Titan R50 Wagon Leaflet
Titan R50 Wagon Leaflet
Titan R50 Wagon Leaflet
KRONE – enjoying more than 100 successful years
Discussions are the start point with With the aid of the most up-to-date com- Then starts the construction process
KRONE employees in close contact with puter technology, new machines are crea- where experienced technicians manufac-
customers and distribution partners. ted and thanks to innovative design pro- ture the first prototypes by hand. In close
Together, with these contacts, they analy- grammes, machine operation can even be cooperation with the design engineers all
se markets, trends and machine specifica- simulated on the monitor and so this alrea- components are carefully assembled into
tions. dy helps optimise the machine during the a new KRONE machine.
construction phase.
Recognising early trends, maintaining
a close dialogue with customers and
always reacting in a trend-setting
manner in the market are all compe-
tencies that characterise KRONE.
••• Take for example the loading wagon:
in this case KRONE have been
renowned for robust wagons from the
very beginning and these have been
proven and tested even in the most
arduous of conditions. KRONE can
look back on a forty-year, successful
history in loading wagon constructi-
on. With a cutting and feed drum with
initially 19 knives, KRONE met the
requirements of practical farming
even back in 1975. This is what distin-
guishes the KRONE philosophy: liste-
ning very carefully to the market’s
demands, and integrating these
demands into machinery in a quick
and innovative manner.
No computer simulation can fully replace Quality pays for itself. For this reason, we Satisfied customers across the world will
practical working therefore Krone puts its check and document everything whenever testify that this effort is worth while.
new machines through their paces all over possible. Moreover, Krone even has its Continuous dialogue and uninterrupted
the world and under all conditions. Only in products checked again by independent quality control certainly pay off and it isn’t
this way is it assured that the arduous inspection and testing agencies that arbi- for nothing that, in the meantime, the
testing has covered the complete spec- trarily put machines from current producti- name of Krone stands out across the
trum of the machine’s field of operation. on under the magnifying glass. world for outstanding forage harvesting
technology – Made in Spelle.
the first cam-trackless pick-up in forage wagons
Chopping System:
scissor cut principle with 35 knives
robust large capacity
Loading Wagon:
volume galore
Discharge Wagon:
perfectly unloaded
Running gear:
safe on the road
••• With the new EasyFlow pick-up,
KRONE is the first manufacturer to offer a
cam-trackless pick-up for loading wagons.
More output
un-steered. The most amazing feature of this pick-up is
the wave-shaped design of the galvanized bands in
Higher balance between the tines that creates a continuous
crop flow off the tines. EasyFlow can
Lower wear
operate at higher speeds, enabling
one to drive faster and giving an
Less maintenance
increased throughput.
Clean pick-up: with six rows of tines and a Robust drive: the drive of the pick-up is KRONE knows what is needed in practice:
tine distance of 55 mm, the EasyFlow handled via a robust chain drive that is the pneumatic pendulum guide wheels are
picks up the crop in an exceptionally clean equipped with a star ratchet gear as over- height adjustable without the use of any
manner. Because the tines are lowered at load protection. This provides safety, even tools making for a quick adjustment to any
the right angle to the wave-shaped bands in the case of sudden contact with foreign conditions. They follow all the humps and
no bits of crop are drawn into the pick-up. obstacles. hollows and have no scrubbing effect.
••• The advantages are obvious: the new
EasyFlow pick-up has noticeably less
moving parts due to its simple design
and convincing balance with the
resulting decreased wear and tear
reflected in lower maintenance and
service costs. Compared to traditio-
nal systems, EasyFlow operates at
about a 30% higher speed and the
“discharge effect” on the following
feeder system obtained improves the
intake capacity, increasing yet further The seemingly impossible has always been a challenge to the engineers at KRONE. As
the wagon’s output. the pioneering manufacturer, KRONE can boast that it now provides a self-steered pick-
up for Titan loading wagons as standard equipment.
Contaminated forage? No thank you! Clean design: the pendulum suspended Nothing is pushed down: the large-scale
Additional rear guide wheels are available pick-up has a working width of 1,800 mm loading and discharge wagons are equip-
as optional equipment. These wheels do (in accordance with DIN 11200) and fol- ped with a standard equipment hydraulic
not run in the tractor track and the prede- lows any ground contour. The roller crop lifting drawbar. With a double-acting
termined working height will always be guide always ensures continuous product hydraulic cylinder and a ground clearance
maintained since undulating wheel marks flow. of up to 75 cm, any potential silage clamp
and soft ground can be travelled over clearance problems are therefore avoided.
without problem.
