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Indore Bye Laws

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46. Building Line.

-- Subject to rule 56, building line shall

be set back at least 3 meters from internal means of
access in a layout of buildings in a plot.

41. Access from Highways/Important Roads No premises

other than highway amenities like petrol pumps, motels
shall have an access direct from highways and such other
roads not less than 52 meters in width which the
Authority with the approval of the Highway Authority,
shall specify from time to time.

42. Additional provisions for buildings other than

residential buildings For building other than residential
the following additional provisions of means of access
shall be ensured :(a) The width of the main street, on which the building
abuts shall not be less than 12 meters and one end of this
street shall join another street of width not less than 12
(a) The approach to the building and open spaces on its
all sides up to 6 meters width and the layout for the same
shall be done in consultation with Fire Authority of the
city as approved by the Government and the same shall
be hard surface capable of taking the weight of fire
engine, weighing up to 18 tones. The side open space

shall be kept free of obstructions and shall be motor-able;

(b) Main entrance to the plot shall be of adequate width
to allow easy access to the fire engine and in no case it
shall measure less than 4.5 meters. The entrance gate
shall fold back against the compound wall of the
premises, this leaving the exterior access way within the
plot free for movement of fire service vehicles. If main
entrance at boundary wall is built over, the minimum
clearance shall be 4.5 meters.

2 42 -A Additional provisions for buildings above 12.5 m height.

(a) For building above 12.5 m. and up to 18 m. height :(i) The size of the plot shall not be less than 1000 sq.m. and minimum plot frontage
shall not be less than 18 meters. Allowable coverage shall not exceed 30%.
(ii) The width of main street on which frontage of the building abuts shall not less
than 12 meters.
(b) High rise buildings :1- For building above 18 meters and up to 24 m. height
(i) The size of the plot shall not be less than 1500 sq.m. and minimum plot frontage
shall not be less than 21 meters. Allowable coverage shall not exceed 30%
(ii) The width of main street on which frontage of the building abuts shall not be less
than 18 meters.
2- For building above 24 m. height
(i) The size of plot shall not be less than 2000 sq.m. and minimum plot frontage
shall not be less than 30 m. allowable coverage shall not exceed 30%.
(ii) The width of main street on which frontage of the building abuts shall not be
less than 30 m.

(c) For building having height more than 12.5 meters and up to 18 meters the
necessary drawings and details shall be submitted to the Authority incorporating all
the fire fighting measure recommended in National Building Code Part-IV The
occupancy permit shall be issued only after ensuring that the fire fighting provisions
are physically provided.
(d) For all high rise building site clearance from District Committee under third
proviso to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14 shall be necessary. After the site clearance by the
committee, the planning permission from the Town & Country Planning and building
permission from the Authority shall be necessary .
(e) The approach to the building and open spaces on its all sides up to 6 meters
width and its layout shall be proposed in consultation with the Fire Authority of the
city as approved by the Government and its surface shall be as hard as is required
to bear the weight of fire engine of 18 tonnes The said open space shall be kept free
of obstruction and shall be motor-able; and
(f) Main entrance to the plot shall be of adequate width to allow easy access to the
fire engine and in no case it shall measure less than 4.5 meters. The entrance gate
shall fold back against the compound wall of the premises, thus leaving the exterior
access way within the plot free for movement of fire service vehicles. If the main
entrance at boundary wall is built over the minimum clearance shall be 4.5 meters.

46. Building Line.-- Subject to rule 56, building line shall be set back at least 3
meters from internal means of access in a layout of buildings in a plot.

50. Requirements of Site. - No piece of land shall be used as a site for the
construction of building(a) if the Authority considers that the site is insanitary or that it is dangerous to
construct a building on it. :
(b) if the site is within a distance of 9 meters of the highest water mark and if there
be major watercourse nearby the distance of the plot from the same shall be 9
meters from average high flood mark or 15 meters from the defined boundary of
water course, whichever is more;
(c) if the owner of the building has not shown to the satisfaction of the Authority all
the measures required to safeguard the construction from constantly getting damp;
(d) if the building is for assembly use like cinemas and theaters as well as for public
worship, which has not been previously cleared by the Authority;

(e) it the buildings is proposed on any area filled up with carcasses, excreta filthy
and offensive matter till the production of certificate form Health Officer and
Municipal Engineer to the effect that it is from the health and sanitary point of view,
fit to be built upon;
(f) if the site is not drained properly or is incapable of being well drained;
(g) if the use of the said site is for the purpose which in the opinion of the
Authority, will be a source of annoyance to the health and comfort of the inhabitants
of the neighborhood;
(h) if the plot has not been approved as a building site either by Authority or City
Improvement Trust/Board or Planning Authority;
(i) if the proposed occupancy of the building on the site does not conform to the
land use proposals in the development plans or zoning regulations.
(j) if the building has to be constructed over/under a Municipal drain/sewer line or
water main or overhead transmission line.
51. Surface Water Drains. - (1) Any land passage or other area within the cartilage
of a building shall, if the Authority so requires, be effectively drained by surface
water drain or other means.
53. Size of plots.2 (i) Assembly Halls /Theatres.- The Minimum size of plot for assembly
building/theaters used for public entertainment with fixed seats shall be in the basis
of seating capacity of the building at the rate of 3 Sq mts. per Seat.


