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Sample - Can I Smoke Pot? Marijuana in Light of Scripture

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Marijuana in Light of Scripture

Tom Breeden and Mark L. Ward Jr.
Cruciform Press | October 2016

To faculty and friends at

Reformed Theological Seminary Washington, DC,
whotaughtmeto askandanswerthequestion:
Tom Breeden
To the many people I love on the West Side of
Greenville, South Carolina.
Mark L. Ward, Jr.

2016 by Tom Breeden and Mark L. Ward, Jr. All rights reserved.
CruciformPress.com | info@CruciformPress.com

Breeden and Ward offer a biblical, witty, and persuasive

reply to a pressing question. Can I Smoke Pot? is a must read
for young people and their pastors. Ive already started reading
selections to my own teens.
Chad Van Dixhoorn, Chancellors Professor of Historical
Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary Washington,
The authors answer the question, Can I smoke pot? with a
wide view of the issues. Their answers are sound and persuasive,
because they make a case from the whole Bible, beginning with
the good creation. Without shallow appeals to unpersuasive
texts, they consider a Christian worldview. Especially helpful is
thinking about pot-smoking in relation to ones responsibility
to the community. This is a fine, biblical presentation.
Howard Griffith, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean, Reformed Theological
Seminary Washington, DC
Can I Smoke Pot? is a good summary of the biblical
teaching relevant to the use of marijuana. Authors Ward and
Breeden have written it in language easily understood by young
people. It makes a strong case against the recreational use of pot
while recognizing the possible medical benefits of it.
Dr. John Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology &
Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary

Table of Contents

Marijuana and the Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

An Opening Word


Marijuana and Creation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Marijuana and Government. . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Three Marijuana and Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Four Marijuana and Alcohol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Marijuana and You. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

A Closing Word

About the Authors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

How to Use the Bible to Answer

Your Questions

by Peter Krol

Endnotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

More books from Cruciform Press. . . . . 107

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Can I Smoke Pot? Marijuana in Light of Scripture
Print / PDF ISBN: 978-1-941114-20-9
ePub ISBN: 978-1-941114-22-3
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-941114-21-6
Published by Cruciform Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Copyright 2016 by Tom
Breeden and Mark L. Ward Jr. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are
taken from: The Holy Bible: English Standard Version, Copyright 2001 by Crossway
Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Italics or bold text within Scripture quotations indicates emphasis added.


An Opening

If you cant use the Bible to answer your

questions, you dont really understand it.
The Bible contains all the divine words we need
to know God, to please him, and to live righteous
lives. Even if it doesnt always answer our specific
questions, it does speak in some way to every aspect
of life. Often it does this through general commands.
For example, there are no situations in which
its okay to take part in the unfruitful works of
darkness (Ephesians 5:11), no ways in which you
can be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2),
and no places where you can make provision for
the flesh (Romans 13:14). No corner of human life
is exempt from the norms in Scripture; we are to do
all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
So can a Christian smoke pot for Gods glory?
Just search the Bible for the word marijuana.
Youll strike out. Search for any verse containing

Can I Smoke Pot?

weed, dank, green, 420, herb, ganja, Mary Jane

nothing. (Look for pot and you will, admittedly, get
a bunch of search results, but not very helpful ones in
this case.)
But questions about pot wont go away, so how
do we get answers from a Christian perspective?
Christians get answers on fundamentally moral
questions from the Bible. And if you cant use the
Bible to answer a moral question with reasonable
clarity, youre misunderstanding it somewhere. You
need some help using it.

Good and Necessary

The students and teachers of the Bible who put
together the classic and influential Westminster Confession of Faith were not faced with a societal debate
over medical and recreational marijuana use, but
they did encounter equally pressing moral issues to
which the Bible did not speak directly.
Four-hundred years ago, they saw that
sometimes we have to answer our moral questions
by good and necessary consequence from what
the Bible says more generally.1 We have to interpret
Scripture. A few quick examples:
The Bible never explicitly says that porn videos
are wrong, but this conclusion is a good and

