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Engineering and O&M Guidelines For Crossings

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Engineering and O&M

Guidelines for Crossings

Bureau of Reclamation Water Conveyance Facilities
(Canals, Pipelines, and Similar Facilities)

U.S. Department of the Interior

Bureau of Reclamation
Technical Service Center
Denver, Colorado

April 2008

Mission Statements
The mission of the Department of the Interior is to protect and
provide access to our Nations natural and cultural heritage and
honor our trust responsibilities to Indian Tribes and our
commitments to island communities.

The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop,

and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and
economically sound manner in the interest of the American public.

Engineering and O&M

Guidelines for
Bureau of Reclamation Water Conveyance Facilities
(Canals, Pipelines, and Similar Facilities)

Acronyms and Abbreviations


American Association of State Highway and Transportation



authorized operating entity


American Water Works Association


Code of Federal Regulations


cathodic protection system


Department of Transportation


horizontal directional drilling


k ilovolt(s)


Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory


operations and maintenance

Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation




6 7-foot wheelbase



1.0 Purpose........................................................................................................... 1
2.0 General Permit Information ........................................................................... 1

3.0 Engineering and O&M Review Considerations ............................................ 1

3.1 Introduction........................................................................................... 1
3.2 General.................................................................................................. 2
3.3 Detectable Warning Tape ..................................................................... 6
4.0 Specific Feature Review Guidelines.............................................................. 7

4.1 Bridges .................................................................................................. 7

4.2 Landscaping ........................................................................................ 10
4.3 Roadway Crossing .............................................................................. 11
4.4 Storm Water Cross Drainage .............................................................. 12

4.5 Subdivision ......................................................................................... 14

4.6 Utility Crossing................................................................................... 16
4.6.1 Casings.................................................................................... 16
4.6.2 Overhead Line Crossing ......................................................... 16

4.6.3 Utility Crossing Reclamation's Canal ..................................... 17

4.6.4 Utility Crossing Reclamation's Underground Pipelines ......... 21

4.6.5 Utility Crossing Under Reclamation's Roadways................... 23

5.0 Cathodic Protection Requirements .............................................................. 23

5.1 Cathodically Protected Metallic Pipelines .......................................... 23

5.2 Protective Coatings for Corrosion Control ......................................... 25

References............................................................................................................. 27

Glossary ................................................................................................................ 29

Appendix A

General Requirements for Installing Bored and Jacked Pipe


Appendix B

Guidelines Removal of Trees and Other Vegetative Growth

from Earth Dams, Dikes, and Conveyance Features (Appendix B
of Review and Operation and Maintenance Program Field
Examination Guidelines)

These are general guidelines for Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) offices to
follow when reviewing the engineering and operations and maintenance (O&M)
factors in outside entity requests for authorization to cross (encroach upon)
Reclamation lands that contain project features such as levees, canals, pipelines,
or other water conveyance facilities owned or administered by Reclamation.
These guidelines include a general overview of the permitting process
administered by Reclamation Lands Groups for allowing a particular use on lands
where Reclamation holds a fee or an easement right-of-way interest. These
engineering and construction recommendations are minimum guidelines for
engineers to use in reviewing and evaluating these portions of the applications.


Applicants requesting to cross any Reclamation land, facility, or water body must
obtain a written land use authorization from Reclamation. Requirements for
obtaining a use authorization to cross Reclamation project land and water surfaces
are in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 43 CFR 429 and Reclamation
Manual LND 08-01. The applicant must complete the Standard Form (SF) 299,
Application for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on
Federal Lands, or similar forms in use at the local Reclamation office. The
form can be obtained by contacting the involved Reclamation office, or it can be
accessed electronically at Reclamations Web site at: <http://www.usbr.gov/
Applicants can contact their local Reclamation office to discuss their proposed
use before filing an application for a use authorization.




Technical review of the crossing evaluates impacts on any existing Reclamation

facility and does not determine the adequacy of the crossing design for the
applicants intended purpose.
The use authorization or consent document specifies criteria which, if followed,
would not be deemed unreasonable interference. These review guidelines are
strictly limited to those criteria which:

Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

Protect Reclamations facility and/or appurtenant facility from damage

Ensure unrestricted flow and quality of water in Reclamations facility
Do not diminish the ability to perform O&M of Reclamations facility,
including access
Prevent any burden of liability
These guidelines are provided as recommendations that apply to most
Reclamation facilities. Each Reclamation office and/or authorized operating
entity (AOE) should apply these guidelines using sound engineering judgment
that best applies to their facilities and existing conditions. Additional
Reclamation guidelines for specific locations (e.g., Central Arizona Project
Reach 11 Basin Guidelines) may also apply and may be provided to applicants
when necessary. These guidelines are minimums, and local conditions may be
more stringent depending on the direct impacts to facilities and lands. AOEs may
have additional requirements.
Uses that may be deemed reasonable within Reclamation pipeline easements
include greenbelts, asphalt roadways, flexible pavement parking lots, transverse
curbs and gutters, and sidewalks. Canals and pipelines may have overhead power
and telephone lines (but not their supporting poles), transverse fences with gated
openings (no walls), and similar surface and overhead structures.



The following individual items should be addressed by the applicant and

evaluated by Reclamation and/or AOE as they may affect the Reclamation
facilitys engineering and O&M aspects. If unusual conditions are proposed for
the encroaching structure or unusual field conditions within a Reclamation facility
right-of-way (ROW) are encountered, Reclamation reserves the right to impose
more stringent criteria than prescribed in these guidelines.


Structures that should not be constructed on Reclamation pipeline or

canal ROW (whether fee owned or easement) include foundations,
buildings, garages, carports, trailers, street light standards, supports for
large signs, walls, longitudinal fences (except security/safety fences),
power or telephone poles, and similar surface structures.


rior to construction, a joint inspection should be conducted and the
condition of existing facilities documented. Reclamations ROW should
be restored to pre-existing conditions following completion of work.

Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings


When applications are requesting public use of trails and maintenance

roads adjacent to or crossing Reclamation canals, these facilities should
be fenced for safety to separate them from open canal water, except
when Reclamations ROW is used as a greenbelt and the applicant
accepts legal hazard responsibility. Trails and maintenance roads should
be fenced on an as-needed basis whenever such fencing is warranted for
public safety, restricted access, security, etc. If a fence is allowed within
Reclamations ROW, Reclamation should approve the fence materials.
Any gates allowed within Reclamations ROW should be at least 16 feet
wide. Reclamation will be provided with full access through any fences
or gates.


Prior to construction of any structure that encroaches within a

Reclamation pipeline or canal ROW, a pothole excavation should be
made to determine the locations of any existing Reclamation and nonReclamation facilities and their appurtenant features that may be
affected. Potholing is the practice of digging test holes to expose
underground utilities to determine the horizontal and vertical location of
the utility.
All work within 18 inches of the facility should be done using hand-held
tools only. The excavation should be made by or in the presence of
Reclamation and/or AOE personnel. The presence of a Reclamation
and/or AOE inspector may be required throughout the excavation
process, but this presence in no way relieves the applicant or their
contractor of responsibility.
The resultant elevation information should be delineated on the profile
view and labeled as:


Surface Elevation XX.X

The pothole excavation should be filled in, or a safety fence installed,

prior to departing the site each day.

If Reclamation facilities need to be modified to avoid adverse impacts

from the applicants crossing facility, the applicant should be
responsible for the cost of such modifications.

Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

6. A temporary permit may be required for visual inspections, ground and

aerial surveys, 1 or potholing that requires physical entrance onto a
Reclamation facility. A use authorization or consent document
issued by Reclamation and/or AOE should be obtained prior to
entering or crossing Reclamations ROW for any activity.
7. Applications should include a project description, calculations,

specifications, and detailed construction plans showing plan views,

profiles and sections, and grading plans of proposed work within or

adjacent to Reclamations ROW. Plans should show an easily

recognizable boundary (tied to a known corner) and Reclamations

ROW and Reclamation stationing or mile post designation.

All Reclamation facilities should be shown and labeled (e.g., Centerline

of xx-inch Reclamation Pipeline, Reclamation Communication and
Control Cable, etc.) The type and weight of the construction equipment
crossing Reclamation pipelines, roads, and bridges as well as the
crossing locations should be included. Additional information, as
identified in following individual specific feature sections of these
guidelines, should also be included with the application for review.
Any engineering or land survey drawing should contain the appropriate
registered engineers or land surveyors stamp and signature. A
construction schedule outlining the anticipated duration of the
construction should be submitted. A minimum of two 2 copies of the
application (including calculations, specifications, and plans) should be
submitted to Reclamation and/or AOE for review and approval.
8. For crossings of all Reclamation facilities, Reclamation and/or AOE
personnel familiar with the facilities (including cathodic protection
systems) will obtain and provide copies of existing files showing
information about existing buried facilities (center of pipeline, depth of
cover, size of pipe, class of pipe, etc.) to the applicant.


Existing Reclamation facilities (e.g., canal lining, canal check structure,

turnout structure, etc.) and appurtenances (e.g., existing blow-offs, air
valves, vents, manholes, and/or cathodic protection test stations) and
existing non-Reclamation facilities on Reclamations ROW
(e.g., petroleum pipelines, natural gas pipelines, communications lines,
powerlines, water lines, sewer lines, storm drain lines, etc.) should be
protected in place prior to and during construction.

Aerial surveys require placing on-the-ground survey control markers.

Revise per local Reclamation office and/or AOE practice.

Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

The applicant and/or their contractor may be liable for all damages to
Reclamation facilities and appurtenances as a result of construction and
for any other damages or losses suffered by Reclamation or its water
contractors, including power, irrigation, municipal and industrial water
supply, and communication losses.
10. Trench excavation should comply with the most current Occupational
Safety and Health Administration standards or Reclamation Health and
Safety Standards, whichever are more stringent. Trench backfill should
be placed in 4- to 6-inch lifts if hand compacted or no more than 8-inch
lifts if power compacted. Trench backfill within Reclamations ROW
should be compacted to 95 percent relative compaction (ASTM D 698,
Standard Proctor) (or 90 percent of ASTM D 1557). Mechanical
compaction using heavy equipment (greater than 2,000 pounds) should
not be used within 18 inches of the Reclamation pipeline. Flowable fill
(or controlled low strength material) should be substituted for compacted
pipe embedment under canals and may be used when crossing pipelines.
11. Erosion control measures, including re-vegetation, should be

implemented after completing construction.

12. If existing drainage features are to be modified during construction,

detailed drawings showing the proposed drainage replacement/
restoration should be submitted with the application for review and
approval. The applicant is responsible for the care and handling of
storm water runoff both during and after construction.
13. The applicant should not divert surface runoff 3 toward Reclamation
canal or canal embankments. The 100-year storm 4 surface runoff should
use detention basins outside of Reclamations ROW. Lined drainage
channels should be designed to transfer flow from the detention basins to
the existing cross drainage facilities that drained the original area. Also
refer to 4.4 Storm Water Cross Drainage.
14. Proposed temporary or permanent modifications to the existing cover
over Reclamation pipelines should be subject to review and approval by
Reclamation and/or AOE. Design parameters for roadway, parking lot,
and driveway crossings over the pipe should also be subject to review
and approval by Reclamation and/or AOE.

Subdivision or commercial development on the uphill side of canals that pave large areas and
have large roof areas will greatly increase peak storm runoffmost city development requires
retention basins. Applicants should provide the same retention basins that are required for similar
development projects.
Revise per Reclamation field office for specific canal if a higher storm frequency is required.

Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

15. When a Reclamation pipeline system being crossed has pipe with an A
cover pipe designation (less than 5 feet of earth), the applicant is to
analyze the crossing to show A pipe load carrying capability exists to
meet their carrying requirements or replace the A pipe with pipe of
sufficient load carrying capability.
16. Reclamations ongoing O&M activities should not be disrupted during
construction. The primary or secondary operating road should be kept
available for Reclamation and/or AOE use at all times.
17. Detectable warning tape may be required over below-ground utilities.
Refer to 3.3 Detectable Warning Tape.
18. The points where the proposed utilities enter and exit Reclamations
ROW should be plainly and permanently marked by sign posts
extending 5 feet above grade. Applicants should provide sign posts
directly above their utilities and at all angle points within Reclamations
ROW. The distance between adjacent sign posts should not exceed
500 feet. Sign posts should contain the name of owner/operator,
contents of the pipeline, utility identification, and emergency contact
telephone number. Sign posts for angle points that lie within roads or
canals should be offset and have a reference noted. The locations of the
sign posts should be shown on the plans.
19. Following completion of work, applicants should provide as-built
drawings of their facilities on Reclamations ROW. Reclamation asbuilt drawings are to be updated by the appropriate Reclamation office
and/or AOE to reflect the crossing. As-built drawings may be
maintained by the AOE, but should remain accessible to Reclamation
upon request.


Detectable Warning Tape

Detectable warning tape may be required over below-ground utilities situated

within Reclamations ROW and should be a minimum of 18 inches above the
utility and between 18 and 30 inches below the ground surface. Warning tapes
should conform to the following specifications:
a. For potable water lines, the warning tape should be a 3-inch-wide blue
detectable tape imprinted with CAUTION BURIED POTABLE
b. For nonpotable water lines, the warning tape should be a 3-inch-wide
purple detectable tape imprinted with CAUTION BURIED

Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

c. For sewer and storm drain lines, the warning tape should be a 3-inch-wide
green detectable tape imprinted with CAUTION BURIED (type)
d. For gas, oil, and steam chemical lines, the warning tape should be a
3-inch-wide yellow detectable tape imprinted with CAUTION BURIED
(type) LINE.
e. For telecommunications, telephone, and television conduit(s), the warning
tape should be a 3-inch-wide orange detectable tape imprinted with
f. For electrical, street lighting, and traffic signal conduit(s), the warning
tape should be a 3-inch-wide red detectable tape imprinted with




1. New bridge crossings (vehicular, pedestrian, and utility) should be

perpendicular (between 70 and 90 degrees) to the centerline of the water
conveyance facility and at locations approved by Reclamation and/or the
AOE. Exceptions to the policy may be considered on an individual

Public use bridges in urban areas should be spaced no closer together

than 1/3 mile (about 4 blocks or 1,700 feet) apart. This is to ensure
O&M operations are not overly restricted.


Bridge crossings should be of free span design. Consideration of any

anticipated (known or ongoing) canal subsidence issues, anticipated
raising of the canal lining, or anticipated increases in the canals high
water level should be made. The minimum vertical clearance between
the bottom of the superstructure and the top of the canal lining should be
3 feet. For unlined canals, the vertical clearance may be measured to the
high water level. If this minimum clearance is reduced by subsidence or
by future Reclamation modifications to the canal lining, the minimum
clearance should be re-established at the applicants expense. The
minimum horizontal clearance from the face of the abutment to the top
of the canal lining should be 5 feet. For unlined canals, the horizontal
clearance may be measured to the high water level.

Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

These clearances are suggested to minimize impact on the canal section

during construction and future inspections and O&M. Applicants may
request to re-construct a canal section if Reclamations operations
are impacted by close construction during periods when the canal is
normally unwatered. If so, vertical clearances may be reduced to 1 foot
and horizontal clearance to 3 feet.
4. Canal O&M roads should intersect public roads at bridges at right angles
for proper visibility. This may require the applicant to acquire
additional ROW for use if the existing canal ROW is not sufficient.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official
(AASHTO) criteria for sight distances at the intersection of O&M roads
and roadways at new bridges should be met to allow O&M vehicles to
cross them safely.
5. Driving piles at concrete-lined canals should not be permitted. Any
abutment foundation support piles, at concrete-lined canals, should be
drilled and cast-in-place.
At a minimum, the applicants drilling and piling plan should include:
Drilling methods and equipment
Methods for preserving existing foundation material
Methods and equipment to determine the presence of quick soil
conditions or scouring and caving
The proposed method for casing installation and removal if
casings are used
Methods and equipment for accurately determining the depth of
concrete and actual or theoretical volume placed
At a minimum, the applicants contingency plan should include:
Means to repair in a certain time
Minimum flows after event
Review of geotechnical conditions surrounding the pile locations
Assessment of how the proposed mitigations will address
geotechnical conditions
Methods for restoring foundation material

Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

A list of material, equipment, and personnel with qualifications

to be used during mitigation work
A seal from a Professional Engineer on all relevant plans and
6. The submitted plan drawings for the bridge should contain the following
a. Superstructure, abutments, railings, embankments, and drainage,
including details and sections
b. Type of materials (concrete, steel, timber, etc.) used for different
c. Details of cast-in-place foundation piles, if any, on both sides of
the canal
d. The elevation of the bottom of the superstructure and the
clearance between the top of the canal lining (or high water level
if unlined canal) to the superstructure or bottom of deck slab,
whichever is lowest
e. Design loadings
f. Design standards on which the bridge is based (AASHTO, etc.)
7. The calculations and specifications for the bridge should be submitted to
Reclamation and/or AOE for review.
8. The right lane turn radius from the new road onto a Reclamation
operating road should comply with the provisions of a 67-foot
wheelbase 5 (WB-67) truck turning template in the AASHTO manual
on Geometric Design of Highway and Streets.

Details of any proposed utilities to be attached to an existing bridge

a. Anchor bolt locations should not intercept the critical reinforcing
steel of the bridge.

The field office should adjust these provisions according to anticipated needs.

Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

b. Utilities should be placed and anchored under bridge decks and

through utility openings, if they are present. The utility should
be placed off center in the utility opening, if possible, to allow
for future utility additions.
c. If an expansion joint is used in the pipeline, the joint should be
placed near the bridge deck expansion joint.
d. Holes through bridge concrete or abutment and retaining walls
for passage of utilities should be allowed by core drilling. The
annular space between the utility and core hole surface should be
completely filled with an elastomeric sealant to prevent loss of
material or water piping from behind the wingwalls and
e. Submit calculations showing the effects of the weights of the
proposed utilities on the load carrying capacity of the bridge for
Reclamation review.
f. Intermediate supports for the utility should withstand the same
seismic load considerations as the bridge.
g. Load limit signs should be placed adjacent to the bridge, as
required under AASHTO criteria.
h. Beam guardrails should be installed at bridges and bridge
approaches, as required under AASHTO criteria.
10. The applicant will be responsible for changes to Reclamation existing
ROW; bridge O&M approach roads; existing fencing, gates, and signs;
and the addition of new fencing, O&M gates, cattle guards, signs, etc.



1. No landscaping or other changes in ground surfaces within Reclamation

pipeline and canal/lateral ROW should be made without advance written
permission of Reclamation through the application process. Landscaping
changes may (1) limit, prevent, or hamper O&M access; (2) increase the
costs of operations and maintenance of the facility; (3) impact facility
reliability; or (4) create a public nuisance or liability issue.
2. Open space with natural hiking trails and walkways may be permitted if
vehicle access to Reclamation pipeline and appurtenant facilities for patrol
and maintenance is provided.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

3. The following may apply within Reclamations ROW:

a. The easement may be used as a greenbelt upon Reclamation
b. Ground cover and shrubs are permitted upon Reclamation
c. Trees and vines should not be allowed. See Appendix B of
Review of Operation and Maintenance Program Field
Examination Guidelines (reproduced as appendix B at the end of
these guidelines).
4. All temporary or permanent changes in ground surfaces within
Reclamation pipeline and canal ROW are considered encroaching
structures and are handled as such. Earthfills and cuts on adjacent
property should not encroach onto Reclamation pipeline and canal ROW.
Excavations of adjacent property (even property not within Reclamations
purview) within the projection of the Reclamation embankment line may
impact embankment stability and should be evaluated.
5. Permanent landscaping structures should not be allowed within the

exterior limits of a Reclamation linear facility ROW (fee owned or


6. Pressurized lawn and park sprinkler irrigation lines (3-inch maximum

size) and isolation valves within Reclamation easements that run parallel
to a Reclamation pipeline should be installed at least 15 feet from the edge
of the Reclamation pipeline.
Irrigating lawns and flower beds along canal embankments should not
overwater the area or threaten the embankment stability.


Roadway Crossing

Note: This type of encroachment also includes parking areas and recreational
1. The applicant should submit a grading plan as part of the application.
2. If the roadway crosses a Reclamation pipeline system that has a cover pipe
designation of A, refer to 3.2 General.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

3. If the applicant intends to modify existing drainage features during

construction, detailed drawings showing the proposed drainage
replacement/restoration should be submitted with the application for
review and approval. (Refer to 3.2 General.)
4. If the proposed roadway includes a bridge crossing over a Reclamation
canal or pipeline, Reclamation and/or AOE should review and approve the
vertical clearance and location of the abutments. (Refer to 4.1 Bridges.)
5. Streets, roads, or parking areas crossing Reclamation pipeline easements
are permissible. All streets, roads, and parking surfaces are to be asphalt
or other flexible pavement. Depressed curbs or driveways should be
provided for Reclamation vehicular access when new roads cross
Reclamation pipelines or canals.
6. Roadway ditch drainage should not be allowed to flow into the canal.
Drainage should be retained and released in a controlled way to maintain
peak discharges that are less than any peak historical runoff rate before
these modifications. Applicants should direct drainage to an original subbasin cross drainage culvert or overchute. (Refer to 3.2 General and
4.4 Storm Water Cross Drainage.)
7. If existing roadway embankments are to be widened, the work should be
conducted in accordance with the provisions of construction in the
applicable State Department of Transportation (DOT) Standard


Storm Water Cross Drainage

1. Upslope development impacts historic natural drainage volumes and

peak flow rates. Development re-grades and revises drainage subbasins. Revised ground cover from constructing roads, parking areas,
and buildings may result in the need to change the cross drainage
features (culverts and/or overchutes) along Reclamation canals.



A hydrologic study should accompany all plans that modify the existing
drainage across and/or along Reclamation facilities. The study or
report should show the proposed flows of the canal and the associated
crossings. The drainage study or report should show that the
downstream system can accept the flows without creating any flooding
to properties adjacent to or downstream of the canal.


All drainage crossings, whether existing or proposed, should carry the

peak runoff of a 100-year event while preventing any storm water from
entering the canal and/or ponding against the canal embankment.

Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings


Urban runoff should not be allowed to enter into, or drain onto,

Reclamations land. All flows generated outside Reclamations ROW
should enter the storm drain system prior to entering Reclamations
ROW. Piped connections are preferred, but concrete-lined channels may
be acceptable upon Reclamations review.


The new crossing under a canal should be designed with 3 feet vertical
clearance from the top of the cross drainage structure to the bottom of
the canal (or liner). The structure should extend completely across
Reclamations ROW.


New overcrossings of the canal should have 2 feet of vertical clearance

from the top of the liner and 2 feet of horizontal clearance from the
support abutments to the outside edge of the canal lining. The O&M
road crossing of the cross drainage structure should be structurally
capable of withstanding highway-legal vehicle loadings and provide at
least 1 foot of cover in the roadway.

7. Pipe crossing barriers should be installed on all pipe overcrossings.

8. All drainage flow should be discharged to a downstream storm drainage
system owned, operated, and maintained by a public agency (such as a
city or county) or into areas such as channels, roadways, parks, wetland
basins, or other non-private lands that can accept the concentrated flows
from the drainage crossing.

All drainage from upland property should be collected by the applicants

installed system of curbs and inlets within their property and discharged
into a non-Reclamation public agencys drainage system.

