U.S. Patent 338,727, Entitled Guitar, Issued 1886.
U.S. Patent 338,727, Entitled Guitar, Issued 1886.
U.S. Patent 338,727, Entitled Guitar, Issued 1886.
2 Sheets-Sheet 2.
No. 338,727.
Eg s.
w. _
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 338,727, dated March 30, 1886.
Application ?led September 5, 1885. Serial No. 176,236. (No model.)
connection with the accompanying drawings, sides a a by a too severe straining of the vel
is a speci?cation.
My invention consists in certain novel fea~ wire, 6, which is slipped over each of said
heads after they have been placed upon the
after given.
23 ' Of the drawings, Figure 1 represents a plan which has been turned back upon itself over
of a musical instrument embodying my in the wire 6, and then the said band f is forced
vention. Fig. 2 represents a plan of the same downward by the pull-downs g 9, having bear
with the upper vellum or parchment head re ings in the brackets h h,v which are secured to 80
moved and the neck broken away. Fig. 3 the sides or shell to a of the body of the in
0 represents a cross'sectional elevation of the strument by means of the screws h h, passing
same, the cutting-plane being on line as x on
Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 4 represents another able nuts upon the interior, as shown in Fig.
cross-sectional elevation of the same, the cut
ting-plane being on line y 3/ on Figs. 1 and 2.
35 Fig. 5 represents a longitudinal sectional ele enforced and strengthened by the narrow ribs
vation of the same, the cutting-plane being it, made of wood, the grain of which is at right
on line 2 z on Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 6 repre angles with the grain of the band of wood
sents a longitudinal sectional elevation of a
portion of one end of the body of the instru
of the instrument.
The metal band f is formed of a narrow rib
bon of metal, in which a slot, f, is formed at
vation of the bridge and damper; and Figs. 8 one end, while the other end is provided with
to 15, inclusive, represent details of construc a suitable threaded stud or bolt, 7, which 9 5
tion, which will be hereinafter referred to. passes through said slot f when said ends are
larged scale.
ordinary guitar, and has similar wooden sides the perimeter of said shell or sides a a.
strain is brought to bear upon the sides or outside of said body, said strings an being
shell a a, said sides are re-enforced by the sti? stretched over the ?xed bridge a and the ver
body, respectively.
ment is secured the tail-piece 0, made of thin more rods, n" n, which are pressed by the
sheet, metal, and provided with a series of springs a n7 ?rmly against the lower vellum 80
hooked wires, 2?, with each of which is con head, A, while said bridges or a are ?rmly
nected a string, in, by means of a suitable loop pressed against the opposite ends of said rods
formed in the end thereof, said string passing by the tension of the strings n12, so that the
over the movable bridge 7; and ?xed bridge 75-, said strings n a will be caused to vibrate with
mounted, respectively, upon the vellum head the head A in an obvious manner.
In order to insure that the lower head, A,
A and the neck B, and over which it is strained
by the tuning-peg 7.1, mounted in the head B, may readily respond to any vibration of the
and to which the otherend of the string is se upper vellum head, A, the posts 0 0 are pro
vided, which are interposed between said
The tail-piece O is secured to the lower end heads A A, and which are of alength such 90
of the body of the instrument by the screw Z, that the ends thereof are in contact with the
and its upper end,which is provided with said heads A A, so that any vibration of the up
hooksZZ, is bent over so that it is slightly per head, A, will be transmitted through said
posts to the lower vellum head, A, this re
above and parallel to the vellum head A.
modify their tone by softening or deadening tuning'rod 1), having bearings in the inverted
U-shaped bracket ]),seeured to the under side
depressing thelever m the damper at will be of the brace c, and also in one of the sides of
forced from contact with the strings I; 2:, and said body through which one end of said rod
1) projects,and which is provided with a milled
thus allow them to vibrate with a full tone.
