ADS 303mab Standard Provision NonUS Organizations
ADS 303mab Standard Provision NonUS Organizations
ADS 303mab Standard Provision NonUS Organizations
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The recipient will be reimbursed for costs incurred in carrying out the purposes of
this award in accordance with the terms of this award and the applicable cost
principles in effect on the date of this award. The recipient may obtain a copy of
the applicable cost principles from the Agreement Officer (AO):
2 CFR 200, Subpart E, Cost Principles
48 CFR 31.2 Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and 48 CFR 731.2
USAID Acquisition Regulations (AIDAR) - Cost Principles for
Commercial Organizations
USAID will not pay any profit or fee to the recipient or subrecipients of a grant or
cooperative agreement. This restriction does not apply to procurements under
this award made in accordance with Standard Provision, Procurement Policies.
The recipient must retain documentation to support charges to this award for a
period of three years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report
in accordance with the Standard Provision, Accounting, Audit, and Records.
This provision must be incorporated into all subawards and contracts, which are
paid on a cost reimbursement basis.
The recipient must have an annual audit conducted in accordance with the
"Guidelines for Financial Audits Contracted by Foreign Recipients" issued
by the USAID Inspector General, for any recipient fiscal year in which the
recipient expends a combined total of $300,000 or more in all USAID
awards, either directly or through another USAID contractor or recipient,
excluding fixed price contracts and fixed obligation grants.
The recipient is not required to have an annual audit for any recipient
fiscal year in which the recipient expends a combined total of less than
$300,000 in all USAID awards, either directly or through a prime
contractor or recipient, excluding fixed price contracts and fixed obligation
grants. However, the recipient must make records pertaining to this award
for that fiscal year available for review by USAID officials or their
designees upon request.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
This provision must be incorporated in its entirety into all subawards and
contracts with non-U.S. organizations that are for more than $10,000.
Subawards of grants and cooperative agreements made to U.S.
organizations must state that the U.S. organization is subject to the audit
requirements contained in 2 CFR 200, subpart F.
In addition to other approvals required in this award, the recipient must receive
prior written approval from the AO to:
Change the scope or the objectives of the program, and/or revise the total
award amount or the period of the award (amendment required);
Transfer funds from the indirect cost line item to absorb increases in direct
costs, or vice versa;
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Procurement Policies and Procedures. The recipient must maintain and conduct
all of its procurements according to written policies and procedures for the award
and administration of contracts, and ensure that the price is fair and reasonable
for all procurements. The recipient may designate a reasonable micro-purchase
threshold (e.g., $2,500) under which more simplified acquisition procedures may
apply. The recipients procurement procedures must provide, at a minimum:
Procurements above the recipients micro-purchase threshold must be
conducted in a manner to provide fair and unbiased competition, including
the following:
(2) Where appropriate, the recipient must determine the most economical and
practical means by which to accomplish program objectives, including the
necessity of the commodities or services, lease or purchase options, and
reasonableness of costs.
(3) The recipient must maintain a system for contract administration to ensure
that goods and services are provided in accordance with the terms,
conditions, and specifications of the contract, including full and timely delivery
and performance.
(4) Conflicts of Interest. The recipient must avoid conflicts of interest, including
bias and unfair competitive advantage. The recipients standards of conduct
must provide for disciplinary actions for violations of such standards by
officers, employees, or agents of the recipient.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
(i) Bias. The recipient must ensure that competitions are not biased in favor
of one offeror over another. For instance, the recipient, an employee,
officer or agent of the recipient, or any member of an employees
immediate family must not receive an award, or have a financial or other
interest in the individual or firm selected for an award. The officers,
employees, and agents of the recipient must neither solicit nor accept
gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or
parties to subawards. In addition, a contractor that develops or drafts
specifications, requirements, statements of work, invitations for bids,
and/or requests for proposals must be excluded from competing for such
(ii) Unfair Competitive Advantage. The recipient must ensure that no potential
contractor has unequal access to information that may provide that
contractor an unfair competitive advantage. For instance, a potential
contractor who has received procurement sensitive information, such as
others offered prices that are not available to all competitors must be
excluded from the competition.
(5) The recipient must retain all procurement records related to this award in
accordance with the Standard Provision, Accounting, Audit and Records,
and make such records available to USAID upon request. In addition, for
awards above the recipients micro-purchase threshold, the recipient must
also retain the following written documentation:
(i) Basis for contractor selection;
(ii) Justification for lack of competition when competitive bids or offers are not
obtained; and
(iii) Basis for award cost or price.
(6) The type of procurement instruments used (for example, fixed price
contracts, cost reimbursable contracts, purchase orders, incentive contracts)
must be appropriate for the particular procurement and for promoting the best
interest of the program or project. The recipient must not use a "cost-plus-apercentage-of-cost," "percentage of construction cost," or any other method
that provides for a fee payable as a percentage of costs incurred, because
such arrangements encourage the contractor to increase costs to increase its
For contracts under this award, the recipient must include all provisions required
by this award to be included in contracts, any other provisions necessary to
define a sound and complete contract, and the following provisions:
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Military equipment,
Surveillance equipment,
Commodities and services for support of police or other law
enforcement activities,
Abortion equipment and services,
Luxury goods and gambling equipment, or
Weather modification equipment.