High-Performance Cam Feed.
Six feeder rakes – cam-driven.
Six feeder rakes – low The high-performance cam-driven feeders with six rakes
demand on tractor power
and double tines that are arranged in a wave shape
Cam-driven – utilises little power, but continuously works and feeds the
maximum balance
crop gently into the loading area,
Tines arranged in a which is ideal for the daily
wave shape – continuous
product flow intake of fresh forage.
1.5” drive chain – Depending on the type of
robust for maximum power
wagon and shape of terrain,
this cam-feed system can be driven
with tractors of around 90 PS.
Strong, balanced, and smooth running: The feeder rakes are arranged offset to For continuous flow: the double tines are
the KRONE high-performance cutting and one another guarantee even flow of forage arranged on the feeder rake in a wave-
feeder unit with six cam-driven feeder and this means the highest throughputs at shaped fashion. Here, the cutting is done
rakes caps torque peaks and is gentle on yet the lowest demand on power. successively, which saves energy.
the forage.
••• Strong, balanced, and quiet: the
KRONE high-performance cutting
and feeder unit with six cam-driven
feeder rakes and a row of knives with
up to 35 knives. The forage is conti-
nuously drawn over the row of knives,
slice by slice.
Cam-driven: the six feeder rakes are con- Robust: the 1.5” thick chain drives the Standard equipment: the automatic chain
trolled via the cam. The cam control is high-performance feeder cams. This chain lubricator for the high-performance feeder
astounding with its perfect balance and can withstand even the highest of drive and the cam-trackless EasyFlow
durability. demands. pick-up.
Cutting and Feeder Rotor.
Continuous flow.
Maximum loading The cutting and feeder rotor is the result of decades
throughputs of experience in loading wagon construction. Due to
the enormous intake capacity, the high degree of
Minimal power requirement
consolidation and the simple design, KRONE’s cutting
Well balanced and feeder rotor has been proven
as the specialist in silage. The
Large diameter, 880 mm low power requirement stands
out where, depending on the
Few components model and application conditions,
the Titan rotor wagons can be
Low in maintenance used with tractors from as little
as approximately 125 PS.
The cutting and feeder rotor: simple design, few moving parts and low maintenance. With Non-aggressive tines that are chamfered
a diameter of 880 mm, a width of 1470 mm, six tine rows and the 10 mm thick, spirally towards the rear: they pull out of the crop
arranged tines, the cutting and feeder rotor in a Titan rotor wagon maximises its extreme- at an angle that is gentle on the forage and
ly high load capacity. does not crush the cut product against the
••• Even flow: the six rows of 10 mm
thick tines are arranged on the feeder
drum in a spiral formation and pull the
crop through the knives in succession
meaning that one of the knives is
always in use. This arrangement and
the profile of the tines and knives is
how Krone achieves such a low
demand on power and yet an efficient
quality of chop.
Getting more in: the position of the rotor, Strong 1.5” links: the drive chain to the Comfortable: automatic chain lubrication
the feeder channel design and the spiral cutting and feeder rotor of the Titan with- of the chain drives to the cutting and fee-
arrangement of the tines on the rotor all stands even the highest of demands and der rotor and the cam-less EasyFlow pick
help ensure the most efficient filling of the minimises the demand on power. up is, of course, standard equipment.
load area.
The cutting system.
Chopping system with scissor cut.
Scissor cut
perfect short cut but above all the great ease of use is
amazing. Knife assembly and disassembly without tools is
Individual knife protection simple and quick and when the knives are released on the
KRONE loading wagon, all the individual knife protection
Knife change without
tools and with central knife springs are simultaneously released. The central knife
control means more flexibility as the desired chop length
Central knife control can be quickly set.
For 0, 17, 18, and 35 knives
The draw cut – energy saving: the Titan Cutting as if using scissors: the distance Safety first: individual knife control via a
knives cut over their entire length. This between the knives and the feeder tines of trip spring ensures good longevity of the
maximises the balance of the feeder unit the rotor is very small so that the crop can- knives when picking up foreign objects. It
and caps load peaks. The serrated edge not escape the knives. The result: perfect goes without saying that the knives swing
ensures a constant sharpness over a lon- chop quality through and through! automatically back into their original posi-
ger period of time. tion after a foreign body has passed
••• The cutting system can be swung
well down for inserting knives or
removal without tools. Everything can
be easily overseen with plenty of
room for working on the chopping
system. Years of experience in loa-
ding wagon construction have shown
that the chop quality is best with only
one bank of knives. Compared to two
banks of knives arranged on top of
each other, where the forage can turn
end on, deviations from the predeter-
mined, theoretical chop length are
lower. The narrow distance between
the feeder tines and the knives produ-
ces a shear-like, exact cut and thus a
premium forage obtained. Any quan-
tity of over-sized lengths means redu-
ced silage quality.