\Vithin the bodyofthe instrument, and nearer head,p2, by which said rod 1) may be moved I15
to thelower vellum or parchment head thereof, lengthwise or oscillated in its bearings,as may
are placed an additional series of strings, n in, be desired. Upon said rod 12, between the
which are of the same kind and quality as downwardly-projecting arms of the bracket
those outside, and are secured at the upper 1), is secured the picker-arm p, which has its
end of the body of the instrument by passing two sides curved to form a neck with a head
their ends through holes made in said end, at its end, which curved surfaces are covered
and having pins Z Z passing through loops with leather orsimilar material, as shown in
formed in said strings to prevent said strings Figs. 2 and 15, the normal position of which
from being drawn backward through said arm is as shown in Figs. 2 and 3; but when it
holes, or the ends of said strings may be se is desired to tune the strings a a, and it is
cured to said end in any other well-known found necessary to twang said strings,the rod
The opposite ends of said strings an 1) is reciprocated in its bearings until the arm
pass through suitable openings in the lower or ?nger p" is in a position above and a little
end of said body, and are secured to the pegs to one side ofthe string which it is desired to
n 11, mounted in the arm D, set in and pro- , twang. Said rod]; is then oscillated in its bear 130
ings until the head at the end of said arm 1)
jecting from said lower end, and by which is
below said string, when it should be recipro
pegs n n the strings 12 a may be tuned into
perfect- unison with the strings 7;]..1, locatedl cated in its bearings until the said arm 1)
eomesinto contact with one side of the string,
complished by the ?nger if said strings were or parchment head and a reverberant mounted 75
The arm p is prevented from coming into beneath the perforated portion of said head
engagement with the strings n a when the in
strument is in use by a suitable rod or arm, g,
secured to the rod p, which is made to engage
of the instrument, which is very desirable, a non-resonant material pivoted to the bridge
especially in instruments of a large size.
Beneath the perforations b b is placed a re
upon the inner side of the body of the instru sion of the sound.
8. In a stringed musical instrument provid
ment. As the strings 70 k are touched by the
45 musician, the heads A and A are vibrated, ed with a series of strings within the interior
and the air within the body of the instrument of the body thereof, a twanging device con
is set in motion, which in turn imparts its sisting of a rod mounted in suitable bearings
motion to the reverberant, which, as it vi in which it is adapted to be oscillated or recip 115V
' brates in unison with the strings touched to
50 ward and from the upper head, .A, acts as a side of said body,and having mounted thereon
regulator to gage the amount of sound to be an arm provided with a cam portion by which
emitted from the perforations b b.
any desired string may be snapped.
The metal strip Z, forming the upper por
9. In astringed musical instrument, the com~
tion of the bridge is, is provided with suita bination of the strings and the tail-piece there
55 ble notches in its upper edge to receive the of with a series of independent and detachable
strings 70 k, in order to keep said strings an hooked wires interposed between said strings
by Letters Patent of the United States, is ries of strings secured in a ?xed position to
1. A stringed musical instrument the body one of the ends of the body thereof, passing
of which is provided with a parchment or through said end into the interior of the body,
vellum head perforated at or near the point where they are stretched over suitable bridges,
where the strings are operated upon,with a and passing out at the opposite end to suitable
cluster of circular openings to cause them to tuning-pegs mounted in a suitable arm pro
jecting from the lower end of the instrument.
65 vibrate.
2. A stringed musical instrument the body
11. In a stringed musical instrument, the
of which is provided with two removable combination of the sides a a, provided with
the slots g g, the vellum head A or A, the and r5, all substantially as and for the purposes 30
. bandf, the pull-downs g g, the bolts g2 5/2, and described.
the nuts (/3 93, all substantially as and for the
16. In a stringed musical instrument, the
purposes described.
combination of the sides a a, the vellum head
5 12. In a stringed musical instrument, the A or A, and the series of longitudinal and
\' combination of the sides a (I, provided with
In testimony whereof Ihave signed my name 56
bridges as a, the springs as n, and the strings to this speci?cation, in thepresenee of two sub
a n, all substantially as and for the purposes scribing witnesses, on this 1st day of Septem
ber, A. D. 1885.
15. In a stringed musical instrument, the
combination of the sides a a, provided with