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Northern State University Junior Field Teacher Work Sample: Common Lesson Plan

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Northern State University

Junior Field
Teacher Work Sample
Common Lesson Plan


Teacher Candidate:
Cooperating Teacher:
Grade Level: 2nd
Subject: Language Arts
Date: November 30, 2015
Common Core/State Standard(s):
W.2.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic
L.2.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Learning Objective(s): Students will be able to(SWBAT)
Students will be able to identify where the components of a letter go and the names of a
Students will be able to write a letter using the correct format with proper capitalization and
Describe how this lesson is developmentally appropriate:
What skills and content are needed to master the lesson objective(s)?
Language art content is needed to master this lesson because students
need to know the format for a letter and also they need to know about
punctuation and capitalization. Handwriting is a skill needed for this lesson.
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?
This objective is relevant to students lives and the real world because
while writing letters has diminished over the years, it is still important to
know the components of a letter and where it all goes. It is also working on
their handwriting which is important to their lives as well.
What types of instructional strategies will you use to deliver the content? ( see
Appendix A)
The instructional strategies I will use include a mentor text, and an anchor
How does your lesson reflect educational theories/theorists? ( see Appendix B)
This lesson reflects Eriksons psychosocial theory where these students are
in the industry vs. inferiority. This lesson is related to this theory because
students are learning important life skills such as reading and writing and
this is helping them with their writing ability. By working on their writing
and practicing it, they will become better and feel better about themselves
which will help them get a sense of industry, not inferiority. If we dont
practice this skill, students will fall behind in their writing abilities and get
more of a feeling of inferiority.
How will you measure students readiness/level of understanding prior to
teaching this lesson? (e.g., KWL chart, Smartboard responder quiz, whole-class
Q&A with response cards, individual student pre-test, etc.).

I will assess the students based on a pre-test that I will give the students.
This pre-test will include a blank letter with boxes of where the components
go; students will be given a word bank and they will need to write the
component in the correct box. Also on the pre-test will be a matching
section, where they match the component to the information put in that
component of the letter.
How will the students demonstrate that they have attained the goals of the
To demonstrate that the students have attained the goals of the lesson,
they are going to write a letter to me, including all of the parts of a letter
we discussed.
Explain how the assessment aligns to the objective.
Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
Provide exemplar student responses/products (model outcome).

How will you evaluate the students work/performance? ( e.g., rubric, weighted
responses, checklist)
Students will be assessed by taking the same quiz as the pre-test after the
Report results in qualitative and/or quantitative format.
Key Vocabulary:
Technology needed:
List words that you will either introduce or
Smartboard for guided practice
review which build background/schema
relevant to the content area.
Other required materials:
Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type
Anchor chart with all the
components of a letter
Pencil and paper for students to
write a letter for independent
Quiz for pre and post assessment
What accommodations/modifications will you include for students with special
needs? (use contextual information ) How will you make accommodations for the
identified students during each phase of the lesson?
- There are several students in this classroom who struggle with
reading so I will make sure I read everything on the anchor chart in
case those students can read it. Also an accommodation I will use is
having large print on my anchor chart so it is easier to read for the
students in the back of the classroom. Making sure I speak clearly
and loudly is another accommodation for those who may not be able
to read everything.
Guided Practice
- During the guided practice, I will accommodate students by
providing boxes where a component should go to help them see

I Do
We Do
You Do

Lesson Plan Implementation

where it goes as they continue to learn about the letter format.

Independent Practice
- To accommodate for independent practice, I will be walking around
helping students with spelling.
- I will accommodate the assessment by helping students read the
questions if they are struggling with it.
Lesson Opening:
How will you
Activate student interest?
- I will activate student interest by reading a mentor text, Click,
Clack, Moo Cows That Type. This is introducing letters to students in
a fun and humorous way.
Present the learning objective(s) in an engaging and student-friendly way?
- I will tell the students of the objectives of this lesson by telling them
these are things they should know or be able to do after the lesson.
Make connections to past learning?
- I will make connections to past learning by talking about letters they
have sent home. They written letters to their parents/guardians as a
practice for handwriting but havent really gone over the
components of the letter so I will make this connection.
Convey the importance of the learning objective and make it relevant to
your students lives?
- I will tell the students this is important because letters are still used
today to communicate and they need to know how it is put together,
where the components go, and what information is put in each of
the components.
Explain to students the sequence of instruction? (preview the activities for
the period)
- I will tell students of the plan for this lesson, I do where I teach them
about the components of a letter and where the components go, the
we do where we put the components and information in the right
spot as a class on the Smartboard, the they do where they are going
to write a letter to me using the components in the correct places
along with the correct information, and finally the post-test.
Communicate what knowledge or skills students will be expected to
produce by the close of the lesson?
- This is covered in when I present the objectives.
Instructional Input
How will you model/explain/demonstrate all knowledge and skills required of
the objective?
Restate the objective
- Once again, I will go over the objectives and what the students
Guided Practice
How will students practice, with your support, all content and skills required to
continue to internalize the objective? (How will students be engaged?)
We will practice as a class by building a letter together as a class. I will
individual students where a certain component goes and what
How will you clearly state and model academic and behavioral expectations?
I will model academic and behavioral expectations by asking students
to get back onto task if they get distracted and also praise those
Lesson Closingstudents who are doing what they are supposed to and working hard.

Refect Analyze

How will you

Review the skills/content taught in an interactive manner (whole/small
group, individually)
- To review the skills and content, I will walk around and look at each
students letter with them to make sure they remembered
everything in the letter.
Reemphasize and clarify the objective
- To reemphasize the objective, I will look over their letter to make
sure it had all the components in the correct spot along with
appropriate information in that component.
Reassess students mastery of, or progress toward the objective? (if not
already assessed)
- To reassess the student's progress, they will be re-taking the prequiz again to see how much they have learned.
After you have administered your assessments (formal or informal) for this lesson,
analyze the results.
How did the students perform on this assessment? To what degree did they
achieve mastery toward the lesson objective(s)?
- Students struggled with the parts of a letter on the pre-test but after
Reflect on your effectiveness as a teacher based on the analysis of students
List two things you feel you did well to plan, implement, or assess
- I felt I planned this lesson out well, I had a learning activity for each

Students' Progress

14 14

14 14 14 14 14 14







Student Score
(14 points possible)







*Note: Student 10 was absent the day of the pre-test so that student doesnt have any pre-test data.

Questions Answered Correctly Among All Students





15 15 15







Number of Students Who Answered

Each Question Correctly

Pre-test:14 Students
Post-test:15 Students

3 2 3 6 7 914104 6145 8 4


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