Ineligible Suppliers. Any firms or individuals that do not comply with the
requirements in Standard Provision Debarment and Suspension and Standard
Provision Preventing Terrorist Financing must not be used to provide any
commodities or services funded under this award.
Restricted Commodities. The recipient must obtain prior written approval
of the Agreement Officer (AO) or comply with required procedures under an
applicable waiver, as provided by the AO when procuring any of the following
Agricultural commodities,
Motor vehicles,
Used equipment,
U.S. Government-owned excess property, or
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
This provision must be included in all subawards and contracts, which include
procurement of commodities or services.
Title to all Property financed under this award vests in the recipient upon
acquisition unless otherwise specified in this award.
Property means equipment, supplies, real property, and intangible property, each
defined individually below, financed under this award or furnished by USAID:
(1) Equipment means tangible nonexpendable personal property (including
information technology systems) having a useful life of more than one year,
and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. However, consistent with
the recipients policy, lower limits may be established.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The recipient agrees to use and maintain all Property for the purpose of this
award in accordance with the following procedures:
The recipient must use the Property for the program for which it was
acquired during the period of this award, and must not provide any third
party a legal or financial interest in the property (e.g., through a mortgage,
lien, or lease) without approval of USAID.
When the Property is no longer needed for the program for which it was
acquired during the period of this award, the recipient must use the
Property in connection with its other activities, in the following order of
The recipient must maintain the Property in good condition, have management
procedures to protect the Property, and maintain an accurate inventory of all
Property. Maintenance procedures must include the following:
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Upon completion of this award, the recipient must submit to the AO a property
disposition report of the following types of Property, along with a proposed
disposition of such Property.
All equipment that has a per unit current fair market value at the end of
this award of $5,000 or more.
The recipient must dispose of Property at the end of this award in accordance
with the recipients property disposition report, unless the AO directs the recipient
in writing within 60 days of the AOs receipt of the recipients property disposition
report to dispose of the Property in a different manner. Disposition may include
the following:
The recipient may retain title, but must compensate USAID for the USAID
share, based on the current fair market value of the Property.
The AO may direct, at any time during this award, that title to the Property vests
in the USG or a third party, such as the cooperating country. In such cases, the
recipient must maintain custody and control of the Property, until directed
otherwise, and must allow reasonable access to the Property to the title holder.
While in its custody and control, the recipient must follow the provisions above for
protection and maintenance of the Property, and provide the AO with an annual
inventory of such Property and follow any additional instructions on protection
and maintenance as may be provided by the AO.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Rights in Data
1) Data means recorded information, regardless of the form or the media on
which it may be recorded, including technical data and computer software,
and includes Intellectual Work, defined in a. above.
2) Unless otherwise provided in this provision, the recipient may retain the
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The USAID Identity is the official marking for USAID, comprised of the
USAID logo and brandmark with the tagline from the American people,
unless amended by USAID to include additional or substitute use of a logo
or seal and tagline representing a presidential initiative or other high level
interagency initiative. The standard USAID logo must be used unless the
award requires use of an additional or substitute logo. The USAID
Identity (including any required presidential initiative or related identity) is
available on the USAID Web site at must use
the USAID Identity, of a size and prominence equivalent to or greater than
any other identity or logo displayed, to mark the following:
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The recipient is encouraged to give public notice of the receipt of this award and
announce progress and accomplishments. The recipient must provide copies of
notices or announcements to the Agreement Officers Representative (AOR) and
to USAID's Office of Legislative and Public Affairs in advance of release, as
practicable. Press releases or other public notices must include a statement
substantially as follows:
"The U.S. Agency for International Development administers the U.S.
foreign assistance program providing economic and humanitarian
assistance in more than 80 countries worldwide."
Any public communication in which the content has not been approved
by USAID must contain the following disclaimer:
This study/report/audio/visual/other information/media product
(specify) is made possible by the generous support of the American
people through the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of
[insert recipient name] and do not necessarily reflect the views of
USAID or the United States Government.
The recipient must provide the USAID AOR, with two copies of all program
and communications materials produced under this award.
The recipient or Agreement Officer (AO) may terminate this award at any time, in
whole or in part, upon written notice to the other party in accordance with the
Standard Provision, Notices. The termination notice must contain the reason(s)
for the termination; the effective date; and, in the case of a partial termination, the
portion to be terminated. If the termination is based on non-compliance, note
that this termination decision may be considered in selection for future awards.
USAID may suspend this award, in whole or in part, at any time, following notice
to the recipient, and prohibit the recipient from incurring additional obligations
chargeable to this award other than those costs specified in the notice of
suspension during the period of suspension.