10. New drainage system designs will not use ponding against the existing
canal embankment for temporary detention of storm runoff that will not
immediately pass through existing or new crossings.
Proposed permanent detention facilities adjacent to Reclamations
property should include engineered fill beyond the canal ROW to
provide, at a minimum, a fill-width maintenance access roadway
between the canal property and the basin. The applicant shall submit a
geotechnical report verifying that the canal embankments can perform as
detention basin embankments. The design should provide for sufficient
freeboard to contain the 100-year event within the proposed basin
adjacent to Reclamations property and shall have adequate protection
from seepage and erosion.
The ownership and related O&M of the embankments shall be the
responsibility of the applicant requesting the crossing.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

11. When grading operations upstream of existing canal drainage crossings

are scheduled to take longer than a normal construction season to
complete, temporary basins shall be installed. These temporary basins
should be designed to detain the 100-year event, capture silt from the
disturbed area, and meter the flows across the existing drain crossings
without spilling flows into the canal.
12. Unless Reclamation specifies otherwise, the applicant should remove or
plug and abandon existing drainage crossings that are not used by the
development unless they are shown to provide an additional measure of
safety for the canal by reducing the likelihood of spill into the canal
caused by extreme runoff flows. Otherwise, these crossings should
remain in place for Reclamations benefit and will not require ownership
transfer to a public agency.
These crossings must discharge into the non-Reclamation public
agencys storm drainage systems or into areas such as channels,
roadways, parks, wetland basins, or other nonprivate lands that can
accept the concentrated flows from the drainage crossing in the case of
an extreme runoff event.
Grading in Reclamation property should be preserved or revised to
direct extreme runoff flows into these unused drainage crossings without
allowing said flows to enter into the canal until the crossings reach their



Urban developments are reaching Reclamations lands and ROWs. These are
general guidelines for accommodating development in subdivisions (refer to
3.2 General and 4.4 Storm Water Cross Drainage).
1. Permanent structures should not be permitted within Reclamation feeowned linear ROWs.

Open space with natural hiking trails and vegetation may be allowable.

3. Where subdivision development is adjacent to a canal, fencing should

include these characteristics:
a. Temporary chain link fences must be installed prior to removing
any portion of existing fences.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

b. Upon completion of grading for drainage and other work,

fencing should be installed along the subdivisions boundary
length of the adjacent ROW plus 150 feet beyond the
developments property boundary. The fence should be per
project standards and at the applicants expense.
c. The new fence should be located 1 foot outside of Reclamations
ROW. The fence location should be shown on the improvement

Use of Reclamation pipeline easements as part of residential subdivision

lots should not be allowed. Pipeline easements may be included within
the subdivision greenbelt or similar use areas.


Drawings should include all proposed improvements (i.e., streets,

utilities, landscaping, etc.) within, and adjacent to, Reclamations ROW.


Trees or vines should not be allowed within a Reclamation pipeline or

canal ROW. See Appendix B of Review and Operation and
Maintenance Program Field Examination Guidelines (reproduced as
appendix B at the end of these guidelines).


Streets, roads, or parking areas using Reclamation easements may be

permissible. All streets, roads, and parking surfaces should be asphalt or
other flexible pavement. Depressed curbs or driveways should be
provided for Reclamation vehicular access when new roads cross
Reclamation pipelines or canals.

8. Where fencing is proposed within Reclamation easements, a minimum

16-foot-wide gate should be provided for Reclamation access.

Pipelines containing sewage, oil, gasoline, natural gas, or hazardous

materials should only cross perpendicular (between 70 and 90 degrees)
to the Reclamation pipeline or canal and be installed with the necessary
safety measures and separation clearance as required in 4.6 Utility

10. Electroliers, posts, etc., should be installed at the maximum distance

possible from the edge of the pipeline or canal.
11. If crossing a Reclamation pipeline system that has A cover pipe
designation, refer to recommendations in 3.2 General.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings


Utility Crossing

Note: All pipelines, electrical, and communication lines and conduits are referred
to as utilities in these guidelines.
4.6.1 Casings
The Reclamation Materials Engineering and Research Laboratorys (MERL)
position is to avoid using casing pipes around metallic carrier pipelines (steel,
ductile iron, cast iron, reinforced concrete, pretensioned concrete cylinder, etc.)
whenever possible. The experience of the corrosion community in general is that
these casings often cause corrosion-control problems. Furthermore, dielectric
(plastic, fiberglass, etc.) casings, or even dielectrically coated casings, should not
be used. They can shield the carrier pipe from receiving cathodic protection
Cathodic protection to a buried metallic pipeline is more trouble free and more
certain without a casing pipe. MERL recommends relying on effective corrosion
control measures on the carrier pipeline rather than relying on a casing pipe
(which may shield cathodic protection current) to direct a leak away from
Reclamation property.
4.6.2 Overhead Line Crossing
1. Overhead wires across Reclamation pipeline and canal ROWs should be at
least 32 feet above all ground levels in the Reclamation ROW. For
electrical powerlines of 69 kilovolts (kV) or higher voltage, the minimum
clearance should be 40 feet plus 0.25 inch per kV of line-to-line voltage
above 450 kV. In any case, the minimum clearance is to be that
determined to be needed with an ambient temperature of 120 degrees
2. Reclamation has the following requirements for overhead crossings:
a. Poles or towers should not be allowed within Reclamations ROW.
b. Overhead electrical and communication lines should cross
perpendicular (between 70 and 90 degrees) to the centerline of the
Reclamation facility.
c. If necessary, fence grounding is to be provided for existing fence
lines, especially under power transmission lines.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

3. A marker warning sign should be provided that shows the clearance and
electrical line voltage. The warning sign should face oncoming traffic and
4.6.3 Utility Crossing Reclamations Canal
Utility crossings include open ditch laterals, subsurface and surface drains, levees,
and similar facilities.
General Requirements:

Utilities crossing Reclamation canals should be designed to cross

perpendicular (between 70 and 90 degrees).


Pier construction in the canal for new utility crossing(s) should not be
allowed. New utility crossings should be free span design.


Open cut crossings of Reclamation canals and ditches, when allowed,

should require replacing linings to re-establish the original construction
style and materials (i.e., disturbed concrete lining panels should be
removed in their entirety and replaced, membrane lining and earth or
concrete protective cover should be re-constructed, gravel and canal
under-drainage systems should be re-established to full working order,
etc.) Proposals should be submitted for approval with the crossing
permit application.


