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Eugenics - SQL

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The document talks about creating various database tables to store user, profile, skills, experience and other related information. It also discusses creating views on these tables to retrieve specific data in an organized manner.

The tables created are - role, skill, post_type, department, degree, profile, higher_degree, experience, project, profile_skills, user, query, event, post.

Some of the views created are - view_user_details, view_experience_details, view_BSC_CT_details, view_female_alumni_details, view_TCS_alumni_details, view_event_details, view_TCS_batchwise_count_details, view_event_count_details, view_skillSET_count_details


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Write a query to create role table. Sample Query: create table role (id BIGINT(20), name
varchar(255) NOT NULL, primary key(id));
Id BIGINT(20),
2. Write a query to create skill table. Please note that the field description can be NULL and
the default value is NULL.
descriptiON VARCHAR(255) NULL,
3. Write a query to create post_type table.
CREATE TABLE post_type
4. Write a query to create department table.
CREATE TABLE department
5. Write a query to create degree table.
department_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(department_id) REFERENCES department(Id)

6. Write a query to create profile table. Please note that designation field can be NULL and
the default value is NULL.
address VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
batch VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
degree_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
designaton VARCHAR(255) NULL,
gender VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(degree_id) REFERENCES degree(Id)
7. Write a query to create higher_degree table. Please note that fields degree_name and
university_name can be NULL and the default value is NULL.
CREATE TABLE higher_degree
degree_name VARCHAR(255) NULL,
university_name VARCHAR(255) NULL,
profile_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(profile_id) REFERENCES profile(Id)

8. Write a query to create experience table. Please note that filed end can be NULL and
Default value is NULL.
CREATE TABLE experience
company_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
current BIT(1) NOT NULL,
profile_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(profile_id) REFERENCES profile(Id)
9. Write a query to create project table. Please note that field short_description can be
NULL and the default value is NULL.

number_of_members INT(11) NOT NULL,

profile_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
short_descriptiON VARCHAR(255) NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(profile_id) REFERENCES profile(Id)
10. Write a query to create profile_skills table.
CREATE TABLE profile_skills
skill_id BIGINT(20),
profile_id BIGINT(20),
PRIMARY KEY(skill_id,profile_id)
11. Write a query to create user table. Please note that the field profile_id can be NULL and
the default value is NULL.
emailid VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
phONenumber VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
profile_id BIGINT(20) NULL,
role_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(profile_id) REFERENCES profile(Id),


descriptiON VARCHAR(255) NULL,
invitatiON VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
organiser_id BIGINT(20)NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(organiser_id) REFERENCES user(Id)
14. Write a query to create post table.
type_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
user_id BIGINT(20)NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(type_id) REFERENCES post_type(Id),
15. Write a query to add a new column named description of type varchar(255) to role
ADD descriptiON VARCHAR(255);
16. Write a query to change the type of field description in the role table to varchar(500);

12. Write a query to create query table. Please note that field parent_id can be NULL and
the default value is NULL.




parent_id BIGINT(20) NULL,
user_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(parent_id) REFERENCES query(Id),

17. Write a query to remove the column description from the role table.
DROP COLUMN descriptiON;
18. Write a query to rename table role to roles.
RENAME roles;
19. Write a query to rename table roles to role.

13. Write a query to create event table. Please note that field description can be NULL and
the default value is NULL.


RENAME role;

20. Write a query to add a new column named user_id of type BIGINT(20) to department
ALTER TABLE department
ADD user_id BIGINT(20);
21. Write a query to add a constraint to the department table. user_id is a foreign key and
it references id in the user table.
ALTER TABLE department
22. Write a query to drop the column user_id from the department table.
ALTER TABLE department
DROP COLUMN user_id;
23. Write a query to rename table department to departments.
ALTER TABLE department
RENAME departments;

INSERT INTO post_type(id,name)

4. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the department table.
INSERT INTO department(id,name)
5. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the degree table.
INSERT INTO degree(id,department_id,name)
6. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the profile table.
INSERT INTO profile(id,address,batch,degree_id,designaton,gender)
7. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the higher_degree table.

24. Write a query to delete the table profile_skills.

DROP TABLE profile_skills;

INSERT INTO higher_degree(id,degree_name,university_name,profile_id)

VALUES(1,'BE','Anna University',017),
(2,'BE','Anna University',016);

25. Write a query to delete post table.

8. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the experience table.

INSERT INTO experience(id,company_name,current,end,start,profile_id)

VALUES(1,'CTS',1,'2008-11-11 13:23:44','2015-11-11 13:23:44',017),
(2,'CTS',1,'2008-11-11 13:23:44','2015-11-11 13:23:44',016);
9. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the project table.

1. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the role table.

INSERT INTO role(id,name)

INSERT INTO project(id,name,number_of_members,profile_id,short_descriptiON)

VALUES(1,'Alumini management',10,017,'for school AND college'),
(2,'Library management',11,016,'for school AND college');
10. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the user table.

2. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the skill table.

INSERT INTO skill(id,descriptiON,name)
VALUES(1,'self learning','learn'),
(2,'technical skills','coding');

INSERT INTO user(id,emailid,name,password,phONenumber,profile_id,role_id,username)

11. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the query table.

3. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the post_type table.

INSERT INTO query(id,cONtent,date,parent_id,user_id)

VALUES(1,'Alumini management','2008-11-11 13:23:44',78,45),

(2,'Library management','2008-11-11 13:23:44',79,46);
12. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the event table.
INSERT INTO event(id,date,descriptiON,invitatiON,name,organiser_id)
VALUES(1,'2008-11-11 13:23:44','Alumni meet','OBA','ManikANDan',123),
(2,'2008-11-11 13:23:44','Library opening','member','Narayanan',456);
13. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the post table.
INSERT INTO post(id,cONtent,date,type_id,user_id)
VALUES(1,'Alumni meet','2008-11-11 13:23:44',789,123),
(2,'Library opening','2008-11-11 13:23:44',987,456);
14. Write a query to change the role name 'Admin' to 'Administrator'
SET name='Administrator'
WHERE name='Admin';

UPDATE profile
SET batch='1998'
WHERE batch='98';
21 Write a query to update the year in the date entry in the query table from 2012 to 2013.
UPDATE query
SET date=DATE_FORMAT(date,'2013-%m-%d')
WHERE date=DATE_FORMAT(date,'2012-%m-%d') ;
SET name='Administrator'
WHERE name='Admin';
22) Accidentally the server date was set to a wrong value for 1 day. You have correctly set
the date now. But you want to change all the date entries made on that day. Write a query
to change the day by 1 of all dates in the query table on 31st Jan 2013.
UPDATE query
WHERE DATE(date)='2013-01-31';

15 Delete the role 'Student'.

23) Write a query to delete all queries from the query table posted before year 2012.
WHERE name='Student';
16. Write a query to change the skill name 'CAD' to 'CADCAM'.
UPDATE skill
WHERE name='CAD';


WHERE date
BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(date,'0000-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(date,'2011-%m-%d');
24) Write a query such that the experience table contains only the details regarding the
current experience of the alumni.

17 Write a query to delete the skill 'Web Design'.

DELETE FROM experience

WHERE end is not null;


WHERE name='Web Design';

25) The event 'ALUMNI MEET' has been postponed by 3 hours. Write a query to change the
event time.

