Covalent Immobilization of and Glucose Oxidase On Carbon Electrodes
Covalent Immobilization of and Glucose Oxidase On Carbon Electrodes
Covalent Immobilization of and Glucose Oxidase On Carbon Electrodes
The effectiveness of attaching flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) via a C bridge to Teflon-bonded carbon
black (CB), and the subsequent immobilization of glucose oxidase on the FAD-modified electrodes has been
studied by cyclic voltammetry. When FAD alone is bound
to the electrode, it undergoes reduction and oxidation at
- 0.62 and - 0.5 V, respectively-values similar to those
obtained with free FAD. Compared to the free enzyme,
the reduction of FAD as part of the immobilized enzyme
is 200 mV more cathodic, while the oxidation potential remains the same in both cases.
Glucose oxidase (EC has been immobilized on
various matrices and carriers for a wide range of applications. I-5 Its importance in monitoring glucose in clinical
laboratories, food processing, and fermentation has created interest for its use in automated analysis. To investigate its use in biofuel cells, Yahiro and co-workersh employed native glucose oxidase in conjunction with oxygen
cathode. They reported that the system generates a potential
of 175-350 mV. Glucose oxidase immobilized on platinum mesh by entrapment in polyacrylamide gel or glutaraldehyde crosslinking was used by Lahoda and co-workers.
Localization of the enzyme on glass electrodes by semipermeable membranes has been the immobilization method
in commercial glucose s e n ~ o r s . ~
. ~ current densities
observed in these cases were probably due to the diffusional barrier posed by the entrapping or crosslinking matrices or the membranes. Electroactivity at the electrode
surface and transport of electron-carrying species from
the enzyme active site to electrode might also be low. lo The
use of highly electroactive electron mediators has been investigated as an approach to circumvent this problem. II
Covalent linking of glucose oxidase directly to the electrode surface through a carbodiimide spacer arm was attempted by Bourdillon and co-workers, l 2 but no direct electron transfer from enzyme active site to the electrode was
reported. Direct electron transfer between the active site
and electrode was reported by Ianniello and YacynychI3
and Ianniello and co-workers14by immobilization of the
enzyme on cyanuric chloride-modified graphite electrodes.
Immobilization of FAD
A summary of the overall reaction sequence is presented
in Table I. The GC electrodes were cut in ca. 0.5 X 1.O-cm
pieces by a power-driven carborundum wheel. The edges
were smoothened on the same wheel. Increasingly fine
CCC 0006-3592/84/091066-05$04.00
physically adsorbed FAD was removed. This step was carried out in the dark to prevent the photoreaction of FAD.
Quantitation of the FAD coverage on the electrode could
not be carried out accurately because of the ambiguities
involved in determining the surface area of the electrode
exposed to the supporting electrolyte in CV experiments.
Assuming that the surface area characteristics of CB remain unaffected by the various modification treatments,
the bound FAD concentration on the electrode was estimated to be 0.4 X
Enzyme Assay
Immobilized enzyme activity was detected by modification of the method described by Bergmeyer. l8 The reaction mixture (3.0 mL) consisted of o-dianisidine di-HC1
(0.08 mg/mL), peroxidase (0.06 mg/mL), and glucose
(0.10M) in 0.1M potassium phosphate buffer at pH 7.0.
The color of oxidized o-dianisidine was read spectrophotometrically at 450 nm.
Cyclic Voltammetry
All cyclic voltammetry experiments were done using an
instrument locally fabricated by Santhanam and Bhagat. l 9
A conventional three-electrode system was used in a cell
where platinum mesh was the counter electrode and a saturated calomel electrode was the reference. The supporting
electrolyte in all cases was 1.OM KCI at pH 7.0. The potential was swept at the rate of 150 mV/s. Analar-grade nitrogen was bubbled through the electrolyte for 30-60 min
prior to the experiments, which were performed in nitrogen atmosphere.
Figure 2. Cyclic voltammogram of FAD: (a) 1.0 mg/mL in supporting
electrolyte; (b) the same as in (a) after the electrode has been left in the
FAD solution for some time. The broken lines show a voltammogram of
the electrode in supporting electrolyte.
positive FAD coupling to the electrode surface. The possibility of adsorption being the mode of attachment may be
ruled out because no shoulder is observed at potentials
more negative than -0.62 V. Moreover, the peaks for
both reduction and oxidation are sharper than those in
Figure 2(b) where adsorption is a dominant phenomenon.
Immobilization of glucose oxidase on FAD-modified
CB yields the cyclic voltammogram presented in Figure
4(a). It may be observed that while the reduction potential
is not affected, the peak potential for oxidation is shifted
0.11 V to the anodic side. The redox peaks are sharper
than the ones seen for free enzyme [Fig. 4(b)]. Also, the reduction peak is 0.20 V more cathodic than the one for the
enzyme in solution. The fact that we have been able to detect enzyme activity on the surface of the electrode indicates that the redox peaks observed for immobilized enzyme electrode were due to FAD as a component of the
apoenzyme-coenzyme (holoenzyme) system rather than
the immobilized FAD alone. Furthermore, the apoenzyme, when studied on an unmodified CB electrode, does
not show any redox peaks [Fig. 4(c)], which means that the
protein part of the enzyme does not contribute to the peaks
observed for immobilized enzyme. Upon repeated scanning of both FAD and glucose oxidase bound electrode in
CV experiments, no appreciable effect could be observed
on the peak current amplitudes. The coenzyme-bound
electrode retained its capacity to bind with the apoenzyme
Covalent attachment of FAD on a carbon electrode
through the carbonyl group of the flavin ring structure
seems to favor the exchange of electrons between the FAD
molecule and the electrode. Immobilization of glucose oxidase on an electrode so modified apparently orients the
enzyme molecule with respect to the electrode and feads to
direct electron swapping between the enzyme active site
and the electrode.
The authors wish to thank Professor K. S. V. Santhanam for his help
with the cyclic voltammetric studies. Financial support of the project by
the Department of Science and Technology is gratefully acknowledged.
1. Y. Ishimori, 1. Karube, and S. Suzuki, Eur. J. AppL Microhio/. Biotechno/. , 13, 197 (1981).
2. J. Zemek, L. Kuniak, P. Gemeiner, J. Zaniocky, and S. Kucar, Elizyrne Microb. Techno/., 4, 233 (1982).
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4. B. N. Alberti and A. M. Klibanov, Enzynie Microh. Technol.,4, 47
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6. A. T. Yahiro, S. M. Lee, and D. 0. Kimblc, Biochim. Biophys. Actcr,
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7. E. J. Lahoda, C . C . Liu, and L. B. Wingard, Jr., Biotrchnol.
Bioeng., 17, 413 (1975).
8. J. Havas, E. Porjesz, G. Nagy, and E. Pungor, Hung. Sci. 112strumenfs, 49,53 (1980).
9. M. Koyama, J. Koezuka, and Y. Sato, Toshihci Rev., 132, 2 (1981).
10. L. B. Wingard, Jr., EflZJnW Eng., 5, 101 (1980).