(2) Open spaces to cater for lighting and ventilation requirement.- The open spaces
inside or around building have essentially to cater for the lighting and ventilation
requirements of the rooms abutting such open spaces and in the case of building
abutting streets in the front, rear or sides, the open spaces provided shall be
sufficient for the future widening of such streets. (3) Open spaces separate for each
building or wing.- The open spaces shall be separate or distinct for each building
and where a building has two more wings, each wing shall have separate or distinct
open spaces for the purposes of light and ventilation of the wings. (4) Separation
between accessory and main buildings more than 7 meter in height shall not be less
than 1.5 meters. For buildings up to 7 meters in height no such separation shall be
(ii) Open Spaces (within a Plot)

(1) Every room intended for human habitation shall abut on an interior or exterior
open space or an open verandah open to such interior or exterior open space.
(2) Open spaces to cater for lighting and ventilation requirement.- The open spaces
inside or around building have essentially to cater for the lighting and ventilation
requirements of the rooms abutting such open spaces and in the case of building
abutting streets in the front, rear or sides, the open spaces provided shall be
sufficient for the future widening of such streets.
(3) Open spaces separate for each building or wing.- The open spaces shall be
separate or distinct for each building and where a building has two more wings,
each wing shall have separate or distinct open spaces for the purposes of light and
ventilation of the wings
. (4) Separation between accessory and main buildings more than 7 meter in height
shall not be less than 1.5 meters. For buildings up to 7 meters in height no such
separation shall be required.
58. Projections.(1) Projection into open spaces- Every open space provided either interior or
exterior shall be kept free from erection thereon and shall be open to the sky except
as below :(a) Cornice, roof or weather shade not more than 0.75 meter wide;
(b) Sunshade over window/ventilators or other openings not more than 0.75 meters
(c) Canopy at level not lower than lintel level of the first floor, but not to be used as
a sit out with clearance of 1.5 meters between the plot boundary and the canopy; *
(d) Projected balcony at higher floors of width not more than 1.20 meters; Provided
that the balcony area may be merged with the adjoining room to the extent of 10
per cent of the floor area; and (e) Projection rooms balconies [see clause (d) at
alternate floors such that rooms of the lower two floors get light and air and the
projection being not more than the height of the storey immediately below. However
these projections into open spaces shall not reduce the minimum required open
front, rear or side spaces.
(2) Accessory Building - The following accessory buildings may be permitted in the
open spaces: (a) In existing building, sanitary block of 2.4 meters in height subject to a maximum
of 4 square meters in the rear open space at a distance of 1.5 meters from the rear
boundary may be permitted.

(b) Parking lock up garages not exceeding 2.6 meters from plinth level in height
and an area not exceeding 20 square meters shall be permitted in the side or rear
open spaces at a distance of 7.5 meters from any road line or the front boundary of
the plot : Provided that the space allowed for garage may be permitted to be used
for any other purposes and construction up to one more floor on it may be allowed.
However, the area so allowed shall be included in the covered area but shall be
treated as an exception to open space; and
(c) Suction tank and pump room each up to 2.5 square meter in area.
(3) Projections into street.- In existing built up or congested areas no projection of
any sort whatever except sun-shade extending more than 23 centimeters below a
height of 4.3 meters shall projects over the road or over any drain or over any
portion outside the boundaries of the side provided that the projection arising out of
the vertical part of the rain water spouts projecting at the road level or the water
pipe may be permitted in accordance with the drainage plan: Provided that in
congested shopping streets not having heavy vehicular traffic, the Authority may as
a special case allow projection of balconies not more than 0.75meter in width over
footpaths at a height not lower than 3.65 meters from the center line of the street.
(4) Porticos in existing developed area. - Porticos in Bazar areas of existing
developed areas may be permitted to project on road land subject to the following
limitations :(a) porticos may be allowed on such roads leaving a minimum clear space of 19
meters between kerbs;
(b) it shall not be less than 3 meters wide;
(c) nothing shall be allowed to be constructed on the portion which shall be used as
an open terrace;
(d) nothing shall be allowed to project beyond the line or arcades; and
(e) the space under the portico shall be paved and channeled according to the
directions of the authority.