18 Write a query to change the post_type 'Tech' to 'Technology'.

UPDATE event

UPDATE post_type
SET name='Technology'
WHERE name='Tech';
19 Write a query to delete the post_type 'Technology'.


DELETE FROM post_type

WHERE name='Technology';

1. Write a query to display the entire contents of the role table, sorted by name in
ascending order.

20 Write a query to change the batch name from 98 to 1998.


FROM role
ORDER BY name;

9. Write a query to display the names of all universities in which the alumni from this
college have done or are doing their higher studies, sorted in ascending order.

2. Write a query to display the entire contents of the skill table, sorted by name in
ascending order.

SELECT DISTINCT university_name

FROM higher_degree
ORDER BY university_name;

FROM skill
ORDER BY name;
3. Write a query to display the entire contents of the department table, sorted by name in
descending order.
FROM department
4. Write a query to display the entire contents of the post_type table, sorted by name in
descending order.
FROM post_type

10. Write a query to display all unique designations from the profile table sorted in
ascending order.
FROM profile
ORDER BY designaton;
11. Write a query to display the batch details of all alumni who are currently project
managers, sorted in ascending order.
FROM profile,experience
WHERE designaton='PROJECT MANAGER' AND current=1
ORDER BY batch;
12. Write a query to display all designations of Male students/alumni from the profile
table sorted in ascending order.

5. Write a query to display all role names, sorted in ascending order.

FROM role
ORDER BY name;
6. Write a query to display the names and descriptions of all skills, sorted by skill name.
SELECT name,descriptiON
FROM skill
ORDER BY name;
7. Write a query to display the names of all departments, sorted in ascending order.
FROM department
ORDER BY name;
8. Write a query to display the names of all post types, sorted in ascending order.
FROM post_type
ORDER BY name;


FROM profile
WHERE gender='MALE'
ORDER BY designaton;
13. Write a query to display all designations of Female students/alumni from batch 2008
from the profile table sorted in ascending order.
FROM profile
WHERE batch=2008 AND gender='FEMALE'
ORDER BY designaton;
14. Write a query to display the address details of Male alumni from 2008 batch, sorted in
ascending order based on address.
SELECT address
FROM profile
WHERE gender='MALE' AND batch=2008
ORDER BY address;
15. Write a query to display the names of companies in which the college alumni have
been or are employees, sorted in ascending order based on name.

SELECT DISTINCT company_name

FROM experience
ORDER BY company_name;
16. Write a query to display the names of companies in which the college alumni are
employees at present, sorted in descending order based on name.
SELECT DISTINCT company_name
FROM experience
WHERE current=1
ORDER BY company_name DESC;
17. Write a query to display the names and phone numbers of all users, sorted in
descending order by name.
SELECT name,phONenumber
FROM user
18. Write a query to display the names, emailids and phone numbers of all users, sorted in
ascending order by name.
SELECT name,emailid,phONenumber
FROM user
ORDER BY name;
19. Write a query to display the user name and password of Ram.
SELECT username,password
FROM user
WHERE name='RAM';
20. Write a query to display the names and descriptions of projects with more than 10
members, sorrted in ascending order by name.
SELECT name,short_descriptiON
FROM project
WHERE number_of_members>10
ORDER BY name;
21. Write a query to display the names and descriptions of all events scheduled on 27th
January, 2014, sorted in ascending order by name.
SELECT name,descriptiON
FROM event
WHERE date>'2014-01-27'
ORDER BY name;
22. Write a query to display the content of all posts, sorted in descending order by date.

FROM post
23. Write a query to display the content of all posts posted in January, 2014, sorted in
descending order by date.
FROM post
WHERE date>'2014-01'
24. Write a query to display the contents of all queries posted in year 2013, sorted in
descending order by date.
FROM query
WHERE YEAR(date)='2013'
25. Write a query to display the names of all events scheduled in January 27, 2014 at 3
p.m, sorted by name in ascending order.
FROM event
WHERE date='2014-01-27 15:00:00.0'
ORDER BY name;
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Write a query to display the number of roles in the role table. Give an alias to the
number of roles as role_count.
SELECT COUNT(name) AS role_count
FROM role;
2) Write a query to display the number of skills in the skill table. Give an alias to the
number of skills as skill_count.
SELECT COUNT(name) AS skill_count
FROM skill;
3) Write a query to display the number of users who have not filled their profile yet. Give
an alias to the number of users as user_count.
SELECT COUNT(name) AS user_count

FROM user
WHERE profile_id IS NULL;

10. Write a query to display the number of users who are currently working as 'Project
Manager's. Give an alias as PM_Count.

4) Write a query to display the number of alumni from 2008 batch who have registered in
the system. Give an alias as alumni_2008_count.

SELECT COUNT(designaton) AS PM_count

FROM profile

SELECT COUNT(batch) AS alumni_2008_count

FROM profile
WHERE batch='2008';
5) Write a query to display the number of male alumni from 2008 batch who have
registered in the system. Give an alias as alumni_male_2008_count.

11. Write a query to display the batch of the seniormost alumni woking as 'Project
Manager'. Give an alias as Senior_PM_Batch.
FROM profile

SELECT COUNT(id) AS alumni_male_2008_count

FROM profile
WHERE batch='2008' AND gender='MALE';

12. Write a query to display the batch of the juniormost alumni woking as 'Project
Manager'. Give an alias as Junior_PM_Batch.

6) Write a query to display the batch name and the number of alumni from each batch who
have registered in the system, sorted by batch name. Give an alias to the number of alumni
from each batch as alumni_count.


FROM profile

SELECT batch, COUNT(id) AS alumni_count

FROM profile
GROUP BY batch;

13) Write a query to display the designaton and the number of users who are currently
working in each designaton, sorted by designaton. Give an alias as designaton_count.

7) Write a query to display the batch name and the number of male alumni from each
batch who have registered in the system,sorted by batch name. Give an alias to the
number of male alumni from each batch as male_alumni_count.
SELECT batch,COUNT(id) AS male_alumni_count
FROM profile
WHERE gender='MALE'
GROUP BY batch;
8) Write a query to display the batch name and the number of female alumni from each
batch who have registered in the system, sorted by batch name. Give an alias to the
number of female alumni from each batch as female_alumni_count.
SELECT batch,COUNT(id) AS female_alumni_count
FROM profile
GROUP BY batch;
9) Write a query to display the number of unique designatons in the profile table. Give an
alias as designaton_count.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(designaton)) AS designaton_count
FROM profile;

SELECT designaton,COUNT(designaton) AS designaton_count

FROM profile
GROUP BY designaton ;
14) Write a query to display the number of companies in which the college alumni are
currently working in. Give an alias as company_count.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS company_count
FROM experience
WHERE current=1;
15) Write a query to display the name of the company and the number of alumni who are
currently working in each company. Give an alias to the number of alumni as
SELECT company_name, COUNT(*) AS alumni_count
FROM experience
WHERE current=1
GROUP BY company_name;
16) Write a query to display the number of projects in which the team size is more than 10.
Give an alias as project_count.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS project_count
FROM project

WHERE number_of_members>10;

WHERE DATE(date)>'2013-12-01';

17) Write a query to display the number of events that were scheduled for the year 2013.
Give an alias as number_of_events.

