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Amber REBMA Sorcery

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Olivier Legrand (2007)

Based on Erick Wujciks AMBER DICELESS Roleplaying Game

This small e-book presents an alternate Sorcery
system for the Amber Diceless RPG. Although is
has been specifically designed for use with the
alternate REBMA rules, it can easily be adapted
to the official Amber Diceless game system.
Unlike the basic REBMA mechanics, this variant
system takes some serious liberties with the
Amber canon about Sorcery, spells and
related subjects (topics which are major elements
of the Merlin saga but are almost left untouched
in the original Corwin cycle). The main purpose
of this variant system is is not to provide an
accurate simulation of what Merlin and other
sorcerers perform in the second Amber cycle but
to offer a simple, flexible and Amber-compatible
approach to Sorcery, without bothering with
lynchpins and other complications. That being
said, the various spells described in the Amber
rulesbook and in the Shadow Knight supplement
can be used with this system but in a much
simplified manner.

What is Sorcery ?
Sorcery can be defined as the art of using
magical energy fields to affect ones
surroundings or other individuals.

Since the main purpose of these variant rules is

to define what Sorcery is and how it works rather
than what it can do, they do not include spell lists
or spell descriptions, As noted above, the Amber
Diceless rules and Shadow Knight already offer
an extensive sorcerous repertoire and one of the
most interesting dimensions of Sorcery in the
game is the possibility of developing custommade, character-specific spells.

These magical fields do not exist in every

Shadow thus, Sorcery is far less potent than
most other powers in the Amber universe since
it requires a specific Shadow environment.
Furthermore, the harmonics of these magical
fields are different in every magical Shadow,
which means that a Sorcerer cannot normally
use his spells outside his home Shadow (but
there are several important exceptions to this
basic rule, as detailed below).

Olivier Legrand

Version 3.0 - March 2007

This means that Sorcery is the only power

(with Power Words) that can be acquired by a
character who is neither a Prince of Amber or a
Lord of Chaos but Sorcerers with Amber or
Chaos blood have access to various additional
options that allow them to combine their
sorcerous knowledge with their other powers,
as detailed below.

Text by Olivier Legrand

Cover Art taken from Castletrash.com
Interior Artwork by Boris Sirbey
For use with the Amber Diceless RPG
written by Erick Wujcik.

In the REBMA rules, the power of Sorcery

costs 20 points and can only be acquired by
characters who already master at least five
Power Words. Characters with Sorcery will
also start with 3 basic spells.

Dedicated to the memory of Roger

Zelazny, the Bard of Amber.

Spell Weaving

What, no Lynchpins ?
For simplicitys sake, this variant system
does not use lynchpins which make
Sorcery a bit faster to use and significantly
more versatile, since spells can now be used
as all-purposes powers, instead of being tied
to a specific target, location or other factor.
This change is especially important in the
case of racked spells, which are made much
more useful and become quite close to the
quickfire, single-shot spells of traditional
many fantasy games (keeping in mind the
restrictions about Shadow attunement).

Once a Sorcerer has learned a spell, he no

longer needs to memorize it from a grimoire
(or from any other source).
The formulas of all the spells known to a
Sorcerer remain deeply engraved in his mind
but each formula must be reconstructed and
brought to the surface every time he wishes
to cast the corresponding spell.
This complex mental process, known as spell
weaving, is the reason why Sorcery spells
normally take so much time to cast.

Sorcery and Shadows

Weaving a Sorcery spell takes time. This time

is equal to the casting time used in the original
Amber Diceless rules, without the extra time
for lynchpins (which are simply not used in
this simplified system).

Sorcery is much less flexible than the other

powers of the Amber universe, since it can
(normally) only be used in specific Shadows.

The process of spell weaving is subject to all

the restrictions and limitations applied to the
memorization of spells in the original rules : if
the Sorcerers concentration is broken, the
spell immediately unweaves itself and the
process must be started all over again.

As a general rule, Sorcerers can only use their

Sorcery in a Shadow with magical harmonics
to which they are attuned.

A Sorcerer can only hold one woven spell in

his mind at a time : once the spell is cast, it
unweaves itself and cannot be cast again
without being woven all over again. As
detailed below, there are several ways to
ignore this one spell restriction .

Likewise, player-characters with Sorcery with

Amber or Chaos blood will automatically be
attuned to the magical energy fields of their
personal Shadow (if they have one).

Mortal Sorcerers will automatically be attuned

to the magical fields of their home Shadow.

Attuning oneself to the magical harmonics of a

given Shadow is a fairly long process that
cannot be separated from the study and
learning of the local form of Sorcery.

