ENGL 1301.ay1 MW 2016 Syllabus
ENGL 1301.ay1 MW 2016 Syllabus
ENGL 1301.ay1 MW 2016 Syllabus
Course Number: ENGL 1301
Course Title: Composition I
Course Description: Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting,
revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices, including
audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning,
communicating, and critical analysis. Lab required.
Course Credit Hours: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hour:
Prerequisite: Meet TSI college-readiness standard for Reading and Writing; or equivalent
Student Learning Outcomes:
State-mandated outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.
2. Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution.
3. Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose.
4. Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts.
5. Use Edited American English in academic essays.
Additional Collin Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to do the
1. Demonstrate personal responsibility through the ethical use of intellectual property.
Withdrawal Policy: See the current Collin Registration Guide for the last day to withdraw.
Collin College Academic Policies: See the current Collin Student Handbook
The College District may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty.
Scholastic dishonesty may involve, but is not limited to, one or more of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism,
collusion, use of annotated texts or teachers editions, use of information about exams posted on the Internet or electronic
medium, and/or falsifying academic records.
Collin faculty are required to report alleged violations of scholastic dishonesty to the Dean of Student Development,
who then investigates the case, and renders an administrative decision.
Faculty are not allowed to assign a grade to the work in question until the Dean of Student Development renders a
Students found responsible for scholastic dishonesty offenses will receive an authorized disciplinary penalty from
the office of the Dean of Student Development.
Additionally, students found responsible for scholastic dishonesty will be assigned a penalty in this class that
ranges from a grade of F on the assignment to a grade of F for the course
Americans with Disabilities Act:
Collin College will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines
with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal opportunity. It is
the students responsibility to contact the ACCESS office, SCC-G200 or 972.881.5898 (V/TTD:
972.881.5950) to arrange for appropriate accommodations. See the current Collin Student
Handbook for additional information.
Religious Holy Days: Please refer to the current Collin Student Handbook.
Instructors Name: Sean Ferrier-Watson, Ph.D.
Office Number: D-120
Office Hours: MW 2-4:00PM
TR 10:30-11:30AM
or by appointment
Phone Number: 972-516-5053
Email: sferrier-watson@collin.edu
Website: WebCT/Canvas and www.seanferrierwatson.wordpress.com
Class Information
Section Number: 1301.AY1
Meeting Times: MW 8:15-9:05AM
Meeting Location: Allen Center
Minimum Technology Requirement: Computer with internet access and ability to send emails and login to our
class website; it must also house appropriate writing software (i.e. compatible with Canvas and Microsoft Office
Minimum Student Tech Skills: Students are expected to be familiar with typing papers on a keyboard, surfing
the internet, and other basic computer literacies
Netiquette Expectations: Students are expected to send emails with clear subjects and appropriate signatures for
identification purposes; responses to emails should be expected within 48 hours during weekdays; emails will
rarely receive responses on weekends.
Course Resources
Losh, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Alexander, ed. Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing. Boston: Bedford,
2014. Print. ISBN: 978-0-312-64096-5.
Optional Texts:
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers or Research Papers, 7th ed. New York: Modern Language Association of
America, 2009. Print. ISBN: 978-1-60329-024-1.
Other Texts:
Anything published to our classs Blackboard account or website as marked on our weekly calendar.
1. Three-ring binder for storing class work
2. Flash drive or other means (dropbox.com account, for example) of storing digital versions of essays and other written
material you generate (always, always keep a backup of everything you turn in!)
3. A valid, working Collin College email address that you check everyday
4. Regular access to a computer and internet (additional readings may be available online)
Method of Evaluation
As an expert in my field, I reserve the right to gauge writing on any scale or method my profession and college deem
acceptable. I will assign grades based on my best judgment as an experienced and qualified Professor of English.
Grade Scale:
A= 90 to 100
B= 80 to 89
C= 70 to 79
D= 60 to 69
F= 0 to 59
Participation/Attendance 5%
Participation may include class discussion, readiness for class, homework, attendance, or any other classroom activity.