24) Write a query to display the year and the number of events scheduled in each year,
sorted by year. Give an alias as number_of_events.

SELECT COUNT(*) AS number_of_events

FROM event
WHERE year(date)=2013;

SELECT YEAR(date),COUNT(*) AS number_of_events

FROM event

18) Write a query to display the year and the number of events scheduled in each year,
sorted by year. Give an alias as number_of_events.

25) Write a query to display the name of the month and the number of events scheduled in
each month in the year 2013, sorted by month. Give an alias to the month name as
month_name and the to the number of events scheduled as number_of_events. Name of
the month must be displayed as January, February ...

SELECT year(date) ,COUNT(year(date)) AS number_of_events

FROM event
GROUP BY year(date);
19) Write a query to display the number of posts posted in January 2014. Give an alias as

SELECT MONTHNAME(date) AS month_name,COUNT(*) as number_of_events

FROM event
WHERE YEAR(date)='2013'

SELECT COUNT(*) AS number_of_posts

FROM post
WHERE date>'2014-01';


20) Write a query to display the number of queries raised / answered between 1 a.m and 5
a.m (both inclusive). Give an alias as number_of_queries.

1) Write a query to display the absolute value of 2.

SELECT abs(2);

SELECT COUNT(*) AS number_of_queries

FROM query
WHERE TIME(date) BETWEEN '01:00' AND '05:00';

2) Write a query to display the absolute value of -32. Give an alias as absolute.
SELECT abs(-32) as absolute;

21) Write a query to display the number of events that were scheduled on 27th January,
2014. Give an alias as number_of_events.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS number_of_events
FROM event
WHERE DATE(date)='2014-01-27' ;

3) Write a query to display the smallest integer value not less than 1.23. Give an alias as
SELECT ceil(1.23) as int_value;
4) Write a query to display the smallest integer value not less than -1.23. Give an alias as
SELECT ceil(-1.23) as int_value;

22) Write a query to display the number of posts posted before 1st December, 2013. Give
an alias as number_of_posts.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS number_of_posts
FROM post
WHERE DATE(date)<'2013-12-01';
23) Write a query to display the number of posts posted after 1st December, 2013. Give an
alias as number_of_posts.

5) Write a query to convert a base 16 number 'F' to a base-2 number. Give an alias as
SELECT cONv('f',16,2) as base2;
6) Write a query to display the largest integer value not greater than 1.23. Give an alias as
SELECT floor(1.23) as int_value;

SELECT COUNT(*) AS number_of_posts

FROM post

7) Write a query to display the largest integer value not greater than -1.23. Give an alias as

SELECT floor(-1.23) as int_value;

6. Write a query to display the names of all users in lowercase, sorted by the name of the
user. Give an alias as lower_case.

8) Write a query to round off 1.298 to one decimal place. Give an alias as round_value.

SELECT LOWER(name) AS lower_case FROM user ORDER BY name;

SELECT round(1.298,1) as round_value;

7. Write a query to display the names of all users in uppercase, sorted by the name of the
user. Give an alias as upper_case.

9) Write a query to return the weekday index of the date 1st March, 2014. Give an alias as
weekday_index. Hint : Use the function weekday.
SELECT weekday('2014-03-01') AS weekday_index;
10) Write a query to return the day name of the date 1st March, 2014. Give an alias as
SELECT dayname('2014-03-01') AS weekday_name;
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Write a query to display the name of the users and the length of the names of the users,
sorted by the name of the user. Give an alias to the length of the name as length. Use the
inbuilt function length().

SELECT UPPER(name) AS upper_case FROM user ORDER BY name;

8. Write a query to display the names of users in a 30 character length field by left padding
with ?, sorted by the name of the user. Give an alias as modified_name.
SELECT LPAD(name,30,'?') AS modified_name FROM user ORDER BY name;
9. Write a query to display the names of users in a 30 character length field by right
padding with ?, sorted by the name of the user. Give an alias as modified_name.
SELECT RPAD(name,30,'?') AS modified_name FROM user ORDER BY name;
10. Write a query to display the names of the users and the names of users with leading
space characters removed, sorted by the name of the user. Give an alias as
SELECT name,LTRIM(name) AS modified_name FROM user ORDER BY name;

SELECT name,length(name) AS length FROM user ORDER BY name;

2. Write a query to display the name of the user(s) having the longest name, sorted by the
name of the user.

11. Write a query to display the names of the users and the names of users with trailing
space characters removed, sorted by the name of the user. Give an alias as

SELECT name From user WHERE length(name) IN (SELECT MAX(length(name )) FROM user );

SELECT name,RTRIM(name) AS modified_name FROM user ORDER BY name;

3. Write a query to display the name of the user(s) who have set a password of less than 3
characters, sorted by the name of the user.

12. Write a query to display the names of the users and the names of users with leading
and trailing space characters removed, sorted by the name of the user. Give an alias as

SELECT name FROM user WHERE length(password)<3 ORDER BY name;

SELECT name,RTRIM(LTRIM(name)) AS modified_name FROM user ORDER BY name;
4. Write a query to display the names of the users and the first 2 characters of the names
of all users, sorted by the name of the user. Give an alias to the first 2 characers as

13. Write a query to display the names of all users that start and end with letter a.
SELECT name FROM user WHERE name LIKE 'a%a';

SELECT name,LEFT(name,2) AS start_2_chars FROM user ORDER BY name;

14. Write a query to display the names of users that end with aa, sorted by name.
5. Write a query to display the names of the users and the last 2 characters of the names of
all users, sorted by the name of the user. Give an alias to the first 2 characers as

SELECT name FROM user WHERE name LIKE '%aa' ORDER BY name;
15. Write a query to display the names of users that contain 'aa', sorted by name.

SELECT name,RIGHT(name,2) AS last_2_chars FROM user ORDER BY name;

SELECT name FROM user WHERE name LIKE '%aa%' ORDER BY name;
16. Write a query to display all 6-letter names that start with P and end with a, sorted by
SELECT name FROM user WHERE name LIKE 'P%' AND LENGTH(name)=6 ORDER BY name;
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Write a query to display the entire contents of the table after performing an inner join
on role table and user table, sorted by role name and then by name of the user.
SELECT role.*,user.*
FROM role
ON role.id=user.role_id
ORDER BY role.name ASC, user.name ASC;
2) Write a query to display the entire contents of the table after performing a left join on
role table and user table, sorted by role name and then by name of the user.
SELECT role.*,user.*
FROM role
ON role.id=user.role_id
ORDER BY role.name ASC, user.name ASC;
3) Write a query to display the user name and role of all users, sorted by name of the user.
SELECT user.name,role.name
FROM user
ON user.role_id=role.id
ORDER BY user.name ASC;
4) Write a query to display the phone number, emailid, batch, department, designaton and
the currently working company name of 'Ram'.
SELECT user.phonenumber, user.emailid,profile.batch,department.name,profile.designaton,
FROM user
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN degree
ON profile.degree_id=degree.id
JOIN department
ON degree.department_id=department.id

