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God Works Through Trials (James 1:1-13) : From The Series

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God Works Through Trials (James 1:1-13)

As I have reflected over the events of the past few days and months I was
drawn to the first chapter of James. In the first 13 verses we are given some
understanding of the purpose of trials that come our way.

The good that has come from trials.

The comfort we can have in trials.

So this passage speaks to us to help us in our time of trial when we need
understanding and comfort. And yet in a real way I have also thought that
the life of our friend and loved one actually was a living example of this

As she and her family demonstrated before us the reality of this

portion of God's Word.

I shall never be able to read these verses without thinking of (Name)

and how her life reflected this passage.
So for a few minutes, think with me as we look into God's Word. (Read verses
2-4) The Lord would first of all have us know that there is. . .

Purpose in Trials
(verses 2-4)
1. When difficult times come into our lives and we find ourselves unable to
comprehend/to understand; the enemy is quick to throw doubts/questions
into our minds.
2. We find ourselves questioning God's goodness/God's wisdom in allowing
these things to happen.

3. We may even be bitter and angry with God for allowing this to happen to
us and wonder if He really understands.
4. But God's word confidently reminds us that God does understand . . .

Things do not just happen haphazardly to the Christian.

With no meaning/no purpose.

5. God is in control and as Paul reminds us no one or nothing can separate us
from God's love. Rom. 8--even the most difficult of circumstances.
6. James reminds us that God wants us to trust Him in the trials of life.
For as we trust Him in the trials God can use the difficult trial to mold


To mature us.

So that we will be more like Jesus Christ our Savior.

7. Isaiah the prophet said in trying to comprehend God's ways: "For my
thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways my ways, saith
Jehovah. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways
higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isa. 55:8-9)
8. God would have us trust Him in the difficult trials:

For even though we cannot understand He loves us and He is in


He will use this trial to help us grow spiritually and to help us mature
and become more like Jesus Christ.
9. Trust Him! Keep your eyes on Him! And God will use even this trial for His
10. But James goes on to tell us that not only does Gold have purpose in
trials--but also that God gives wisdom in trials.

Wisdom in Trials
(verses 5-11)
(Read verses 5 and 6)

1. James recognizes that we may not always be able to see the purpose in
trials or see the good that can come from trials.
2. When we find ourselves unable to see the good and the purpose in trials
we are to:

Keep on asking Him for wisdom.

In faith.

And our God who loves to give will respond so that we can see the
good and the purpose in trials.
3. Then James illustrates and says:

That even a poor man has much good in his trial of poverty if he knows
God--the owner of the universe.

And a rich man through he lose everything can rejoice in the good of
having learned not to place his faith in riches which quickly pass away.
4. God has been very good to us in allowing us to see the good even in this
difficult trial.

For so much good has already come from this trial:

As a church family we are growing spiritually and united together.

As individuals we have seen faith in action and we have learned

lessons we shall never forget.

As we have seen at least three people come to Jesus Christ through

faith. (As NAME shared her vital faith with Jesus Christ with others)
5. Yet in the days to come we will continue to need wisdom to see the
purpose and the good in this trial.

James exhorts us to keep on asking God in faith for wisdom.

And our generous loving God will give us the wisdom needed.
(But finally James reminds us that not only does God have a purpose in trials;
and gives wisdom in trials but thirdly there is comfort in trials.)

Comfort in Trials
(verse 12)

(Read verse 12)

1. James here reminds us that this life is not all there is to life.

That right will be commended.

That due reward will be give for faithfulness.

2. We often live as if we are the living on the way to the dying.
3. But God's word makes it very clear that we are the dying on the way to
the living.
4. What is in store then for one who knows Jesus Christ as his personal Savior
and passes from this life?

Phil. l tells us that when a Christian departs he is with Christ.

II Cor. 5 tells that when we are absent from the body we are present
with the Lord

And I Corinthians 15 and I Thessalonians 4 tells us that someday that

body which for the present sleeps in the grave will be resurrected and united
with our soul/spirit and in this glorified state we will be with the Lord forever.

And there rewards will be given for endurance through trials and for
faithfulness to God in difficult times.
5. So today we sorrow - but we sorrow not as others who have no hope.

We have the assurance of the word of God that (name) is with Christ.

(Name) had trusted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior from sin.
6. But I cannot help but think that perhaps some of you are not prepared to
face death and you are not prepared to meet Jesus Christ face to face. Nor
are you ready to face a trial like (Name) has faced with peace in your heart.

The strength that enabled this dear one to face her trial with
confidence and assurance was not her own.

It came as she allowed the life of her Savior to live His life through her.
It came from a confidence that she was ready to meet her Savior.

She had made her peace with God through faith in Christ and desired
above all else to glorify Him with her life.
7. I invite you right where you are sitting to invite Christ into your life as your
Savior from sin.

Jesus Christ died as your substitute paying the penalty for your sin.

But He asks you ;by an act of your will to trust Him as your personal
Savior from sin.

If you do this, on the authority of God's word you are a new

creature/born again and prepared to meet your Savior.

James (The Holy Spirit of God) in the quietness of this hour reminds us that . .
l. There is purpose in trials:

God is still in control

He has not forsaken us but wants us to trust Him so we can mature.

2. God has and will give us wisdom to see the purpose and the good in this
trial--As we ask in faith.
3. And there is comfort in knowing that this life is not all there is--that absent
from the body means present with the Lord.
4. These truths were demonstrated before us in the life of (Name). (Name)
faith in Christ enabled her to face her trial with the peace that passes
understanding. Phil. 4:7
5. And I trust that now as her family as her family and friends we may lay
hold of the same Savior and the same truths from God's word to enable us to
bear this trial together.

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