Marijuana and the Bible

necessary consequence of Jesus statement that

everyone who looks at a woman with lustful
intent has already committed adultery with her
in his heart (Matthew 5:28).
The Bible never specifically says that downloading pirated music and movies is wrong (although
pirate should be a clue), but this conclusion is
a good and necessary consequence of the commandment not to steal (Exodus 20:15).
The Bible never says what the alternative
minimum tax rate should be, or which public
lands should permit logging, or how many shoes
a person should ownand even when answers
to these questions are appropriately different in
different situations, the Bible sets the boundaries inside which these moral decisions must be
In short, the Bible sets out for us the system of
values without which we cannot make God-pleasing
choices in the first place.
So if youre looking for explicit passages about
marijuana in the Bible, youll be disappointed. They
arent there. And yet the Bible isnt silent. The
goal of this book is to provide the basic theological framework, built directly on biblical statements,
that you will need to answer your questions about
marijuana to the glory of God. (And if youd like

Can I Smoke Pot?

some more guidance on how to get answers from

Scripture in general, check out the Appendix.)



In the beginning, God created pot.

Every Christian discussion of marijuana, or of
anything in creation, has to begin there, where the
Bible does. In the first verse of the first chapter of the
first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, Creator
is the way God chooses to introduce himself to the
world. Before we find out that God exists in Trinity
or that he is loveand long before we find out that
just because God created something doesnt necessarily mean you should put it in your mouthwe
learn that God is Creator.
Christians generally consider the author of
Genesis to be Moses. In his day, the gods with the
highest public-approval ratings made the world by
accident in a fight, or out of a lazy desire for slave
labor. But in the account that Moses presents, God
creates and fills the world methodically, carefully.
The creation is, consequently, like its creator: it is

Can I Smoke Pot?

good (Genesis 1:4; 1:10; 1:12; 1:18; 1:21; 1:25), even

very good (Genesis 1:31).
The speech of God in Genesis culminates with
his speaking into existence the highest and best of
his creations, the only creation to bear his image and
likeness: man and woman. Let us make man in our
image, God said. And it was so.
That is how man, marijuana, and everything else
came to be. And all of it was good.

Fall: Sin Infects Creation

As everyone whos made it at least a few days into
a Bible-reading plan knows, however, the perfect
goodness of creation didnt last. Sin slinks into the
story of the Bible, and into the cosmos, by page
3. Instead of embracing the goodness of creation,
Adam and Eve choose to rebel against God. And
they jump into this rebellion with all four feet then in
existence. Adam and Eve, given kingly and queenly
rule over Gods creation, led the world into futility
and ruin. At that first sin, all of creation enters what
Christians call the fall.
The good gift of children will now be painful,
and the good gift of marriage will be disordered
(Genesis 3:16). The natural world will bring pain
to humanity (3:17-18). The good gifts of working,
keeping, having dominion, and subduing will
become frustrating and difficult (3:19).


Marijuana and Creation

But the inherent goodness of creation will not

go away: wombs will still bear children, marriages
will still bring genuine happiness, and plants will still
grow. The fall marred Gods good creation but did
not destroy it. Creation is still good, but because of
the curse it is now marked with a futility and corruption that were not part of its original state.
And fallen creation is still beautiful. Even after
sin brings a curse upon Gods world, the Bible
continues to treat the splendor of creation as a reason
for God to be worshipped. Creation puts man in his
place, both humbling him and exalting him:
When I look at your heavens, the work of your
the moon and the stars, which you have set in
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him? (Psalm
Creation, even after the fall, declares Gods glory
to all people:
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
(Psalm 19:1)


Can I Smoke Pot?

Mankind itself, standing tallest and therefore

falling furthest, is still a source of wonder:
For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mothers womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully
made. (Psalm 139:13-14)

Redemption: New Testament,

New Creation
The New Testament ushers in something entirely
wonderfula new act of creation. This is a redemption promised even in the Garden of Eden (Genesis
3:15) and echoed repeatedly throughout the Old
Testament (Isaiah 65:17-25; Jeremiah 31:31-40;
Ezekiel 36:33-36). It breaks into this fallen world
through the person and work of Jesus, the Son of
God, the Second Person of the Trinity.
When the Bible speaks of this new creation,
however, we must not think of God tossing the old
creation in the cosmic trash bin, dusting off his hands,
and starting over.2 No, the new creation taking place
after the fall, as one theologian has illustrated it, is
like a child who contracts a life-threatening disease.3
He still grows, he is still irreplaceablehis parents
would be rightly offended at a doctors suggestion
that they just get a new kid. But he is not all he was
meant to be.


