The Underlying Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder: H K. M, J A. Q, J L. P, J S, B P. L, J S. V, C A. Z
The Underlying Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder: H K. M, J A. Q, J L. P, J S, B P. L, J S. V, C A. Z
The Underlying Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder: H K. M, J A. Q, J L. P, J S, B P. L, J S. V, C A. Z
Clinical studies over the past decades have attempted to uncover the biological factors mediating the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD) utilizing a variety of biochemical and neuroendocrine strategies. Indeed, assessments of cerebrospinal fluid chemistry, neuroendocrine responses to pharmacological challenge, and neuroreceptor and transporter binding have demonstrated a number of abnormalities in the amine neurotransmitter systems in this disorder. However, recent studies have also implicated critical signal transduction pathways as being integral to the pathophysiology and treatment of BD, in addition to a growing body of data suggesting that
impairments of neuroplasticity and cellular resilience may also underlie the pathophysiology of the disorder. It is thus noteworthy that
mood stabilizers and antidepressants indirectly regulate a number of factors involved in cell survival pathways - including MAP kinases, CREB, BDNF and bcl-2 protein - and may thus bring about some of their delayed long-term beneficial effects via underappreciated
neurotrophic effects.
Key words: Mania, norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, glutamate, neuroplasticity, CREB, BDNF, ERK MAP kinase, bcl-2
Noradrenergic system
Despite methodological difficulties in assessing central
nervous system (CNS) noradrenergic (NE) functions in
humans, extensive investigation supports the presence of
NE systems abnormalities in BD (3,10,11). Postmortem
studies have shown an increased NE turnover in the cortical and thalamic areas of BD subjects (12,13), whereas in
vivo studies have found plasma levels of NE and its major
metabolite, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG),
to be lower in bipolar than unipolar depressed patients,
and higher in bipolar patients when manic than when
depressed (3,11). The same occurs with urinary MHPG
levels, which are lower in bipolar depressed patients,
while longitudinal studies show that MHPG excretion is
higher in the manic compared to depressed state
(3,4,10,11). Finally, in a consistent mode, cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) NE and MHPG are also reported to be higher
in mania than in depression.
Other paradigms studying NE receptor function tend to
suggest the possibility of an altered sensitivity of 2- and
2-adrenergic receptors in mood disorders (10,11). Genetics studies have also been carried out, showing that polymorphic variation of enzymes involved in amine metabolism (i.e. tyrosine hydroxylase, catechol-O-methyltransferase) could confer different susceptibility to develop
bipolar symptomatology (14-16). However, although
promising, these findings need to be replicated and subgroups of bipolar patients to whom these alterations may
apply need to be identified.
Serotonergic system
There is a consistent body of data from CSF studies, neuroendocrine challenge studies, serotonin receptor and reuptake site binding studies, pharmacologic studies, and most
recently, brain imaging studies supporting a role for alterations of serotonergic neurotransmission in major depressive episodes (3,17,18). Overall, investigators have reported
reduced levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in a
ies again substantiate the underlying complexity of neurobiologic systems not only in depression but by analogy in BD.
With respect to BD, recent studies have investigated the
effect of tryptophan depletion in lithium-treated euthymic
patients and have generally found no recurrence of symptoms (24). Thus, although lithium has often been postulated to exert many of its beneficial effects via an enhancement
of serotonergic function, the tryptophan depletion studies
suggest that other mechanisms may be more important.
Most recently, investigators have explored the possibility that sensitivity to the deleterious mood and cognitive
effects of lowered serotonin may represent an endophenotype for BD, by studying unaffected relatives of BD
patients. In a double-blind, crossover design, 20 unaffected
relatives from multiple bipolar families and 19 control subjects underwent acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) (25).
Unlike the control subjects, unaffected relatives experienced a lowering of mood during ATD but not with the
placebo. Furthermore, unaffected relatives tended to show
increased impulsivity in the ATD condition. Measurements
obtained before ingestion of the aminoacids drink indicated that, relative to control subjects, unaffected relatives
exhibited lower serotonin platelet concentrations, lower
affinity, and fewer binding sites of the serotonin transporter
for imipramine; these differences were unaffected by tryptophan depletion. In more recent studies, Sobczak et al
(26) investigated the effects of ATD on cognitive performance in healthy first-degree relatives of bipolar patients
(FH) (N= 30) and matched controls (N= 15) in a placebocontrolled, double-blind crossover design. Performances
on planning, memory and attention tasks were assessed at
baseline and 5 hours after ATD. They found that speed of
information processing on the planning task following
ATD was impaired in the FH group but not in the control
group. Furthermore, FH subjects with a bipolar disorder
type I (BD-I) relative showed impairments in planning and
memory, independent of ATD. In all subjects, ATD
impaired long-term memory performance and speed of
information processing. ATD did not affect short-term
memory or focused and divided attention. Together, these
results suggest that vulnerability to reduced tryptophan
availability may represent an endophenotype for BD and
warrants further investigation.
