Psychodynamic Theories of Offending
Psychodynamic Theories of Offending
Psychodynamic Theories of Offending
Criminological psychology
whose shared characteristic is an apparent inability to express their anger in normal ways and who
eventually explode and release all their anger and aggression at once, often in response to a
seemingly trivial provocation. Freudian formulations like Megargees are unfashionable nowadays
and more research attention is given to the majority of violent offenders, whose problem is generally
a lack of inhibition of their anger, rather than too much inhibition. Nonetheless, there is evidence
that a subset of violent offenders follow the pattern described by Megargee. Blackburn (1971), for
example, found that people convicted of extremely violent assaults tended to have fewer previous
convictions and scored lower on measures of hostility than those convicted of moderately violent
assaults. However, the existence of such a group does not in itself show that Megargee was correct
about the underlying mechanisms responsible. In particular, Megargees approach does not
adequately distinguish whether such offenders do not experience anger normally (as the
psychodynamic approach would suggest) or whether they experience it but do not do not express it
(Blackburn, 1993).
Bowlbys affectionless psychopath
Another psychodynamically inspired explanation of offending comes from Bowlby (1951) although
Bowlby was also influenced by ethology and evolutionary theory. Bowlby proposed that the ability
to form meaningful social relationships in adulthood was dependent on a close, warm and
continuous relationship with the mother in the first few years. Since this relationship acts as the
prototype for all future relationships, its disruption would impair the persons ability to relate to
others. This could result in a condition Bowlby called affectionless psychopathy. Bowlby
presented evidence that early maternal deprivation was related to later criminal behaviour, notably
through his famous 44 Thieves study in which he reported that 39 per cent of a group of juvenile
delinquents has experienced significant disruption to their attachments, compared to only 5 per cent
of a non-delinquent group. Such evidence notwithstanding, it is no longer widely accepted that
there is such a clear causal link between maternal deprivation and offending. Bowlbys empirical
research has been criticised for unrepresentative sampling and poor control group matching. Later
theorists, particularly Rutter (1971). have pointed out his failure to distinguish between deprivation,
privation and the distortion of attachments, each of which may have different effects. Overall, he is
now regarded to have overestimated the impact of early life experiences on later offending.
Evaluation of the psychodynamic approach
Psychodynamic theories of offending are no longer widely accepted by psychologists, for a number
of reasons. First, there is the difficulty associated with testing some of the concepts.
Psychodynamic theories rely heavily on concepts like the unconscious mind, whose existence is
difficult if not impossible to prove. Second, there is a tendency for psychodynamic theories to be
able to explain any behaviour but only after it has happened. As a result, these theories are
regarded by many as unprincipled and, since they are incapable of being proved wrong, unscientific.
Third, psychodynamic researchers rely heavily on qualitative case studies in which the subjects
behaviour is interpreted in symbolic terms. This is a highly subjective process: two different analysts
may draw very different conclusions from the same set of observations. This type of evidence
makes scientists, who prefer quantifiability and objectivity, rather uneasy. Fourth, psychodynamic
therapies that have attempted to treat offending have not been successful (Howitt, 2009), besides
being extremely time consuming.
It is important not to overlook the positive contributions that psychodynamic theories have made to
criminological psychology. Psychodynamic researchers have pointed to the importance of
childhood experiences and parent-child relationships as an influence on offending (Blackburn, 1993)
and have identified many important variables relating to delinquent behaviour in adolescence (Hollin,
1989). So whilst its theoretical explanations have fallen out of favour, the psychodynamic tradition
should be credited with pointing in some useful directions for later researchers to follow.
Aidan Sammons