For trench excavation and backfill requirements, refer to 3.2 General.


Boring and jacking of a utility through canal embankments or protective

levees should not be permitted. Boring and jacking of a utility should be
constructed through the embankment foundation materials. Applicants
should make special design and construction considerations with bored
crossings under canals containing water during construction. Among
these should be using proper bentonite slurry to seal the annulus space
between the utility conduit and the boring cavity from canal seepage.
Refer to appendix A for more details to be considered.
The applicants drilling plan should cover:
a. Drilling methods and equipment
b. Methods for preserving existing foundation material
c. Methods and equipment to determine the presence of quick soil
conditions or scouring and caving


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

d. Proposed method for casing installation and removal if casings

are used
e. Methods and equipment for accurately determining the depth of
concrete and actual or theoretical volume placed
The applicants contingency plan should cover:
a. Means to repair in a certain time
b. Minimum flows after event
c. Review of geotechnical conditions surrounding the pile locations
d. Assessment of how the proposed mitigations will address
geotechnical conditions
e. Methods for restoring foundation material
f. List of material, equipment, and personnel with qualifications to
be used during mitigation work
g. A seal from a Professional Engineer on all relevant plans and
6. When horizontal directional drilling (HDD) or other trenchless methods
are used, canal seepage conditions may be aggravated by the collapse of
the canal foundation material into the annular void between the bore and
pipe. Penetration through the top stratum of fine-grained materials may
concentrate seepage at those locations. Pipe installed with trenchless
methods should proceed only after completion of a comprehensive
evaluation of the following:
(a) Comprehensive understanding of the subsurface soil and
groundwater conditions to a minimum depth of 20 feet below
the lowest pipe elevation
(b) Locations of the HDD pipe penetration entry and exit
(c) Construction procedure
(d) Allowable uplift pressures
(e) Onsite quality control and quality assurance monitoring during
construction operation


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings


Grouting of the pipe annulus

(g) Backfilling of any excavated areas

(h) Repair and reinstatement of the construction staging areas
A geotechnical report should be submitted with the application for
review prior to approval of the proposed utility crossing.
Directional drilling under a canal may be considered if a minimum
clearance of 25 feet to the bottom of the canal lining is maintained for
utilities with less than a 24-inch outside diameter. Larger utility
crossings should be considered on an individual basis and may require
additional clearance from the bottom of the canal lining.
7. Cut and cover constructed utilities under Reclamation canals should
have a minimum cover of 36 inches when within Reclamations ROWs.
Bored construction utilities should have a minimum of 3 diameters

Reclamations ongoing O&M activities should not be disrupted during

crossing construction. The primary or secondary operating road should
be kept available for Reclamation use at all times.

9. Canal embankments should be re-built or repaired with materials and

standards equal to or better than the existing embankments.
10. Drawings should be stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer and
contain the following information:
a. Canal milepost or station at each proposed crossing, utility size
and location, and type of utility or material transported
b. Maximum utility operating pressure, type of pipe, joints, wall
thickness, maximum test pressure, and description of test
c. Type of sleeve/casing (when allowed) including diameter, joints,
and wall thickness
d. For utilities attached to a bridge or an overchute, details showing
the structure name, superstructure, abutments, embankments,
protective dikes, method of attachment, spacing of utility
supports on the structure, location of other attached utilities, and
structural calculations


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

e. Protective coatings and corrosion control measures

f. Method of handling pipeline expansion and contraction
g. Location of nearest shutoff valve on each side of the crossing
h. Location and details of thrust restraint
i. Design code(s) used for the utility crossing
j. Location, including depth, of the buried pipeline communication
and control cables
k. Other existing utility easements in the immediate vicinity
Hazardous Material Carrier Requirements:
1. Pipelines carrying hazardous material or pollutants (e.g., oils, gasoline,
sewage, contaminated waters, and nonpotable waters) should be designed
for a reduced risk of failure in the portion within Reclamations ROW.
The design should require either:
a. Designing the crossing pipeline with an additional 50 percent
working pressure factor
b. Using secondary containment (casing pipe) for all hazardous
material pipelines
2. To minimize the amount of any hazardous material entering the canal,
Reclamation may require the installation of a block (gate) valve and or a
check valve on each side of the canal between the ROW boundary and the
embankment. When selecting the type of the valves, take into the account
the flow direction and the terrain.
3. A final hazardous material spill contingency plan and an emergency
response plan should be approved by Reclamation prior to start of
4. A monitoring program and/or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
System alarm may be required depending on the hazardous material
transported. This applies to all overcrossings and undercrossings
when the hydraulic grade line is within 60 inches of the canal liner or
when local geology would promote this requirement.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

Attaching Utilities to Bridges and Overchutes:

Note: Reclamation does not guarantee the long-term availability of bridges or
overchutes as support devices for utility crossings because they may require
structural modifications or alterations to accommodate widening, repairs,
subsidence offsets, etc., to such an extent that service may be interrupted or
stopped. Reclamation may determine the bridge is no longer required and may
remove it. In that event, the owner/operator of each utility attached to a bridge or
an overchute may be required to re-locate or permanently remove their utility at
their own expense.
Specific details for attaching utilities to bridges are:
a. Utilities should not be placed on the bridge deck.
b. Anchor bolt locations should not intercept the critical reinforcing steel of
the bridge.
c. Utilities should be placed and anchored under bridge decks between
girders and through utility openings, if they are present. The utility should
be placed off center in the utility opening, if possible, to allow for future
utility additions.
d. If an expansion joint is used in the pipeline, it should be placed near the
bridge deck expansion joint.
e. Holes through bridge concrete or abutment and retaining walls for passage
of utilities may be allowed and should be core drilled. The annular space
between the utility and core hole surface should be completely filled with
an elastomeric sealant to prevent loss of material or water piping from
behind the wingwalls and abutments.
f. Calculations showing the effects of the weights of the proposed utilities on
the load carrying capacity of the bridge should be submitted for
Reclamation review.
g. Intermediate supports for the utility should withstand the seismic

conditions of the bridge.

