Rooming –in and Breastfeeding Act of 1992
RA 7610 - Child Abuse & Exploitation
RA 7624 - Drug Education
RA 7877 - Sexual Harassment Law
RA 8172 - Asin Law of the Philippines
RA 8187 - Paternity Leave
RA 8353 - Anti-Rape Law
RA8423 - Traditional & Alternative Medicine Act of 1997
RA 8749 - Clean Air Act
RA 8980 - Early Childhood Care & Development Act of the Philippines
RA 8981 - Comprehensive Drug Act of 2002
RA 9165 - PRC Modernization Act of 2002
RA 9288 - Newborn Screening Act
Presidential Decrees:
• PD 48 - Four (4) children with paid maternity leave privileges
• PD 69 - Four (4) children for tax exemption
• PD 223 - Creation of PRC
• PD 442 - New Labor Code
• PD 603 - Child and Youth Welfare Code
• PD 651 - Birth Registration
• PD 825 - Garbage Disposal
• PD 856 - Sanitation Code
PD 965 - Family Planning & Responsible Parenthood Instructions prior to issuance
of marriage license
• PD 996 - Compulsory Immunization for children below eight (8) years old
Executive Orders:
EO 51 - Milk Code
EO 80 - Collective Bargaining Rights of government workers
EO 296- Accredited professional organization of nurses must create a nomination
committee composed of its past presidents who will screen nominees or
applicants to the BON
EO 857 - Compulsory Dollar Remittance
PRC and Board Resolutions:
# 187 s. 1991 - Issuance and Renewal of Professional License
# 217 s. 1992 - Delisting of delinquent professionals
# 633 s. 1984 - ICN Code of Ethics
# 1955 s. 1989 - PNA Code of Ethics
# 8 s. 1994 - Special Training on IV Therapy
Extra ordinary remedy Afforded by law other than the ordinary remedy