Within 30 calendar days after the effective date of such termination, the recipient
must repay to the U.S. Government all unexpended USAID funds as of the
effective date of termination, which are not otherwise obligated by a noncancelable legally binding transaction applicable to this award.
Should the funds paid by USAID to the recipient prior to the effective date of the
termination of this award be insufficient to cover legally binding obligations to
third parties by the recipient, the recipient may submit to USAID within 90
calendar days after the effective date of a termination a written claim covering
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The recipient must, to the greatest extent possible, include a provision in all
subawards, including subawards and contracts, affording the recipient the right to
terminate the subaward in the event USAID terminates this award, including the
refund requirement in paragraph c.
The recipient must have written policies and procedures in place to prevent
personal conflicts of interest and to prevent its officers, employees, or agents
from using their positions for personal gain or presenting the appearance of a
personal conflict of interest. A personal conflict of interest is a situation in which
an officer, employee, or agent of the recipient has a financial interest, personal
activity, or relationship that could impair the employees ability to act impartially
when performing under the award. The recipients written policy must state
that an employee, officer, or agent of the recipient, or any member of an
employees immediate family cannot receive a subaward, or have a financial or
other interest in the entity selected for a subaward without disclosing the conflict
and following the recipients written policies and procedures for mitigating the
conflict. In addition, the written policy must state that the officers, employees,
and agents of the recipient must neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, or
anything of monetary value from subrecipients or prospective subrecipients
The recipient, its employees, and consultants are prohibited from using U.S.
Government information technology systems (such as Phoenix, GLAAS, etc.),
must be escorted to use U.S. Government facilities (such as office space or
equipment), and may not rely on assistance from any U.S. Government clerical
or technical personnel in the performance of this award, except as otherwise
provided in this award.
The recipient, its employees, and consultants are private individuals, are not
employees of the U.S. Government, and must not represent themselves as such.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
In the event the conduct of any recipient employee is not in accordance with this
provision or this award, the recipient must coordinate with the USAID Mission to
resolve the situation with regard to such employee including, if necessary,
termination of the employee. In the case of termination of a non-host country
national, the recipient must use its best efforts to cause the return of such
employee to the United States, or point of origin, as appropriate.
The parties recognize the rights of the U.S. Chief of Mission to direct the removal
from a country of any U.S. citizen, or direct the discharge from this award of any
individual when, at the discretion of the U.S. Chief of Mission, it is in the best
interest of the United States.
This provision in its entirety, including this paragraph g. must be included in all
The recipient must notify the Agreement Officer immediately upon learning that it
or any of its principals, at any time prior to or during the duration of this award:
(1) Are presently excluded or disqualified from doing business with any U.S.
Government entity;
(2) Have been convicted or found liable within the preceding three years for
committing any offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business
honesty such as fraud, embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery or lying;
(3) Are presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by any
governmental entity for any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph c.(2); or
(4) Have had one or more U.S.-funded agreements terminated for cause or
default within the preceding three years.
Principal means
(1) An officer, director, owner, partner, principal investigator, or other person
within a participant with management or supervisory responsibilities related to a
covered transaction; or
(2) A consultant or other person, whether or not employed by the participant or
paid with Federal funds, who
(i) Is in a position to handle Federal funds;
(ii) Is in a position to influence or control the use of those funds; or,
(iii) Occupies a technical or professional position capable of substantially
influencing the development or outcome of an activity required to
perform the covered transaction.
The recipient must include this provision in its entirety except for paragraphs
c.(2)-(4) in any subawards or contracts entered into under this award.
Any dispute under this award will be decided by the Agreement Officer (AO).
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Decisions of the AO are final unless the recipient appeals the decision to
USAIDs Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Management. Any appeal
made under this provision must be in writing, postmarked within 30 calendar
days of receipt of the AOs decision; include all relevant and material evidence;
and be addressed to the Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for
Management, U.S. Agency for International Development, Management Bureau,
1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, D.C. 20523. A copy of the appeal
must be concurrently furnished to the AO. No hearing will be provided.
A decision under this provision by the Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for
Management is final.
Notwithstanding any other term of this award, subawardees and contractors have
no right to submit claims directly to USAID and USAID assumes no liability for
any third party claims against the recipient.
This provision must be included in all subawards and contracts issued under this
(2) Procurement of a commercial sex act during the period of this award;
(3) Use of forced labor in the performance of this award;
(4) Acts that directly support or advance trafficking in persons, including the
following acts:
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Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Funds made available under this award must not be used to pay for the
performance of involuntary sterilization as a method of family planning or
to coerce or provide any financial incentive to any individual to practice
No funds made available under this award will be used to finance, support,
or be attributed to the following activities: (i) procurement or distribution of
equipment intended to be used for the purpose of inducing abortions as a
method of family planning; (ii) special fees or incentives to any person to
coerce or motivate them to have abortions; (iii) payments to persons to
perform abortions or to solicit persons to undergo abortions; (iv)
information, education, training, or communication programs that seek to
promote abortion as a method of family planning; and (v) lobbying for or
against abortion. The term motivate, as it relates to family planning
assistance, must not be construed to prohibit the provision, consistent with
local law, of information or counseling about all pregnancy options.
