Psionic Generator: Pattern Book
Psionic Generator: Pattern Book
Psionic Generator: Pattern Book
The author is deeply grateful to Sheila Ostrander, Lynn
Schroeder, Woodrow W. Ward, and George L. Brandes for allowing reference
to their works. Their assistance has provided a constant source of inspiration.
I. Basic Six-Inch Pyramid Page 1
Pattern, pages 27-35
II. Occult Illuminator Page 4
Pattern, pages 37-43
III. Psionic Cone Generator Page 7
Pattern, pages 45-47
IV. Pyramid Generator Page 12
Pattern, pages 49-53
V. Cone Spire Generator Page 13
Pattern, pages 55-61
VI. Conical Array Generator Page 13
Pattern, pages 63-67
VII. Tetrahedron Generator Page 14
Pattern, pages 69-73
VIII. Cone Cluster Generator Page 15
Pattern, pages 75-77
IX. Conical Hourglass Generator Page 16
Pattern, pages 79-81
Aurameter Page 20
stopped bacterial action and wondered if the shape of the large pyramids
alone preserved any mummies buried within.
News of Boviss research came to the attention of Karel Drbal, a
Czechoslovakian radio engineer. His own experiments led to his discovery
that a dull razor blade, placed at the one-third level of a small pyramid
would regain its sharpness in a weeks time and remain sharp if placed
inside the pyramid between shaves.
All of the ancient pyramids were constructed so that each side
faced one of the four cardinal points. The entrance, always on the north
side, faced the North Star. Drbal had oriented his experimental models
just like the ancient Egyptian pyramids, so that each one of the four sides
faced a different direction; either north, south, east or west. He found that
the shaving edges of a dull blade must face east and west, or the blade will
not renew its sharpness. At first, Mr. Drbal found that he could shave over
fifty times with one blade, and that as many as two hundred shaves could
be acquired from one blue blade. He theorized that the unknown energy
accumulating inside the pyramid shape caused the metal crystals in the
blade to return to their original form.
In 1959, after thoroughly testing Drbals claim, the Czechoslovakian
Patent Bureau awarded him patent number 91304 on his Cheops Pyramid
Razor-Blade Sharpener. Miniature cardboard and styrofoam pyramids
flooded the Czech market, and many companies are selling cardboard and
plastic experimental pyramid models in the United States today.
Experimenters have discovered that small amounts of meat, fish,
eggs, or similar organic matter will not decay when placed within the pyramid at the proper one-third height. Researchers attest to the razor blade
sharpening effect, but many claim that at least two weeks is required to
enhance the blades sharpness. Once sharp, however, it can be used every
day if placed within the pyramid structure between shaves.
Some report varying degrees of success in purifying and improving the taste of water. A glass of cloudy, assassinated tap water becomes
sparkling clear when placed under the pyramid for a short length of time.
The taste is greatly improved, free from chlorine odors and harsh mineral
effects. Water treated with pyramid energy has also been reported to improve or stimulate the growth of seeds and plants when poured over them
daily; and placing a Basic Six-Inch* Pyramid over seedlings enhances their
growth and eventually produces more abundant yields.
*That is the height of the completed pyramid from the apex to the
center of the base.
After pyramid treatment, many basic foods also manifest a definite
improvement in taste: Bitterness is removed from tart fruits, harsh liquors
become mellow to the taste, and the quality of tobacco is improved. Foods
in pyramid-shaped containers remain fresh for a greater length of time,
To place the pyramid and objects within precisely on a northsouth/east-west orientation, use a large sheet of paper or cardboard exactly twelve inches square. Place your pyramid in the center and trace a
line around the pyramids base on the twelve-inch square. Remove the
pyramid, and with a ruler, draw two diagonals on the square thus formed.
When you place the pyramid on the square baseline again, the point where
the diagonals cross will be directly beneath the apex.
Using a magnetic compass, you can now adjust the twelve-inch
base so that the lines are oriented properly. This method assures that objects inside the pyramid are positioned accurately. Allow the blade to remain in this position for a week or longer to regain sharpness. Dehydrate
organic matter in similar fashion.