Once a spell has been woven, it may be

released immediately or kept in mind by the
Sorcerer for later use but only for a limited
duration : the spell will erase itself if the
Sorcerer loses consciousness or as soon as he
falls asleep. A Sorcerer can only keep one
woven spell in his mind at a time.

Each magical Shadow has its own harmonics

and its own brand of Sorcery.
In other words, if a mortal Sorcerer was
transported out of his home Shadow into a new
Shadow, his Sorcery would not work in this
new environment : all he could do to become a
Sorcerer once again would be to study and
learn the Sorcery of his new home, which
would probably take years

One way to have keep a ready-to-fire spell

is to store it inside a magical matrix. Also
known as a spell container, a magical matrix is
an item which can be used to rack a certain
number of spells, as explained in the Amber
Diceless original rules.

Of course, Sorcerers with Pattern Imprint or

Logrus Mastery will be able to ignore, bypass
or circumvent these restrictions in a variety of
ways, as detailed below.

Releasing a woven spell is an instantaneous

process. Once a spell is released, its magical
energy is used and its formula unweaves itself.

A single Shadow can only have one nexus,

which may only be controlled by one Sorcerer
(which does not prevent other Sorcerers from
trying to topple the character in order to gain
control of the precious nexus).
To take control of an uncontrolled nexus, the
Sorcerer must first locate it and then attune his
own Psyche to the nexus, which takes a
variable amount of time depending on the
nature of the nexus and the Sorcerers Psyche
rank (GMs discretion).
Once the link is established, it gives the
Sorcerer direct access to unlimited quantities
of magical energies, allowing him to weave his
spells much faster. In game terms, this will
halve the time needed to weave the spell. Thus,
a spell with a basic casting time of thirty
minutes will only take fifteen minutes to
weave, while a spell with a basic casting time
of two hours will only take one hour.
The power of a nexus only works inside its
Shadow but gamemasters may decide to
create unique exceptions to this rule (see the
Afterword for a few ideas along these lines).

Magical Nexi

Gamemasters may also decide that the regular

use of a nexus may cause unwanted sideeffects (such as temporary psychic confusion, a
kind of magical inebriety or even a form of
power addiction or personality warp).

Some magical Shadows contain magical

singularities known as nexi (singular nexus).
A nexus is a direct link with the magical fields
of this Shadow and can greatly enhance the
powers of the Sorcerer who controls it.

Cross-Shadow Sorcery
These variant rules greatly restrict and
simplify the way Sorcery can interact with
the stuff of Shadows.

At the gamemasters discretion, the presence

of a magical nexus may be a distinctive and
exclusive feature of Primal Plane shadows (see
the Amber Diceless rules).

Under these rules, the micro-spell Shadow

Opening cannot create a gate from one
Shadow to another but only within the
same Shadow. To avoid confusion, the
variant version of this micro-spell should be
renamed Opening ; Shadow Manipulation
could also be renamed Manipulation since
this micro-spell also allows a Sorcerer to
affect the physical or mental state of Real
people like Amberites or Chaosians.

On a purely physical level, a nexus may have

any form : swirling clouds of pure magical
energy, an invisible aura of power, a column of
magical fire, a crackling vortex etc.
Nexi always occupy a specific location,
usually a spot identified as a place of
power by the locals (or at least by the local
Sorcerers) and often marked with a special
feature, such as a circle of standing stones, a
huge tower built on the nexus itself, a giant
rune carved in a cavern or secret chamber etc.

The only ways a Sorcery spell can cross

Shadows are through a Logrus tendril or
through a Trump contact.

Sorcery and the Pattern

As a general rule, Sorcery cannot work in
Amber or near any other Pattern. At the GMs
discretion, Dworkin and other characters with
Exalted powers may be able to bypass this
restriction or perhaps this explains why
Dworkin disappears in dimensions of his own
to conduct his sorcerous experiments, away
from the influence of the Pattern. See also
Spells & Trumps next page for a very specific
exception to this restriction.
Sorcerers who have Pattern Imprint at the basic
level do not directly gain extra powers : they
still have to weave their spells like any other
Sorcerer and are not able to use their Sorcery
in other Shadows than the one where they
learned it in the first place (and to which they
are automatically attuned).
If such characters move through Shadows
while weaving a spell, the magical energies
will not follow the character through the
Shadows and will be dispersed as soon as the
character starts to move through Shadow.

Additionally, a character with Sorcery as well

as Advanced Pattern powers will be able to
seek those very rare Shadows which contain a
magical nexus.

As with everything else in Amber, exceptions

are always possible. Characters with Pattern
powers might be able to find Shadows with
magical laws and harmonics similar to those of
their personal Shadow so similar that their
Sorcery will work here too.

By manipulating the local magical harmonics,

such a character will be able to benefit from
the power of the nexus (which will greatly
reduce the weaving time of his spells when
using Sorcery in this Shadow), even if is
currently under the control of a local Sorcerer
(who will almost certainly notice this strange
disturbance of his power source).