Chopping with a knife spacing of 40 mm Simple, quick and without tools: Without The cutting system for the high-perfor-
or 80 mm: this is simple! Without having to having to remove or replace knives a choi- mance feeder rakes: 35 large and small
remove or replace knives a choice of 0, 17, ce of 0, 17, 18, or 35 knives can be con- knives. All positioned in one row. They
18, or 35 knives can be controlled via the trolled via the central knife control. ensure a high cutting frequency and a
central knife control. in the case of poten- continuous crop flow as well as a uniform
tial forage blockages the knife bar can be loading power without any power peaks.
swung in and out hydraulically.
robust, large capacity.
Robust, deep C-profile Who hasn’t experienced it: wet, heavy wilted product,
long hauling distances, full loads and working under enor-
Hot-dip galvanised, mous time pressure? These are the hard conditions in
vertical side walls
practice that make especially high demands on loading
High loading volumes
of up to 54 m 3
wagons that must perform at their peak during the few
available field working days in a year.
Split floor conveyor
for Titan R For this reason, KRONE has equiped
The robust frame is designed for hard Clean design: the Titan 6/50 GL and 6/44 No matter how heavy the forage: the
work: the frame side supports, made from GD include a sliding canvas cover, all hydraulic floor conveyor drive handles
C-profile steel have a deep profile of others a sliding sheet. The crop cannot be large amounts of crop with the conveyor
200 mm. This ensures the highest of rigi- trapped or escape, but is reliably fed feed rate being variably adjustable.
dity and longevity. backwards.
••• High-performance makes quality, rigi-
dity and hiccup-free operation a pre-
requisite. The KRONE Titan high volu-
me loading and discharge wagons
with 200 mm strong C-profile frames
are designed for that most arduous
work. The construction of the ‘up top’
components with straight side walls
and powerful hydraulic motors that
drive the tough floor conveyors stand
for quick and downtime-free harve-
sting. With this loading wagon, output
will be increased and yet will be wor-
king still well within its capabilities.
Automatically tensioned: the floor convey- The floor conveyor on the Titan 6/44 GD, The Titan R/48 GD, R/50 GL and R/54 GL
or is fitted with a fully automatic chain ten- 6/50 GL and 6/54 GL: two highly hardened comes as standard with a split floor con-
sioning system that, not only reduces and tempered, short-linked chains with a veyor with four highly hardened and tem-
maintenance and inspection times, but diameter of 10 mm, and robust U-profiled pered short-linked chains (10 mm diame-
also avoids the time-consuming readjust- conveyor bars ensure problem-free con- ter) makes sure the crop is moved quickly
ment of the floor chains by hand. veying. and evenly. Even the unloading operation
is handled swiftly and painlessly.
Titan 6/50 GL- 6/54 GL – R/50 GL- R/54 GL loading wagons
volume galore.
Clearly arranged and functional: the clear- At one glance: the optional Comfort elec- Tidy: individual hydraulic functions are
ly laid out in-cab console of the electroma- tromagnetic control with LCD display on controlled via electromagnetic valves.
gnetic standard control. Functions, such the GL models comprises of load counter They are clearly laid out at the front of the
as actuating of the drawbar lift, drive to the and additionally provides the driver with a wagon behind a pivoting protective cover
floor conveyor, pick-up up and down, the host of useful information. The speed of and can, in case of electronic failure, be
knife bar and the tailgate control can be the floor conveyor can be varied with the operated manually.
comfortably pre-selected from it. potentiometer on the terminal. The
Comfort hydraulics are capable of load-
••• Clean work: the Titan large-scale loa-
ding wagons are true specialists.
Even at high load performance, these
wagons leave nothing behind with the
cam-trackless EasyFlow pick-up.
