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Samcef For Rotors

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Design better and faster is the concept

driving most new developments and ideas in
todays high speed rotating machines sector.
Enhancing products and processes is a
challenge faced every day in this industry.


Your Rotor models are easily built in a user

friendly environment

Better understanding of the dynamic behaviour of

your rotating machine

Reduce the vibration level and avoid harmful

resonances by predicting them

Build the best model to your specifications

thanks to a large library of elements (1D, 3D, 2D
Fourier multiharmonics, cyclic symmetry)

Reduce your costs thanks to a faster design cycle

S4R is a top of the class package in terms of both results accuracy and
user friendliness. The long list of international companies all over the
world using S4R on a daily basis is a testimony to this.

Dedicated post processing tools according to

industrial standards

Reduce your design cycle thanks to reduced need

for physical testing

Accurately simulating the behavior of high speed rotating machines is

among the most complex numerical simulations. With S4R, you harness
30 years of experience in this field. S4R is the right tool for your job.

Take advantage of SAMTECHs 45 years of

expertise in FEA and 30 years in Rotor
Dynamics analysis

Reduce your maintenance and warranty costs

thanks to increased reliability

One simple but powerful user oriented

software to develop your expertise and take
advantage of your industrial know-how at
simulation level

SAMCEF for Rotors (S4R) has been developed to address this complex
challenge. We provide a professional solution specifically dedicated to
rotor dynamics specialists and more generally to engineers focusing on
global dynamics of rotating machines.




From predesign to verification, you choose the type of model you want to

build according to your goals:

1D models made of beams and lumped masses are well suited to
assess the global dynamic behaviour of your rotor with short
computation time.

3D models can be built very easily and produce accurate results since
they naturally include all details of the rotor.
Beside these rather classical approaches, SAMCEF for Rotors features

Large library of Finite Elements available:


Beams and lumped masses (for 1D models)

Volume and shell elements (for 3D models)

2D multiharmonic volumes and shells

Several models for bearings and seals:


Dry rollers and balls bearings

Hydrostatic bearings

Hydrodynamic bearings potentially including

multi lobes and tilting pads

Squeeze film dampers potentially including

end seals and leakage

Generic stiffness and damping definition via

6x6 potentially speed dependant matrices

several unique modeling techniques.

One of them is called 2D Fourier multiharmonics. For axisymmetric
structures, full 3D results can be obtained by running analyses on 2D
models for various values of the azimuth angle. The 2D multiharmonics
technique combines the ease of building models and results accuracy
with reduced computation times.
Another unique way to build an accurate model of a rotor is by
taking advantage of the cyclic symmetry of rotors to model only one
angular sector of it. Obtained results can then be extrapolated to the
whole structure. This technique can even be used for rotors featuring
several stages with different angular sizes. Special elements are
available to take the junction between the stages into account.
These different modeling techniques include the requested features to

Gear elements and macros to build complete

reductor stages

Free orientation of rotation axis in space

Several rotors with different rotation speeds can be


Non rotating parts (stators and casings) can be taken

into account

Critical speed computation, energies distribution

mode shapes and display

Response to a harmonic force (linear or non-linear)


build rotor dynamics models: an extended library of bearings (dry rollers

and balls, hydrostatic, hydrodynamic), squeeze film dampers, gears and

Synchronous or not asynchronous

Forces, Moments


so on.

Transient analysis

The same model can be used to run stability analyses, response to

Dedicated postprocessing tools including several

types of diagrams:

harmonic forces or transient analyses.


S4R is delivered with SAMCEF Field, a state of the art Graphical Users


Interface including all classical Finite Elements Analysis features as well

Black Nichols

as a driver dedicated to Rotor Dynamics analyses. SAMCEF Field makes

Critical damping

rotor model building so easy that you will be able to fully focus on your

Loss factor

engineering work.

Log decrement

Quality factor

All this makes S4R a perfect solution to better understand the behavior of
your rotating machine and control the vibration level during its use.

Driven by SAMCEF Field, a state of the art FEA GUI

including a dedicated driver for Rotor Dynamics

You can also take advantage of our powerful dedicated software platform through a wide range of engineering
services that SAMTECH provides.
These services include basic and advanced training and short or long projects. We help you through the complete
design and life cycle or just adding the finishing touches to your rotating machine.
All services are provided by experienced engineers and experts working daily in the energy and aeronautics
For more information, please contact SAMTECH offices or one of our worlwide distributors (www.samtech.com).


SAMTECH Headquarters
LIEGE science park
Rue des Chasseurs Ardennais 8
B-4031 Lige-Angleur (Belgium)
Tel.: +32 4 361 69 69
Fax: +32 4 361 69 80

Dream your Model your Dream

2010 SAMTECH All rights reserved

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