JOIN experience
ON profile.id=experience.profile_id
WHERE user.name='Ram' AND experience.current=1;
5) Write a query to display the name and skillset name of all alumni users (role - 'Alumni'),
sorted by name and then by skillset name.
SELECT user.name,skill.name
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN profile_skills
ON profile.id=profile_skills.profile_id
JOIN skill
ON profile_skills.skill_id=skill.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni'
ORDER BY user.name,skill.name;
6) Write a query to display the name and all company names in which they have worked of
all alumni users(role - 'Alumni') who have been employed or are employed, sorted by name
and then by company name.
SELECT user.name,experience.company_name
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN experience
ON profile.id=experience.profile_id
WHERE role.name='Alumni'
ORDER BY user.name,experience.company_name;
7) Write a query to display the name and all company names in which they have worked of
all alumni users(role - 'Alumni') , sorted by name and then by company name. (Include
users who have never been employed also).
SELECT user.name,experience.company_name
FROM user
left JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
left JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
left JOIN experience
ON profile.id=experience.profile_id
WHERE role.name='Alumni'
ORDER BY user.name,experience.company_name;

8) Write a query to display the name and the company name in which they are working of
all alumni users(role - 'Alumni'), sorted by name of the user.(Include alumni users who are
currently working only).
SELECT user.name,experience.company_name
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN experience
ON profile.id=experience.profile_id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND experience.current=1
ORDER BY user.name
9) Write a query to display the name and the company name in which they are currently
working of all alumni users(role - 'Alumni') from 2008, sorted by name. [Include users who
are currently working only]
SELECT user.name,experience.company_name
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN experience
ON profile.id=experience.profile_id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND experience.current=1 AND profile.batch='2008'
ORDER BY user.name
10) Write a query to display the name, email id, phone number and address of all
alumni(role - 'Alumni') users who have filled in their profile, sorted by name.
SELECT user.name,user.emailid,user.phonenumber,profile.address
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND user.profile_id is not null
ORDER BY user.name
11) Write a query to display the name, email id, phone number and address of all
alumni(role - 'Alumni') users from 2008 batch, sorted by name.
SELECT user.name,user.emailid,user.phonenumber,profile.address
FROM user
JOIN role

ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND profile.batch='2008'
ORDER BY user.name
12) Write a query to display the name, email id, phone number and address of all
alumni(role - 'Alumni') users from 'BSC_CT', sorted by name.
SELECT user.name,user.emailid,user.phonenumber,profile.address
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN degree
ON profile.degree_id=degree.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND degree.name='BSC_CT'
ORDER BY user.name
13) Write a query to display the name, email id, phone number and address of all
alumni(role - 'Alumni') users from 'CSE' department, sorted by name.
SELECT user.name,user.emailid,user.phonenumber,profile.address
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN degree
ON profile.degree_id=degree.id
JOIN department
ON degree.department_id=department.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND department.name='CSE'
ORDER BY user.name
14) Write a query to display the name of the alumni users(role - 'Alumni') who have done
higher studies in other colleges / universities and the University(s) in which the user has
done higher studies, sorted by name and then by University.
SELECT user.name,higher_degree.university_name
FROM user
ON user.role_id=role.id
INNER JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
INNER JOIN higher_degree
ON profile.id=higher_degree.profile_id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND higher_degree.degree_name is not null

GROUP BY user.name,higher_degree.university_name ;
15) Write a query to display the name of the alumni users(role - 'Alumni') from 'CSE'
department who have done higher studies in other colleges / universities and the
University(s) in which the user has done higher studies, sorted by name and then by
SELECT user.name,higher_degree.university_name
FROM user
ON user.role_id=role.id
INNER JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
INNER JOIN higher_degree
ON profile.id=higher_degree.profile_id
ON profile.degree_id=degree.id
JOIN department
ON degree.department_id=department.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND department.name='CSE' AND higher_degree.degree_name
is not null
GROUP BY user.name,higher_degree.university_name ;
16) Write a query to display the names, email id, phone number and address of all alumni
users (role - 'Alumni') who have done their higher studies in 'Texas University', sorted in
SELECT user.name,user.emailid,user.phonenumber,profile.address
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN degree
ON profile.degree_id=degree.id
JOIN department
ON degree.department_id=department.id
INNER JOIN higher_degree
ON profile.id=higher_degree.profile_id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND higher_degree.university_name='Texas University'
ORDER BY user.name
17) Write a query to display the name and batch of all female alumni users(role - 'Alumni'),
sorted by name.
SELECT user.name,profile.batch
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id

JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND profile.gender='female'
ORDER BY user.name
18) Write a query to display the name, batch and degree of all female alumni users(role 'Alumni'), sorted by name of the user.
SELECT user.name,profile.batch,degree.name
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN degree
ON profile.degree_id=degree.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND profile.gender='female'
ORDER BY user.name
19) Write a query to display the name, batch, degree and department of all female alumni
users(role - 'Alumni'), sorted by name.
SELECT user.name,profile.batch,degree.name,department.name
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN degree
ON profile.degree_id=degree.id
JOIN department
ON degree.department_id=department.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND profile.gender='female'
ORDER BY user.name
20) Write a query to display all degree names and the department offering the degree,
sorted by degree name.
SELECT degree.name,department.name
FROM degree
INNER JOIN department
ON degree.department_id=department.id
ORDER BY degree.name;
21) Write a query to display the name and designaton of all male alumni users(role 'Alumni'), sorted by name.
SELECT user.name,profile.designaton
FROM user

JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND profile.gender='male'
ORDER BY user.name

ORDER BY user.name,date(date);
26) Write a query to display the names of the users who have posted 'Technology' related
posts and the contents of posts, sorted by name, post date and then by post content.

22) Write a query to display the name and designaton of all alumni users(role - 'Alumni')
who are currently working in TCS, sorted by name.
SELECT user.name,profile.designaton
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN experience
ON profile.id=experience.profile_id
ORDER BY user.name

27) Write a query to display the names of the users who have posted posts in the year 2013
and the contents of posts, sorted by name and then by post date and then by content.




23) Write a query to display the names of the users who have raised or answered queries
and the content of the queries, sorted by name and then by date.
SELECT user.name,query.content
FROM user
ON user.id=query.user_id
ORDER BY name,date(date);
24) Write a query to display the names of the users who have answered queries and the
content of the queries, sorted by name and then by date.
SELECT user.name,query.content
FROM user
ON user.id=query.user_id
WHERE parent_id is not null
ORDER BY name,date(date);
25) Write a query to display the names of the users who have posted posts and the
contents of posts, sorted by name and then by post date.
SELECT user.name,post.content
FROM user
ON user.id=post.user_id

SELECT user.name,post.content
FROM user
ON user.id=post.user_id
INNER JOIN post_type
ON post.type_id=post_type.id
WHERE post_type.name='Technology'
ORDER BY user.name,post.date,post.content;

SELECT user.name,post.content
FROM user
ON user.id=post.user_id
WHERE year(post.date)='2013'
ORDER BY user.name,post.date,post.content;
28) Write a query to display the name and department of users who have good
'Programming' skills, sorted by name of the user.
SELECT user.name,department.name
FROM user
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile
ON user.profile_id=profile.id
JOIN degree
ON profile.degree_id=degree.id
JOIN department
ON degree.department_id=department.id
JOIN profile_skills
ON profile.id=profile_skills.profile_id
JOIN skill
ON profile_skills.skill_id=skill.id
WHERE skill.name='Programming'
ORDER BY user.name
29) Write a query to display the names of the users who have organized events and the
name of the events, sorted by name of the user and then by event date.
SELECT user.name,event.name
FROM user


ON user.id=event.organiser_id
ORDER BY user.name,event.date;

WHERE u.role_id = r.id AND r.name = 'Alumni'

GROUP BY u.name
ORDER BY u.name;

30) Write a query to display the names of the alumni users(role - 'Alumni') who have
organized events and the name of the events, sorted by name and then by event date.