Attendance is mandatory and vital to your grade. You cannot hope to pass the class without attending regularly. If a
student misses more than five classes, a deduction will be applied to the students participation grade. If a student misses
more than four weeks of class sessions, they can expect to fail for the semester. Attendance is an important part of your
grade, so please do not underestimate the attendance policy. Absences are considered to be unauthorized unless officially
sanctioned by the college. Students must present proof of the incident before an excuse will be issued. If, through a
misfortune, a student should arrive after roll has been recorded, it is the students responsibility to talk with me
immediately after class in order to discuss changing the unauthorized absence to a tardy. If tardies are frequent, they can
be counted as absences (three tardies equal one missed class). This policy also applies to leaving early unannounced. If a
problem is serious enough to miss a significant amount of class, then the student should consider dropping the course or
speaking with the college or appropriate dean.
Daily Writing Journal 10%
Daily journal entries are designed to help students engage the writing process on a daily basis. These response papers can
be handwritten or typed and should always be legible. I encourage students to write about what they have learned in the
previous class or respond to the reading for the day (I typically ask that students go beyond merely summarizing the
reading or class discussion on these entries). These papers are due before the end of class every class day listed below.
The average response paper should be roughly to 1 page in length. They are graded credit or no credit, which will be
indicated by a check or a zero. Late journal entries will not be accepted. The peer editing grade will be derived from the
peer editing workshops taking place before a major essay assignment is due. This grade will constitute half of the grade
for this category.
Weekly Discussions Online 10%
Students will be expected to make one post and at least two comments on a classmates post every Friday (24 hour period
or all of Friday) during the semester. These posts should be between 200 to 250 words and comments to classmates should
be at least 30 words (you are expected to be courteous). I encourage students to write their posts with what we have
learned from previous classes or readings in mind (specific questions and comments will be provide for each week in the
power point lesson). The posts are typically graded credit or no credit, which will be indicated by a zero or numeric grade
(some rare cases may receive less points). Late comments and posts will not be accepted under normal circumstances.
Peer Editing 10%
The peer editing grade will be derived from the peer editing workshops taking place before a major essay assignment is
due. Peer editing is an in-class activity that involves heavy reflection and revision on rough drafts of your essay
assignments. In order to receive full credit on peer editing days, students must bring in written materials to work with and
participate in group revision activities. If students fail to bring in the required materials, I may allow the student to assist
others in the revision process for half or partial credit, but such circumstances will be decided on a case by case basis.
Students consistently failing to participate or bring in materials might be counted absent or given no credit for the activity
at all. If students miss all peer editing days, further penalties may follow on the participation and attendance grade.
Students can also fail the class in such cases. Revision and group work is important to your grade and to the writing
Lab 10%
The lab component is an integral part of this writing class. Over the course of the semester, you will need to complete a
combination of four selections from the list below. Lab work is not the same as regular daily coursework that you must
complete to stay on track for the class; it is, instead, designed as an additional writing-focused activity to help you
improve your writing throughout the term. During the semester, you will need to track and provide evidence of
completing these lab requirements outside of class on four occasions during the semester (the due dates for these are
shown on the schedule below). You will use the attached signature sheet to verify tutor sessions and events. The lab
grade can be earned by completing the following objectives before one of the due dates: complete a two page review of a
movie or event you have attended (i.e. concert, football game, etc.), complete an in-person or online writing center
session, or complete a Writing Center or library workshop. These are all completion assignments, meaning fulfilling the
minimal requirements for the assignments will count as 100%. Completing online writing center sessions or attending
workshops is easiest way to satisfy the requirement. The purpose of the lab component is to gain feedback about your
writing and scholarship from outside our classroom. If you complete an online writing center session or tutor-text, you
must print off the confirmation slip and return it to me in order to receive credit. Additional instructions and
resources will follow. Here is a link to access the Online Writing Lab (OWL):
Essay #1: Conceptualizing Your Writing Process 10%
Writing is often a tough and strenuous process for new college students, but most students become comfortable with the
process after a little practice. The best way to start conceptualizing the way you write or to find your voice as an author is
to think critically about your own writing process. For your first essay, consider the writing you have done in the past and
discuss what frustrates you most about writing. Try to identify what you believe are the best and worst parts of your
writing process. Try to answer the following questions in your essay: What is your favorite thing about writing? What do
you hate most about writing? Do you have any strategies or techniques that are particularly helpful as you write? If you
had your choice, what kinds of things would you like to write about in school? The essay should be 1,000 words, double
spaced, in MLA format. You may rely on our readings and class discussions for resources for writing this paper. If you
quote or use other sources, a works cited page and in-text citation will be required.