With a collecting width of 1.80 m (in
accordance with DIN 11200) they will
handle even wide swaths. The hot-dip
galvanised, plastic coated all steel
construction and tensioning cables,
guarantee the transport of valuable,
farm-produced forage loss-free from
the field to the silo. The GL models
are outstanding with their load volu-
mes and quick unloading times.
Safety included: the KRONE loading Robust through and through: The perfora- Room for masses: in order to be able to
wagons have an automatic floor conveyor ted mesh of the rear tailgate provides rigi- unload the wagon quickly at full feed out,
stop device. If the forage pushes against dity and ensures transport free of loss. The a large opening is required. Two hydraulic
the tailgate, the feed is stopped by means lighting system is integrated into the rear cylinders lift the tailgate wide open and as
of a pushbutton sensor thus preventing door, thus preventing contact with the the door is opened it automatically
any damage to the tailgate. crop during unloading. unlocks to be locked again on closing.
Titan 6/44 GD and R/48 GD discharge wagons.
perfectly unloaded
Comfort: the electronic comfort control with LCD Simple, practical, and safe: the side Direct: drive to the discharge rotors is
display on the Titan 6/44 GD and R/48 GD access hatch with fold-down step ladder taken directly via an enclosed shaft from
comes as standard equipment. With it, the loa-
for comfortable access to the loading area the main gearbox at the wagon front to the
ding and unloading process can be controlled,
diagnostics can be performed, and the areas on GD models is located in the centre of lower discharge rotor. The simple design
cleared can be recalled. One remains up to date the wagon. with fewer drive chains and PTO shafts
with the information shown on the display and guarantees transmission of power and
that includes alarm messages that are also ease of maintenance.
••• A quality silage requires optimum
forage distribution during the drive-
through silage operation. These large-
scale discharge wagons with enclo-
sed and galvanised discharge rotors
fully meet these challenges. An even
carpet of forage is unloaded across
the entire length of the silage clamp
layer after layer, which is ideal for the
subsequent rolling process as any air
pockets in the clamp will cause redu-
ced quality in the forage. Thanks to
the automatic floor conveyor stop
control, which is integrated into the
lower discharge rotor, the rotors are
guaranteed to start the unloading Absolutely even: the Titan 6/44 GD and R/48 GD are astonishing in performance and offer
process every time, while at the the best conditions for a perfect consolidation of the wilted crop.
clamp everything is under total con-
trol using the operator terminal.
Everything rotating: the robust roller With automatic floor conveyor stop con- For even forage discharge: two, or optio-
chains withstand even the toughest loads. trol: with a full wagon, the lower discharge nally three discharge rotors. The tines
Spring-loaded chain tensioners reduce the rotor is displaced toward the rear by the arranged in a V shape ensure a continuous
need for maintenance and increase the life forage and the feed to the floor conveyor flow and a quick unloading. The one-piece
of the chains. is stopped by means of a movement sen- vertical side walls prevent any bridging.
sor. The discharge rotors can then start an
error-free unloading process.
Running gear:
Safe on the Road.
Tandem axle units for large When speed on the road with a high total weight is
loading capacities
demanded, axle units are required, which can withstand
Portal tandem axle with auto- these high loads in any application situation. For this
matic reversing operation
reason all large volume Titan loading and discharge
Trailing link axle with
track-following steering
wagons have a tandem axle. Depending on permissible
total weight and special requirements in practice, one may
Self-steering bogey axle
choose between a portal tandem axle, a training link
tandem axle unit, and a bogey axle. In this manner you
Tyres of up to 22.5”
can be sure that the wagon is optimally equipped for
every application and can handle the work perfectly.
Four-wheel braked portal tandem axle With trailing links: the trailing link tandem Bogey unit with triple leaf parabolic
with automatic reversing and 500/50-17 axle unit with twin leaf parabolic spring springs as a balanced rocker: the large
tyres: standard equipment for the Titan and balance is standard equipment on the pendulum travel results in a uniform load
6/44 GD, 6/50 GL and R/50 GL. This axle Titan R/48 GD, 6/54 GL and R/54 GL. The distribution on the front and rear axles in
is perfectly suitable for negotiating a drive- rigid link between the chassis and the cases of unevenness. Due to the low
through silo because of plenty of ground axles ensure the best possible axle beha- lying centre of rotation for the spring
clearance and a good climbing ability. viour. The axle unit can be equipped with suspension, the wagon is easier to pull
tyres from 500/50-17 to 620/40 R 22.5. onto a drive-through silage clamp. This
axle is available with 500/55-20 or
20 620/40 R 22.5 tyres.