4.6.4 Utility Crossing Reclamations Underground Pipelines

1. The applicant should submit the procedures, excavation plans, schedules,
as well as type and weight of the construction equipment to be used for
crossing the Reclamation pipeline.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

2. High voltage, direct current powerlines should not be permitted to

encroach on the Reclamation pipeline ROW, except in unusual
circumstances and with proper cathodic protection considerations.
3. For proposed metallic pipelines, refer to 5.0 Cathodic Protection
4. For utilities crossing above or under the Reclamation pipeline, the vertical
clearance between the utility and Reclamation pipeline should be a
minimum of 12 inches.
5. The location of the Reclamation pipeline and the communication and
control cables throughout the area of the proposed construction should be
shown on the plans. Prior to Reclamation and/or AOE issuing a use
authorization or consent document, the pipeline and the cable(s) should be
located and exposed by potholing. The pothole locations should be shown
on the drawings. The pothole elevations should be referenced to
Reclamation stationing or milepost. (Refer to 3.2 General.)
6. Drawings should contain the following information:
a. Reclamation milepost or station at each proposed crossing,
pipeline size and location, and type of utility or material
b. Maximum utility operating pressure, type of pipe and joints,
maximum test pressure and description of test procedures, wall
thickness, and utility pipe classification.
c. Type of sleeve/casing pipe (when allowed) including diameter,
joints, and wall thickness.
d. Protective coatings and corrosion control measures.
e. Location of nearest shutoff valve on each side of the crossing.
f. Location and details of thrust restraint.
g. Design code(s) used for utility crossing.
h. Location, including depth of the Reclamation pipeline and the
communication and control cables.
i. Other existing utility easements in the immediate vicinity.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

7. Detectable warning tape may be required over trenched utilities. (Refer to

3.3 Detectable Warning Tape.)
8. For trench excavation and backfill requirements, refer to 3.2 General.
9. Embankments should not be permitted within Reclamations ROW where
underground pipeline exists.
4.6.5 Utility Crossing Under Reclamations Roadways
1. The applicant should supply typical cross sections that show existing
ground surface elevations, utility trench invert elevations, and utility
2. For trench excavation and backfill requirements, refer to 3.2 General.
3. Conduits with diameters up to 24 inches should be bored and jacked
underneath pavements. Larger conduits may be considered on an
individual basis. Pavement or road surfaces should not be cut unless an
acceptable detour, if required, is approved. The cover over the conduit(s)
when within Reclamations ROWs should be a minimum of 36 inches.
(Refer to 3.2 General.)
4. Unless otherwise approved, the applicant should replace existing
Reclamation roads and parking surfaces that are removed or damaged by
the applicants construction activities in accordance with provisions in the
latest edition of the applicable State DOT Standard Specifications.
5. If existing road embankments are to be widened, the work should be
conducted in accordance with the provisions of embankment construction
in the applicable State DOT Standard Specifications.
6. Detectable warning tape may be required over buried utilities. (Refer to
3.3 Detectable Warning Tape.)



Cathodically Protected Metallic Pipelines

Unless approved in writing by Reclamation, metallic pipelines or those containing

metallic reinforcement (e.g., reinforced concrete) installed within Reclamations
ROW should have a suitable bonded dielectric coating (see 5.2 Protective
Coatings for Corrosion Control) and be cathodically protected. Impressed
current cathodic protection rectifiers and deep-well anode systems should not be


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

permitted within Reclamation facilities without prior approval from MERLs

Corrosion Technology Group. All submittals should include details of the
cathodic protection system (CPS) and its appurtenances.
1. All existing Reclamation cathodic protection test stations, cables running
to these stations, rectifiers, anode beds, and any other appurtenances
should be located prior to any grading or excavation. The test stations
should be staked and flagged. The test stations, cables running to these
stations, any anode beds, etc., should be suitably enclosed or protected
during construction to prevent damage. No re-location or modification of
the test stations, cables, anode beds, etc., is allowed without prior approval
from MERLs Corrosion Technology Group.
2. Generally, the CPS to the proposed pipeline should be the sacrificial anode
type unless the proposed installation continues an existing pipeline that
uses impressed current type of cathodic protection.
3. A means of monitoring the effectiveness of the CPS on the proposed
pipeline should be provided within Reclamations ROWs. The number of
anodes and test stations will differ with each project. Test stations should
be located at every anode bed connection and should not be more than
1,000 feet apart. A test station should also be located where any metallic
pipeline crosses over or under a metallic Reclamation pipeline, metallic
fence, other metallic structure embedded in the ground, or comes within
20 feet of a Reclamation structure on or embedded in the ground. Both
the proposed cathodically protected pipeline and the Reclamation pipeline
should be monitored regularly using these test stations. Monitoring results
should be reported to MERLs Corrosion Technology Group. In addition,
the owner of the proposed crossing pipeline should investigate and
mitigate any adverse potential shift caused by the proposed pipeline on the
Reclamation pipeline. Owners of proposed crossing pipelines should
return Reclamation pipelines to their original electrochemical potentials or
to more benign potentials. Mitigation measures should be approved by
MERLs Corrosion Technology Group. The effectiveness of mitigation
measures should be confirmed in the presence of a Reclamation
representative following installation.
For those pipelines under DOT regulation, the application and monitoring
of the CPS should conform to Title 49 CFR, Part 195, any special
provisions of this guideline, and the provisions of NACE International
RP 0169, in that order. For other pipelines, any special provisions of this
guideline should take precedence, followed by the provisions of NACE
RP 0169.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings


Protective Coatings for Corrosion Control

1. Atmospheric Exposed Pipe

The coating should be a high build modified aluminum epoxy mastic
primer and top coated with a high build aliphatic urethane. The type of
coating should be listed in the submitted plans and specifications.
Information should include the surface preparation and the thickness of the
coating to be applied.
2. Buried Pipe
The type of coating may vary from project to project due to geology and
soil corrosivity and should be considered on an individual basis. The type
of coating should be listed in the submitted plans and specifications.
Information should include the surface preparation and the thickness of the
coating to be applied.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