No funds made available under this award will be used to pay for any
biomedical research which relates, in whole or in part, to methods of, or
the performance of, abortions or involuntary sterilizations as a means of
family planning. Epidemiologic or descriptive research to assess the
incidence, extent, or consequences of abortions is not precluded.
(JUNE 2012)
Retains its independence and may continue to carry out its mission,
including the definition, practice, and expression of its religious
beliefs, provided that it does not use direct financial assistance from
USAID to support any inherently religious activities,
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
May use space in its facilities, without removing religious art, icons,
scriptures, or other religious symbols, and
Retains its authority over its internal governance, and it may retain
religious terms in its organization's name, select its board members
on a religious basis, and include religious references in its
organization's mission statements and other governing documents.
The Secretary of State may waive the requirements of this section in whole or in
part, on a case-by-case basis, where the Secretary determines that such waiver
is necessary to further the national security or foreign policy interests of the
United States.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Construction is not eligible for reimbursement under this award unless specifically
identified in paragraph d) below.
[Type of construction and location(s)]
The recipient must include this provision in all subawards and procurements and
make vendors providing services under this award and subrecipients aware of the
restrictions of this provision.
USAID Implementing Partner Notices (IPN) Portal for Assistance (IPN Portal) means
the single point where USAID posts proposed universal bilateral amendments for
USAID awards, which can be accessed electronically by registered USAID recipients.
The IPN Portal is located at
IPN Portal Administrator means the USAID official designated by the Director, M/OAA,
who has overall responsibility for managing the USAID Implementing Partner Notices
Portal for Assistance.
Universal bilateral amendment means those amendments with revisions or new
requirements or provisions that affect all awards or a designated class of awards, as
specified in the Agency notification of such revisions or new requirements.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
To qualify under the statute, the employee's disclosure must be made to:
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The recipient must ensure that any Dataset submitted to the DDL does not
contain any proprietary or personally identifiable information, such as
social security numbers, home addresses, and dates of birth. Such
information must be removed prior to submission.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The recipient must include this mandatory disclosure requirement in all subawards and
contracts under this award.
[End of Provision]
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Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The recipient is not required to maintain separate bank accounts for USAID
funds, unless otherwise required. However, when advances are authorized by
this award, the recipient must deposit such funds in a reputable bank and be able
to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds and interest earned on the
advances provided by the U.S. Government (USG).
The recipient receives less than $120,000 in USG awards per year;
In order to obtain the initial advance, the recipient must request an advance for
the initial thirty-day period of projected cash disbursement needs immediately
upon signing this award. Additional advance payment requests must be
submitted at least three weeks prior to the period for which funds are needed, in
order to maintain a consistent cash flow. The recipient may submit requests for
advances to the paying office specified in this award as often as may be
necessary to meet projected expenses. An advance may not exceed 30 days of
the organizations projected expenses. Subject to Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
or Mission Controller approval (as appropriate), requests may be submitted:
Three requests may be submitted covering 30-day sub-periods of a 90day period to be paid automatically every 30 days; or
Requests must state the estimated disbursements to be made during the period
covered by the request, the estimated balance of cash on hand from prior
advance requests, and the advance amount being requested.
The recipient must submit an SF-270, SF-425, or SF-1034 (with the words
"Liquidation of Advances" printed at the top of the form), quarterly, no later than
30 days after the end of the quarter, to the paying office specified in this award in
order to liquidate outstanding advances. Failure to provide these quarterly
reports may result in the suspension, disruption, or termination of additional
Within 90 days following the expiration of this award, the recipient must submit
the final financial report using the SF-270, SF-425, or SF-1034 showing total
disbursements, total advances received, and any cash remaining on hand, which
the recipient must refund to USAID.
When this award expires, the recipient must immediately return all unexpended
funds that USAID has advanced to the recipient, unless such advanced funds
have already been spent or committed in a legally binding transaction during the
period of this award, or are required for approved close-out costs. USAID
reserves the right, at any time, to 1) withhold or offset payments to or 2) require
refund by, the recipient of any amount that the recipient did not spend according
to the terms and conditions of this award or are otherwise determined by the
Agreement Officer to be unallowable. USAID retains the right to a refund of all
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The recipient must submit to the payment office noted in this award, a fully
completed and signed SF-1034, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services
Other Than Personal and SF 1034A, Continuation of SF 1034, bi-weekly or
monthly, but not less frequently than quarterly. The Standard Form-270 Request
for Advance and Standard From-425 Federal Financial Report can also be used.