••• High driving speeds and load capaci-
ties, working in hillside situations and
on land barely able to carry any load,
as well as maintaining and protecting
the valuable sward, play a major role
in the selection of a tandem axle unit.
The tandem axles by KRONE are spe-
cialists: The portal tandem unit is out-
standing in performance with the
inter-connected linkage between the
front and rear axles whereas the
bogey unit has excellent contour fol-
lowing. Bogey and trailing link tan-
dem axles have compressed air bra-
king systems and all axle units are
designed for speeds of 40 km/h. Safe road transport and excellent driving comfort: the axle units of the large-scale loa-
ding and discharge wagons are solid and robust and offer a multitude of tyre options.
Trailing: The rear axle of the bogey unit fol- When reversing: a hydraulic cylinder ser- Selection of tyres: depending on the axle,
lows around any bend without scrubbing. ves to lock off the track-following axle in the wagons are available with tyres from
The special steering control of the axle the centre position making the wagon 500/50-17 14 PR to 620/40 R22.5. The
arms ensures weight-dependent centring more easily manoeuvred. The locking 22.5” wide tyres are gentle on the sward
forces on the wheels and this means system also provides safety during unloa- leaving hardly any wheel marks.
straight-line stability even when driving at ding at the edge of a drive-over silage
high speeds. clamp.
Optional Equipment
Drawbar ball-coupling: drive in comfort Drawbar suspension: is synonymous Additional guide wheels: running behind
due to the jolt-free movement in the con- with a smooth and comfortable driving the pick-up away from the tractor wheel
nection between tractor and machine. The behaviour. Impacts on the tractor are marks the improved height control will
ball-coupling is also extremely safe and absorbed by the nitrogen accumulator via quickly pay for itself, especially on soft,
offers excellent wear resistance. the hydraulic cylinders of the lifting draw- easily rutted ground or where wheel marks
bar. prevail as they help keep the harvested
crop clean.
Automatic loading: when the front area Third discharge rotor: the Titan 6/44 GD Side discharge belt: The hydraulically
of the wagon is fully loaded, the floor con- and R/48 GD discharge wagons can addi- driven side discharge belt moves the fora-
veyor automatically pushes the crop furt- tionally be equipped with a third dischar- ge evenly and uniformly into the feed pas-
her towards the rear. ge rotor. The third rotor ensures a more sage on either side. The discharge directi-
even, uniform distribution of the forage. on can be controlled via the control termi-
nal of the comfort control terminal. When
the discharge belt is not required it can be
easily and quickly pushed under the rear
of the wagon for storage.
Technical data
MODEL 6/50 GL R/50 GL 6/54 GL R/54 GL 6/44 GD R/48 GD
Length mm 7985 7985 8735 8735 8469 9219
Width mm 2536 2536 2536 2536 2520 2520
Height mm 3730 (3680*) 3730 (3680*) 3580 3580 3730 (3630*) 3580
Height folded down mm 2950 2950 2950 2950 3000** 2950**
Platform height mm 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280
Volume m3 50 50 54 54 44 48
(dry crop)
DIN Volume m3 26,5 26,5 29 29 25,3 28
(DIN 11741)
Tyre options 500/50-17 500/50-17 500/50-17 500/50-17 500/50-17 500/50-17
620/40-22,5 620/40-22,5 620/40-22,5 620/40-22,5 620/40-22,5 620/40-22,5
Pick-up width mm 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Chop length with:
18 knives mm 80 80 80 80 80 80
35 knives mm 40 40 40 40 40 40
Permissible total weight kg 8.000 8.000 14.500 14.500 8.000 14.500
(14.500 o.15.500)*** (14.500 o.15.500)*** (15.500)*** (15.500)*** (14.500 o.15.500)*** (15.500)***
Discharge rotors – – – – 2, as option 3 2, as option 3
Permissible load kg 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Power requirement kW(HP) 66 (90) 88 (120) 73 (100) 92 (125) 66 (90) 92 (125)
PTO speed 1/min 540 540 540 1000 540 1000
Service is our first priority at KRONE. KRONE realises this and operates a total available from the spare parts dealer round
Our distribution partners are trained and worldwide spare parts supply chain. Every the corner but unfortunately on many
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ance and service issues on a regular basis. within hours and you are back in the field, in professional journals have proven that
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The KRONE forage harvesting machinery range
KW rotary tedders
Loading/forage wagons
Round balers