4. Write a query to display the name of the alumni user(s) (Role-'Alumni') who has/have
worked in maximum number of companies, sorted by name.

SELECT user.name,event.name
FROM user
ON user.id=event.organiser_id
JOIN role
ON user.role_id=role.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni'
ORDER BY user.name,event.date;

SELECT u.name
FROM role as r, profile as p, user as u, experience as e
WHERE u.role_id = r.id AND r.name = 'Alumni' AND u.profile_id = p.id AND p.id = e.profile_id
GROUP BY u.name
ORDER BY COUNT(e.profile_id) DESC LIMIT 1;



FROM role as r, profile as p, profile_skills as ps, skill as s
WHERE u.role_id = r.id AND r.name = 'Alumni' AND u.profile_id = p.id AND p.id =
ps.profile_id AND ps.skill_id = s.id) skill_count
FROM user u,role r WHERE u.role_id = r.id AND r.name = 'Alumni'
GROUP BY u.name
ORDER BY u.name;

1. Write a query to display the role name and the count of users in each role(Give an alias
as role_count), sorted by name. Display only the roles in which there is atleast 1 user.
SELECT role.name,COUNT(*) as role_count
FROM user
ON user.role_id=role.id
WHERE user.role_id is not null
GROUP BY user.role_id
ORDER BY role.name;
2. Write a query to display the role name and the count of users in each role(Give an alias
as role_count), sorted by name. Display all roles.
SELECT r.name, COUNT(u.id) as role_count
FROM role as r
ON u.role_id = r.id
GROUP BY r.name
ORDER BY r.name;
3. Write a query to display the name of all alumni user(s) (Role-'Alumni') and the number
of companies in which each user has worked in (Give an alias as company_count), sorted
by user name.
SELECT u.name, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM role as r, profile as p, experience as e
WHERE u.role_id = r.id AND r.name ='Alumni' AND u.profile_id = p.id AND p.id = e.profile_id)
FROM user u,role r

5. Write a query to display the name of all the alumni user(s) (Role-'Alumni') and the
number of skillsets they possess (Give an alias as skill_count), sorted by name.

6. Write a query to display the name of the alumni user(s) (Role-'Alumni') who has/have
more than 3 skillsets, sorted by name.
SELECT u.name
FROM user as u, role as r, profile as p, profile_skills as ps, skill as s
WHERE u.role_id = r.id AND r.name = 'Alumni' AND u.profile_id = p.id AND p.id =
ps.profile_id AND ps.skill_id = s.id
ORDER BY u.name;
7. Write a query to display the department name and the number of degrees offered by
each department (Give an alias as degree_count), sorted by department name. Display
only the departments which offer atleast 1 degree.
SELECT dm.name, COUNT(*) as degree_count
FROM degree as d, department as dm
WHERE d.department_id = dm.id
GROUP BY dm.name HAVING COUNT(*) >=1
ORDER BY dm.name;
8. Write a query to display the department name and the number of degrees offered by
each department (Give an alias as degree_count), sorted by department name. Display all
SELECT dm.name, COUNT(d.id) as degree_count

FROM department as dm
LEFT OUTER JOIN degree as d
ON d.department_id = dm.id
GROUP BY dm.name
ORDER BY dm.name;
9. Write a query to display the name of the department(s) offering the maximum number
of degrees, sorted by department name.

13. Write a query to display the names of the user and the number of posts each user has
posted (Give an alias as post_count), sorted by name of the user. Display only the names of
users who have posted atleast one post.
SELECT u.name, COUNT(p.id) as post_count
FROM user as u, post as p
WHERE u.id = p.user_id
GROUP BY u.name HAVING COUNT(p.id) >= 1
ORDER BY u.name;

SELECT dm.name
FROM department as dm, degree as d
WHERE d.department_id = dm.id
GROUP BY dm.name HAVING COUNT(d.id) = 3
ORDER BY dm.name ;

14. Write a query to display the names of the user and the number of posts each user has
posted (Give an alias as post_count), sorted by name of the user. Display the names of all

10. Write a query to display the department name and the number of alumni users
registered in the system from each department (Give an alias as alumni_count), sorted by
department name. Display only departments from which atleast 1 alumni user has

SELECT u.name, COUNT(p.id) as post_count

FROM user as u
ON u.id = p.user_id
GROUP BY u.name
ORDER BY u.name;

SELECT dm.name, COUNT(u.id) as alumni_count

FROM department as dm, degree as d, profile as p, user as u, role as r
WHERE u.role_id = r.id AND r.name = 'Alumni' AND u.profile_id = p.id
AND p.degree_id = d.id AND d.department_id = dm.id
GROUP BY dm.name HAVING COUNT(u.id) >= 1
ORDER BY dm.name;
11. Write a query to display the department name and the number of alumni users
registered in the system from each department (Give an alias as alumni_count), sorted by
department name. Display only departments in which atleast 3 alumni users have
SELECT dm.name, COUNT(u.id) as alumni_count
FROM department as dm, degree as d, profile as p, user as u, role as r
WHERE u.role_id = r.id AND r.name = 'Alumni' AND u.profile_id = p.id
AND p.degree_id = d.id AND d.department_id = dm.id
GROUP BY dm.name HAVING COUNT(u.id) >= 3
ORDER BY dm.name;
12. Write a query to display the post_type and the number of posts posted under each type
(Give an alias as post_count), sorted by post_type. Include only post_types under which
there is atleast 1 post.
SELECT pt.name, COUNT(p.id) as post_count
FROM post as p, post_type as pt
WHERE pt.id = p.type_id
GROUP BY pt.id HAVING COUNT(p.id) >= 1
ORDER BY pt.name;

15. Write a query to display the name(s) of the user who has/have posted the maximum
number of posts, sorted by name.
SELECT u.name
FROM user AS u
JOIN post AS p
ON u.id = p.user_id
WHERE u.id=p.user_id
GROUP BY u.name
FROM user AS u,post AS p
WHERE u.id=p.user_id
GROUP BY u.name
) AS c
ORDER BY u.name;
16. Write a query to display the name(s) of the alumni user (Role-'Alumni') from 2008
batch who has/have posted the maximum number of posts, sorted by name.
SELECT u.name
FROM user as u,post as p,profile as pf,role as r
WHERE u.role_id=r.id AND r.name='Alumni' AND p.user_id=u.id
AND u.profile_id=pf.id AND pf.batch='2008'
GROUP BY u.name HAVING COUNT(p.id)>=3
ORDER BY u.name;