Each voucher must be identified by this award number, must state the total costs
for which reimbursement is being requested. The recipient is encouraged to
submit reimbursement documentation in electronic form via e-mail attachment to
the e-mail address shown for the payment office. Reimbursement
documentation may also be submitted by facsimile or in paper form to the
payment office fax number or address provided in this award.
The Standard Forms can be obtained from the GSA forms Web site at: or may also be obtained from the USAID
payment office.
Notwithstanding any other term of this award, USAID reserves the right, at any
time, to 1) withhold or offset payments to or 2) require refund by, the recipient of
any amount that the recipient did not spend according to the terms and
conditions of this award or are otherwise determined by the Agreement Officer to
be unallowable. USAID retains the right to a refund of all amounts paid under
this award until all outstanding audit findings and settlement claims have been
resolved between USAID and the recipient.
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Provisional indirect cost rates must be established for the recipient's fiscal years
during the term of this award. Pending establishment of revised provisional or
final rates, allowable indirect costs will be reimbursed at the rates, on the bases,
and for the periods shown in the Schedule of this award.
The recipient must submit to the Agreement Officer (AO) the proposed final
indirect cost rates with supporting cost data, within the earlier of 30 days after
receipt of the audit report or nine months after the end of the audit period. The
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The results of each negotiation will be set forth in a Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate
Agreement (NICRA) signed by both parties, and is automatically incorporated
into this award. This award must specify (1) the agreed upon provisional and
final indirect cost rate(s), (2) the bases to which the rates apply, and (3) the fiscal
year for which the rates apply. The NICRA will not change any monetary ceiling,
award obligation, or specific cost allowance or disallowance provided for in this
Pending establishment of final indirect cost rates for any fiscal year, the recipient
will be reimbursed either at negotiated provisional rates or at billing rates
acceptable to the AO, subject to appropriate adjustment when the final rates for
the fiscal year are established. To prevent substantial overpayment or
underpayment, the provisional rate may be adjusted by the cognizant agency for
indirect costs during the institution's fiscal year.
The recipient will be paid a fixed amount to cover indirect costs, as provided
below. Indirect costs are common costs that benefit the day-to-day operations of
the organization, including categories such as salaries and expenses of
executive officers, personnel administration, and accounting, or that benefit and
are identifiable to more than one program or activity, such as depreciation, rental
costs, operations and maintenance of facilities, and telephone expenses. In
determining the fixed amount, these costs must be prorated equitably and
consistently across all programs and activities of the recipient using a base that
measures the benefits of that particular cost to each program or activity to which
the cost applies. The bases must be established in accordance with reasonable
criteria, and be supported by current data. Indirect costs must then be charged
to the programs they benefit.
The fixed amount for indirect costs and a schedule for payments must be
incorporated into the award budget. This award must specify the categories of
costs, as described in paragraph a., that are covered by the fixed amount, and
the recipient must not charge such costs separately as direct costs. Any
deviations must be approved, in advance, in writing, by the Agreement Officer
USAID will not pay the recipient in excess of the negotiated fixed amount for
indirect costs, as authorized in this award. Similarly, where the actual costs are
less than the agreed fixed amount for indirect costs included in the award budget,
the recipient will not be liable to return the difference to USAID. However, if the
total costs, including direct costs and the indirect costs described in a., that
USAID is supporting through this award change significantly (that is, by 20
percent or more in the aggregate), the AO reserves the right to adjust the fixed
amount for indirect costs to equitably charge the indirect costs that benefit this
May not make a subaward to an entity unless the entity has provided its
DUNS number to you.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
This term means a legal instrument to provide support for the
performance of any portion of the substantive project or program for
which you received this award and that you, as the recipient, award
to an eligible subrecipient.
The term does not include your procurement of property and
services needed to carry out the project or program (for further
explanation, see 2 CFR 200 subpart F Audit Requirements).
A subaward may be provided through any legal agreement,
including an agreement that you consider a contract.
Awards to individuals
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Awards to individuals
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For subaward information, report no later than the end of the month
following the month in which the obligation was made. (For
example, if the obligation was made on November 7, 2010, the
obligation must be reported by no later than December 31, 2010.)
What to report. You must report the information about each obligating
action that the submission instructions posted at specify.
Applicability and what to report. You must report total compensation for
each of your five most highly compensated executives for the preceding
completed fiscal year, if
Where and when to report. You must report executive total compensation
described in paragraph b.(1) of this award term:
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
By the end of the month following the month in which this award is
made, and annually thereafter.
Where and when to report. You must report subrecipient executive total
compensation described in paragraph c.(1) of this award term:
To the recipient.