These compatible Shadows will usually be

very close to the characters personal Shadows
(both in terms of distance and atmosphere),
perhaps to the point of being almost identical
but without the degree of control the character
may have on his personal Shadow.

Even characters with Advanced Pattern powers

will be unable to use Sorcery in Amber or near
any other Pattern, for exactly the same reasons
that prevent them from affecting reality in
Amber (or near any other Pattern).

All these restrictions may explain why most

Amberites rarely bother to learn Sorcery, at
least not before they have reached a certain
degree of power, where Sorcery spells may
give them that extra edge they need to foil,
trap, lure or defeat their enemies and rivals

As noted above, if some kind of Pattern

Sorcery actually exists, it should probably be
one of Dworkins best kept secrets

Advanced Pattern powers allow a Sorcerer to

tweak the magical harmonics of any
Shadow he is in so that he can use his Sorcery
there. See the section on Altering the Rules in
the original Amber Diceless rules (p 44).

At the GMs discretion, a Sorcerer with

Advanced Pattern may be able to use his
Sorcery spells in the Courts of Chaos (perhaps
with unpredictable, hazardous side-effects).

Spells & Trumps

when using a nexus : thus, Sorcery is far easier

and quicker to use in the Courts of Chaos.

With a bit of practice, any Sorcerer can cast

his spells through Trump contact.

A Logrus Master with Advanced powers is

also able to cast his spells through Shadow,
using Logrus tendrils.

Even if the target is in a different Shadow,

the spell will work, since it is channeled
through the psychic link created by the
Trump contact. This is one of the only
known ways to use Sorcery from one
Shadow to another. The spell will not work if
the target is in Amber or near any Pattern,
unless the spell directly affects the target,
with no manipulation of its surroundings :
thus, Cardiac Arrest or Strength Drain could
work in these conditions, but not Lightning
Bolt. Also keep in mind that Trump contact
may be broken by a variety of means,
making such a method of attack pretty easy
to counter by competent Amberite targets.

Such a character will also be able to

manipulate the magical harmonics of any
Shadow, tainting them with Chaos (at least on
a temporary basis, as noted in the original
Amber rules). This could allow him to cut the
power source of local Sorcerers by disrupting
and corrupting the local magical energy fields,
which would also attune these fields to chaotic
Sorcery, allowing them to use Sorcery in this
Shadow without summoning the Logrus.
Given enough time, a Logrus Master with
Advanced powers could also create a
temporary nexus of Chaotic power : this would
give him the same advantages as any other
nexus but would also permanently damage or
alter the local magical fields, with all sorts of
nasty consequences for local Sorcerers.

Sorcery and the Logrus

A Sorcerer who also has Logrus Mastery (even
at the basic level) can rack his spells in the
Logrus. There is no limit to the number of
spells that may be racked but each spell can
only be racked once because of the chaotic
nature of the Logrus : multiple versions of the
same Weaving would create a form of order or
structure which is simply incompatible with
the chaotic essence of the Logrus.

Logrus Sorcery (or any Sorcery, for that

matter) cannot work in Amber, Rebma, Tir-na
Nogth or near any other Pattern.

Last Word
The above ideas only scratch the surface of
what might be done with Sorcery in an
expanded, magic-heavy campaign. Some
ancient, primal powers could give the ability
to use spells in all Shadows where a specific
element exists (such as the sea) or through a
special medium (such as dreams).

As noted in the core Amber rules, spells racked

in the Logrus tend to fade away over time and
must be re-racked regularly. Also note that
these racked spells can only be accessed
through the Logrus itself : if, for some reason,
the Logrus cannot be contacted, the Sorcerer
will be unable to use his spells.

The concept of magical nexi could easily be

linked to canonical Amberverse elements
such as the Spikards or the Keep of the Four
Worlds and its Fount of Power. Links
between Sorcery and the mirror dimension
that seems to exist beyond the Castle
Ambers Halls of Mirrors could also be an
interesting path to explore.

Spells which are cast from the Logrus draw

their magical energy from Chaos itself : thus,
they operate in any Shadow, even in Shadows
which do not normally include magic in their
natural laws. The only exceptions to this rule
are Shadows in which, for some reason, the
Logrus cannot be summoned.

Since each Shadow may have its own brand

of Sorcery, the concept of Sorcery could also
apply to the weird science, super-tech or wild
gadgetry found in some Shadows, As with all
things Amber, the possibilities are endless

Under these variant rules, lynchpins no longer

have to be defined, making Logrus-stored
spells significantly more useful and versatile.
In the Courts of Chaos, a Logrus Sorcerer can
use his magic with the same time reduction as

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