Walt-low-Energy Laser Therapy As Quantum Medicine
Walt-low-Energy Laser Therapy As Quantum Medicine
Walt-low-Energy Laser Therapy As Quantum Medicine
Jacek B. Glazewski, M.D.
Rheumatology, Internal diseases
62-800 Kalisz ul. Szewska 10
62-830 Zbiersk 246
The author presents the possibilities of using low-energy laser therapy in treatment according to the most up-to-date bibliography and his own observations. Therapeutic techniques
presently used are discussed as well. The author attempts to explain the terms often applied
in quantum medicine. Positive therapeutic results confirmed by advanced experiments and
clinical observations contribute to extending the range of treatment methods used so far.
Keywords: Laser Therapy, Quantum Medicine
Achievements in science and technology influence the
therapeutic and diagnostic methods used in medicine. An
example is low-energy laser therapy whose expansion in
various medical areas [ 1, 2, 14, 15] can be observed.
The term quantum medicine has been used for the last few
years in scientific reports, at international congresses and
conferences, and even in media, in reference to low-energy laser therapy. [3, 10, 15, 19]. As far as the history of science is concerned, in 1864 Maxwell formulated his famous
equations connecting all previously discovered laws of
electricity and magnetism, creating a new term, electromagnetism. In 1928 Dirac found a connection between
Maxwell's equations and Einstein's theory of relativity as
well as quantum mechanics, establishing a new area of science called quantum electrodynamics, which allows us to
define the effects of light - matter reactions, especially
those with charged subatomic molecules such as electrons.
Electrons are molecules with wave properties. A photon
carries electromagnetic power transmitting energy from
one electron to another, which translates to the photobiological and biochemical phenomena in living organisms.
Using light - a stream of photons - for treatment purposes has been known since medieval times. A spectacular
example is the use of arch lamp light to treat incurable skin
tuberculosis by Finsen, who received the Nobel Prize in
1903 for his invention.
The first laser, which was created by Maiman at Hughes
Research Aircraft Laboratory in Malibu (USA) in 1960,
fascinated the world of science and medicine with the
opportunities it offers. Lasers, which are devices emitting a
stream of cohesive light of the same wave length (monochromatic), are amazing devices. A stream of light of high
energy (quantum) can cut metal, act as a scalpel during surgeries or coagulate exfoliated retina with just one impulse.
Laser radiation of as low intensity as a few miliwatts, causing no tissue destruction, has even more interesting biological features. It can make cells more active, resulting in
faster healing of resistant wounds and ulcerations It also
speeds up delayed bone adhesions, regenerates damaged
tissue, stimulates angiogenesis and active points as well as
influences immunological processes. Clinical observations
and experiments carried out so far suggest that low-intensity laser irradiation positively affects living organisms their cells, tissue and the whole body. The effect varies
depending on the wave length, dose, time of irradiation,
impulse shape and the technique applied.
In order to understand the term quantum medicine some
basic general truths must be taken into consideration. A living organism consists of elementary molecules - atomic
nuclei and electrons. There is a relatively vast space
between them. If a nucleus had a tennis ball size, the nearest electron would go around it in about three-kilometer
distance. There is an apparently empty space between them
filled with electromagnetic fields. Thus, the phenomena
described as health and illness are based to a large extent on
quantum energy transmission processes within this space.
What is known and understood from the medical point of
view as the effect of enzymes, hormones, patho- and physiological processes and the lately discovered genetic code is
a function of field energetic changes. It also seems that our
psyche's reaction onto the energy accumulated in the empty
space between the nucleus and electron affects physiological processes within an organism [10, 12, 19]. It has often
been said in scientific circles that there is an urgent need to
change the paradigm now based on mass and biochemical
processes, to one based on energy and field phenomena. It
turns out that the fundamental biomedical processes can be
fully comprehended when the laws of quantum physics are
taken into consideration [1, 2, 6, 10, 19]. If this issue is considered from the perspective of evolution, then organisms
can be influenced by a much wider energy spectrum that
Laser Therapy Vol. 12
has been assumed [4, 9, 19]. Quanta, understood as energies of outgoing radiation or absorbed by electrons, are in
most cases a decisive factor in medical actions. After all,
pharmacological treatments also work via quanta.
A biological reaction of laser irradiated cells triggers off
various changes. A molecular photoacceptor is made of
breathing chain components in the mitochondria where
electron photostimulation and biochemical changes of
chromophore properties take place [11, 12]. There are various proteins and even genes that could be potential photoacceptors affecting not only biochemical changes but
also the shapes of cell and tissue [1, 6]. Those initial physical and/or chemical changes stimulated by laser irradiation in photoacceptor molecules trigger off an abundance
of biochemical reactions in cells, causing, in effect, a further transmission and strengthening of the signal chain.
These reactions change the parameters of cell homeostasis stimulating their activity and redox regulation. This is
probably the fundamental therapeutic mechanism of the
laser light that produces such clinically observed results as:
faster healing of resistant wounds and ulcerations, better
blood flow, improved and corrected immunological and
hormonal processes. Similar effects can be observed in tissue irradiated in vitro [16].
The relationships between the processes of activating and
limiting cellular activities caused by laser light confirm the
influence of laser irradiation on the redox activity of the
respiratory chain processes in mitochondria as they are
also significant in photodynamic therapy [20]. It can be
stated that a thermodynamic equilibrium - an interaction
involving laser light and living processes - takes place
between a living object irradiated with laser light and its
structures, depending on the wave length and energy dose.
To give an example, irradiating plants with laser of 660 nm
wave length results in growth acceleration while growth
and blooming is stunted by 750 nm wave length irradiation
Low-intensity lasers can be successfully applied in almost
all branches of medicine where the processes of physiological mechanisms disorders, homeostasis, blood supply,
immunology, degeneration, inflammation along with others take place. It is important to understand not only the
mechanisms of their influence on a living organism but
also the methods of application [3, 13, 15, 17].
1. No-contact radiation - recommended for mucosa, skin,
ulcerations, bed-sores and surface inflammations.
2. Contact radiation - when this method is applied almost all
energy is absorbed by cells in which it spreads according
Concluding remarks:
The basic feature of laser therapy entails corrective biochemical effects. Clinical experiments show that local laser
therapy is most effective in tissues and organs with significant blood and lymphatic vessels. Low-energy laser therapy has a general influence on blood and its components
[6, 18], and on haematopoietic organs and other diseased
tissues and organs. The healing effect is most significant
in pathological situations. In healthy tissues and organs
this influence is subtle, and is characterized by a slight
increase in metabolic processes. Clinical observations
show that when local iradiation is applied, the healing
Some consideration should be given to whether the introduction of the new term quantum medicine explains or
systematizes anything. In practice, it turns out that the electromagnetic field powers do not only connect an organism's organs and cells, but also have an influence on all life
functions. Physiological processes and pathologies depend
on energy phenomena taking part in the apparently empty
space between an atom's nucleus and an electron. Also,
matter or organic tissue are in fact a complicated mosaics
and a labyrinth of energy quanta.
19. Warnke U.: Wir bestelen Atomkern und Elektronen.
Psychologie Heute, August 1999, - interview.
20. Sieron A., Cieslar G., et al.: Zarys fotodynamicznej
diagnostyki i terapii nowotworw. A-medica press,
Bielsko-Biala 1997.
Drs. Mario Trelles and A. Katsambas confer during the third WALT
Congress; Athens, Greece, May 2000