By the end of the month following the month during which you
make the subaward. For example, if a subaward is obligated on
any date during the month of October of a given year (for example,
between October 1 and 31), you must report any required
compensation information of the subrecipient by November 30 of
that year.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
If in the previous tax year you had gross income, from all sources, under $300,000, you
are exempt from the requirements to report:
Subawards, and
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Total compensation means the cash and noncash dollar value earned by
the executive during the recipients or subrecipients preceding fiscal year
and includes the following (for more information see 17 CFR
Enter into a written subaward: All subawards must contain the following:
Unless otherwise approved by the USAID Agreement Officer, the recipient must
not provide funds to the governments of or entities controlled by the governments
of countries ineligible for assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961,
as amended, or under acts appropriating funds for foreign assistance.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
All travel costs must comply with the applicable cost principles and must be consistent
with those normally allowed in like circumstances in the recipient's non-USAID-funded
activities. Costs incurred by employees and officers for travel, including air fare, costs
of lodging, other subsistence, and incidental expenses, may be considered reasonable
and allowable only to the extent such costs do not exceed reasonable charges normally
allowed by the recipient in its regular operations as the result of the recipient
organization's written travel policy and are within the limits established by the applicable
cost principles.
In the absence of a reasonable written policy regarding international travel costs, the
standard for determining the reasonableness of reimbursement for international travel
costs will be the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas),
published by the U.S. Department of State, as from time to time amended. The most
current Standardized Regulations on international travel costs may be obtained from the
AO. In the event that the cost for air fare exceeds the customary standard commercial
airfare (coach or equivalent) or the lowest commercial discount airfare, the recipient
must document one of the allowable exceptions from the applicable cost principles.
The recipient must use U.S. Flag Air Carriers for all international air
transportation (including personal effects) funded by this award pursuant
to the Fly America Act and its implementing regulations to the extent
service by such carriers is available.
In the event that the recipient selects a carrier other than a U.S. Flag Air
Carrier for international air transportation, in order for the costs of such
international air transportation to be allowable, the recipient must
document such transportation in accordance with this provision and
maintain such documentation pursuant to the Standard Provision,
Accounting, Audit and Records. The documentation must use one of the
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The recipient uses a European Union (EU) flag air carrier, which is
an airline operating from an EU country that has signed the US-EU
Open Skies agreement
For a trip of 3 hours or less, the use of a US Flag Air Carrier at least
doubles the travel time;
If the US Flag Air Carrier offers direct service, use of the US Flag
Air Carrier would increase the travel time by more than 24 hours; or
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
"U.S. Flag Air Carrier" means an air carrier on the list issued by the U.S.
Department of Transportation at U.S. Flag Air
Carrier service also includes service provided under a code share
agreement with another air carrier when the ticket, or documentation for
an electronic ticket, identifies the U.S. flag air carrier's designator code
and flight number.
For this provision, the term United States includes the fifty states,
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, possessions of the United States, and the
District of Columbia.
This provision must be included in all subawards and contracts under which this award
will finance international air transportation.
Contractor/recipient name.
Agreement number(s).
The total amount of value-added taxes and customs duties (but not sales
taxes) assessed by the host government (or any entity thereof) on
purchases in excess of $500 per transaction of supplies, materials, goods
or equipment, during the 12 months ending on the preceding September
30, using funds provided under this contract/agreement.
Any reimbursements received by April 1 of the current year on valueadded taxes and customs duties reported in (iv).
Reports are required even if the recipient did not pay any taxes or receive
any reimbursements during the reporting period.
Submit the reports to: [insert address and point of contact at the Embassy,
Mission, or M/CFO/CMP as appropriate, may include an optional with a copy
Host government taxes are not allowable where the Agreement Officer provides
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Patent Rights
Allocation of Principal Patent Rights. The recipient may retain the entire
right, title, and interest throughout the world to each subject invention,
subject to this provision. With respect to any subject invention in which
the recipient retains title, the U.S. Government must have a nonexclusive,
nontransferable, irrevocable, paid-up license to practice or have practiced
for or on behalf of the U.S. Government the subject invention throughout
the world, and to sublicense others to do the same. The recipient agrees
to include, within the specification of any United States patent application
and any patent issuing thereon covering a subject invention, the following
statement: "This invention was made with U.S. Government support
under (identify the agreement awarded by USAID). The U.S. Government
has certain rights in this invention."
Definitions. For purposes of this provision, the following terms will have
the following meaning:
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Conditions When the U.S. Government May Obtain Title. The recipient
must convey title to any subject invention to USAID, upon written request,
subject to recipients retention of a nonexclusive, royalty-free license
throughout the world, in each subject invention:
Subawards and Contracts: Recipient must include this the Standard Provision,
suitably modified to identify the parties, in all subawards and contracts,
regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental, or research work to be
performed by a small business firm or nonprofit organization. The recipient must
retain all rights provided for the USG in this the Standard Provision, and the
recipient must not, as part of the consideration for awarding the contract or
subaward, obtain more rights in the contractor's or subrecipient's subject
inventions than provided in this provision.
(1) An Exchange Visitor is any host-country or third-country national traveling to
the U.S., for any purpose, including Participant Training and Invitational
Travel, funded by USAID in whole or in part, directly or indirectly.
(2) A Participant is a host-country or third-country national sponsored by USAID
for a Participant Training activity taking place in the U.S., a third country, or in
the host country.