62. Height Limit. - The height and numbers of storeys shall be related to floor
area ratio, open spaces and the width of the street opposite the plot as per details
given below :- (a) the maximum height of building shall not exceed one and half
times the width of road abutting plus the front of open spaces. (b) if a building abuts
in two or more streets of different widths, the building shall be deemed to face such
street as has the greater width and the height of the building shall be regulated by
the width of that street and may be continued to this height to a depth of 24 meters
along the narrower street subject to conformity of rule 56; and (c) for building in

vicinity of aerodromes, the maximum height of such building shall be as given in


68. Bathroom and Water Closets

(1) Height.- The height of a bathroom or water closet measured from the surface of
the floor to the lowest point in the ceiling (bottom of slab) shall not be less than 2.2
Meters. (2) Size (i) The size of a bathroom shall not be less than 1.5 square Meters.
The floor area of water closet shall be 1.1 square Meters with a minimum width of
0.9 meter. If bath and water closet are combined, its floor area shall not be less than
2.4 square Meters with a minimum width of 1.2 Meters. The area of W.C. with wash
basin shall not be less than 1.3 square Meters; (ii) In case of special Housing
Scheme referred to in rule 66(3) (ii), the sizes of bathrooms/water closets shall be as
follows:- (a) Independent water closet 1.1m X 0.9 meter. (b) Independent
bathroom 1.3m X 1.1 meter. (c) combined bathroom and closet2.0 square Meters
width minimum width of 1.1 Meters. (d) Water closet with wash basin. 1.3 square

71. Store room-

(1) Height- The height of a store room shall be not less than
2.2 Meters. (2) Size- The size of a store room, where provided in a residential
building shall not be less than 3 square Meters.

73. Basement(1) Basement shall not be used for residential purpose.

(2) The construction of the basement shall be allowed by the Authority in
accordance with the land use and other provisions specified under these rules.
(3) Basement may be put to only the following uses to be constructed within the
prescribed set-backs and prescribed building lines subject to maximum coverage on
Floor 1 (entrance floor);(a) Storage of house-hold or other goods of ordinarily combustible arterials;
(b) Strong rooms, bank cellars;
(c) Air- Conditioning equipment and other machine used for services and utilities of
the building; and ;
(d) Parking spaces.
(4) The basement shall have the following requirement, namely :-

(a) every basement shall be in every part at least 2.4 Meters in height from the floor
to the underside of the roof slab of ceiling;
(b) adequate ventilation shall be provided for the basement. The ventilation
requirements shall be the same as required by the particular occupancy according
to these rules. Any deficiency may be met by providing adequate mechanical
ventilation in the form of blowers, exhaust fans, air-conditioning systems, or the
like; M.P.Bhumi Vikas Niyam, 1984 72
(c) the minimum height of the ceiling of any basement shall be 0.9 meter and
maximum of 1.2 Meters above the average surrounding ground level;
(d) adequate arrangements shall be made such the surface drainage does not
enter the basement;
(e) the walls and floors of the basement shall be watertight and be so designed but
the effect of the surrounding soil and moisture, if any, are taken into account in
design and adequate damp proofing treatment is given; and
(f) the excess to the basement shall be separate from the main and alternate
staircase providing access and exit from higher floors. Where the staircase is
continuous incase of building served by more than one staircase the same shall be
of enclosed type serving as a fire separation form the basement floor and higher
floors. Open ramps shall be permitted if they are constructed within the building line
subject to the provision of clause (d). 1
(5) The construction of multi level basement shall be allowed by authority in
accordance with land use and other provisions specified under these rules subject to
the condition that:(a) The minimum frontage of the plot shall be 21 Meters and the minimum average
depth be 30 Meters and such plots abuts 18 Meters vide road, and
(b) They shall be allowed only in detached buildings.

74. Parapet.Parapet walls and handrails provided on the edges of roofs terraces, balcony or
verandah shall not be less than 1.05 meters in height from, the finished floor level.

77. Staircase.(1) The minimum clear width and maximum riser of staircases for buildings shall be
as given in sub-rule (2) to (4).
(2) Minimum Width.-The minimum width of staircase shall be as follows:-

(i) Residential buildings (Dwellings) 0.85 Meters Note.- For row housing with two
storeys the minimum width shall be 0.75 Meters
(ii) Residential hotel buildings. 1.5 Meters
(iii) Assembly buildings like auditorium, theatres and cinemas. 1.5 Meters



(a) The Government may designate a person or body to be designated as the "Fire
Authority". (b) No high rise building shall be approved unless cleared, in writing by
the Fire Authority. (c) Every building shall be designed and constructed to ensure
fire safety and this shall be done in accordance with part IV. Fire Protection: "of the
code as revised from time to time. In the case of high rise building and buildings
with more than 400 sq. meters ground coverage and all other buildings of industrial,
storage, assembly and hazardous type, this building scheme shall conform to
Schedule I of these rules".

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