Essay #2: Rethinking Scholastic Dishonesty 10%
Plagiarism is a concept that often baffles first-year college students. If students have heard of the term before, they
frequently believe it to mean only the word-for-word theft of anothers ideas or simply the failure to place quotation
marks around certain borrowed phrases. While these accounts can and do frequently represent acts of plagiarism, the term
in academe has a much broader, more nuanced meaning. To help you better understand the concept of plagiarism within
the academy, particularly as it applies to specific disciplines and their writing practices, I would like you to write a
plagiarism policy of 1,000 words. You should write this paper from the perspective of a school administration (keep in
mind all we have discussed about plagiarism). The paper should try to consider the following questions: How is
plagiarism defined? What do you consider plagiarism? How will you and your school enforce violations of your policy?
How would you keep your policy fair and balanced? You may rely on our readings and class discussions for resources for
writing this paper. The paper must follow MLA formatting guidelines for student writers. If you quote or use other
sources, a works cited page and in-text citation must be provided.
Essay #3: Visual Rhetoric in Modern Advertising 15%
Rhetorical fallacies are falsehoods told to intentionally mislead or distract an audience from critical flaws or shortcomings
in an argument, often masked as indisputable truths or legitimate and well founded departures from the task at hand.
Fallacies have a long history in the discussion and study of rhetoric, harkening back to the ancient Greeks and beyond, but
they can also be found throughout modern times as well. We see fallacies employed in political debates, around the dinner
table, in classrooms, and just about anywhere else where arguments are being made, but ethical scholars and savvy
interlocutors try to avoid and unravel fallacies at all costs. This essay will call upon you to study the nature of modern
fallacies through examining the way they are used in advertising, especially the way images are adapted to mislead or
capture the attention of an audience. You will need to select an ad or series of ads and explain their use of rhetorical
fallacies, particularly their use of visual rhetoric. Drawing from our class discussions and readings, your essay should try
to answer the following questions: Who is the target audience of the ad? How do the ads you looked at attempt to
persuade their target audience? What kinds of fallacies appear in the ad? Do you believe they are being used effectively?
In other words, do you believe the ads actually con their target audiences? The completed assignment should be 1, 000
words in length, not including the works cited page. If sources are cited, a works cited page must appear.
Essay #4: Literacy Hero, Rebel, or Victim Narrative 15%
Using Bronwyn T. Williamss Heroes, Rebels, and Victims: Student Identities in Literacy Narratives and other literacy
scholars we have look at this semester as a lens, examine the way language, rhetoric and literacy have shaped your life
and writing. Try to identify yourself under Williamss theory of student writers and describe the experiences that led you
to this conclusion. The paper can take the form of a personal narrative (story) or first-person essay and cover the following
questions: What or who is the controlling agent(s) or sponsor(s) of your literacy practices? What events lead you to
believe this? What in your writing do you feel has been positively or negatively shaped by these events and practices?
Finally, how do you feel Williams and the other scholars we have studied have contributed to your understanding of your
own reading and writing practices? The completed assignment should be 1,450 words, not including the works cited page.
If sources are cited, a works cited page must appear.
Final Exam 5%
The final exam is an in-class essay exam. It will cover one or a combination of multiple topics we have explored this
semester. Details about the final exam will be provided as the date of the exam nears.
Rewrite Policy
Revision is a major part of the writing process. As such, all major writing assignments, with the exception of the final
writing assignment, may be rewritten once for full credit and submitted as a hardcopy. Please speak with me after
assignments are returned to discuss rewriting for a higher grade. No comments are retuned for rewrites.
Late Policy
I will allow for late papers to be submitted to Canvas, but exams, participation grades, and other assignments cannot be
made up under normal circumstances. If late work is submitted and accepted, I will deduct some points as a penalty,
varying based on the amount of time over the due date. Penalties can become substantial after two weeks after the
deadline (i.e., 30% deduction or more). I expect all of my students to submit their work in a timely fashion. In most cases,
I do not believe it is fair for some to receive extra time on an assignment while others submitted the assignment in a
timely fashion. As such, I rarely grant exceptions to my late policy. If you know you are going to miss a day an exam will
be given, please ask to schedule the exam or essay deadline early rather than asking to do it late. I will not apply penalties
to students taking exams or submitting assignments early; however, I will decide what situations warrant an early exam or
make up assignment. Late work is due by the last class day of the semester under normal circumstances. I will not take
late work after this date unless extreme circumstances warrant such an extension (see Redemption Policy).