17. Write a query to display the name(s) of the alumni user (Role-'Alumni') from 2008
batch CSE department who has/have posted the maximum number of posts, sorted by
SELECT u.name
FROM user as u, profile as p, post as ps, degree as d, department as dm,role as r
WHERE u.role_id = r.id AND r.name = 'Alumni' AND u.profile_id = p.id AND p.batch = '2008'
AND p.degree_id = d.id AND d.department_id = dm.id
AND dm.name = 'CSE' AND u.id = ps.user_id
GROUP BY u.id HAVING COUNT(ps.user_id)>= 3
ORDER BY u.name;

GROUP BY p.batch HAVING COUNT(e.profile_id) >= 1

ORDER BY p.batch;
22. Write a query to display the name(s) of the user who has/have raised/answered most
number of queries, sorted by name.
SELECT u.name
FROM user as u, query as q
WHERE u.id = q.user_id
GROUP BY u.name HAVING COUNT(q.user_id) = 6
ORDER BY u.name;

18. Write a query to display the name(s) of the user who has/have organised the maximum
number of events, sorted by name.

23. Write a query to display the name(s) of the user who has/have answered most number
of queries, sorted by name.

SELECT u.name
FROM user as u, event as e
WHERE u.id = e.organiser_id
GROUP BY u.name HAVING COUNT(e.organiser_id) = 5
ORDER BY u.name;

SELECT u.name
FROM user as u, query as q
WHERE u.id = q.user_id
GROUP BY u.name HAVING COUNT(q.user_id) = 2
ORDER BY u.name;

19. Write a query to display the names of the user and the number of events each user has
organized (Give an alias as event_count), sorted by name of the user. Display only the
names of users who have organized atleast one event.

24. Write a query to display the name(s) of the user and the batch of the user who
has/have raised/answered most number of queries, sorted by name.

SELECT u.name, COUNT(e.organiser_id) as event_count

FROM user as u, event as e
WHERE u.id = e.organiser_id
GROUP BY u.name HAVING COUNT(e.organiser_id) >= 1
ORDER BY u.name;
20. Write a query to display the names of the user and the number of events each user has
organized (Give an alias as event_count), sorted by name of the user. Display the names of
all users.
SELECT u.name, COUNT(e.organiser_id) as event_count
FROM user as u
LEFT OUTER JOIN event as e
ON u.id = e.organiser_id
GROUP BY u.name
ORDER BY u.name;
21. Write a query to display the batch and the number of users who have been or are a
part of 'TCS' (Give an alias as TCS_count), sorted by batch. Display only batches in which
TCS_count is atleast 1.
SELECT p.batch, COUNT(e.profile_id) as TCS_count
FROM profile as p, experience as e
WHERE p.id = e.profile_id AND e.company_name = 'TCS'

SELECT u.name, p.batch

FROM user as u, query as q, profile as p
WHERE u.id = q.user_id AND u.profile_id = p.id
GROUP BY u.name HAVING COUNT(q.user_id) = 6
ORDER BY u.name;
25. Write a query to display the name(s) of the user and the department of the user who
has/have raised/answered most number of queries, sorted by name. Use column alias
SELECT user_name, dept_name FROM
(SELECT name as user_name, profile_id,id FROM user) as u JOIN profile ON
JOIN degree ON profile.degree_id=degree.id
JOIN (SELECT name as dept_name,id FROM department)as d ON d.id=degree.department_id
JOIN query ON query.user_id=u.id
GROUP BY user_name
having COUNT(query.content)=6
ORDER BY user_name;

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Write a query to display the names of all administrators (role Admin) sorted by name in
Ascending order.
SELECT user.name
FROM user, role
WHERE role.id=user.role_id AND role.name='admin'
ORDER BY user.name ASC;
2) Write a query to display the names of all alumni (role Alumni) sorted by name in
descending order.
SELECT user.name
FROM user,role
WHERE role.id=user.role_id AND role.name='alumni'
ORDER BY user.name DESC;
3) Write a query to display the names of all degrees offered by 'CSE' department, sorted in
Ascending order.
SELECT degree.name
FROM degree, department
WHERE degree.department_id = department.id AND department.name='CSE'
ORDER BY degree.name ASC;
4) Write a query to display the name of the department offering the degree 'BSC_CT'.
SELECT department.name
FROM degree, department
WHERE degree.department_id = department.id AND degree.name='BSC_CT';
5) Write a query to display the names of all female alumni (role Alumni), sorted in order.
SELECT user.name FROM user,role,profile
WHERE role.id=user.role_id AND user.profile_id=profile.id
AND role.name='alumni' AND profile.gender='female'
ORDER BY user.name ASC;

7) Write a query to display the university name(s) in which Ram has done his higher
studies, sorted in Ascending order.
SELECT higher_degree.university_name
FROM user,higher_degree,profile
WHERE profile.id=higher_degree.profile_id AND user.profile_id=profile.id AND
8) Write a query to display the designaton of Ram.
SELECT profile.designaton
FROM user,profile
WHERE user.profile_id=profile.id AND user.name='Ram';
9) Write a query to display the name of the skillsets of Ram, sorted by name in Ascending
SELECT skill.name
FROM user,profile,profile_skills,skill
WHERE user.profile_id=profile.id AND profile_skills.profile_id=profile.id
AND profile_skills.skill_id=skill.id AND user.name='ram'
ORDER BY skill.name ASC
10) Write a query to display the work experience details of Anithaa (company name, start
date and end date in order), sorted by start date.
SELECT e.company_name,e.start,e.end
FROM user as u,profile as p,experience as e
WHERE u.profile_id=p.id AND e.profile_id=p.id AND u.name='Anithaa'
ORDER BY e.start
11) Write a query to display the names of projects in which Ram has been a part of, sorted
in order.
SELECT pj.name
FROM user as u,profile as p,project as pj
WHERE u.profile_id=p.id AND pj.profile_id=p.id AND u.name='Ram'
ORDER BY pj.name
12) Write a query to display the contents of queries raised or answered by Ram, sorted by

6) Write a query to display the department of user Ram in the college.

SELECT department.name
FROM user, degree, department, profile
WHERE profile.degree_id = degree.id AND degree.department_id = department.id
AND user.profile_id = profile.id AND user.name='Ram'

SELECT query.content
FROM user,query WHERE query.user_id=user.id AND user.name='Ram'
ORDER BY query.date
13) Write a query to display the contents of posts posted by Ram, sorted by date.
SELECT post.content

FROM user,post
WHERE post.user_id=user.id AND user.name='Ram'
ORDER BY post.date
14) Write a query to display the contents of posts related to Technology posted by Ram,
sorted by date.
SELECT post.content
FROM user,post,post_type
WHERE post.user_id=user.id AND post.type_id=post_type.id AND user.name='Ram'
AND post_type.name='Technology'
ORDER BY post.date
15) Write a query to display the contents of posts posted by Ram in the year 2012, sorted
by date.
SELECT post.content FROM user,post
WHERE post.user_id=user.id AND user.name='Ram' AND YEAR(post.date)='2012'
ORDER BY post.date
16) Write a query to display the name and phone numbers of all Alumni users from 2008
batch, sorted in Ascending order based on name.
SELECT u.name,u.phonenumber
FROM user as u,role,profile
WHERE u.profile_id=profile.id AND u.role_id=role.id AND profile.batch=2008
AND role.name='Alumni'
ORDER BY u.name ASC;
17) Write a query to display the name of all male Alumni from 2008 batch, sorted in order.
SELECT u.name
FROM user as u,role,profile
WHERE u.profile_id=profile.id AND u.role_id=role.id AND profile.batch=2008
AND role.name='Alumni' AND profile.gender='male'
ORDER BY u.name ASC;
18) Write a query to display the name of all Alumni from BSC_CT 2008 batch, sorted by
SELECT u.name
FROM user as u,role,profile,degree WHERE u.profile_id=profile.id AND u.role_id=role.id
AND profile.degree_id=degree.id AND degree.name ='BSC_CT'AND
AND role.name='Alumni' AND profile.gender='male'
ORDER BY u.name ASC;
19) Write a query to display the name of all Alumni of 2008 batch from CSE department,
sorted by name.