Marijuana and Creation

New creation, in this illustration, is like a cure

that comes along for the boys disease at some point
after the diagnosis. The cure enables him to get back
onto the fully healthy path of growth he was meant
to be on. Sometime later, thanks to the cure there is
little trace of the disease left in him.
The new creation is therefore the fulfillment of
creations original intent. However, as theologian
John Frame says, its not as if the new creation was a:
Plan B to replace an original creation that God
had somehow failed to keep on course. Redemption was Gods plan before the creation of the
world (1 Corinthians 2:7; Ephesians 1:5-11; 2
Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2). The new creation represents the telos, the goal, of the old.4
After all, we Christians are ourselves new
creationseveryone in Christ is (2 Corinthians
5:17) yet at no point does God completely start
over with us. We remain ourselves even after we
become new creations in Christ.
Romans 8 is the key New Testament passage
explaining how creation, Fall, and redemption all
come together in a truly biblical theology.5 It suggests
that the scope of Christs redemptive work is as great
as the scope of the fall.


Can I Smoke Pot?

The creation waits with eager longing for the

revealing of the sons of God. For the creation
was subjected to futility, not willingly, but
because of him who subjected it, in hope that the
creation itself will be set free from its bondage to
corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory
of the children of God. For we know that the
whole creation has been groaning together in
the pains of childbirth until now. And not only
the creation, but we ourselves, who have the
firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait
eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of
our bodies. (Romans 8:19-23)
Creation is not accomplishing everything it was
designed to do; it has been subjected to futility. But
at the revealing of the sons of Godwhen the
children of God are revealed in glory at the return of
Jesus Christso too will creation be glorified. When
Christians receive their fully resurrected, glorious
bodies on the last day, creation itself will be set free
from futility and attain that same glory. The new
creation is not a replacement. It is a restoration.
Every time someone becomes a believer in
Christ, or even when a Christian simply obeys his
or her Lord, an act of partial but meaningful restoration has occurred. At that moment of obedience, the
rule of Christ is breaking into the world, hinting at


Marijuana and Creation

(and sometimes shouting) what re-creation will one

day look like. We are taught to pray, Thy kingdom
come. And it will. And it has.
Only when Christ returns will Gods restorative
work be complete. Then we will enjoy what John
saw at the Bibles close: a new heaven and a new
earth. Well see God take his dwelling place with
man. They will be his people, and God himself will
be with them as their God. All tears, mourning,
painall the former things brought by Adam and
Eves sin will have passed away (Revelation 21:14).
The Bible is the story of what God is doing to
glorify himself by redeeming his fallen creation. One
day, he will remove the curse completely and restore
the world to the way he created it to be.

Creation and Marijuana

A good creation means that created things are good.
Creation is not neutral; its good. Its not merely
potentially good; its good. The actual, tangible stuff
of creation is good. Pot is good. The coca plant is
good. Tobacco is good. Hops are good.
And yet, influenced heavily by Greek philosophy, many early Christians believed precisely that
the material world is bad and only the spiritual world
is good. Still today there are Christians who are
nervous or suspicious about the goodness of created
thingssuch as emotions, or authority, or the body.


Can I Smoke Pot?

A Christian college student once pinched the

skin on his arm and said to his friend, Fleshthis
stuff is bad, right? A young seminarian approached
his theology professor for counsel about his poor
health, and was upset when he was told to get sufficient sleep and stop eating so much junk food.
Someday Ill be rid of this body, so why should I
care so much about it now? the student said. He
was expecting more spiritual counsel.
If the body is bad, then why did God call
it good? Adam had flesh, didnt he? And if its
temporary, why does Jesus still have a physical body
at this moment? (1 Corinthians 15:22-23).
Everything God made is good for its intended
purpose(s). An ascetic rejection of Gods good
creationa refusal to enjoy, or let others enjoy, the
good things God has madeis what Paul calls a
doctrine of devils (1 Timothy 4:14 KJV). Make no
mistake: Christianity is about our whole being, body
and spirit. Because God created everything, it is all
his concern.

