Agro 509
Agro 509
Agro 509
Department of Agronomy
Course Title: Irrigation Water Management
Course Code: AGRO 509
Submitted By:
Submitted To:
Ashik Mahmud
Registration no: 11-04240
MS in Agronomy, Semester: I
Session: January-June/2015
Increase in agricultural production and productivity depends, to a large extent, on the
availability of water.Hence, the importance of irrigation is, however, the availability
of irrigation facilities which is highly inadequate.For example, in 1950- 51, gross
irrigated area as percentage of gross cropped area was only 17%. Even now 60% of
gross cropped area depends on rain. That is why Indian agriculture is called a gamble
in the monsoon.Insufficient, uncertain and irregular rain causes uncertainty in
agriculture. The period of rain is restricted to only four months in a year, June to
September, when monsoon arrives. The remaining eight months are dry. There is
some rainfall during the months of December and January in some parts of the
country.Even during monsoon, the rainfall is scanty and undependable in many parts
of the country. Sometimes the monsoon delayed considerably while sometimes they
cease prematurely. This pushes large areas of the country into drought conditions.
With the help of irrigation, droughts and famines can be effectively controlled.
Productivity on irrigated land is considerably more than the productivity on unirrigated land.Since India has a tropical and sub-tropical climate, it has potentialities to
grow crops on a year-round basis. However, since 80% of the annual rainfall is
received in less than four months, multiple cropping is generally not possible.
Provision of irrigation facilities can make possible the growing of two or three crops
in a year in most areas of the country. This will considerably enhance agricultural
production and productivity.The successful implementation of the High Yielding
Programme enhances agricultural production to a great entent.Total reporting area for
land utilization statistics was 306.05 million hectares in 1999-2000. Of this 19.44
million hectares was current fallow land. Current fallows include lands which are
lying fallow for less than one year other than current fallows includes land lying unploughed for one to five years.Cultivable waste land comprises another 13.83 million
hectares. Cultivation On all such lands is impossible in some cases while in others it
requires substantial capital investment to make land fit for cultivation. Provision of
irrigation facilities can make some portion of this land cultivable.Irrigation helps in
stabilising the output and yield levels. It also plays a protective role during drought
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years. Since both income and employment are positively and closely related to output,
prevention of fall in output during drought is an important instrument for achieving
stability of income and employment in the countryside. Irrigation has enabled many
states to acquire partial immunity from drought. Irrigation confers indirect benefits
through increased agricultural production. Employment potential of irrigated lands,
increased production, helps in developing allied activities, means of water transport
etc. are improved income of government from agriculture. Availability of regular
water supply will increase the income of farmers imparting a sense of security and
stability in agriculture.
The principal sources of irrigation in India can be divided into the following:
(i) canals
(ii), wells
(iii) tanks and
(iv) others.
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intake can be derived from these specific values in a grossly approximate way,
depending on the size and composition of the meals (see Box 1).
Water requirement equivalent of main food products
This table gives examples of water required per unit of major food products, including
livestock, which consume the most water per unit. Cereals, oil crops, and pulses, roots
and tubers consume far less water.