Application for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal
Lands, <http://www.ntia.doc.gov/FROWsite/SF-299_2006.pdf>.
Application for Use of Reclamation Project Land and Water Surfaces,
Bureau of Reclamation Right-of-Use Application, <http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/
California Department of Water Resources - Encroachment Permit Guidelines.
Central Arizona Project, Reach 11 Guidelines.
GP Region Billings MT Standard Crossing & Clearance Requirements, Utility
Lines and Cables, drawing 40-600-51. The office also uses a Preliminary
Project Description Form and a Special Use Permit.
NACE, International RP 0169, Standard Recommended Practice Control of
External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems.
PN Region Burley ID Overhead and underground crossing clearances.
Policy on Geometric Design of Highway and Streets, American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Fifth Edition, 2004.
Reclamation, 2005. Preliminary drawing 103-D-1700 that provides general
requirements for installation of crossings, June 2005.
Reclamation Manual, Directive and Standards LND 08-01, Land Use
Authorizations, <http://www.usbr.gov/recman/lnd/lnd08-01.pdf>.
Title 29 CFR, Part 195.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering and Design, Design and
Construction of Levees EM 1110-2-1913, 30 Apr 2000, CECW-EG
Washington, DC 20314-1000.


Engineering and O&M Guidelines for Crossings

Bored and jacked This terminology is a general way of referring to a family of
trenchless methods.
Bridge, class A Vehicular bridge used by the public. May or may not be owned
by the Bureau of Reclamation.
Consent Document Permit Permit required across fee-owned lands.
Detention basin An artificial flow control structure used to contain flood water
for a limited period of a time, thereby providing protection for areas downstream.
Detention basins provide a way to reduce storm peak flows, while retention basins
hold water for an extended period of time. These basins are generally a part of a
larger engineered flood water management system.
Electroliers A branching frame, often of ornamental design, used to support
electric illuminating lamps.
Pothole excavation See potholing.
Potholing The practice of digging test holes to expose underground utilities
(e.g., cables) to determine the horizontal and vertical location of these utilities.
Trenchless methods Procedures for installing pipe without using traditional
trench cut and cover methods. These trenchless methods may be referred to as
bore and jack, tunneling, horizontal directional drilling, and microtunneling,
among others.
Water conveyance facility Canal, ditch, pipeline, drain, levee, open or closed
laterals, and similar facilities and their associated appurtenant features.


Appendix A

General Requirements for Installing

Bored and Jacked Pipe Undercrossings

Bored and Jacked Under the Canal This terminology is a general way of
referring to a family of trenchless technologies. Similar guidance to the
requirements listed below should be followed no matter what method is used for
1. Installing a lone carrier pipe (without casing) is encouraged. Refer to
4.6 Utility Crossing, and 4.6.1 Casings for information on cautions
of using casings around metallic carrier pipe.

Plans must show carrier/casing pipe type, diameter, and thickness.

Casing pipes should be steel pipe (American Water Works Association
[AWWA] C-200) and have 1/4-inch minimum wall thickness.
Applicants should provide the type of carrier pipe and appropriate bell
dimensions for said carrier pipe to verify annular clearances.


When installing pipe while the canal is unwatered, a minimum of 3 pipe

diameters or 60 inches of clearance (whichever is greater) between the
top of the pipe and the bottom of the canal must be maintained.
However, 72 inches or more clearance is recommended.


Provide a minimum of 3 inches of clearance between the carrier and

casing pipes at all points (including bells).


A bulkhead or effective sealing device should be provided at both ends

of each casing pipe to seal the annular space between the two pipes.
Vent pipe should be included to allow ventilation and reduce the risk of
condensation buildup and flooding.

6. As a result of the installation process, an annular void is usually created

around the outside of the casing pipe. Provisions should be made to
pressure grout or effectively seal (e.g., bentonite slurry) this void space.

Requirements below are provided to establish minimums for

determination of the length of pipe to be installed. It is strongly
recommended that pipes be installed perpendicular (between 70 and
90 degrees) to the canal alignment. Regardless, the pipe must extend
completely through the Bureau of Reclamations (Reclamation) right-ofway (ROW). Theses minimums do not relieve the applicants engineer
from performing an onsite investigation or other work to determine local
conditions that may require additional pipe length.
Jacking pit configuration, location, and length of pipe to be installed
should be based on the following parameters:
a. One operating road shall remain open to vehicular traffic at all


b. The minimum operating road embankment top width to be

maintained during construction should be either 14 feet wide, the
width of the existing embankment, or as required by
c. As a minimum, jacking pit excavations should not be within:
(1) A line drawn from the outside edge of the operating road
embankment extended downward and away from the
canal at a slope of 3/4 horizontal to 1 vertical.
(2) A line drawn from the outside edge of the top of the
concrete lining extended downward and away from the
canal at a slope of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical.
d. To contain the slurry during installation, jacking pits should be
constructed so that natural ground or a compacted dike is entirely
around the pit to an elevation at least 1 foot above the top of the
canal lining.
e. All excavations should be in compliance with Occupation Safety
and Health Administration regulations and Reclamations Health
and Safety Standards.
f. If the contractor elects to install shoring in the jacking pits, all
shoring designs should be prepared by a Professional Engineer
knowledgeable in said type of work. A copy of the shoring
designs should be submitted to Reclamation.

Jacking pits should be backfilled with native material and mechanically

compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density per ASTM D-698.


The contractors should be responsible for any damage to the canal

section during the construction of a crossing, and the contractor shall
repair the damage at their own expense.

10. If an emergency situation develops during construction, the contractor

should immediately notify appropriate contacts with Reclamation.
Reclamation must approve further work at that point.
11. The minimum distance between two jacked pipes should be 10 feet.
12. Any pressure lines installed within Reclamations ROW must have
adequate thrust restraint at bends and valves. Specified design pressures
and thrust restraint calculations shall be provided to Reclamation to
confirm the design configuration.


Appendix B

Guidelines Removal of Trees and Other

Vegetative Growth from Earth Dams,
Dikes, and Conveyance Features

Excerpted from: Review of Operation and Maintenance

Program Field Examination Guidelines







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