When constructing larger pyramids, you must be sure the proportions are the same, and that the sides slope at the 52 angle necessary for
maximum vortex energy. The crucial rule is that the total perimeter of the
base divided by twice the height of the pyramid should equal pi (3.1416)
or as close to it as possible. Pi divided by 2 is 1.5708. Now you can multiply this primary figure times any desired pyramid height to get the dimension for the base of one side. For instance, to find the base dimension for
a six-inch pyramid, multiply 1.5708 times 6 inches. The result is 9.4248.
Converting decimals into fractions gives 9-27/64 inches, for a proper base.
To find the dimensions for the equilateral sides for any given
height, the rule is that the sides are 4.85% shorter than the base. 1.5708
times .04855 is .0762(62340). Subtracting .0762 from 1.5708 equals
1.4946. So you can multiply 1.4946 times any desired height to find the
proper side dimensions. To continue the Basic Six-Inch Pyramid example,
1.4946 times 6 inches is 8.9676 inches, or 8-31/32 inches.
Using these formulas, the dimensions for a four-foot pyramid are:
Base 75.3984(75-25/64) inches; Sides 71.7408(71-47/64) inches. For a
three-and-a-half-foot pyramid: Base 65.9736 (65-31/32) inches; Sides 62.
7732 (62-49/64) inches. And so forth.
This device is obviously quite similar to the regular pyramid, except that the apex is cut away, providing a view of the inside. Light is also
allowed to enter the pyramids interior through small openings cut into the
sides at the one-third level and is reflected from the foil-covered interior
walls and mirrored base.
When one gazes into this structure for a short length of time, distinct images of beasts, human beings, and inanimate objects begin to appear, seemingly on the interior walls, in an enigmatic parade. Mathematician George L. Brandes states: I tried the Mystic Pyramid with great
success. A few minutes of gazing into the structure and visual images
would burst forth into existence at random: images equal to humanoid
forms, human forms, animal forms, strange structures, eyes of sorts, etc.
I predict that the Mystic Pyramid will set new forces in motion around
the world in fields of PSI research, akin to Oersteds simple experiment
in 1819 which related electricity and magnetism into electromagnetism.
As the eye travels to various areas of the pyramid, additional
images will appear at random. Plugging translucent multicolored plastic
fiber optics into the apertures on the sides will splash the interior of the
pyramid with a spectrum of colors, bathing the images in lifelike color
tones. Gold and orange optics create flesh-colored tones, while red, purple,
green, and blue optics greatly enhance the enigmatic effects. Many have
advanced that the basic pyramid shape scrambles or distorts time-flow
patterns, producing images from the past or future. Perhaps the viewer
actually sees himself in years to come or glimpses scenes from the
historical past.
Assembly Instructions
1. Cut out the four triangles, Figures 11-A through II-D. Cut out
the three circular openings marked X in each triangle. Tape the triangles
together at the sides, as shown in Figure 11-2.
2. Place a sheet of aluminum foil over the triangles. Run your
finger around the triangles outer edges, so that their exact outline is
transferred to the foil. Cut out the aluminum foil following this impressed
3. Its important that the foil be slightly crinkled in order to produce proper effects. Before gluing it to the triangles, simply crush the foil
slightly with your hands, then smooth it out again. The necessary crinkles
will remain embedded in the thin metal. Spread a light coat of glue or rubber cement on the inside (blind) surfaces of the triangles, including the
tab. Attach the aluminum foil to the triangles, with the shiny side up. Cut
or punch out the circular openings in the foil.
4. Following the procedure for the Basic Six-Inch Pyramid, fold
the four triangles to form a truncated pyramid, making sure the aluminum
foil winds up inside. Glue or tape tab in place.
5. Tape a sheet of aluminum foil, shiny side up, to the base in
order to reflect the interior walls. Placing the structure over a flat mirror,
however, will provide even greater reflection. Make sure that the circular
apertures are not blocked by foil, so that light can enter from the sides.
Visualization Method
Various degrees of lighting create different effects, but best results
are achieved when the Pyramids interior is dimly lighted. As with crystalball gazing, a quiet, unhurried atmosphere is most conducive.
Close one eye and place the other over the apex. Allow your eye
to travel to different areas, focusing at length on the patches of lightthe
interior walls as reflected in the base. Moving the Pyramid or turning it to
various angles changes the effect and improves results.
Many report seeing images almost immediately, while others require a week or more of regular gazing. Some experimenters state that the
eye becomes tired after gazing at great length, so I recommend that you
rest periodically.