(3) Participant Training is a learning activity conducted within the U.S., a third
country, or in the host country for the purpose of furthering USAID
development objectives. A learning activity takes place in a setting in which
an individual (the Participant) interacts with a knowledgeable professional,
predominantly for the purpose of acquiring knowledge or skills for the
professional or technical enhancement of the individual. Learning activities
may be formally structured, such as an academic program or a technical
course, or they may be more informal, such as an observational study tour.
(4) Invitational Travel is a type of travel that USAID funds for non-U.S.
Government employees. This type of travel may be approved for both U.S.
and foreign citizens who are not employed by the U.S. Government (USG),
not receiving any type of compensation from the USG for such travel, and
only when it is determined that the functions to be performed are essential to
the interests of USAID.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Immigration Requirements:
(1) For Exchange Visitors traveling to the United States, the recipient must
ensure that all USAID-sponsored Exchange Visitors obtain, use, and comply
with the terms of the J-1 visa, issued in conjunction with a USAID-issued
Certificate of Eligibility for J-1 Visa Status (DS-2019).
(2) For Participants traveling to a third country or within the host country, the
recipient must ensure that all Participants obtain, use, and comply with the
terms of all applicable immigration, visa and other similar requirements.
Exchange Visitor Security Risk and Fraud Inquiry: Each USAID Mission has
an established process for conducting a Security Risk and Fraud Inquiry (SRFI)
for Exchange Visitors. The recipient must be prepared to assist Missions in
conducting the SRFI, if requested. However, the recipients role is contributive,
and the Mission is ultimately responsible for conducting the SRFI.
Fly America: To the extent that participants travel by international air travel, the
recipient must comply with the Standard Provision, International Air Travel and
Air Transportation of Property.
The recipient must ensure that its employees and subrecipients and contractors
providing investment promotion services hereunder are made aware of the
restrictions set forth in this clause and must include this clause in all contracts
and other subawards entered into hereunder.
During the period of this award, the recipient agrees to spend an amount of funds
from non-U.S. Government sources specified as Cost Share, as provided in the
award budget. Any Cost Share restrictions contained in this award take
precedence over the terms of this provision.
The recipients Cost Share under this award may include project costs incurred
by the recipient from its own funds, or project costs financed with cash, services,
or property contributed or donated to the recipient from other non-U.S.
Government sources, including subrecipients. Not all Cost Share requires cash
outlays by the recipient; examples are depreciation and use charges for buildings
and equipment.
The recipient's Cost Share contributions, both cash and in-kind, must meet all of
the following criteria:
The recipient must provide supporting records for in- kind contributions from third
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
If the recipient expends less than the agreed upon Cost Share as specified in this
award, the AO may apply the difference to reduce the amount of USAID funding
for the following funding period, require the recipient to refund the difference to
USAID when this award expires or is terminated, or reduce the amount of cost
share required under the award.
In the event of any disallowance of expenditures from USAID award funds, the
recipient may substitute expenditures made with funds provided from non-U.S.
Government sources, provided they are eligible in accordance with all the
Standard Provisions of this award.
Program income includes but is not limited to income from fees for services
performed, the use or rental or real or personal property acquired under Federal
awards, the sale of commodities or items fabricated under a Federal award,
license fees and royalties on patents and copyrights, and principal and interest
on loans made with Federal award funds. Interest earned on advances of
Federal funds is not program income. Except as otherwise provided in Federal
statutes, regulations, or the terms and conditions of the Federal award, program
income does not include rebates, credits, discounts, and interest earned on any
of them.
2. The recipient must apply the standards set forth in this provision to account for gross
income earned from federally-supported activities (Program Income) under this
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Further information found in the Mandatory Reference for ADS 303, Guidance on
Funding Foreign Government Delegations to International Conferences,
(JUNE 2012)
U.S. Government funds under this award must not be used to finance the travel,
per diem, hotel expenses, meals, conference fees or other conference costs for
any member of a foreign governments delegation to an international conference
sponsored by a multilateral organization, as defined below, unless approved by
the Agreement Officer in writing.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
One of the objectives of the USAID Disability Policy is to engage other U.S.
Government agencies, host country counterparts, governments, implementing
organizations, and other donors in fostering a climate of nondiscrimination
against people with disabilities. As part of this policy USAID has established
standards for any new or renovation construction project funded by USAID to
allow access by people with disabilities (PWDs).
USAID requires the recipient to comply with standards of accessibility for people
with disabilities in all structures, buildings or facilities resulting from new or
renovation construction or alterations of an existing structure.
The recipient will comply with the host country or regional standards for
accessibility in construction when such standards result in at least substantially
equivalent accessibility and usability as the standard provided in the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)
Accessibility Guidelines of July 2004. Where there are no host country or
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
New Construction. All new construction will comply with the above standards for
Exceptions. The following construction related activities are excepted from the
requirements of paragraphs a. through d. above:
The recipient is responsible for safeguarding the rights and welfare of human
subjects involved in research under this award, and must comply with the
Common Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects as found in Part
225 of Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations (22 CFR 225).