SELECT u.name
FROM user as u,role,profile,degree,department
WHERE u.profile_id=profile.id AND u.role_id=role.id AND profile.degree_id=degree.id
AND degree.department_id=department.id AND department.name ='CSE'
AND profile.batch=2008 AND role.name='Alumni'
ORDER BY u.name ASC;
20) Write a query to display the name and email details of all users from 2008 batch sorted
by name.
SELECT user.name,user.emailid
FROM user,profile
WHERE user.profile_id=profile.id AND profile.batch=2008
ORDER BY user.name;
21) Write a query to display the names of users who have good 'Web Design' skills, sorted
by name.
SELECT user.name
FROM user,profile,profile_skills, skill
WHERE user.profile_id=profile.id AND profile_skills.profile_id=profile.id
AND profile_skills.skill_id=skill.id AND skill.name='Web Design'
ORDER BY user.name;
22) Write a query to display the names of all alumni users who have been or are a part of
TCS, sorted by name.
SELECT user.name
FROM user,role,profile,experience
WHERE user.profile_id=profile.id AND user.role_id=role.id
AND experience.profile_id=profile.id AND role.name='alumni'
AND experience.company_name='TCS'
ORDER BY user.name;
23) Write a query to display the names and email ids of all alumni users who are currently
working in TCS, sorted by name.
SELECT user.name,user.emailid
FROM user,role,profile,experience
WHERE user.profile_id=profile.id AND user.role_id=role.id AND
AND role.name='alumni' AND experience.company_name='TCS' AND experience.current='1'
ORDER BY user.name;
24) Write a query to display the name and role of all users, sorted by name of the user.
SELECT user.name,role.name
FROM user,role

WHERE user.role_id=role.id
ORDER BY user.name ASC;

FROM department
WHERE name='CSE')

25) Write a query to display the name and role details of all users who have filled in the
profile details, sorted by name in Ascending order.
SELECT user.name,role.name
FROM user,role,profile
WHERE user.role_id=role.id AND user.profile_id=profile.id AND profile.id IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY user.name ASC;
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Write a query to display the names of users who have done their higher studies in 'Texas
University', sorted in order.
SELECT name FROM user
WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT profile_id
FROM higher_degree
WHERE university_name='Texas University')
ORDER BY name;
2) Write a query to display the names of users from 2008 batch who have done their higher
studies in 'Texas University', sorted in order.
SELECT name FROM user
WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT profile_id
FROM higher_degree
WHERE university_name='Texas University')
AND profile_id IN (SELECT id
FROM profile
WHERE batch=2008)
ORDER BY name;
3) Write a query to display the names of users from 2008 batch CSE department who have
done their higher studies in 'Texas University', sorted in order.
SELECT name FROM user
WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT profile_id
FROM higher_degree
WHERE university_name='Texas University')
AND profile_id IN (SELECT id
FROM profile
WHERE batch=2008
AND degree_id IN (SELECT id
FROM degree
WHERE department_id in (SELECT id

ORDER BY name;
4) Write a query to display the names of users from 'MECH' department who have
'Programming' skills, sorted in order.
FROM user WHERE profile_id in (SELECT profile_id
FROM profile_skills
WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT id
FROM profile
WHERE degree_id in (SELECT id
FROM degree
WHERE department_id IN
(SELECT id FROM department
WHERE name='MECH')
AND skill_id in (SELECT id
FROM skill
WHERE name='Programming')
ORDER BY name;
5) Write a query to display the names of users from 'MECH' department who are currently
working in 'TCS', sorted in order.
SELECT name FROM user
WHERE profile_id in (SELECT profile_id
FROM experience
WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT id
FROM profile
WHERE degree_id IN (SELECT id
FROM degree
WHERE department_id IN
FROM department
WHERE name='MECH')
AND company_name='TCS' AND current=1)
ORDER BY name;
6) Write a query to display the names of users who have been part of projects with more
than 10 members, sorted in order.
SELECT name FROM user

WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT profile_id

FROM project
WHERE number_of_members>10)
ORDER BY name;

SELECT name FROM user

WHERE id in (SELECT organiser_id FROM event)
AND role_id in (SELECT id FROM role WHERE name='Alumni')
ORDER BY name;

7) Write a query to display the names of users from 2008 batch who have raised or
answered queries, sorted in order.

14) Write a query to display the names of users who have organized events in the year
2013, sorted in order.

SELECT name FROM user

WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE batch=2008)
AND id IN (SELECT user_id FROM query )
ORDER BY name;

SELECT name FROM user

WHERE id in (SELECT organiser_id FROM event WHERE year(date)='2013')
ORDER BY name;

8) Write a query to display the names of users who have raised queries, sorted in order.
SELECT name FROM user
WHERE id in (SELECT user_id FROM query WHERE parent_id is null)
ORDER BY name;

15) Write a query to display the name, phone number and email id of organizer of
SELECT name,phONenumber,emailid FROM user
WHERE id in (SELECT organiser_id FROM event WHERE name='ICSIP 2008');

9) Write a query to display the names of users who have answered queries, sorted in order.

16) Write a query to display the names of all users who have posted 'Technology' related
posts in the year 2013, sorted by name in order.

SELECT name FROM user

WHERE id in (SELECT user_id FROM query WHERE parent_id is NOT NULL)
ORDER BY name;

SELECT name FROM user

WHERE id in (SELECT user_id FROM post WHERE type_id in (SELECT id FROM post_type
WHERE name='Technology') AND year(date)='2013') ORDER BY name;

10) Write a query to display the names of users from 2008 batch who have raised queries,
sorted in order.

17) Write a query to display the names of users who are currently working in TCS as
'Project Manager's, sorted in order.

SELECT name FROM user

WHERE id in (SELECT user_id FROM query WHERE parent_id is null ) AND profile_id in
(SELECT id FROM profile WHERE batch=2008)
ORDER BY name;

FROM user
WHERE profile_id in (SELECT profile_id
FROM experience
WHERE profile_id in (SELECT id FROM profile
WHERE designaton='Project Manager')
AND company_name='TCS' AND current=1)
ORDER BY name;

11) Write a query to display the names of users from 2008 who have answered queries,
sorted in order.
SELECT name FROM user WHERE id in (SELECT user_id FROM query WHERE parent_id is not
null) AND profile_id in (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE batch=2008) ORDER BY name;
12) Write a query to display the names of users who have organised events, sorted in

18) Write a query to display the names of users who have done their higher studies in
other colleges or universities, sorted in order. [Hint : Details of higher studies done in other
colleges / universities is specified in the higher_degree table].