Unknown biological energies emanate from living cells. Using a method similar to Kirlian photography, scientists have
actually photographed this bioenergy streaming from the human eyes. Researchers have discovered that almost all humans possess the ability to
move objects at a distance through visual energy.
As early as 1921, a British doctor named Charles Russ demonstrated an apparatus which could cause a solenoid to move by gazing at it.
About the same time in France, Dr. Paul Joire designed a special device
with a needle that turned when a human stared at or stood near it. In recent
According to individuals who have seen the Pavlita generators in operation, Mr. Wards devices compare remarkably well with those of the Czech
Although similarities exist between the Pavlita and the Psionic
generators, there is a marked difference in basic operations. The Czech
instruments first store biological energies in an inanimate object, then
transfer them to the revolving device by the experimenters staring at the
patterns etched in both the generator (the accumulator) and the revolving instrument atop the spindle. Psionic generators are activated directly
from the energy streaming from the eyes.
Inspiration received from Mr. Wards basic experiments, the study
of ancient hieroglyphics, and experiments with pyramidal and conical
shapes have enabled me to develop additional Psionic generators. The patterns for these devices are accurate and designed for easy construction,
merely cut out the structures with scissors and fold on the broken lines,
according to the instructions. (Generators constructed from paper respond
more quickly than those constructed of cardboard.) A small amount of
glue or cellophane tape will hold the tabs firmly in place. Quick-drying
glue sticks work best for rapid assembly.
Suspend the completed generator with a length of thread in a room
free from air currents so that it rests at a nearly eye level position. The generator will revolve freely at first, just like any suspended object, and will
take about five minutes to come to a complete stop. Then stand from five
to ten feet away and concentrate your gaze upon the device. There is no
need for intense concentration or projecting your thoughts. Keeping mind
and body relaxed and passive is enough.
In less than a minute, the device should begin to rotate, very slowly at first. But as the energy from the eyes continues, it will begin to move
faster. Shifting your gaze away from the generator, then swiftly shifting
back again seems to activate it more effectively.
Planetary configurations and especially phases of the moon tend to
affect the Psionic generators response. They respond swiftly to visual bioenergy during periods of the full moon, but various times of day also find
the generators extremely responsive. The earths electrical field changes
twice a day, and researchers postulate that changes in human biological
energies also occur at these times. During the morning hours when the
body is rested and filled with energy, the generators are activated quickly
and revolve at a greater speed. When the body is fatigued, a longer period
of time is required. Children, with all their unlimited energy, achieve an
especially swift response when they fix their gaze upon the generators.
A glass shield placed around the devices will not prevent them
from rotating. Visual energy will penetrate glass and can be reflected from
mirrors, so turning your back to the generator and gazing at it through a
hand mirror held in front of you will activate it.
A hundred years from now, civilization may look upon these in-
Assembly Instructions
1. Cut out Figures IV-A and IV-B. Cut out the triangular openings
marked X. Crease forward slightly along all broken lines and glue tabs in
place to form two separate pyramidal structures.
2. Insert needle and thread with heavy knot in the end up through
the apex of Structure A. Draw thread through until the knot catches and
3. Tie a heavy knot in the thread approximately inch above the
apex of Structure A.
4. Cut out base Figure IV-C and glue or tape tabs to the inside edge
of Structure A, so that it forms a bottom.
5. Insert needle and thread through inside apex of Structure B and
draw thread through until it rests on the knot approximately inch above
Structure A.
Suspend the structures at approximately eye level and gaze at either structure to activate.
Assembly Instructions
1. Cut out Figures V-A through V-D. Assemble the six-sided
pyramidal structure (Figures V-C and V-D) and Cones V-A (Figure V-A)
and V-B (Figure V-B).
2. Thread a needle and tie a heavy knot at the end. Run the needle
and thread up through the apex of Cone V-B and continue through the
inside apex of Cone V-A.
3. Allow Cone V-A to rest atop Cone V-B and tape in place at the
base of Cone V-A.
4. Tie a heavy knot in the thread approximately two inches above
the apex of Cone V-A.
5. Run the needle and thread up through the inside apex of the
six-sided pyramidal structure. It should rest on the second heavy knot,
allowing the bottom cones to revolve freely.