Email/Phone Policy
Email is the preferred method of contacting me outside of my office hours. With the exception of weekends and holidays,
I will respond to emails within 48 hours. I rarely respond to weekend emails. The only email address I can respond to is
your Collin College email account, so please make sure you are using this account when inquiring about private student
matters (i.e. grades, attendance, etc). Please make sure emails are sent apart from the Blackboard account (as they may
not appear in my inbox). I will only answer my office phone during my office hours. I will not return student phone calls
for privacy and security reasons.
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism and other forms of scholastic dishonesty are serious offenses and can result in hefty penalties. If a paper is
suspected of plagiarism, it must be initially reported to the Dean of Student Development; however, as the instructor of
the course, I am usually the arbiter of determining what offense are deemed plagiarism or scholastic dishonesty within my
course and discipline. Students are typically referred to the Dean of Student Development in my class for substantially
quoting a word-for-word source without using quotation marks, failing to identify the author or origin of the idea for
paraphrased (summarized) text, and for submitting a document with over a 50% match on Turn-it-In for un-cited text.
Students are responsible for properly citing sources within their papers, but exceptions to the policy might be made if
evidence of unintentional plagiarism seems to exist (i.e. the professor or Dean determine such circumstances). If students
plan to use writing from previous papers or assignments, they must first receive permission from me in writing and must
reproduce enough revised or original work on the assignment to align themselves with the original work done by other
students in the class; furthermore, if a student plans to expand or work on a project currently being done in another class,
they must also receive written permission from that professor as well. Penalties for violating this policy are determined on
a case-by-case basis and can range from penalties on the assignment to failure of the course. Students can even receive
point deductions and other penalties for failure to engage in careful research conventions like citation and proper
contextualization of source material. For more scholastic dishonesty procedures or plagiarism codes, please see the policy
on the first page of this syllabus or the Collin Student Handbook.
Grading/Return Policy/Essay Integrity
My policy is generally to return major grades at least two weeks after the assignment has been submitted, not including
assignments accepted after the deadline or works to be rewritten. On rare occasions, there may be an exception to this
return policy, but I will alert students immediately if such an occasion occurs. If you have not received an assignment by
the two week deadline, it is your responsibility to contact me with your concerns. It is sometimes the case that students
have missed days when papers were returned or have missed an email indicating a change in the return date. A quick
email or conversation with me can easily clarify the matter, so please dont hesitate to contact me with your concerns.
With the exception of Essay #4, all major essays will have comments. If you dont see your comments, it is your
responsibility to alert me to the problem immediately. Canvas comments have frequently failed to show due to minor
glitches in the systema quick email to me can usually resolve these problems. Note: students are responsible for
learning how to retrieve their grades and comments from Canvas; I am not responsible for returning major grades by
email or in person. Finally, all class essays and writings assignments are held up to academic expectations of appropriate
research and argumentation.
Classroom Conduct
I expect all students to be respectful of me and their classmates while attending one of my class sessions. As such,
students should act civilly in my class and abide by the behavioral rules stipulate by Collin College in their student
handbook. Failure to do so might result in being asked to leave the room. Cell phones, laptop computers, and other
devices, if not being used for the class, may count as a distraction and may be viewed as disrespectful to your classmates
and myself. Anything deemed as an unnecessary distraction can also be grounds for dismissal. Please be considerate of
others when attending one of my classes and refrain from making inappropriate comments or insulting speech. This policy
of polite and appropriate discourse also applies to assignments and other forms of in-class writing. Failure to abide by
these stipulations can impact an assignment grade.