Marijuana is Good
If we dont start our discussion of marijuana by
rightly pointing out that its good, we may begin
to blame God for any bad uses to which its put. If
Cannabis sativa is inherently evil, and God created
it, what else could we conclude?6


Marijuana and Creation

Whats so good about marijuana, then? What

possible good reason could God have for creating
something that you can smoke or ingest to get high?
There are answers to this question, and well get
into them later. But right now we have to make an
important distinction before we talk about medical
and recreational uses of pot: there is a major difference between saying there must be good purposes for
marijuana and saying that all purposes of marijuana
must be good.
Fire is used for cooking and for warmth. But
fire has also been used to destroy via arson, and to
murder via Molech. Fire is good, but not every use
humans make of it is good. Fire is good, but (unless
you work for a circus) that doesnt mean you should
put it in your mouth.
God created uranium, too; it isnt a doctrine
of devils to forbid people to sprinkle it on their ice
Respectable, buttoned-down, middle-class,
church-attending Western Christians need to say
full-throatedly that marijuana is goodor theyll
be betraying Genesis 1 and 2. For reasons of deep
biblical-theological principle, we must enter this
discussion about marijuana looking not just for
the wicked ways marijuana can be used, but the
good ones. We were given dominion over all the
earth by our creator, and told to subdue itthat


Can I Smoke Pot?

is, pushing it towards its full potential and maximizing its usefulness for mankind. It would be wrong
to exclude even one plant from the morally good
category we call creation.
That said, now we must be ready to address the
next logical question: OK, marijuana is good, but
good for what?
Takeaways for Chapter 1
1. God created the world good, including the stuff
of creation. Marijuana is good.
2. The curse of sin affects all of creation. Creation
retains its goodness, but it falls short of the full
goodness for which it was designed.
3. Just because a created thing is good does not
mean that all uses of that created thing are good,


Knowable Word
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Does God Listen to Rap?

Christians and the Worlds Most
Controversial Music
by Curtis Voice Allen
How can Christians think
biblically about art forms that
have sinful roots? This Reformed
Rap pioneer offers a fascinating
history of the development of rap,
tells his own story, and unpacks
some vital Scripture passages
about faith and the arts.

So long as we live Christ-honoring lives, speak of Christ to the
lost, recognize the world-defying power of gospel witness in
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Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
A very sane and very good introduction to a much controverted
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Douglas Wilson, author, pastor

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Do Ask, Do Tell, Lets Talk

Why and How Christians Should

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This is a book the church has desperately needed for some time. It is
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To stand on what we believe is clear in Scripture, and to be a friend,
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Ed Welch, counselor and faculty member, Christian
Counseling and Educational Foundation
Whenever Jesus encountered a sexual minority, he responded
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Licensed to Kill

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Wes Ward, Revive Our Hearts
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Are there things you hate that you end up doing anyway? Have you
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Are you ready for a serious fight to the death? My friend Brian Hedges goes for the jugular by dusting off a near antique word (and worse,
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Revive Our Hearts
Rather than aiming at simple moral reformation, Licensed to Kill aims
at our spiritual transformation. Like any good field manual, this one
focuses on the most critical information regarding our enemy, and
gives practical instruction concerning the stalking and killing of sin.
This is a theologically solid and helpfully illustrated book that holds
out the gospel confidence of sins ultimate demise.
Joe Thorn, pastor and author, Note to Self: The Discipline of
Preaching to Yourself

Getting Back in the Race

The Cure for Backsliding
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Backsliding is the worst thing that
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This book is a masterpiece, and I do not say that lightly. This excellent
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Joel Beekes characteristic clarity, biblical fidelity, and unflinching
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Derek W. H. Thomas, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC;
Editorial Director, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Dont settle for being a spiritual shrimp, argues Dr. Beeke. The pity is
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degrees of grace. Indwelling sin drags the careless believer down into
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Maurice Roberts, former editor, Banner of Truth magazine
Dr. Beeke outlines the best means of bringing balm and healing to the
backslidden soul. Highly recommended.
Michael Haykin, Professor, Southern Baptist Theo. Sem.