Food production: the dominant role of rain fed agriculture
Non-irrigated (rainfed) agriculture depends entirely on rainfall stored in the soil
profile. This form of agriculture is possible only in regions where rainfall distribution
ensures continuing availability of soil moisture during the critical growing periods for
the crops. Non-irrigated agriculture accounts for some 60 percent of production in the
developing countries. In rainfed agriculture, land management can have a significant
impact on crop yields: proper land preparation leading surface runoff to infiltrate close
to the roots improves the conservation of moisture in the soil. Various forms of
rainwater harvesting can help to retain water in situ. Rainwater harvesting not only
provides more water for the crop but can also add to groundwater recharge and help to
reduce soil erosion. Other methods are based on collecting water from the local
catchment and either relying on storage within the soil profile or else local storage
behind bunds or ponds and other structures for use during dry periods. Recently,
conservation agriculture practices such as conservation tillage have proven to be
effective in improving soil moisture conservation.The potential to improve nonirrigated yields is restricted where rainfall is subject to large seasonal and interannual
variations. With a high risk of yield reductions or complete loss of crop from dry
spells and droughts, farmers are reluctant to invest in inputs such as plant nutrients,
high-yielding seeds and pest management. For resource-poor farmers in semi-arid
regions, the overriding requirement is to harvest sufficient food stuff to ensure
nutrition of the household through to the next harvest. This objective may be reached
with robust, drought-resistant varieties associated with low yields. Genetic
engineering has not yet delivered high-yield drought-resistant varieties, a difficult task
to achieve because, for most crop plants, drought resistance is associated with low
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The developed countries account for a quarter of the worlds irrigated area (67 million
ha). Their annual growth of irrigated area reached a peak of 3 percent in the 1970s and
dropped to only 0.2 percent in the 1990s. The population of this group of countries is
growing only slowly and therefore a very slow growth in their demand and production
of agricultural commodities is foreseen. The focus of irrigation development is
consequently expected to be concentrated on the group of developing countries where
demographic growth is strong. Increasing competition from the higher valued
industrial and domestic sector results in a decrease in the amount of overall water
allocated to irrigation. Figure 4 illustrates the case for the Zhanghe irrigation system in
Map 1 shows irrigated land as percentage of arable land in developing countries. A
high proportion of irrigated land is usually found in countries and regions with an arid
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Improving irrigation efficiency is a slow and difficult process that depends in large
part on the local water scarcity situation. It may be expensive and requires
willingness, know-how and action at various levels. Table 4 shows current and
expected water use efficiency for developing countries in 1998 and 2030, as estimated
by FAO. The investment and management decisions leading to higher irrigation
efficiency are taken and involve irrigation system management and the systemdependent farmers. National water policy may encourage water savings in waterscarce areas by providing incentives and effectively enforcing penalties. When
upstream managers cannot ensure conveyance efficiency, there may be no incentives
for water users to make efficiency gains. With groundwater, this caveat may not apply
since the incentive is generally internalized by the users, and in many cases
groundwater users show much greater efficiency than those depending on surface
resources. Box 2 provides an overview of different aspects of potential improvements
in agricultural water use efficiency.
Future water withdrawals for irrigation
Irrigation water withdrawal in developing countries is expected to grow by about 14
percent from the current 2 130 km3 per year to 2 420 km3 in 2030. This finding is
consistent with the one given in Box 1 earlier but it is based specifically on individual
assessments for each developing country. Harvested irrigated area (the cumulated area
of all crops during a year) is expected to increase by 33 percent from 257 million ha in
1998 to 341 million ha in 2030. The disproportionate increase in harvested area is
explained by expected improvements in irrigation efficiency, which will result in a
reduction in gross irrigation water abstraction per ha of crop. A small part of the
reduction is due to changes in cropping patterns in China, where consumer preference
is causing a shift from rice to wheat production.
Figure Irrigation and water resources: current (1999) and predicted (2030)
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Water is one of the most important inputs essential for the production of crops. Plants
need it continuously during their life and in huge quantities. It profoundly influences
photosynthesis, respiration, absorption, translocation and utilization of mineral
nutrients, and cell division besides some other processes. Both its shortage and excess
affect the growth and development of a plant directly and, consequently, its yield and
quality. Rainfall plants. In India, however, rainfall is notoriously capricious, causing
floods and droughts alternately. Its frequency distribution and amount are not in
accordance with the needs of the crops. Artificial water supply through irrigation on
one occasion, and the removal of excess water through drainage on another occasion,
therefore, become imperative, if the crops are to be raised successfully. Water
management in India, thus, comprises irrigation or drainage or both, depending
considerably on the environmental conditions, soil, crops and climate. It is a situation
oriented entity.Water affects the performance of crops not only direclty but also
indirectly by influencing the availability of other nutrients, the timing of cultural
operations, etc. Water and other production inputs interact with one another. In proper
combinations, the crop yields can be boosted manifold under irrigated
agriculture.Water is a costly input when canals supply it. The constructing of dams
and reservoirs, the conveying of water from storage points to the fields, the operating
and the maintaining of canal systems involve huge expense. The misuse of water leads
to the problems of water logging, salt imbalance, etc. thus rendering agricultural lands
unproductive. Hence a proper appreciation of the relationship and economic
utilization of water resources for maximum crop production.
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