Grade Redemption Policy
On rare occasions, students in breach of any of the above policies or grading criteria may request a second chance under
the Grade Redemption Policy. Students may only qualify for this policy until mid semester or on rare occasions longer. If
I deem your situation worthy of redemption, I will ask you to draw up a contract agreeing to our terms of redemption. If
you violate any part of this contract, I have the authority to declare the contract broken and assign you an F for the class. I
also retain the right to declare the contract null-and-void at any point in the semester. This policy is NOT a right. Student
contracts are only available at my discretion.
Hybrid Course Requirements
This course makes use of an online learning component provided by the Blackboard platform, accessible by logging into
CougarWeb with the ID and password provided by the college. Our Blackboard section will house readings, handouts,
grade-book(s), an assignment dropbox folder to submit essays, links to important websites and documents, and the class
syllabus. You are required to visit this site before every class to access the schedule and check for important updates and
You will submit major essays and receive grades on them through this online platform and by using the assignment
dropbox feature. Criteria for grading and regulating essays are the same as listed above. Assignments are due at 11:59PM
on the day they are listed as due on the syllabus. The essay you submit is your official submission, meaning NO
deletions or multiple uploads, so only submit it if it is ready for my viewing.
Late work may be subject to penalty. Students are also responsible for turning in assignments in an Office Word friendly
format. If you encounter legitimate technical problems (error in the system) submitting on Blackboard preventing you
from making the deadline, you are responsible for contacting the help desk and copying the professor on the subsequent
email chain as proof of the problem. Leniency will only be granted if a legitimate error has occurred. I do NOT consider
being unfamiliar with Blackboard a legitimate excuse. All students are responsible for learning to operate their
instructional material and find the means to access Blackboard.
Note: the Blackboard grade-book does NOT reflect your official grade for the class, but merely the average of your
major essay gradesparticipation, attendance, the daily writing journal, and the portfolio grade will NOT be
reflected in this grade-book.
Course Calendar:
Fall 2016
UR=Understanding Rhetoric
LC=Lab Credit Due (review options above)
Week 1
22 First Day! (face-to-face)
Class Introduction
Review of Syllabus & Class Schedule
Assign Peer Groups
Homework: upload two sentence bio to Canvas
24 Rhetorical Situation: Purpose, Audience, & Occasion (face-to-face)
No reading scheduled.
Peer Group Activity
Submit Journal Entry #1: just write about your experience on the first day
26 Understanding Rhetoric: A Classical Approach (online)
Rhetoric through the ages.
Why Rhetoric? pp. 35-55 (UR)
Using Ethos, Pathos, & Logos
Discussion Board #1: just write about the reading assignment above
Week 2
29 Creating Titles With Style (face-to-face)
Group Activity & Discussion
Introduction: Spaces for Writing, pp. 1-13 (UR)
Submit Journal Entry #2
31 Writing Intros That Matter (face-to-face)
Writing introductions
Group Activity
Submit Journal Entry #3
2 Writing Memorable Conclusions (online)
Writing conclusions power point
Discussion Board #2
Week 3
5 Labor Day Holiday
No Class!
7 Writing to Argue and Persuade (face-to-face)
Arguing Beyond Pro and Con, pp. 143-159 (UR)
Activity and Discussion
Submit Journal Entry #4
9 Writing to Inform and Instruct (online)
Week 4
12 Reading Critically & Formatting and Submitting a College Paper (face-to-face)
Strategic Reading, pp. 67-103
Activity and Discussion
How to get the paper ready
What to do with comments in the revision process
Submit Journal Entry #5
LC1: submit lab credit 25%
14 Proofreading & Peer Review (face-to-face)
Proofreading: The Skill We Neglect to Teach (CV)
Rethinking Revision, pp. 217-230