Sexual Detox

A Guide for Guys Who Are

Sick of Porn
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90 pages

Online pornography is not just a problem for Christian men; it is THE

problem. Many men, young and old, in our churches need Sexual
Detox. Challies offers practical, doable and, above all, gospel-centered
hope for men. I want every man I serve and all the guys on our staff
to read this book.
Tedd Tripp, Pastor, and author of Shepherding a Childs Heart
Tim Challies strikes just the right balance in this necessary work. His
assessment of the sexual epidemic in our culture is sober but not
without hope. His advice is practical but avoids a checklist mentality.
His discussion of sexual sin is frank without being inappropriate.
This book will be a valuable resource.
Kevin DeYoung, Pastor and author
Thank God for using Tim to articulate simply and unashamedly the
truth about sex amidst a culture of permissiveness.
Ben Zobrist, Tampa Bay Rays
Sexual Detox is just what we need. It is clear, honest, and biblical,
written with a tone that is knowing but kind, exhortative but gracious,
realistic but determined. We have been given by Tim Challies a terrific resource for fighting sin and exalting Christ.
Owen Strachan, Boyce College

Broken Vows

Divorce and the Goodness of God

by John Greco
Because divorce can and does
happen, even to Christians.

86 pages

I really, really like this book...John helps us see and live in the relentless grace and sure direction of the Father in the face of our seemingly unbearable real-life trials. He writes wisely, not from untried
theory, but fire-tested experience.
Glenn T. Stanton, Director of Family Formation Studies, Focus
on the Family
Ive always marveled at Josephs perspective in Genesis 50:20. He
acknowledged the deep pain his brothers had inflicted on him, but
also recognized Gods sovereign ability to transform his personal
pain into something beautiful. I had the same feeling as I read
Broken Vows. John Greco does a beautiful job making it clear that
though he never wanted his marriage to end, he would never trade
the intimacy he now enjoys with his Heavenly Father. This book is
filled with wisdom from cover to cover. Its the overflow of a painful
personal struggle that resulted in a life full of authenticity and hope.
Phil Tuttle, President and CEO, Walk Thru the Bible
John Grecos first-hand account of coping with the trauma of broken
vows offers straightforward and biblical insight into a complicated
subject. Broken Vows provides a lifeline of hope laced with empathy,
practical guidance, and non-judgmental biblical wisdom.
Laura Petherbridge, author, When I Do Becomes I Dont

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Bible Interpretation for Dummies

Like You and Me
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How can we interpret Scripture
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of Bible interpretation, Education or Imitation? And thats what we
need because airy, heady, abstract works on Bible interpretation fail
to do the one thing theyre written forto teach and inspire us to read,
interpret, and apply the Bible. If you want it straight, read this book.
Thabiti Anyabwile, Author; Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church,
Grand Cayman; Council Member, The Gospel Coalition
Curt Allens book on interpreting the Bible is wonderfully practical
and clear, giving believers basic principles for understanding Gods
Word. He rightly emphasizes that every believer can understand
the Bible. It isnt necessary to be a scholar or preacher or to know
Greek and Hebrew to grasp the Scriptures. Certainly, we are helped
by teachers and scholars, but we can understand the Bible ourselves
and need to test whatever others say by the Scriptures. Allen also
shows that the Bible is Christ-centered. We are only reading the Bible
rightly if we are seeing Jesus Christ, our crucified and risen Lord, in its
pages. At the same time, the Bible is not just meant to be understood
but to be lived out in our everyday lives. I recommend gladly such
an accessible, Christ-centered, and practical book on interpreting the
Thomas R. Schreiner, Professor of New Testament Interpretation,
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

The Secret of Spiritual Joy

by William P. Farley

There really is a guaranteed path

to greater joy.
The secret is gratitude.
To strengthen your confidence in
this truth, read this book.
93 pages

Is there really one thing, above all else, that can be demonstrated to
be the secret? Bill Farley has made his case and it is compelling. Oh,
what biblical wisdom is contained in this brief book. Reading it has
given me greater earnestness to pursue the path of joy Farley has
here mapped so skillfully. May God be pleased to use this book to do
the same for innumerable other Christian pilgrims.
Bruce A. Ware, author; Chairman, Department of Christian
Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Continuing his explorations of how the biblical gospel both fuels
and shapes the cultivation of Christ-like virtues, Bill Farley turns his
attention to the joy that sadly seems to elude so many believers. He
interweaves solid theology with practical illustrations so that all who
read this short but powerful book can emerge with a trustworthy
and clear understanding of how to recognize and experience this
gracious blessing from the Lord.
Randal Roberts, President, Western Seminary
Bill Farley wants to obliterate our propensities for grumbling and selfpity. This may prove to be a dangerous book for those who wallow in
dispositions that are antithetical to the Christian gospel.
Art Azurdia, Senior Minister,Trinity Church (Portland, OR);
Director, Doctor of Ministry Program, Western Seminary

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