Studies assessing the sensitivity of the serotonergic system by exploring changes in plasma levels of prolactin and
cortisol after administration of d-fenfluramine in manic
patients have shown contradictory results (27,28). More
consistent results have been found after administration of
sumatriptan (a 5-HT1D agonist): the growth hormone (GH)
response is blunted in manic compared with depressed
patients (29), revealing a subsensitivity of 5-HT function.
Dopaminergic system
Several lines of evidence point to a role of dopamine
(DA) system in mood disorders. A relevant preclinical
Cholinergic system
Much of the evidence supporting the involvement of
the cholinergic system in mood disorders comes from neurochemical, behavioral and physiologic studies in
response to pharmacologic manipulations. These studies,
carried out in the early 1970s, showed that the relative
inferiority of noradrenergic compared to cholinergic tone
was associated with depression, while the reverse was
associated with mania (41). Additional support is found
from a study on the central cholinesterase inhibitor
physostigmine (administered intravenously), in which
transient modulation of symptoms in manic cases and
induction of depression in euthymic bipolar patients stabilized with lithium were observed.
A decrease in the cholinergic tone during mania has
also been described when increased requirements of the
cholinergic agonist pilocarpine were needed to elicit
pupillary constriction: consistently, this responsiveness
increased after lithium or VPA treatment (42,43), adding
evidence on the effects of lithium perhaps potentiating
brain cholinergic systems (44,45). However, the therapeutic responses observed with antidepressant and antimanic
pharmacological agents are not reliably matched with
effects on the cholinergic system.
external stimulation of cells via a variety of neurotransmitter receptors (including muscarinic M1, M3, M5 receptors,
noradrenergic 1 receptors, metabotropic glutamatergic
receptors, and serotonergic 5-HT2A receptors), which
induce the hydrolysis of various membrane phospholipids.
To date, there have only been a limited number of studies directly examining PKC in BD (68). Although
undoubtedly an over-simplification, particulate (membrane) PKC is sometimes viewed as the more active form
of PKC, and thus an examination of the subcellular partioning of this enzyme can be used as an index of the
degree of activation. Friedman et al (69) investigated PKC
activity and PKC translocation in response to serotonin in
platelets obtained from BD subjects before and during
lithium treatment. They reported that the ratios of platelet
membrane-bound to cytosolic PKC activities were elevated in the manic subjects. In addition, serotonin-elicited
platelet PKC translocation was found to be enhanced in
those subjects. With respect to brain tissue, Wang and
Friedman (70) measured PKC isozyme levels, activity and
translocation in post-mortem brain tissue from BD
patients; they reported increased PKC activity and translocation in BD brains compared to controls, effects which
were accompanied by elevated levels of selected PKC
isozymes in cortices of BD subjects.
Evidence accumulating from various laboratories has
clearly demonstrated that lithium, at therapeutically relevant concentrations, exerts major effects on the PKC signaling cascade. Currently available data suggest that
chronic lithium attenuates PKC activity, and downregulates the expression of PKC isozymes and in frontal cortex and hippocampus (62,71). Chronic lithium has also
been demonstrated to dramatically reduce the hippocampal levels of a major PKC substrate, MARCKS (myristoylated alanine rich C kinase substrate), which has been
implicated in regulating long-term neuroplastic events
(62,71). Although these effects of lithium on PKC isozymes
and MARCKS are striking, a major problem inherent in
neuropharmacologic research is the difficulty in attributing
therapeutic relevance to any observed biochemical finding.
It is thus noteworthy that the structurally dissimilar antimanic agent VPA produces very similar effects as lithium
on PKC and isozymes and MARCKS protein (63,71).
Interestingly, lithium and VPA appear to bring about their
effects on the PKC signaling pathway by distinct mechanisms. These biochemical observations are consistent with
the clinical observations that some patients show preferential response to one or other of the agents, and that one
often observes additive therapeutic effects in patients when
the two agents are co-administered.