SELECT name FROM user

WHERE id in (SELECT organiser_id FROM event)
ORDER BY name;

SELECT name FROM user

WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT profile_id FROM higher_degree
WHERE university_name IS NOT NULL)

13) Write a query to display the names of 'Alumni' users who have organised events,
sorted in order.

19) Write a query to display the names of users who have been working in TCS in the year
2012, sorted in order.

SELECT name FROM user

WHERE profile_id in (SELECT profile_id FROM experience
WHERE company_name='TCS'
AND ((year(end)>='2012' AND year(start)<='2012') or end is null))
ORDER BY name;
20) Write a query to display the number of events organised by alumni users. Give an alias
as 'event_count'.
SELECT COUNT(id) AS event_count
FROM event
WHERE organiser_id in (SELECT id
FROM user
WHERE role_id in (SELECT id FROM role WHERE name='Alumni')
21) Write a query to display the number of degrees offered by CSE department. Give an
alias as 'degree_count'.
SELECT COUNT(id) AS degree_count
FROM degree
WHERE department_id IN (SELECT id FROM department WHERE name='CSE');
22) Write a query to display the number of 'Alumni Coordinator's. Give an alias as
SELECT COUNT(id) AS coordinator_count
FROM user
23) Write a query to display the number of alumni from CSE department who have
registered in the system. Give an alias as cse_alumni_count.
SELECT COUNT(id) AS cse_alumni_count
FROM user
WHERE role_id in (SELECT id FROM role WHERE name='Alumni')
AND profile_id in (SELECT id
FROM profile
WHERE degree_id in (SELECT id
FROM degree
WHERE department_id in (SELECT id
FROM department
WHERE name='CSE')
24) Write a query to display the alumni users (Role - 'Alumni') who have not raised or
answered queries, sorted by name of the user.

FROM user
WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT user_id FROM query )
AND role_id in (SELECT id FROM role WHERE name='Alumni')
ORDER BY name;
25) Write a query to display the names of the users who have worked in the project(s) with
minimum members,sorted by name of the user.
FROM user
WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT profile_id
FROM project
WHERE number_of_members=(SELECT MIN(number_of_members)
FROM project))
ORDER BY name;
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Create a view named view_alumni_details that contains the name, degree, batch,
phonenumber and emailid of all alumni users(role -'Alumni') sorted by name. Give an alias
to the user name as user_name and degree as degree_name.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_alumni_details as
SELECT u.name as user_name,d.name as degree_name ,p.batch,u.phONenumber,u.emailid
FROM user u,degree d,profile p,role r
WHERE r.id=u.role_id AND u.profile_id=p.id AND d.id=p.degree_id AND r.name='Alumni'
ORDER BY u.name;
2) Create a view named view_degree_details that contains the name of the degrees and
the departments offering the degrees sorted by degree name. Give an alias to the degree
name as degree_name and department name as dept_name.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_degree_details as
SELECT d.name as degree_name,dt.name as dept_name FROM degree d,department dt
WHERE d.department_id=dt.id
ORDER BY d.name;
3) Create a view named view_experience_details that contains the name and all company
names in which they have worked of all alumni users(role - 'Alumni') , sorted by name and
then by company name. (Include users who have never been employed also). Give an alias
to the user name as user_name and company name as company_name.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_experience_details as
SELECT user.name as user_name,experience.company_name as company_name
FROM role
JOIN user ON user.role_id=role.id
left outer JOIN profile ON profile.id=user.profile_id

JOIN experience ON experience.profile_id=profile.id

AND role.name='Alumni'
ORDER BY user.name,experience.company_name;
4) create a view named view_BSC_CT_details that contains the name, email id and phone
number of all alumni(role - 'Alumni') users from 'BSC_CT', sorted by name.
SELECT user.name,user.emailid,user.phONenumber FROM role
JOIN user ON user.role_id=role.id
JOIN profile ON profile.id=user.profile_id
JOIN degree ON degree.id=profile.degree_id
WHERE degree.name='BSC_CT' AND role.name='Alumni'
ORDER BY user.name;
5) Create a view named view_female_alumni_details that contains the name, batch and
degree of all female alumni users(role - 'Alumni'), sorted by name of the user. Give an alias
to the user name as user_name and degree name as degree_name.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_female_alumni_details as
SELECT user.name as user_name,profile.batch,degree.name as degree_name
FROM role
JOIN user ON role.id=user.role_id
JOIN profile ON profile.id=user.profile_id
JOIN degree ON degree.id=profile.degree_id
WHERE profile.gender='Female' AND role.name='Alumni'
ORDER BY user.name;
6) Create a view named view_TCS_alumni_details that contains the name, emailid and
designaton of all alumni users(role - 'Alumni') who are currently working in TCS, sorted by
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_TCS_alumni_details as
SELECT user.name,user.emailid,profile.designaton FROM user
JOIN role ON role.id=user.role_id
JOIN profile ON profile.id=user.profile_id
JOIN experience ON experience.profile_id=profile.id
WHERE role.name='Alumni' AND experience.company_name='TCS' AND
ORDER BY user.name;
7) Create a view named view_event_details that contains the names of the users who have
organized events and the name of the events, sorted by name of the user and then by
event date. Give an alias to the user name as user_name and event name as event_name.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_event_details as
SELECT user.name as user_name,event.name as event_name FROM user
JOIN event ON user.id=event.organiser_id
ORDER BY event.date;

8) Create a view named view_TCS_batchwise_count_details that contains the batch and

the number of users who have been or are a part of 'TCS' (Give an alias as TCS_count),
sorted by batch. Include only batches in which TCS_count is atleast 1.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_TCS_batchwise_count_details as
SELECT p.batch, COUNT(e.profile_id) AS TCS_count
FROM profile as p, experience as e
WHERE p.id = e.profile_id AND e.company_name = 'TCS'
GROUP BY p.batch HAVING COUNT(e.profile_id) >= 1
ORDER BY p.batch;
9) Create a view named view_event_count_details that contains the names of the user and
the number of events each user has organized (Give an alias as event_count), sorted by
name of the user. Include only the names of users who have organized atleast one event.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_event_count_details as
SELECT u.name, COUNT(e.organiser_id) as event_count
FROM user as u, event as e
WHERE u.id = e.organiser_id
GROUP BY u.name HAVING COUNT(e.organiser_id) >= 1
ORDER BY u.name;
10) Create a view named view_skillset_count_details that contains the name of all the
alumni user(s) (Role-'Alumni') and the number of skillsets they possess (Give an alias as
skill_count), sorted by name.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_skillSET_count_details AS
FROM user us,profile_skills ps
WHERE us.profile_id=ps.profile_id AND us.name=u.name) AS skill_count
FROM user u,role r
WHERE r.name='Alumni' AND r.id=u.role_id
GROUP BY u.name
ORDER BY u.name;

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