The recipient must assure USAID of its compliance with the requirements set
forth in 22 CFR 225 by doing one of the following:
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
USAID staff and consultants may independently review and inspect research and
research processes and procedures involving human subjects, and based on
such findings, USAID may prohibit research which presents unacceptable
hazards or otherwise fails to comply with USAID procedures. Informed consent
documents must include the following statement:
Subjects research records may be independently reviewed by
USAID staff and consultants to ensure compliance with USAID
requirements for protection of human research subjects.
The recipient agrees to take any steps necessary to ensure that funds
made available under this award will not be used to coerce any individual
to practice methods of family planning inconsistent with such individual's
moral, philosophical, or religious beliefs. Further, the recipient agrees to
conduct its activities in a manner which safeguards the rights, health, and
welfare of all individuals who take part in the program.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Service providers and referral agents in the project must not implement or
be subject to quotas or other numerical targets of total number of births,
number of family planning acceptors, or acceptors of a particular method
of family planning. Quantitative estimates or indicators of the number of
births, acceptors, and acceptors of a particular method that are used for
the purpose of budgeting, planning, or reporting with respect to the project
are not quotas or targets under this paragraph, unless service providers or
referral agents in the project are required to achieve the estimates or
The project must not include the payment of incentives, bribes, gratuities
or financial rewards to (i) any individual in exchange for becoming a family
planning acceptor, or (ii) any personnel performing functions under the
project for achieving a numerical quota or target of total number of births,
number of family planning acceptors, or acceptors of a particular method
of contraception. This restriction applies to salaries or payments paid or
made to personnel performing functions under the project if the amount of
the salary or payment increases or decreases based on a predetermined
number of births, number of family planning acceptors, or number of
acceptors of a particular method of contraception that the personnel affect
or achieve.
A person must not be denied any right or benefit, including the right of
access to participate in any program of general welfare or health care,
based on the persons decision not to accept family planning services
offered by the project.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Funds made available under this award must not be used to pay
for the performance of involuntary sterilization as a method of family
planning or to coerce or provide any financial incentive to any individual to
practice sterilization.
Further, the recipient must document the patient's informed consent by (i)
a written consent document in a language the patient understands and
speaks, which explains the basic elements of informed consent, as set out
above, and which is signed by the individual and by the attending
physician or by the authorized assistant of the attending physician; or (ii)
when a patient is unable to read adequately a written certification by the
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
No funds made available under this award will be used to finance, support,
or be attributed to the following activities: (i) procurement or distribution of
equipment intended to be used for the purpose of inducing abortions as a
method of family planning; (ii) special fees or incentives to any person to
coerce or motivate them to have abortions; (iii) payments to persons to
perform abortions or to solicit persons to undergo abortions; (iv)
information, education, training, or communication programs that seek to
promote abortion as a method of family planning; and (v) lobbying for or
against abortion. The term motivate, as it relates to family planning
assistance, must not be construed to prohibit the provision, consistent with
local law, of information or counseling about all pregnancy options.
No funds made available under this award will be used to pay for any
biomedical research which relates, in whole or in part, to methods of, or
the performance of, abortions or involuntary sterilizations as a means of
family planning. Epidemiologic or descriptive research to assess the
incidence, extent or consequences of abortions is not precluded.
The U.S. Government is opposed to prostitution and related activities, which are
inherently harmful and dehumanizing, and contribute to the phenomenon of
trafficking in persons. None of the funds made available under this agreement
may be used to promote or advocate the legalization or practice of prostitution or
sex trafficking. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be construed to preclude
the provision to individuals of palliative care, treatment, or post-exposure
pharmaceutical prophylaxis, and necessary pharmaceuticals and commodities,
including test kits, condoms, and, when proven effective, microbicides.
(b)(1) Except as provided in (b)(2), by accepting this award or any subaward, a nongovernmental organization or public international organization
awardee/subawardee agrees that it is opposed to the practices of prostitution
and sex trafficking.
(b)(2) The following organizations are exempt from (b)(1):
(i) the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; the World
Health Organization; the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative; and any
United Nations agency.
(ii) U.S. non-governmental organization recipients/subrecipients and
(iii) Non-U.S. contractors and subcontractors if the contract or subcontract
is for commercial items and services as defined in FAR 2.101, such as
pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, logistics support, data
management, and freight forwarding.
(b)(3) Notwithstanding section (b)(2)(iii), not exempt from (b)(1) are non-U.S. recipients,
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
The recipient must insert this provision, which is a standard provision, in all
subawards, procurement contracts or subcontracts for HIV/AIDS activities.
This provision includes express terms and conditions of the award and any
violation of it shall be grounds for unilateral termination of the award by USAID
prior to the end of its term.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the material is new or substantively revised.