Bring draft of essay to class
Peer Review for Essay #1
Essay #1 Due (submit to dropbox by 11:59PM tonight)
16 Understanding Plagiarism (online)
How to Fight College Cheating, Lawrence M. Hinman (CV)
Discussion Board #4
Week 5
19 Understanding Plagiarism Cont. (face-to-face)
How to Fight College Cheating, Lawrence M. Hinman (CV)
The Rules of Attribution, Deborah R. Gerhardt (CV)
Copy This, Carolyn Foster Segal (CV)
Submit Journal Entry #6
21 Understanding Plagiarism at Collin College (face-to-face)
Scholastic Dishonesty and Plagiarism section from Student Handbook (CV)
Colleges Need Honor Codes, Burrell (CV)
Comparing plagiarism policies
Submit Journal Entry #7
23 Understanding Plagiarism Cont. (online)
The Truth about Plagiarism, Richard A. Posner (CV)
Anonymous Source Is Not the Same as Open, Randall Stross (CV)
Power point presentation
Discussion Board #5
Week 6
26 Using MLA and Citation (face-to-face)
Keeping the Story Straight, pp. 182-187 (UR)
Bring MLA handbook
Journal Entry #8
28 Using Our Library Resources (face-to-face)
Tracking Down Sources- Coming Clean with Citation, pp. 187-207 (UR)
Journal Entry #9
LC2: submit lab credit 25%
30 What is the Peer Review Process? (online)
Online activity and power point
Discussion Board #6
Week 7
3 Peer Review (face-to-face)
Bring completed draft of Essay #2
Be prepared to workshop with peer group
Essay #2 Due (submit to dropbox by 11:59PM tonight)
5 Visual Literacy (face-to-face)
Understanding visual rhetoric
Scott McCloud excerpt and activity
Submit Journal Entry #10
7 Common Fallacies (online)
Fallacy as Rhetorical Device
List of Common Fallacies (CV)
Power point presentation
Discussion Board #7
Week 8
10 Platos Cave & Ethical Issues Behind Deception in Rhetoric (face-to-face)
Allegory of The Cave, Plato (CV)
Watch video in class
Submit Journal Entry #11
12 The Power of Subversion (face-to-face)
Excerpt from The Prince, Niccol Machiavelli (CV)
Submit Journal Entry #12
14 Visual Rhetoric & Contemporary Fallacies (online)
Exploring Visual Literacy, pp. 14-23 (UR)
Contemporary advertising review
Discussion Board #8
Week 9
17 Visual Argument (face-to-face)
Discussion & Activity
LC3: submit lab credit 25%
Submit Journal Entry #13
19 Peer Review for Essay #3 (face-to-face)
Bring completed draft of Essay #3
Be prepared to workshop with peer group
No Journal Entry Due
Essay #3 Due (submit to dropbox by 11:59PM tonight)
21 Passive Voice & Second Person (online)
No reading
Discussion board & power point lesson
Extra Credit Discussion Board #1
Week 10
24 Literacy Narrative Discussion (face-to-face)
Heroes, Rebels, and Victims: Student Identities in Literacy Narratives, Bronwyn T. Williams (CV)
Submit Journal Entry #14
26 Literacy Practices (face-to-face)
Literacy Practices, Barton & Hamilton (CV)
Video in class
Group Activity
Submit Journal Entry #15
28 Literacy Sponsors (start early) (online)
Week 11
31 Literacy of a New Age (face-to-face)
Does Texting Affect Writing, Michaela Cullington (CV)
Submit Journal Entry #16
2 Amish Literacy Example (face-to-face)
Becoming Literate, Andrea R. Fishman (CV)
Group Activity
Submit Journal Entry #17
4 Literacy in Parts (online)
Literacy in Three Metaphors, Sylvia Scribner (CV)
Power point presentation
Discussion Board #10
Week 12
7 Literacy Rebels? (face-to-face)
Writing Identities, pp. 113-135 (UR)
Literacy Behind Bars (CV)
Submit Journal Entry #18
9 Literacy Rebels? (face-to-face)
Rebel Music, Daniel Felsenfeld (CV)
Discussion & Activity
Submit Journal Entry #19
11 Literacy Victims? (online)
Mother Tongue, Amy Tan (CV)
Power point presentation
Discussion Board #11
Week 13
14 Literacy Victims? (face-to-face)
Se Habla Espanol, Tanya Maria Barrientos (CV)
Discussion & Activity
Journal Entry #20
16 Literacy Victims? (face-to-face)
Proficiency (CV)
Discussion & Activity
Journal Entry #21
18 Rebel or Victim? (online)
Always Living in Spanish, Marjorie Agosin (CV)
Power point presentation
Discussion Board #12
Week 14
21 Novel Approaches to Writing (face-to-face)
Telepathy, Stephen King (CV)
Submit Extra Credit Journal Entry #2
23 Thanksgiving Holiday!
No Class.
25 Thanksgiving Holiday!
No Online Class.
Week 15