In view of the pivotal role of the PKC signaling pathway
in the regulation of neuronal excitability, neurotransmitter
release, and long-term synaptic events (68,72), it was postulated that the attenuation of PKC activity may play a
role in the antimanic effects of lithium and VPA. In a pilot
study it was found that tamoxifen (a non-steroidal antieWorld Psychiatry 2:3 - October 2003
strogen known to be a PKC inhibitor at higher concentrations (73)) may, indeed, possess antimanic efficacy (74).
Clearly, these results have to be considered preliminary,
due to the small sample size thus far. In view of the preliminary data suggesting the involvement of the PKC signaling system in the pathophysiology of BD, these results
suggest that PKC inhibitors may be very useful agents in
the treatment of mania. Larger double-blind placebo-controlled studies of tamoxifen and of novel selective PKC
inhibitors in the treatment of mania are warranted.
Structural imaging studies have demonstrated reduced
gray matter volumes in areas of the orbital and medial
PFC, ventral striatum and hippocampus, and enlargement
of third ventricle in patients with mood disorders relative
to healthy controls (76). Complementary post mortem
neuropathological studies have shown abnormal reductions in cortex volume, glial cell counts, and/or neuronal
densities/sizes in the subgenual PFC, orbital cortex and
dorsal anterolateral PFC in unipolar and bipolar patients.
However, many of these preliminary reports, although
extremely interesting, require further replication.
The marked reduction in glial cells in these regions is
particularly intriguing in view of the growing appreciation
that glia plays critical roles in regulating synaptic glutamate
concentrations and CNS energy homeostasis, and in releasing trophic factors that participate in the development and
maintenance of synaptic networks formed by neuronal and
glial processes (77). Abnormalities of glial function could
thus prove integral to the impairments of structural plasticity and overall pathophysiology of mood disorders.
It is not presently known whether this evidence of neuronal deficits constitutes developmental abnormalities
that may confer vulnerability to abnormal mood episodes,
compensatory changes to other pathogenic processes, the
sequelae of recurrent affective episodes or other factors
that are difficult to control in patient populations.
Glutamatergic interventions:
do they represent a neurotrophic strategy?
Another neurotransmitter system that has been implicated in regulating neuronal plasticity and cellular
resilience in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders is the
highly complex glutamatergic system. In fact, glucocorticoids can induce the release of glutamate in the hippocampal CA3 region, and very high levels of type II corticosteroid receptor activation markedly increase calcium
currents and lead to increased expression of N-methyl-Daspartate (NMDA) receptor (a subtype of glutamatergic
ionotropic receptor) on hippocampal neurons, that could
predispose to neurotoxicity and finally atrophy. InterestWorld Psychiatry 2:3 - October 2003
ingly, NMDA blockade can prevent stress-induced atrophy in that region and it is thus noteworthy that recent
preclinical studies have shown that the glutamatergic system represents a target (often indirect) for the actions of
antidepressants and mood stabilizers (105).
Further evidence of the glutamatergic system involvement in mood disorders comes from brain imaging studies.
These have shown that glucose metabolic signal, which
correlates tightly with regional cerebral blood flow (CBF)
during physiological activation, is likely to predominantly
reflect glutamatergic transmission (106). PET imaging studies of BD patients have demonstrated abnormalities of
CBF and glucose metabolism and, since projections from
the regions involved in these abnormalities are glutamatergic, depression- and mania-related hypo/hyperactivity may
be suggestive of either decreased (depression) or increased
(mania) activation of glutamatergic cortico-limbic pathways. Thus, the hypothesis that a mood-stabilizing drug
might modulate glutamate release or the consequences of
glutamate release could be consistent with these data from
functional neuroimaging studies.
There are a number of glutamatergic plasticity enhancing strategies which may be of considerable utility in the
treatment of mood disorders. Presently, lamotrigine and
ketamine, two anti-glutamatergic agents, have shown to
have antidepressant properties in bipolar and unipolar
depression. Other agents - including NMDA antagonists,
glutamate release reducing agents, and alpha-amino-3hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)
receptors potentiators - are under development or currently being clinically tested (107).
A considerable body of data confirms that the amine
neurotransmitter systems are dysfunctional in BD,
explaining why they have become a common target for
pharmacological interventions. However, conceptual and
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